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141  Local / Политика / Re: Россия on: November 27, 2016, 04:13:47 PM
Конечно на роисе самые актуальные вопросы это госдолг США, когда обама прекратит гадить в парадных, чо там у хохлов и прочее, великая роися идет семимильными шагами вперди планеты всей !

"Закрыть одну из лучших онкобольниц страны? Не вопрос! Очередной результат «оптимизации» медицины


Всю статью приводит не буду, очень много текста. Также почитайте комментарии которые пишут жители россии, не пиндосы, не укропы, а россияне. Великие патриоты роиси конечно же будут лечиться на загнивающем западе - они не идиоты чтобы отдать свое драгоценное здоровье роисской медицине. А вот 140 млн пусть гордится, пьет боярышник, и ... и здоровья, держитесь там.

Просто пару слов о роиси:
Общее количество уволенных в результате реформы столичного здравоохранения медработников составило 8,36 тыс. человек.

План-график столичных властей по реорганизации московской системы здравоохранения попал в интернет в октябре 2014 года. Документ был опубликован на сайте План подразумевает ликвидацию 28 столичных медучреждений, включая 15 больниц, и сокращение их работников. В общей сложности планировалось уволить более 7,4 тыс. человек.

К началу декабря 2014 около 7 тыс. медицинских работников получили уведомления о сокращении, рассказал председатель думской комиссии по социальной политике и трудовым отношениям Михаил Антонцев.

...но бабло миллиардами идет герою роиси, скрипачу рукожопу, Диме для уточки, и еще на обеспечение кучи "секретных статей"

За то по ящику показывают как все Россию боятся. Как Россия поставила "своего" президента в Америке. Это же важнее! Странный народ! Кесарю кесарево!
142  Local / Политика / Re: Украине пригрозили лишением права на проk on: November 27, 2016, 04:09:50 PM
Украине пригрозили лишением права на проведение «Евровидения»

Украина может лишиться права на проведение конкурса «Евровидение» в 2017 году, если не поторопится с его организацией. Об этом в воскресенье, 27 ноября, генеральный директор Национальной телерадиокомпании (НТРК) Украины Александр Харебин рассказал ТСН. В начале октября Европейский вещательный союз, который является организатором конкурса, по словам Харебина, «показал НТРК "красную карточку" из-за фактического срыва подготовки к конкурсу». Среди причин были указаны «бюрократия, несовершенство законодательных актов и пренебрежительное отношение некоторых чиновников к конкурсу».

Странно, почему то не слышу по ТВ и радио лидера прошлого Евровидения Джамалу с ее знаменитой песней про сталинский режим, которую она промычала тогда в микрофон. Не иначе, цензура Путина.
Мы это когда-то слышали с Евро 2012. И что? Отлично провели. Уж какой-то конкурс точно проведут. Вся инфраструктура есть, что сцену не смогут оборудовать? Чушь!
143  Local / Политика / Re: Россия on: November 27, 2016, 04:06:29 PM
Если отбросить все предрасудки и враждебность, то интересно что думают о безвизовом режиме в Украине россияне. Только не нужно говорить о том дадут или не дадут, и конечно не оскорбляя. Просто своё мнение без злобы..
Лично мне без разницы, потому как нас это не касается совсем. Зато я думаю, что РФ соглашение о безвизовом режиме с Украиной точно надо отменять. А то как-то забавно, что у половины свидомых на этом форуме московские IP адреса. Нехорошо гадить там же, где и ешь, так что пусть гадят за свой счёт из Ивано-Франковска. Roll Eyes
А зачем вообще гадить? Не пробовали жить по правде? Сколько лет жили в Союзе и не научились? Если нет, то Россию ждет дальнейший распад. Забыли опыт 90-х?
144  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are you going to vote? on: November 26, 2016, 01:35:11 PM
I think after this election in America has created an urgent need to change the existing electoral system. Given the conservatism of the us Senate think this decision will not be accepted.

You want to change the electoral system just because your candidate lost? No. That is not going to happen. The electoral college system was invented, in order to assure that the smaller states such as Wyoming and Vermont are not ignored by the political parties. If only the popular vote matters, then the campaign will be limited to a few populous states, such as California, New York, Illinois, Texas and Florida.
A what now? Anyone interested in the fate of small States? The capital of the American automobile industry Detroit will soon cease to exist. While not a large difference in the number of votes all votes matter.
145  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why are the Russian so happy with the win Trump? on: November 26, 2016, 01:22:07 PM
Putin is not a cunning. He is arrogant and knows how to bribe politicians. Remember how Chancellor Schroeder lobbied for a pipeline from Russia and Europe, and then headed the Department in Gazprom? Now Europe is dependent on Russian gas.

Europe is dependent on Russian gas because Russia offers the cheapest and most reliable supply of gas to the continent. The other options are either too expensive (LNG from Qatar and the United States), or unreliable (pipeline gas from Syria and Iran).
If Europe is to agree with America and discourage Syria, this situation will change. In General, the world is going to that soon gas would not be necessary, and Russia will lose its influence in Europe.

It still doesn't answer the question. If the European Union "agrees" with the United States and "discourages" Syria, how is that going to bring cheap and reliable natural gas to the continent? The EU is one of the biggest consumers of natural gas, and it produces only a small part of that volume. The remaining is imported from abroad (including Russia, Maghreb, and Qatar).
The gas pipeline from Syria through Italy can quite cope with this problem. Besides, there is a constant decline in gas consumption. Norway also produce a lot of gas.
146  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [NEWS] UK will censor online porn that depicts 'non-conventional' sex acts on: November 26, 2016, 01:18:47 PM
I don't know why the government is wasting so much resources in preventing people from watching porn. The last time I checked, violent crime was on the rise in the United Kingdom. They should do more to fight violent crime, rather than spying on people who watch porn.
UK for me has always been a model of democracy in the world. Why go to such limits? Especially in this age of the Internet it came to nothing lead. Only fuels the interest in this video.
147  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Mr. Trump will warming of relations with Russia. on: November 26, 2016, 01:14:49 PM
I absolutely agree we should defend our interests, but a war with Russia could end the world as we know it. Who knows how long mutual nuclear deterrence will last. If only a handful of those thousands of nuclear warheads soar around, we're done.

I don't bother much about the nukes in the possession of Russia and the United States. But I am really worried about the nuclear weapons, which are currently held by rogue states such as North Korea and Pakistan. Also, Saudi Arabia is currently attempting to purchase nuclear weapons from the United States.
I agree with you. These mills are far more dangerous! I doubt very much that the Americans will do something that will sell nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia. Them that little North Korea? Trump wanted to leave sanctions against Iran.
148  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why are the Russian so happy with the win Trump? on: November 26, 2016, 01:10:32 PM
Putin is not a cunning. He is arrogant and knows how to bribe politicians. Remember how Chancellor Schroeder lobbied for a pipeline from Russia and Europe, and then headed the Department in Gazprom? Now Europe is dependent on Russian gas.

Europe is dependent on Russian gas because Russia offers the cheapest and most reliable supply of gas to the continent. The other options are either too expensive (LNG from Qatar and the United States), or unreliable (pipeline gas from Syria and Iran).
If Europe is to agree with America and discourage Syria, this situation will change. In General, the world is going to that soon gas would not be necessary, and Russia will lose its influence in Europe.
149  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fidel Castro Dies at 90. Today is the day Cuba is .. on: November 26, 2016, 01:06:13 PM
Not sure him Being dead will do anything for their freedom. His brother is still in charge.

And after his brother, his son will be made the leader. Fidel Castro spent millions of USD every year to lead a luxurious lifestyle, when ordinary Cubans were struggling to feed themselves. Fidel Castro was a clone of Kim Jong Il.
I agree! Name me one tyrant who lived modestly. Probably the only one I know is Stalin. Now all tyrants live in luxury. For example, the same Putin, though headed by the same country that Stalin, but not like this. Only one thing unites all tyrants, that at them all the people living in poverty.
150  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Your Money or Your Life on: November 26, 2016, 01:00:21 PM
Of course my life, due to money or sustenance rather, God always gives us what we need, because God knows what we need, not what we want. Because sometimes what we want to will be redundant because actually it did not need. In life, money is not everything.
What does the fairy tale about God? Whom God feeds at all? Everyone earns their bread by himself. I agree that money is not the most important thing. In my country we say "Happiness is not in money, but in their numbers!"
151  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Duterte is most genius leader in the world agree? on: November 26, 2016, 12:56:14 PM
The book of art of war duterte knows it that is why he play in international arena in the whole world. To get what he wants for the better future of the Philippines. Unlike before Philippines will be soon rise in the sky. I hope people in the Philippines listen to this leader. I hope they will not corrupt in their respective agency.
I do not believe that such brutal methods can be used to build a new state. Happiness and joy on the blood can not build. I'm afraid that instead of the new state he will build a dictatorship.

if you really do your homework about politics and history, You will realize that your point is just for fantasy and not reality. There is no successful state/ empire that rise without the sacrifice of blood or dealing a war against other.. At first, it is brutal but at the end you will see the good result, Even in the bible, there is a lot of war occurred to make one kingdom become successful. So i think there is no wrong on Duterte's move, Let's just wait for the result
I'm an atheist and think all religion is built on blood. Fight for happiness you have, but the weapon will only help in the fight against the invaders. Within the country the use of weapons may lead to a split.

He only declare war on drugs. Those are criminals who choose to sell illegal drugs, and I think they know the consequence of that. They will die if they fight the police. At least it lessen the criminality like the rape or robbery here.
I do not agree that the fight against drugs, supported population. This business brings not bad income, and people don't always want to part with their money. In Mexico, drug traffickers are very popular.
152  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Precious metals are not useful in a collapse scenario! on: November 26, 2016, 12:51:53 PM
Call me crazy, but I just read about the situation in India with everyone scrambling at the banks to get rid of the banned currency...and the Cypress situation that happened a couple of years ago, and Greece.  I remember those things, and every. Time. I . Do. I realize how so very fucking important it is to have physical assets.  Gold & silver, weapons, and real estate.  All good things to have, because any government can do exactly what India just did and declare their money worthless.  Think about it.

You don't want to own a lot of real estate. Government can tax it as they please. It's called "real" estate for a reason: real is "royal, belongs to the king" in Spanish. Peasants don't own real estate, including in modern democracies. You don't own something you have to pay a tax on.
There is a fairy tale "Magic voice Gelsomino". Wrote Gianni Rodari. So there is the government to make money have introduced taxes on air. What I mean is that if people remain silent, the authorities will always find a way to Rob him.
153  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: November 26, 2016, 12:46:39 PM
To solve the problem of religious disputes, I suggest let the atheists are treated in medical institutions, and the believers may be treated with prayers. And we will see who is right.

This is a good idea. It's about time believers place their trust in God Who can heal them, rather than in the medical which is killing many times more than guns do, every year. If the, above, strategy was adhered to, we soon wouldn't have any more atheists.


I dare you, slaphead! STOP taking ANY meds from now on and just pray your god.
Try not to be the hypocrite bigot I know you are and DON'T CHEAT! DON'T TAKE ANY MEDICATIONS AT ALL!

Let's see if you make it to the end of next year...  Grin Grin Grin

I am sure that such believers dispute for 10 years will not do. Whatever they say,but according to the doctors they run no less than atheists. Only in society tell their stories. It's all up to the Church to receive donations.
154  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Yanukovich - live on: November 25, 2016, 05:53:43 PM  (In Russian)

Yanukovich live
Lies and does not blush. All of the questions asks to repeat twice. To it in headphones dictated answers. This idiot can not 2 words together. Do not stop to wonder, what could this stupid gangster choose the presidents.
155  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Other Ukrainian Spy is arrested in Crimea. on: November 25, 2016, 05:50:10 PM
The other dude, lover of Airsoft is collaborating with FSB, he is a part of large group of arrested people.
There is no crime to show on TV picture the airsoft things, they are legal in Russian Federation.
Then you look at the video when detained first in this group. In this video cut out the search of his home, but even here in his belt airsoft Makarov. This is evident by the color of the handle of the gun. I'm not talking about everything else found during the search.
156  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Your Money or Your Life on: November 25, 2016, 05:43:03 PM
I will go with life. Cause if I chose money, I may as well lose life. Well if I chose life I will still have a chance to work and have money once again.
You are right of course, but I know cases when because of the loss of large sums of money people committed suicide. So there are cases when people choose the money. I don't blame them. It's their choice, but my choice is another.
157  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam are Good Terrorists. on: November 25, 2016, 05:37:04 PM
Why do you think that the oil mafia only American?
Is the structure of Gazprom is not the same only the Russian mafia? Syria is an example of gang warfare . Russia takes an active part. Better than you?

This is Hot.
Do You accuse the actions of Russian Federation in Syria as Gangster Actions?

The legal Government of Syria make a request to Russia to fight illegal armed formations on his territory, this is 100% not a gangsters deal.

From the point of view of the law it is, but from the moment began firing heavy weapons from residential areas of cities and bombed with planes I don't consider this government legitimate, and the more such actions of Russia.
158  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Israel on Fire on: November 25, 2016, 05:30:28 PM
Forest fires and drought are becoming more common all over the globe.
Forest fires and droughts have been around for millions of years.
Thanks to the internet we now read about it.
I agree. Now the news spread quickly and not lost due to non-relevance. As for the fires in Israel, I do not believe that it is a natural phenomenon. The ignition temperature of the wood 165 degrees. It's a diversion.
159  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Other Ukrainian Spy is arrested in Crimea. on: November 25, 2016, 05:25:02 PM
Proofs are physical things, lol.

This dude for sure is on video and this video is hot enough.
You should have edited this video. One of the detainees there is just the one who had found the weapon for airsoft. I guess the whole gang is a team of airsoft. Do not tell the world and release people.
160  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam are Good Terrorists. on: November 25, 2016, 05:17:05 PM
Some of these "moderate" terrorist groups are even more barbaric than the ISIS.
I just can't understand how the United States can support such groups. Also, many of these groups are selling their American weapons to the ISIS.

Standard Oil Mafia is a face of USA actions worldwide
Why do you think that the oil mafia only American? Is the structure of Gazprom is not the same only the Russian mafia? Syria is an example of gang warfare . Russia takes an active part. Better than you?
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