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201  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: December 03, 2021, 07:05:11 AM
How can I try to use Lightning Network on bitcoin testnet?

You can use Eclair Mobile Testnet. You need to use some faucet to obtain testnet coins and then you can open a channel with some node.

and What is application  app for use Lightning Network both on testnet and on bitcoin Lightning Network real live?

I can't recall an app like that. If you want to use the wallet above on the mainnet, you need to download the mainnet version. There are also a few other mainnet wallets that you should consider: Phoenix Wallet, Breez Wallet, BlueWallet (custodial Lightning wallet; you don't have to open channels on your own).
202  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: December 02, 2021, 08:45:35 AM
Is there any specific reason you recommend me c-lightning? Is it possibly simpler than LND? I'm a person who has not much free time these days and wants to experience with the lightning network whenever he finds some. I'd definitely want the most suitable or easiest to use.

C-lightning is less resource intensive and it's really easy to use, even if you want to try experimental features like dual-funding. I also like that you can easily open multiple channels in a single transaction. On the other hand, you will me missing out on stuff like Sphinx Chat, ThunderHub, Lightning Terminal, Zap Wallet and BlueWallet integration. You should do a thorough research so that you don't blame yourself later. Carlton Banks wrote a nice post about LND vs c-lightning.

Also, if I want to use c-lightning, why do I have to uninstall LND?

You don't have to, but you might not want to keep any unused packages related to it on your system.

Does that work only for US purchases?

Yes. See below.

Why did my purchase with a Moon Visa® Prepaid Card fail? [...] 4) The merchant may not be based in the US. Moon does not support payments to non-US based merchants.

Have we seen exchanges start adopting Lightning, instead of listing more “faster” shitcoins?

203  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: December 01, 2021, 10:15:49 PM
I want to get rid of LND completely from my RPi 4 and I was wondering, what's the best way to do it? I actually just want to downgrade it to 0.12 or anything different rather than the newest 0.13.1 beta version I'm using, but I guess that's not possible without uninstalling it.

You should be careful when downgrading because there might have been significant changes to the database structure between major releases. It looks like there was a small change in the v0.13.0-beta. Is there any particular reason why you want to downgrade your node?
204  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: December 01, 2021, 08:07:01 PM
I also have been using the Lightning Network exclusively for quite some time now. I saved a ton of money on fees by using it to pay Bitrefill, which I frequently use.

LN has it's downsides too though, especially if the payment doesn't instantly go through and I have to wait for a timeout.

LND and c-lightning users can specify the timeout if they want to. Both implementations default to 60 seconds.
205  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network node experience on: December 01, 2021, 11:25:21 AM
November was so far the best month. My node routed 59 transactions and collected 548.46 satoshi in fees. I earned the most from payments incoming from the channels which were opened this month.

206  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: November 30, 2021, 10:17:44 PM

I played around with Lightning Terminal when I was running LND and hardly any rebalancing attempts were successful. LOOP handles off-chain payments. Most of their peers charge well over 2000 ppm which is a lot compared to other nodes.

2000 ppm means that you would pay 1000 satoshi + base fee for a 500 000 satoshi payment.
207  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Lightning Network Observer on: November 29, 2021, 04:38:21 PM
Without running a Lightning node, what is the easiest/best way, and what apps should be used, if a person wants to open a private channel with a routing node, send the coins to himself through Lightning, then close channel to confirm onchain. Asking for a friend. Cool

Any non-custodial mobile wallet should do the trick. Most of them, if not all, create only private channels. I am certain that Eclair Mobile does so. You can download the testnet version, open a channel to some random node and try looking it up on You shouldn't be able to find it.
208  Local / Polski / Re: Lightning Network - ogólna dyskusja on: November 28, 2021, 07:27:49 PM
ale o co tak naprawdę chodzi z bitcoind - czy też nie muszę tego uruchomić?!

Nie, w tej chwili korzystasz z bitcoin-qt, które działa jako pełny węzeł i posiada nakładkę graficzną. Bitcoind nie ma interfejsu graficznego i może być obsługiwany przez wiersz poleceń oraz posiada RPC. RPC będzie Ci potrzebne do podłączenia węzła Lightning i serwera Electrum. Bitcoin-qt też obsługuje RPC, ale musisz je włączyć poprzez dodanie -server do parametrów startowych aplikacji.
209  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: November 28, 2021, 05:53:15 PM
If anyone here is running LND v0.14.0, you should update your node. Otherwise, you won't be able to open channels with nodes running the latest version of c-lightning and eclair.
210  Local / Polski / Re: Lightning Network - ogólna dyskusja on: November 28, 2021, 02:10:50 PM
jak mogę teraz udostępnić port 8333 dla mojega węzła?

Nie jestem w stanie podać Ci dokładnych instrukcji, bo panel sterowania każdego routera ma inny wygląd. Poszukaj dokładnych instrukcji dla Twojego modelu bazując na tych punktach:

1. Ustaw stały prywatny adres IP dla Twojego mini-PC. Poszukaj zakładki "DHCP". Najlepiej by było, żebyś przypisał ten adres, który w tej chwili jest używany.
2. Przekieruj port 8333 do wcześniej wybranego adresu IP (port-forwarding).
211  Local / Polski / Re: Lightning Network - ogólna dyskusja on: November 28, 2021, 10:53:11 AM
a to jest wynik ... port 8333 nie wydaje się być otwartym wygląda mi na prywatne IP, które zostało nadane Twojemu mini-PC przez router. Na tej stronie musisz wpisać swoje publiczne IP, które możesz sprawdzić na przykład tutaj. Skoro nie masz żadnych połączeń przychodzących po kilku miesiącach, to prawdopodobnie będziesz musiał przekierować ten port ręcznie.
212  Local / Polski / Re: Lightning Network - ogólna dyskusja on: November 28, 2021, 09:36:57 AM
najprawdopodobniej nadal coś nie jest optymalnie skonfigurowane... Tongue

Pierwsze połączenia przychodzące mogą pojawić się dopiero po kilku/kilkunastu dniach. U mnie zajęło to całkiem sporo czasu przez to, że wersje Bitcoin Core starsze niż 0.21.0 nie obsługiwały nowego formatu adresów (v3) sieci Tor.

gdzie mogę zobaczyć w Bitcoin core czy port 8333 jest włączony/aktywny?

Spróbuj wpisać swój adres IP na tej stronie.
213  Local / Polski / Re: Lightning Network - ogólna dyskusja on: November 27, 2021, 02:16:11 PM
jak mogę teraz uruchomić pełny węzeł tak, że mógl by działać bez problemów na tym małym komputerze Huh

Bitcoin Core samo w sobie działa jako pełny węzeł. Port 8333 powinien zostać automatycznie przekierowany do Twojego mini-pc, ale dla pewności możesz zrobić to ręcznie w ustawieniach routera. Nie jest to konieczne, ale w ten sposób możesz pomóc sieci jeszcze bardziej Smiley Zarówno przez połączenia przychodzące jak i wychodzące przesyłasz bloki i transakcje.

W tej chwili mój węzeł ma 48 połączeń przychodzących. Nie wiem jak długo zajmie Ci uzyskanie podobnego wyniku - mój węzeł działa już od kilku miesięcy wyłączenie przez sieć Tor.
214  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: November 27, 2021, 01:46:56 PM
Unless I missed something you can't charge fees for incoming channels so you also can't charge higher fees for that use case. You could charge higher fees in general, but I don't think you get to set different fees depending on which channel the balance comes from.

That's correct.

Though I guess it you could write a script that automatically increases your fees for a short while whenever a new channel is opened? Not sure what that would do to your routing reliability though.

You could do that but what's the point? The opener could just wait until you drop the fees down again. You would very likely not route any payments in the meantime.
215  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: November 26, 2021, 06:19:35 PM
Did anyone of you who runs a Lightning routing node experience someone connecting privately to you, route coins through you, then close the channel?

It didn't happen to me so I guess that only extremely large/well-connected nodes experience it.

I believe Lightning deniers foresee something that they don’t want every Bitcoin user to discover.

I am not sure why you mentioned Lightning deniers here. The above sounds to me like a use of someone's Lightning node to mix coins.
216  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: November 25, 2021, 12:41:06 PM
I was already wondering what else changes a channel state, other than routing transactions. Do changes in fee policy trigger a commitment transaction as well?

No, the fee policy affects only off-chain payments. I don't think that there is anything beside on-chain fees and off-chain payments that can trigger an update. Any other channel related parameters are negotiated before the funding transaction is broadcast and they cannot be changed.
217  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: November 25, 2021, 11:13:25 AM
This recovery method hinges on the channel using option_static_remotekey though and while the c-lightning docs mention this option being the default since 0.7.3 and LND refers to it in its source code I have no idea how wide spread it is in practice

All of my existing channels support it. You are very unlike to open a channel to someone with outdated or modified software.

Ultimately, you need to backup your LN node immediately after your node receives a partially signed closing tx from your channel-peer for every transaction (including when you facilitate a transfer).

Commitment transactions are updated more often than that. Even if there is no activity in the channel, new transactions are signed periodically with different fees based on the current mempool state.
218  Local / Polski / Re: Lightning Network - ogólna dyskusja on: November 24, 2021, 09:38:22 PM
a jakie korzyści lub możliwości mam, jeśli uruchomię te dwie rzeczy (electrumx + blockexplorer) na mojej drugiej malince?

Zyskujesz głównie niezależność i większa prywatność. Block explorer łączy się z serwerem Electrum, który na bieżąco indeksuje transakcje (oczywiście potrzebuje do tego bloków z węzła BTC). Jak bardzo się uprzesz to możesz korzystać z albo przez przeglądarkę Tor, ale to trochę nie to samo Wink Szczerze, da się bez tego żyć. Osobiście traktuję to jako zabawę.
219  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: November 24, 2021, 06:08:10 PM
I'd rather not post my node id publicly from my Bitcointalk account for now as I'm not yet entirely sure what this would mean for my privacy.

If you are running behind Tor then you should be concerned only about the origin of coins which you used to open your channels. Currently, all funding transactions are public. If you decide to stick with c-lightning and grow your node, we can open a dual-funded channel.

Note that some Lightning explorers log almost everything including IP address and alias changes. If you were running your node on clearnet in the past, you should close all of your channels, mix your coins and set up another node with a new public key.
220  Local / Polski / Re: Lightning Network - ogólna dyskusja on: November 24, 2021, 03:13:29 PM
jeśli nadejdzie czas, chciałbym skorzystać z twojej pomocy (jeśli masz czas, oczywiście) Wink
nie znam się na tym wszystkim zbyt dobrze... Tongue

Chętnie. Jak tylko będziesz potrzebował pomocy, to możesz odezwać się na PW/Telegram albo możesz założyć osobny wątek. Może ktoś w przyszłości z niego skorzysta albo będzie on czyjąś motywacją do kupna Raspberry Pi i dołączenia się.
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