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21  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: Two-way BTC to Fiat & Polished Diamonds OTC trading in Asia, Europe & Americas on: June 14, 2024, 12:25:38 PM
Oh boy, where do I even start with this dumpster fire of an ad?

First off, let's talk about the elephant in the room - your shady past. You've been caught red-handed plagiarizing content from another website, and now you're trying to peddle your "services" to unsuspecting victims? Give me a break.

Now, about your "confidential" OTC exchange services... Yeah, right. You're offering cash collection in downtown areas of major cities, and conversion via SWIFT bank wire transfers. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, or rather, a recipe for you to make off with people's money.

And what's with the "Nominal Transfer and Exchange Fees Applicable" disclaimer? You're trying to sneak in some hidden fees, aren't you?

Oh, and let's not forget about your "team" - completely anonymous, of course. Because, you know, scammers always prefer to remain in the shadows.

And those websites you're promoting?,, and They look like they were thrown together in a hurry, with all the hallmarks of a phishing scam. And what's with the weird domain names? They sound like they were generated by a random word generator. Blocktrust, Luckyrichsoft, and Spacenet? Come on, those names scream "scam"!

Listen, people, stay far, far away from this guy and his "services". He's got a history of plagiarism, and his "business" reeks of scam. Don't say I didn't warn you.
22  Economy / Reputation / Re: Only UMG aka GluttonyY could do this. on: June 14, 2024, 12:12:57 PM
The UMG account is only on a read -mode as he's temporary banned for 7 days.

How do we learn about this kind of information? I've tried to consult to modlog and BPIP before to see if they provide these status, but so far I think both didn't inform us about tempo-ban, only perma-ban.

If the information on tempo-ban user (warning tag) is not visible in the places you mentioned, you won't know unless someone from the other part of the forum informs you( as I did). Someone reported those accounts some weeks ago for creating too many spam reports, and one of the admins took care of it. One was perma banned, and the other received a 7-days tempo-ban.

Nothing skips LoyceV bots- You never know  Cheesy

Hey Igebotz, thanks for the update! Glad to see those scammers getting punished. But, why didn't the other one get perma-banned too?
23  Economy / Reputation / Re: Addressing 'Suchmoon' Allegations, on: June 06, 2024, 09:01:26 PM
The website being broken, is a small issue, this issue can be fixed.

*Groan*  That's a horrible business attitude, I just have to tell you that--especially when the business is exclusively on the web.

So I click on this thread and see some bitching about feedback given by some of the most reputable members of the forum who've been here seemingly forever (Poker Player hasn't been here as long as Vod or suchmoon, but he's got my trust anyway), and I'm inclined to advise you to cease your complaining immediately without even looking that deep into whatever's going on here.  Those three members aren't in cahoots with each other, either.

I'm going to read the rest of this thread, but OP I'm telling you that you aren't likely to get much support here unless there was some serious misjudgement on the part of the members who left you negative feedback, all of which have generally proven themselves to have a good nose for bullshit.  You're just going to be pissing into the wind and in the end you're not going to gain anything except more red trust (maybe).

Don't waste your time readin' that whole thread, fam. Unlimited Money Generator's website is a HOT MESS. Like, who thought dark green and black was a good combo? It's like they wanted to make our eyes hurt.

And let's talk about the layout - it's all over the place! You gotta be a detective to find what you're lookin' for. And don't even get me started on the mobile experience... it's like they didn't even try.

So, yeah, it's pretty obvious that this 'business' is a scam. Don't bother, you got better things to do than waste your time on this trash.

UMG, was made by one person kid. I don't even have time to make a mobile interface.

Shut the fuck up moron.

Likewise, I love the site. I love the way the game looks.

It looks great to me.

And I am not a moron lol. Like you.

This looks great.

Are you kidding me with this nonsense? You're trying to defend that dumpster fire of a website by saying it was made by one person? Give me a break. There are UI templates and design resources galore online that can help even the most clueless person create a decent-looking website. But no, you had to go and make a mess that looks like it was designed by a kindergartener having a temper tantrum.

And don't even get me started on the mobile interface. It's 2024, for crying out loud! Everyone and their grandma uses their phone to access the internet. Not having a mobile-friendly interface is a joke. You're basically telling people to stay away from your website.

And you have the nerve to say you love the way the website looks? Are you blind? That website is a hot mess. The colors are ugly, the layout is a disaster, and the overall design is a catastrophe. I'd love to see a poll of how many people think that website looks good. I bet it would be a almost fat zero.

Listen up, because I'm only going to say this once: instead of insulting people and trying to defend your garbage website, why don't you take some constructive criticism and try to improve it? You might actually attract some real users instead of just scammers and trolls. But until then, you can keep dreaming about how great your website is.

Ditec, you sit here all day on the forum and criticize me. What the hell have you done in your life.

You see someone trying to make a change.

You have a bunch of bullshit to say.

You have accomplished nothing in your life.

You calling me a scammer all day is not constructive criticism moron.

Oh, so now you're resorting to personal attacks because you can't defend your shady platform? That's rich coming from someone who's trying to scam people with false promises of unlimited money generation.

Let me address your pathetic attempts to discredit me:

I don't sit on the forum 24/7, unlike you who's constantly trying to promote your scam. I have a life outside of this forum, and I take the time to warn people about potential scams like yours.

What I do in my life is none of your business. You're the one who's trying to make a quick buck by scamming innocent people, not me.

The only "change" you're trying to make is how to scam people more effectively. Your platform is a joke, and your claims are laughable.

I think you're the one who has a bunch of bullshit to say. You're the one making outlandish claims about your platform, not me. I'm just calling you out for your scam.

You can't prove that I've accomplished nothing in my life, because you don't know anything about me. But I can prove that your platform is a scam, and I've already done so in my initial report.

I've explained in detail why UMG is a scam on, and you're intentionally ignoring it because you can't defend your platform. You're just trying to distract from the facts by making personal attacks.

So, instead of trying to discredit me, why don't you address the concerns I've raised about your platform? Oh wait, you can't, because you're a scammer trying to make a quick buck.

No you didnt' discredit, me, a bunch of forum, members have a lack of intelligence, and they supported you, because they are dumb too.

Um, so if you go in the threads, I explain to you, how my platform is sustainable with 99.9% rtp, you respond back with bullshit.

Because your an idiot. On an ego trip, thinking you are a super hero, saving people. In reality you are just a fool, that does not know wtf they are talking about.

You just stupid bro, own up. I aint explaining nothing to you, I am not obligated to do anything.

Bruh, you're really reaching for insults now. Calling me and others "dumb" and "idiots" just makes you look desperate and salty. And, by the way, you don't have any proof that all the members are dumb, so that's just a weak attempt to discredit us.

I've already broken down why your platform is a scam, and you've got nothing to counter with. Instead of addressing the facts, you're just throwing shade and trying to distract from your own BS.

Nah, you definitely didn't break anything down bro.

Like if that's your definition of breaking something down, damn.

But um, you never will be able to break it down, realistically, its not a scam game.

Its a real game, which is why im just joking, with you playing with you, because you really just delusional bro. You just going on delusional rampages. Like, I don't even take you serious. To be honest.

You stupid like I said.

Just like you keep calling me a scammer without proof, insulting me.

I can insult you too.

You fucking stupid.

GluttonyY, I'm literally shocked, but not surprised, that you'd respond to my report with a bunch of insults and nonsense. Instead of addressing the concerns and red flags I raised about the Unlimited Money Generator (uMG) platform, you resorted to insults, personal attacks, and literally, a bunch of nonsense. It's a classic tactic used by scammers to deflect attention from the real issues at hand, and you're literally following the playbook to the letter.

Let me remind you that I never initiated any personal attacks or insults in my initial report. I simply presented my findings and concerns about the uMG platform, and I did so in a professional and respectful manner. However, you chose to respond with a barrage of insults, including racist terms, which is literally unacceptable behavior. I mean, what kind of person resorts to racism and personal attacks when they can't defend their own platform? It's literally pathetic.

Now, let's get back to the topic at hand. You claimed that I didn't "break down" the uMG platform, implying that I didn't understand how it works. I'd like to counter that by saying that I did, in fact, break down the platform's claims and features, and I found them to be literally laughable. I mean, who in their right mind would believe that a platform can generate unlimited money with a 99.9% RTP? It's literally a fairy tale, and you're expecting people to believe it?

Firstly, the uMG platform's promise of unlimited money generation is a clear red flag. No legitimate platform can guarantee such outlandish returns, and it's a tactic commonly used by scammers to lure in unsuspecting victims. You may try to justify this by saying that the platform is "real" and that I'm just "delusional," but the fact remains that the claims made by uMG are literally unrealistic and unsustainable. I mean, do you really expect people to believe that you can generate unlimited money with no risk or effort? It's literally a joke.

Secondly, the platform's "Provably Fair" system is not transparent or verifiable. You may claim that it's a "real game," but without any concrete evidence or third-party audits, it's impossible to verify the fairness of the system. This lack of transparency is a major concern, as it allows the platform to manipulate the outcomes and rig the system in their favor. I mean, what's to stop you from rigging the system to favor your own interests? Literally, nothing.

Thirdly, the uMG platform's design and user interface are unprofessional and lack any semblance of credibility. A legitimate platform would invest in a professional design and user experience, rather than relying on a cheap and tacky website. This lack of investment in the platform's design and infrastructure raises serious questions about the platform's legitimacy and intentions. I mean, if you can't even be bothered to create a decent website, how can you expect people to trust you with their money? It's literally a joke.

Fourthly, the platform's claims about its "Market Cap" feature and "entries" system are convoluted and unclear. You may try to justify these features by saying that they're part of the platform's "real game," but the fact remains that they're poorly explained and lack any concrete evidence to support their claims. I mean, what's the point of having a "Market Cap" feature if it's not transparent or verifiable? It's literally just a bunch of nonsense.

Fifthly, I'd like to address the fact that you're trying to justify the platform's ridiculous claims by saying that it's a "real game" and that I'm just "delusional" for not believing it. Let me tell you, GluttonyY, I'm not delusional, I'm just not buying into your scam. And neither should anyone else. I mean, come on, who falls for this kind of nonsense? It's literally a scam, and you're just trying to convince people to give you their money.

Lastly, I've got to say, GluttonyY, you're really not doing yourself any favors with this response. You're just digging yourself deeper into a hole, and it's only a matter of time before everyone sees the uMG platform for the scam it is. I mean, seriously, who tries to defend a scam by insulting people and making racist comments? It's literally pathetic.

And let me add, GluttonyY, that I'm not going to let you get away with this. I'm going to keep calling out the uMG platform for the scam it is, and I'm going to make sure that everyone knows about it. You can't silence me with your insults and personal attacks, because I'm not afraid of you. I'm just a concerned citizen who wants to warn people about scams like yours.

So, GluttonyY, keep on insulting me and trying to defend your scam. But at the end of the day, you're just going to end up looking like a fool. And I'm going to be the one who's vindicated.
24  Economy / Reputation / Re: META WIN Casino - Negative Reputation on: June 06, 2024, 08:54:50 PM
Interesting that these 3 musketeers would not miss such a thread to show their signatures and attack other members.

The 3 Musketeers

@JollyGood = JollynotGood



holydarkness is cool, its just Poker Player, and Jolly Good, those two morons.

It's okay, though, no reason to get, mad. They are going to be the ones playing slots all day when there is a better betting platform, allowing them to experience much more benefits.

[...]Time is not free. Viewed from many different studies.[...]

Incorrect that time is not free, thus, free? Divulge more. Explain your train of thought, preferably with studies that become the basis of your statement. And make sure it stays relevant to the field of which your platform works on.

Hey holydarkness, GluttonyY can only say "incorrect" because he knows UMG is a scam and can't provide any real evidence to back up his claims.

blah blah blah blah

Wow, 'blah blah blah blah' is all you've got? That's not a defense, that's a surrender. You can't defend UMG's terrible design, lack of mobile interface, or the fact that it's a scam. Your reply is just an admission of guilt. Keep posting nonsense, it just makes you look more desperate and guilty.

Yea im really, desperate, please send million dollars. bc1qk6ck482q3x9uadj59ax50shdpht333dwwhh8gd

Begging is not allowed in this forum, and yet you're shamelessly asking for millions of dollars. This is just another example of how you and your scammer friends constantly break the rules.

Bro you gotta be 9 years old, bro. Aint no fucking way/


Insulting my age like that's gonna hurt my feelings or something? Newsflash, bro: I'm not 9 years old, and even if I was, I'd still be smarter than you.

You're just mad because you can't defend your scammy platform, so you're resorting to childish insults. That's pathetic, dude. You're trying to scam people out of their money, and you're getting called out for it. Instead of trying to attack me, why don't you try to explain how your platform actually works? Oh wait, you can't, because it's a scam.

You're just a joke, bro. A sad, pathetic joke. You think you're some kind of big shot, but really, you're just a loser trying to make a quick buck off of unsuspecting people. Well, it's not gonna work, dude. We're onto you, and we're not gonna let you get away with it.
25  Economy / Reputation / Re: Addressing 'Suchmoon' Allegations, on: June 06, 2024, 08:48:37 PM
The website being broken, is a small issue, this issue can be fixed.

*Groan*  That's a horrible business attitude, I just have to tell you that--especially when the business is exclusively on the web.

So I click on this thread and see some bitching about feedback given by some of the most reputable members of the forum who've been here seemingly forever (Poker Player hasn't been here as long as Vod or suchmoon, but he's got my trust anyway), and I'm inclined to advise you to cease your complaining immediately without even looking that deep into whatever's going on here.  Those three members aren't in cahoots with each other, either.

I'm going to read the rest of this thread, but OP I'm telling you that you aren't likely to get much support here unless there was some serious misjudgement on the part of the members who left you negative feedback, all of which have generally proven themselves to have a good nose for bullshit.  You're just going to be pissing into the wind and in the end you're not going to gain anything except more red trust (maybe).

Don't waste your time readin' that whole thread, fam. Unlimited Money Generator's website is a HOT MESS. Like, who thought dark green and black was a good combo? It's like they wanted to make our eyes hurt.

And let's talk about the layout - it's all over the place! You gotta be a detective to find what you're lookin' for. And don't even get me started on the mobile experience... it's like they didn't even try.

So, yeah, it's pretty obvious that this 'business' is a scam. Don't bother, you got better things to do than waste your time on this trash.

UMG, was made by one person kid. I don't even have time to make a mobile interface.

Shut the fuck up moron.

Likewise, I love the site. I love the way the game looks.

It looks great to me.

And I am not a moron lol. Like you.

This looks great.

Are you kidding me with this nonsense? You're trying to defend that dumpster fire of a website by saying it was made by one person? Give me a break. There are UI templates and design resources galore online that can help even the most clueless person create a decent-looking website. But no, you had to go and make a mess that looks like it was designed by a kindergartener having a temper tantrum.

And don't even get me started on the mobile interface. It's 2024, for crying out loud! Everyone and their grandma uses their phone to access the internet. Not having a mobile-friendly interface is a joke. You're basically telling people to stay away from your website.

And you have the nerve to say you love the way the website looks? Are you blind? That website is a hot mess. The colors are ugly, the layout is a disaster, and the overall design is a catastrophe. I'd love to see a poll of how many people think that website looks good. I bet it would be a almost fat zero.

Listen up, because I'm only going to say this once: instead of insulting people and trying to defend your garbage website, why don't you take some constructive criticism and try to improve it? You might actually attract some real users instead of just scammers and trolls. But until then, you can keep dreaming about how great your website is.

Ditec, you sit here all day on the forum and criticize me. What the hell have you done in your life.

You see someone trying to make a change.

You have a bunch of bullshit to say.

You have accomplished nothing in your life.

You calling me a scammer all day is not constructive criticism moron.

Oh, so now you're resorting to personal attacks because you can't defend your shady platform? That's rich coming from someone who's trying to scam people with false promises of unlimited money generation.

Let me address your pathetic attempts to discredit me:

I don't sit on the forum 24/7, unlike you who's constantly trying to promote your scam. I have a life outside of this forum, and I take the time to warn people about potential scams like yours.

What I do in my life is none of your business. You're the one who's trying to make a quick buck by scamming innocent people, not me.

The only "change" you're trying to make is how to scam people more effectively. Your platform is a joke, and your claims are laughable.

I think you're the one who has a bunch of bullshit to say. You're the one making outlandish claims about your platform, not me. I'm just calling you out for your scam.

You can't prove that I've accomplished nothing in my life, because you don't know anything about me. But I can prove that your platform is a scam, and I've already done so in my initial report.

I've explained in detail why UMG is a scam on, and you're intentionally ignoring it because you can't defend your platform. You're just trying to distract from the facts by making personal attacks.

So, instead of trying to discredit me, why don't you address the concerns I've raised about your platform? Oh wait, you can't, because you're a scammer trying to make a quick buck.

No you didnt' discredit, me, a bunch of forum, members have a lack of intelligence, and they supported you, because they are dumb too.

Um, so if you go in the threads, I explain to you, how my platform is sustainable with 99.9% rtp, you respond back with bullshit.

Because your an idiot. On an ego trip, thinking you are a super hero, saving people. In reality you are just a fool, that does not know wtf they are talking about.

You just stupid bro, own up. I aint explaining nothing to you, I am not obligated to do anything.

Bruh, you're really reaching for insults now. Calling me and others "dumb" and "idiots" just makes you look desperate and salty. And, by the way, you don't have any proof that all the members are dumb, so that's just a weak attempt to discredit us.

I've already broken down why your platform is a scam, and you've got nothing to counter with. Instead of addressing the facts, you're just throwing shade and trying to distract from your own BS.
26  Economy / Reputation / Re: META WIN Casino - Negative Reputation on: June 06, 2024, 08:42:15 PM
Interesting that these 3 musketeers would not miss such a thread to show their signatures and attack other members.

The 3 Musketeers

@JollyGood = JollynotGood



holydarkness is cool, its just Poker Player, and Jolly Good, those two morons.

It's okay, though, no reason to get, mad. They are going to be the ones playing slots all day when there is a better betting platform, allowing them to experience much more benefits.

[...]Time is not free. Viewed from many different studies.[...]

Incorrect that time is not free, thus, free? Divulge more. Explain your train of thought, preferably with studies that become the basis of your statement. And make sure it stays relevant to the field of which your platform works on.

Hey holydarkness, GluttonyY can only say "incorrect" because he knows UMG is a scam and can't provide any real evidence to back up his claims.

blah blah blah blah

Wow, 'blah blah blah blah' is all you've got? That's not a defense, that's a surrender. You can't defend UMG's terrible design, lack of mobile interface, or the fact that it's a scam. Your reply is just an admission of guilt. Keep posting nonsense, it just makes you look more desperate and guilty.

Yea im really, desperate, please send million dollars. bc1qk6ck482q3x9uadj59ax50shdpht333dwwhh8gd

Begging is not allowed in this forum, and yet you're shamelessly asking for millions of dollars. This is just another example of how you and your scammer friends constantly break the rules.
27  Economy / Reputation / Re: Addressing 'Suchmoon' Allegations, on: June 06, 2024, 08:36:01 PM
The website being broken, is a small issue, this issue can be fixed.

*Groan*  That's a horrible business attitude, I just have to tell you that--especially when the business is exclusively on the web.

So I click on this thread and see some bitching about feedback given by some of the most reputable members of the forum who've been here seemingly forever (Poker Player hasn't been here as long as Vod or suchmoon, but he's got my trust anyway), and I'm inclined to advise you to cease your complaining immediately without even looking that deep into whatever's going on here.  Those three members aren't in cahoots with each other, either.

I'm going to read the rest of this thread, but OP I'm telling you that you aren't likely to get much support here unless there was some serious misjudgement on the part of the members who left you negative feedback, all of which have generally proven themselves to have a good nose for bullshit.  You're just going to be pissing into the wind and in the end you're not going to gain anything except more red trust (maybe).

Don't waste your time readin' that whole thread, fam. Unlimited Money Generator's website is a HOT MESS. Like, who thought dark green and black was a good combo? It's like they wanted to make our eyes hurt.

And let's talk about the layout - it's all over the place! You gotta be a detective to find what you're lookin' for. And don't even get me started on the mobile experience... it's like they didn't even try.

So, yeah, it's pretty obvious that this 'business' is a scam. Don't bother, you got better things to do than waste your time on this trash.

UMG, was made by one person kid. I don't even have time to make a mobile interface.

Shut the fuck up moron.

Likewise, I love the site. I love the way the game looks.

It looks great to me.

And I am not a moron lol. Like you.

This looks great.

Are you kidding me with this nonsense? You're trying to defend that dumpster fire of a website by saying it was made by one person? Give me a break. There are UI templates and design resources galore online that can help even the most clueless person create a decent-looking website. But no, you had to go and make a mess that looks like it was designed by a kindergartener having a temper tantrum.

And don't even get me started on the mobile interface. It's 2024, for crying out loud! Everyone and their grandma uses their phone to access the internet. Not having a mobile-friendly interface is a joke. You're basically telling people to stay away from your website.

And you have the nerve to say you love the way the website looks? Are you blind? That website is a hot mess. The colors are ugly, the layout is a disaster, and the overall design is a catastrophe. I'd love to see a poll of how many people think that website looks good. I bet it would be a almost fat zero.

Listen up, because I'm only going to say this once: instead of insulting people and trying to defend your garbage website, why don't you take some constructive criticism and try to improve it? You might actually attract some real users instead of just scammers and trolls. But until then, you can keep dreaming about how great your website is.

Ditec, you sit here all day on the forum and criticize me. What the hell have you done in your life.

You see someone trying to make a change.

You have a bunch of bullshit to say.

You have accomplished nothing in your life.

You calling me a scammer all day is not constructive criticism moron.

Oh, so now you're resorting to personal attacks because you can't defend your shady platform? That's rich coming from someone who's trying to scam people with false promises of unlimited money generation.

Let me address your pathetic attempts to discredit me:

I don't sit on the forum 24/7, unlike you who's constantly trying to promote your scam. I have a life outside of this forum, and I take the time to warn people about potential scams like yours.

What I do in my life is none of your business. You're the one who's trying to make a quick buck by scamming innocent people, not me.

The only "change" you're trying to make is how to scam people more effectively. Your platform is a joke, and your claims are laughable.

I think you're the one who has a bunch of bullshit to say. You're the one making outlandish claims about your platform, not me. I'm just calling you out for your scam.

You can't prove that I've accomplished nothing in my life, because you don't know anything about me. But I can prove that your platform is a scam, and I've already done so in my initial report.

I've explained in detail why UMG is a scam on, and you're intentionally ignoring it because you can't defend your platform. You're just trying to distract from the facts by making personal attacks.

So, instead of trying to discredit me, why don't you address the concerns I've raised about your platform? Oh wait, you can't, because you're a scammer trying to make a quick buck.
28  Economy / Reputation / Re: META WIN Casino - Negative Reputation on: June 06, 2024, 08:29:23 PM
Interesting that these 3 musketeers would not miss such a thread to show their signatures and attack other members.

The 3 Musketeers

@JollyGood = JollynotGood



holydarkness is cool, its just Poker Player, and Jolly Good, those two morons.

It's okay, though, no reason to get, mad. They are going to be the ones playing slots all day when there is a better betting platform, allowing them to experience much more benefits.

[...]Time is not free. Viewed from many different studies.[...]

Incorrect that time is not free, thus, free? Divulge more. Explain your train of thought, preferably with studies that become the basis of your statement. And make sure it stays relevant to the field of which your platform works on.

Hey holydarkness, GluttonyY can only say "incorrect" because he knows UMG is a scam and can't provide any real evidence to back up his claims.

blah blah blah blah

Wow, 'blah blah blah blah' is all you've got? That's not a defense, that's a surrender. You can't defend UMG's terrible design, lack of mobile interface, or the fact that it's a scam. Your reply is just an admission of guilt. Keep posting nonsense, it just makes you look more desperate and guilty.
29  Economy / Reputation / Re: Addressing 'Suchmoon' Allegations, on: June 06, 2024, 08:23:06 PM
The website being broken, is a small issue, this issue can be fixed.

*Groan*  That's a horrible business attitude, I just have to tell you that--especially when the business is exclusively on the web.

So I click on this thread and see some bitching about feedback given by some of the most reputable members of the forum who've been here seemingly forever (Poker Player hasn't been here as long as Vod or suchmoon, but he's got my trust anyway), and I'm inclined to advise you to cease your complaining immediately without even looking that deep into whatever's going on here.  Those three members aren't in cahoots with each other, either.

I'm going to read the rest of this thread, but OP I'm telling you that you aren't likely to get much support here unless there was some serious misjudgement on the part of the members who left you negative feedback, all of which have generally proven themselves to have a good nose for bullshit.  You're just going to be pissing into the wind and in the end you're not going to gain anything except more red trust (maybe).

Don't waste your time readin' that whole thread, fam. Unlimited Money Generator's website is a HOT MESS. Like, who thought dark green and black was a good combo? It's like they wanted to make our eyes hurt.

And let's talk about the layout - it's all over the place! You gotta be a detective to find what you're lookin' for. And don't even get me started on the mobile experience... it's like they didn't even try.

So, yeah, it's pretty obvious that this 'business' is a scam. Don't bother, you got better things to do than waste your time on this trash.

UMG, was made by one person kid. I don't even have time to make a mobile interface.

Shut the fuck up moron.

Likewise, I love the site. I love the way the game looks.

It looks great to me.

And I am not a moron lol. Like you.

This looks great.

Are you kidding me with this nonsense? You're trying to defend that dumpster fire of a website by saying it was made by one person? Give me a break. There are UI templates and design resources galore online that can help even the most clueless person create a decent-looking website. But no, you had to go and make a mess that looks like it was designed by a kindergartener having a temper tantrum.

And don't even get me started on the mobile interface. It's 2024, for crying out loud! Everyone and their grandma uses their phone to access the internet. Not having a mobile-friendly interface is a joke. You're basically telling people to stay away from your website.

And you have the nerve to say you love the way the website looks? Are you blind? That website is a hot mess. The colors are ugly, the layout is a disaster, and the overall design is a catastrophe. I'd love to see a poll of how many people think that website looks good. I bet it would be a almost fat zero.

Listen up, because I'm only going to say this once: instead of insulting people and trying to defend your garbage website, why don't you take some constructive criticism and try to improve it? You might actually attract some real users instead of just scammers and trolls. But until then, you can keep dreaming about how great your website is.
30  Economy / Reputation / Re: Addressing 'Suchmoon' Allegations, on: June 06, 2024, 08:16:21 PM
The website being broken, is a small issue, this issue can be fixed.

*Groan*  That's a horrible business attitude, I just have to tell you that--especially when the business is exclusively on the web.

So I click on this thread and see some bitching about feedback given by some of the most reputable members of the forum who've been here seemingly forever (Poker Player hasn't been here as long as Vod or suchmoon, but he's got my trust anyway), and I'm inclined to advise you to cease your complaining immediately without even looking that deep into whatever's going on here.  Those three members aren't in cahoots with each other, either.

I'm going to read the rest of this thread, but OP I'm telling you that you aren't likely to get much support here unless there was some serious misjudgement on the part of the members who left you negative feedback, all of which have generally proven themselves to have a good nose for bullshit.  You're just going to be pissing into the wind and in the end you're not going to gain anything except more red trust (maybe).

Don't waste your time readin' that whole thread, fam. Unlimited Money Generator's website is a HOT MESS. Like, who thought dark green and black was a good combo? It's like they wanted to make our eyes hurt.

And let's talk about the layout - it's all over the place! You gotta be a detective to find what you're lookin' for. And don't even get me started on the mobile experience... it's like they didn't even try.

So, yeah, it's pretty obvious that this 'business' is a scam. Don't bother, you got better things to do than waste your time on this trash.
31  Economy / Reputation / Re: The science behind Poker Player, Vod, and JollyGoods Destruction. on: June 06, 2024, 08:10:20 PM
Dude, I'm calling you out on your unprofessional behavior. Instead of addressing the legitimate concerns people have about your website, you're lashing out at other members who are skeptical of UMG. That's not how you build trust or credibility, bro.

You're trying to pass off your opinions as "science" without providing any credible evidence or research to back up your claims. That's an insult to the entire scientific community, fam. There's no science behind your attack, just a bunch of empty words and personal attacks.

And what's with the double standard? You're saying people should keep an open mind and not label a platform as a scam without evidence, but you're doing the exact same thing to others who are promoting a different platform. You're accusing them of being biased, but you're doing the same thing with your own platform. That's just hypocrisy, bro.

You're trying to defend UMG by saying it's an all-in-one platform that allows users to trade, gamble, and play the lottery at the same time, but that just sounds like a recipe for disaster. And your "luck-based system" explanation is just a bunch of nonsense, dude. It's not a real system, it's just a way to make people think they have a chance to win.

And let's not forget, you're accusing others of participating in drug activity and having impaired judgment, just because they're skeptical of UMG. That's a low blow, bro. You're not even trying to address the concerns people have, you're just trying to discredit them.

I've made a thread on Bitcoin Talk about why I think UMG is a scam, and I'm not the only one who's skeptical. You can check it out for yourself: Instead of trying to attack me or others, how about you try to address the concerns and prove that your platform is legit? That's what a real professional would do.

But until then, I'm gonna keep calling you out on your shady tactics and warning people to stay away from your website. You can't just silence critics by attacking them, bro. That's not how it works.

I am glad you made this thread! Good now we can get to the bottom of it!

Likewise, here let me post something to really put the nail in the coffin, bro!

I acted out, because this user keeps abusing his DT, and no one will do anything about.

He cannot abuse DT; that is a paradox.  PP abuses DT.  PP is no longer on DT.  PP no longer abuses DT.   PP is back on DT.

Default Trust is a politics game.  Unless you are protected, you cannot continue to do disagreeable actions and not face consequences.   Therefore, most people must agree with his feedback.   Try changing your attitude.

It's not about my attitude.

You and I were on good terms, until you negatively rated me, without asking any questions.

I don't understand, how users can expect to evolve, if they don't allow the flowers to blossom.

You all are bees, so spread your pollen.

Don't be wasp's and sting everything you see.

Likewise, I still don't understand, how you can negatively rate, and disagree with, someone about a topic without having any experience in the field whatsoever.

I'm talking about you Vod.

What gave you the say so, to call a professional gambler, a liar, when you have never gambled before?

I am a professional gambler, because I work in the backend, and know how gambling software works, likewise, I know how to improve gambling software as well..

This is not on me, this is on you vod.

You never asked me any questions, to prove you had a reason to negatively flag me.

And when you did ask me questions, it was never that of any showing you were trying to give me a chance, to explain my reasoning, to the guaranteed way to win, in my software.

The questions you asked me, prove that you were inexperienced in the subject, and were challenging, an experienced user about claims you could not prove were wrong.

When you asked me questions, it was never you trying to prove, your point was valid.

When you asked me questions, you were never trying to prove, that your negative trust against me was valid.

Because you did not know the correct questions to ask in the first place, to prove your point that your negative rating was true.

So if you cant prove your negative rating is true because of inexperience, why are you negatively rating someone in the first place, damaging them? You can't prove your claims. (Abuse of DT) You don't have evidence to back your claims. And you have never been a solid figure in this field, so stop damaging the field for users who have been solid figures.

You have no place, to call me out, and ruin opportunities for other gamblers. You are not a gambler. You just need to monitor my activity, and ask questions if you are interested, as a veteran member, who is trusted. Don't go inserting yourself, into complex equations, you don't have the capability to solve. Likewise, while starting a whole nother project, and leaving me to deal with all the chaos you have caused. You don't even have time to prove that what you are saying is correct... Why even put us both in this position in the first place?

So now, you as someone who is not a gambler, making claims, for a gambler, in awe of you not knowing the severity and the magnificence of the project you are viewing, you are making irrational claims, like I am deluded, and delusional, convincing other users this is true, as you are a trusted person in the community. This is moving people away from UMG, back into the casinos. When in reality, I am the leading pioneer of the gambling and trading market and users need to be interacting with UMG, for safer, more lucrative options while gambling.

(Moral of the story, is, you are already inexperienced with gambling, what makes you think you can make assertations, about something complex in gambling, when you have never even gambled before... You shouldn't tell me or others what is possible and impossible, when you are completely unaware of what is possible and impossible.)  This is the equivalent, to you trying to skip to college, and you have not even made it to high school yet. You are not ready! To discuss these things! You are not educated enough!

Enjoy that science!

Furthermore, it is 2024.

Nobody is going to try and scam, you with the name Unlimited Money Generator.

I don't think there is anyone dumb enough to do that, in general.



If it was an actual "unlimited money generator" then you wouldn't need customers! You'd just be using it yourself, make a pile of money, and then retire without bugging us. It would make life a lot easier for you and everyone who has to read your words.

Nobody here is going to be your customer. We've seen it all, a hundred times before, and we're not interested. Just accept that and move on.

Unlimited Money Generator, is an Unlimited Money Generator for a user, inserted into a booming economy.

Just like your job is an Unlimited Money Generator....

You can not generate the money without them giving you a job, and you having value, in the field versus other players.

In essence, me giving you all the platform, to trade in, allows you to profit in an economy. This is normal world things.

Unlimited Money Generator, modern term, now evolve, and adapt!

GluttonyY, are you literally kidding me with your latest response? You're trying to justify Unlimited Money Generator (UMG) by comparing it to a job, but that's a literally laughable analogy. A job provides value to an employer in exchange for a fixed salary, whereas UMG promises an unrealistic rate of return with no clear explanation of how it generates value. Literally, it's like you're trying to spin straw into gold.

You're literally confusing a platform with a magical money-making machine. In a real economy, value is created through innovation, hard work, and competition. UMG's promises literally defy these principles.

And let's not forget, you literally supported the flag that labeled UMG as a scam. It seems you're now trying to backtrack and justify it with flawed economic arguments. I urge you to literally get a grip on reality and understand the differences between value creation and unsustainable get-rich-quick schemes.

You stupid fool. Unlimited Money Generator has so much information, learn the information and find a job by selling information to other users, or use the information to help you profit better.

You silly fool.

You silly fool.

You silly fool.

You silly fool.

You silly fool.

You silly fool.

You silly fool.

You silly fool.

You silly fool.

You silly fool.

You silly fool.

Oh, so now you're resorting to insults and childish name-calling? That's rich coming from someone who's trying to promote a scam like Unlimited Money Generator.

Let me tell you something, GluttonyY. UMG doesn't contain 'information' - it's a platform built on lies, false promises, and deceit. You can't categorize fabricated claims and misleading statements as 'information'. That's like saying a fairy tale is a historical fact.

If you think UMG has any real value, then you're sadly mistaken. It's a scam, plain and simple. And anyone who falls for it will only end up losing their hard-earned money.

So, instead of calling me names, why don't you try to defend the 'information' on UMG? Oh wait, you can't, because it's all just a bunch of empty promises and lies.

Keep calling me names, GluttonyY. It only shows how desperate you are to distract people from the truth about UMG.
32  Economy / Reputation / Re: Only UMG aka GluttonyY could do this. on: June 06, 2024, 08:04:12 PM
Please support the flag.

I learned from the best

Yea that guy Gluttony/Unlimited Money Generator, there both scammers! They fooled us all!

We almost got fooled....

There is no such thing as an Unlimited Money Generator.




I agree to support the flag I created, and I appreciate anyone who does the same. It's about time we take a stand against scams like UMG.

I don't sabotage anything, nor do I have any interest in visiting that eyesore of a website again. It's a trashy platform that deserves to be exposed for what it is - a scam.

You're lying when you say I asked other members on this forum to play slots. I'm simply warning people about the dangers of UMG and its false promises.

And by the way, not all slots have a 96% RTP or a 4% house edge. That's a basic misconception, and you should know better. But I suppose that's what happens when you're trying to defend a scam.

So, instead of spewing nonsense, why don't you focus on defending your precious UMG? Oh wait, you can't, because it's a scam, and you're just trying to distract people from the truth.
33  Economy / Reputation / Re: META WIN Casino - Negative Reputation on: June 06, 2024, 07:57:02 PM
[...]Time is not free. Viewed from many different studies.[...]

Incorrect that time is not free, thus, free? Divulge more. Explain your train of thought, preferably with studies that become the basis of your statement. And make sure it stays relevant to the field of which your platform works on.

Hey holydarkness, GluttonyY can only say "incorrect" because he knows UMG is a scam and can't provide any real evidence to back up his claims.
34  Economy / Reputation / Re: Poker Player, loser who only knows 5 words. (SCAM, OMG SCAM, CRUDE, SCAM) on: June 06, 2024, 07:50:57 PM
No holydarkness, the luck system, is real and I created. There is no misinterpretation.

Your luck in my system, is based on the method I have created, affecting your luck and chance of winning.


I have made my own luck based system, allowing you to increase your luck.

And we are increasing our luck, in this luck based system, by using the luck based system, to give us more entries.

The luck based system, also takes entries away from winners, so that losers, have more luck.

My own luck based system.




Oh, wow, GluttonyY, you literally think you're clever, don't you? Newsflash: you're not. Your response is literally a masterclass in desperation and lack of self-awareness.

Let's break it down, shall we? You claim that your "luck system" is real and that you created it. Literally, who cares? That doesn't make it legitimate or trustworthy. You can create a system that claims to make unicorns appear out of thin air, but that doesn't mean it's true.

You go on to explain that your system affects luck and chance of winning. Literally, how? You don't provide any concrete evidence or explanation of how your system works. It's just a bunch of empty words strung together to sound impressive.

And then, you literally post images of yourself and Holydarkness, as if that's supposed to prove something. Are you trying to distract us from the fact that your system is a scam? Because, literally, it's not working.

Here's the thing, GluttonyY: you're literally trying to defend a system that has been flagged as a scam. You're literally supporting a system that promises "unlimited money generation" and has a "Provably Fair" system that's about as trustworthy as a snake oil salesman.

By the way, I'd like to remind you that you're literally trying to defend a system that you yourself have already implicitly acknowledged as a scam by supporting the flag against it, which is just rich.

On a scale of 1-10, how stupid would you say you are.

Literally, who cares?
Uh a gambler interested in profiting moron.

Silly little moron

Silly little moron

Silly little moron

Silly little moron

Silly little moron

Silly little moron

Silly little moron

Silly little moron

Silly little moron

Silly little moron

He claims everything I am saying is logical, and then goes back into this deluded state that I am scam

'I gotta admit your ability to defend you program is impressive, but your a scammer'

'I am impressed by how everything you are saying is logical'

'Thats just a fancy way of saying your avoid regulations!' DUH IM AVOIDING REGULATIONS, SO MY USERS CAN WITHDRAW THE MOST AMOUNT OF MONEY.


Wow, GluttonyY, it seems like you've reached a new level of desperation. Your response is just a bunch of childish insults and nonsense. You can't even come up with a coherent argument to defend your scam, so you resort to calling me a moron over and over again.

By the way, I think it's interesting that you admit to avoiding regulations. That's illegal, by the way. You're basically admitting to breaking the law to benefit your scam. And you think that's something to be proud of?

You can keep ranting and raving all you want, but at the end of the day, you're just making a fool of yourself. I'm not impressed by your "logical" arguments, and I'm not buying into your scam. And neither should anyone else.

So, keep going, GluttonyY. Keep making a fool of yourself. It's entertaining, at least.
35  Other / Meta / Re: Why is this guy allowed to constantly break the rules? on: June 06, 2024, 07:44:50 PM
Bruh, spamming ain't okay anywhere, whether it's this forum, TikTok, or anywhere else. Saying UMG is 'complex' is just a way to hide that it's a scam. And let's be real, your platform doesn't 'save lives' unless you're referring to people saving themselves from suicide after losing money and time on UMG. Stop the nonsense
In other social media where they don't check more often with the way people post and share information, spamming might be said not to be allowed, but it exists in there since there are no real human moderators going through those spam posts. 
With the way that guy is talking, it is clear that all that he is looking for is a way to attract people to his scam site. There is no one going to be saved there, whether he is trying to scam gamblers all in the name of promising them redemption or just attracting them to his fake money generator site for traffic shake.

Shutup, idiot. Yea crypto battles are a scam! Traffic shake, diamond milkshake.

Cyrus, I am asking you please ban me from the forum.

I have abused several, rules, and cannot contain myself, from these filthy users, degrading my platforms.

It's ironic that you previously acknowledged UMG's scam nature by supporting the flag, yet now you're lashing out at others. It seems you're the one struggling to contain yourself. And let's be real, nobody's bothering to degrade your platform because most people either avoid it altogether or run away after seeing how fucking ugly and shady it looks.

Nah the site looks really good, Im not gonna lie. Like its perfect, everything about it, is amazing.

Shut yo dumb ass up and go lose yo money on slots.

Stupid little kid.

I think you must be blind or have no artistic eye whatsoever. You think the Unlimited Money Generator website looks "perfect" and "amazing"? Are you kidding me? It seems like you're the only one who thinks that, because everyone else can see that the website is a design disaster.

The dark green and black color combination is ridiculous and hurts my eyes. The overlapping text and screenshots make it hard to read and navigate. And don't even get me started on the stupid vertical scroll on mobile phones - it's like they didn't even bother to test it.

It's clear that the people behind this website have no idea how to use CSS properly. The layout is a mess, and it looks like they just threw a bunch of elements together without any thought to user experience or aesthetics. I've seen websites from the 80s that look better than this mess.

You can't seriously think this is a well-designed website, can you? It's like they're trying to make it look as unprofessional as possible. And by the way, the personal attacks and insults aren't going to distract from the fact that Unlimited Money Generator is a scam. Keep trying to defend it, but it's not going to change the truth.
36  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Scam Alert: "Unlimited Money Generator" Website on: June 06, 2024, 07:38:06 PM
Shoutout to everyone supporting the flag against Unlimited Money Generator, it's great to see the community do something to warn others about these scams! Even the owner/promoter themselves are acknowledging it's a scam, lol.

How old are you, 9 years old?

Let me delete my messages real quick, Lol I don't want anyone to know I ever talked to someone this stupid lol.

Hey GluttonyY, nice try at deleting your previous message, but it's still here for everyone to see. You can't erase the fact that you tried to defend Unlimited Money Generator, even though it's clearly a scam. Your attempt to save face by insulting me and then deleting your message is pretty pathetic.
37  Economy / Reputation / Re: Only UMG aka GluttonyY could do this. on: June 06, 2024, 12:49:18 PM
Lol, this is insane. Both UMG and GluttonyY supporting a flag that says UMG is a scam? That's some next-level hypocrisy.

Honestly, it's a bit concerning. They might be dealing with some serious cognitive dissonance or even mental health issues if they can't accept the fact that they're running a scam.

Thanks for sharing the screenshot, though. It's just more proof that these guys are full of it.
38  Economy / Gambling / Re: Unlimited Money Generator (16+)(99.9% RTP)(1.0.3) on: June 06, 2024, 12:43:14 PM
Bro stop copy and pasting your messages, and leaving it everywhere, just put in one thread, your confusing everyone, you just saying a bunch of random shit everywhere dude.

Smoke and mirrors, where have you even tested the system? Dude? What are you talking about, 99.9% RTP, rate, That is exactly how it works.

You are inexperienced, so, step back. Educate yourself, then come back, and we can have a more logical conversation, thank you.

Hey @GluttonyY, I'm not copy-pasting my messages, I'm sharing my concerns about UMG with the community. If you actually read my statements, you'd get it. Instead, you're trying to discredit me with personal attacks.

You say I'm confusing everyone, but it's you who's creating smoke and mirrors around UMG's shady stuff. I've pointed out clear red flags, and you're not addressing them.

You think I'm inexperienced, but that's not an argument. I've done my research and raised valid concerns about UMG's "Provably Fair" system, their unpro website, and their unrealistic promises. You're the one who's not providing any evidence.

And btw, 99.9% RTP rate is not how it works. That's just crazy high, and you know it. If you're gonna defend UMG, at least be honest about their practices.

I don't need to learn how to spot a scam. I've done my homework, and I'm warning others about UMG. You're the one who needs to step back, reflect on your actions, and think about the harm you might be causing by promoting a potentially fraudulent platform.

And then, it's like your a robot, every message, is the same format, without you properly, digesting the information.

Yes the RTP is crazy high, but there is nothing illegal going on.

Like I said, maybe the rtp will go down to 99%, but I have designed the system in a genius manner, to where it can operate with 99.9% RTP, and be sustainable.

You are significantly behind, theoretically, you are not able to digest these concepts yet, it may take a couple of days, for you to completely get your head around it.

But in pvp games, the rtp can be whatever you want, and it will not affect you, unless you have to pay for your website or something.

I mean, of course, the rtp is high as hell, it wouldn't be called Unlimited Money Generator if the rtp wasn't so high, and it couldn't function that way longterm.

Why do you think its called 'Unlimited Money Generator' - That's the point, its an impressive application hands down, don't try to trick yourself, into thinking its a facade.

We can within 5 minutes, tell this is something special.

Likewise, the website is not special. The backend is special. Versus casinos, where the website is special, and the backend is not special.

So which would you rather have, something that looks like shit, allowing you to do great things.

Or, something that looks great, but screws you over in the end.

Your choice.

There is nothing wrong, with your concerns, you just need to approach the situation better, and stop spamming in all angles to get your point -across, like I made this mistake of doing in the past.

and I am UMG, I am being honest about everything. It has a 99.9% RTP.

I gotta say, I'm impressed by your confidence in defending UMG, but unfortunately, your arguments just don't add up.

First off, let's talk about that crazy high RTP of 99.9%. You claim it's sustainable, but I've got news for you: it's literally impossible. In any gambling system, the RTP is a measure of how much money the house expects to make in the long run. A 99.9% RTP means the house is literally giving away almost all the money, which is absurd.

Think about it like this: if a casino had a 99.9% RTP, they'd be losing money hand over fist. They'd literally go bankrupt in no time! And yet, you're saying UMG can maintain this ridiculous RTP without going under? It defies basic economic principles.

Now, you might say, "But wait, UMG takes a 0.1% fee from all the money available!" Ah, nice try, but that's just a clever way of saying they're still making money off users. You can't just magic up a system where everyone wins and the house doesn't lose. It's a zero-sum game, my friend!

And let's not even get started on the "Unlimited Money Generator" part. Common sense dictates that there's no such thing as unlimited money. If it were possible, it would cause massive inflation, making the money literally worthless. Nobody would use it!

You also mentioned that in PvP games, the RTP can be whatever you want. Sorry, but that's not how it works. In any game or system, the RTP is determined by the underlying mechanics, not by some arbitrary number you pull out of thin air.

Lastly, I've got to say, your "backend is special" argument is just a bunch of fluff. If the website looks unprofessional and lacks transparency, that's a major red flag. You can't just wave your hand and say, "Oh, the backend is literally where the magic happens!"

Look, I'm not trying to be harsh, but as an expert in these fields, I've got to call out the flaws in your arguments. UMG just doesn't add up, and it's not because I'm "significantly behind" or need a few days to "digest" the concepts. It's because the math just doesn't work.

So, I'll leave you with this: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There's no such thing as unlimited money, and any system claiming otherwise is likely a scam.

No, you are not an expert in this field, because everything you are saying is wrong.

I already told you, UMG, was not a casino, and instead, a platform where users are taking each others money, UMG is just making a small profit off each bet, with a 0.1% fee.

UMG is not built like a casino, so it does not operate upon the same rules.

UMG can have 99.9% RTP, because it was made in a manner, allowing all the money to go back, without affecting the house.

You still are having trouble with this concept, that the house, is not affected by players, taking other players money.

Every time, a user takes someone's money, the house will take 0.1% of their win, and it will give the rest back.

This is legal, working, and sustainable.

You are impressed, because you are not speaking to a fraud, and everything I am saying is true, likewise, I have no problem defending my perspective.

This is easy for, me, I have not created a platform, to fool users, but to help. So if you are trying to put me on blast, it won't work because you are only promoting the software, because I am able to explain all the benefits to you.

You are actually helping me because you are only allowing me to tell you the truth, and promote my benefits, so thank you.

GluttonyY, you're literally digging yourself a deeper hole with every response, and it's getting embarrassing.

Let's break it down, shall we? You claim that UMG is not a casino, but a platform where users take each other's money, and UMG makes a small profit off each bet with a 0.1% fee. Literally, what's the difference? You're still taking money from users, and that's still gambling. Don't try to spin it as something it's not.

You say that UMG can have a 99.9% RTP because it was made in a manner that allows all the money to go back, without affecting the house. Literally, how does that work? You're not explaining anything. You're just making empty claims. And even if it were true, which it's not, that would still be a ridiculous claim. No legitimate gambling platform has a 99.9% RTP. That's literally impossible.

You keep saying that the house is not affected by players taking other players' money, but that's literally not true. You're taking a 0.1% fee from each bet, which means you're making money off of users' losses. That's literally the definition of a casino. And don't even get me started on the fact that you're claiming it's legal and sustainable. Literally, in what country is this legal? Because in most countries, this would be considered illegal gambling.

And then, you have the audacity to say that I'm promoting your software by pointing out the flaws in your system. Literally, are you kidding me? I'm trying to expose your scam, and you're trying to spin it as a marketing opportunity. That's rich.

Oh, and by the way, I'd like to remind you that you're literally trying to defend a system that you yourself have already implicitly acknowledged as a scam by supporting the flag against it. You can't have it both ways, GluttonyY. You can't claim that UMG is legitimate and then support a flag that says it's a scam. That's literally hypocritical.

Your desperate attempts to defend UMG are only making you look more guilty, and it's time to face the music: you're running a scam, and it's going to catch up to you.
39  Economy / Reputation / Re: Poker Player, loser who only knows 5 words. (SCAM, OMG SCAM, CRUDE, SCAM) on: June 06, 2024, 12:36:40 PM
No holydarkness, the luck system, is real and I created. There is no misinterpretation.

Your luck in my system, is based on the method I have created, affecting your luck and chance of winning.


I have made my own luck based system, allowing you to increase your luck.

And we are increasing our luck, in this luck based system, by using the luck based system, to give us more entries.

The luck based system, also takes entries away from winners, so that losers, have more luck.

My own luck based system.




Oh, wow, GluttonyY, you literally think you're clever, don't you? Newsflash: you're not. Your response is literally a masterclass in desperation and lack of self-awareness.

Let's break it down, shall we? You claim that your "luck system" is real and that you created it. Literally, who cares? That doesn't make it legitimate or trustworthy. You can create a system that claims to make unicorns appear out of thin air, but that doesn't mean it's true.

You go on to explain that your system affects luck and chance of winning. Literally, how? You don't provide any concrete evidence or explanation of how your system works. It's just a bunch of empty words strung together to sound impressive.

And then, you literally post images of yourself and Holydarkness, as if that's supposed to prove something. Are you trying to distract us from the fact that your system is a scam? Because, literally, it's not working.

Here's the thing, GluttonyY: you're literally trying to defend a system that has been flagged as a scam. You're literally supporting a system that promises "unlimited money generation" and has a "Provably Fair" system that's about as trustworthy as a snake oil salesman.

By the way, I'd like to remind you that you're literally trying to defend a system that you yourself have already implicitly acknowledged as a scam by supporting the flag against it, which is just rich.
40  Economy / Reputation / Re: META WIN Casino - Negative Reputation on: June 06, 2024, 12:29:13 PM

What the fuck are you talking about? Every time I talk to you, you cannot have a normal fucking conversation. I don't have to fix anything I don't need your business. You can scurry off back to the casino, I don't care. Likewise what about that is off topic, are you reading?

You just stupid bro, and you need to pack your shit up, because I already explained. The problem is not me explaining, the problem is you are not able to comprehend, because you don't have enough knowledge.

Everything I am saying is flying right past your head. You can't understand what I am saying, so instead, of trying to clarify you are just saying a bunch of shit in your head, you believe, but cannot prove.

"I'm not gonna have a conversation with you like that" is further proof you know what you're doing is wrong.
Nah, it's further proof you need to show respect to the person you are talking too. And you aren't showing any respect, so I don't respect you. And am not gonna have a conversation with you.

Hey @GluttonyY, I'm not surprised you're getting all defensive and trying to insult me. You're not addressing the real issues with UMG, just trying to distract from the facts.

You say I can't have a normal convo, but that's because you're not listening to my concerns about UMG. You're just trying to shut me down.

You don't need my business? Okay, cool. But I'm still gonna warn others about UMG's shady stuff.

You think I'm stupid? That's rich coming from someone who's promoting a potentially fraudulent platform.

You say I don't know enough? I've done my research, and I'm not afraid to speak out. You're the one who's not providing any real evidence.

You think I'm not getting what you're saying? That's because you're not making any sense. You're just trying to confuse people.

And yeah, I said I'm not gonna have a convo with you like that. That means I'm not gonna engage in a conversation where you're just trying to attack me personally and avoid the real issues.

And now you're saying you're not gonna have a convo with me because I'm not showing respect? That's just a lame excuse. You're not willing to have a real conversation about UMG because you know you can't defend its shady practices.

So, no, I'm not gonna back down. I'll keep speaking out against UMG and warning others about its potential scams. You can keep trying to defend it, but it's clear you're not doing it out of a genuine desire to help people.

When I envision, you I imagine, a child trying to hit me with their weak punches.

'I WONT STAND DOWN I WILL LET PEOPLE KNOW' you sound so silly to me.

Please, care to inform me on the real issues of UMG?

Can you please clarify what the real issues, are please. I am curious. Because you said there was no way a lottery could pay back everything put into it without going bankrupt, and this is false.

A lottery can pay back everything, without going bankrupt.

Please inform us, of the shady practices, other than the name, enlighten me. Amuse me please. What are the shady practices. And what are the problems with the platform.

Now you have me intrigued...

Hey @GluttonyY, let's get to the point.

You're still trying to deflect and attack me personally, but I'm not afraid to speak out against a potentially fraudulent platform.

You ask me to inform you about the real issues of UMG. Um, didn't I already do that in my original post? You can check it out here:

I pointed out several red flags, including their unrealistic promises, lack of transparency, and shady claims. But I guess you didn't bother to read it or you're just trying to pretend like you didn't see it.

You say a lottery can pay back everything without going bankrupt. Okay, cool. But that's not what UMG is claiming. They're saying they can generate unlimited money with a 99.9% RTP rate. That's just not possible.

And yeah, I'd be happy to enlighten you on the shady practices of UMG. But I already did that in my original post. You can go read it again if you need a refresher.

So, no, I won't be backing down. I'll keep speaking out against UMG and warning others about its potential scams. You can keep trying to defend it, but it's clear you're not doing it out of a genuine desire to help people.

My friend, if I put you in a booming economy, with a source to make money consistently. What the hell, do you call that? An Unlimited Money Generator!

My friend, you having a job in an economy is an UNLIMITED MONEY GENERATOR. I.E ditec, got a job at mcdonalds, all he has to do is go to work everyday and he gets paid. You do that for free. it is an unlimited money generator, and it cost you your time, which is free. There are many Unlimited Money Generator's you just don't realize it.



You are acting like the money is leaving the game, no the money is still there, you just have to find a way to get it.

Likewise, creating an economy, where users keep investing, because they are getting paid!! MAKING THE ECONOMY EVEN BIGGER!

99.9% RTP, is allowing users to get paid, allowing users to profit. The money is not leaving the system. It is going to different players.

Align yourself, with the rewards of the system, you will get paid consistently.

I tested these theories for months.

There are no shady practices.

UMG, is a way for you to make money.

Whether you do it, gambling, trading, or playing the lottery, or both. Or staking. Or pvping. Whatever you wanna, do just know there is no limitation or rules.








I should say, your response is a whole lotta car spin and not a lot of real point. Let's break it down, shall we?

First off, you're trying to redefine what an Unlimited Money Generator is. Newsflash: just because you have a job and get paid doesn't mean it's an Unlimited Money Generator. That's just called having a job, dude. And yeah, it costs you your time, but that's not the same as getting free money out of thin air.

And then you start talking about the RTP (return to player) being 99.9%. Okay, let's assume that's true (which I highly doubt). That doesn't mean the money is just circulating back to the players. It means the system is designed to take a cut of the money, and the rest goes back to the players. That's not an Unlimited Money Generator, that's just a fancy way of saying "we're gonna take a commission".

You keep saying that users can make money by investing and getting paid, but that's not how it works. If it were that easy, everyone would be rich by now. You're not creating a sustainable economy, you're creating a Ponzi scheme where early adopters get paid by later adopters.

And what's with the "align yourself with the rewards of the system" thing? That sounds like some kinda cult speak. You're not offering a legitimate way to make money, you're offering a way to get caught up in a scam.

You claim to have tested these theories for months, but where's the proof? Where's the data? You can't just throw out claims like that and expect people to take your word for it.

And let's be real, if Unlimited Money Generators were real, wouldn't governments be all over it? I mean, wouldn't they be promoting it as a way to boost their country's economy? But no, you don't see any government reports or initiatives on Unlimited Money Generators, even when their economy is booming. That's because it's a myth, a scam, a way to take advantage of people's desperation.

Lastly, you're trying to make it sound like UMG is some kinda utopia where people can make money however they want. Newsflash: that's not how the real world works. There are rules and limitations for a reason, and it's to prevent people like you from taking advantage of others.

So, to sum it up, your response was a whole lotta fluff and not a lot of substance. If you want to be taken seriously, try providing some actual evidence and substance to your claims. Until then, I'll keep calling out UMG for the scam it is.

Until then, I'll keep calling out UMG for the scam it is.

I don't even know what to say to a person like you.

Part of me want's to reach through the computer screen and slap you.

Everything just goes in one ear out the other.

And then you will start harassing me on all topics, starting soon.

Oh, you wanna slap me? Well, let me tell you, there are plenty of people who'd love to slap you too - for promoting this UMG scam and taking advantage of innocent people. You're not the victim here, dude.

And btw, if everything I say goes in one ear and out the other, that's because you're too busy counting your dirty money to actually listen. You're not even trying to defend your scam with actual facts, you're just getting mad because you're getting called out.

So, go ahead and get mad, but at the end of the day, you're the one who's promoting a scam and making a fool of yourself. And I'm gonna keep calling you out for it.

Keep calling it out, your a new account, and your only posts are directed towards me.

You could be a competitor, trying to default my business..

Who says your word holds any weight?

Likewise, if you don't want users to be quote on quote 'scammed' Then stop bringing me attention, by spamming all of my threads.

If I am a scam, you are only helping me.

Dude, you're still stuck on the fact that I'm a new account and I'm focusing on UMG? Like, who cares? If I'm exposing a potential scam, that's a good thing, right?

And, let's be real, if I were a competitor trying to take down UMG, I'd be going after the big dogs like Meta Win, Stake, BC.Game, or Bitsler. I wouldn't waste my time on literally rural service like UMG.

Only you think my word has no weight, bro. The community can see the evidence I've presented and make their own decisions.

And, newsflash, me calling out UMG doesn't help you scam people. If anything, it warns them about potential risks. You can't blame me for trying to protect people from getting scammed.

Mate I am sure, when people read what you have wrote, they will understand.

Because I cant even have a normal conversation with you, without you trying to paint me as a scammer.

You cant even paint me as a scammer, without saying the scam word.

There is no way you can accurately describe me as a scammer, using vocabulary, other than 'scam'

Like say something like, 'You are a scammer, because your system, consists of users losing money, until they win, it is a ponzi scheme because you are siphoning money from old users, to new users, to get them to keep investing'

Like say something like this if you can, something to prove your claims are valid.

Because just like you say my claims, are fluff, yours are as well..

You just saying 'Your a ponzi scheme' does not prove I am a ponzi scheme

Likewise, I don't even think you know enough about the game to even be able to accurately assess it as a ponzi scheme or not.

Um, you stating it is a ponzi scheme so, actually goes against, your credibility. Because you don't even know what the game consists of, how is it a ponzi?

Your gonna have to articulate your point better, and prove I am a scam, without saying I am a scam.

No one cares what you believe. We care about what you can so thoroughly prove.

Likewise, you will be going on this rampage, all day, trying to prove I am a scammer. I am not trying to scam or fool anyone, buddy.

So right now, you are wasting your time. But I know you will continue on, because you don't have proof you are wasting your time. You still think I am a fraud.

Uh, but there is nothing I can say to you, because you are in fever dream right, now. You are so amazed by my invention it is actually, causing you to be scared of it.

I actually take it as a compliment.




GluttonyY, I'm literally astonished by the sheer amount of logical fallacies and desperation in your latest response. You're trying to deflect criticism by claiming I'm not providing enough evidence, but that's a classic case of projection.

Firstly, you're literally asking me to provide a detailed explanation of how your system works, but you've failed to do so yourself. You've consistently avoided providing any credible information about UMG's inner workings, and now you're expecting me to do your job for you? Please.

Secondly, you're claiming that I don't know enough about the game to accurately assess it as a ponzi scheme. That's a laughable excuse, considering you've provided no transparency or information about your system. It's like you're saying, "Trust me, I'm not a scammer, but I won't show you how my system works."

Thirdly, you're literally saying that my claims are "fluff" because I'm not providing enough evidence, but you're doing the exact same thing. You're making outlandish claims about UMG without providing any credible evidence to support them. That's not how logic works, buddy.

And let's not forget, you literally supported the flag that labeled UMG as a scam. It seems you're now trying to backtrack and justify it with flawed arguments. I'm not buying it.

UMG is a scam because it promises unrealistic returns, has no transparency, and relies on unsustainable business practices. It's a ponzi scheme because it relies on new users to fund older users, with no clear explanation of how it generates value. You can't just magic money out of thin air, GluttonyY.

Your attempts to deflect criticism and shift the burden of proof are literally pathetic. You're not fooling anyone with your desperate attempts to justify UMG. It's time to face the music and admit that your "invention" is a scam.
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