wtf, do you not see bitcoin very difficult to reach 10k now? someone is free to make predictions, and predictions are made to be trusted by others. this looks impossible
the possibility of reaching a price of 20k at the end of the year a bit open because currently the price of bitcoin has begun to increase. I hope this is the end of the bear market.
this is bad news, it looks like bitcoin prices will soon drop below 6k again. Looks like the bear market will last longer, I start losing bull run. I'm getting frustrated.
even the price is below 7k at the moment, precisely the price of bitcoin 6400. Bitcoin prices are back down after the SEC rejected some bitcoin ETF applications.
predictions again? I have read many predictions today. but none of them managed to make predictions correctly. they are too ambitious to make predictions and get too excited.
no one believes in that prediction, it's stupid. we are often fooled into believing in predictions like this. it seems like only predictions of a reasonable pantera capital.
I'm tired of talking bull run, hoping too much won't make things better. many people say price manipulation, and now I believe that. I hope bitcoin prices will recover soon.
the bear market makes that trust disappear and makes many investors frustrated. the bear market lasts too long so it takes a long time to restore that trust.
apakah anda menjadi salah satunya yaitu orang yang mengalami kerugian karena harga coin yang mereka beli terus menurun dan mau tidak mau menjualnya di harga yang lebih murah?
Kalau saya si main tradenya jangka pendek gan jadi ya buru buru dijual saat coin naik atau turun. Kalo lagi naik buru-buru jual karena takut turun lagi, kalao lagi turun takut tambah sorr parah turunnya. Saya masih panikan soalnya, mungkin modal yang terbatas jadi punya sindrom panic sell gan modal memang mempengaruhi sikap kita dalam mengahadapi kondisi apapun karena dengan modal besar justru bisa memanfaatkan turunya harga coin untuk membelinya sebanyak mungkin. tetapi bagi para trader kecil yang pas - pasan maka wajar panic karena takut harga tidak naik lagi maka saran ane lebih baik inves pada koin yang potensinya bagus dan aman yaitu koin yang sudah sangat populer contohnya ETH. maka dari itu gan kalau mau jadi seorang trader harus ada dana cadangan, soalnya sewaktu waktu dana kita bisa nyangkut. apalagi dengan keadaan market seperti ini
kalau ane pribadi sih emang gak pernah percaya sama prediksi begituan gan, memang harga bitcoin pada tahun 2017 sangat fantastis tapi butuh waktu lama untuk mengulang hal itu. tidak setiap tahun bakalan naik terus.
saling mengingatkan itu bagus gan, asal tidak saling menghujat ketika ada sedikit kekeliruan, project gemera ini akan berlangsung sampai akhir tahun dan semoga saja bisa lancar saja gan.
biasanya proyek dengan durasi panjang seperti ini memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk meraih kesuksesan. apalagi nanti bisa pasang iklan di cmc saat penjualan dimulai.
the current situation is different when this thread is made, now more and more people are knowing bitcoin. this is a tremendous progress for bitcoin because it is increasingly known in the wider community.
there is no recovery phase at this time, even the bear market continues to this day. Bitcoin prices are still not safe, bitcoin prices can go down very far at any time.
more and more projects are doing ico and making investor focus split, this makes competition even tighter. at this time we often see an ico that cannot reach soft cap.
I also often see such questions, I think they all already know the answer to that question. people who know bitcoin must know how bitcoin changes the world economy.
I see you write this thread with shame and regret. why did you change the prediction made? I'm not too sure about you, maybe in 2019 you will change your predictions again.
it looks like bitcoin prices won't reach $ 50k by the end of the year, even when the ETF has been approved. takes a very long time to reach the price of $ 50k.
well, now bitcoin dominates more than 50%. in my opinion this is caused by a very deep decline in the price of the altcoin when the price of bitcoin falls not too deep. maybe this will last until market conditions improve.
that is a natural thing, who doesn't complain when the market goes down? in my opinion every human being will complain when his feelings are chaotic, no exception for me.
it looks like 50k will only be a dream, the market has not improved and the price of bitcoin has fallen to 6k. Bear market is still ongoing for the next few months.