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1661  Economy / Securities / Re: S.MG - The Ministry of Games. on: June 14, 2013, 10:06:58 PM
There really are a lot of different definitions for the word "game". Maybe we should be thinking more along these lines:

MP sez:

<mircea_popescu> bwahahaha
<mircea_popescu> ok you buncha scammor wannabes. which of you is cool enough to have his own posters made ? huh ?
<mircea_popescu> i'm like in bruce wagner and amir taaki league here.

So I guess it was appreciated.
1662  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: KRUNIAC Scam ASIC 1 share on: June 14, 2013, 07:44:26 PM
Just a reminder that this is who we are dealing with here.

Old picture. I've gained weight. -.- Going from eating ramen and rice to actually stuffing myself regularly has taken it's toll.

Kruniac, you seem like a smart guy, so I wonder how you fail to realize the immorality of your deed.

First off - What deed? (etc)

Also, if I did do something "immoral", wouldn't it make more sense that I simply don't care, rather than I fail to realize that it's immoral? Or that I justify every action I take to myself somehow? I don't even want to imagine what kind of personality disorder would cause someone to literally not realize an immoral action.

How do you fail to see that most of us here, most of the people you took money from without sending an ASICMiner share to, are guys between 17 and 30 years old


many of us students struggling to pay bills just like you do.

And that sucks. Honestly.

We're invested in bitcoin because we believe in an idea

Some of you. Others are businessmen.

and because we hope to make some money on the side for the future.

Sure. And some of you buy blocks of shares. Some of you bid on 50 shares @ 2.5 BTC. No. Give me some of that. I have REAL bills to pay, not "investment money" to throw around. Now, given that I'm not a beggar, and that I either work for my money, or take it (which is work, believe me), there's really only one way to get a piece of that action.

Man, do you think that if I could just drop $1,000, lay in the cut, and make out okay I wouldn't? Of course I would. But the fact of the matter is this - I am at that awkward point in Bitcoin investment between "too poor to do it" and "has the capital to make some serious investments". I can buy a chunk, and starve for a month before seeing a payout. No thank you. Rent.

Do you really want to tell me you don't know that whoever is here to buy one or two shares of ASICMiner is rich and deserves (or can afford) to be tricked out of 200 dollars?

This was a helluva sentence. I don't even...

Do I really want to tell you I don't know that whoever... I don't even.

I'll tell you that if you want to climb mountains, you'll fall every so often. Swim in the ocean, you can get bitten by a shark. Walk down an alley, you could get killed. Play in Bitcoins, you can get scammed. I don't know how else to say it. If I get taken for 20 BTC one day, it's a cost of doing business. It's akin to getting gutshot in a motel when dealing coke. It's part of the business. If you were dealing in diamonds, human suffering would most likely be part of the business. Insider trading is part of Wall Street. Scammers are part of bitcoins. It's not PERFECT, but it's REALITY.

If someone is starving because they lost 2 BTC, then why did they invest their last $200 in BTC? This is a gamble, it's not a sure thing. Anyone could buy bulk drugs and resell them for 200% markup. Most people don't. Why? It's a risk. You NEVER, EVER rely on getting by on risks. That's just irresponsible. The majority of people willing to buy shares aren't buying one at a time. They are buying twenty. They have coins to toss around. They aren't starving. They aren't getting evicted. They're fine.

The only exception I'll make to that statement is the off chance that someone gets hurt/killed because they couldn't explain the loss of BTC to whoever fronted them the coins. An unlikely situation, but it could happen.

Come on man, be a man

I didn't vanish like a Nigerian. I didn't lie to any one at any time about who I am. I made an offer for a diplomatic meeting to any who felt like making the trip. I've been a "man" about this from the beginning. Perhaps a disrespectful and/or immature "man", but a "man" nonetheless.

and pay back what isn't rightfully yours.

1: You're implying that I've stolen something. This is not true. I have never stolen anything from anyone in my entire life. Smiley

2: If I could toss around money whenever I feel like it, I would fill 60% of the loan requests on the forums, set up charities for people who have been scammed, AND pay back every one in this thread at 150% interest. You can call BS on this, but when LordOfTime and SubZero from OTC loaned me a small amount of BTC for shipping costs on a few items I wanted, I paid back at 200% the MOMENT I had the means to do so. I'm more "honorable" than any of you marks think I am, you just don't know that part of me.

The pecking order in my life goes like this.

1: Myself and my girl.
2: Family.
3: Friends and the needy.
3: Associates and random people.

That's how my money has ALWAYS been spent. I grew up observing totally selfless acts of charity (redneck charity - random deer meat/bologna, pawn hoss, etc) from my family to others. My father always tossed me a little money on the weekends to rent a movie or game, even though he could barely afford his home. Generosity is a part of what I believe in.

That having been said, I'm not selfless. I do not put others before me and mine. I do not believe in depriving myself for the benefit of "justice", "charity", or "honor". As always, this isn't a popular viewpoint, but it's the real world.

Don't you see that people are hopefully holding on to their chairs in the chance that they might get 0.8 BTC back?

I'm sure some are. They should stop doing that, for everyone's benefit.

Are these really the kind of people you want to scam?

1: I do not want to scam anyone, nor have I ever scammed anyone, etc.

2: No. Absolutely not.

If you don't have respect, at least have a conscience.

This is something that I literally cannot just "do". You cannot "have" a conscience one day. I don't have one, to my knowledge. If I do, it hits me at random times, and certainly not regularly. Take the Menig situation for example. I'm a bit of a sadist, but some things do in fact make me sad to see. I dunno. It's something I don't want to get into a huge debate about.

Anyway. I'll tell you what. If I sink my teeth into a good long-term project and pull in my usual ~5-7k/month, I'll toss a few BTC around. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that I'll clear all debts at 120%. Again, you don't HAVE to believe this, but if I'm making stupid money, I get generous. If I'm broke, I get predatory. That's just the way I am, and always will be.

Did you have a secure-designated sauna?

20 bodyguards. Sliding walls. Snipers. Oh, we went wild with security.

I guess next some clueless idiot wants to know why random nobodies don't get any benefit of the doubt starting "securities" I'll just link him here.
1663  Economy / Securities / Re: S.MG - The Ministry of Games. on: June 14, 2013, 06:50:26 PM
There are also massive design decisions which have to be made in terms of game-play.  If you're going with the item-mall idea then you first need to determine which model of it you'll use.  All of these comments are my own views - not based on forum discussions.  I see item-malls as being split into two types:

I think through the workings of forum magic, what was originally a distinction, contrast and opposition (RCE vs Item Malls) has been conflated into a nonsensical identity (RCE = Item Mall).

For the record and for everyone's benefit: RCE (short for real cash economy) is a Bitcoinesque way of running game universes where instead of the developer/operator playing Bernanke and issuing endless quantities of game "gold", the available gold is strictly related to funds deposited by players. Thus being an efficient hunter is more important than being a BIG hunter. There's few examples of such games being developed, specifically because pre-Bitcoin there were a lot of problems with handling of game currency. Bitcoin superbly resolves all these, and it'd be ridiculous for it not to be used for the one purpose it's actually been made to satisfy. We're like a bunch of people using a hammer for anything but nails, currently.

Item Malls are mostly unrelated, offering the player base the option to buy more or less gameplay-enhancing items for USD. We generally agree it's not a great model, which is why the specification was made that as far as possible we prefer RCE (ie, a completely different model) and I think re-reading the discussion with the distinction clearly in mind will be very helpful.
1664  Economy / Securities / Re: S.MG - The Ministry of Games. on: June 14, 2013, 05:17:19 PM
Why is it preferred? Because it seems more fiscally sound based on what you know about the game industry as of right now, or because it really is the best option?

Well honestly, it's preferred because MP says it's preferred. I asked him why and he said "that's complicated" after a pause, which means there's about 50-50 odds he'll at some point write a Trilema post about it.

The RCE model is something most will cite in their essay: "What is wrong with modern video games?" Why MG is pursuing this model when so many reputable industry giants have flat out stated the many flaws in this system baffles me completely.

Why are you in Bitcoin when so many reputable industry giants have flat out stated the many flaws in this system? Because reputable industry giants are idiots, perhaps? Because they have different incentive structures than actual functioning markets? Who's to know.

You're confused because you have never worked for/with a game company. There's no way in hell you can convince anyone with a brain in the game industry that a revenue model is more important than a game that will sell. That's exactly how the Atari brand failed multiple times.

No but look, this is mystiquizing. Nobody goes "let's make some cool shit" and then, after the cool shit is made, has meetings to establish if it will be sold as a Broadway musical, a make your own adventure book series or a line of branded sodas. The revenue model is established first, the thing that will sell is made within that model. Anyone is free to feel creatively superior to reality, but it's just a feeling.

What do I mean by this? You can focus all day on your revenue model, solid business plan, etc. But if your game sucks, no one is going to willingly play it.

This is additive tho'. You're acting as if doing the business homework somehow automagically prevents doing the creative homework, as if brushing your hair guarantees you can't brush your teeth and now you'll get gingivitis AND DIE!!!

It's not a this or that. It's doing this well, and doing that well.

You have no way to prove to anyone what you develop won't suck.

Well yes, actually there is a way. Have a little patience now will you.

It's not particularly divorced, but they hang in a balance for a game company. There will be many a decision that helps the revenue stream, but hurts the fanbase.

Not really. In a well managed project the incentives are so aligned that this never happens. If the situation is of that nature management has already amply failed, and the designs weren't in all likelihood too bright either.

They oppose each other by nature. Ideally everyone would love a healthy fanbase and revenue model/stream to refelect one another

Only if what you mean by "fanbase" is people who want to use but not pay. If that's what you mean we disagree: the free-as-in-beer-and-only-free-as-in-beer types are NOT fans. They may call themselves fans but it's a misnomer, like calling strippers chaste or politicians leaders.

You clearly asked, even if rhetorically to deflect "going into detail", "why is it so important to establish conceptually what is or isn't a game?" while spearheading the PR for a game company.

At that time we were discussing, generally, what games S.MG may in time own/publish/distribute. There's really not much constraint, at the present time, like it or not. Maybe in time.

Every year at the GDC, you'll have schmuck saying the same thing when arguing "games aren't art" which has been debated for years, becoming the new micro/monolithic kernel flamewar for the game industry.

Yeah well, sorry I can't be bothered to join that debate. I really don't care if they are or are not. I don't think anybody sane cares, for that matter, much like Moliere's bourgeois is pleasantly surprised he speaks in prose but doesn't really give a shit past that.

Now don't take this the wrong way, I understand you feel very strongly about all these topics, and in many places you raise interesting points.
1665  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Mark Karpeles and MTGox: Why are they refusing to help Bitcoinica victims?? on: June 14, 2013, 05:08:01 PM

This, the coinlab lawsuit & the dwolla debacle are starting to cast a pretty big shadow on Gox.  The fact that Gox has said nothing of consequence publicly about any of these matters is worrying.

Wait, no mention of the week-long lag? No mention of a "trade engine" consisting of wet spaghetti for the use of which the noobs and the clueless are being charged an arm and a leg? How soon we forget, now that they no longer have the market share.
1666  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: KRUNIAC Scam ASIC 1 share on: June 14, 2013, 05:07:06 PM
I noticed that no one from this community showed up to my party at West End. Most unfortunate. I was pretty wound up - actually only had two shots and two beers to keep myself somewhat grounded in case some shit jumped off.

Pretty disappointing. On the other hand, it was pretty fun. Feeling pretty old now. Tongue

Did you have a secure-designated sauna?
1667  Economy / Services / Art contest: win some BTC, shape the visual future of Bitcoin gaming. on: June 14, 2013, 04:48:44 PM
S.MG is looking for a splash screen for its flagship game.

What you've got to work with: 2048×1536 pixels, medieval setting (so none of that outer space future tech stuff), two weeks. Details here.

(x-posted to Project Development)
1668  Bitcoin / Project Development / Art contest: win some BTC, shape the visual future of Bitcoin gaming. on: June 14, 2013, 04:45:57 PM
S.MG is looking for a splash screen for its flagship game.

What you've got to work with: 2048×1536 pixels, medieval setting (so none of that outer space future tech stuff), two weeks. Details here.
1669  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: An Object Lesson on: June 14, 2013, 01:23:28 AM
An Object Lesson

I had been happily trading on for a few weeks when I was ripped off by someone outside of the localbitcoins website. The theft cost me $1500 in cash, permanent lock-out from six family Chase accounts, and perhaps an additonal $6000 (unresolved). Here is what happened.

Between June 3 and June 6, 2013 I conducted about $6,000 worth of smooth online bitcoin trades through

Then I received an email from someone claiming to be Wendelyn K. Brooks-Stuart, 9526 Bayou Lake Lane, Houston, TX 77040, saying that she saw my localbitcoins ad and wanted to buy 12 BTC. I agreed. Without going through the localbitcoins procedure, she directly sent me $1500 via Chase QuickPay. Without going through the localbitcoins procedure, I directly sent her the 12 BTC. She then called Chase, claiming that I had defrauded her. Chase clawed back the $1500 from my account and refunded the money to her. She also kept the 12 BTC. That was the good news.

Based on that single complaint, and without any investigation or warning, Chase then permanently locked me out of: my personal account, our company business account, and two credit card accounts. They also locked my wife out of her personal account and one credit card account, even  though her name was not on any of my accounts, and my name was not on any of her accounts. They refused to tell me why we were locked out. That was the medium news.

Here is the bad news. The following day, I received an automated-alert email that someone had siphoned $6000 from my personal account. The someone was J.P. Morgan Chase Bank itself. They had decided (again without warning) that, since I was accused of fraud for the $1500 transaction (where I was ripped off), that all of the deposits to my account from 5 June on were bogus. So they confiscated all $6000 off them and began sending them all back to wherever they had come from.

My wife and I remain permanently locked out of two personal accounts, a business account, and three credit cards. Chase will not consider relenting on this. On the other hand, Chase has opened the possibility that they may perhaps consider giving us back the $6000 of unrelated deposits  that they confiscated.

The moral of the story: (1) Don't trade BTC/USD outside of the localbitcoins procedures. (2) Don't put any more money into Chase than you are willing to lose without warnng.

Frank W  Sweet (coqui33)
30 Medford Dr
Palm Coast FL 32137

This sounds like a lesson indeed.

Not sure what it is tho', don't live in United Shitland?
1670  Economy / Services / Re: Accounting Services, Legal Guidance, and Tax consulting for Bitcoin on: June 14, 2013, 01:20:11 AM
I am a CPA in Maryland with over 20 years of experience in the financial industires. 

I have extensive knowledge of Bitcoin, TOR and data encryption.   

To begin, I do a telephone consult with you for one or two Bitcoin to answer your questions and direct your actions.

Second, if you are in need of accounting services, i.e. bookkeeping services, we make more in-depth arrangements to facilitate your business/investments.

Thanks so much for letting me serve you!

BTC besT

How about love potions? Anything doing?
1671  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [WARNING] Eva Braun - Trying to infect users on: June 14, 2013, 01:12:12 AM
Is she trying to give them Hitler?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

what a bitch. if he was smart he would have linked to an image that contained malicious code such as a small process to close and append a command to lsass.exe or csrss.exe to open a socket and then relaunch the process, thus allowing him to sneak a virus into the system with relative ease providing the virus isn't a copy and paste clone of a known virus. its o easy to open jpeg's in notepad and insert a few lines of code. if you were talented programmer you could probably squeeze an entire virus into a picture. imagine having a whole album full of pictures, each with its own virus. talk about domination.

What an excellent idea.

You are now all infected, MuahahahahahahahAAARgh*cough**cough**wheeze*

I think that spider is missing a leg. Please return it.
1672  Economy / Securities / Re: BASICasic Mining shares. on: June 14, 2013, 01:11:11 AM
You still haven't provided a wallet address to send BTC to...


Send 1BTC here before the end of the day to reserve your share in our IPO.

Has the day ended yet?
1673  Economy / Securities / Re: S.MG - The Ministry of Games. on: June 13, 2013, 02:21:27 PM
Item malls are secondary revenue streams and have failed plenty of times due to this new developer mantra of "Fuck the user as long as we get paid." The reason games such as Team Fortress 2 have been successful in applying the mall-model is due to a previously developed user base surrounding a quality game. Sacrificing quality for revenue always leads to disaster, one may profit initially, however this always catches up to you (see NASDAQ:ZNGA).

I think you are perhaps reading a little more into one (vague) sentence than is warranted.

The comment referred to games already established. If we are acquiring an already published title which is built around an Item Mall model, S.MG will not force a change to that. This is just plain common sense, as it's not too likely for such changes to be economically feasible anyway, in most cases.

If we are developing de novo, the preferred model is RCE. I thought that was stated sufficiently clearly, but perhaps not.

All these considerations aside, the actual concrete solutions in actual concrete circumstances will bow to those circumstances as much as practicable, we're merely discussing generalities here, and perhaps a lot past the point where it's worth it.

If Mircea is trying to develop a game in house, why not start with a quality game first before moving onto revenue models?

I'm confused as to what you mean by that? Everything starts with the revenue model, this isn't fanfic.

Mircea has more than enough capital to compete with AAA titles.

If competing with AAA titles was a matter of capital only (and $1mn at that) Paris Hilton would be billed above Angelina Jolie and Coindesk would be a competitive Bitcoin company, with relevance and marketshare. Sure, people with ideas (ie, fanfic) often misrepresent their inability to compete within the business in terms of not having money, because they commonly don't. Money is not really the issue, however.

Most designers and developers worth hiring who have the potential to reach this capacity care most about their artistic vision and how those leading them affect the realized version of that vision.


By not making this distinction you are again insulting the player, the one person you'd best not to insult. The player may never know or care about the distinction, but they will feel it in the game. This distinction allows the designer to create an experience that is fun, rather than depending on "brain hacks." It is subconscious by nature.

I think again you're probably going too far on the interpretative journey. My statement was simply a refusal to go into detail. You can't read into that some detail of your own choosing and then argue with it.

By ignoring the distinction or an effort to find a distinction, you are not doing your homework, and a disservice to the end user.

No, I am simply doing what PR does since time immemorial: refusing to answer questions when for whatever reasons my employer considers it pointless to entertain them.

Farmville's mechanics can be broken down into a very simple "click the cow" action, whereas a game like Dark Souls or Nethack require strategy, tactics, and skill.

While I can appreciate your own aesthetics and the fact that the brain exists principally to recognize patterns in the environment, be they actually there or not, at some point you'll have to notice that all you do at the computer as long you're not typing is move the mouse and click the mouse.

It's in Mr. Popescu's best interest to recruit the best developers/designers possible in regards to game development, and keep them close, perhaps loyal. Maintaining a good relationship with a team that always makes the playoffs is far easier than trying to reconstruct a new team every season.

There's no argument here, is there?

When I spoke with Mr. Popescu, I asked if a team brought him a game he believed in, would he manage them without compromising their artistic vision, and he said in fewer more concise words, "sure, as long as they have a product."

Seems there's no argument.

I hope S.MG takes a more traditional route, and helps to invest in delivering quality products to shelves, and a quality team, rather than trying to invest in profits to impress investors (the EA route).

As long as we agree that the definition of quality is "people are willing to part with their own labor in exchange for this" then absolutely.

Developers need management, they aren't managers, hence how could they manage themselves? Many designers and developers realize this, but no leadership team wants to be onboard a company funded by dreams.

Well depending on what your take is with BTC, S.MG is funded by almost 9k of such dreams. Either way really.

You seem to be focused on the revenue plan, and less on the question "will players become fans?"

Why do you suppose the revenue plan and the players becoming fans are divorced topics?

...his reporting "standard" (LOL!) is one big joke and has already blown up on investors face (see S.DICE saga

one more giant lel behind that link. glad I dumped all my S.DICE shares and put them into AM; my BTC30 loss due to napkin accounting was more than recovered.

Probably worth pointing out that the OP is naturally confused. S.DICE was keeping its own accounting, by its own standards. Which, I guess, were indeed ill advised, in retrospect. Had they followed S.MPOE/MPEx standards closer they would perhaps find themselves closer to the position in which S.MPOE/MPEx finds itself, which is to say the only public company of that age in BTC.
1674  Economy / Securities / Re: BASICasic Mining shares. on: June 13, 2013, 01:52:23 PM
Scammers don't even bother to make an effort anymore  Roll Eyes

Some do, some don't. It's the nature of scamming to try all the angles all the time.
1675  Economy / Securities / Re: BASICasic Mining shares. on: June 13, 2013, 10:05:28 AM
Particularly bad name.
1676  Economy / Securities / Re: S.MG - The Ministry of Games. on: June 13, 2013, 10:04:38 AM
Actually I can't recall the last stock WB promoted. What was it?


Taken from the BH website, which makes look like an art student's final acid trip:

Dear Reader,

You probably know that I don't make stock recommendations.

Trick question is trick question.

But I guess now you're in a fine position to appreciate the heap of lols that were had over @ MPEx Fortress what with all the countless comments of the website business forum experts collected over the years. Obviously Berkshire doesn't look professional enough, and if only they added CSS....
1677  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [scam tag request] user unclescrooge founder and operator of on: June 12, 2013, 11:06:22 PM
I'm from Bulgaria but I escaped, so I know all about your country and the kind of financial businesses that come from it.

They say that the average domestic goat regards its herder as another goat, of about the same age. What with being from Bulgaria and all maybe you're in a position to shed some light on this topic?

Fail that, I recently met a guy from Bulgaria, his name is Momchil. You know him?
1678  Economy / Securities / Re: S.MG - The Ministry of Games. on: June 12, 2013, 11:05:03 PM
Is there any known person associated with this company who has any experience in the games industry?


I wouldn't invest in this share without knowing what they planned to do and who they had hired.

Would you invest in this share if you knew what they planned to do and who they had hired?

But then there are plenty of folks who mindlessly put lots of money in an unknown entity.

Check your assumptions will you. Things exist that you don't know about without being necessarily unknown for that reason.

Even when someone like Warren Buffet promotes a stock you generally lose because he likely promotes stocks which benefit him the most

Actually I can't recall the last stock WB promoted. What was it?
1679  Economy / Securities / Re: S.DICE - SatoshiDICE 100% Dividend-Paying Asset on MPEx on: June 12, 2013, 10:44:04 PM
What about if Erik just uses the secret key to win himself 200btc per day for a month, how do we audit that?

Well, BTC finance is still predicated on the operator being honest. That's the fundamental block of the entire edifice.
1680  Economy / Securities / Re: S.DICE - SatoshiDICE 100% Dividend-Paying Asset on MPEx on: June 12, 2013, 09:51:00 PM
I think the point here is that there is no loan at all. Erik has been compensated fairly via IPO and the shares he holds, and never noted any desire to loan funds to SDICE in the past.

I wonder if there are any other surprise liabilities SDICE has...

Moreover, management can't really pass responsibility for its own actions to the shareholders, because the shareholders have no control whatsoever. If three months down the road Erik comes and says "hey, we had a break-in, the funds are gone" then how exactly can Random Q Investor verify this claim, make sure it's not something like Vircurex pulled recently? And if Erik never comes and says thus, what's the point of the entire maneuver? In all circumstances they with the ability to prevent losses are they who must be responsible for the losses.
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