all the teams here are very quiet and there is no communication whatsoever. stop begging here they do not hear or read at all. which must be done at this time just pray if one day they will realize that the success of the envion is not the work of individuals but by bounty campaigns that are in the bitcointalk forum.
setelah kejadian iniPihak MEW seharusnya memberikan jaminan keamanan yang lebih baik karena MEW merupakan walet populer dan paling banyak digunakan. Berita ini akan berimbas pada harga ETH pastinya dan ETC sudah lebih dulu turun. mungkin ETH akan kembali terpuruk karena hacker mungkin akan segera menjual ETH mereka.
menurut ane harga ETH tidak akan terpuruk hanya karena hecker menjual ETH mereka. ini hanya perbaikan sementara dan sudah biasa terjadi untuk memperkuat sistem keamanan MEW. kareana merupakan salah satu wallet terpopuler di kripto.
Bitcoin is a part of digital money. How is digital money is your country ??
Digital money in my country ain't deployed at all unfortunately , and until these past couple years , citizens here didn't have the right to own any foreign currencies or the right to process a digital card (visa/master card .. ) or an E-money account (Paypal/skryll .. ) . And even now that we do it's only limited to 1k euros / year , which is really nothing at all . And we still don't have access to Paypal also , the other day i was deploying the Paypal API for my University web site project , and when i wanted to process payment with a Paypal account created in my country , payments couldn't be processed and automatically rejected .. As for bitcoin ,roughly 5% of my country's citizens know about it , and even those who does have a very vague understanding and knowledge about what is it or what technology is backing it up .. And this is certainly the case of any developing country .. not all developing countries as you mentioned above. my country uses digital money for various transactions such as buying an item in a shopping center. which is a problem they just do not receive payment with bitcoin but with other digital money they can accept it. it is caused because the value of bitcoin price is very unstable different from other digital money that exist in my country. but I hope one day bitcoin will be received just like any other digital money.
should no longer need to be in fear by investing bitcoin because time already answere. the most important thing is to prepare the seat belts to fly to the moon before any regrets because the price of bitcoin is still 9 k.
yes it's really been seen slowly but surely this month's bitcoin already shows the goal you think reaches 20 k. but no one can certainly predict when that happens. which obviously I believe it will happen in the near or long time.
invest definitely use your money and you should remember the risks you have taken when entering the world of crypto. bounty is the result of your work during ICO. which lasts 1 month to 3 months that you do. so I think both are worth doing while you can still benefit from both.
not all bounty managers who are experienced in the field is definitely a successful ICO project. I personally see how the project could be useful for blockchain and where the ICO work project country should be considered as well. and most importantly the team can attract investors and there are limitations for bounty participants so that the results me get from bounty also have good value.
impossible ripple to overtake bitcoin. Although this information is true, many people do not want to have ripple coins because their system is so bad that it works with state banks. I personally say bitcoin will be much better than the ripple until whenever.
ane pribadi mendengar berita bandar narkoba di tangkap oleh oknum polisi yang melakukan transaksi melalui bitcoin baru ini ane lihat, sangat miris sekali yang di lakukan oleh tersangka ane rasa kalau dia ingin mendapatkan uang mengapa tidak bermain trading saja di alt coin bukan yang seperti ini mentukaran bitcoin menjadi narkoba.
My portfolio is 80% invested with a long term of 2 to 3 years I will hold a coin that I think has a good future like BTC, ETH and ADA. because the profits will be much larger with the daily because I invest the fund from the money that if lost I will never feel lost on the money.
kalau 40k eth adalah pencapaian penuh ane rasa bakalan sedikit sulit gan, karena mengingat kondisi yang sekarang ini, kalau sekedar 20k eth bisa saja mungkin gan tetapi kalau 40k akan sulit bagi mereka untuk mencapainya gan.
Kalaupun kemungkinan untuk menembus hardcap sangat sudah,kayaknya sih tidak terlalu buruk gan,,karena hasil yang sudah diperoleh juga sudah sangat banyak,,kalau dibandingin dengan proyek lainnya,ini sudah bisa dikatakan sebagai ico yang sukses,,proyek lain dapat 1k ETH saja susah,, yang terpenting sudah mencapai softcapnya gan jadi peserta bounty sudah aman,tapi ane heran proyek ini konsepnya sangat menarik dan bagus tapi mengapa penjualannya terkesan agak lambat. mudah mudahan saja saat mencapai hardcap jadi peserta bounty jadi panen besar.
When will the token distribution take place?
it seems that here no one else will answer us, the manager does not appear here from the 2nd date, it's sad when you need to find out everything yourself ( for what i know the calculations are not finished yet. I don't remember well so i don't want to write something wrong, but i check on official telegram channel if i can have some more info. The right steps to more often visit the telegram group if you are anxious to find out when token will be distributed. Even there there is no full answer, at least I see only one advertisement for the project and there is nothing more, and I think here too people should receive updates and not just in the telegram chat this is a "very" common "problem". A lot of devs use more telegram chat instead the official thread on btt. But i'm sure that when they know for sure the date for the token distribution, sylon will let us know. This doesn't happen in this project alone because they are more active in telegram group because I see almost all projects are more active in their telegram group. not everyone has telegram. it's good they update the latest status of how the development of this project in bitcointalk forum. because good communication will have an impact on the progress of the project.
see this project very useful for workers. I believe with the start of ICO moment the market starts to improve will many investors are interested in this project and hopefully it can reach hardcap.
hello manager bounty I'm just a social media bounty participant, why can not I open spreadsheets for bounty crassula capital, can I know when spreadsheets are open to the public?
hello dev what is the status of this zeus project? is there a bounty participant who has received the payment?
my current opinion about the market is obviously improving better than last month, about my prediction of whether to reach 9 k or not, maybe it could happen this month to see what happens only one day bitcoin or alt coin gets up in a moment. which is clearly a sign of market revival has started to happen in this month.
I got my reward for Twitter company. In accordance with the data from the spreadsheet. Great job, Thanks. I expect a reward for working on Facebook.
where is the link spreadsheets that have been updated the stake and tokennya count?
Terus nasib bounty sosmed yang lama gimana gan, stake apa tetap di amankan, apa harus mulai ikut dari awal lagi dan daftar di bountyhive, Kalau ikutan diproyeknya bountyhive itu Twitteraudit harus rajin di Re-audit terus biar stake di hitung kalau enggak percuma gan,
Emang ada di minta syarat minimal harus ter audit berapa bulan gitu ya gan? Saya belum pernah ikutan bountyhive soalnya jadi agak kurang tahu sistem bounty di situ. Kalau gak salah di bountyhive emang ada syarat beberapa bulan gitu mesti terupdate twitternya di twitteraudit kalau gak bakalan gak kehitung stakenya ane udah pernah lihat banyak kasus kayak gitu gan. Jadi emang lebih baik di twitterauditin dolo aja. wih semakin susah aja ya gan kalau di pindah ke bountyhive, saya juga baru tahu gan kalau peraturannya kaya gitu, tapi itu masuk akal juga gan peraturan semakin diperketat tidak hanya pada rank yang berpengaruh pada signature campaign tapi juga diperketat pada sosial media, tujuannya satu yaitu meminimalisir akun robot dan memperbaiki kualitas posting Soal bounty kita bahas nanti aja gan, sekilas info kalau barusan ane buka di website perolehan sementara ico adalah 9600 eth, perlahan tapi pasti setiap hari ada perkembangan dari penjualan token,, semoga sukses, Itu masih jauh dari angka hardcapnya gan,, setau ane hardcapnya mencapai 30k namun itu bari darpet 9,6k menurut ane agak berat perjuangan bobs repair kedepan, apalagi sudah tidak di bantu mac afee untuk promosinya Kayaknya gak masalah gan, waktu ico juga masih lama banget, sampai 4 mei, ane masih optimis proyeknya bakal sukses besar gan,, ane sangat optimis tanpa support dari john mCAfee pun bobs bisa sukses. kalau melihat kondisi market sekarang yang seperti ini, untuk memperoleh hasil seperti itu sudah lumayan gan, apalagi setiap hari ada progresnya tanda bagus gan. berharap saja sebelum akhir april kondisi market bisa membaik, itu akan sangat menolong penjualan ane yakin. yang paling penting kalau bisa dalam minggu ini sudah menyentuh harga softcapnya jadi peserta bounty tidak khawatir lagi,secara proyek ini sudah hampir 4 bulan di pegang peserta bounty. semoga aja nnt hasilnya akan memuaskan untuk peserta bounty bobs repair.
It's too early to talk about restoring the market, all these small ups, these are temporary phenomena. The market will still be shaky and this may drag on for a long time. Everybody thinks they're smart. Now they will buy coins and earn a lot, but the market can very badly punish!
it's true the market could be punishing but it's already a risk to everyone if you want to invest bitcoin. today many people are speculating about bitcoin and alt coin but no one knows what the true future of the market is, so it's wise to do something about it.
It is never too late to invest in Bitcoin. Even now the crypto-currency is having only around 100 million users. It has the potential to reach an user-base of up to 2.5 billion. So even now we are going through the early adopter phase.
yes it is really not too late to buy bitcoin, the thing you need to do believe in bitcoin and try new things that you have never done. and you will gain learning and experience when you have entered the crypto world.