Considering the high probability of fraud from newbie sockpuppets, only established 100+ post users will be allowed to participate.
Fair enough. Would you be willing to accept bets from newbies if we pay our stake upfront. In the event of default you return double? No risk to yourself, and everyone can check in the blockchain to show that you made good on every lost bet. I'll do this free of charge if you like - send me the BTC and I'll send it straight to Matthew.
I'll proxy bets for 10%
100BTC 18pChH7Mf8DjP5Vxxva8R4UxRT22eMZd2j Reckless? Matthew?
Valid bet.
@Otomakan Ishotas: Please read the OP. You're not an established member.
bet void What is your current opinion on the likely hood of a pirate payout?
I suspect pirate will make a second generation of BST with lower interest when he returns all the deposit next week.
I'm neutral in the fight of pozi vs legit. Of course. If he comes back with a more stable offering after paying out I would love to invest.
The good thing is that we all likely will know rather soon.
In best case scenario I've been completely wrong about all of this all the time, I sincerely hope to be wrong, however unlikely that is. I'm glad you've said that because the amount of vitriol that has been spread on this forum recently has suggested that some people actually want this to be a ponzi - if only to be right. Many people have been called shills, liars and even criminals - they are surely owed an apology by some people if Pirate does pay everything owed.
Proud to say that I created the very first account on bitcoinmax I thought that was me actually "Yay I was the first one to participate in a ponzi scheme." You should add that to your signatures guys. LOL! If pirate pays out everything owed, will you retract your statement?
I'd like to see it go to something useful. Some sort of cancer research, alzheimers, etc. + 1 for alzheimers
Strange question.
Why would the 'NWO' want a decentralised currency when they are apparently all for centralisation?
Did you kill pirate......?
With kindness maybe...... I kissed his ass for 7 long months, just like everyone else. I am however starting to feel better about the situation though. If can't even get his withdrawal queue cleared (AND HE IS THE LARGEST PASS-THROUGH), that could only mean that I am pretty much fucked. I think you are panicking. What if Pirate has been offline for 12 hours?
It is funny how thing work out, but I don't think you have cause to apologise If you need some odd BTC, please PM me it would be my pleasure. And I've added your service to my signature. I'll keep it there for a few weeks.
Those scientists are gonna steal his coinz!
How soon until you guys offer services in the UK? It would be great if you teamed up with paypoint/payzone - people could buy a voucher code to be entered into your website, then voilą you have funds Very very soon! Like, super soon. I dont know a word that conveys sooner than soon. Do you? *cough* Still waiting on this
Thanks for the swift service and also the trust.
If you could provide an address, I'll send the BTC as soon as it arrives in my account.
Edit: Thanks, just got your PM.
Amazing - yes please! I can't wait to get stuck in.
Trading here is fine.
I used to run a Counter-Strike website around version 1.6, so I'm excited to see what they've done with the series.
Steam user: firekid1985
Ok I would like to purchase. Just need to withdraw from Bitcoinmax
So if I purchased CS:GO, is it a pre-ordered copy? i.e. Will I get beta access now and the full game come August 21st?
Thanks to whoever sent .05 BTC to my address - I assume it was one of you guys
He has 24 hours to process withdrawals, does he not?
To make a thread after only three hours is a bit extreme.
Just to round this off, I have found the address. I almost got to 75% probability!
Here it is: 1scottoVnKhtbLDDZwxTaEaYTzKGj4cRK
Thanks Nyhm and BkkCoins for your service and helpful posts.