So the miners aren't really mining. They are doing work by completing the Bitcoin transactions. Rewarded with the newly issued Bitcoins. When a block of work is done they are paid a certain amount of coins.
Calling them workers instead of miners would clear up a lot of confusion. But then you would miss out on the gold fever mentality, mob rush.
siliciclastic reservoirs
That's more of an actual answer but I don't know what that terminology means.
Are you asking about all bitcoins in the Bitcoin system? The newly created aren't mined "from" anywhere, they are simply introduced to the system out of thin air. See for more information. Must be coming from the original Client I would guess. Why must? And you don't need to guess. Just read before you ask: article is like a block breakdown diagram of words that don't go into any detail.
I would call PayPal. Tell them about this buyer and all the charge backs. Make as much noise as possible. Write down names and dates of Paypal reps you have talked to.
I'll harass them a bit, BitMit is being great and gave me all the info on all the other cases, the various IP addresses and all information about the seller as well. Props to BitMit! (Although they should probably make PayPal deals unauthorized) It saddens me to read this particular post. Saddened the rip off artist is going down?
I would call PayPal. Tell them about this buyer and all the charge backs. Make as much noise as possible. Write down names and dates of Paypal reps you have talked to.
Are you asking about all bitcoins in the Bitcoin system? The newly created aren't mined "from" anywhere, they are simply introduced to the system out of thin air. See for more information. Must be coming from the original Client I would guess.
So when the government looks at Coinbase's records, since Coinbase ties user accounts to bank accounts, the government knows how many coins each person has and how much they've appreciated?
They can't tell how many you spent. You only have to pay taxes when you cash them out. I would guess. If I cash out some Bitcoins on Coinbase. I will add up all the money spent on Bitcoins and the amount of Bitcoins I have ever bought. Figure out the average cost of my Bitcoins. Then subtract that from the amount of each Bitcoin sold. To get the appreciation rate. Then if it is determined that I have to pay off the mafia government. I will do it (at gun point of course) to keep them from trying to steal my stuff.
I would think they would be on server computers? But then it would be easy to trace? Am I missing something? This doesn't add up.
I have 4G of Ram. Is their an online version of Armory that will work with 4G? Or should I just wait?
Works like a charm for me with 4GB. MY computer goes into hibernation when downloading the Block Chain for the first time. Unless I am using the computer. Then has to start over each time. Computer is so slow when running it. Adjust it in the power settings in your control panel. That seems to have worked. I was going to try that but I didn't know where it was on windows 7. Thanks. I wonder if a Chrome book will work for an offline wallet? Their only $200. We will eventually have something that works on the Android platform. Until then, it's not going to work. But it is a natural fit: I was able to get the Craig 10" Chromebook, CLP281 for $40! I haven't seen a deal that good since then, but it looks like you can still get one for $80-$100. That might end up being cheaper than a HW wallet too (Trezor, BitSafe). More flexibility, but not quite as convenient. Btw, I'm not currently using it: I impulse purchased it assuming I could wipe it and put linux on it, but it turned out to be a royal PITA to do that. Instead, I'll just have to use its presence in my house as motivation to work on the Android app This looks pretty close. It has windows 7 but it might not be 64 bit could probably just put an operating system on a thumb drive like others are doing instead. If it goes bad it won't matter. just reload onto another thumb drive and use back ups.
I have 4G of Ram. Is their an online version of Armory that will work with 4G? Or should I just wait?
Works like a charm for me with 4GB. MY computer goes into hibernation when downloading the Block Chain for the first time. Unless I am using the computer. Then has to start over each time. Computer is so slow when running it. Adjust it in the power settings in your control panel. That seems to have worked. I was going to try that but I didn't know where it was on windows 7. Thanks. I wonder if a Chrome book will work for an offline wallet? Their only $200.
I have 4G of Ram. Is their an online version of Armory that will work with 4G? Or should I just wait?
Works like a charm for me with 4GB. MY computer goes into hibernation when downloading the Block Chain for the first time. Unless I am using the computer. Then has to start over each time. Computer is so slow when running it.
Having heard about them from Max Keiser in 2010 when Bitcoin was worth .08 dollars. Made a quick attempt to buy $1000 worth of Bitcoin. But couldn't quickly find a way. Closed my browser being distracted by another investment that went nowhere.
I have 4G of Ram. Is their an online version of Armory that will work with 4G? Or should I just wait?
How do you get a paypal refund after you pass the refund threshold (which everyone obviously has)?
Please and thank you.
Try this Quote I talked to a guy in the fraud department named Aaron, employee ID 45731. He and his supervisor got my money back from TerraHash and he told me today, that he will do his best to help anyone else who can't get their money back from TerraHash.
Bank keeps denying my refund, saying I authorized the transaction, which has nothing to do with anything.
Has anyone had success with a refund? I've been trying for months.
If it was not paypal or credit card most likely you will have to get a lawyer involved at this point. It's pretty far from original purchase date, even those will only get harder and harder. PayPal through a CC (well-known CC) through my bank. My bank keeps thinking I am trying to claim I didn't authorize the purchase and so they say "we determined you authorized the purchase - declined." I opened the dispute back in August and had to refile after I explained their error and then they did it again. Maybe you should change the claim to did not receive merchandise. When you call them take down their name. Send letters in writing and make copies. Sounds like they are lazy. When a Bank screws up it can be like moving mountains to get them to fix it.
Bank keeps denying my refund, saying I authorized the transaction, which has nothing to do with anything.
Has anyone had success with a refund? I've been trying for months.
Was your transaction a wire transfer or a credit card? I haven't heard of a Bank wire transfer being reversed. So far only Credit Card and PayPal have been refunded.
More likely a 100% loss than a 34.8% gain.
Well. I'm glad I never have used MT Gox. I set up an account but figured out that I had to go through expensive 3rd parties to deposit. The reason MT Gox is going under in my opinion. They have a Higher than usual price for Bitcoin. So lot's of traders are buying Bitcoin off other exchanges and sending them to MT Gox. Then they withdraw fiat. So Mt Gox is typically paying more for the Bitcoin than it is worth.
365% interest...not sure how that could possible be sustainable...
It's actually 34.8 % interest per year. If not compounding.
Ok,they added support of debit cards and so tried to link my card again and got this message "Error: Your verification charge could not be processed". Called my bank and they say that all the transcations are cancelled because they are "quasi cash" which is not allowed by them.So WTF? Can anyone confirm it or tell me what to do? I've got several another credit cards but all of them are mastercard,so i can't solve this problem.
Obviously it isn't Coinbase. It's your Bank. What bank do you have? I suggest using another Bank or Credit Union. So far I haven't had a problem using Citi Bank.