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781  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 10000$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: January 03, 2024, 07:16:11 AM
No body expected 0-1 goals in this dead game..
2 answers diffrent against My contender. Game Barça and Juve will make a diffrence.

I was gonna say that the first question was deliberately worded so that all of us answer that there will be a lot of goals. But since Trofo also answered 4+ goals, I guess the result is somewhat unexpected. Now I expect that Girona and Athletico Madrid end up with a draw so I get my first point. I don't like choosing a draw but I have a feeling that this match could end like that.
782  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 10000$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: January 02, 2024, 06:42:11 PM
In the end there was nothing to research except maybe tennis question. I took a couple of minutes there to check the draw and see which players decided to play for their countries this time around. I don't think anybody is taking a single match point against Djoković or Swiatek so I took them for the final.

Everything else answered by gut feeling.

Well... I counted five different answers so it should be an interesting match. For tonight's game between West Ham and Brighton we have the same answer, but tomorrow it will be interesting.
783  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 10000$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: January 02, 2024, 01:44:40 PM
It's funny to see that Trofo is playing against two teams. I know he will be fired up against me to revenge for a loss in the last friendly match that we played last season. I'm on a vacation so I don't have much time to research the answers, but it's not big if a deal when playing against Trofo Grin
Bring it up, as I already wrote before, biggest problem for my squad is motivation so we have mediocre performances until matched with league leaders or cocky upstarts  Cool Most weeks I just fill it up by gut feeling but today I am on holiday and i actually have time to do a bit of research in case I feel like it.


Haha... Interesting. You are on holidays so you have time to do the research. I'm also on holidays but I have kids with me and my wife give me "the look" every time I open my laptop or turn on my mobile phone. So in the name of peace I did quick research while I was "doing my business" Grin I hope it will be enough to beat your unmotivated team.
784  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Budućnost Ethereuma i ostalih altcoina on: January 02, 2024, 07:44:00 AM
Jupiter je ono preko čega Phantom defaultno swapa, jelda?
Koristio sam Raydium u prošlom bullu, bio je skroz OK. Međutim, sviđaju mi se ovi swapovi kroz wallet.

Bilo bi super kad bi Phantom imao nekakav airdrop, imam hrpetinu transakcija tamo i radio sam testni program za ETH wallete.

Ja na Solani jedino znam za Phantom wallet. Drugi nikad nisam koristio. Ali nikad nisam preko Phantoma radio swapove tako da ne znam. To mi dođe kao swap preko Metamaska. Nekako sam sigurniji kad radim baš preko DEXa nego preko walleta. Ne znam zašto.

Što se tiče airdropa, nekako ne vjerujem baš. Za Metamask se isto dugo govori(lo) da će imati airdrop pa ništa.


ceo Twitter je postao shill zurka, sve manje korisnih informacija

Da, tako to obično bude kad krene bull. Svi samo shillaju razna sranja koja onda napumpaju jer ljudi imaju puno followera koji kupuju. A onda kad krene dump, bude baš gadno. Jeste vidjeli pump&dump nekog $TRB tokena neki dan? U jednom danu s $200 na preko $600 i natrag. Ne bi to bilo ništa čudno da token nije lista na burzama s velikom likvidnošću kao Binance.
785  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: January 02, 2024, 06:59:36 AM
Nije bilo puno love, sad bi bilo ipak dosta više jer je većina bila u BTC-u i ETH-u, tako da se nadam da će kad-tad ta saga ipak završiti.

ne znam sta bi ti rekao, nije da se nadam da ce brzo zavrsiti, ali sad su poceli da bombarduju mail-ovima da se otvori Coinbase nalog sa istom adresom i podacima, jer ce isplata krenuti odmah posle "Effective date", sta god to bilo
samo ne pise u kom procentu Smiley


Imao sam nešto love na Celsiusu ali sam sve povukao prije nego je krenulo sranje. Ali svejedno sam doma dobio nekoliko pisama od suca u New Yorku vezano uz postupak bankrota. Iskreno, da sam izgubio lovu tamo, vjerojatno bi ju odmah otpisao. Ako bi ikad dobio kakav povrat, računao bi to kao bonus.
786  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 10000$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: January 02, 2024, 06:55:43 AM
It's quite interesting to see that we have some Tennis questions again, it's going to be an interesting end to this BSFL season, I reckon. I really have not figured out my answers yet, but since it's friendly match against a mediocre team Trofo, this should be a walk in the park for my team  Grin

It's funny to see that Trofo is playing against two teams. I know he will be fired up against me to revenge for a loss in the last friendly match that we played last season. I'm on a vacation so I don't have much time to research the answers, but it's not big if a deal when playing against Trofo Grin
787  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 10000$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: December 31, 2023, 04:52:18 PM
You were a bit slow I already accepted Slackovic but ok, let's roll. Now i have a double friendly in this slot and it is more than enough for my already tired team. And to think I already let players go out and celebrate, they will be shocked when they wake up tomorrow with request for urgent return to the club  Grin

This is actually pretty good situation for you if you answer good. You can earn double bet, but you can also end up playing double. I didn't even check the questions. I don't even know if you published them. Iz New Year's Eve so I'm not gonna study the questions now.
788  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 10000$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: December 31, 2023, 04:34:09 PM
I'm also in for a friendly match if anyone is interested. Being eliminated early I have nothing to answer for on the next round. I just don't want another "winner takes all' competition, but a friendly game against someone.
If by friendly you mean to make a bet. I am in and I will let igebotz answer harko challenge and save our reputation.

50$ paid in USDT or BTC? Rules as I have written above (all 10 questions + second penalty if needed). Quote and you are on

Sure, that's exactly what I meant. If I'm not mistaken, we already had a sidebet once and I have won. So this time you'll get a chance to earn back your money Smiley
789  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 10000$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: December 31, 2023, 04:28:03 PM
How about a friendly match for those are eliminated from the Cup already ? I’m sure Igebotz and Trofo would be eliminated already, I don’t even need to check to fixture to be sure 😂
HaHa funny guy. Care to put some money to that statement? I meant to take a break and have a free week but I can't say no to proper challenge.
If there are some friendly games organized, I propose we use all 10 questions (2 cup rounds) and second penalty as tie breaker if needed. First penalty will be ignored.

I'm also in for a friendly match if anyone is interested. Being eliminated early I have nothing to answer for on the next round. I just don't want another "winner takes all' competition, but a friendly game against someone.
790  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 10000$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: December 31, 2023, 01:02:15 PM

I just checked the schedule and it looks like I have interesting opponents. After I beat Slissy in the next round, I have few opponents that I have to beat in order to secure staying in Division 1. I hope that two.more wins will be enough. Now I will probably rest dur8ng the next week when we have a cup rounds.
791  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Budućnost Ethereuma i ostalih altcoina on: December 31, 2023, 11:43:41 AM

inace, kako ti se cini Jup? ja koristim Raydium za Solana blokčejn, i prilično sam zadovoljan kako funkcioniše, ali i RAY token je napravio 10x u zadnje vreme, pa gledam da isprobam nešto novo, pogotovo ako nema token

Za Jupiter exchange dosta ljudi na Twitteru kažu da bi mogao imati airdrop. Nisam istraživao jer ne volim Solana blockchain ali vjerojatno govore da će biti airdrop zato jer još nema token. Obično takvi DEXovi na kraju naprave token i airdropaju ga korisnicima.

Jel puno trejdas na Solani? Jesi bar imao kakve koristi od ovih memetokena koji su se pojavili u zadnjih mjesec dana? Meni je super kad Twitteraši shillaju svakakve tokene i onda kad pogode jednog (kao nor Analos), hvale se kako su pogodili. A za ostale koji su propali ništa ne govore.
792  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Budućnost Ethereuma i ostalih altcoina on: December 31, 2023, 08:05:30 AM

A gledaj... U kriptu je to tako. Ako te nema par mjeseci, jako zaostaneš pa je teško uhvatiti korak. Mogu si misliti kako je kad te nema dvije godine. Meni je kripto gušt i ne gledam na to kao nekakav posao pa sam stalno tu, neovisno je li bear ili bull market.

Što se tiče burzi, dosta jakih burzi je zbog pritiska regulatora moralo uvesti obavezan KYC. Ali uvijek ima manjih burzi koje to još nisu uvele, samo ja na tim burzama ne ostavljam lovu. Binance ne koristim otkako su uveli KYC. Trenutno koristim BingX ali kako sam napisao - ništa ne držim tamo. Samo deposit, trade i odmah withdraw.

SEI o kojem smo pisali nije ovo što si spomenuo nego relativno novi blockchain koji je ove godine krenuo s radom.

Jedan savjet... Nemoj pokušati pohvatati sve što je novo jer ima jako puno toga. Recimo sad je dosta veliki hype oko BTC ordinalsa, a na Solani ima jako puno memecoina na kojima je vrlo lako izgubiti lovu (kratke pump&dump sheme). Ja sam se recimo okrenuo ganjanju airdropova. Ne znam imaš li Twitter ali tamo ti je najbolje pratiti upute za pojedini projekt koji će možda napraviti airdrop. Nije baš brza zarada jer nekad napraviš nešto i onda čekaš mjesecima dok odluče napraviti airdrop, a nekad ga ne naprave. Ako te to zanima, mogu ti napisati par Twitter profila koje pratim za to.
793  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 10000$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: December 30, 2023, 07:38:52 PM
Well... My hope lasted for a short time. Poland has won against Brazil. Couples are still playing, but Swiatek won straight 2-0 and Hurkacz won 2-1. However, it looks like I will get away with a draw because Leeds lost yesterday (I thought that all H2H games are scheduled for today) and Chelsea is leading 3-0 against Luton. So I guess it will be 3-3 between you and me.

Ah.. another draw Undecided  Gg slackovic!


Yeah, I want to be angry at myself for not winning against you. However when I see the sea of red in the table, I have to be satisfied with a draw. Now let's see what next year bring me. I hope I'll manage to stay in the Division 1 but I have to do better in the remaining six rounds. Next up is a big competitor in the middle of the table - Slissy.
794  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 10000$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: December 30, 2023, 02:10:19 PM
That's too early slackovic, it might be a tiny chance but there is still a possibility Brazil win against Poland. But yeah for me I prefer Poland to win obviously Tongue

Yeah, everything is possible in sport but I'm not liking my chances. When I look at the spreadsheet for this round, I see that there are a lot of unexpected results so maybe Brazil can surprise Poland somehow. For example, who could have predicted that Genoa who sits in the middle of the table can play draw with Inter who is at the top.

Well... My hope lasted for a short time. Poland has won against Brazil. Couples are still playing, but Swiatek won straight 2-0 and Hurkacz won 2-1. However, it looks like I will get away with a draw because Leeds lost yesterday (I thought that all H2H games are scheduled for today) and Chelsea is leading 3-0 against Luton. So I guess it will be 3-3 between you and me.
795  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 10000$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: December 30, 2023, 07:21:29 AM
Well... That's also bad news for me because I was counting on this point. Now jayce has one point advantage and I can only hope for a draw if I get a point in the H2H question. I need Leeds to lose and Chelsea to win because those are the only different picks in that question. After last round I really hoped I can get some kind of consolidation win in this round but I guess I was wrong.

That's too early slackovic, it might be a tiny chance but there is still a possibility Brazil win against Poland. But yeah for me I prefer Poland to win obviously Tongue

Yeah, everything is possible in sport but I'm not liking my chances. When I look at the spreadsheet for this round, I see that there are a lot of unexpected results so maybe Brazil can surprise Poland somehow. For example, who could have predicted that Genoa who sits in the middle of the table can play draw with Inter who is at the top.
796  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⭐⚽⭐ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk Sports Fanatics League (BSFL) – 10000$ rewards ⭐⚽⭐ on: December 29, 2023, 07:18:53 PM
Well, I got most correct - just failed to pick the winning doubles Grin
Considering that I feel Brazil has no chance against Poland, I'm counting that one as a loss.


Well... That's also bad news for me because I was counting on this point. Now jayce has one point advantage and I can only hope for a draw if I get a point in the H2H question. I need Leeds to lose and Chelsea to win because those are the only different picks in that question. After last round I really hoped I can get some kind of consolidation win in this round but I guess I was wrong.
797  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Budućnost Ethereuma i ostalih altcoina on: December 29, 2023, 01:38:19 PM
Zašto sad nakon 5x? Ima li nešto što propuštam?
Definitivno ne bih ulazio u ništa što je vertikalno raslo, ima solidnih projekata koji su trenutno puno bolja investicija (recimo CELO, FIL i takvi).

Da, znam da je taj ulaz kontra svega što jedan trejder treba napraviti ali ja nisam trejder. Nekako sam stekao dojam da Metis lagano dolazi u fokus, a još nije niti u top 100. To znači da ima još puno potencijala za rast, dok je recimo FIL u top 35. Ne kažem da nece rasti ali dugoročno će Metis vjerojatno imati puno veći rast. Ako ga ljudi krenu masovno koristiti, naravno.

Za CELO nisam čuo i sad kad sam vidio graf, jako je dobra prilika za ulaz. Samo moram malo proučiti o čemu se radi.
798  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Budućnost Ethereuma i ostalih altcoina on: December 29, 2023, 07:12:50 AM
Stvarno nisam siguran, zvoni i meni nešto ali nisam lovio taj airdrop. SUI je ono što smo bili dobili, i to je najgori blockchain kojeg sam do sad koristio. Prodao sam sve iste sekunde, a projekt je već u top 100.

Što se SEI-ja tiče, znam samo da je prvi unlock tek tamo negdje oko halvinga.

E da. Ja sam pomiješao SUI i SEI. Mislio sam na SUI. Sjetio sam se kako si popljuvao taj blockchain pa me iznenadilo kako si odjednom postao bullish. Ali sad vidim da sam zapravo pomiješao dva projekta sličnog naziva Grin

Evo da budem transparentan, ipak sam ušao u Metis. Nekako imam osjećaj da bi možda mogao krenuti stopama Solane pa sam stavio uložio što sam spreman izgubiti. Naravno, DYOR, NFA i ostale kratice Grin
799  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Altcoin novosti on: December 29, 2023, 07:10:44 AM

ne znam da li ste propustili, ili cekate zadnji dan da se prijavite, ali novo takmicenje Altcoins 2024 krece za par dana

nisam trazio proslogodisnje rezultate, vidim da su mnogi tokeni porasli mnogo vise od ona cetiri sto sam ih imao
godinu dana je ipak dugacak period, i svasta se moze desiti

E hvala ti na ovome! Nisam se uopće sjetio potražiti ovo natjecanje. Pošto sam u ovoj godini bio dobar (još uvijek držim solidno 5. mjesto), odlučio sam se okušati i ove godine. Za one koje zanima, ovdje je link na ovogodišnje natjecanje. U top 10 smo cryptofrka (8. mjesto), casperBGD (9. mjesto) i ja na već spomenutom 5. mjestu. Sad sam pročitao da je bilo nekih problema s nagradama koje su smanjene zbog nečega što je Ratimov napravio (ne da mi se istraživati što se dogodilo jer ionako nemam baš neke šanse za nagradu.
800  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: [Contest][ALT] Best portfolio 2024 on: December 29, 2023, 07:04:27 AM
I was good in the last prediction so why not join again? Smiley

Here are my picks:

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