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21  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Encrypted wallet.dat, lost password, any solutions? on: April 30, 2013, 04:52:11 PM
Every time it adds words from the word list, it places a symbol between them, and it doesn't try to add the words together without anything in them.

I have 4 words, but 7 total because three of them have capitalization variances.

1 symbol.

And between 2-4 numbers randomly in there.

For instance:

When I put that all in (with only "2" as the max number count), it generates ONLY 24 possibly passwords. Minimum 10 char, max 21. It didn't even put in any numbers, and all the potential passwords had 2 symbols in them.


Well, I found the error. It turns out, that after adding a symbol it would call the function with the algorithm with one less parameter than expected. Instead of throwing an error, powershell defaulted to 0..

Here is a fixed version with a DEBUG mode, which you can enable (will probably make you understand how the passphrases are generated), note that it will slow it down quite a bit as printing takes up quite some time for a computer.

Also added an improvement where if the word is already max length, it will no longer add anything to it (and then find out it's too long anyway).

Sorry about not seeing this mistake :/..

No Problem! Thank you very much! I'll give it a shot now!

Turns out that the array stopped being built @ 300,000 guesses. I know there are more combinations, because I have 4 numbers, a symbol, and 4 words. Is 300,000 a hard limit for arrays?
22  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Encrypted wallet.dat, lost password, any solutions? on: April 24, 2013, 01:42:50 AM
Every time it adds words from the word list, it places a symbol between them, and it doesn't try to add the words together without anything in them.

I have 4 words, but 7 total because three of them have capitalization variances.

1 symbol.

And between 2-4 numbers randomly in there.

For instance:

When I put that all in (with only "2" as the max number count), it generates ONLY 24 possibly passwords. Minimum 10 char, max 21. It didn't even put in any numbers, and all the potential passwords had 2 symbols in them.


Well, I found the error. It turns out, that after adding a symbol it would call the function with the algorithm with one less parameter than expected. Instead of throwing an error, powershell defaulted to 0..

Here is a fixed version with a DEBUG mode, which you can enable (will probably make you understand how the passphrases are generated), note that it will slow it down quite a bit as printing takes up quite some time for a computer.

Also added an improvement where if the word is already max length, it will no longer add anything to it (and then find out it's too long anyway).

Sorry about not seeing this mistake :/..

No Problem! Thank you very much! I'll give it a shot now!
23  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Encrypted wallet.dat, lost password, any solutions? on: April 23, 2013, 10:51:33 PM
Every time it adds words from the word list, it places a symbol between them, and it doesn't try to add the words together without anything in them.

I have 4 words, but 7 total because three of them have capitalization variances.

1 symbol.

And between 2-4 numbers randomly in there.

For instance:

When I put that all in (with only "2" as the max number count), it generates ONLY 24 possibly passwords. Minimum 10 char, max 21. It didn't even put in any numbers, and all the potential passwords had 2 symbols in them.

24  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Encrypted wallet.dat, lost password, any solutions? on: April 23, 2013, 10:44:28 PM
Any luck?

Not yet, it's still calculating possibilities! Smiley I may have set a parameter wrong.

Does it calculate every position for the symbol, words, and numbers? I ran it once, it didn't find it. Sad I changed some parameters, I think it'll hit it!

Well yes, it should create every possible order of the elements you put into each of the arrays.. I am afraid your password is simply not what you think it is?

Well, it actually isn't working.... it is adding two symbols to most configurations, and then when I have 4 words (which I used them all as parts) it adds symbols to to each word it adds?
25  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Encrypted wallet.dat, lost password, any solutions? on: April 12, 2013, 06:09:34 PM
Any luck?

Not yet, it's still calculating possibilities! Smiley I may have set a parameter wrong.

Does it calculate every position for the symbol, words, and numbers? I ran it once, it didn't find it. Sad I changed some parameters, I think it'll hit it!
26  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Swedish ASIC miner company on: April 11, 2013, 11:19:11 AM
Hi Sam,

Thanks for coming to the thread and gives us more information. I am sure you understand  that many of us has been scam by the ASIC fiasco and really need more information. Even Butterfly has not deliver any product to us but giving countless Excuses and Excuses. So far only Avalon has deliver and transparent. Asicminer does their own mining and we don't really know much about them, but that is ok because we are not buying anything from them or they are selling anything. We appreciate your sharing so we can have a long and meaningful relationship... at the meantime hope you could gives us some updates.. yea just a little ..

Avalon has delivered, but is far from transparent. Look at all the threads asking for information (most unanswered).
27  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Encrypted wallet.dat, lost password, any solutions? on: April 10, 2013, 02:09:53 PM
Just received this PM from Rahazan, looks great!

Quote from: Rahazan
Hello there,

(If this is the second time you receive this, it's because I was not sure whether the message was sent or not).

After a long night of learning the syntax of PowerShell (I only know Java and a little Clean) and debugging I have been able to program what you requested in this thread . A way to get your coins back, hopefully.
It is fairly well documented, it should contain all the information you need.

The reason I didn't simply post this in the thread is because I have not been whitelisted yet (which I have requisted however). I will post it up in the thread for others to use when I am able to.
Time for some sleep now ;].

Hope it works for you


His code is here:

# Bitcoin encrypted wallet somewhat-brute-force-recovery.
# Also works for litecoins probably (untested).
# By Rahazan
# Originally created for veryveryinteresting (VVI)
# My first ever powershell script, by the way.
# Pardon any convention I broke in this language (for I did not study any conventions of this language).

# Recovered your coin     using this? Consider a donation to   #
# the AI student who scripted this :)                          #
# Donations BTC:    1FkXY2WVG9X4WqVuKdrSrX64ZTj9HgG34U         #
# Donations LTC:    LKdLS4seKpE2MNmt4t618oZV7v7tNkD6zL         #

# How does it work?

# This script creates every possible combination in a depth-first order.
# After this it tries all of these. On my crappy laptop it achieved ~ 5 attempts per second.

# How do I use this?

# - Edit the values in the next block of this script to your likings, make sure you set your RPC password & username.
# - Run the daemon service found in Bitcoin\daemon  (bitcoind.exe)
# - Run this script (save as SOMENAME.ps1 and right click -> run with PowerShell.
# (To run it you might have to change some settings regarding allowing PowerShell scripts to run.. Google this.)
# (Press CTRL+C to cancel if you wish to stop it.)
# - Grab a cup of coffee as it tries a gazillion combinations.
# - Get your coin back.
# - Maybe donate a portion? ;)
# - DELETE THIS SCRIPT (Shred it!). It holds way too valuable information about your password!

#Values you will probably want to set!
#Please note that the more free you make these variables, computation time will increase by A LOT.

# Min/Max length of your password (included! so min:1 max: 3 would allow password length 1 but also length 3)
# So if you know the length, these should both be the same number.
[int] $global:minLength = 10
[int] $global:maxLength = 16

#Word list
$wordsList = @("abcd","efgh")
[int] $numWords = 2 #Amount of times one of these word blocks can exist in your pass

#Symbol list
$symbolList = @("&")
[int] $numSymbols = 1 #Amount of times one of these symbol blocks can exist in your pass

#Number list
$numberList = @("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9") #Possible numbers, do not have to be single numbers. For instance it could be just "22" if you know you have that in your pass somewhere with numNumbers 1
[int] $numNumbers = 2 #Amount of times one of these number blocks can exist in your pass

#Option to print when adding a possibility to the list of possibilities.
#Consider making this false, it might make it somewhat faster (especially for very long passwords with small "blocks" in the lists.
$verbose = $TRUE

# Please put the correct RPC username/password below
$h = new-object Net.WebClient
$h.Credentials = new-object Net.NetworkCredential("RPCUSERNAME","RPCPASSWORD")
$h.Encoding = [Text.Encoding]::Default
# Above "Default" works for original encryption from the command line
# Change to "UTF8" when the GUI was used to encrypt (Was not necessary when tested -Rahazan)

[string[]]  $global:allPossibilities = @() #Empty array, you can manually add possibilities if you want (that you think will not be generated by the algorithm).

# Time to create an array of all the possibilities! No need to change anything past this point.

# Algorithm is next, it recursively builds the array of all possibilities.

Function generateAllPossibilities([string]$wordSoFar, $wordsList, $symbolList, $numberList, [int]$numWords, [int]$numSymbols, [int]$numNumbers)
    #Base case: Length of the created pass is too big, no need to further explore this node, go up one step in the tree.
if ($wordSoFar.length -gt $global:maxLength) {
        #Too long! Done with this branch!

   #Add the word to the possibilities if the right length
if ($wordSoFar.length -gt $global:minLength) {
$global:allPossibilities += $wordSoFar
if ($numWords -gt 0) {#Have not added max amount of words to this possibility yet.
        for ($i=0;$i -lt $wordsList.length; $i++) {
      generateAllPossibilities ($wordSoFar+$wordsList[$i]) $wordsList $symbolList $numberList ($numWords-1) $numSymbols $numNumbers
if ($numSymbols -gt 0) {#Have not added max amount of symbols to this branch yet.
for ($i=0;$i -lt $symbolList.length; $i++) {
      generateAllPossibilities ($wordSoFar + $symbolList[$i]) $wordsList $symbolList $numberList ($numSymbols-1) $numNumbers

if ($numNumbers -gt 0) {#Have not added max amount of nums to this branch yet.
for ($i=0;$i -lt $numberList.length; $i++) {
      generateAllPossibilities ($wordSoFar + $numberList[$i] ) $wordsList $symbolList $numberList $numWords $numSymbols ($numNumbers-1)


[string]$wordsofar = ""

Write-Host "Generating all possibilities, may take a long time depending on the amount + size of the \"blocks\" you have given !"

#Calling the algorithm (function) above to fill the list!
generateAllPossibilities $wordSoFar $wordsList $symbolList $numberList $numWords $numSymbols $numNumbers

Write-Host "DONE Generating!"
Write-Host "Note: There seems to be a slight bug, about 1 in 100 of these strings break the rules (for instance 2 symbols where numSymbols was 1).. don't know why."
Write-Host "Will be printing all possibilities now:"

Write-Host $global:allPossibilities

Write-Host "===================="
Write-Host "Amount to be tested:"  $global:allPossibilities.length
Write-Host "Starting bruteforce!"
Write-Host "===================="
# Time to start trying them one by one!

$i = 0

# Somewhat altered code by 2112 -> from
$global:allPossibilities | foreach {
    try {
        $p = $_
        if ($i%4 -eq 0) {
            Write-Host "   '$p' " $i "/" $global:allPossibilities.length
        else {
         Write-Host "   '$p'" -nonewline
        $r = $h.UploadString('http://localhost:8332/','{"method":"walletpassphrase","params":["'+$p+'",1]}')
        # Write-Output $r
        Write-Output "Correct password found!"
        Write-Output "'$p'"
    catch [Net.WebException] {
        $e = $_
        switch -wildcard ($e.Exception.Message) {
             "*(401) Unauthorized*" {
                  Write-Output "Fix the user/pass!"
             "*(500) Internal Server Error*" {
             default {
                  $e | Format-List -Force
# Exiting without success!
Write-Output "===================="

Write-Output "Exiting!"

I am running it now, after verifying it works with a newly encrypted wallet. I had to change my ExecutionPolicy settings in PowerShell (googled it as Rahazan suggested). I also googled and added a "pause" or Press Any Key to continue after the correct password is found, as running straight from the script simply closed the window after it was done, therefore not showing me the password.

Thanks Rahazan! If it works, I'll be sending you some BTC!
28  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Encrypted wallet.dat, lost password, any solutions? on: April 10, 2013, 02:38:03 AM
We have a success over in the Newbies forum:

Niklas, you should try what he did in line 2 to mark the script as UTF-8 (or UTF-16, if you saved it on windows).  When I get a chance I'll add some proper unicode support, but just adding the comment at the top to ensure the embedded strings are handled correctly might be worth a shot for now.

Here's his post in case it helps anyone else:

Hi, could some admin please move this to and let member Revalin know (being a newbie, I cannot post there nor PM him).

Revalin, thanks for your script. Me, too, I forgot my precise passphrase. I remembered the overall mechanism to construct my wallet passphrase but didn't remember exactly how I applied it.
My wallet passphrase consists of a left and a right part. The left part was a sequence of character, maybe "Start" or "start" or "beginning"... Same with the right part. It could have been "end" or "End" or ... So, the passphrase could have been "startend", "Startend", "beginningEnd", ... There were about twenty possibilities for the left and also for the right part, too many to test manually. So I adapted your script.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
lefts = [ "start", "Start", "Beginning" ] # The possible words for the left part
rights = ["end", "End", "ending"] # The possible words for the right part

def test(phrase)
  print phrase, "\t"
  system("./bitcoind", "walletpassphrase", phrase, "20")
  case $?.exitstatus
  when 0
    puts "Found it! #{phrase}"
    exit 0
  when 127
    puts "bitcoind not found in current dir"
    exit 1
  when nil
    puts "Aborting"
    exit 1

lefts.each do |left|
  rights.each do |right|
    test(left + right)

If someone wants to use it, then replace the words in lefts and rights with your words and add as many as required.

Another comment: as reported earlier by niklas, the script runs unusable slow on Windows. I recommend installing some Linux image. I had no problems with German special characters.
Revalin, please PM me, I would like to send you a Bitcoin reward. Without your script, I probably wouldn't have recovered my wallet.

I have an issue similar to this. Revalin helped me get the code going, but I used a different password format than I usually do. I found the sheet with the "building blocks", but I don't know the order.

I don't have much BTC, but I am willing to give a 1 BTC (out of the handful in my wallet) to someone who can help me with this.

I used 4 or 5 different words, with pronunciations that I remember.
I also used some numbers.
Lastly, I used a symbol somewhere in the password.

Is there a way to try passwords generated like this:

wordlist = ["PassWord", "passWord", "ninja", "pIRate", "ATTack"] (all my pronunciation variations- I will write those, I know what the variations are, which ones I use and don't use)

numbers = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] (I may have used as many as 4 numbers in the password)

symbol = [$] (maximum of one symbol in the passphrase)

So it would take words from the word list, add a number(s), and symbol, and try all variations:

words (that I know, up to 5 maximum) + numbers (up to 4 single digits, 0-9999, maximum of four digits in passphrase, either appearing as singles ("8") or together("34" or "512" or "2323"), before or after words) + 1 symbol somewhere in the passphrase (maximum 1 time shown up, before or after a word or number)

It could be as few as 1 word and as many as 5. Could be as few as 2 numbers (at least 2) and as many as 4. Needs at least one symbol.

I hope this makes sense. If it doesn't, please let me know. I wish I could program. That powershell looks awesome!


29  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: Single SC x2 BFL pending order on: April 07, 2013, 03:05:26 PM
Hi all,

i have 2 preorder of Single SC 60GH/s Bitcoin Miner from BFL.
The orders number are 100021xxx.
I informed about the possibility to change the shipping and billing address and it can be done by contacting the bfl's office.
This product is sell now by the double of the price i ordered it and if you preorder it now your order numerber is more that 100033000.
If anyone is interested contact me by pm.

these are the orders:


On BFL's website, they company publicly posted that they will NOT change the shipping address. This person is lying and scamming.

30  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: [Avalon] Problem with temp3 sensor -- always shows 0 value on: April 06, 2013, 06:53:47 AM
there is only 2 sensor. I hope you didn't unplug the wrong thing in the processor of trying to find something that doesn't exist.

I understand.  I did not unplug and plug to random connector.

I simply re-seated the sensor coming from the heatsink in the same socket/connector as I understand this is "temp3".

It is still reporting value of 0 always.  Any suggestion?

As stated it will always report 0. The sensor is not installed buy design. Get used to it dude Smiley

+1. If BitSyncom, one of the CREATORS of the Avalon, tells you there is no third sensor, guess what? There is no third sensor. Did you miss that it was he who replied to you and not a random forum member?
31  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: BFL RIP OFF... price up 90%, 50GH/s for 2499$. on: April 06, 2013, 06:50:16 AM

Wow man. Their customer service manager wrote a blog about it on their forums and they have been answering questions there.

I would say they are communicating with their customers. Your incorrect statements are astounding.
I would say you don't know the history and appear to be pretty gullible.   Those of us who've been watching this shit storm since June 2012 know better, which, you do not.

What the hell? So what would it take for them to "communicate"? They wrote updates and blogs.

I didn't argue whether it was right or wrong, but they DID  speak about it, which make "nary a peep" a false statement. Yes, maybe they communicated lies or maybe it will turn out to be truth, but they did *communicate*.

Don't bash me because you have such a strong desire to be right.
32  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: I have applied for a refund from BFL Labs 03.April.13 (Refunded 05-April-2013) on: April 06, 2013, 04:12:23 AM
05-April-2013 Refund received in full.

Thanks for updating!
33  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: BFL RIP OFF... price up 90%, 50GH/s for 2499$. on: April 06, 2013, 04:09:53 AM
And nary a peep from Team BGL after their recent price increase.

That's how they treat their customer base.

Wow man. Their customer service manager wrote a blog about it on their forums and they have been answering questions there.

I would say they are communicating with their customers. Your incorrect statements are astounding.
34  Other / Off-topic / Date ordering boggling on: April 04, 2013, 03:16:51 PM
wow, a month later... have you heard anything from them?

If hes from other parts of the world, it would read as April 3rd

After I worked in an environment with coworkers from 40+ countries, I learned to only put dates as 4-Apr-2013 (if the working language is English) as most other countries put it in day.month.year format as opposed to the format in the US which is
35  Economy / Exchanges / Re: exchange Bitcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin <-> USD\BTC (fee 0.2%) on: April 03, 2013, 05:40:30 AM
Are you planning to accept liqpay again or not? Please update us on that.
36  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Looking to redefine ASIC on: April 02, 2013, 12:51:20 AM
Just got this PM from GoldenAngel:

Hey mate,

Can you please send me some pictures of your ASIC avalon with a piece of paper saying 'Peterz' in it.

Its for an April fools joke and would be really appreciated!

Please let me know and I'll give you my email to attach pictures. Doesn't matter if its a bit late, still will be super funny.

"peter.z" trying to sell in the German Forum 2 Fake-Avalons
The interpretations I leave you!


Wow. Thank you for posting that. Golden Angel is just a dirty, nasty scammer. Get lost.
37  Economy / Currency exchange / Closed on: April 01, 2013, 11:21:32 AM
Found my opportunity. Thanks.
38  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Buy BTC with credit card (VISA/Mastercard) through LiqPay on: April 01, 2013, 11:00:20 AM
Are you still selling BTC for liqpay? I can send you liqpay for BTC.
39  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Encrypted wallet.dat, lost password, any solutions? on: March 30, 2013, 05:33:05 AM
And another: This person knows the middle of the password but forgot the digits on either side.


middle = "password"  # The known part in the middle
min_per_side = 1     # The minimum number of digits per side
max_per_side = 4     # The maximum number of digits per side

def test(phrase)
  print phrase, "\t"
  system("./bitcoind", "walletpassphrase", phrase, "20")
  case $?.exitstatus
  when 0
    puts "Found it! #{phrase}"
    exit 0
  when 127
    puts "bitcoind not found in current dir"
    exit 1
  when nil
    puts "Aborting"
    exit 1

((2 * min_per_side)..(2 * max_per_side)).each do |length|
  if length - max_per_side > min_per_side
    min_per_side = length - max_per_side
  (0..(10**length-1)).each do |number|
    digits = ("%0#{length.to_s}d" % [number]).chars.to_a
    (min_per_side..(length - min_per_side)).each do |offset|
      left = digits[0,offset].join
      right = digits[offset,99].join
      test(left + middle + right)

Edit: Improved to limit the max digits per side which will help with longer passphrases.

Thanks Revalin! I am running it now...
40  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Bought two Avalons, HUGE problems. Avalon is about to ship it to someone else??? on: March 29, 2013, 10:44:59 PM
I just caught up to these tickets. this is not Avalons problem nor we will aid in resolving it.

In this case, We are simply not going to honor the change of address, because this is a reselling/hosting/loan deal and this happens outside of Avalon control and must deal with the person who ORDERED these units.

as in, this unit will go to the original address Thaigo put on this order, which is neither rodigorc2's address, or the current "new" address he is changing to. Avalon does not "aid" the reselling of these orders, especially for reasons like this.

said ticket is referenced here: -redacted for privacy details-

BOTTOMLINE: if you want to resell. buy it first, have it delivered and ship it elsewhere yourselves.

Excellent response, Yifu. I was also thinking "what does this have to do with Avalon? They should just ship to the original address."

Also I am pleased that thiago is getting his units.
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