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17381  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Bitcoin Show on on: October 19, 2011, 10:43:57 PM
okay you guys are seriously getting off topic here. Go start a lame evolution vs creationism thread or something somewhere else. The real topic is the Bitcoin Show and how Bruce is obsessed with 21 year olds and thinks that "normal" means "white American male".

And how Bruce is giving "classes on Bitcoin" at NYC Occupy.

and how after mybitcoin he dares to promote any e-wallet services.

You have to wonder why any e-wallet service would want him promoting them.   It doesn't take a genius to figure out that ventures promoted by Bruce will be shunned by many Bitcoin users.

I know. He once mentioned my name on the Bitcoin show and look what happened to me Sad

Geez Matthew!  whats with you these days?  you went on his show as a featured guest and made a crazy recommendation to allow recovery of lost coins!
17382  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin was not a bubble on: October 19, 2011, 09:00:06 PM
it could take less than another 6 mo for you to be eating your words. 

Bitcoin is not going anywhere because it's economically and technically flawed. That being said, a new bubble can very well re-emerge after the current one cools-off, successive bubbles are historically documented. The bubbly appeal is certainly still there: revolutionary, this time is different, game changer, paradigm shift etc.  Maybe we can see re-ignition in the pennies range, 0-20c, but that price will not be hit very soon, judging by the subjective interest I see a bull trap is long overdue.

However a second bubble with gentler slopes will not in any case comfort the owners of the 1 million or so coins sold in the 15 - 30$ range. Those are millions of dollars of wealth destroyed through mining overvalued bits, and millions of dollars into the pockets of a hand full of "early adopters" pushing the scheme.

please elaborate as to how its economically and technically flawed.  and tell us why its lasted almost 3 yr w/o experts like Dan Kaminsky being able to find flaws.  also why Bitcoin cannot function in the same way that gold has for centuries being a fixed commodity backing for fiat currency.
17383  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin ATMs -- who are the players? on: October 19, 2011, 08:50:31 PM

My partner and I spent a week with Todd Bethell, developing the Bitcoin ATM platform from the ground up on a Kiosk in his garage. He's a big dreamer for sure, and is also unfortunately misguided. He had no technical understanding of how Bitcoin works, and was purely ideologically driven in regards to what he saw as the potential market size. What I saw as a prototype / proof of concept / 'cool bleeding edge, fun project', he saw as the answer to the economic ills of the world.

When we met Todd, we found his hard line Libertarian ideals endearing. When we parted ways, unpaid for services rendered, I felt differently. He'd spoken of Dustin and others as his big Bitcoin investors. Unfortunately, that money never materialized, and instead of dealing with us in an upfront and honest way, he instead insulted our work, competence, demanded that we sign a non compete agreement, and even went so far as to report me to the Bitcoin Police, while also calling me and Eric 'fraudsters' and 'scammers' to others. The offline wallet system listed on his site is my IP, as is the implementation description and backend services which we already coded for the Vanity addresses. Yeah, I'm the scammer and thief. *cough*.

So, when Todd didn't pay us, we pulled the kill switch on the software. Perhaps we should have just let him have it for free? What would you have done?

I think there is a really good lesson here for many of you in the Bitcoin community to learn. Bitcoin is very young, and the market size is nowhere near where it needs to be for brick and mortar solutions to be realistic.

Mr. Bitcoiner and others have made very valid points as to the coming obsolescence of ATMs. Bitcoin ATMs will almost certainly never find a mass market.

200 Bitcoin Kiosks @ $4000 / unit + Software, Monthly Support, Security, On Site Maintenance = Not Viable

video of the Bitcoin ATM in debug mode:

So.. You want to know why his site is dead? It's because the economic issues that the have been raised here are incredibly valid. The idea of 200 "Bitcoin ATMs" (really, Kiosks) being deployed worldwide is hilariously unrealistic and naive.

Frankly my experience with the fly-by-night operators in Bitcoin has left me with such a bad taste in my mouth that I prefer to only work in a vacuum, and do my best to just keep to myself. So many of you are liars, thieves and crooks, dishonest businessmen, and frankly, just outright criminals, that it's not all that surprising that Bitcoin has been suffering from an image problem.

I'm tired of being libeled. I'm one of the few people actively working on the building blocks of the Bitcoin economy while so many others are outwardly projecting their own insecurities about themselves by way of calling others scammers and fraudsters. I have never seen such a thing anywhere else. The ratio of of Bitcoiners who have psychiatric disorders relative to the general population has got to be massive.


Bitcoin ATMs will never come to market. By the time Bitcoin gets to the size necessary for their viability, smartphones and other POS solutions will exist. On the surface, Bitcoin ATMs seem like a good idea, but they are financial black holes.


very interesting.  i have no reason to doubt your experience here.  out of curiosity, are you positive about Bitcoin's future?  is Eric, Eric Brigham?
17384  Economy / Economics / Re: Gold: I smell a trap on: October 19, 2011, 04:20:34 PM
i've been warning about this for a while now.  pm's and the miners are getting smashed.

AEM down 18.27%.  Wow.
17385  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin was not a bubble on: October 19, 2011, 02:30:02 PM
What are you talking about ? The Japanese stock bubble took 5 years to inflate and 12 years to reach pre-bubble levels, and that's patently clear form the graph. A similar shape can be seen for Japanese real estate, fast upside, long and drawn-out downside:

Notwithstanding, your definition of a bubble is arbitrary and wrong - the slopes of the upside/downside are irrelevant. A bubble is defined by speculative overvaluation of the fundamentals driven by herd behaviour, and we had and still have plenty of that in Bitcoin.

You can change your own definition, but that won't stop everybody else to call the bitcoin price evolution what it is: a speculative bubble.

your problem is that you're calling victory way too soon.  we're only 6 mo into the rise and decline of this story.  what other type of price action would you expect from a fledgling currency that aims to change the world of finance?

it could take less than another 6 mo for you to be eating your words.  i hope you're short.
17386  Economy / Economics / Re: Gold: I smell a trap on: October 19, 2011, 12:04:28 PM
thats how i see it at least for now.

Hypothetically, would your analysis change if the USD were to break below 73?

i've been thinking about this myself.  if it breaks below 73 you'd have to assume your HI scenario is near.  but it will depend what the chart looks like when it does so.  i'm always looking for false breakdowns and breakouts as you may have noticed with gold, UST's, and the miners.  quite a lesson, huh?
17387  Economy / Economics / Re: Gold: I smell a trap on: October 19, 2011, 11:48:25 AM

Thanks for catching my mistake, yes overbought. It can definitely rise for some time, but you can't deny that 61.72 is significantly closer to overbought than 43.65 for gold. In addition, RSI for the Dow:Gold ratio has spent the majority of time under the 50 level (and has only been over 70 twice in the past year - for about two weeks in January and one day in July) whereas gold has mostly been over 50. Also, if funds are flowing into equities, it doesn't take much of that flow into gold to keep the ratio steady.

yes but my opinion is that we are looking at primary trend changes in most of these markets, not linear extrapolations of the same.  so these moves toward overbought for RSI DowGold can continue and persist in overbought for quite a while and the reverse for RSIGold.

Extreme lows in daily RSI for gold are not the same as extreme lows elsewhere. There have only been three other periods where RSI was below the current level, and they were all short-lived. You're right, though - these indicators are minor next to the price. That looks like it's heavy, but there are an awful lot of long tails on those candlesticks - talk about tension.

thanks for acknowledging that.  its healthier for your bank acct.  and you're right, those wicks have not gone unnoticed and truly do represent tension.  i would know, having jumped in and out of my short positions.


Besides, how many times has the gold price looked heavy and sprang back up to new highs? I count at least three times just on that daily chart and those weren't even instances where other factors were as bullish as they are now.

lets be clear.  i am NOT short gold or the miners just now altho i'm considering it if gold continues its rollover.  in fact, i have a nice long green position in FCX that i've been riding up since the bottom.  you're absolutely right; my whole theory of markets moving inversely to the USD may reassert itself with bullion and the miners if the USD keeps dropping too low.  inflation might reignite.  i just don't think it does so with ZIRP (i view that as deflationary as opposed to most who view it as inflationary) and the deleveraging that is being forced upon everyone right now.  the USD flowing out of UST's could start diverting toward pm's as well.  i just don't think it does b/c sentiment is such that investors look at pm's as at the end of an 11 yr bubble more than as an oversold asset class with upside potential.


i agree.  follow your own advise.  silver and pm miners will lead gold down.

Touche. Gold was my focus, but I admit silver is a more volatile animal and the price looks heavy. If we go to weekly or longer charts the uptrend is intact. Gold fell out of channel and is riding along the underside, but it's done that before and broken to the upside; it's set to do so again. The only class that's been defiant is treasuries, but we see the weakness there.

Consider this: if sentiment is such that the global economy is going to pick up, silver will benefit from its industrial use aspect. Equities will rise overall as well as mining operations - gold would have to fall off a cliff for that to change, not so much silver. Since silver will be buoyed by expectations of industrial demand, neither rising nor falling precipitously, silver miners will remain profitable as well.

there's 2 ways to look at this; either everything is going to go back to being hunky dory with controlled inflation picking back up w/o us miraculously not going into a hyperinflation then you'd be right OR that this stock rally is just a relief rally before the SHTF.  unfortunately i lean toward the latter.  the distortions are just too great, the debt just too big, the corruption just too deep, the anger just too rooted, the wages just too low, the employment just too high and the wage disparity just too high.  the rise in interest rates as UST's continue their selloff should not be viewed as a bullish sign as most will interpret.  eventually it will crush all growth and the US gov't will be forced to dole out austerity.  i'm in a profession that has been seeing this happening for quite a while already which has really focused my mind as to where my income has been diverted.  answer: financials.  and i am in what you'd consider to be the 1% and yet i'm pissed as hell.  


Mining companies are well into the black as things are now. Many are raising dividends. Few things draw institutional investors like increasing dividend returns do.

Then there's oil. All that has to do is remain above ~$70 to maintain elevated input costs across the board. Production expenses will prevent most goods from falling in price, including precious metals. If precious metals aren't going to fall apart, miners won't crash and a worst case scenario is a range-bound price level.

again, this position requires that the PTB can thread the needle.  my theory of markets is that we go thru boom busts, high volatility cycles.  we're still at the upper end of the pendulum swing from the reflation off the 3/09 lows.  the swing back will undermine the above.


Or any number of factors could trigger a panic, sending gold and silver to new highs. How about the most relevant: the threat of COMEX default? If that happens, the world's financial glue disintegrates. If standing open interest for the December gold contract isn't reduced well below ~30k, that will happen - started by a run on banks for the wealthy. I think (hope) that can be put off for at least one more year.

And the rest of the world: civil unrest and riots, food shortages, terrorism, Venezuela's gold repatriation, Skynet or... Justin Bieber. At least a few of these are already here and getting worse.

now this would be the Armageddon scenario which i don't think they can let happen.  this is when they start intervening again with gold/silver.


no i don't.  i think the CB's probably intervened as gold approached $2000 but now have stepped back.  the markets are behaving rationally to me.  the real game changer was the start of what looks like a long term revulsion of UST debt.  makes sense since we were downgraded, Europes sovereign debt problems, and the fact that everyone knows the US is the ultimate debtor.

all that money has to go somewhere.  when stocks failed to die after 2 overthrows to the downside out of the bear flag, that was a signal that they'd shoot to the upside.  also Europeans fleeing to the US stock mkt helps as well.  as long as the $DXY doesn't start shooting to the upside this will go on for several months.

also the 2 asset bubbles left to pop are gold and UST's.  all assets are being repriced downwards.  i still think we are in deflation.  its a little confusing b/c markets are diverging once again via the stock and commodity rise which will probably be limited to a few months.  this gives the UST and gold mkts a chance to come down off their highs.  but in aggregate i think assets are dropping in price.  at some point early next year we will probably get everything in sync to the downside with the USD skyrocketing.

thats how i see it at least for now.

Nice. I don't agree on gold being a bubble yet, but I respect that assessment.
17388  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin in France: first legal decision directly related to Bitcoin? on: October 19, 2011, 10:56:55 AM
not good..

personally i won't regard anything France decides as materially important to Bitcoin.  everyone knows they are the ones in the most trouble regarding bad debt holdings of the PIGS.  everyone knows they are the most corrupt.  Jean Claude Tricket is the most corrupt CB next to Bernanke.  i think most ppl wouldn't mind seeing the French banks implode on themselves too.  they'd deserve it those arrogant bastards.  

of course they're gonna to categorize Bitcoin the way they want to in an attempt to illegitimize it.  what would you expect?

Mark has also shown a resiliency way beyond the avg developer.  i don't think he'd close mtgox even if Bitcoin was deemed a currency.  he won't quit until they come crashing down the doors and make him quit.   thats how much he believes in Bitcoin.  

i hope they do categorize Bitcoin as a currency b/c thats how i view it also.  this is what we want after all.  a competing, legitmate, unmanipulated, new digital currency that will take out the banks.

besides, even if mtgox goes down it won't stop Bitcoin.
17389  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin in France: first legal decision directly related to Bitcoin? on: October 19, 2011, 03:47:24 AM
isn't mtgox dealing in euros at this time?
17390  Economy / Economics / Re: Gold: I smell a trap on: October 19, 2011, 03:07:29 AM

Hey cypherdoc: why do some governments seem keen on making precious metals hard or too costly to acquire/hold/use?

i won't even bother wasting breath on that one; you already know the answer.
17391  Economy / Economics / Re: Gold: I smell a trap on: October 19, 2011, 03:03:56 AM
now that we're up and out of the bear flag we should start trending; you know, that everyday up a little thing with a down day every long once in a while.  LOL!

The same applies to gold, only none of the indicators are against the uptrend (volume, RSI, MACD). For the Dow:gold ratio, the RSI is approaching oversold overbought. The MACD is already at extremes, and the ratio has retraced to about 50% of the decline. I won't even get into the weeklies other than to say that looks even heavier.

again i'm amazed at how diff ppl look at the same chart and draw completely opposite conclusions.  no, the RSI is only half way from the 50 to 70 overbought level and will probably overshoot for quite a bit of time.


Note the MACD and RSI which are at extreme lows instead of highs. MACD has crossed over to the upside. The dollar is in a much weaker position with RSI in the middle and MACD having made a decisive crossover to the downside.

no, the RSI is only at 43.65 and needs to drop to 30 before you can even begin to think its oversold.  do not focus too much on these indicators.  look at the price.  does that curl down look like its suddenly going to reverse up to you?  not me.

It would also be wise to remember the basics of higher highs and higher lows.

i agree.  follow your own advise.  silver and pm miners will lead gold down.


I have one question for you, cypherdoc: do you think the markets are being intervened in by monetary authorities?

no i don't.  i think the CB's probably intervened as gold approached $2000 but now have stepped back.  the markets are behaving rationally to me.  the real game changer was the start of what looks like a long term revulsion of UST debt.  makes sense since we were downgraded, Europes sovereign debt problems, and the fact that everyone knows the US is the ultimate debtor.

all that money has to go somewhere.  when stocks failed to die after 2 overthrows to the downside out of the bear flag, that was a signal that they'd shoot to the upside.  also Europeans fleeing to the US stock mkt helps as well.  as long as the $DXY doesn't start shooting to the upside this will go on for several months.

also the 2 asset bubbles left to pop are gold and UST's.  all assets are being repriced downwards.  i still think we are in deflation.  its a little confusing b/c markets are diverging once again via the USD falling and gold/silver stagnating.  this gives the UST and gold mkts a chance to come down off their highs.  but in aggregate i think assets are dropping in price.  at some point early next year we will probably get everything in sync to the downside with the USD skyrocketing.

thats how i see it at least for now.
17392  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Chase Bank to offer deposits for MTGox on: October 19, 2011, 02:31:38 AM

When I get a check I deposit it by taking a photo of it w/ my smartphone so it seems kinda silly to have digital funds -> paper check -> postal mail -> smart phone deposit -> digital funds.  Grin

how do you do this?

It is something my bank (USAA) offers.  Initially the offered it via a scanner (called deposit@Home).  You type in amount of check, scan it and then once accepted void the check.  They credit your account electronically.  About a year ago they added smartphone feature which works the same way except you take photo of front and back of check.

Pretty cool.  It happens in realtime even the OCR image analysis and instantly tells you the deposit cleared or to scan again.   Pretty cool stuff but USAA is an awesome bank and it is owned by members.

very cool.  must be fairly unique.  any other banks do this?
17393  Economy / Economics / Re: Gold: I smell a trap on: October 19, 2011, 12:41:07 AM
Has anyone used before? It's a way to avoid taxes on silver.

i've had an acct with them for years but currently its empty of course.  didn't know you could avoid taxes using it.  i doubt it.
17394  Economy / Speculation / Re: Warning: How many of you Bears have ever been a victim of a Short Squeeze? on: October 19, 2011, 12:10:48 AM
i just want short sellers to realize that a short squeeze is a predatory manipulation meant to kill the short seller.  if there's money to be made doing it, it will happen.  and right now, there are alot of people offsides.

There's not enough benefit in this. Most short sellers were shorting since long ago. One of my customers has already made 230% profit. The recent crash only induced more long positions.

Short sellers are far from being liquidated because they have a lot of profits to back their positions.

precisely why they should be liquidating now; when they have those profits.  once the trend changes it will be rapid.
17395  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Media : Bitcoin is Done on: October 18, 2011, 10:52:00 PM
you have to remember that Bitcoin is MORE of a threat to the current system than even gold or silver.  why?  because the monetary task masters do not have any Bitcoin, at least that we know of.  at least the Fed has what they report they have of gold in Fort Knox which supposedly is the largest stash in the world.  with Bitcoin they don't even have a foot in the game which is why its SO threatening.

I dis-agree.  If "they" wanted a foot in the game, they'd have one for chump change.  The whole economy is now, what, $20 mill?  Taking a position would undoubtedly increase that somewhat even if they were careful, but we are still talking about a tiny tiny amount of money here.  Probably the cost of running just the US's military for a matter of seconds.

no, step one would be to try and kill Bitcoin before it got off the ground.  that way they wouldn't have to put any money into Bitcoin at all which could paradoxically help legitimize it by making the price go up.

to this day no one has explained why the mtgox hacker would drive the price to zero without lifting his withdrawal limits ahead of time.
17396  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Media : Bitcoin is Done on: October 18, 2011, 10:47:31 PM
another aspect of what i just said is that if the central banks ever got the sense that Bitcoin was unstoppable, heaven knows what they'd do to actually get a foot in the game.

which is precisely why i feel they are doing everything they can to try and prevent that from happening such as forum trolling despite what some of you believe.
17397  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Media : Bitcoin is Done on: October 18, 2011, 10:35:02 PM
you have to remember that Bitcoin is MORE of a threat to the current system than even gold or silver.  why?  because the monetary task masters do not have any Bitcoin, at least that we know of.  at least the Fed has what they report they have of gold in Fort Knox which supposedly is the largest stash in the world.  with Bitcoin they don't even have a foot in the game which is why its SO threatening.
17398  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Media : Bitcoin is Done on: October 18, 2011, 08:53:23 PM
Bitcoin can't go away. Its impossible even if 75% of the user base uninstalled their clients.

You have Solidcoin salivating and planning his revenge over and over with the doublespend attack when the network power drops to that level.

LOL!  that clown?  you gotta be kidding me.  he has enough of his own troubles picking up the remnants of Solidcoin which didn't turn out to be so solid afterall.
17399  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Media : Bitcoin is Done on: October 18, 2011, 08:15:15 PM
Hey, if Bank of America can go from $54 to $3 and still not be done, why can't Bitcoin?

LOL! Cheesy
17400  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Chase Bank to offer deposits for MTGox on: October 18, 2011, 08:10:05 PM

When I get a check I deposit it by taking a photo of it w/ my smartphone so it seems kinda silly to have digital funds -> paper check -> postal mail -> smart phone deposit -> digital funds.  Grin

how do you do this?

I've been doing it at Walmart for over 5 years. I hand them a check, they scan it, and had the check back to me. According to the timestamps of my receipt and my back statement, it was all done within one second.

Now, I'm going to try to do this one more time. MtGox showed me a way to deposit USD into my account with it showing up quickly. Great! Now, I want to withdraw funds from MtGox and have it show up at my bank within the same amount of time. If they can't, then I say that their only looking out for themselves. Get your USD here quick, but we'll still take our sweet time giving your funds back to you. That's the point I was trying to make from my very first post on this thread.

this is actually a very good point.

edit:  i wonder if i set up a Chase acct could mtgox get me my USD's back in one day?
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