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161  Other / Meta / Re: Beta of new forum software now officially open on: July 29, 2022, 11:12:14 AM
Talking about backend, looks like it's last updated on May 11, 2021[1]

The current repo that is being worked on is (25 May 2022 last update to master, and 10 hours ago last commit in another branch . AngularJS is EOL and the code is being ported on VueJS.

I don't know far is Epochtalk development, but IMO open source alternative such as Discourse or Forem should be considered if Epochtalk is still far from finished or ready to be deployed.

The last update was that there were some back-end stuff left to port to VueJS, get the parser set up (there was a little discussion about it here:, update the dependencies (some older versions are still being used to work with AngularJS) and hopefully should be ready to fire up that beta.bitcointalk sub-domain Smiley
162  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: July 27, 2022, 01:30:50 PM
Mi-a fost trimis si... deja de o luna AWB-ul arata ca a ajuns la Otopeni, dar Posta Romana nu il "vede". Sper ca nu mi l-au furat astia de la Posta sau mai stiu eu ce...  Sad

Imi pare rau sa aud ! Stiu cum e  Sad

Am patit si eu ceva asemanator. Trebuia sa vina la Posta Vamala dar dupa ce am mai vorbit e posibil sa fi venit la alt oficiu postal si nu am fost notificat. Cand am vorbit dincolo deja trecusera 1-2 luni si nu mai aveau/stiau nimic despre colet. Sau pentru ca era un briceag a ramas la vama... nu stiu.

Mie mi-a fost trimis fara tracking si adresa de retur. Deci e praduit deja cu siguranta.

Bafta cu livrarea pe viitor, ca la tombole mai castigam din cand in cand  Wink
163  Other / Meta / Re: Would you be interested in promoting Bitcoin projects/services for free? on: July 27, 2022, 11:43:32 AM
...would you be interested in offering your signature space, avatar, and/or personal text to advertise good Bitcoin projects and services for free?

If they are interesting new projects developed by non-newbie[1] forum members or I use & like them very much, then sure! Just point me to them  Grin

[1] - this part is case by case depending on my own opinion about the project and user
164  Economy / Reputation / Re: Why was franky1 banned from Dev & Tech? on: July 27, 2022, 10:44:12 AM
Can anyone give me a quick history lesson?

History may be slightly different, depending which party is telling it and is continuously been written: 
165  Other / Meta / Re: Beta of new forum software now officially open on: July 26, 2022, 10:57:37 PM
I couldn't believe how I excitedly jumped on thus topic hoping it's a new one opened by theymos.

Pretty sure everyone had that feeling after the thread was bumped to the first page  Grin

Knowing that the project was abandoned ...
I am kind of disappointed the project got abandoned.

How do you know the project was abandoned Huh
not more than 2 weeks ago I was in a call with Cyrus and two of the devs about some backend details. When Epochtalk will be ready for public use we'll most likely have the beta subdomain back. Last commit was made 23h ago...
166  Economy / Reputation / Re: Why was franky1 banned from Dev & Tech? on: July 26, 2022, 10:39:50 PM
I'll admit that I've never bothered to fact-check any of his posts.

franky1 is a very smart guy !
But has a tendency to make statements where he is wright 98% but the other 2% is way off and changes the whole concept of the idea. And reaches some different result due to that small "wrong concept" and argues about it regardless what others try to explain. Topics range from difficulty to lightning network and everything in between.

Read the first page: Luke Jr's HARDFORK proposal debunked (just a random example)

If you ask me it's a shame... but yeah... it is what it is.

Quite surprising that you knew franky1 was banned from development and technical discussion and you did not know the reason why.

This thread was recently bumped...  Note: franky1 is banned from the this subforum
167  Other / Meta / Re: Museum of Bitcoin, Bitcointalk avatars [Community-led] on: July 20, 2022, 03:11:21 PM

There is a small mistake on the signatures with the BTC logo in the front. The whole coin does not fit in the signature space and the shadow below overflows and is not displayed. You can see it in PX-Z's signature:

If you select the signature you can see an extra square beneath "Whitepaper"

There are 4 whitespaces before these tags you can delete and would solve this:
[size=7pt][font=Arial black][color=#55C1FE][/color][/font][/size]

I remixed the designs a bit and pretty much picked the parts I liked most. Hope it's OK ! Finally can wear the Hero version  Grin

Nice looking designs ! Great work !
168  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: implementare cryptomoneda on: July 15, 2022, 01:08:29 PM

Adevarul e ca da, nu prezinta incredere, dar...

169  Local / Русский (Russian) / Re: Бан! on: July 13, 2022, 10:38:27 PM
Какой то Rizzrack красит трасты, причем без каких то пруфов, по крайней мере в моем отзыве нету ссылки.

I was notified that you mentioned me. Somehow your account seems to have been compromised and was used to post fake phoenix miner binaries with malware. I also added refference to the feedback. If you are the real owner of the account you might want to check your pc for any virus, change passwords for emails etc and for the bitcointalk account follow the steps here to get it back
Sorry but I do not know russian. Will have to use google translate

Меня уведомили, что вы упомянули меня.  Каким-то образом ваша учетная запись, кажется, была скомпрометирована и использовалась для публикации поддельных двоичных файлов phoenix miner с вредоносным ПО.  Я также добавил ссылку на отзыв.  Если вы являетесь реальным владельцем учетной записи, вы можете проверить свой компьютер на наличие вирусов, изменить пароли для электронной почты и т. д., а для учетной записи bitcointalk выполните следующие действия, чтобы вернуть ее
 Извините, но я не знаю русского.  Придется пользоваться гугл переводчиком
170  Other / Meta / Re: weird pm received on: July 07, 2022, 10:14:39 PM
If you really wanted the secret question option removed by admin. Why didn't you just opt for the Security bounties option?

Because filling in the secret question and answer is a security risk. The bounty is for security vulnerabilities.

Copying your seed and password in a notepad is a major security risk, but Electrum will not pay you if you mention it's a common practice of their users...  Wink
171  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: De ce oamenii ar trebui să utilizeze adrese SegWit on: July 07, 2022, 10:08:43 PM
...adresele compresate au o cheie privata care incepe cu L sau K...

Sau poate incepe cu M daca sunt exportate din Electrum

contest vehement trecerea la segwit pe sentiment de turma. oamenii trebuie sa aleaga singuri ce este mai bun pentru ei.

adresele Legacy adica acelea care incep cu 1Legacy... sunt cele mai importante pentru ca ele sunt universal compatibile cu orice alta forma de derivatie ulterioara si in plus sunt singurele care au suportat si vor suporta toate forkurile trecute si viitoare. o sa se trezeasca unu sau altu sa forkuiasca bitcoinul si o sa plangeti in pumni ca nu l ati prins pentru ca aveati fisele in cine stie ce tip de script.

Referitor la sentimentul de turma iti dau dreptate.
La partea cu fork-urile nu sunt sigur. De ce ar merge sa dai claim la fork-uri viitoare doar cu adresa legacy ?
172  Other / Meta / Re: weird pm received on: July 07, 2022, 08:29:00 PM
According to;help=secret_why_blank the feature is disabled if you set a question without setting an answer, right?

Don't be naive and just delete that damn question already !

173  Other / Meta / Re: weird pm received on: July 07, 2022, 02:59:17 PM
They've already claimed that they've frozen accounts, which isn't really possible, unless they had some kind of database access, which would mean they'd be able to remove the security questions themselves if they really wanted too.

If you know/guess someone's secret question you could lock their account and change their password. No other info required besides username + secret answer

Using this feature is not recommended. Anyone who guesses your secret answer will have access to your account. It's like a second password.

I'm not giving them any sort of legitimacy to their claims of locking several accounts, but they could if they knew the answer. Facepalm moment aside, this is more of a hassle to remove than to ask users not to write anything in that field...


It does look weird and (almost) everyone (me included) was looking for his angle. Not sure what it could be though. Until then...

Before jumping to conclusions and screaming “hack!”, has anyone even considered a potentially innocent explanation?  I have a pessimistic view of human nature, but the paranoia in this thread is off the charts.

174  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: VoodooVault NFTs, nft uri create de trapperul Ian on: July 07, 2022, 12:49:16 PM
totul a fost un slow rug pull, deja a murit proiectul

Din pacate nu pot spune ca sunt surpins. Sper ca nu te numeri printre cei ce erau pe covor inainte sa fie tras ...

Deci 3-4 luni ca "ala jmecher" sa-si umple buzunarele...

Din cate am putut gasi s-au mint-uit 53 de NFTuri. La 0.09 ETH bucata vin vrea 4.77 ETH. Nu e mult... dar nici putintel nu e.

Prea putin mediatizat pre lansare, deloc mentionat dupa terminare. Eu cred ca ar trebui publicata treaba asta undeva. Da teapa si maine se duce la vreo cantare ca si cum nimic nu s-a intamplat.

175  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [FREE RAFFLE] MYBITS SERIES 2 SET on: July 07, 2022, 11:57:58 AM
Hey, it's not just an item, it is two sets.

It actually is 1 set. Set #2, that contains 3 coins.

Congrats PeakDK !  Grin
176  Other / Meta / Re: My Hero Member Account Hacked. please help on: July 07, 2022, 11:42:51 AM
I'm always happy when the recovery team works so well Cool

About that...

He allegedly managed to get the gmail account back and then he changed the password for this bitcointalk account.
The password was changed today indeed.
But we had nothing to do with any of that except my post from yesterday.
177  Other / Meta / Re: My Hero Member Account Hacked. please help on: July 06, 2022, 01:54:47 PM
i am still trying it . but maybe hacker changed all my recovary. the hacker is much smart.

If you had a signed message or some sort of proof we could lock that bitcointalk account. At a first glance could not see any posted address. Might want to check this thread out:

Regarding the email... there still might be a few ways you can recover it. See here:

178  Other / Off-topic / Re: The Pun & Fun Thread on: July 06, 2022, 10:57:27 AM

Choosing cremation over burial is out of the box thinking

I was urning for a Schrodinger pun ... good thing the cat's out of the box !
179  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: July 04, 2022, 10:57:11 AM
Mda, banuiesc ca cercetatorii si cine mai e pe acolo, nu prea sta pe net  Cheesy Cheesy

Nu trage concluzii pripite !  Cheesy


Original image
180  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: July 04, 2022, 10:21:45 AM
Am o nedumerire. Am gasit un concurs nou, dar o sa il postez mai degraba ca intrebare.
Link-ul este aici:;topicseen
Din ceea ce inteleg, este doar pentru sud-americani. Am dreptate?

Se pare ca da, exclusiv pentru America de Sud. Vrea omu sa trimita cate ceva in fiecare continent al lumii si cum si-a dat seama ca in Antarctica e cam greu asta e doar pentru "America Latina"
mi se pare ciudat ca Krogoth participa, crezusem ca e nord-american

Se pare ca nu citise tot anuntul...

Delete mine ....NORTH AMERICA HERE
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