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12821  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Satoshi Moving on to Other Things on: November 01, 2019, 12:20:21 AM
Satoshi was already concerned with the growing interest in Bitcoin. When Gavin decided to go be interviewed by the CIA, it was the last straw.

He moved onto other things that would allow him to roam free without a bullseye on his forehead. Most likely he's currently a Wal-Mart greeter or holding some other such nondescript job.

satoshi was not that paranoid about being sniped by CIA rifle marksmen. his motives were more so about having multiple occassions where he realised he was becoming a central decider for what was supposedly meant to be a decentralised system
he made a few comments about how he personally didnt want to be reviewing other peoples code and such. and a few times mentioned his dislike for things like SR and also yea gavin doing a lecture infront of government guys.

but it wasnt the fear of the government guys that made him move on it was the realisation that he was becoming to much of a focal point of decision and so he backed off instead of becoming a tyrant on the code..

dark knight quote for short: you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain
12822  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: "Game theory" free bitcoin question on: November 01, 2019, 12:09:02 AM
ok firstly most pools do 'first seen' and then ignore other transactions. this is why CPFP was invented to have a child transaction that spends it. thus making the linked parent be required,

what then happens is that you get a chain of transactions
which instead of RBF
1abc (10btc) -> 1bcd (9.99999900) (on person)
1abc (10btc) -> 1ghi (9.99999800) (competing person)

becomes CPFP
1abc (10btc) -> 1bcd (9.99999900) (one person)
                        1bcd(9.99999900) -> 1cde (9.99999700) (same person)
                                                         1cde (9.99999700) -> 1def (9.99999600) (same person)

where they try as fast as they can to make spending transactions hoping to get one tx more than a competitor to then get the confirm

ofcourse this can go on forever or until the guy sees the first transaction confirms then he know the funds are safe in his posession
12823  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: October 31, 2019, 09:58:51 PM
ok. to get to the crux of what i think badecker is trying to forsee/desires
a country without government.

to completely dissolve a government is to not allow a new one to form.
which would be a no-vote turnout (i cant see that happen)

but lets say it did. ok no government, no assistance, no service. suddenly its a complete capitalist and no society
people fight each other to keep their border walls of their houses/gardens as 'theirs'

basically its the civil war and war on independance in reverse

then whn the dust settles and pools of blood dry
they argue about who maintains the roads and who pays for it. eventually neighbourhood associations form.
because neghbourhoods adjoining other neighbourhoods. to come to common ground on certain rules so that those moving long distance are not getting headaches following new rules each suburb they move through. townhall committees are formed.
towns link together and need to come to common ground on certain rules so state senators are formed.
then we are back to having a government.. after alot of bloodshed and property loss

all that literally changes is the brand name of who is the 'management' company that arbitrates things
12824  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: October 31, 2019, 07:38:55 PM
how deep do you want to climb out of the rabbit hole you fell down..

i could go on for hours busting the flaws of the 'freeman' stuff

first of all, the basics of human vs civil. is if simplified down about 'illegal aliens' and 'tresspass'
if your not a legal citizen(not member of public)(not under government rule) then you are tresspassing and will be deported.

if you try using government services you will be denied. roads are a service. so without showing you have a licence(permit(permission)) to use their services then you should not be on the road.

legal acts of the road(government service) is that the public(citizens) should not walk on the road but use the pavement and crossings. roads are made for vehicles and laws of how those vehicles apply to how they should act on the roads

if you dont want to obide by those government legal acts. then become an illegal alien and hide off the grid.. or walk on land which you own or have permission to walk through..
but if you are found using government services accept to be charged for that service.

ok its ben a few years. so lets dig in
mp3. #1 time0:00-15:00
guy goes to court and say he doesnt recognise the courts the case lasts 7 minutes and is ended.
it clearly says in the mp3 the liability order was still active. after the case
all that happened was just wasting the courts time.
the liability order was no quashed
the guy then went to say to those he was liable to that he went to court. but didnt say that those he was liable to just went away.
what half of this freemason crap is about is not lawfully dismissing liability. but actually trying to waste everyones time soo much that they just give up after their accountant works out that its more expensive to keep trying and to just write it off as acceptable loss of revenue.

things like this are done all the time. if you have a credit card/loan owing £500 but know it costs a credit card company £500 to pay to a financial omburdsmen to make a decision. and then £1000 to go to court, and court of appeals. the freemasons would try making credit card companies aware of the costs its costing them to keep fighting for their funds, and mentioning after that the person can just claim bankruptcy meaning the credit card company wont get anything back. thats not the person winning because of human rights. but just getting a company to make a loss and move on.
but the fremasons hide all that tactic in lots of half truths and ploys to make it sound ik its about human rights

mp3. #1 time15:00-30:00
ok this segment is about what authority a court has.
basically anyone can choose any fair venue to argue their case. many contracts can b formed whereby if a person has a problem with thier telephone service. they can first go to their telephone regulator, then tribubal, mitigation, then court.

people can form their own court. but if one party such as  government that feels you have tresspassed or broke one of the rules of the use of their property they can ask you to attend their court.

if someone stands on your land then you can escort them to your barn and get them to defend their actions or suffer the consequences.
EG at a drinking bar/pub, but customer dosnt have money for the drink. you can take them into the kitchen and mak them wash dishes/glasses as payment/punishment/reimbursment of lost costs
but be careful.. your punishment may not be lawful or legal which means you could get in trouble for the punishment you give out.

the whole going to court and saying you dont recognise their authority is not declaring your innocence its just wasting the courts time. if its related to a government service which you broke the rules of then the government courts have procedures for that. they simply add a warrent to get you to turn up later. you actually can end up getting in worse trouble than just admitting you as a human did make a mistake by driving unlicenced

EG by claiming your not a citizen of government you could end up in a detention centre until they can identify a country you are a citizen of to deport you to. rather than just paying a fine for being unlicenced on the road
12825  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: October 31, 2019, 07:06:17 PM
You are starting to get the idea. If people demanded all the rights they have, Government would be put back into the place it is supposed to be, rather than remaining some of the biggest money-making rackets around. And the people would be free from government's stupid constraints.

i went though the whole freeman rabbit hole like 7 years ago. but i actually went into the details and researched beyond the hype, i went through it all and found the flaws.

if people actually demanded their rights and stopped accepting the services of the governments. guess what
first. you end up walking to work. nxt you realise you dont have time/ability to dispose of the trash piling up on your back lawn because local governments stopped servicing you. next you learn to barter because the government/bank money becomes obsolete. then your grand children when they grow up revolutionals your dvolved state into forming a cartel of 'public' service offerings. and thus they end up re-establishing a governemtn, but under a different brand

you do not have the right to travel in a vehicle unhindered. you do not have the right to have garbage disposed of or even water supplid to your house for fre via pipes.

but if you want to go off grid and walk to the nearest river/stream to collet buckets of water and walk to work. fair play. but atleast know what your rights actually are.
your rights to travel end at your little toe not at the front bumper of a vehicle

heres some small little tip-bits
 'civil' right is not a 'human' right.
once you realise the difference you start to learn how not being a civilian/citizen changes how you should expect life to be
12826  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: October 31, 2019, 06:55:36 PM
In other words, since we had the right to travel without licensing, by our private conveyance, before even the Constitution was set in place, if government forces us to get licensing against their own, basic, foundational law, they should at least pay us to get the licensing.

you have the right to walk, dance, talk, wiggle your ass.. all the natural biological abilities
but to use something that is not your biology that can be considered dangerous and able to be used maliciously is not a free right

sorry but a lambo was not around in the days of the constitution.. nowhere does it say you have the right to drive a lambo
if you want to travel. fine. use your feet
12827  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: October 31, 2019, 06:51:54 PM
The funds will go into the pockets of the people, if government pays people to get licenses.

i think you forget that the funds put into government are from the people too
meaning if you want £20 in your bank for updating a licence. it will cost the tax payer(people) £40
£20 to you and £20 for the labour and admin to produce the documents

think about it its only ~3 hours of labour. but to open the post type in your details. validate your driving test certificate is real. produce document, print the plastic card, double check all details are correct and post it back is not a simple 2 second task

so if you want to receive £20 be prepared to have paid more than £20 for that privelige

and please please please stop watching them freemason stuff and just believing it on face value.. atleast do some research
especially if you start believing the tripe about secret 'credit' accounts in peoples 'N'ames.. just dont even bother to believe that tripe. its all been busted and laughed at years ago
12828  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: October 31, 2019, 06:34:40 PM
Consider that the right to travel is a freedom that is supplied by government. Government has all kinds of ways to support payment of roads without licensing... such as toll roads.

Those who can't abide by these (rather generous, IMO) restrictions are free to travel by less dangerous methods.

to BD
the right to travel is not a freedom supplied by government. its a biological ability supplied by your feet.

to Fp
exactly people can walk to places, swim. under their own muscle power of their limbs
BaDecker has definetly ben watching too much of them 'freeman' videos.. im guessing it will take him a couple years to escape that loop as he seems to be stuck in 2014 trends
12829  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Best way to combat the cartels: Legalization of Drugs on: October 31, 2019, 06:21:00 PM
But this isn't going to happen on the federal level in the US mostly because of business and other interests from the people listed below:

Police Unions
Correctional Officer Unions
Big Pharma
Defense Lawyers
and so on.
- big pharma can actually make more money supplying a 'newly available drug

but your right about the for profit prisons and defense lawyers. locking up someone for drugs is far cheaper to investigate, arrest and convict than say a murder investigation is
12830  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Car and Driver licensing on: October 31, 2019, 06:10:19 PM
Is not your car your property? And are you not a free man/woman in a free country? I think Government should pay us to get licensed and to have our vehicle licensed.

What do you think?


oh no badecker... i think you been watching them 'freeman of the land'.. 'sovereign' youtube videos from like 5 years ago.

let me catch you back up just a little bit..
sorry but there is alot of myths that got busted as to the 'freeman of the land'/sovereign crap

let m guess you have a silly belief that when we are born that a secret bank account is created in peoples 'Names' and all the bullony about the capitalisation of the name..
sorry that just was silly stuff that had alot of nonsense involved. purely to get a group of no-bodys to look like they are lawful scholars to then charge consultation and conference/meetup fee's
12831  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What happen? on: October 31, 2019, 06:00:50 PM
You don't see the big picture. While coal is not as "clean" as solar and wind it can be used anywhere, in any climate and their production cost per MW of energy is small. Solar panels are very expensive, easily destroyed by hurricanes and hailstorms, need to be kept clean and lose some of their efficiency over time. The best and most reliable are water generators but they're also expensive to build.

There's no ideal way to produce electrical energy. What is "clean" is usually expensive to make and/or expensive to maintain. You're fighting coal plants and what about people who heat their houses with coal? They produce much more toxic smoke than power plants because of low temperature of burning. Plants have to abide by the standards, private owners don't.

so the rebuttle about preferring coal is that its cheaper and can be set up anywhere

1. with national grids actually linked underwater to other nations. (for instance europe and uk trad electric all th time) solar farms and water turbines can be set up anywhere too..

2. also a 6 panel solar array used to b $15k but now more like $6k
did you know that over 10 years people would spend more than $600 a year on coal

3. people say that the metals needed for solar are a abuse of resources but if you think of how much more steel concrete is needed not just to create a coal power plant but also to build trucks and train carriages and large cargo ships to transport the coal.. is more of an abuse. let alone the diesel costs for the transport.

but i do have to laugh. solar panels expensive to maintain. most come with a 10 year warrenty and the only cleanup is some soapy water and a cloth
people pay a window cleaner and a poolboy more than needed to pay to have solar panels cleaned

oh and one last thing. coal might be cheap to extract but the electric company wont give you electric at the coal extraction cost.
in most cases if you actually tried to be more energy efficient and use less electric, an electric company would usually increase the cost per kw so that they can always show profits to their board members. so you will never win the lets stick with coal as it will be cheaper.
12832  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Who is the single most influential person in Bitcoin? on: October 30, 2019, 10:30:14 PM
if you asked 5 years ago i would have said andreas, but he seems to b very core band campy more so then open bitcoin network where any dev has as much chance as any other to offer up the next bugfix/innovation for the network

if h went back to how he told things in the early days he would be more popular in many peoples eyes

these days. 'influencers' dont have a clue. they just promote brands just to get people to buy things
12833  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Satoshi Nakamoto, here's an idea for you (if you are still out there): on: October 30, 2019, 02:16:12 PM
Maybe we need Bitcoin 2.0.

core devs dont even want to give us bitcoin 1.0
we are currently at 0.18.x meaning if 0.18 is 10 years they wanna play around and stiffle and limit bitcoin for over 50 years before bitcoin 1.0

the good(sarc) old core conservative politicians need to be sacked and get some programmers to be programmers.
12834  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Dont break rules while trading on: October 30, 2019, 02:04:49 PM
never trade based on the news
the news is the emotional speculative layer...

also by the time media are talking about it the main trades are already done meaning your late to the party and you are at the tail end of the hype

my main success is looking at the costs of mining bitcoin and treat that a 'value' and then the market price above it as the spot/speculation. if the PRICE is far far above value, your in the hype/bubble zone. if the PRICE is near value then theres not much speculation meaning your getting in before any speculation hypes up

imagine it like the ocean people only see the tides/waves but they never see/think of the natural lower water level. all they hear about is the tsunami's of speculation/volatility
       /\            hype (tsunami)
/\/\/   \   /\     normal speculation(daily tide)
______\/__    value (underlying waterline)
12835  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What will be Boris legacy? on: October 30, 2019, 12:36:02 PM
anyway, back to the topic

boris's legacy

knowing the EU deal is not about what boris has control of because the reality is its a decision between the EU and the commons all coming to an agreeable vote on each side. with boris just being the messenger

if cameron, May, Boris had the deciding power then the commons would not have ruled out anything and current/previous prime ministers would have just done what they wanted.

so boris's legacy is not the EU. as thats a process thats outside of his power.

boris's only legacy was to be able to say he was PM just to stay famous in the elistist crowd of the bullingdon boys club
12836  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What will be Boris legacy? on: October 30, 2019, 12:06:28 PM
Yes a falling pound will benefit exporters, but at the same time it will mean higher import prices. The UK isn't a manufacturing powerhouse any more. We don't have an export-driven economy. A falling pound has a small beneficial effect and a larger detrimental effect.

higher import prices??
you make it sound like 500% increase.. sorry to re-inform you. think more like 10-20% increase. which as we all know and i already mentioned the UK is resiliant at buffering out or not caring about 10-20% changes. we are used to it.

just last month bread was £1 a loaf, last week it was £1.50. i bet i will go to the shop next month and it will be somewhere between £1 and £1.50. we are completely used to price changes. so we wont see the impact. its not going to feel anything like some apocalyptic hyper inflation scenario in any way.

and like i said if things d go drastic, great, we make our own and sell it to the people that wanna charge us more because we can then make our own cheaper.

fun fact. did you know increasing the national minimum wage from £7.50(march '18) to £8.21(april '19) would have caused more financial impact than customs fees.

what people dont know is EU is similar climate to uk so what they can grow we can grow, the only hinderance of us growing our own was mainly the farming quotas which we wont be subjected to. thus a new farming revolution can restart. the other stuff like oranges pineapples and banana's come from southern america an such and not really going to b much of an issue.

once you wash away al the media apocalypse fearmongering that simply want to blame a prime minister whos only been in the job for a couple months.. you start to see the real stuff of how the individual farmers get positives out of it

12837  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What will be Boris legacy? on: October 30, 2019, 09:07:24 AM
3. Your countries business are going to have to pay more for importing goods that they use -- decreasing profits and increasing the costs of goods. This could lead to less profits -- layoffs, increased cost of goods, etc.

first of all.. customs fees are not 500% not 100% not 50% but 10% 20%

guess what.
the euro/pound exchange rate has changed by OVER 20% and guess what.. people dont notice
our country is used to paying £1 for 4 pints of milk in one store and £1.20 in another without making a fuss about it

heck we have a store called poundland that used to sell everything thy stocked for £1 each.. now before brexit is even a 'cost' problem thy sell things for £2 and no on is making a fuss

20% increase in price wont make a difference
2litres of asda(walmart) ownbrand lemonade going from 18p to 20p aint going to deter people from acid burning their teeth and stomach lining. heck many people didnt care much for the sugar tax increase.

but here is the thing
imagine a farmer who makes and exports aberdeen angus meet at £10 a kg.. imagine europeans bought a kg for 11.60euro and after brexit with cost changes and exchangerate changes that 11.60euro gets the farmer £11
yep if pound hit 1:1euro 11.60 euros-20% customs tax=£11

so the farmer now gets £11
meaning we PROFIT from EXPORTING
this means we make bigger farms as we dont have to follow EU quotas no more, we get to sell more meat and get more money for the meat.
12838  Other / Politics & Society / Re: POPULATION on: October 30, 2019, 05:04:37 AM
^^^ Right! And if people decided to build up, or build down, or cover the oceans, and build up and down on the oceans, Earth could easily hold many billions more.


i feel sorry for your wife if your thinking of having 100billion kids in 9 months
if you even done some math,,
8000m2 per person

yep a family of four equates to having enough habitable land for 40 of these

2car garage, outdoor pool, patio area all four sides garden, and a guest house

so selling 39 plots to be used for retail/farming
and this is only in a scenario of single floor living.
12839  Other / Politics & Society / Re: POPULATION on: October 29, 2019, 11:56:15 PM
How to live comfortable in an over populated environment?

overpopulated environment?


i see all countries with empty land.. i se many of those countries paid by governments not to grow on it, not to build on it but just sit on the land.

over population/underpopulation is not about there not being physical land. its about politics. governments/bankers put limits on what can be done so that the cause a demand increase in urban areas purely for profit.

its stuff like why is the price of meat expensive.. its not due to animal feed issues or land.. but simply farming quotas
housing shortage is not about land its about politics to only want builders building on 'brown' sites(urban) by building up(apartments/skyscrapers) not outwards

no one needs to create man made islands.. if population was a true environment concern governments would and do just release more land for building on

there is 57mill miles2 of land.. 27mill miles2 for habitable use

this equates to ~8000metres2 per person.... more than enough to build a family house on and sell the rest off as farmland
12840  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What will be Boris legacy? on: October 29, 2019, 11:27:17 PM
if we leave without trade deals GREAT.
i say this because if we cant import cheaply.. we then go back to making our own again = more jobs, farms, self sustainability.

that said vn if we dont get the EU central crew to agree to a deal, we can just do independant deals with the 5-6 main countries that border the continents coastline facing us.

after all we dont need to worry much about italy, poland, and such as the delivery trucks have to pass through france or germany so we only ned to have a deal with those gateways to get stuff to us

as for anyone thinking there is no way countries will do deals.. well america, africa, south america, russia, india, china etc are not EU partners but they have deals. so obviously so can we.

what people also keep forgetting is the UK is part of the commonwealth and the EU rely on the UK to get through to commonwealth countries

but anyway, the main benefit in a worse case scenario is that if it costs more to buy eu stuff, we simply mess with the pound/euro exchange rate to compensate for the change and soften the blow. aswell as not import as much by making more of our own.

if you really think that not being in the EU is a bad issue then 150 countries that are not eu must really be suffering..(but they aint)
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