Buonasera a tutti,
Qualcuno di voi sa indicarmi un provider alternativo a Blockain.info per aprire un wallet e non rimanere con il cero in mano?
I'm not clear, sorry.
10 people (shareholders) build up an amount for guarantee 50% of losses of investor Some investor (different from shareholder) give their BTC to Account Managers If account managers lose BTC Investor are guarantee from BCT deposited by shareholder
Consulenza Finanziaria Indipendente. [...] dalla casa in Molise (regione che non esiste ) [...] Ma lo lasciate in pace il mio Molise o no? E perchè? A Venafro producono tra le migliori attrezzature per il consolidamento del terreno
How long have you been playing forex and trading? It seems like a risky investment and nobody want to invest if their money is being hold with someone who is new to trading Also, are you pretty sure this would work? What happen if your plan fails miserably Hi teddy, i propose my ideas, but i think that a good improvement could be to have 2 or 3 account manager that manage a part of invested amount. So if someone would propose himself as account manager, could reply here
Pitchotto, non ho ricevuto alcun PM, ma non è questo il problema.
Quando dovrò acquistare mi farò vivo
Peccato. Era un passatempo carino
I'm alwais reliable to improve the project.
L'ultima trovata (si fa per dire ) è stata quella di proporre ad un cliente (che ha accettato) di fittarsi un terreno e piantare rape! Sembra una follia ma il fitto è a titolo grautito con pagamento in servizi (mantenere le aree pulite e in manutezione al proprietario per un periodo di 4 mesi) e il costo per arare il terreno è stato di circa 250 euro, ai quali si aggiungono altre 75 euro per le sementi e il concime, più le 5 giornate (ad un costo figurativo di circa 50 euro ) che ha sostenuto e sosterrà per la pulizia, la semina e il raccolto. Quindi ad un esborso materiale di circa 400 euro (considerati anche i costi che lo stesso sosterrò per il carburante per recarsi al campo) vanno aggiunti altri 250 euro di costi figurativi, con un costo teorico di circa 650 euro. L'incasso previsto, considerando i prezzi attesi delle rape protrebbe raggiungenere i 900 euro. Questo voul dire che il mio cliente potrebbe ottenere un ROI di circa 900 - 250- 400 = 250 euro ossia del 62% in quattro mesi (190% su base annua). Ovviamente da questa va tolta la mia fee che in questo caso di aggira attorno al 30% del ROI. In ogni caso sembra una prospettiva più che allettante (anche perchè le rape non necessitano di particolari cure una volta seminate). Ovviamente, se le cose dovessero prendere una brutta piega, rape per tutti!
A partire dalla prossima settimana inizierò ad acquistare, per conto di alcuni clienti, discrete quantità di BTC (a giorni nulla, a giorni poche frazioni, a giorni diverse centinaia di euro),sempre a mezzo postepay con ricarica contanti c\o esercenti o uffici postali (al fine di garantire l'anonimato dei miei clienti).
Pertanto acquisterò da chi saprà garantirmi il prezzo migliore
A presto e grazie per l'interesse
Consulenza Finanziaria Indipendente. Dai Porcini della Sila ai DOGecoin, dalla casa in Molise (regione che non esiste ) al quadro dell'artista di strada, tutto fa brodo purchè vi possa essere una reale opportunità di guadagno per il mio cliente e per me.
do as i did. i sent Dabs a photo of my passport once when i had to verify my identity (if things were to go wrong, which they never did ) ? What are you talking about?
Hallo KingOfbitcoin.
As i say, my project consist in two step, A group of shareolder who build a company and risk all amount and a group of people who like to invest in forex and limit loss to 50% of initial amount. In the middle we have an escrow and an account manager.
I pput here only a basic project, and it need to be impoved by advice of other interested user.
Are you sure? They don't give me any reply!
I send my contact (including phone number) to alwinlinzee and james.lent . Hope they could confirm here
I talk about an idea. This is a beta project and It can be improved with the contribution of all concerned.
Eveyone should say what think about and what can be done to improve the project and make it really credible and reliable .
Yes, as i just say, my project start from this post. But before say to refund in case of losses, i would be sure that this could be happen. If someone would could contact me on facebook or on my phone, i haven't any problem to talk about me.
Sorry friend, you are in a wrong way.
This is the "Beta" version of my project. Hope you like this and could help me to improve it
My idea start from a post on this forum section: An user invested BTC as account manager and promised to refund the losses. But seems that he doesn't refund anyone.
Well, my idea is to create a Little venture capital company, in which first shareholders (I say 10 people but could be more) deposit this amount to one(or more) escrow. Then we open a Forex account in BTC and we open this account to all people that would invest in forex. The maximum amount deposited on forex account will not be major of 200% of the amount deposited to the escrow, and this because in case of losses escrow will refund 50% of initial deposit capital. But this isn't all....
I think this: For each BTC deposited on account, 0,20BTC will be deposited to escrow to increase the guarantee in case of losses, from 0,01 will be payd to escrow and the rest will be invested.
Trades start on Sunday and close on Friday. For each BTC of profit, 0,20 will go to shareholders, 0,25 will go to investors, 0,20 will go to account manager, 0,15 will go to increase the protect losses found held by the escrow, 0,15 will be reinvented and 0,05 will be used for pay escrow and other services.
All investor are guaranteed till they withdraw 50% of their initial deposit: For example if I an investor deposit 1 BTC and obtain and withdraw 0,50 BTC in first week but loss all in second week, he will not be refunded. If he withdraw only 0,25 in first week and then he loss all, he will be refunded of 0,25 BTC.
It's only a "beta" idea and all need to be better, but I think with your cooperation we could offer a great opportunity for investor and create a good company for us.
What do you think about?
Ps: Sorry for my English Embarrassed
Hallo to all,
First i would to say don't worry about my rank: I'm a newbie on Bitcointalk but I've a good background in Finance. I've a good idea and I'm looking for an Escrow and 10 people who would invest 0,50BTC for a total amount of 5BTC: at this moment I only say that this amount will be hold by the escrow. This is the first step to create our little company for start my project.
If anyone could be interested coud contact me in pm so I could explain my intention. If my idea will be realized, the next step will be the launch of a new service.
Contact me only if you are really interested or if you are an high trusted escrow.