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12261  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Where do you stand on abortion? Let's have a civil debate. on: December 19, 2019, 07:42:28 AM
My wife is of the same opinion as me.
firstly im glad your wife is in agreement. but you worded it as if it was purely your choice.
its her choice to which you have to agree(stay with her) or disagree(get a divorce). she still has the control
its you that has to agree or disagree to HER decision

But then, when do you define the cut-off limit where it is still "fine" to terminate a life due to X, Y or Z reason?  Is it before they "become of age" ?
there is no one rule for everything
life and awareness are 2 different things
take a 40yo person who is getting dementia. they become no longer aware and no longer capable of looking after themselves. so its not a case of not putting someone in as their carer/guardian because they passed some age limit of awareness

take a terminal cancer patient who is fully aware of his actions and wants to die. he should be allowed to, and not be forced to be put on life saving treatment

take a terminal cancer patient who is in a coma and unaware of his actions. should be kept on life support for 1000 years? instead someone who has care/guardian status of someone unable to make independant decisions has the power to make independant decisions

so for pregnancy, the MOTHERS has the power
obviously the decision should be on the best interests of the child, but also how it will affect the womens future

so when we know that at say 25 weeks a fetus wont survive if birthed or surgically removed(c-section) the fetus's best interest is not to be punished with 1000 years of life support because it doesnt even have developed lungs of its own
and wont have the brain capacity to learn and live an active independant life

however if a fetus gets to be the stage where science knows it has a good chance of a good active independant life. then it should be much harder to warrant an abortion. unless its proven that the child would negatively impact the mother beyond reasonable amount

it also impacts the debate of 'loss of life: murder or self defense'
loss of life is just loss of life but the reasons for it need to be defined

just calling all death murder is ignorant
death happens. its the why that counts and who gets to decide that counts

so if a mother knows for sure that the baby is going to cause more harm than benefit to the mothers life and negatively impact her life more than she can expect to cope with. then its self defense
12262  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Google claims breakthrough in Quantum computing on: December 19, 2019, 03:11:07 AM
hex is 16.. hex converted to binary is 4 binary bits
this is where you are mistaken. always thinking of the after converted format to binary

you thing hex is just 4.... (facepalm)
ill show you again
hex is not 0123(4)
hex is 0123456789ABCDEF(16)

16 not 4
you are totally not thinking outside the binary box
try to not think of just the binary conversion,
then you can start thinking about the scope of quantum computers and not just its limitation based on when converted to binary

by the way quantum computer hardware is 4 states like binary is 2 states
so hex in binary is (4)2
so hex in quantum is (2)4

anyway, maybe best to just continue with your research and hope one day you get out the binary box to expand your mind to things bigger than 2 options
but for now you seen stuck thinking everything is binary, including hex
sorry but there is no point trying to give you more hints as you admit your not wiling to even google search

have fun
no point arguing no more. your definition of hex shows where your stumbling(limiting yourself to binary)
12263  Other / Off-topic / Re: Application idea. on: December 18, 2019, 08:16:55 PM
getting someone to buy tokens just to use an app wont get people to even use it
however having found matches, buying tokens to then spend to be able to communicate with the match atleast gets users in to use it and really see the potential. and then when they see a match they like they are willing to pay a bit of money to atleast talk to them.
after all guys are willing to buy a girl a drink just as an icebreaker to start a conversation but less likely to enter a bar if there is an entrance fee.

you could then have an 'enhanced' metric that asks/logs even more specific details so that people can get an even more accurate match

maybe even affiliate with restaurants and bars and advertise 'date location' suggestions near where matches live

and ofcourse the nastier side, monetise their information to businesses to advertise things that interest them

but the main thing is dont charge them a fee just to get in the door. charge them for the services once inside
12264  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Google claims breakthrough in Quantum computing on: December 18, 2019, 04:56:12 PM
well you can continue with your google search for average joe stuff...
ill continue programming

by the way google quantum computers quarternary

just treat the binary stuff as the translated ready for legacy computer stuff
where as the internal workings of quantum computers that a legacy system cant understand is quaternary

oh and bit is about single object/symbol
you can have binary(2) bit
quarternary(4) bit
hexidecimal(16) bit

have fun with your studies, hope you can catch up
12265  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Google claims breakthrough in Quantum computing on: December 18, 2019, 09:33:27 AM
if you think that qubits are binary(2). then your living in the 1970s only stuck viewing the converted value

maybe try looking into the use of quantum in DNA research
you think you are seeing binary of GTAC being assigned as
g=00        t=01    a=10      c=11
but thats the converted to binary result
in qantum its g=0 t=1 a=2 c=3

now try converting 0123 into binary
oh wait now you see your end result, but idnt see the bit in the middle

super position is mere then just legacy 2 positions
 there are 4
your 00 01 10 11 is just the post-conversion binary representation

right now there is no CPU with a graphic interface that can just accept 0123 as is. so a binary computer needs to be programed in binary and sent it to a quantum processor which converts it to 0123 and then processes it as 0123 and then converts it back to binary for a legacy system to display

its like chinese. an american has to use a translator to speak chinese and then use a translator to convert the chinese response back to american so that the american can then hold a conversation.
in this analogy you are acting as if the chinese guy is speaking american all along. but the truth is the american is only understanding the translator and has no clue whats being spoken in chinese

research: "4 quantum numbers"
In quantum mechanics, the principal quantum number (symbolized n) is one of four quantum numbers assigned to all electrons in an atom to describe that electron's state.
12266  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Where do you stand on abortion? Let's have a civil debate. on: December 18, 2019, 09:04:07 AM
I will eventually become a father in 2020 or 2021. And if the doctors were to tell me that my fetus would be the bearer of a very extremely painful disease and if the option to abort the pregnancy was given to me I would take it.

firstly it might be best to get a female pregnant and then ask what she wishes to occur inside her body.
because a guy cant take an abortion option.. he isnt the one thats pregnant
he can only inform the woman of all the options and whats best. its ultimately her decision and no guy should be demanding she aborts or keeps it. its her decision

its not about defining a fetus as a parasite. its not about defining it as a helicopter or a cancer. its just defining it as not self sustainable independant human

this is why kids that are born are their parents responsibility and liability until they 'come of age' to be independant and make their own choices

unfortunetly this is why kids end up in gangs and used as street drug dealers, because they aint smart enough to make their own decisions and do whats right and because legally they are not accountable for their actions so end up getting used by dealer to be little hustlers because the kids wont get in trouble until they become juvenile age-adult
i say this because its an example of why even kids after birth dont really have their own rights and responsibilities fully and its their parents that are accountable and make the decisions for the kids best interest
12267  Other / Politics & Society / Re: can the media be sued for falsifying serious information? on: December 18, 2019, 08:43:29 AM
if your talking about media coverage of bitcoin over the last few year of the linkage to terrorists, blackmarkets and such

we wish we could sue media but the issues are
1. there is no single entity called bitcoin that has been personally victimised
2. media have proof that bitcoin was linked to blackmarket(silkroad)

so although 'bitcoin' cannot control who uses it and had no intent on being used only for blackmarket stuff, and had no intent on causing people investment loss or gain. media are aware that people lost investments and there was blackmarket involvement

so although bitcoins intent was to offer anyone another option to fiat. where good people could use it and could make profit. it still does not make the info media have wrong. just limited to their knowledge

its like Yelp reviewers who had a bad experience. the restaurant may have had 364 good days but on that one bad day customers wrote reviews of their bad experience. customers can't be sued for their experience.
12268  Other / Politics & Society / Re: can the media be sued for falsifying serious information? on: December 18, 2019, 08:18:33 AM
media always get it wrong. yet they are still in business because they understand the laws better than anyone

just because you financially lost due to their media coverage is not defamation. you have to prove that they are liars and that evidence was available to them publicly that could have disproved their assertion and they wilfully ignore it due to them having a vengeful plan to destroy our reputation

this means if they lied while fully knowing the truth, but said the opposite.. where their intent was not to give an opinion for the best of public interest base on the only information they had.. but purely to hurt your rep.

however if they are just reporting that some of your customers got 'scammed' or were not 'treated fairly'. and the only information they had was your customers story of their experience. that in of itself is not a lie.
(they have proof of what formed their opinion)
even if you knew the customers had a bad experience due to something not previously known to the customer or media.
the customer or media was unaware of the real reason for the bad experience.

meaning their story/account is accurate based on their knowledge and experience they have available

say you froze someones account due to regulatory investigation of possible KYC/AML stuff. but by regulation requirements could not explain that to anyone publicly because it was under investigation

all the customer knows is that your holding the money and not explaining why. a customers experience is that you stole the money and acted scammy(taking funds nd not responding with answers). which all evidence available to the customer supports their experience

if media then quote the customers experience and finds other customers with the same experience then the media's opinion becomes that your scammy. because all evidence they gathered supports it

so by media's side they do not know the real reason all they know is your holding peoples funds. they have proof you were holding funds so media's story is accurate based on media's research

so like i said its not about if something is factually true as not all the facts were available to them, its about which side had public proof to make such a statement false/true based on what info was available

this is why companies cant sue media when their stock makes a little dip and causes financial media to scream 'dump them dump them dump them' because although the company can later explain that the dip was just a temporary blip. the public opinion shows the dip did occur and so media's publicly available info was that people should sell

so just be aware of what information was publicly available to form the opinion media made
12269  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: December 18, 2019, 07:27:10 AM
ok badecker has officially lost the plot

by him now saying it doesnt matter what he is being accused of. means he is going into court ignorant of what he is defending himself against

and what is badeckers counter claim. to ask someone to stand up and explain what badecker is defending against.
maybe badecker should try reading the claim... its al there.

again the victim of contract breach, tresspass, damage, loss or injury can be represented by someone else. again i emphasise this to appeal to the single braincell badecker uses to type.
"hey single brain cell research murders. you cannot get away with murder simply by claiming the victim cannot stand infront of you"
if your only defense and counter claim is to cry that the victim cannot stand. then you have become a loser by all possible definitions

badecker has become absolutely absurd with his ignorance
12270  Other / Serious discussion / Re: The pool of New Cryptocurrency investors are getting smaller on: December 17, 2019, 11:50:02 PM
If that is true, then Bitcoin is nothing more than a pyramid scheme.

if bitcoin had no purpose//function. and was just a buy to sell investment where there was no side value apart from speculation then it would be a ponzi

but as long as people can use bitcoin.. yes USE BITCOIN as a independant currency to buy pizza, baked beans and beer then it has a function and purpose

just being a store of asset with no other function than to just sell it. is a ponzi
its why i hate the idea of stiffling bitcoin out of a functional currency utility and hate to deem it as just a store of value
because using other networks as a currency/payment system makes bitcoin itself functionally nothing. where by the only thing holding it up is the acquisition cost vs speculative sells
12271  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: December 17, 2019, 11:09:40 PM
as for the other stuff
reecka'd you keep ignorin tresspass and contracts. which are part of the constitution and law.

All you are doing is blabbing things that don't have anything to do with anything that was posted.


your boring
your "damaging concrete" has nothing to do with rules of the road linked to driving licence requirements

if you dont understand contracts and tresspass. you obviously ignorant of the law of this whole topic
as proven by the last 11 pages of your misunderstandings.
even today you dont even know what someoene is accused of when they are caught without a licence hense you making up tht somehow its to do with damaging concrete.
again its nothing to do with damaging concrete. so try learning what someone is being accused of in such topic

and again the human accusing you does not need to be the victim.
otherwise murders would not be a crime because the victim cannot stand if they are dead.
an accuser can be a representative or a witness of the victim
the accusation is breach of contract/tresspass not 'damage'
12272  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Your thoughts about Greta Thunberg on: December 17, 2019, 10:48:22 PM
She must be suffering now with all the Christmas markets

grinch who stole christmas
"turn off the lights we already have 8 months of winter. we need it to be 10 months."
"25% more winter or i push you to the wall and get out the firing squad"
12273  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: December 17, 2019, 10:38:44 PM
as for the other stuff
reecka'd you keep ignorin tresspass and contracts. which are part of the constitution and law.

you can cry all you like about not breaking concrete. but thats not what you are being accused of

if i tresspassed on your property and you decided to take me into your barn.. if i was to be stupid to do a badecker ploy. i would ask you why are you accusing me of humping your wife...
you would be wondering what im on about because im only in your barn because i stood on your grass
i would continue to do a backer and ignore the tresspass and continue to spout off crap about how i must have murdered your mother, even though she is alive. my badecker ploy woul be to continue shouting out random other crimes just to waste time and get detained under a psych hold.

meanwhile the tresspass case continues on

i see no reason to actually do a badecker because acting like a mentally damaged idiot helps no one. and has nothing to do with the tresspass/contracts parts of law

i still dont know why badecker thinks the no driving licence is about breaking concrete..
all i do know is badecker doesnt understand the law to even know what the law he would be breaching by driving without a licence and what the issues of the law are.
hint. its not about broken concrete
12274  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: December 17, 2019, 10:25:31 PM
i just read the first paragraphand just (facepalmed)
1. pages ago rebecka'd(aka badecker) was saying a claim trumps a complaint. now hoe saying a complaint trumps a claim
how foolish

2. you cant hide a claim under a complaint.. the claim is the court case the complaint is the reason
you can hide the reason but cant hide the case.

3. a claim and complaint made easy:
here is the difference
state makes a claim against rebecka'd and the complaint is that he violated the rules of the road
rebecka'd goes to court thus acknowledging the claim against him and the reason. but then he just bitches and whinges and speaks like an idiot without filing his own claim.
making his bitching and whinges just a bitching complaint without a claim, much like just verbally abusing nonsense you see homeless people spout out when talking to pidgeons

meaning rebecka'd is the one who has just wasted his own time by just being a whiney bitch. rebecka'd if he had any substantial legal complaint to counter the other party that had even a vague chance of having merit. rebecka'd should formalise it in a counter claim. otherwise he might as well just be screaming in the streets

trying to deny the opposition has made a claim and/or complaint. yet be at the court shows that a claim has been made where no hiding has occured because rebecka'd is there in court as requested so he must have known about it

rebecka'd you really need to try learning stuff from an actual court. not from youtube of your fanclub of freeman cultists

i would love to see rebecka's turn up to a court and say that there is no case and the judge just laughs and said "but you turned up to it, right"

a non court formalised complaint is just like having an argument in a pub/bar about how nasty the warm beer tastes. a formal complaint is filed as a claim
12275  Other / Politics & Society / Re: No ifs, no buts, not maybe Brexit is happening by 31st January 2020. on: December 17, 2019, 03:28:37 PM
as a christian kingdom uk should theretically have much stricter rules on stem cell research than atheist communist democracy EU

have you not read the news of what the church lets its priests do to little kids. and how the BBC media employed many..
i dont think christians actually care about the morals of that stuff, else it woudnt happen or get covered up.

after all they dont even pay alter boys to sing. so that makes me (sarcasticly) aware that 'britains got talent' a capitalist non-religious organisation has more morals than the church. atleast singers on the telent show get paid
12276  Other / Politics & Society / Re: No ifs, no buts, not maybe Brexit is happening by 31st January 2020. on: December 17, 2019, 03:19:20 PM
wealth creation is the goal.
having no 'eu quotas' means we can create more things and then be able to sell them to many countries instead of being limited to how many items we can create due to the eu rationing policies
imagine under eu if we were only allowed to produce 1000 tonnes of wheat. well outside the eu we can produce 10,000 tones and sell just 1000 to the eu to not upset their balance but then have 9000 to sell to whomever else wants it outside the eu
thus more wheat farmers and more exports

as for trade deals we wont have to make every product conform to eu standards just because we were eu. instead when trading with the eu we just have to make sure the produce going into the eu meets their standards where as the same product can have other tweaks done to it to fit other countries needs. and no longer a one size fits all policy.

although we were in the eu we were not completely locked to them. otherwise our electricity regulations would require our house wall plugs be eu plug sockets and the currency would be euro not pound. so we already kind of had a half a foot step out of the eu anyway and we survived. so taking the other step out wont require anything big changing

for instance if EU is anti-stem cell research the UK can do it. but then not trade any research with the eu because they dont want it. instead we can trade it with other interested countries. in the past if in the eu and they were anti-stem cell research we wouldnt have even been able to research it in the first place

so now its  question of what new things can we do previously forbidden and what other countries would be interested in it
12277  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Google claims breakthrough in Quantum computing on: December 17, 2019, 03:02:46 PM
its 0123 no 01.

There are only 2 states contributing to the superposition, 0 and 1.

You mean 4 because the probability amplitudes are complex numbers and each have 2 degrees of freedom? So 2x2 =4? ... But probability is amplitude squared (the Born rule)... so we are back to 2.

nope i mean X not -
4 edges not 2
the 2 states with 2 possible answer is the result after quantum converts back to binary
it gives 2 answers in binary

what your not realising is your still thinking logical 2 state

in quantum there is 4
0 is off 1 is 'kinda on' 2 is mostly on and 3 is on
0 is no 1 is maybe  2 is mostly  and 3 is yes
0 is false 1 is false unless  2 is true unless and 3 is true

google has the technology of 4 states and now is trying to code how to use it.
mostly they are dealing with DNA you know GTAC annd having fun with that as binary systems aint good at 4 state things in a 2 state limiting system
12278  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Google claims breakthrough in Quantum computing on: December 17, 2019, 02:20:17 PM
qbits have 3 states

qubits actually have 4 states

binary has 2 states

qubit is base 4 or otherwise known as quarternary logic (as oppose to binary logic)
0  1
2  3

Not really. It's still just 1s and 0s in quantum computing - the difference is superposition, the fact that in QC multiple states exist simultaneously. So as you increase the number of qubits (x), the processing power increases exponentially, 2x.

your funny, but appears your still reading the fluff 2016 media stuff
try actually reading the proper technical stuff and you know maybe try programming some

its 0123 no 01. it requires then a converter to turn the 0123 into 0,1 for logical computers to understand. which lays in  afew concerns at the moment as not all quantum results can translate into binary results that solve the binary problem trying to be solved.

but hey it will take you a while to get to program a quantum system, so have fun unwrapping the myths of multidimensional blackholes being part of it. (tip: its not about sci-fi stuff)
or maybe just realise the real answer that super position and multidimensional means 'more' positions and 'more' dimensions.. as in more then 2, meaning 4 and more than 2d meaning 3d

its not sci-fi its just moving from 2 to 4.
its like replacing a light switch for a light dimmer that has more brightness options.
not some entrance to other worlds of dopplegangers

if you look at a binary system of 8bits its like 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
where to light up all 8 requires 11111111
if you look at a quantum system its like
0 0 0 0
 X X X
0 0 0 0
where to light up all 8 requires 3 3 3

oh and here is a picture on the left that might help

(hint: no wormholes in sight)
(hint: no - but yes: x)

have a nice day
12279  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: December 17, 2019, 10:49:13 AM
by the way. in real law
the claim is the case for/against you and the complaint is the reason/description of the case for/against you

claim vs complaint is not two different levels of court proceding
when a legal complaint is made its the evidence/reason/description of the claim. it does not mean there is no claim. it means a complaint is just the evidence/reason of a claim

so pretending their is no claim, shows that you have no clue how the court system works

for their to be a claim there needs to be a reason.
a complaint without a claim is simply you being a whiny kid. a complaint in court is the reason for the claim
you can formalise your complaint as more then just being a whiny kid, by making it into a formal case. but pretending that while in a case against you is not a case against you and just a complaint. is like saying your not in court that has been alloted a timeslot, organised getting  a judge to sit it and invited everyone involved to turn up.. but just making a forum post whinging at someone

so while a claim against you is occuring. just being a whining kid is not going to help you. yes you should formalise your complaint by filing it as a counter-claim but that does not mean the auto destruction of their claim againt you simply by filing your own counter claim.
you wont win by default by making a counter claim. in your complaint of your counterclaim has to have merit. it has to have proof and actual reason.

just making a counter claim that you identify yourself as a pink helicopter or a transvestite dildo corporation wont help

and then you still have to deal with their claim against you containing their complaint
12280  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: December 17, 2019, 10:22:15 AM
yes your turn to speak. not own the court

thier claim against you is breach of contract and tresspass
you broke the rules of the road and done something on property you were nt suppose to be on

again you keep being ignorant about contracts and tresspass

you can make any counter claim you like asking if you injured anyone and your claim will be dismissed as no injury is even the claim against you. again its not what you are being accused of. so you wont win your claim, it will just be struck out and the case against you will continue as if you never made a claim

you foolishly think making a counterclaim makes the laim against you disapear. sorry but it dont work like that

your stupid trick is like this:
to walk into the womens bathroom and watch women naked. get sued for indecency but try to defend yourself by asking if you had a gun on you and did you shoot a women.
the case is not about murder or physical harm so everyone in the court will just look at you and think your mentally ill for even thinking your turning up to a murder trial when infact your being civily sued for something else

the only actions resulting from your claim is being put on a mental psych hold for 72 hours

meanwhile the claim against you about the tresspass and breaking the rules still has proof, witnesses and you foolishly admitting the claim against you when you stupidly told them that you were in the situation/location. but then add on the holding the gun nonsense
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