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1601  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: May 03, 2023, 06:39:41 AM
A ono, šalit se s parama fakat nije neka fora. Svojima sam uvijek govorio da se možemo zajebavati oko svega, ali oko para nikada, jer bezveze stvaraš tenzije.

Ovo je istina. Nekome možda tih 100 dolara tjedno ne izgleda kao velika lova, ali drugima je to možda više nego što zarade na "normalnom" poslu. Zato se s lovom nikad ne treba zezati, a pogotovo kad uopće ne znaš ljude s kojima se zezaš kao što je u ovom slučaju.

Što se tiče Whirlwind kampanje, izgleda da Hhampuz neće prihvaćati prijave kao inače:

Round 5 Payments have been sent out!

Thank you all for another great week!

One Sr. Member was removed. One Sr. Member got moved up. mikeywith was accepted to extend the Hero/Legendary slots with +1.

For now you can continue to apply if you are a prominent member/previous CM participant. If I catch you "bumping" your application or if you re-apply (while having left your application here some time in the last 2 weeks), you'll be put on ignore and forfeit any chance of joining this campaign in the future. You may still be under consideration and applications from pages back will be looked at from time to time.

We'll likely start experimenting with paying you out directly on whirlwind due to the simplicity of it all and making it a bit more private. All you'd have to do is to create a note (save the privatekey) and then send me the public address associated with it. I can then send the payments directly to your note each week and you are free to withdraw it whenever you choose to do so. I'm not going to push this for the coming week but I would appreciate it if you all would familiarize yourselves with the process and at least create a note and then we'll take it from there. Much appreciated!

Thank you @CoinEraser for this time, it's been a pleasure and I hope you are feeling better very, very soon!

Sad kad vidim ovo što je napisao da će isplaćivati BTC preko miksera, nisam siguran koliko mi se to sviđa. Nemam ništa protiv ali ako se ne varam, neke burze vole blacklistati BTC koji je prošao kroz mikser pa bi to u budućnosti moglo otvoriti nove probleme.
1602  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 5000+$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: May 03, 2023, 06:33:15 AM
Well, if I had found that page that arallmuus posted yesterday, I probably would have answered differently. I have bookmarked it for the future, so Trofo please give us more DOTA questions Smiley And since Garmin Gladiators and Team Liquid are facing each other in the semi-final, I guess I will have at least one point. And since my opponent didn't answer that question, I'm in the lead by two points. However, since we have almost all answers different, I guess the battle will be until the end of the week.
1603  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 5000+$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: May 02, 2023, 06:34:25 PM
I have sent the answers, the time in the forum is 5:21 pm, the time I am writing this, I don't know if I sent the answers a few minutes late due to the time change, if so, I'm sorry for the answers I already had in draft and I left 2 questions to analyze today and to my bad luck in my town I was left without electricity for maintenance and I had to go to another town to be able to send the answers

Wow! This only shows how intense these last few weeks are as everyone wants to get as many point as they can. I really congratulate you on your commitment. I'm not sure that I would do that even though for me every point is important.
1604  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: May 02, 2023, 10:02:06 AM
Ima sad novi pepe, zovu ga OG pepe jer je Twitter acc od nekog OG lika iz 2016.
Market cap je 6 mil$, naravno da ne preporučam nikome ali ja sam kupio. Valjda rade L1 platformu za launchanje memecoinsa.

Zadnji put sam skroz ok prošao s Shibom i Kishuom (par tisuća dolara zarade, nikakvi milijunski spektakli) pa je vrijeme da nešto i vratim nazad.

Čekaj, to je na Ethereum mreži? Pa zar takve shitare ne budu obično na L2 mrežama tipa BSC? Mislio sam uzeto za $50 čisto da zbog FOMO ali ne mislim davati još dodatno 20 ili 30 dolara za gas.

A što se tiče "OG lika iz 2016." jel to znači da ću i ja uskoro biti OG jer sam u crypto ušao 2017.? Grin A još uvijek nisam milijunaš... Izgleda da nešto radim krivo Grin

Inače, i dalje mi nije jasno kakve veze ima PEPE kao BRC20 token s PEPE na Ethereum mreži. Eto ako mi to netko može objasniti... Mintan je kao ordinal, a trejda se na ETH mreži.
1605  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 5000+$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: May 02, 2023, 08:44:36 AM
Man this Dota question is so hard to look for information or even betting help from. I forgot the site that Trofo shared, but luckily I found an updated site just a few minutes ago that tells me... nothing I don't know except 2 teams for sure in the final lol

Anyway, good luck to all, especially to Harkorede for meeting me!!

Yeah, that question took me the most time to research. On some website I found standings after last week's games and just went with the teams that are on top. The only team that I have heard of is Team Liquid from a few weeks ago when we also had a DOTA question.
1606  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: May 02, 2023, 08:01:45 AM
Bitcoin je u zadnja 24 sata zabiljezio ~568,300 transakcija sto je novi all time high te daleko vise od prijasnjeg ATH iz 2017 od nesto preko 400k transakcija. Za novi rekord su zasluzni (ili krivi, kako tko gleda na problematiku) ordinalsi koji imaju dosta hejtera na forumu, ali ja iskreno nemam nista protiv toga da se Bitcoin mreza koristi i za takve stvari.

Istina, transakcije su skuplje nego inace ali jebiga, fee bi bio velik i da se Bitcoin masovno koristi za ono za sto je i prvobitno namijenjen.
Baš sam se pitao zašto transakcije koštaju toliko neki dan, trebalo mi je hitno i morao sam platiti nekih 45 sat/byte što je stvarno puno. Obično je 10-12 dovoljno za unutar 2 bloka ali od kada su ordinalsi krenuli redovno je trebalo 20+. Ne znam točno što je napravilo ovaj zadnji skok, znam da su ordinalsi ali opet šta je njih potaknulo baš u ovom trenutku. Čini mi se kao da sam propustio nešto  Huh

Jesi, poput mene si propustio meme coin $PEPE koji je napravljen prije dva tjedna i u to vrlo kratko vrijeme neke ljude napravio milijunašima. Ekipa koja je na samom početku kupovala PEPE za 50-100 dolara i držala dva tjedna sad ima milijune dolara. Čak sam vidio jednoga kako se žali da je zbog slippeage izgubio 300k dolara jer je za PEPE u vrijednosti 2 milijuna dolara dobio "samo" 1.7 milijuna. Jadnik... Baš mi ga je žao.

Otkako su krenuli ordinals, mempool je dosta često prilično pun pa je i tx fee skup. To se pogotovo pojačalo u zadnja dva tjedna otkako su počeli mintati ordinals tokene. Ali mi i dalje nije jasno kakve veze PEPE na BTC mreži ima s PEPE na ETH ili nekoj drugoj mreži. Ali odlučio sam da sam taj vlak propustio i ne želim sad ulaziti samo zbog FOMO-a jer je tako najlakše izgubiti lovu.
1607  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Croatian League - Hrvatska nogometna liga 2022./2023. on: May 02, 2023, 07:44:38 AM
The biggest problem of Croatian club football is that for the last 3-4 seasons only Dynamo has achieved good results and is competitive in European competitions.
All other Croatian clubs are very weak and uncompetitive in European club competitions and are eliminated very early in European club competitions, against objectively weaker clubs from Malta or Kazakhstan, for example.
Only one club cannot push the entire Croatian club football, someone has to join. Previously it was Rijeka, but currently only Dinamo has a notable role in Europe.
In the end, I think we should congratulate the new or old champion of Croatia in football, and if anyone doubted it, it's Dinamo again.  Grin

Yes, congratulations to Dinamo who secured another title in the row. As for the European competitions, when you look at the teams that are competing in the HNL, there really is no need for more than four teams to compete in the European competitions. I don't follow other "weak" nation's leagues but I don't see how Istra, Slaven, Varaždin or some other club could beat some team in Europe.

The struggle to avoid the last place in the league continues. Yesterday Gorica manages to get one point after losing 2-0 against Lokomotiva. It's an important point because Šibenik lost to Istra and is now at the last place of the league.
1608  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 5000+$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: May 02, 2023, 07:01:28 AM
First season is 12 teams per league, second season is 14 teams per league. You have more info in OP, that info includes exactly who gets promoted and who gets relegated. Our goal is to reach 20 teams per league in couple of seasons.

Future expansion plans will be made in accordance with new players sign ups. We will always run first 2 divisions exactly as announced while third divison is the one which will be considered as development league. Meaning it can start with less players or more and we will even tolerate things like starting few rounds late for those that sign up at later date.

Will all future seasons last for 6 months like the second? The first season will last around 4 months if I'm not mistaken.

As for the questions, the more we get closer to the end of the season, the questions seems harder and harder. I hope that I will win this one against famososMuertos and secure my title Smiley
1609  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 5000+$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: May 01, 2023, 05:52:17 AM
I'm returnig from a vacation today so I will wait for tomorrow to give my answers. I didn't read the questions but I hope they are not too hard. This and the next round are pretty important to me if I want to keep my first place. I really hope that I manage to stay unbeaten in this first season. Good luck guys!
1610  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: May 01, 2023, 05:48:36 AM
Kako smo mislili da će gašenje CM kampanje uzrokovati poplavu dobrih postera koji su ostali bez kampanje, izgleda da je to navelo sve menadžere da preispitaju svoje članove. Zato valjda sad imamo toliko otvorenih dobrih kampanja. Ne znam samo što Hhampuz čeka s odabirom članova za Whirlwind kampanju. Prijavio sam se i nisam baš nešto uvjeren da će me prihvatiti ali i dalje svaki dan pogledam je li odabrao nove članove.
1611  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: May 01, 2023, 05:44:39 AM
Ma nas dio foruma je premija kad se pogledaju ostale sekcije. Naročito ako se pogleda Gambling. Budući da većina kampanja zahtijeva pisanje u Gamblingu, tamo ima svakakvih gluposti. Mi zapravo imamo sreću da nas je malo zato jer onda nema puno nepotrebnih postova. Većinu tema obradimo kratko i tko god novi dođe, relativno se lako može snaći u svemu. A i uvijek smo spremni pomoći novima koji dođu.
1612  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Croatian League - Hrvatska nogometna liga 2022./2023. on: April 30, 2023, 10:54:53 AM
The winner of the Croatian Cup no longer has a direct place in the qualification for the European League due to the poor rating of Croatian clubs in European competitions.

Oh, that's too bad. I read it in some last year's article that the winner of the cup will play in the Europa league. Probably Croatia's coefficient changed since that article was published. I remember the headlines last year saying how there's a chance that half of the HNL could play in the European competitions but since then our coefficient dropped drastically due to clubs playing badly last season. It would be great if that was the case.
1613  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Croatian League - Hrvatska nogometna liga 2022./2023. on: April 29, 2023, 05:20:21 PM
Yes, at the moment it is very interesting to follow which of the Croatian clubs will eventually play in European competitions and which club will be relegated from the league.
For the past few seasons, it was already known in advance that Dinamo would be the first and that Hajduk, Rijeka and Osijek would win the place in the European club competitions, but this season many more clubs joined the competition and everything is still uncertain.
At the moment, Hajduka, Rijeka and Osijek hold the places that lead to Europe, but Slaven, Varaždin, Istra and Lokomotiva are also very close and everything is still uncertain and open.
Gorica or Sibenik will drop out of the league.

Actually we have a funny situation. If I'm not mistaken, the cup winner gets to compete in the Europa league qualifications. If that's the case, Sibenik which is fighting not to be relegated could play those games if they manage to beat Hajduk in the final. That would mean that Dinamo plays in the UCL qualifications, Hajduk and Rijeka/Osijek plays in the Conference league and Sibenik in the Europa league.
1614  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Someone at FIFA/UEFA should do something about the referees on: April 28, 2023, 10:57:24 AM

now about the technology of var, VAR comes into play when there is controversy in a bid, and there are more than two people to watch the video so it is difficult for them to make a wrong decision, in my opinion var is very well, the problem is still there in referees who have given fouls and red cards without a very valid reason and this has happened mainly in the Portuguese league. as I don't see a problem with var, I'm of the opinion that var should be maintained and more technologies should be created that allow for a fairer game, before referees give red cards, it had to be mandatory that they consult var first and only after that could decide whether or not to give the red card

I agree with this. I have seen a lot of games where the referee made a mistake even though he could check the situation on VAR, but chose not to. The problem with VAR is that it's a technology. And a technology is as good as people that use it. No one can blame VAR for the wrong decision. The sole blame is on a referee. I also agree with people that says that an offside is an offside, no matter if it's by 1 centimeter or 1 meter. If a referee could decide that a player was in small offside and that did not affect the game, then we don't need VAR after all.

Just to be clear, I didn't watch the games that OP is talking about. I'm discussing the use of VAR in sport in general.
1615  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: April 28, 2023, 10:08:19 AM

OK... Ajmo ovako. Ne znam jesi li iz Hrvatske ili neke druge zemlje, ali nije ni bitno. Sutra tvoja zemlja kaže da se sav novac zamjenjuje s CBDC-om. Plaća se isplaćuje CBDC-om, računi se plaćaju, dućani smiju primati samo CBDC... Što ćeš učiniti? Misliš da možeš nešto učiniti? Ne ti kao pojedinac nego čak i cijeli narod. Da uspiješ uvjeriti narod da je CBDC katastrofalno loša stvar (što i je, da se razumijemo), opet nitko ništa ne može napraviti. Ljudi su se u Francuskoj pobunili protiv mirovinske reforme i što se dogodilo? Svejedno su ju donijeli.

Želim reći da možemo mi raspravljati o CBDC-u koliko hoćemo, ali koja je poanta? Nitko nema ama baš nikakvog utjecaja na to. Sad će netko reći "pa vi samo glasajte za HDZ/SDP/nekog trećeg". Pa nemaju ni oni utjecaja, a pogotovo otkako smo ušli u EU. Oni samo rade kako EU kaže tako da je svejedno je li na vlasti Pero, Mato, Ivica, Zoran ili bilo koja druga marioneta.
1616  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Zilliqa (ZIL) staking on: April 28, 2023, 08:23:40 AM
malo su skrenuli sa razvojem u web3, Metapolis i fokusirali su se na gaming i NFT, sta nije uopce lose prateci trendove, gaming industrija je u strasnom porastu
s druge strane, gledajuci sam blockchain, i ostali dapp-ovi biljeze rast, tako da se definitivno radi

i na kraju dana, stalno slusamo o ethereum killerima, ali taj film necemo gledati  Cool

Ma nema ništa od Ethereum killera. Ethereum je postao prevelika mreža da bi ju netko svrgnuo s broja 2. Kad pogledaš koliko je Arbitrum postao popularan sad nakon airdropa, pa sad dolazi ZkSync polako (iako su na ZkSync transakcije skuplje od Arbitruma)... Ako je Ziliqin cilj crypto gaming, onda bi nekakva konkurencija bila Abritrum Nova koja je layer3 rješenje.
1617  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: April 28, 2023, 07:00:29 AM
Rasprava o CBDC-u je bitna, ali treba biti realan - ne možemo spriječiti da se ovo dogodi ako Europa ili ECB tako odluče. Možemo se samo informirati o tome kako CBDC radi i kako će to utjecati na našu svakodnevnicu, i možemo razmišljati i informirati druge o alternativama, poput korištenja decentraliziranih kriptovaluta, ako nam se CBDC ne sviđa. Wink

Ja ne kažem da je uvođenje CBDC-a samo po sebi loše, i svakako postoje i pozitivne strane, ali također može imati i vrlo ozbiljne negativne posljedice. Razgovor o tome može nam pomoći da se pripremimo za promjene koje dolaze, što god one bile.

Upravo to sam i htio reći. Mi možemo i trebamo raspravljati o CBDC-u i trebamo upozoravati zašto je to loše, ali na kraju nas nitko neće pitati hoće li se CBDC uvesti ili neće. Osim toga, smatram da nije dobro govoriti ljudima "CBDC je zlo i treba ga zabraniti". Zašto ne pristupiti na način kako je ovaj portal napravio? Spomenuti prednosti (kojih ima, ne možemo reći da nema) ali i nedostatke pa neka osoba sama donese svoj zaključak. Po meni je bolje nekome reći "gle, taj CBDC je OK stvar obzirom na prednosti na papirnatim novcem, ali problem je što daje (pre)velike mogućnosti kontroli vladi zbog toga i toga".
1618  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Zilliqa (ZIL) staking on: April 28, 2023, 06:21:27 AM
Vi koji još imate ZIL i pratite projekt, ima li kakvih novosti? Događa li se išta osim što će se moći koristiti preko MetaMaska? Pitam jer se sjećam da sam nekad davno imao ZIL i polagao dosta nade u projekt ali nekako je sve zamrlo u prošlom bearu. Ne sjećam se više ni na kojoj cijeni sam bio ušao u projekt ni na kojoj cijeni sam izašao.

Ako se dobro sjećam, Ziliqa je trebala biti konkurencija Ethereumu s tisuću puta bržim i jeftinijim transakcijama. Što sad s tim kad na Ethereumu postoje L2 i L3 projekti? L3 projekti imaju stvarno mizerne cijene transakcija.
1619  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: April 28, 2023, 06:17:27 AM

Ne sjećam se kad je zadnji put ovoliko kampanja bilo otvoreno u isto vrijeme, očito još uvijek postoji potražnja za kvalitetnim članovima.

Da, stvarno je lijep izbor kampanja i stvarno dobro plaćaju. Ne znam jesu li bounty manageri ili vlasnici projekata koji imaju kampanje shvatili da im je bolje imati manje kvalitetnih članova koje će bolje platiti nego hrpu shitpostera koji će pisati gluposti za 20 dolara mjesečno. U svakom slučaju, ima za svakoga ponešto i mislim da trenutno stvarno nije problem pronaći kampanju. Eh kad bi upao u whirlwind... Grin
1620  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 5000+$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: April 28, 2023, 06:13:00 AM

Now we have all the pairs, god luck in the next round of the Cup.
Will anybody watch the NFL draft? Are there even any NFL fans here?
Note me.
I think slackovic is NFL fan, he knows everything about all sports in the world, that is why he cant lose in BSFL  Cool

No... I don't watch the NFL because I don't like sports with games that last for three hours and more, and the game is constantly interrupted by referees. My brother in law is a big fan of the NFL and I'm always teasing him that NFL players spend more time walking on the field than playing the game.

For those of you that have advanced to the next round, congratulations! I can't wait for next week with another round of the league because I'm bored. I did answer the questions but there's no tension. I like checking how I answered as compared to my opponent and this week I can't do that.
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