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21  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: [Setup & Troubleshoot] Bitmain AntMiner S1 180GH/S miner on: April 14, 2014, 11:17:08 PM

key files are in a different location that a standard linux distro: look in /etc/dropbear for ssh files e.g.

root@antminer-6:~# ls -alt /etc/dropbear/
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          1214 Apr 10 09:02 authorized_keys
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root             0 Feb 21 14:17 .
-rw-------    1 root     root           459 Dec  1 20:28 dropbear_dss_host_key
-rw-------    1 root     root           427 Dec  1 20:28 dropbear_rsa_host_key
drwxrwxr-x    1 root     root             0 Dec  1 20:28 ..

this is a handy bit of info.. :)

thank you

Sorry about that, jjimm_64 -- I'd just assumed you were cutting and pasting your key data into the Antminer web interface.  I guess that just became part of my "initial setup ritual" -- unbox, plug in, connect crossover cable, hit the web ui, change the IP/DNS/router/hostname, paste my pubkey in to the box on the Admin page, hit "apply all" and then reconnect it to the LAN as it reboots itself...   (Then I do whatever remaining stuff via ssh.)  So this explains why you would have problems and I wouldn't -- I was adding my key data using the wimpy, GUI, "hold my hand and do it for me" way...meanwhile, you were going for old fashioned commandline goodness...and i certainly can't fault you for any of that. :)

As jimrome pointed out, it would appear the Luci Admin page dumps its contents into two authorized_keys files  -- or one, and then another is a clone of that one, I'm not sure.  (Haven't really studied the Antminer file system setup, and not really looking to do so at the moment. lol)  Anyway, my key data (which I pasted into the Luci Admin page) appeared in full, in both places, so you might want to copy your data in both of these also (if it isn't automatically cloned over due to the file overlay magic):

  • /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
  • /overlay/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys

Not sure if they're the same inode, since stat isn't installed and I'm too lazy to look for an alternative at the moment -- but, they do both contain the same data:

root@ant0:/# cat /overlay/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys && echo . && cat /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys && echo .
ssh-rsa AAAlorumipsumrandomgibberish1234567800v99999988888877777766666655555544444443333322221111lorumips+umrandomgibberish1234567800v9999998888887777776666665555554444444333332222111lorumipsum+randomgibberish1234567800v9999998+/andomgibberish1234567800v9999/998888877== me@myhost

ssh-rsa AAAlorumipsumrandomgibberish1234567800v99999988888877777766666655555544444443333322221111lorumips+umrandomgibberish1234567800v9999998888887777776666665555554444444333332222111lorumipsum+randomgibberish1234567800v9999998+/andomgibberish1234567800v9999/998888877== me@myhost


So you can add your rsa key in there if you want, or let Luci do it -- she's helpful that way -- but something tells me I should have read the ~10 or so posts that came after this one (before replying), because you've probably already posted that it works fine now (thanks to jimrome's excellent tag-team tech support action) which case, um...  Well, in which case the shorter this message, the better! /me exits stage left

22  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: [Setup & Troubleshoot] Bitmain AntMiner S1 180GH/S miner on: April 13, 2014, 08:19:51 PM

has anyone used public/private keys to access the ants ?  

I am always prompted for the password after setting up keys.

bump... anyone using ssh and pub/priv keys?

I didn't want to be that guy who posts "yep and no problems on my end..."  (adding nothing to the discussion/troubleshooting, etc)

But since you're asking if people are using them, yes, I am.  Four units, and I sat here for a few minutes just now trying to recall if I did anything weird or unusual -- vs setting up ssh to server, or to a Raspberry Pi / router / embedded system / etc.  And I honestly can't think of anything I did differently.  It was just as hard/easy as setting up ssh into my Kindle.

I'm not trying to dismiss you, I just can't think of anything required (beyond just general knowledge of how to use ssh in general) for you to avoid this kind of problem.  (With respect to the person who posted on the previous page that "pubkey authentication usually asks for a password also," ignore what he said.  The whole point of using a public/private keypair here would be to *avoid* having to type your password, otherwise it would just be a really silly way to waste time and overcomplicate the login process.)

So I'm going to take the shotgun approach and reply with every possible way to fix every possible thing that might be causing this issue -- and by "every" I mean "all the ones that come off the top of my head, at the moment, and seem remotely likely."  So YMMV, as in all things.

So, I don't mean to talk down to you at all, but I obviously can't know your particular skillset -- so forgive me for asking, but do you actually use ssh all that much?  Have you set up ssh with private key authentication before, say to connect to your home server/router?  Or is this pretty much the first time you've tried to set something like this up?   (And if it's not the first time, then what did you do in the past -- and what are you doing differently this time?)

Yes, a server can be set up to ask for passwords, pubkeys, and/or it can accept both.  But the ants are set up the normal/sane way -- passwords are accepted, but you can provide your public key info if you'd prefer to skip the password prompt.  The ant will not (unless you have changed the configuration of the actual sshd *server* running on your ant from its default config) ask you to give it a password after a successful public key authentication attempt.  

So that means a password prompt is *generally* a sign that you've failed provide valid login data -- which generally ends up being caused by one of the following:
  • 1. the public key is fine, but the username is wrong (very common)
  • 2. the public key data is not correctly installed on the server (also common)
  • 3. the public key on the server does not match the private key you're trying to authenticate with  (less common)

Let's take them in the order listed above:

  • 1. Let's say your username on your local machine is "ruth."  If you try to ssh into the ant like this:

    ssh ant0 # where ant0 is your ant's IP or hostname

    ...then you're going to get denied access (because you supplied no username, and ssh assumes you want to login as ruth).  Sometimes you'll get a password prompt, because you're essentially trying to log in with a password/key that doesn't correspond to a given it naturally asks you for a password that DOES work. Other times you'll just flat out get denied access; it just depends on how the server is set up.

    You're providing authentication/key data for the "root" user.  So let's explicitly tell the server we want to use your key but with a different username:

    ssh root@ant0  # the "root@" tells ssh to override the default, which is to try to log in to the ANT using the username for your local computer.

    That's a *really* common error, and if that fixes it, then there you go.  (You can type "man ssh" in linux for info on the ~/.ssh/config file, which you can use to override this behavior -- ie, you can tell it "whenever I log into ant0, assume I want to login as 'root' and not my regular username."  If you set that up, you'll be able to just do "ssh ant0" and it will work correctly.)

  • 2. It's possible you borked the cut-and-paste; hey, we all do it from time to time.  Just go to the Admin console, find that SSH key section, go ahead and delete everything out of there and hit save+apply.  Now, with a fresh (empty box), go open up (assuming you're using linux; otherwise you can google the instructions for doing this in Putty) your public key data, which is stored in /home/yourUserName/.ssh/

    The file name has changed once or twice, and it also depends on if you're using RSA or something different -- but since I set up my ssh with an RSA keypair, my public key data is /home/myUsernmae/.ssh/   (Note, there is another file called "id_rsa" -- without the ".pub."  Do not use this; it's your PRIVATE key, and if you try to paste that into the Luci config page on the antminer, it's going to just seem like garbage data to the server...and you'll get a password prompt.)   Copy the contents of that (or whatever your file may be called) and paste all of it into the box in the Luci config.  It should be one very big long line of text.  (If it wraps in the Luci configuration textbox, that's fine -- just make sure you're not copying the key in there with a bunch of whitespace or newlines in the middle of your key.)  

    Hit Save+apply, and it should restart sshd/dropbear and allow you to login immediately.  If the problem persists, it's possible the ssh daemon was not reloaded correctly; you can try cycling the power and see if that helps.  Then just login as before:

    ssh root@ant0

    And it should work; IF NOT, then it's possible you're pasting garbage into the antminer because you're starting out with garbage.  (Ie, your private/public key might be corrupt in some way -- or in some weird incompatible format that dropbear doesn't understand.)  If you think this might be the case, generate a new keypair -- stick with RSA and all the default settings; dropbear doesn't support every algorithm out there, IIRC.  

    If you need info on how to regenerate your keypair ... google is your friend because that's beyond the scope of this reply. :)


  • 3. If you have more than one public/private keypair -- say you have one from your work machine, that you copied and brought home and put in your .ssh directory, as well as the default keypair you generated when you first installed the ssh client -- then it's possible you're trying to authenticate with the RIGHT username but the WRONG key; which is just like typing your password incorrectly, hence the antminer asking you to re-enter your password.  (It prompts you for your password, because "Please retype your public key again:" would be a somewhat lengthy/obnoxious demand.  That's why it reverts to just asking the standard vanilla password.)

    So let's assume i have two keys in my ~/.ssh directory (again, this is Linux -- if you run windows, check Putty's help pages for info on where you get public/private keypair info).   In fact, that's actually the case for me --  I have an older ssh key I used a long time ago when I was managing a number of systems from my android phone.  I archived/copied that over to my ~/.ssh directory when I upgraded my phone -- so it lives in there along side my default (regular) system key.  So in my ~/.ssh directory, I have:

    The first two are there because I placed them there when I copied /archived off my phone, so there's no naming convention being followed there, just whatever I happened to call them at the time.  The second two keys make up the pub-priv keypair created by my local system and they are used by default, unless I specify something different.  

    So imagine if I copied my key into the Luci/antminer interface and hit "save."  Great, now I can log in via my phone.  But what if I wanted to log in from my laptop as well?  That's fine, I've got the keypair in my ~/.ssh/ directory (as shown above), so I should have everything I need to get access.  However, if I tried to login from my current system like this:

    ssh root@ant0

    It would fail, because is on the server (ie, the antminer) but I'm supplying id_rsa (the WRONG local private key) by default.  The solution is to explicitly tell ssh I want to use phone_rsa:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/phone_rsa root@ant0 # tells the ssh client to log in as user root and authenticate with the phone_rsa keypair

    And if that looks like a lot of typing, well,'re right.  Probably just easier to type in your password!  But, remember you can fix this in a couple of ways:  either (1) put your default public key in the Luci config screen and quit trying to log in with the wrong key, or (2) you can check out the man page for ssh and set up your ~/.ssh/config file (discussed earlier) and tell it which keypair you want to use when logging in to that particular host (ant0).  And while you're at it, you can tell it to assume your username is "root"  -- at which point we can finally log into ant0 as follows, and it will work as expected:

    ssh ant0 # works fine with the correct username (root) and keyfile defaults overridden in ~/.ssh/config file

And hopefully, once you've read through all of that you've either:

1. Found the problem and fixed it!  (Problem solved.)  Or,
2. Lost all patience and decided it's too complicated and not worth the effort, you'll just use passwords.  (Problem solved.)

I hope this has helped a little -- and maybe you're a little bit closer to #1 than #2 (giving up and using passwords) when all is said and done.  Good luck!

(Apologies for the long post, everyone.)
23  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: [Antminer S1 open for sale again] The last round before the Chinese New Year on: February 16, 2014, 05:19:53 PM
Um, did this happen to anyone else?

I tried to get in on yesterday's "lottery" and like (almost) everyone else I wasn't able to snag one.  So today I was ready, or so I thought:

I was on that website, ready to go -- 30 minutes in advance -- so I am *certain* I read the description over and over (because I kept going back and forth to the main/product page so I could add the items to my shopping cart and submit the order ASAP).  I am *certain* the site described the units as "Limited units sales. Open sales on Feb 16th 11:00 pm BeiJing time, GMT +8. Ships 48 hours after payment is confirmed."

Finally after a half an hour refreshing and clicking and refreshing and clicking, I was "lucky enough" to snag two.  NOTHING had changed -- I looked at that site so many stupid times I know I would have noticed, because I definitely noticed when things *did* change an hour later!

But anyway, long story short -- the site said "Ships 48 hours after payment is confirmed."  Then my order went through (the email from Bitmain literally says I ordered at GMT 05:01:52, so they hadn't even been open for business for 2 minutes when I ordered, lol) and  I quickly sent in my payment and it was confirmed in the next 10-20 minutes.  

Okay, time to relax for a bit, take a shower, and spend the rest of the morning power supply shopping online, right?  Well...then I noticed the Bitmain site had changed the description slightly:  instead of saying "Ships in 48 hours" (which is very specific) it had changed to "Ships after Feb 28."  So not only had it changed to +1 week longer, but it's also somewhat ambiguous -- "your item will ship within 48 hours of receiving payment" is a hell of a lot more specific than "your item will be among the items that are shipped 'at some point, depending on where you are in line, after the 28th.'"

I checked my order and (sure enough) there is no mention of a new shipping date anywhere.  The product is listed as "Antminer S1."  However, fast forward another hour or so and I see that the site has changed again -- now it says "Shipment will be started on Feb 28th. Limited units sale," and the item is listed as "AntMiner S1-Shipment starting from Feb 28th."  Just to check, I added one to my shopping cart -- and sure enough, the item listed in my shopping cart (this time) is "AntMiner S1-Shipment starting from Feb 28th."  So I'm *hoping* this is a hint that maybe they *did* have some stock today, and sold that BEFORE they began preselling...but I can't really be sure of anything.  I emailed Bitmain but didn't get a reply, but that's understandable if it's 11pm where they are.  (I promise I'm not trying to be difficult -- but I certainly didn't expect the terms of the shipping agreement to change while I was in mid-purchase!)

So here is my question -- and I guess it's for Bitmain (or if anyone can point me to any official statement on the forum as to what happened): Did I purchase 2 Antminers, which are scheduled to ship (as advertised) 48 hours after my payment was confirmed, aka within 2 days from now?  (If so, then I'm happy and I apologize for making a fuss over nothing!)  Or did I try to purchase 2 Antminers, but then somehow (via an ill-timed website update or act of god or whatever you want to call it) I ended up preordering 2 Antminers (at today's BTC price) that won't ship until the end of the month (approximately 2 difficulty increases later)?

If it's the former, then I say again: please do nothing, I am a happy panda, and I apologize for the trouble.  

If it's the latter, then ... I hate to sound like a dick, but ... I never would have paid 1.45 BTC (x2) for 180GH/s in March.  I was willing to pay that for a product that was shipping in 48 hours, because I think it still has a reasonable chance of hitting a positive ROI -- but more importantly, even if it is just a week away, I had no interest in preordering anything.  (Even if the vendor is reputable, which I freely admit Bitmain seems to be.)   I just (respectfully) don't believe the S1 will be worth 1.45 BTC on March 3-5, or whenever I would expect to receive the thing...and even if I did, I would have been more cautious and only purchased one...etc, etc, you get the point.

So if it's not shipping until March, then I would respectfully request a refund of the full amount paid, since I'm not really getting what I paid for.  (Bitmain, you can find my order details in the email I sent you; or PM me if that was somehow lost in transit.) Please note that I am not suggesting any bait-and-switch occurred here; I assume (worst case scenario) that in the rush to reopen sales, the description on the website was updated in piecemeal fashion -- more than a few times -- so I don't think anyone intentionally mislead anyone.  However I also don't think it's inappropriate to request some clarification, and if necessary a refund, considering that people (or just me?) were misled through no fault of our own.

Note: I still haven't had time to grab my morning caffeine so *please* if something in this post sounds like I'm whining or complaining or yelling/screaming/Hulk Smash/Hulk Angry I assure you I'm not.  I just had a late night and a (relatively) early morning trying to "win" one of these and ... well you understand.  I *promise* I am not asking for special treatment, just a quick reply (email or PM works okay too) so I can know what is going on.  (I would have just canceled the order at the website -- but I see no method for doing that; the "edit" link next to my confirmed order just allows me to change my shipping address and phone number, nothing else.)

Hopefully nothing has to be canceled/refunded at all, and I am misunderstanding/misinterpreting something.  I definitely want to buy the 2 Antminers (at the current price) if they ship in 48 hours; but I very likely do NOT want to buy them (at the current price) if they ship in 288+ hours. :)  

Sorry for the longwinded post to say something relatively simple; like I mentioned, not enough caffeine yet -- a problem which I will remedy right now.
24  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: COINLENDERS - REMAINING DEPOSITORS on: November 22, 2013, 03:52:31 AM
Coinlenders Balance
  amount (from screenshot) prior to 2013-11-10:
  amount since 2013-11-10 (early CD terminations modified the total):

I have not settled.  Coincidentally, I have also not received any "settlement offers."  The two may be related, I'll have to check. Smiley

Emailed him 3 times, perhaps 4, over the last several weeks.  Offered to take a haircut, offered to negotiate with him regarding percentages, offered to work with him in any reasonable way so long as he responded to me or otherwise indicated he wasn't intentionally ignoring me.  No replies, no counteroffers, no settlements, no happy. Sad
25  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: CoinLenders,, Tradefortress (HACK) on: November 10, 2013, 08:22:49 PM
Thanks, Dumbfruit:


1As of Sun Nov 10 20:14:24 UTC 2013
26  Economy / Lending / Re: CoinLenders Script :: Bitcoin Bank (Borrow+Deposit) Software :: Demo Available on: November 07, 2013, 06:12:43 AM
Ips are from Australia where you are located... TOTALLY NOT AN INSIDE JOB.
That's expected, and the attacker rented an Australian server to proxy as close to my geographical location so it won't raise alarms with email recoveries. Wouldn't you think if it was an inside job, I'd use another IP?

TF- Don't bother answering the trolls. They are not your investors. It is obvious to those of us who invested with you that you were hacked and are the biggest victim here. Just keep us posted on the remaining assets and options.

+1  to this and +10 to the ignore button; the insulting 12 year olds and their indisputable "Omg yuu musta stolenz da bitcoinez!" argument were starting to piss *me* off.  Can't imagine how TF feels.

What a terrible shame this is. Not just for TF, but for the whole community. Inputs was starting to take off as a viable new service; CL had become the de facto place to invest if Asicminer stock returns were underwhelming; we *all* lose when one of the Good Guys takes a hit like this.  Pissy little children might not grasp that "subtle" concept but I'm sure the rest of us do.  Just keep us in the loop, TF, and don't let the bastards get you down.
27  Economy / Lending / Re: CoinLenders :: Get bitcoin loans, and earn interest on your deposits! on: July 17, 2013, 08:49:37 PM
this is still a thread about coinlenders, right?

Soon this thread will no longer be in my watch list if this keeps up.

Oh, don't overreact.  I'm sure the thread will return to normal once they quit with all the foreplay and just make sweet, sweet love.  


28  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: how to "clear" cgminer memory of what card is in what pcie slot on: June 27, 2013, 04:55:45 PM
This occasionally happens in Linux (at least it has with me) and although there are likely much more direct/better ways to fix the problem, I have run into it 3 times while moving stuff around between computers -- and the "quick and dirty solution" that has worked each time was to simply reinstall the AMD/ATI Catalyst drivers again.  Also (again, with Linux) there's a command:
    export DISPLAY=:0 && sudo aticonfig -f --initial --adapter=all
That needs to be run whenever you change the number of cards, or the order of the cards (if they're not all identical), that reconfigures X so it knows "which card is which, and where it is, and in what order to load them," and stuff like that.

I realize you said you're running Windows, but I think at least the first part (reinstall -- or uninstall then install fresh, if necessary) is worth a try.  Like I said above, it isn't the most glamourous solution, and there has to be a configuration file *somewhere* that you could just edit if you wanted to do it "properly" -- but reinstalling the drivers will take you less than 5 min, so that's the troubleshooting step I would go with first, regardless of whether I was running Windows or Linux.

Besides, if you go start that process now ... by the time you're done, you will either have fixed your problem, or someone far more knowledgeable will have posted below me to explain why everything I just said was absurd "and what you really should do is XYZ."  So you'll have an answer (or two) to your problem in no time. :)   
29  Economy / Lending / Re: CoinLenders :: Get bitcoin loans, and earn interest on your deposits! on: June 24, 2013, 05:44:47 PM
apply for 400 btc loan

anyone lend me 0.005 btc loan application fee??

i will share 4 btc with u
Lend money to lend money, and look at your empty wallet


I almost feel sorry for the guy.  I mean, he went through all that trouble to go and compromise a user's account, set up his scam, post a number of messages to get it going...and then he is betrayed by his abysmal capacity to write/communicate using the English language.

Just think what heights he could have reached, if only he had written his request in a slightly more familiar format:

[ANN] NotAScammerAtAll, LLC, LTD, AEIOU - Share Auction - 40,000 Available @0.01BTC/e

As promised 12 weeks ago, 40,000 shares of NotAScammerAtAll, LLC/LTD/AEIOU (or "NAMBLA" for short) have been released for auction on the BitcoinTalk forums.  The auction begins 24 June 2013 18:00 UTC, and continues until all shares are sold.  Please recall from our previous announcements, the NAMBLA Board has given me strict instructions on how to execute this auction; I do not have the authority to negotiate the minimum asking price (0.01 BTC/share) or make allowances for users who wish to purchase less than the minimum purchase quantity (10 shares).  I apologize in advance to anyone who fails to read this notice; if you have attempted to pay BTC, and hours later you are wondering why said monies have been unceremoniously refunded to your address, this is likely the reason.  Again, these decisions were made (primarily intended to limit administrative hassle/overhead) by the NAMBLA Board, not me!   (Full Disclosure: I am not a member of NAMBLA or the NAMBLA Board, and I do not hold shares in NAMBLA at this time.  However I am scheduled to receive a one-time flat payment of 5BTC in exchange for managing this auction.)

NAMBLA is a fully licensed and incorporated entity in Old North Wales, Australia, License# $TODO_INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE.  Each share for sale in this auction entitles the bearer to 1/40000th any weekly dividends scheduled to be released, as well as one (1) vote during the annual Board elections.  Note that like all securities, investment in NAMBLA carries risk; shares may increase or decrease in value, and the Board reserves the right to occasionally withhold dividend monies for purposes of capital reinvestment, when it is believed that said investment is necessary to ensure steady positive growth and maximize shareholder ROI.

NAMBLA is a Professional ASIC Mining Investigative Investment ASIC Opportunistic Cooperative ASIC Diversionary Industrial Risk Entitlement ASIC ASIC ASIC ASIC Company, with ASIC ASIC ASIC, ASIC ASIC ASIC, ASIC 2nd Generation ASIC, as well as holdings in ASIC ASIC, 3rd Generation ASIC, with a growing focus on ASICosity/ASICisitudinalistic endeavours in the ASICASICASIC $(GOOGLE_KEYWORD=ASICASICASIC) field.  NAMBLA is a trusted firm with a strong history of growth and transparency; unlike our competitors (and in accordance to Old North Wales law) all of our public financial records and portfolio information -- for each of the 31 years the firm has existed -- is on file for public inspection.  You are encouraged to visit the Old North Wales Courthouse Library, located in the New Courthouse Library Records Annex, and consult a tax or legal professional prior to investing with us; for our friends across the pond(s), this same information is available to you via post (with only a flat $18 fee charged by the courthouse to cover international shipping, photocopy fees, etc).  Simply send your request (with our licence number, indicated above) to: 

Old North Wales Courthouse Library
Attention: Minister of Legit Non-Scam Records
The Government,

To purchase shares, contact me via PM with your email address and intended purchase quantity and arrange for your funds to be sent to the following address....

But alas, he chose to go the "will pay u 4 btc, give me to make the application, can phish but not phish site!  money now please" route.  And as we can see above, it appears quite a few users have become sceptical of this once-effective methodology. Experts have previously described this approach, calling it the "Me not english good. but the money, now:: When you Give it, for my questioning I ask is the reason?" Technique. Again, you have to feel for the guy; I mean, just think if this was 2012 -- he would likely be "enjoy the btc 4 asked which he did," but since he failed to stay abreast of current trends, he was unable to stay one step ahead of his eagle-eyed, highly educated, paranoid-to-the-point-of-demanding-occasional-punctuation-and-or-capitalization-lest-they-get-skeptical target audience.  As a result, he must sadly settle for the 130 BTC that I sent him "4 me 2get the quick rich rite now lolz," which in retrospect would appear to have been an unwise short-term investment for Grandma's retirement account and heart medication funds -- but I'll avoid the temptation to jump to any conclusions just yet.*

*However I am willing to consider selling my Pre-Order for said "btc 4 me 2get the quick rich rite now lolz" opportunity, should anyone want to purchase my spot in line... :)
30  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: The Official "First Word that Pops Into Your Head" Thread™ | Get Out of Jail! on: June 15, 2013, 01:37:39 AM
31  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Have you heard of Litecoin? 1.5 FREE LITECOINS FOR SIGNING UP on: March 02, 2013, 10:50:23 AM
Thanks so much for this!  My address is:

32  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: FREE 0.001 Bitcoin Giveaway for Anybody Who Asks for It on: March 01, 2013, 09:57:32 PM
Thanks very much!

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