There is no unambiguously correct answer to this question. Everyone chooses a strategy that corresponds to his qualifications. I do not rule out that the price of bitcoin may decrease yet. It will be a trouble for those who want to earn on margin trading. But this will not be a big problem for those who invest for a long term. To each his own. Choose you.
Exactly. Some of the people we follow are not even using strategies as what the average joe is using. With time we will learn though. Swing trade? break outs? I dunno. I seen may good traders stand out and start to teach others. I, myself, after such a gap in the market, i am kind of hesitant to enter now, dunno about others piece of mind right now.
Vorbești de Kraken? Bitstamp ar trebui sa meargă... Au sediul si in Londra, Luxemburg. Kraken am impresia ca este cu sediul doar in San Francisco, poate de aceea nu mai accepta in EU.
Acestea sunt punctajele obținute de playhall: Cāteva date TOKEN ECONOMICS:
Softap: 1500ETH - achieved! 🏁 Presale Cap: 2000 ETH - achieved! 🏁 Hardcap: 16000 ETH Token Supply 500 000 000 1 ETH = 31250 PHT Public sale: We will announce the dates soon
Deja sunt valabile cāteva jocuri pe pentru testare. Urmează sa fie adăugate alte 200 de jocuri in viitorul apropiat.
Farmatrust apare si īntr-un articol de ziar @CityAM #UK pentru inovație si tehnologie. "10% din farmaceuticele de pe piața vestica sunt presupuse ca fiind contrafăcute" CEO-ul Raja Sharif sare in ajutor cu o propunere A.I. si blockchain puternica:
Normal ca se poate, dar nu inteleg linistea asta ce cuprinde activitatea crypto/fiat. Fie este datorita faptului ca sunt pe aici playeri majori, sau exchange-uri cu investitii in RO, fie este fiindca expertii nu sunt pe forum, or whatever. Sunt de 1 an pe forum si rar am vazut ca s-a vorbit pe aici cum sa iti scoti crypto-ul asa cum vor muschii tai.
If is a topic with silence and quiet mystery around it, then you can bet is possible. I seen pro traders, and their followers, how usually look at the charts and spot the patterns/the breakouts/bull flags. Not to mention shorts/longs on bitmex. I kind of foresee a future where the average trader would know to do these, from ones little toolbox. Adapt and overcome.
As an investor, i don't take these ratings too much into consideration. As a bounty, i look at the whole score con/pro ICObench is useful if the advisor/ the person who gives the rating, is saying his piece of mind, then one can easily see the flaws, because he points them out for everybody, and these together, would have a higher magnitude in large scale. Then, i look at other sites as well. I seen formidable ICOs with hype, high ratings and all, get on idex, and sadly, remain on idex... Not a pleasant thing in bear markets such as these.
For moderation stakes, how one receives 20 stakes? Is that 20 posts, or is by week activity? Would like to know more since i got ANN topic, but haven't catched other bounties stakes, like wp, etc.
I am curious. The token can be bought by USA and CANADA investors after the ICO? How does this affect the platform MLC and ATES system. Flogmall has one of the most active, and lively, marketing & PR department i ever seen.
Depinde ce suma si cat timp vrea sa stea in fiat. Sub 10keur nu este considerata o suma mare in crypto, daca este sub 10k pe o perioada sub 6luni recomand Tether sau EUR pe Kraken pentru acces rapid cand se schimba piata si vrea sa intre repede.
Cred ca ar putea solosi si Bitfinex au comisioane mai mici si poti sa tii si EURO in cont. Doar ca dureaza foarte mult pana cand se verifica contul. Da, asa e initial limita e de 60,000 RON pt contul standard dar pe masura ce faci top-up limita creste Sau ai putea sa treci pe un cont premium la ei, din cate vad aici ai nelimitat top-up pt transferuri SEPA in EURO. Nu stiu ce sa zic. Pare sa fie in functie de factori personali top up limit-ul. Premium iti aduce alte beneficii, dar top up pare sa fie dupa ce faci AML prin a arata un screenshot din cate am inteles, cu trading-ul de pe exchange.
How much is your soft and hard cap? what would happen if you didn't reach the goal? When does the ICO start? You really sold tokens for 45 million $?
More details? In this link shows something different. I am confused as it does state as being sold:
All usual means of manipulation has its commonality: Emotions! Steering an emotional behaviour response, the human can be easily manipulated. AKA fud. - Fear, uncertainty, doubt.