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181  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: CoinFlux - Serviciu de schimb [official] on: September 27, 2017, 11:47:35 AM
Privind din exterior, feedback'ul adus site'ului de catre bg17aw, nu pare a fi formulat ca un atac, sau ca si comentarii acide. Spun asta pentru ca observ in exprimarea lui formule de genul: "Coinflux pare totusi ca nu respecta...", "engleza folosita schioapata...", etc. Nu sunt folosite expresii cu caracter absolut (eg: "Coinflux nu respecta...").

Prima reactie a lui vladnistor, este intr'adevar exagerata, dar probabil asta se datoreaza lipsei de experienta in comunicarea cu clientii si, dupa cum a spus chiar dumnealui, atasamentul fata de platforma. Intr'un final, prin mesajul anterior, a dat dovada de profesionalism si de faptul ca invata din greselile trecute. Este imbucurator acest lucru, pentru ca avem nevoie de cat mai multe servicii legate de crypto romanesti, indiferent de natura lor.

Ca si feedback asupra serviciului Coinflux, eu personal nu l'am folosit, dar nu am auzit despre nici un fel de problema de la cei care l'au utilizat, si aici ma refer la cunostinte strict personale.

Succes in continuare.
182  Economy / Lending / Re: New To Bitcoin, Small Loan? on: September 27, 2017, 10:23:55 AM
Would anyone like to help me? I'm new to bitcoin and I don't understand mining, could someone explain it to me and offer a small loan?

You live in US,you dont understand mining and thus you want a small loan to get started. How crazy that sounds?!Meaningless sentences.
The only thing that is obvious is that you are a beggar and beggars are not allowed here.

Bye,bye noobie! Grin

I don't understand how it sounds because I don't understand bitcoin, that's why I was asking for someone to explain mining.

You say that you don't understand bitcoin... but it seems that you understand enough to beg.

If it's explanation that you seek, than why did you post in the landing section?

If indeed you really don't understand what begging means (but I find this hard to belive, regardless if you beg for money, BTC or anything else), then think about this way: If every new account would receive $1, that you could easily make $100 a day. It takes just a few minutes or less to create a new account and this forum will be filled with ten of thousands of useless users and posts.

Now, close this thread and contribute to this forum in a positive manner.
183  Economy / Lending / Re: Serious Investors ONLY - Mining Farm with Instant Returns on: September 26, 2017, 01:36:16 PM
We can provide collateral in the form of hashing power for those interested.

We are looking for investments ranging from $10,000 to $250,000.


Good one, it made me laugh Smiley)

Can you sign a message from your mining address with all your hashing power? I'm guessing that it's kind of impossible for you to do this, it ussualy is when you're a liar and a scamer.

-- edited --

I will remove the negative trust when you prove that you have the mining capacity that you claim to have (see above how) and offer a valid collateral (read the sticky posts if you don't know what this is) for your loan request.
184  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: multiplicare bitcoin on: September 22, 2017, 01:37:35 PM
Acum daca tu o iei personal sau nu, este problema ta. Acesta este comportamentul meu fata de toti cei care promoveaza scamuri. Din fericire, pe sectiunea romaneasca sunt destul de putini, dar mai apare cate unul din cand in cand.

Citeste aici sa te regasesti:

Daca vrei, poti sa'ti vinzi apartamentul, masina, sa'ti convingi prietenii si familia sa faca la fel si sa bagati toti banii in site'ul minune pe care il promovezi. O sa fiti bogati cu totii. Dar tine mizeriile astea departe de aici.
185  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: multiplicare bitcoin on: September 22, 2017, 11:56:58 AM
Sincer, nu m'ai dezamagit cu nimic.. Foarte predictibil, nici eu in locul tau nu as risca niste bani pentru o chestie in care nu cred. Doar am vrut sa demonstrez ceva.
De asta am zis sa'ti fie rusine pentru ce faci, vrei sa ii convingi pe altii sa'si piarda banii pe acest site ponzi, dar tu fugi cu coada intre picioare cand este vorba sa risti banii tai. Daca intr'adevar credeai in site, ai fi acceptat pariul fara sa stai pe ganduri. Vorba fara fapta este ca latratul de dupa gard.

Inca o chestie: Au uitat sa schimbe textul butoanelor, mai exact ma refer la "Purchase Adpack". Pai cum vine asta, parca este site de trading nu de Adpack Smiley)).
186  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: multiplicare bitcoin on: September 22, 2017, 11:26:46 AM
De asemenea ca o companie care se respecta, bine'inteles ca au toate datele publice:

Organization:WHOISGUARD, INC.
Street:P.O. BOX 0823-03411

In cazul in care unii nu si'au dat seama, este doar o ironie.

De asemenea, site'ul si l'au facut aici:

Cateva randuri din descriere:

BitcoinMany Scriptbolt BitcoinDX script template.
Hyip including Scriptbolt BitcoinDX, Goldcoders Hyip manager pro, ArmHyip or any custom script.

Deci cam asta este cu site'ul asta de "trading".

Acesti paraziti care se hranesc cu naivitatea altora afecteaza intr'un mod extrem de negativ perceptia generala asupra crypto-monezilor. Singura modalitate prin care ii putem impiedica este sa incercam cat mai mult sa informam si pe altii sa nu pice in plasa.
187  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: multiplicare bitcoin on: September 22, 2017, 11:18:21 AM
In primul rand meriti trust negativ pentru ca promovezi un ponzi.
In al doilea rand meriti pentru ca iti faci reclama la linkul de referal, lucru care este permis atat timp cat specifici ca este un link de referal si pui si linkul fara referal - Il rog pe Cyrus sa rectifice situatia.
In al treilea rand meriti pentru ca vii cu informatii pe cat de vagi pe atat de false: "echipa din spatele site-ului se bucura de incredere in comunitatile de trading". Cine este "acea echipa" si cine face parte din aceasta "comunitatile de trading". Poti da niste nume? Pot fi verificate aceste informatii? Poate fi gasita aceasta "echipa" in momentul in care vor disparea cu banii? Raspunsul este NU.

Sa'ti fie rusine pentru ce faci.

Pentru cei mai putin cunoscatori: Nu picati in plasa.

hai mai lasa-ma cu rusinea si teoriile! daca ai fi citit atent postul meu ai fi vazut ca am specificat ca las linkul meu de ref.
comunitatea care acorda echipei incredere se afla pe alt forum, al carui nume banuiesc ca nu il pot spune.
m-ai contactat cumva in privat si nu am spus cine este adminul sau care comunitate il sustine si are incredere? nu! atunci de sari tu cu acuze, te dai tu preot pe aici?

primul depozit este garantat 100% in caz ca nu iti convine situatia si vrei sa te retragi inainte de termen.
nu este schema ponzi! sa iti spun de ce? pentru ca odata cu caderea de saptamana trecuta a oprit retragerile si DEPUNERILE de pe platforma pentru 2 saptamani, pana cand isi revine. daca era ponzi nu anula depunerile pentru a-mi da mie profitul, nu?

stiu ca 99% din aceste siteuri sunt scam. nu te uita la vechimea mea pe forum, sunt investitor vechi in site-uri si detinator de cryptomonede. nusunt un pui iesit din ou bucuros ca a gasit un site si dornic in mod special de refi.

te-am lamurit putin? mai vrei?

Haide sa facem altfel, ca asa vorbe pot fi spuse multe, dar eu propun o solutie sa vedem cine crede intr'adevar in ce spune si cine vrea doar sa promoveze un ponzi pentru castigul propriu:

In timpul meu petrecut in lumea crypto am vazut mii de siteuri de genul si mii de "promoteri" de'al de tine care dupa ce dispare site'ul dispar si ei cu coada intre picioare...

Propunerea mea este urmatoarea: Punem fiecare o suma fixa intr'un escrow (il recomand pe Cyrus pentru ca este roman) si asteptam un an. Daca la sfarsitul anului va mai exista acest site minunat (mina de aur, get rich quick si cum mai vrei tu sa'i zici) atunci castigi tu. Daca intre timp dispare (cum se si va intampla) atunci castig eu. Propun sa punem cate 0.1 BTC fiecare si daca esti de acord il contactam pe Cyrus si aranjam totul public.

Deci accepti sau nu? Restul vorbelor si invartitul in jurul cozii sunt de prisos.
188  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: how to get bitcoin again if it's gone and it's gone because of scammers on: September 22, 2017, 10:58:26 AM
how to get bitcoin again if it's gone and it's gone because of scammers
I used to invest in sites I know I can earn too much
but I do not know most of those scammers,
I earn here without very little money

BTC are a ireversible payment method. It's impossible for you to get them back if you had been scamed. You most probably had "invested" (to be read donated) in a ponzi site. Consider that you had payed to learn not to get involved with this kind of schemes ever.

To answer your other question: Getting bitcoin is exactly like earning money: you have to work for them or manage your own business (shop/service provider). Another method is to mine, but this require an initial investment to aquire the equipment (mostly asic's for bitcoin or rigs with videocards for other coins, eg: etherum). There are also some coins that you mine without equipment (POS coins) but you have to buy some and them stake them.
189  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: "Browser Mining" - is it worth it? on: September 22, 2017, 10:35:37 AM
Got a notification in "Use your browser to passively mine bitcoin and receive mining rewards instantly to your account, credited every 5 minutes." Anyone has any idea how this works and is it worth it? Is there any chance of laptop/PC being damaged from this sort of "mining"?

To put it in a way that's easy to understand: To mine bitcoin with your browser (aka: with your CPU) it's like tring to empty an ocean with a spoon. Now think about how much this is worth and you have your answer if you should do it or not. This is beside the additional risk of instaling some sort of malware.

Nobody can tell you what to do, but comparing the risk (high risk) and the rewards (practically 0) I'm shure you will make the right decision.
190  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: i find site similar to bitcointalk on: September 22, 2017, 10:24:32 AM
The posts have mostly the same date. It looks like it was artificially populated with posts and users.
My bet is that it's the OP forum and he is trying to advertise it here.

Anyway, there isn't and there won't be another btctalk.. not near close.
191  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: Lansare Bitcoin ATM Cluj-Napoca on: September 22, 2017, 10:21:33 AM
Pe cand si la Iasi unul?
Am colegi si prieteni care vor sa cumpere regulat, mai exact care vor sa isi tina o parte din economii in BTC dar nu vor sa foloseasca contul bancar. Au incercat la Zebra dar de cele mai multe ori sunt "out of funds".
Sunt oameni care nu au neaparat treaba cu crypto, dar care sunt dispusi sa riste 10%-20% din economiile lunare.
192  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: where can i invest to make money on: September 22, 2017, 10:15:12 AM
good afternoon
   i want to invest and reap maximum return on bitcoin, where can invest my money

As the history have shown time and time again, your best bet is to just hold the bitcoins. This is an investment in itself.
Investing your btc, most of the time (95% maybe more) you will loose money. Also, there is no investment without risks, but if you really want, you can invest in altcoins or in casinos bankrolls (only find reputables ones).
193  Economy / Securities / Re: I have access to electricity with 0 cost, need someone to invest in a farm on: September 22, 2017, 07:03:39 AM
hi guys, I have electricity with zero cost and building where we can make a farm (building needs to be reorganized).  I'm new around this topic but researched a lot past 2 days and finally got conclusion that's mining is only profitable with very low or 0 cost electricity so it's nice opportunity  Grin Grin. If someone is interested please let me know. I'm thinking about investment under 50k from the beginning and if everything goes well then we go big  Cool Cool

I'll appreciate if you tell me any other useful places to post all about this

P.S Country : Georgia.  (bitfury invested 100 mln here for building megafarm  Shocked Shocked Shocked)

What's the nature of the zero cost electricity and how do you obtain it? Is it legal? Do you have some kind of contract or any proof that you can use the zero cost electricity regardless of the amount?
This are just a few aspects that must be all in order if you are thinking of starting a business.

From what I can tell, there is no business oportunity here, because even if you are all legal (eg: you have a contract that specify you can use unlimited free energy, but I highly doubt this), there is the trust issue (and around here this is a BIG issue).

Your best bet is to talk with friends and people that knows and trust you personaly.
194  Economy / Securities / Re: Danny's Back (Neobee Part 2) on: September 21, 2017, 01:28:38 PM
so, like many of you that stopped paying attention to the neobee saga, i was quite surprised when i opened the email from neodisrupt:

Hi, you may not be aware that there is now a redemption portal available for your NEOBEE tokens that you acquired in 2013/2014.

You can find more information and keep up to speed with the latest information on Reddit through /r/neobee and the token management website listed below.

at first i thought it was a phishing attempt, but, after some reddit digging, it checked out. i logged in, was credited my shares, and like everyone else im still half "this isnt happening/its a scam" and " am i really going to get my money back"?

so, thoughts? to be honest, he had no incentive to come back if he wasnt going to follow through with this. with that being said, we have been burned once before.

bigly. Grin

Did anybody managed to login?
I really can't remember if I'm using the correct password, but when I try to reset it, it gives an error.
195  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Ce ne asteapta in viitor - speculatie pe tema bitcoin on: September 21, 2017, 12:01:00 PM
salut tuturor ! mie tare mi-e frica ca datorita chinezilor, o sa scada extrem de mult valoarea bitcoin, dar si mai rau ar fi sa se interzica si la noi bitcoin. sper sa ma insel si sa putem merge inainte

Bitcoin'ul nu are cum sa se interzica. Ce se poate face, pe parte legislativa este sa se scoata in ilegalitate exchange'urile, sa se interzica business'urilor sa accepte bitcoin ca si moneda de plata si alte cateva chestii de genul (eg: sa se interzica primirea donatiilor politice in bitcoin).

Intr'adevar aceste masuri pot fi adoptate, dar sa se scoata in ilegalitate bitcoinul, ar ramane doar la stadiul de lege pentru ca nici un guvern nu are puterea de a pune in practica legea respectiva. Mai mult de atat, daca la noi se interzice vanzarea/tranzactionarea bitcoinului, nu te opreste nimeni sa'l vinzi/tranzactionezi pe un exchange extern sau sa cumperi bunuri de pe site'uri apartinand unor state unde este acceptat. Poti folosi un VPN si nu poate nimeni demonstra ca la momentul cumpararii bunului respectiv te aflai pe teritoriul Romaniei. Este ca si cum ar incerca sa te acuze statul ca ai fumat iarba cand erai in Amsterdam, pentru ca la noi este interzis, mai pe scurt: o aberatie.
196  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: multiplicare bitcoin on: September 21, 2017, 11:06:53 AM
In primul rand meriti trust negativ pentru ca promovezi un ponzi.
In al doilea rand meriti pentru ca iti faci reclama la linkul de referal, lucru care este permis atat timp cat specifici ca este un link de referal si pui si linkul fara referal - Il rog pe Cyrus sa rectifice situatia.
In al treilea rand meriti pentru ca vii cu informatii pe cat de vagi pe atat de false: "echipa din spatele site-ului se bucura de incredere in comunitatile de trading". Cine este "acea echipa" si cine face parte din aceasta "comunitatile de trading". Poti da niste nume? Pot fi verificate aceste informatii? Poate fi gasita aceasta "echipa" in momentul in care vor disparea cu banii? Raspunsul este NU.

Sa'ti fie rusine pentru ce faci.

Pentru cei mai putin cunoscatori: Nu picati in plasa.
197  Economy / Services / Re: How to make your own exchange within an hour on: September 21, 2017, 10:22:32 AM
I think that the title "How to make your own exchange within an hour" is an overstatement. An exchange made within an hour it should last... an hour. Maybe it has the functionality provided by OP, but some really big exchanges have been hacked (eg: BitStamp, Bitfinex, etc...) and they have entire teams of developers. To build an exchange is not an easy task and learning how to program takes years of learning and practice. There are no shortcuts.

This is an exchange based on our backed.
We have a bounty with a minimal reward of $1k US to anyone who will be able to compromise the security of our exchange (maximum of twice of the amount you can extract unlawfully).

Go for it!

I wasn't talking about the security of your exchange. I was talking about the security of an exchange based on your engine. If someone wants to introduce new futures, it has to know the inside-out of the code, because otherwise, it could introduce aditional security holes and most of the time this is exactly what will happend.

Althought, I agree that using an exact copycat of your exchange, it may be as secured as your own exchange.. but then what will be the point? Why someone would go to a copycat exchange and not on the original?

Anyway, I'm not condamning your initiative in anyway but in fact I encourage it, like any other initiative related to crypto development. I just want to point out some aspects that may not be so obvious from the start.

Good luck with your service.
198  Economy / Services / Re: How to make your own exchange within an hour on: September 20, 2017, 01:55:54 PM
I think that the title "How to make your own exchange within an hour" is an overstatement. An exchange made within an hour it should last... an hour. Maybe it has the functionality provided by OP, but some really big exchanges have been hacked (eg: BitStamp, Bitfinex, etc...) and they have entire teams of developers. To build an exchange is not an easy task and learning how to program takes years of learning and practice. There are no shortcuts.
199  Economy / Lending / Re: btc loan WITH COLLATERAL on: September 20, 2017, 12:05:04 PM
to be honest now i know why most of the people here requesting loans here end up as scammers. 15 percent comes out to 180 apy. there are laws in the us prohibiting pay day loans from charging crazy interest rates, but i guess in the marketplace on this forum its the wild wild west.

everyone has a free choice here, but the entire reason banks lend money is predicated on risk and because of this risk they earn high interest. take a credit card for example that can have a 30 percent apy, it is unsecured debt.

this forum seeks 120 ltv, is secured collateral, and on top of this charges high interest.

its literally loan sharking except even loan sharks dont have collateral they just come beat you when you cant pay lol.

fortunately for me i'm not desperate i was just looking to hedge some bets with the market.

this is strictly my opinion, but if you want this marketplace to be less swarmed with scammers and thieves then it should charge normal/fair interest rates. No one who has the intention of paying back money would ever agree to being fleeced this bad.

i myself might start a lending practice and offer fair rates. the free market really is the wild wild west at times.

shit we didnt even have child labor laws until the 1930s meaning when left unchecked, businesses will do anything Cheesy

If banks do this and banks do that... then it's really simple: Just go to a bank and get the loan, there is no need of so much drama from your part.

You shure complain a looot, but the truth is that nobody aproached you to offer you a loan, but you asked one. The lenders presented their offers so you can take it or leave it. Another issue with your loan request is that you requested it on this forum, so you should have no problem accepting an escrow from this forum.

Anyway, you act like a child, complaining and creating so much drama about unfair rates. Nobody is forcing you to do anything that you don't want. I too think that some things are way to expensive, but I don't go into the shop, ask the seller to present his offer and then start yelling that his prices are to high. If I find miself in this situation, I simply walk away. I suggest you act like a grown person and do the same (but maybe you are just a child seeking atention and in this case you will continue your drama, we will just have to see..)
200  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin will control the world economy!!!!! is it true? on: September 15, 2017, 12:44:31 PM
Some media shows that bitcoin can be the next weapon to control the world economy. i think it is true and it will be seen soon.  
I was also reading some article where it is said that soon we will enter 4th industrial revolution and that we need a new economical system for it.
Some one said that  blockchain techlonogy would be the next economical system.
I don`t think that this would be bitcoin, but deffinetly something new is coming for sure.

Blockchain technology shure have the potential to be used for the next economical system (transactions, smart contracts, autonomus entities, etc...). As for bitcoin, for now, it can't replace the global economy because it can't scale this much, but there is work in progress about this (seg witness, lighning network). Also, the banks and the goverments can't controle it so they will do anything in their power to stop it for reaching this level. If bitcoin were to be used and sustain the global economy, than the banks would be useless.
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