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241  Other / Off-topic / Re: Pictures from The United States of America on: July 14, 2014, 11:07:54 AM

242  Other / Off-topic / Re: best browser to use? on: July 11, 2014, 08:55:36 AM
Chrome,but im used to firefox.
243  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Death Toll Climbs As Israel Bombards Gaza on: July 10, 2014, 06:48:22 PM
I hope Israel kills the Hamas and Jihad terrorists without harming civilians,but obviously thats not going to happen as every war takes innocent lives.
244  Economy / Services / Re: - Now Paying for your signatures! on: July 09, 2014, 08:56:55 PM

Not until next month sorry.


Another thing,is it ok for you if i change my singautre to look like this?:

  BITMIXER.IO   High Volume Bitcoin MIXER   
245  Economy / Services / Re: - Now Paying for your signatures! on: July 09, 2014, 06:49:53 PM
Hey,my rank changed from full member to senior member,is my payment going to be upped?
246  Other / Off-topic / Re: Argentina vs Netherlands on: July 09, 2014, 06:48:48 PM
I hope Argentina wins. dont wanna see germans vs germans in the final lol
247  Other / Off-topic / Re: Lets settle this, AMD or intel on: July 08, 2014, 05:43:07 PM
Currently Intel,but AMD cpus are better and will take over once console peasants decide they start using all 8 cores.
248  Economy / Services / Re: - Now Paying for your signatures! on: July 04, 2014, 10:16:40 PM
Is this still open and am I able to join?

Yes, 4 more spots according to OP
249  Other / Off-topic / Re: If you could move to any country, which would you choose? on: July 04, 2014, 04:30:15 PM
Denmark because quality of life.
250  Other / Off-topic / Re: Your favorite game on: July 03, 2014, 08:02:14 PM
Rome 2 Total War
251  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why has the left wing abandoned Israel? on: July 02, 2014, 11:53:01 AM
I wouldnt consider a Gazan site as a balanced source.

A very similar account of this incident appeared in numerous sources, including Israeli ones. This just happened to be the first source I found. But as I said, the details of this particular incident are not relevant - I agreed to assume, for the sake of argument, that all those Palestinians died during demonstrations.

(in case you didn't know, any protest by Palestinians anywhere in the West Bank is illegal by military decree. Jews can protest wherever they wish, of course, and military decrees don't apply to them anyway)

Source? A simple google search proves that statement is incorrect.

Heh, you strike me as one of those Israelis who lives 20 minutes away from the West Bank but has never stepped foot there. It takes a special type of cognitive dissonance to defend Israel's violent oppression of Palestinian protests, and at the same time staunchly refuse to accept the fact that Israel restricts the Palestinian right of protest  Grin
And the funniest part is that your "evidence" is pictures of Palestinians protesting... I never said that they don't. In fact, I specifically said that they do... I also said that they are violently subdued by the Israeli army. Why don't you take another look at your own pictures, and tell me how many of them portray Israeli soldiers violently suppressing protesters. Your "simple google search" is evidence of my point much more than it is of yours.

As for the facts, I'd hate to burst your bubble but all Palestinian protest is indeed illegal by military decree (as I suspect you speak Hebrew, here's a couple of sources for you: Wikipedia, B'Tselem). This decree was given by the IDF immediately after the West Bank was occupied in 1967, and it strongly prohibits any kind of protest, including peaceful demonstration, under punishment of up to 10 years in prison. It is an illegal decree according to international law, which protects the right of protest in occupied territories, and it does not, of course, apply to Jews, even if they are protesting inside the West Bank.

This is a protest:

This is a riot:

Can you spot the diffrence? If so,the latter one is what a Palestinian riot protest looks like. If this is how it looks like,id say replying with rubber bullets,live if necessary,is justified.

Great, you win the 2014 Academy Award for cherry-picking pictures from Google Images. I'm so proud.

As someone who has actually been to quite a few demonstrations, including in Palestine, let me tell you this: I would love to see the faces of those students in Montreal when they encounter the Israeli border police.
The difference between your pictures is that in the first ones, no one is shooting at the protesters. One wonders why you think "replying" is necessary at all, much less justified.

So if you say that Palestininans can and should riot protest,(I,agree it is their right to protest) dont you think they should also be able to face the consequences of fighting a much stronger enemy?

Again with this strange logic of yours... So you agree they should have the right to protest, but you think they should "face the consequences" of the fact that Israel is much stronger?
Obviously, they do face the consequences. They get shot. If anything, that means you should respect their courage. But instead you use it as justification.
Please explain to me why the fact that Israel is stronger justifies the use of force against the occupied population. Are you advocating some kind of social Darwinism, where the weak get beaten by the strong and that's okay because it's the natural order of things?

Bad comprasion. the Jews were gassed/murdered systematically,with the sole purpose of eliminating Jews from Europe in a short timespan. Dont think you can say that Israel is trying to acheive the same goal with the Palestinians,even if they do,theyr'e realy bad at it.

 The Jews in the Warsaw uprising had 2 choices,Rebel and pray for that 1% you have to escape,or die in a gas chamber. The Palestinians on the other hand,were offered peace numerous times,they can escape to neighboring Arab states(which they did,and BTW their fellow Arab states dont like this idea so much,see "Black September in Jordan") Or simply not practice terrorism.
I dont think the Jews kidnapped German children and shot rockets on German cities.

Not only is none of that even remotely true, it's also entirely irrelevant to what I said.

Were thoose 3 teenagers responisble for the Jewish immigartion into Palestine in the late 18th centruy and later? I dont think so.
However you define them,they were born,raised and lived in the West Bank,they can call it their home as much as the Palestinians can.
The 3 teenagers were NOT combatants,they did not practice in combat activity,therefore,they are illegal to target under international law. The fact that Israel did X and Y whether justifiable or not,doesn't justify the murder of the teens.

I actually completely agree with you here, and I never said otherwise.

Your point does raise some interesting questions though. If we agree that people born in settlements are not guilty for the crimes of their parents, does that mean that any act of ethnic cleansing, no matter how horrific, can just be whitewashed by waiting a few decades? Certainly, the ethnic cleansing of 1948 was whitewashed to oblivion and made entirely irreversible by the passing of time. If this is the case, one can only conclude that the Palestinian struggle for liberation bears even greater urgency.

The article saying he was mentally handicapped sounds like a cheap excuse for what he was actually doing,along with the site being Gazan,i have a good reason to doubt this artice.

Dunno about your logic but an angry mob "Protesting" by throwing rocks,molotovs,and other kinds of improvised arms seems like a threat to me,and if i was a soldier it would be my duty to retaliate.
whether  this "no protesting" law exists or not the Palestinian don't really seem to care about it,which makes the law irrelevant.

You dont seem to know the diffrence between a riot and a protest,look it up.

Again with this strange logic of yours... So you agree they should have the right to protest, but you think they should "face the consequences" of the fact that Israel is much stronger?
Obviously, they do face the consequences. They get shot. If anything, that means you should respect their courage. But instead you use it as justification.
Please explain to me why the fact that Israel is stronger justifies the use of force against the occupied population. Are you advocating some kind of social Darwinism, where the weak get beaten by the strong and that's okay because it's the natural order of things?

Fighting a tank with a stick when you can simply stay home and live your life,and as a result getting killed,is not courage,is stupidity. why should i admire stupidity? Dont want the occupying force to disturb your life? dont kidnap children.
Of course you can resist the occupier,but killing his children even though a form of resistance will likely get you in more trouble,as death only brings more death.

Not only is none of that even remotely true, it's also entirely irrelevant to what I said.
Um you brought the Holocaust comparison up,not me  Undecided

the crimes of their parents, does that mean that any act of ethnic cleansing, no matter how horrific, can just be whitewashed by waiting a few decades?
Well,it worked for the European colonists in America,for the Turks in Cyprus,For the Russians in Crimea,for the Muslims in the Balkans,for the Europeans in Australia,shall i go on?

Certainly, the ethnic cleansing of 1948 was whitewashed to oblivion and made entirely irreversible by the passing of time.
Explain how the Palestininan population in Israel and the West Bank keeps growing in spite of the so called ethnic cleansing.
If this is the case, one can only conclude that the Palestinian struggle for liberation bears even greater urgency.

Tell more more about how the Israeli-Palestininan conflict drastically effects your life in Canada/Europe/Wherever you live. (Assuming you're not Palestinian)
And if it is that fact that a few western states give some support for Israel,im pretty sure 70%+ of the earth's population will gladly sell their soul to Israel to have the same quality of life that western leftists have Smiley
252  Other / Off-topic / Re: The ascension of humanity explained on: July 01, 2014, 07:40:44 PM
Dank, The fact you were able to fly,violate the laws of physics,bring world peace,have a concert, during your LSD trip were all an illusion in your brain,as a result of the drug atoms getting inside your blood system.
I hope i explained how it works for you.
253  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why has the left wing abandoned Israel? on: July 01, 2014, 07:21:14 PM
The Palestinians that were killed were NOT innocent,they were throwing rocks on armed soldiers and were RIOTING,not the best idea ever,especially when you want to return home without harm. They werent some random kids playing ball. On the other hand,the 3 Israeli teenagers were just hitchhiking,they got kidnapped and murdered just for being Jewish at the wrong place in the wrong time.

Your ability to parrot back the propaganda you heard from the MSM is truly adorable.

In fact, most of the Palestinians I mentioned were not killed during protests. A few died in their homes; the mentally-handicapped man I mentioned was literally walking down the street minding his own business, when soldiers who were raiding a nearby house yelled at him to stop. He did not immediately respond, so they shot him 4 times (link).

But the details don't really matter. I'm sure you didn't bother to examine any details about any of the deaths mentioned before you responded - you just assumed they must have been "rioting" if the IDF shot them. The real problem is not in the details, but in the substance of the propaganda you're repeating. The sad part is, you never bothered to take a minute and really think about the meaning of what you're parroting. So let's deconstruct it together.

Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that you're absolutely right and all those Palestinians were killed during protests. Surely, many have died this way in the past, so this would not be surprising.
You say that they are "NOT innocent", because they were "RIOTING". So let's examine what that means.
Palestinians living in the West Bank, who have been under military occupation for 47 years, have their village raided yet again, by hundreds of heavily armed soldiers appearing in the middle of the night. They protest this loudly; some of them even throw stones at the armoured bulletproof jeeps. The jeeps are not even scratched, and neither, of course, are the soldiers. Nevertheless, this protest is illegal and the soldiers respond with rubber-coated bullets as well as live ammunition (in case you didn't know, any protest by Palestinians anywhere in the West Bank is illegal by military decree. Jews can protest wherever they wish, of course, and military decrees don't apply to them anyway). Dozens of Palestinians are injured, maybe one or two die.
So what you're saying is this: Palestinians who apply the human right of protest against a heavily armed foreign occupier, in violation of that occupier's laws and decrees, are now considered "NOT innocent", and therefore it is perfectly justified to kill them. If they were "random kids playing ball" that would be wrong, but if they are protesting against the occupation that is making their lives miserable, murdering them is absolutely legitimate (as an aside, I could find maybe three dozen examples of Palestinian kids being killed by soldiers when they really were just "playing ball", but I doubt that would convince you of anything).
Think about that a bit.

You also say that "rioting" is "not the best idea ever,especially when you want to return home without harm".
You are absolutely right about that. Protesting is a very dangerous proposition for a Palestinian, often deadly. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. Quite the opposite. Protest and popular struggle are the only possible recourse of the oppressed. I have nothing but respect and admiration towards the bravery of those who dare to protest against such absurdly superior force.
But this, again, is besides the point. How do you relate the fact that protesting is dangerous, with the protesters being "not innocent"? Is the fact that they took a risk for their freedom also a justification of their murder? The Jews who rebelled in the Warsaw ghetto in 1943 knew they would probably be wiped out within days; does that knowledge mean it was okay for the Nazis to kill them all? 

As for the 3 Israeli teenagers, they were not just "Jewish at the wrong place in the wrong time". They were settlers, forceful colonizers of Palestinian lands. They chose to be in a place that is, in an ethical as well as a practical sense, totally wrong. I'm not saying that fact justifies their murder, but you have to admit they also took a calculated risk. They knew the settlements are a dangerous place, and the probability of getting kidnapped while hitchhiking there is much higher than inside Israel, and yet they chose to be there.
Unlike the Palestinians though, they were not taking this risk for their freedom. They had many other options. They could live anywhere in Israel except the settlements. They wanted to steal Palestinian land, they wanted to take part in the oppression. It is them who truly were "not innocent" in all this.

I wouldnt consider a Gazan site as a balanced source. I wouldnt be surprised if that "handicapped" guy was not actually handicapped,did you real the article? wth was a handicapped dude doing outside in 3:30 during an army raid? Some stuff in the article sound very doubtful. (inb4 im accused of being a zionist slave)
From the article " It should be mentioned that the Israeli forces called this campaign “Cleaning the Stables.”" This info is incorrect. i would doubt every word in this article.

(in case you didn't know, any protest by Palestinians anywhere in the West Bank is illegal by military decree. Jews can protest wherever they wish, of course, and military decrees don't apply to them anyway)

Source? A simple google search proves that statement is incorrect.

This is a protest:

This is a riot:

Can you spot the diffrence? If so,the latter one is what a Palestinian riot protest looks like. If this is how it looks like,id say replying with rubber bullets,live if necessary,is justified.

So if you say that Palestininans can and should riot protest,(I,agree it is their right to protest) dont you think they should also be able to face the consequences of fighting a much stronger enemy?

The Jews who rebelled in the Warsaw ghetto in 1943 knew they would probably be wiped out within days; does that knowledge mean it was okay for the Nazis to kill them all?

Bad comprasion. the Jews were gassed/murdered systematically,with the sole purpose of eliminating Jews from Europe in a short timespan. Dont think you can say that Israel is trying to acheive the same goal with the Palestinians,even if they do,theyr'e realy bad at it.

 The Jews in the Warsaw uprising had 2 choices,Rebel and pray for that 1% you have to escape,or die in a gas chamber. The Palestinians on the other hand,were offered peace numerous times,they can escape to neighboring Arab states(which they did,and BTW their fellow Arab states dont like this idea so much,see "Black September in Jordan") Or simply not practice terrorism.
I dont think the Jews kidnapped German children and shot rockets on German cities.

As for the 3 Israeli teenagers, they were not just "Jewish at the wrong place in the wrong time". They were settlers, forceful colonizers of Palestinian lands. They chose to be in a place that is, in an ethical as well as a practical sense, totally wrong. I'm not saying that fact justifies their murder, but you have to admit they also took a calculated risk. They knew the settlements are a dangerous place, and the probability of getting kidnapped while hitchhiking there is much higher than inside Israel, and yet they chose to be there.
Unlike the Palestinians though, they were not taking this risk for their freedom. They had many other options. They could live anywhere in Israel except the settlements. They wanted to steal Palestinian land, they wanted to take part in the oppression. It is them who truly were "not innocent" in all this.

Were thoose 3 teenagers responisble for the Jewish immigartion into Palestine in the late 18th centruy and later? I dont think so.
However you define them,they were born,raised and lived in the West Bank,they can call it their home as much as the Palestinians can.
The 3 teenagers were NOT combatants,they did not practice in combat activity,therefore,they are illegal to target under international law. The fact that Israel did X and Y whether justifiable or not,doesn't justify the murder of the teens.

254  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why has the left wing abandoned Israel? on: July 01, 2014, 03:44:14 PM
Israel is the occupier and oppressor here sana. Israel is the one committing a slow steady genocide against the Arab population. Just take the Gaza 2009 massacre, it was horror unmitigated crime against humanity. I'm sorry if I have no sympathy for the folks responsible.

Is that... truth??? Careful now... There is no room for truth in a discussion about Israel...
Truth has the remarkable quality of always being antisemitic.

Something newsworthy:

Palestinian terrorists killed 3 Israeli teeangers.. humans are beasts..

Nice job finding this article! Fortunately, all the mainstream media all over the world made it easier for you by plastering it all over the front pages.

Humans are beasts... Indeed.

Now please find the CNN article about the 9 Palestinians that Israel killed in the two weeks since those 3 Israeli teenagers were kidnapped.
You know, those 9 Palestinians, one of whom was 13 years old, one was 16 years old and a third was a mentally-challenged adult, all of whom were murdered in cold blood by Israeli soldiers in the last two weeks alone.

What??? There is no CNN article about the 9 Palestinians killed by Israel in the last two weeks? And there isn't one about the dozens of other Palestinians killed by Israelis since the beginning of this year alone? What a shock!!! One could almost imagine the western MSM is biased!

The Palestinians that were killed were NOT innocent,they were throwing rocks on armed soldiers and were RIOTING,not the best idea ever,especially when you want to return home without harm. They werent some random kids playing ball. On the other hand,the 3 Israeli teenagers were just hitchhiking,they got kidnapped and murdered just for being Jewish at the wrong place in the wrong time.

Here you go: "2 Palestininas dead from Israeli fire"
CNN reporting about Palestinians dead?!?!? Impossible!! must be some crazy zionazi jewish consipracy to eliminate polar bears!!!111 /s
255  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why has the left wing abandoned Israel? on: June 30, 2014, 07:58:20 PM
Something newsworthy:

Palestinian terrorists killed 3 Israeli teeangers.. humans are beasts..
256  Other / Politics & Society / Re: ISIL declares new 'Islamic caliphate' on: June 30, 2014, 01:49:33 PM
As usual the Middle East is a complete messed up. Here's an idea -- let them fix it. If they want to be an Islamic State, let 'em. Let's stay out of that hell hole and let them rot in their own madness.

Last time the Muslims had a caliphate in the middle east they used it to invade Europe.
257  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why has the left wing abandoned Israel? on: June 30, 2014, 01:32:41 PM

Just google "Gaza bombing images".

Just google "Israel bus bombing images",Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel,Passover massacre,terror atacks on Israel,Israel bus bombing,etc

really,stop trying to make the Palestinians the only victim in this conflict,both sides have suffered.

258  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why has the left wing abandoned Israel? on: June 30, 2014, 08:45:26 AM

The US also funds Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups in the Middle East. Big deal.
259  Economy / Lending / Re: Am about to go homeless, could use some help on: June 29, 2014, 10:21:46 PM
Why everyone posting here try to reason with an addict,seriously just leave this guy alone.
260  Other / Off-topic / Re: What Browser You Use on: June 29, 2014, 05:51:35 PM
Good old firefox. Chrome is too messy.
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