Is there any pictures of their solar mining farm?
That's very bad of BTCC It's been like what , 2 months now?
Any idea how long is it gonna go for ?
I doubt BTCC has a choice. The PBoC is probably the only one that knows when withdrawals will be enabled.
the rx 480 should get you around 160 Mkey/s
Do you have an rx480? I have 4 and none of them are getting close to 160Mkey/s...
BITPIC AUCTION #4 Bidding:Auction ends on March 14th @ 5:00 PST Minimum bid increase is 0.005 BTC Each bid extends the auction end time by 10 minutes from the time of bid Payment is sent to 168WXhArv7Fasqvi2xm5MQMfLhG18jifMe Auction #4:The bitpic being auctioned is bitpic #4, loaded with 0.01 BTC, size 5x7". This is the first official 5x7 bitpic print. Good luck! Public address is: 1 bitpic4ks7ASf3Jk9Unsyfic71KufEGd Sorry for the glare on the packaging, bright in here this morning.
Ya, we really need to start bothering Bitmain to at the very least give us a "low power mode" where it will set the frequency maybe 20% lower than it should be to help with certain mining situations. Having absolutely no control over the frequency is maddening.
While you're at it, ask Chevrolet to install a feature in the Corvette that reduces engine performance by 20% (make just as little sense). Makes a lot of sense. As miners get older and less profitable they often have an extended life if you can reduce the power draw and find a sweet spot where the chips are running as efficiently as possible on less power. This has been done on all the previous Antminers as they age. As of now, it won't be an option with the late batch S9s unfortunately. Of course, this won't come into play for a while. But I imagine there are home mining situations where it would be nice to keep the miners running but not sucking as much juice out of the house. Yes, like when you want to power a full S9 with a 1200W supply, instead of just powering 2 boards. Not to mention noise/heat benefits. Obviously anyone running a farm would appreciate some sort of frequency adjustment option.
Approval from the electric company has been received. No more hurdles until after installation.
Congratulations on the quick sellout! All of them sold before even shipping. That's impressive!
Once you've participated here enough, you'll be able to turn off signatures.
Ya, we really need to start bothering Bitmain to at the very least give us a "low power mode" where it will set the frequency maybe 20% lower than it should be to help with certain mining situations. Having absolutely no control over the frequency is maddening.
So Bitcoin withdrawals are frozen, what about BTCC mint purchases?
Withdrawals are frozen, not deposits. They will take money, they just won't give it. The store is still open...
The one thing you can count on is increased volatility.
There is a miner on mining to an address of lebahye. While I'd love to think of the 26TH/s as a donation for my hard work something tells me it's a mistake and someone has misconfigured their miner. If this is you, and it's not meant as a donation, configure your miner's username to the bitcoin address you would like to receive payments on.... A similar situation occurs on node with 3GHbY9E5zwkRXomQ7ZR3PB5J17eAyVTW4d miner. I do not know what this address is, but such addresses are considered incorrect by p2pool. P2pool doesn't recognize multisig addresses?
AUCTION #2 COMPLETED Bidding:Auction ended on March 7th @ 2:00 PST Minimum bid increase was 0.005 BTC Each bid extended the auction end time by 10 minutes from the time of bid Payment was sent to 168WXhArv7Fasqvi2xm5MQMfLhG18jifMe Winning Bidder:isoneguy @ 0.08 BTC Auction #2:The bitpic auctioned was bitpic #2, loaded with 0.01 BTC, size 8x10", and contained the picture from the Mining Pools book that won 7th place in the BTCC picture contest. Public address is: 1bitpic2qXJprEMGhCLPnpZwXqQqfcUzv
The solar installation has been scheduled for March 24th. It is assumed that we will receive approval from the electric company prior to that.
Are there any plans for a 25, 50, and 100 oz coin?
I actually inquired with my mint about doing larger rounds. It isn't realistic. The tooling would cost so much, I'd have to charge around $3,000 for each 25oz round. We already have 50 & 100 seat coins, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to produce a 20oz/20seat silver piece of some kind. I'll think more about that come December and see if there's a way to get something made while still managing to lower the cost per seat from the 10oz coins.
Just noticed that part, how many sizes are planned? Is 8x10" the largest?
Currently, I have plans to do 8x10 & 5x7 prints in both portrait and landscape orientation. There are some unique options available, but they get pricey. With the design artist and photography costs, as well as manufacturing/engraving/loading/supplies/packaging/shipping costs, these prints cost me around $90 each to make/ship. If I were to start adding options like floating double prints or special frames, these could easily get up above $500 each... If there's someone out there who would like something more expensive and custom, I'd certainly be willing to work with them. These prints aren't cheap though. The only reason I'm allowing them to sell at the current auction prices is because I haven't yet gotten the store linked to so they can be purchased at retail prices. I think the more people that see these finished prints in person, the more popular they will become. Auction ends in a few hours. This one really is a beauty. My favorite so far. I believe whoever wins it will be very satisfied. I'd bid on it myself if it wouldn't cause a controversy.
which finger? Consider it a pinky promise.
So does the 10 OZ use the same hologram as the other ones?
Yes. I think of the hologram like a fingerprint.
They have arrived! Can we see a picture with the 1oz/2oz/5oz coins for size comparison? Here's a shot of the back and a 1oz for some size comparison.