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1201  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 28, 2014, 09:25:03 PM
To the kind, wonderful soul who owns 6483973064837388393:


This is so much better than getting tipped DOGE.  Cheesy

that the dgex account, 6483973064837388393.

No, 6635869272840226493 is DGEX

They just both end on 93 Smiley

I believe the first one is Cfb or at least under control by him. I´ve got a bounty out of it once.
1202  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Nxt marketing & promotion :: Price breaks $0.10 on Bter, Dgex on: January 28, 2014, 09:12:49 PM
Hello all,

Based on the discussions today in the main thread, and here, I've got two updated "Nxt Minute" bits.  I've based the text on the "most-optimized" one thus far, and have taken a stab at a more conversational tone.


Nxt Minute #1 (the general intro):
Nxt Minute #2:

Yup, that sounds like a winner. I think you´ve got it nailed.
1203  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 28, 2014, 09:10:43 PM


Made me laugh.

Thank you!  Cheesy
1204  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Nxt marketing & promotion :: Nxt now on Cryptmarket! [articles bounties] on: January 28, 2014, 06:58:09 PM
Also, that one hour of reddit and just one link to my site got tons of hits from reddit.

Even a simple reply can get a reaction behind the scenes that we don't see directly.

People, also DOGE people, áre very interested. Some probably will never say so on DOGE reddit, because of Peer pressure.
1205  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Nxt marketing & promotion :: Nxt now on Cryptmarket! [articles bounties] on: January 28, 2014, 06:55:32 PM
I know, it is a good training. We are watching our articles so we can react and add comments there. I am using NxtMyths texts for responses, then Damelon wisely responds too... and others. We just need to calm Uniqueorn a little bit Cheesy

Really, even IF the other guy turns out to be a f*cktard, the thing to do is to shut up and close the screen.
Responding in kind is not the way to go, at least if you are there to promote or explain Nxt.
If otherwise, always say it's your own opinion, otherwise people WILL use it against us.

Some people are just dying to get you angry and using it as a weapon. It's such a tried and tested tactic, we are bound to encounter it.
1206  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Nxt marketing & promotion :: Nxt now on Vircurex! [write articles][radio spot] on: January 28, 2014, 06:43:42 PM
you can read it all here, it is quite fun, so take some popcorn:

CoffeeandTVCaffeinated Shibe
The information I have gathered on NXT leads me to the conclusion that it must leech off the success of other cryptos to give value to the coins. Having it listed on sites like this just give NXT flippers more ammunition to use when selling to less informed individuals. I would like to protect whoever I can from being used and abused.
Doge is friendly and easy to get into without any initial purchase. We have several crypto newbies here and I want to see their doge go back into the community or at least benefit the current owners instead of NXT.

I actually had a good discussion with that guy.
He started out totally negative, but after getting some recent facts he has started to read up.

If we keep just pounding people who are critical, we are going to have a problem.
Engaging them in talks is much more productive. He even quoted our counterarguments when he posted the "in depth" article to be complete in all material.
1207  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Nxt marketing & promotion :: Nxt now on Vircurex! [write articles][radio spot] on: January 28, 2014, 06:22:54 PM
Wat nu in de wereld van de cryptovaluta?

Nxt is niet simpelweg een munt, maar een tweede generatie schaalbar crypto die een nieuwe manier van eco-vriendelijk "minen" biedt en functies die buiten het bereik van andere simpelere "munten" vallen.

In de wereld waar Bitcoin koning is, veranderen zgn. altcoins enkel parameters van de originele Bitcoin, zoals het hashing mechanisme, de tijd tussen blokken, de moeilijkheidsgraad, enzovoort. Nxt brengt veel meer ter tafel en wordt om een aantal redenen als tweede generatie cryptovaluta betiteld; hier zijn vijf van de meest interessante redenen:

1. Nxt is geen altcoin, zoals Litecoin, Peercoin, of andere munten wier code gebaseerd is op de broncode van Bitcoin. Nxt is gloednieuw, met een totaal eigen code.
2. Nxt voert de nieuwe functie "Transparent Mining" in, waardoor Nxt de transactiesnelheden van Visa/Mastercard zal kunnen benaderen. Geen andere crypto kan zo hoog schalen; dit wordt mogelijk gemaakt doordat doordat de transparantie die door het Nxt protocol wordt verschaft elke client in staat stelt te bepalen welke node het volgende blok zal genereren. Andere nodes kunnen dan hun transacties direct naar die node sturen. Dit zorgt er ook voor dat er extra transactiekosten gerealiseerd kunnen worden voor directe en prioriteitstransacties. Een even belangrijk kenmerk van Transparent Mining is een veiligheidsmechanisme dat vertakkingen van de blockchain tegengaat door high-stake nodes. Deze eigenschap beveiligd zelfs tegen het forceren van een vertakking door een houder van 90% van alle Nxt.
3. Nxt heeft ingebouwde ondersteuning voor geplande decentrale functies zoals een peer-to-peer beurs, “colored coins”, het versturen van data (“Arbitrary Messaging”), DNS en opties voor versnelde transacties. Bitcoin moet om deze diensten te kunnen bieden vertrouwen op toekomstige munten die hun code in de Bitcoin blockchain integreren. Nxt kan het allemaal zelf.
4. Nxt gebruikt een 100% Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanisme toegenover het Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanisme waar de meeste andere munten op gebaseerd zijn. Dit verwijdert effectief een veiligheidsrisico dat inherent is aan deze andere munten, zoals 51% aanvallen. Een ander pluspunt is dat het protocol “groen” is wat betreft zijn energieconsumptie, aangezien 100% PoS mechanismes de grote hoeveelheden hashkracht die Bitcoin en andere altcoins gebruiken, niet nodig hebben. Elke 100% PoS cryptovaluta moet al zijn munten bij “genesis” verdelen of kwetsbaar zijn voor een “Sybil attack”; deze beginverdeling heeft tot grote verontwaardiging geleid bij tegenstanders. Zij menen dat het volledig oneerlijk is dat de originele investeerders een 6000% winst op hun investering hebben geboekt en dat nieuwkomers niet kunnen “minen”. Echter:
5. Nxt werd zes weken voor lancering aangekondigd. De 73 originele stakeholders zijn verantwoordelijk voor het verdelen van de 1 biljoen Nxtmunten (door middel van giften, bounties en verkoop) die uit het Genesisblok werden geproduceerd door de injectie van de in totaal 21 gedoneerde Bitcoin. Dit is een voorwaarde voor elk 100% Proof of Stake -systeem en deze distributie is nu nog steeds aan de gang. Nxt staat op dit moment als vijfde genoteerd bij Coinmarketcap en wordt verhandeld op o.a. Bter en Vircurex, terwijl de handel op Cryptsy op dit moment wordt voorbereid.

Gedecentraliseerde diensten

Gedecentraliseerde beurzen: Op dit moment moet je om cryptovaluta te verhandelen je registreren op een centraal platform als BTC-e of MtGox, je BTC naar hun rekeningen overmaken en aan deze beurzen een percentage voor handel afdragen. Soms moet je ook nog betalen om je saldo weer op te kunnen nemen. Deze methode draagt daarnaast het risico met zich mee dat de ongereguleerde beurs of marktplaats er met het geld vandoor gaat, wat onlangs gebeurde toen de Sheep Marketplace er met 96,000 BTC vandoor ging. Nxt ontwikkelt op dit moment een peer-to-peer exchange in zijn protocol om gedecentraliseerde handel mogelijk te maken. Hierdoor wordt deze mogelijkheid weggenomen en worden de kosten voor handel teruggebracht tot de normale transactiekosten voor het netwerk.

Colored Coins
“Colored Coins” is een interessant concept, dat hand in hand gaat met een gedecentraliseerde handelsbeurs. Een kleine achtergrondschets: Met behulp van de Bitcoin blockchain kunnen transacties gevolgd worden. Een individuele munt, of delen van een munt, kunnen op een transactiebasis getraceerd worden. Als we hierop voortborduren door ons de mogelijkheid voor te stellen dat we aan een specifieke munt een “kleur” of eigenschap kunnen toekennen, waardoor we een brug kunnen slaan tussen de virtuele wereld en de fysieke. Een “gekleurde” munt kan gebruikt worden om voorwerpen in de echte wereld te representeren. Bezit, aandelen,  goederen: elk concept dat concreet aanwijsbaar is kan een munt “kleuren”. Deze toegevoegde mogelijkheid in de Nxt blockchain maakt de decentrale handel in haast alles mogelijk. De gedecentraliseerde beurs en colored coins maken van Nxt een erg krachtige crypto-infrastructuur.

Andere gedecentraliseerde diensten
Nxt stopt niet bij de decentrale beurs. Naast de beurs wordt er op dit moment gewerkt aan een decentraal DNS systeem, en een decentraal systeem om data te verzenden. Dit maakt het mogelijk in de toekomst anonieme websites te hebben, betalingen te verrichten en data te verzenden, allemaal 100% veilig, versleuteld en onomkeerbaar.

Een korte vergelijking van Nxt en Bitcoin

Nxt is een Proof of Stake systeem. Dit betekent dat het voor gebruikers die bekend zijn met
Bitcoin of afgeleiden daarvan wennen is.

Proof of Stake “forging”
Nxt maakt allereerst het onderscheid duidelijk door niet meer van “minen” maar van “forgen” te spreken. In PoS zijn actieve accounts in competitie om de nieuwe blokken aan te maken. Een account dat een nieuw blok aanmaakt krijgt de daarin opgenomen transactiekosten. De berekening van de kans om een blok aan te maken is proportioneel met de hoeveelheid Nxt die het account langere tijd bezit gedeeld door de totale hoeveelheid actieve Nxt op het moment van het aanmaken van het blok.
Een gevolg hiervan is dat het je Nxt zijn die voor je forgen, niet je CPU, GPU of ASICs. Deze apparaten kosten daarbij grote hoeveelheden energie en onderhoud en nemen daarbij ook nog mettertijd af in waarde. In plaats van te investeren in apparatuur om mee te kunnen “minen” investeer je bij Nxt in Nxt zelf.
Niet alleen is dit een efficienter systeem dan Proof of Work, het is natuurlijk ook energiezuiniger en mileuvriendelijker. De duizenden miners die over de hele wereld hashed verbruiken dagelijks enorme hoeveelheden energie. Er zullen nooit méér Nxt aangemaakt worden dan er nu zijn, waardoor forging gedaan kan worden met een client die zelf op een simpele PC kan werken en niet meer energie verbruikt dan wanneer je normaal je computer gebruikt. Er zijn zelfs al mensen die hun Nxt client laten draaien op een Raspberry Pi die door zonnepanelen van energie wordt voorzien!

Aanvullende informatie:
Nxt maakt gebruik van een zogenaamde “brain wallet”. Een brain wallet is een heel erg lange en veilig wacht-”zin” die gebruikt wordt om je account aan te maken. Er is echter niets dat het maken en gebruiken van een traditionele wallet.dat in de weg staat. Op dit moment zijn er diverse ontwikkelaars binnen de Nxt gemeenschap bezig het veiligheidsprotocol van Nxt uit te breiden om het ook bruibaar te maken voor de doorsneegebruiker die meestal niet kan omgaan met hoge beveiligingsnormen.
De client is geschreven in Java. Dit zorgt ervoor dat het ontwikkelingsteam updates vlug kan doorvoeren in de betafase. Er is echter niets dat iemand tegenhoudt een client in een willekeurige andere taal te schrijven.

Het Nxt-onderwerp op Bitcointalk is hier te vinden.
Het valutasymbool is
De Nxt blockexplorer is beschikbaar op
Meer informatie is te vinden op de website

Here we finally go: the Dutch version of "What's Nxt in the world of Cryptocurrency"
Slightly modified as I've removed the most overt negatives about Bitcoin and softened them somewhat. Basically instead of highlighting Bitcoin's negative, I instead highlight Nxt's positive.
1208  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 28, 2014, 02:30:37 PM
@ Guys who developing Asset Exchange clients:

Cooperate and send me what API calls u need, plz. I don't have time to read thru all posts, too much work to do.

Just read the summaries!  Cheesy -

I don't include requests for API calls in my summaries, though. Smiley
1209  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 28, 2014, 10:40:38 AM

Selection      Votes  
   Yes   70%   1,546  
    No   30%     653  
               2,199 total

Miners(?) are now stronger than in the previous vote ...

It's not only miners.
I had a civilised discussion with someone in DOGE who posted this vote to reddit yesterday.
He basically was worried about Nxt, mostly because anytime he asked a question about it, or uttered some criticism he got swarmed by people shouting him down.

That doesn't give a good impression.

I just linked to some more recent facts and kept at it without trying to convert him and he rather quickly turned out to be a smart guy wanting to listen and exchange ideas.

Sometimes overzealous people can be a big turnoff. If someone doesn't like Nxt, that's their business. (I feel)
It's up to us to keep feeding them facts in a polite manner, even if they become rude. Be better than the rude people.

Edit: and yes, where ís CfB?  Huh
1210  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 27, 2014, 11:49:16 PM
revision 2 (tell me if im getting closer)

Ready for whats next? Written from the ground up with brand new source code, nxt is the first truely second generation crypto. By melding short term predictibility with longer term uncertanty, nxt's 100% proof of stake security model opens the flood gates for a torrent of breakthrough innovations. The ability to predict future forging nodes allows forgers to build trust within the community. This trust can be leveraged by merchants to acheve instantly secure transactions or by customers to acheve visa level transaction volumes via transaction clearing performed by forgers before recording transactions in the blockchain. Nxt's 100% proof of stake security model eliminates many of the costs associated with blockchain security that are, with bitcoin, presently born by the savers in the form of inflation. Finally, unlike bitcoin with its limited time block subsidy, there is no arbitrarily selected date far off in the future where nxt's security model will be put to the final test, if nxt works now, it will work always.

I would drop "Ready for what's next?" right off of there. It's corny and unnatural sounding.

Yea i agree. in my newest revision i just did this

*insert intro* Written from the ground up with brand new source code, nxt is the first truely second generation crypto. By melding short term predictibility with longer term uncertanty, nxt's 100% proof of stake security model opens the flood gates for a torrent of breakthrough innovations. The ability to predict future transaction processors allows those processors to build trust within the community. This trust can be leveraged by merchants to acheve instantly secure transactions or by customers to acheve visa level transaction volumes. Nxt's 100% proof of stake security model eliminates many of the costs associated with bitcoin blockchain security. Costs presently born by the savers in the form of inflation. Finally, unlike bitcoin with its limited time block subsidy, there is no arbitrarily selected date far off in the future where nxt's security model will be put to a final test, if nxt works now, it will work always. *insert conclusion*

im not good at aesthetics. it seems to be the only thing that some other people in this thread are concerned with so ill let them handle that.

Now that is just misrepresenting what we are saying.
Sorry, but it happens to be my job to know how to get an idea across in a particular format.
There are rules to it, and you ignore them at your peril.
Those rules are not glib, they are tested and documented.

You ask for opinions, fine.
Don't go in a strop when people here, who know about how to present and ration ideas in words tell you your way can be improved upon.

As said: the content is good, but too information dense for one minute.
It needs cutting up and needs less technical terms *for a one minute segment*
In a longer format, it could work.

Yes, I'm irritated by your tone.
1211  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 27, 2014, 11:36:24 PM
also like i said before i dont expect people to understand everything on one fly by. i just want to provide the arguments in addition to the claims because thats better than just making unsupported claims. the point is not to teach them everything about nxt. its to get them interested. i think claims + arguments is more likely to acheve this than just random claims. Even if they dont listen to the arguments or understand them, the fact that they are there is value in and of its self.

*edit* they will get, oh visa level transaction volume, oh instant transactions, oh lower cost, and they have arguments to support the claims. then they can either replay it to listen to the arguments carefully or they can go do more research on their own.

I think your text would be much better suited to a longer format, for instance in a segment of the podcast.

Compressing it in one minute is not going to work, and would water your effort.

In one minute you can get maybe one or two concepts, presented rather simply through.

This is not because people are stupid, but because of how people process information.

For what you are aiming for, I think you'd need 15-30 minutes.
1212  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 27, 2014, 11:06:48 PM
I just really disagree that LTB listeners should be treated like late night infomercial denizens by being bombarded with "catch phrases" and the like.

There is a distinct difference between written an listened to information processing.

My phrase "dumbing down" was unlucky.

However, I think your text easily has information for five separate segments in it:

Mechanics of TF
Transaction speed
Viability in the future

I understand the purist wish/need to link all these together, as they are, but instead of engaging most people, they most probably just would tune out to the message, due to information density overload.

Believe me, any scriptwriter has faced this dilemma.
1213  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 27, 2014, 10:31:47 PM
both dgex and nextcoin forum are down. Anyone know what is going on?

DGEX and nextcoin forum work for me.
1214  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 27, 2014, 10:29:03 PM
you are also familiar with the ideas. if you had no familiarity with them than even you may have been taken aback. thats ok though the point is not to create a devotee on the spot. the point is to convince them that it is worth more research.

I agree that if someone who is like me would hear this, they would be interested.
I'd be determined to understand what the hell it was about.

Rather similar to what actually happened, really. Smiley
1215  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 27, 2014, 10:14:44 PM
Ok so i decided to write something really quick as a submission for this commercial on lets lets talk bitcoin.

this is a super super super rough draft.

Got a minute for whats next? Written from the ground up with brand new source code in an entirely different programming language, nxt is the first truly second generation crypto. It's 100% proof of stake security model melds short term deterministic predictability with longer term uncertainty to open the floodgates and release a torrent of potential breakthrough innovations to the cryptospace. Foremost among these, the ability to predict future forging nodes allows those nodes to build trust within the community. This trust can be leveraged for things like instantly secure transactions if the merchant accepting the nxt trusts the next several nodes in line. Or visa level transaction load volume via nodes clearing transactions before recording them into the blockchain. Nxt's 100% proof of stake security model eliminates many of the costs associated with blockchain security that are, with bitcoin, presently born by the savers in the form of inflation. Finally unlike bitcoin and its limited time block subsidy, there is no arbitrary date far off in the future where nxt's security model will be put to the final test, if nxt works now, it will work always. Tune in next week where we address some of the legitimate criticisms as well as some of the myths associated with nxt.

what do you guys think. do you like the direction? i know its a little over the limit but thats good because the first step in revision is trimming the fat.

While the content is correct, I think this one is pushing what the average listener can take in to the limit, it least if this needs to be spoken in a minute. The information density is too high.

These three sentences for instance contain a lot of information that would most probably just become lost:

It's 100% proof of stake security model melds short term deterministic predictability with longer term uncertainty to open the floodgates and release a torrent of potential breakthrough innovations to the cryptospace. Foremost among these, the ability to predict future forging nodes allows those nodes to build trust within the community. This trust can be leveraged for things like instantly secure transactions if the merchant accepting the nxt trusts the next several nodes in line.

Í know generally what they mean, but I have been following this thread for a month now. I doubt a listener who only knows vaguely about PoS would understand what it does after this.

Could you "dumb it down" a bit? Not to the lowest average denominator, but say someone who knows a bit about what's it all about, but certainly not all? Smiley

i intentionally wrote it to be correct but also go over peoples heads a little bit. im trying really hard to make it not sound like a commercial. if the audience doesnt understand every word perfectly than thats ok. it may still pique their interest.

I think you are far to generous in what is "over people's heads"  Cheesy

However, I'm using myself as a benchmark here, so I'm curious what others say about it.
1216  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 27, 2014, 10:11:11 PM
1. Cryptsy

No more discussion needed for Cryptsy:,3557.0.html

I've asked Nikel to get me a few email addresses so I can do the mutual introduction.

2. Vircurex

I can't confirm 100%, however, my guess is high confirmations at initial launch to make sure everything runs correctly.  With a brand new code set, I wouldn't blame them one bit. I'd recommend following up in the next 72 hours a coordinate a request to politely lower the number of required confirmations.

Small steps... small steps. Nikel did a great job at the conference, I was with the whole time showing him the best ways to network at these events. We had some fairly funny moments of politely stalking people until we heard what we needed. Smiley  If you haven't taken a look at Nikel's updates yet, it's on and I believe he's also moved them to the forum off the official site. 

- JustaBitofTime

They are also here: Smiley
1217  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 27, 2014, 10:09:24 PM
Ok so i decided to write something really quick as a submission for this commercial on lets lets talk bitcoin.

this is a super super super rough draft.

Got a minute for whats next? Written from the ground up with brand new source code in an entirely different programming language, nxt is the first truly second generation crypto. It's 100% proof of stake security model melds short term deterministic predictability with longer term uncertainty to open the floodgates and release a torrent of potential breakthrough innovations to the cryptospace. Foremost among these, the ability to predict future forging nodes allows those nodes to build trust within the community. This trust can be leveraged for things like instantly secure transactions if the merchant accepting the nxt trusts the next several nodes in line. Or visa level transaction load volume via nodes clearing transactions before recording them into the blockchain. Nxt's 100% proof of stake security model eliminates many of the costs associated with blockchain security that are, with bitcoin, presently born by the savers in the form of inflation. Finally unlike bitcoin and its limited time block subsidy, there is no arbitrary date far off in the future where nxt's security model will be put to the final test, if nxt works now, it will work always. Tune in next week where we address some of the legitimate criticisms as well as some of the myths associated with nxt.

what do you guys think. do you like the direction? i know its a little over the limit but thats good because the first step in revision is trimming the fat.

While the content is correct, I think this one is pushing what the average listener can take in to the limit, it least if this needs to be spoken in a minute. The information density is too high.

These three sentences for instance contain a lot of information that would most probably just become lost:

It's 100% proof of stake security model melds short term deterministic predictability with longer term uncertainty to open the floodgates and release a torrent of potential breakthrough innovations to the cryptospace. Foremost among these, the ability to predict future forging nodes allows those nodes to build trust within the community. This trust can be leveraged for things like instantly secure transactions if the merchant accepting the nxt trusts the next several nodes in line.

Í know generally what they mean, but I have been following this thread for a month now. I doubt a listener who only knows vaguely about PoS would understand what it does after this.

Could you "dumb it down" a bit? Not to the lowest average denominator, but say someone who knows a bit about what's it all about, but certainly not all? Smiley
1218  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 27, 2014, 09:37:18 PM
Hi everyone.

How about these for a couple of proofs of concept?  Two one-minute spots I recorded this evening:

General Nxt intro:
Nxt minute:

I welcome feedback.

Here's my take on the one minute spot, using joefox's example as inspiration, and trying to take into consideration all the feedback that was given:

Nxt LTB Spot, Episode 1:

Anymore feedback on this? Please give feedback on the content as well as my reading. Criticisms welcome, my ego is not wrapped up in this. I'm not trying to compete to be the voice, just putting forward an idea. This should be considered a rough draft.

Overall, I like it.
Could use some work on articulation, because some sentences are a bit unintelligable. I can understand them, but that's because I know the terms like "decentralised exchange", but if you don't you could not know what was being said.

Also, I find it a bit too "bassy". I like a cleaner sound. Too much bass tends to sound "mushy". Smiley
1219  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 27, 2014, 09:24:19 PM
+ 1 NXT        ==   x Vote  { x = Func(accountBalance) =  polynom * accountBalance}

+ 1 Account  ==  1 Vote   { vote = Func(accountBalance) =  0.5 * accountBalance}

These won't work. They are easily defeated by splitting your wealth over several accounts.

I'm in favor of one vote per NXT.  That maximizes the value of each NXT rather than the value of having multiple accounts, or paying people to scam the system for you in some other way.

Any time you try to decentralized system that makes it difficult to game the system, you restrict the people who game the system to people who are willing to go against the implied moral contract of the platform (that you'll play by the rules).   In that way, I suggest it is better to allow everybody to "cheat" so that "cheating" is performed by good actors AND bad actors instead of just by actors willing to be bad.

NXT has a major concentration of wealth right now, but that's changing pretty quickly and if it gets popular I've got to imagine the temptation to sell part of their stakes will be too great for most.

It's really interesting watching this community - you guys are the only "headless" metalayer, lacking a founder or team and yet delivering with real working software.   

Keep up the good work Smiley

I still like this take on the voting system.

As has already been said: ANY system can be gamed. The benchmark however, should not be the ones that abuse the system, but how much good such a system actually does.

Here in the Netherlands we see the same kind of debate over the unemployment system. Sure, there are freeloaders profiting off it. However, as a system of giving people time to get a decent job again and not fall into poverty and having to sell their assets, it works.

That said: the first part of any voting system should be about what we are actually voting? Is it an advisory vote or a vote that forces an action? What is the area a vote can affect? Can it affect just smallish things like individual projects or does it affect the whole underlying structure of Nxt?

I haven't seen much about that part, mostly about the mechanism, which is to me interesting, but only in sofar as it is a means to an end.

At this moment, to me the end isn't clear. What is it a vote can affect?

1220  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NXT :: descendant of Bitcoin - Updated Information on: January 27, 2014, 04:03:16 PM
Russian Central Bank warns about bitcoin:

My Russian is bad. Doesn't it say "forbidden"?

edit: ah, they say something like "it might gets forbidden"
even better news for NXT remember nxt is not a clone of btc. So it couldnt be banned if bitcoin does. Its a whole different setup. I say bring on the bitcoin ban and watch as the people flood to buy NXT
they mean all crypto

It's the "anonymous" part they are going after. That means Nxt, too.
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