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141  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: BITCOIN PUMP! on: November 20, 2018, 10:22:12 PM
Mi spiace per chi ha perso soldi, ed è stato "shakerato" da chi ora sta accumulando BTC per il momento giusto, ovvero quel momento in cui questi prezzi non torneranno più, le istituzioni saranno dentro, le banche normali si mischieranno alle crypto e saremo di nuovo in mano loro (con l'ovvia autonomia di chi comunque ha deciso di tenersi le sue crypto e la sua chiave privata al calduccio a casa). Oltre a questo sarà tutto regolamentato a livello fiscale/legislativo. Basta seguire neanche troppo approfonditamente le notizie per capire che tutto si sta muovendo in quel con calma.....prima bisogna battere cassa.

La verità è che il mondo crypto non è mai stato bene come oggi. Ma il suo benessere non si dovrebbe misurare dal prezzo, e molti qua ci cascano.
Semplicemente si sta ripulendo in maniera più o meno forzata da tutti quegli inaccettabili (fatevene una ragione) aspetti anarchici che lo hanno sempre meno caratterizzato negli anni.
Diciamo che si sta "normalizzando". E quando ti normalizzi cosa succede? Intanto che la festa è finita, che qualcuno entra a spallate, che chi deve uscire è meglio che lo faccia subito e che un poco di sangue deve scorrere.
Questo anche perchè con un valore di 20K (parlo solo di BTC, ma tutto il comparto era in overflow di entusiasmi) il treno era passato e di certo quando si parla di denaro il treno che passa non è accettabile per chi tiene le redini dell'economia mondiale.

Certamente molte persone sono state fregate, anche dai media che pomparono BTC e sembravano dirti "Se riesci a comprarlo, diventerai ricco, dicono che arriverà a 250K Euro entro 5 anni".
E questa non è un'opinione : quasi tutti i miei colleghi/amici comprarono crypto, solo in quel momento, da 0.1 ad 1+ BTC. Almeno 20 persone.
La maggior parte di chi ora giudica questo evento, non è semplicemente in grado di guidicarlo. Non sa niente ora e non lo sapeva prima.
Capire questo mondo è difficile, bisogna studiare, e capire in primis la tecnologia, non l'articolo di giornale scritto dal primo dilettante che passa.
Ma dopo che hai capito questo, devi anche capire che il gioco è in mano a pochi. E che se è accettabile 1K->20K allora lo è anche 20K->4K.
Ce ne sono di cose da capire......eccome se ce ne sono....da scriverne un libro : aspetti tecnici, aspetti sociali, economici, tecniche di marketing, scam di tutti i tipi spesso nascosti e borderline....
Se Multiversum ha raccolto 20 Milioni con la parola "Blockchain 4.0" (abbiamo la 1.0 che è praticamente ancora una beta, e la 2.0 che non ha ancora trovato la sua forma reale, siamo realisti....) credo ci sia poco altro da dire se non confermare che le cose stanno andando esattamente come dovevano andare.

Non vorrei dilungarmi troppo, e concludo : se volevano ammazzare BTC o le crypto lo avrebbero fatto con lo sforzo di una scoreggia già alcuni anni fà. Avevano tanti modi, non ne hanno utilizzato neanche uno. Hanno dato dei colpetti quà e là ma nulla di preoccupante.
E ora sono tutti li. Pronti e entrare. Ma con calma.....prima vi devono svuotare le mani :-)
Il sogno della tecnologia disrupting che DISTRUGGERA' le banche rimane un sogno, e tale rimarrà. Su questo potete contarci. Ma "Be your own bank" quello si, possiamo farlo.

HODL! Sempre.
142  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: November 08, 2018, 07:10:43 AM
Please help me to find a setting.

C.A.T. is buying 100 coins and tries then to sell 99.x, rounds it to 99 coins, so I am left with 1 coin dust.
Where is the settings, that it does not take ALL coin?

It might be only on Binance, since the fee is paid here in BNB.

C.A.T. have internal rounding routines that are applied before perform a buy/sell actions.
There are situations where fees must be pre-calculated (ex 100 Qty - 0.XX% of 100 in Fees = 99,XX QTY you can sell)
There are situations where user decide where fees are taken (from the main currency, from the partner currency, from another main currency).
In general CAT is not able to have a fee policy 100% equal to the exchange.

Rounding is always performed on the lower value : Example with max 3 decimal digits 9.9999 -> 9.999

Sometimes dust qty can result, like the case you post.
143  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: October 16, 2018, 03:05:41 PM
i will be away for some days. I'll ba back on 22. So don't worry if i don't reply to pm messages  Wink
144  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: September 30, 2018, 09:38:34 AM
Hi Sampey,

Just a question?
Is there a way to cancel all ping orders on a market automatically when the market has gone over or under a certain price.

eg: of you have a Stop Ping Creation in place and the ma/rket goes above or below those settings, can a deletion of ping trades be initiated in any way, is there only the options to buy/sell in the stop loss section.

maybe an addition in the stop.loss tab for removal of ping trades would be nice or in the Stop Ping Tab.

reason I'm asking is that I'm hitting some max orders in some exchanges and would like to clean up any really low/high trades that are taking up trades.


no, there's no conditional order delete (Except for recreation routine, but this is not what you mean)
145  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Fisco / Tasse / Legge sul Bitcoin on: September 26, 2018, 02:46:53 PM
Avrete già risposto ma chiedo comunque: Se compro 5.000€ di BTC e li vendo a 7.000, come pago le tasse sul capital gain?

Se le dovessi corrispondere, le paghi sui 2000 di plusvalenza (26% se non sbaglio)

Come fa l'AdE a sapere che li ho presi a 5.000 però? Vanno sulla fiducia?

Guardano (in caso di accertamento) nella history dell'exchange dove li hai acquistati

Se l'exchange è fallito/non esiste più, a te l'onere della prova, altrimenti paghi il capital sui 7000 totali

Se li hai comprati in contanti, a te l'onere della prova, altrimenti pagherai ancora una volta il capital sui 7000 totali

Se dovessero applicare una regola simile a quella dell'oro (ragionevole, sempre che valga ancora) allora sarebbe la seguente (estratto da qua :

Ho acquistato a 100 (documentato dalla fattura di acquisto) e rivendo a 120. Ho, quindi, una plusvalenza pari a 20. Dovrò pagare il 26% di 20.

E se non ho la documentazione relativa all’acquisto e/o mi è impossibile rintracciarla?  L’agenzia delle entrate ha previsto anche questo e, in caso ciò avvenga, ti chiederà di calcolare la plusvalenza sul 25% dell’importo complessivo incassato in fase di rivendita.

Diciamo che in una situazione simile sarei molto più preoccupato di prendermi potenziali accuse dall'antiriciclaggio.
Che non è tanto l'accusa in sè, poichè essendo nel penale l'onere della prova NON spetta a me, ma a loro, e quindi dormo sonni tranquilli.
Il problema rimane che durante le indagini potrebbero entrarmi in casa con un mandato, prelevando materiale digitale, e questo non sarebbe piacevole.
146  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: September 16, 2018, 12:28:10 PM does not work C.A.T._5.2 , C.A.T._5.1 working

PM me with the error you get because i don't have errors in running CAT on Yobit with 5.2 version.
147  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: September 09, 2018, 12:32:29 PM
Please, To sell a CAT Copy use the marketplace section, not this topic.

148  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: August 22, 2018, 05:04:22 PM
min gain at 1% is too low.
you must also consider the % GAIN is WITH FEE, so if you have 0.25% FEE then you will have 0.5% FEE (ping+pong), and your real gain (with 1%) will be 0.5%. Too low.
149  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: August 22, 2018, 04:17:02 PM
Thank you, how do i setup a general stop loss?

from the stop loss rules panel

Thank you, i added rules in the stop loss to
Buy all if % spread between reference and market price is less then 1%
Sell all if % spread between reference and market price is less then 1%

this added alot of negative gains and loosing transactions, what are the proper values to use here please?

you put a stop loss at 1% LOSS, it's too low.
you must put a reasoneable % VALUE, like 10%
150  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: August 20, 2018, 05:37:12 PM
Thank you, how do i setup a general stop loss?

from the stop loss rules panel
151  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: August 20, 2018, 03:53:50 PM
How do I stop this from happening?

Creation Life

orders just get stuck

you can edit the price for a recreation and force the order to be executed.
Or set a general stop loss
or delete the order
152  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: August 19, 2018, 06:56:56 PM
Feature requests:

  • Put negative gains in red and/or bold
  • Add filters to the markets list. For example, I want to select markets with volume > 100btc, >200 24h buy trades, >300 24h sell trades and spread >10%

you can user SORT functions for the market tables.
153  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: August 14, 2018, 10:41:00 AM
Hi Sampey, sent you a pm for Auto Update Suspended on 20th July. Can you check?

you're ok in the active users list


api update soon... sorry for delays  Wink

Would you stop one day to spam this topic with this nonsense reply?  Roll Eyes
154  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: August 03, 2018, 11:40:29 PM
Hi Sampey, sent you a pm for Auto Update Suspended on 20th July. Can you check?

you're ok in the active users list
155  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: August 01, 2018, 08:59:24 PM

Can I ask what method of API CAT uses to access Poloniex?

Its just that they have a notice up saying that v1 of their API will obsoleted on 25th September, dose this mean that CAT will cease to function after that date?

Below is their notification is worded:

"Friendly reminder to those using our v1 push API. Please switch to our v2 push API by September 25, 2018 as v1 will be obsolete on that day. Read our API documentation here ( by The Poloniex Team at 2018-07-30 21:25:48"


CAT doesn't use PUSH Api. PUSH is something sent by the server to you, like a push notification on your phone.
CAT use REST API. It's CAT that asks for data.
156  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: July 31, 2018, 09:09:03 PM
Decimal places usually are a contraints given by the exchange, and it's not something you can choose.

Sorry, I meant it is better to place an order for eg. 0.214254 then 0.2?

you should always consider the rule

0.2XXXXX -> 0.2
0.1XXXXX -> 0.1

then it's up to you what you prefer.
157  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: July 31, 2018, 09:03:06 PM
So it is better to use more decimals?

And also the fees for Kraken displayed in CAT don't match with the fees in my Kraken account page 0.25/0.25 vs. 0.16/.026. See

Decimal places usually are a contraints given by the exchange, and it's not something you can choose.
Fee displayed by CAT are only an "info", but fees calculated are correct and directly obtained by the API CALL.


Get open positions


txid = comma delimited list of transaction ids to restrict output to
docalcs = whether or not to include profit/loss calculations (optional.  default = false)
Result: associative array of open position info

<position_txid> = open position info
    ordertxid = order responsible for execution of trade
    pair = asset pair
    time = unix timestamp of trade
    type = type of order used to open position (buy/sell)
    ordertype = order type used to open position
    cost = opening cost of position (quote currency unless viqc set in oflags)
    fee = opening fee of position (quote currency)
    vol = position volume (base currency unless viqc set in oflags)
    vol_closed = position volume closed (base currency unless viqc set in oflags)
    margin = initial margin (quote currency)
    value = current value of remaining position (if docalcs requested.  quote currency)
    net = unrealized profit/loss of remaining position (if docalcs requested.  quote currency, quote currency scale)
    misc = comma delimited list of miscellaneous info
    oflags = comma delimited list of order flags
        viqc = volume in quote currency
158  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: July 31, 2018, 08:44:03 PM
Actually CAT always round down because many customers were not happy with the "classic" round (from 0,0 to 0,4 > 0 from 0,5 to 0,9 -> 1)
Your case is the "extreme" case where the round down mode is not good : usually exchanges allows at least 3-4 decimal places, so round it's not very important.
159  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: July 29, 2018, 05:18:28 PM

Announcements > API Update - September 1st, 2018 7 月 29, 2018
Starting from September 1st, 2018, 00:00 UTC, Bitfinex will be implementing a series of changes to the way we manage WebSocket connections to our APIs.

As of September 1st, every WebSocket connection will have a limit of 50 subscriptions to market data feed channels (tickers, book, candles, trades, ...). We kindly ask all users to adapt their application setup accordingly to split subscriptions to channels on more WebSocket.

As an example, if you subscribe to all tickers, books, candles, trades channels on a single WebSocket connection, you'll receive

error:10305 (

to notify the quota if the current socket is full. For users, this means handling multiple streams, or running multiple instances and spreading them over different pairs.
Implementing this API change results in quicker connections for all our API users, meaning quicker data feeds and optimised trading strategies.

For a full overview of the Bitfinex API documentation, refer to the following page:

. For issues, please contact


[API Update September 2018]
as the email subject.

Does this mean that he is going to delete the API KEY?

wtf... again

CAT doesn't use websocket API.
160  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 5.2 BETA + BINANCE !!! 🌟 on: July 19, 2018, 07:56:09 PM
Hi Sampey, I have a question regarding the interface for C.A.T.

It seems to me that c.a.t. cannot be navigated using only the keyboard; am I right?
I ask because I was thinking of automating some operations I do frequently on CAT via scripts, so I can do them easily without much input from my part. But it seems the mouse is needed.

not sure about that.
probably java have a default GUI order and you can navigate tabs and buttons using some keyboard combinations.....but i'm not an expert about that
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