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2401  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: 2.9 BTC I found but think it's untouchable.please give advice. on: May 03, 2020, 12:08:25 PM
When I lost my Blockchain account, it took me months to recover it and the solution was the easiest thing I always ignored: searching for "Bitcoin" in my old e-mail account and sorting the e-mails from old to new. Within a few seconds, I found my backups.

Try looking up "Bitcoin", "Wallet" and "Blockchain" in the e-mail address you have found on your paper. Sort the e-mails from old to new and search. Make sure you keep an eye on the attachments - they could be the savior (like in my case). Good luck Smiley
2402  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: Prima tranzactie in Wirex BLOCATA! on: May 03, 2020, 11:47:15 AM
Multumesc pentru raspuns. Acum e cam greu sa stii cu cine faci trade in mediul online.
Treaba e ca bancile nu accepta astfel de tranzactii persoana-persoana legate de cryptomonede. O sa fiu mult mai atent pe viitor
N-ai pentru ce! Intr-adevar, n-ai de unde sa stii cu cine ai de a face dar nu esti tu de vina daca acea persoana e sub investigatii si tu n-ai facut nimic. Numai sa nu fii si tu pentru vreo prostie si e ok Cheesy

Faza cu bancile cred eu ca difera de la banca la banca. Unele sunt mai prietenoase cu traderii crypto decat altele. Exista si serviciul decentralizat Bisq, am vazut de multe ori useri care aveau oferte cu RON dar n-am folosit niciodata fiat <-> crypto pe el. Eu, personal, am stat cat mai departe de convertitul cryptomonedelor in fiat.

In caz ca nu ai auzit pana acum, exista si varianta crypto -> RON prin ATM-uri care inca mai e ok cat de cat, dar si acolo trebuie sa ai grija. In ultimii ani de zile au introdus si la majoritatea ATM-urilor sisteme KYC si AML. Avem un membru aici care a tradus un articol legat de cateva ATM-uri care inca nu au KYC pe ele daca te intereseaza. Un dezavantaj ar fi cursul, depinde ce asteptari si sume ai de schimbat. Pe site-ul Shitcoins Club poti vedea live ce ATM-uri sunt active in momentul de fata si chiar si ce sume RON au fizic in ele, ca sa iti fie mai usor sa te decizi.

A treia varianta.. face-to-face. E putin mai periculoasa avand in vedere ca habar nu ai cu cine urmeaza sa te vezi, dar e si asta o varianta. Se poate face prin Bisq sau chiar aici, pe forum, daca ai noroc sa dai de cineva din judetul tau.

Daca ai alte nelamuriri sau intrebari, poti oricand sa vii pe forum pe local si te ajutam. Bafta!
2403  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Poker bank roll challenge... on: May 03, 2020, 11:31:41 AM
So you're trying to go from $26 to approximately $1320. That is something, so best of luck! Looks like more and more similar challenges pop ul nowadays, is it 'cause of boredom? Cheesy

Do you have any plan with the final bankroll or is it just a challenge you want to know you have the skills to achieve?
2404  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: A perspective of the future of Bitcoin.. on: May 03, 2020, 10:03:29 AM

(Each paragraph will be a response to your reply's paragraph)

Well, you see, that's exactly the point I was making: It was supposed to be a decentralized, reliable currency for peer-to-peer trading. It was not supposed to become a currency I could almost only access through third parties. While I do get your point that it wasn't supposed to be completely private, I can't let my intimacy be taken away this easily by the government like it was nothing. Take a look back at Bitcoin's creator and see how transparent he was about his identity. Spoiler alert: he wasn't. He wanted privacy and he has it.

Satoshi talked about using Bitcoin Core with Tor for more anonymity in some of his BTCTalk posts - I think I can recall that. But hey, there's the big problem I always see: linking the privacy-seekers to tax evasion. If I want to be private, it does not mean I do not pay taxes, that I am a criminal or an illicit activity supporter. This is a very wrong stereotype and the reason why I fear a Bitcoin ban or attacking it through exaggerated and anti-Bitcoin laws will succeed. Because most people have this false link in their mind between Bitcoin, privacy seekers and criminals.

Bitcoin will never be the perfect solution to fiat's problems. However, I can't ignore the fact that our authorities are starting to effectively stomp our heads with increasing surveillance measures. From laptops with hackable webcams we've reached the point where we buy 10 Alexas to put in every single room and bathroom we have that listens to us 24/7. From street surveillance cams we've reached the point where police departments want to use surveillance drones that follow you around to make sure you obey the law and even think about equipping these drones with pepper spray and fucking explosives and are working with surveillance companies willing to fly surveillance planes. We now have states considering mandatory constant tracking apps for your phone, the gov interrogating all your friends and hiring people to do contact tracing interrogation & investigation if you are found positive with COVID-19 (which is the perfect way to create a web of links between hundreds of millions of people) and so on. I can't support what they're doing just because I have to pay taxes. I never said I don't have to, but give me some air. Is this what I'm paying taxes for? Don't suffocate me with these surveillance-state like measures because it's starting to look Elysium-style.

I agree that more people coming in will help the ecosystem. But I'm trying to say that we may be just accepting too many invasive rules and laws. You may say I am against the law - yes! I am against the privacy-invasive law! I understand we need to have some regulations regarding BTC, but damn - back in 2017-2018 I wanted to join a stock trading website and I could without all the documents a KYC-enabled crypto exchange asked me for.

If adoption and usage of Bitcoin is important and privacy isn't, then Bitcoin is not for me anymore. I thought all three go together. If we have opposed thoughts and you say privacy isn't a concern for you while I say for me it is, the thing is that I am forced to let my privacy taken away while you are absolutely fine with it. I do not have a choice but to move to more inconvenient platforms that don't even have volume because otherwise I risk having my money abusively seized by an exchange obeying the laws you think are fine. And even then, you'd think I do not pay taxes because I wanted privacy. Do you think that's fair? I am not against the non-abusive laws. I am against forcefully taking my privacy away through the law.

I can compare that with the vaccine situation we are into right now in my country: some people want to get their kids vaccinated, some don't. If mandatory vaccination law comes in, the people willing to get their kids vaccinated are going to be perfectly fine while the ones who don't will have to send their kids to take the injected substance by force. Moreover, if you do not want your kids to take the substance, you'd be sent to some centers regularly where they're going to literally brainwash you and program you to agree with the mandatory vaccination law. I mean literally - every time you leave that center saying "no", you're going to be punished. Not to mention that those not agreeing with the law may be called "terrorists". Why force me to take something just because you think it's fine? Why do I not have the right to say "no"? I am not against the vaccine. I am against forcefully taking my right to say "no" through the law.

But I have a question for you. What if, one day, you decide to take your privacy back? What if, one day, the state decides to experimentally inject their citizens with some never-tested-before substance and the pro-mandatory vaccine ones will want to have the right to say "no"? Well, that is a personal concern, isn't it..
2405  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: btc on: May 03, 2020, 09:09:59 AM
I don't get how someone can trust a complete stranger's trading tips - it's not like it could go wrong, is it.. You can't learn trading through a forum post. I think there are enough halving "strategies" from lots of pro & top traders if you look up "BTCUSD" or "Bitcoin halving trading" on Google. Roll Eyes

Just don't expect to make an investment and get rich. The moves we've seen in the past post-halving do not make it a certainty that this year the same thing will happen. It's all about us, the entire community and how we price it in the end. But you'd be naive to think your investment will become 10x more in weeks 100%.
2406  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: Prima tranzactie in Wirex BLOCATA! on: May 02, 2020, 11:52:42 PM
Imi pare rau sa aud vestea, am sa incerc sa-ti las un raspuns care (sper) sa te ajute.

Potrivit Termenilor si Conditiilor Wirex (, la punctul 12 avem asa:

12. Eligibility

You must meet the following criteria in order to create a Wirex Profile:

 - You must be 18 years of age or older and be resident of a country where Wirex is available, which you can check here.
 - You must be an individual and not acting on behalf of a business. If you wish to open a business account with us you can do that here;
 - You must only open one account with us and not have had a previous account with us that was blocked or closed;
 - You must verify your identity with us and pass any other checks we are required to conduct (such as anti-money laundering checks and know your customer procedures).

Apoi avem punctul 13:

13. AML/KYC Verification

We take our anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) policies very seriously, and we monitor our platform for suspicious activity. You must comply with all requests to verify your identity, address, and source of funds.

We will require users to provide valid government-issued proof of identity documents and may ask for proof of address documents issued in the last six months.

Where we cannot verify your identity or the validity of your documents, you will be refused a Wirex Profile. Where you appear on any governmental or inter-governmental sanctions list, you will be refused a Wirex Profile.

Din pacate, pare-mi-se ca te-ai lovit de un zid: KYC (Know-Your-Customer)/AML (Anti-Money-Laundering). Cel mai probabil te-au depistat ca ai incasat bani de la un utilizator Paxful. De aceea, iti cer aceste detalii.

Nu cred ca ai ce altceva sa faci decat sa mergi pe 2 variante:
 1. Sa lasi banii acolo si sa uiti de contul Wirex;
 2. Sa raspunzi la detaliile cerute.

Eu nu m-as face griji sa le spun ca motivul e vanzare de BTC atata timp cat n-ai facut ceva ce nu trebuia d.p.d.v. legal. Problema mai mare ar fi sa minti, pentru ca de acolo e foarte usor sa mearga inapoi pe fir si sa isi dea seama ca ii induci in eroare. Si nu cred ca are rost sa te bagi aiurea in probleme.

Ideea e urmatoarea: Am subliniat punctul 1 de mai sus deoarece punctul 13 mentioneaza "You must comply with all requests (..)", iar mai jos avem punctul 15..:

15. Wirex Remedies

If you breach these Terms in any manner we may, in our sole discretion, take the following actions:

 - Close, suspend, or limit your access to your Wirex Profile, your Wirex Multicurrency Account or your Wirex Card;
 - Contact and/or warn third parties in connection with your actions, including other users, your bank or card issuer, law enforcement or regulatory bodies;
 - Refuse to complete transactions;
 - Fully or partially reverse a transaction or exchange; and
 - Pursue legal action against you.

E interpretabil. "If you breach these Terms in any manner" se poate referi si la ideea de a nu le da detalii privind acea plata, sau nu. Nu incerc sa te sperii, iti spun pur si simplu cum citesc eu termenii. Smiley

Pe de alta parte, daca nu ai facut nicio "prostie", n-ar trebui sa te temi daca banii raman acolo si "ar preda" cazul in mainile altor parti terte cum spune a doua liniuta de mai sus. Mi s-ar parea si putin exagerat - pana la urma e spre avantajul lor, banii le raman in buzunar.

Stai linistit, daca spui cuiva ca ai vandut/tranzactionat crypto nu te va considera terorist sau criminal si n-o sa te trezesti cu FBI la usa. E un stereotip stupid care a ramas doar in mintea omului de rand care nu a aprofundat sfera cryptomonedelor.

O alta posibilitate ar fi ca tu sa fi incasat banii de la un suspect pentru spalare de bani sau alte ilegalitati. Daca acel individ se afla actual sub investigatie, e absolut normal sa te intrebe acele lucruri.

Depinde total de ceea ce vrei tu sa faci. Daca te temi sa le dai acele detalii, nu le da si lasa-ti banii acolo, uita de ei. Daca nu te temi de vreo "prostie" facuta anterior de tine si consideri ca suma aceea este semnificativa, atunci raspunde-le. In principiu, eu zic sa nu iti faci prea mari probleme.

Asta e, din pacate, situatia cu serviciile centralizate. Tocmai de aceea le recomand tuturor sa le evite cat mai mult - desi e putin mai incomod, macar stii ca nu-ti poarta nimeni grija.
2407  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: 1 Mai 2020 - Labor Day - free P.U.L.A. - only 7691 caruțas left on: May 02, 2020, 11:27:10 PM
Cheesy  ...sincer, io mă mir că o vrea cineva chiar și gratis.
Mi s-a recomandat să o dau degeaba si să o răscumpăr la prețul de 1 ban P.U.L.A.
Aș face asta cu mare plăcere, problema e ca bani pula pentru bani P.U.L.A.
Eu zic sa nu glumesti prea mult, cine se gandea vreodata ca ar ajunge Musk sa faca meme-uri pe seama DOGE? Cheesy

Trebuie sa sustinem produsele romanesti, intr-un fel sau altul, tine doar de economia Romaniei. Mai bine o P.U.LA. autohtona decat una straina.
Cred ca putem face istorie pana la urma. Acum, ca tot lucreaza China si alte guverne la propria moneda digitala, poate s-or gandi si ai nostri la un proiect si nestiind de unde sa inceapa, vor intra aici pe local sa stie de unde s-o apuce..

Daca facem tranzitia catre moneda digitala, cate P.U.L.A. o sa ii dam lu' Dragnea cand iese din parnaie? Ca pare-se ca a cam facut ceva maruntis de cand cu pandemia asta!
2408  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: 💰 Strāngere de fonduri - Să-i hrănim pe cei afectați de pandemie 🦠 on: May 02, 2020, 11:18:22 PM
Am o stare cel puțin neplăcută, chiar se poate trăi o lună de zile numai cu linte și făină? Mi-i se pare ceva extraordinar de inuman condițiile īn care acești oameni sunt nevoiți să trăiască, este o inițiativă bună.
Si eu mi-am pus initial aceeasi intrebare, dar suntem noi atat de obisnuiti cu traiul pe care l-am avut de mici incat habar nu avem ce inseamna cu adevarat sa faci foamea..

Acum cateva saptamani am dat de un video legat de oameni din Haiti care au ajuns sa manance efectiv mocirla.. Probabil acei oameni daca primesc de la tine un pachet de faina se vor ruga toata viata pentru sanatatea ta. Trist.. dar asta-i lumea incorecta in care traim. Sad
2409  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: O perspectiva a viitorului monedei Bitcoin .. on: May 02, 2020, 11:10:52 PM
Din punctul meu de vedere nu e nici o panica.
In secunda doi mare fork si se muta toata lumea pe "Bitcoin-non-USA" sau cum s-o numi. Si ce ar rezolva o incercare de 51% ? Nu multe...

Eu cred ca le este frica sa atace zona crypto. De ce? Pentru ca ar evolua mai repede!
De ce evolueaza creaturile in general ? Sa se obisnuiesca cu mediul inconjurator neprietenos!
Cum a zis si Mr. R2712 mai sus le e frica sa nu taie un cap si sa apara 10 !
Pai prima reactie a celor aflati in zona BTC/crypto va fi sa isi retraga banii de indata ce s-ar afla o veste de genul asta. Pana acum n-am prea avut inamici sau prea mari obstacole. Am inghitit ici-colo cate o regula/lege privind cryptomonedele, dar au devenit tot mai invadatoare mai ales de la aparitia KYC incoace. De ce n-ar incerca mai mult de atat? Mai ales din moment ce marea majoritate nu prea stie ce e cu Bitcoin mai exact.. in afara de ideea ca "o folosesc criminalii pe deep web" Smiley))

Am si fost obisnuiti sa dam datele mult prea usor. Inca de pe vremea "ASL PLS" ziceai repede B 15 BUC Smiley) dupa continuand cu retele de socializare si etc.
Unii isi vand buletinul pe cateva sute de lei (daca nu si mai putin). Din pacate va mai dura ceva pana va fi o parere majoritara Sad
Eh, situatia e si mai trista: te duci pe un exchange si iti blocheaza banii cerandu-ti buletinul, pasaportul, carnetul de sofer sau facturi care sa dovedeasca faptul ca locuiesti la adresa mentionata in acele acte. Le dai pe gratis, ca mna.. iti vrei banii.. dar stai ca pe langa asta le dai si comisioanele pe trade si pe withdrawals. Deci te lovesc din toate partile Smiley)
2410  Economy / Services / Re: [CLOSED] Looking for Players to Test Out Casino Site on: May 02, 2020, 12:49:32 PM
Here comes my review:

I like the website's design. There are a few things it's missing (such as the information in the top-left corner: Online users, BTC Price and Total Jackpot, although I guess they're going to be added as soon as the testing phase ends). One particular thing is the fact that I cannot see my balance without having to press the "hamburger" icon in the top-right corner (keep in mind that I used a Tor browser without resizing it!).

However, the website's faucet function was very easily abused by me:

I first logged in through Tails, which allowed me to easily get into the website and claim a faucet without any kind of verification. This lit up a bulb in my head - it's easy to abuse the sign-up & faucet. Therefore, I moved to a Live Parrot OS and installed Atbswp (macro recorder). I turned on Anonsurf, launched an anonymous Firefox session and the Tor Browser. I went to your website on both browsers and I had two accounts in an instant. Here's a full list of the accounts I was able to generate throughout my test (doesn't include the accounts created on Tails):


Well, here comes the good news (for me): I recorded my mouse using Atbswp and I was able to successfully playback the movements to create a bot that automatically claims a faucet for me and plays it for a 0.09% chance (which, in case of a win, would exceed minimum withdrawal amount)!

Keep in mind that I am NOT a hacker/programmer so this was just an idea that popped up in my mind. Someone with bad intents could've used a script or something to do the same thing without getting caught.

My mission was the following: Create two accounts, claim faucets unlimited times and play until I get a win.

After a few dozen attempts, I found out that the website allows only 25 faucet claims per day per account. Well.. time to go further with the tests! I changed my ID through Anonsurf, entered a new identity through Tor Browser and there we go! Two more accounts, 50 more free attempts! Smiley

Anyways, my mouse macro idea wasn't the best as it always somehow clicked next to the website buttons instead of directly on them which took me some time to fix (wish I knew how to create scripts), but the perfect attempt was going with the last two accounts. I was willing to go even further with the testing but unfortunately, you closed the website while I was undergoing tests on accounts e0qrV5fuet and FxnGqlJVod so the fun stopped there. Sad

Therefore, based on the tests I ran, I would advise you to place verification for all users upon login and upon faucet claiming (there are some Google Captcha bypassing software you can use to bypass these too) and maybe add a 5 minute timer between faucet claims in order to avoid abuse.

EDIT: Looks like my review came after the testing phase has ended (and apparently, the testing phase ended while I was conducting my tests). I left you a PM right after my reply from page two (reply will be quoted below), hopefully I still qualify Smiley

Hi! I'm interested in the testing too, but I do not have Telegram for now - could you send me a PM once you can send them again I will leave you a PM right now Smiley

Second edit: I'll leave some other suggestions here and proof that I've tested the site before the testing phase ended:

Here I have an image of the frontpage where I think the wallet balance should be shown (quite annoying to check it from the menu every time):

I also think the menu options should be arranged differently, design doesn't look very good:

And here's a list of the bets from one of the first accounts I made throughout my test:
2411  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] Looking for Players to Test Out Casino Site on: May 02, 2020, 09:54:57 AM
Hi! I'm interested in the testing too, but I do not have Telegram for now - could you send me a PM once you can send them again I will leave you a PM right now Smiley
2412  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Is Trump right about blaming China for Covid19? on: May 01, 2020, 11:20:02 PM
My only hope is that this doesn't turn into some warfare and gets solved peacefully. Please, 2020, give us at least this much.. Roll Eyes

I think we've been too overwhelmed with so much contradictory information we can't tell whether it was the right choice for him to blame China or not. To me it looks like he intended to blame China ever since the pandemic began. I follow some websites and forums, news and conspiracy combined and I've been seeing this "China is to blame!" and "fuck China!" everywhere since about Wednesday almost as if someone is pushing this narrative - including in the conspiracy sites, which I have been following for years and used to be unbiased..

I'm not saying China isn't to blame. It's just that this is such a big mess it's probably going to take a while until the legit truth gets sorted out. There are too many theories, studies and so on that prove different perspectives, not even two of them pushing an identical idea besides the fact that most of them say the virus must be man-made or released from the lab.

On the other hand, it is now official that China has lied ever since the pandemic began.. but so did most other countries deceive their citizens when they said it's not a big deal (including mine, Romania)..

As long as the investigations are legit and not a reason to "make China pay for the damage", as long as there is no kind of warfare planned in case China 100% proves to be the one to blame, then it's fair somehow I guess. But I really wonder what "China has to pay" means, because there are lots of people infuriated about the situation with the virus already and hopefully it does not go wrong.

But is anything certain anymore? Huh
2413  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: O perspectiva a viitorului monedei Bitcoin .. on: May 01, 2020, 10:57:02 PM
Da, o sa fie ceva probleme cu tranzactiile peer-to-peer, dar intr-o anumita masura sper sa fie rezolvata cat de cat problema printr-o adoptie mai serioasa la nivel institutional/ guvernamental care sa echilibreze balanta si sa elimine argumentul ca crypto e folosit 90% pentru chestii shady asa ca trebuie sa "protect the children/ fight the bad crypto man". Cu cat este mai folosita tehnologia, cu atat ma gandesc ca vom avea un spate si o sustinere publica cu care sa echilibram deciziile guvernului.

Apoi, ideal cred ca ar fi sa apara si forme noi de organizare internationala cryptoanarhice, sa zicem ca ar fi sub forma de DAO sau asociatii in care sa participe nume importante din crypto si care sa ajunga in viitor sa aiba putere de decizie egala cu a unor guverne sau organizatii gen FATF, astfel incat sa poata influenta deciziile luate la nivel global in online si sa asigure un echilibru favorabil si pentru crypto.

Oricum, indiferent de viitor, mie prezentul si ultimii ani de cand m-am apucat de crypto mi s-au parut o perioada foarte interesanta, pe care o consider similara cu Epoca de Aur a Pirateriei:
Vorba lui Steve Jobs, "It's better to be a pirate than join the navy."  Cheesy
Am mai gasit 1 Merit ratacit pentru tine. Cheesy Cred ca ai facut si rankup. Pai vezi tu, tocmai asta e problema: ei daca vor inclina balanta spre adoptie crypto/blockchain, o vor face dar pe partea centralizata. Deci partea decentralizata va fi buba in timp ce partea centralizata va fi "Rai".

E cert ca exista o evolutie si spre bine - nu vreau sa par pesimist in totalitate, dar daca te uiti per ansamblu ai sa vezi ca treburile incep sa nu mai arate la fel de bine azi fata de acum 1 an de zile, acum 1 an de zile fata de 2 si asa mai departe. In orice caz, am o tendinta de a merge pe mai multe directii (faza cu "sa nu-ti tii ouale intr-un singur cuib") caci daca e o moneda pe care vor vrea vreodata sa o atace guvernele, cel mai probabil va fi Bitcoin si apoi Monero (sau invers).

Aici ma refer strict la urmatoarea idee: ce ar fi daca in momentul asta guvernul american ar avea pregatita o multitudine de componente hardware pentru mining prin care sa poata obtine controlul asupra network-ului si ar anunta ca, pentru "binele nostru", au decis sa preia ei puterea?

Multi spun ca e un efort financiar prea mare pentru ei, dar sa fim seriosi.. SUA are printer-ul de USD la mana si cred ca in ultimele luni au reusit sa dovedeasca efectiv faptul ca banul nu are, de fapt, nici o valoare si e mai mult decat simplu sa ii produci din aer. La propriu. Iar atunci cand BTC ajunsese la $20k nu cred ca le-a fost tot una. Cheesy

In orice caz, e cu siguranta o situatie foarte interesanta. Singura mea dorinta e ca vocea celor care cer anonimitate si intimitate sa devina, incet-incet, majoritara. Momentan suntem atat de mici incat e inevitabila ignoranta din partea celorlalti.

EDIT: Acum observ ce wall-uri de text sunt pe thread-ul asta (si mai nou in postarile mele in general).. Ne-am gasit Cheesy
2414  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: 1 Mai 2020 - Labor Day - free P.U.L.A. - only 7691 caruțas left on: May 01, 2020, 10:39:26 PM
Ăăă  ...avem o problmă tehnică, ...gaz pula  Grin

Problemă rezolvată. Am găsit niște măruntiș pe Binance.
Vezi tranzactia aici
Ah, raman dator! Deja ma simt prost, imi dai P.U.L.A. si mai si platesti..

Banuiesc ca nu o sa recunoasca nimeni ca a primit P.U.L.A inaintea ta. Am si eu ceva la pastrare (438 days 4 hrs ago).
Pe tine ce te face sa recunosti atunci ca ai luat P.U.L.A. acum un an jumate?
2415  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: MY BLOCKCHAIN WALLET WAS STOLEN 0.39070099 BTC !!! on: May 01, 2020, 08:55:26 PM
Do you think the OP would have avoided what had happened to him if he is been using Linux by any chance? He was using 2FA via SMS, it is possible that the hacker obtained his verification information using the SIM swap technique. Regardless of OS and wallet type, some users are simply not ready to be their own bank. Regarding hardware wallets, I wrote my opinion in a previous post.
As long as you use everything the wrong way, it obviously doesn't matter which OS or wallet you're using. But Linux is not as easy to learn & use as Windows is and ever since I moved from Windows to Linux, I have learned lots of important stuff about the way your behavior could put your PC at risk. Simply the fact that you have to learn terminal commands teaches you a lot.

It was more of an eye opener for me and it's just a friendly advice for him to move on from the privacy-lacking Windows - could be an eye opener for him too! But I guess we're all different Smiley

some users are simply not ready to be their own bank
True. No comment here Cheesy
2416  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: House Edge vs. Luck - the Last Stand on: May 01, 2020, 08:48:15 PM
Now that is a possible explanation why all my overnight auto-betting bots turned into losses. Cheesy IIRC, the casino at the time could handle ~1 second per bet which means 10k bets would be reached within 3 hours.

So does that mean that the strat should be changed every 5k bets in order to avoid the house edge losses?

there are strategies that can be used to recover losses like the martingale strategy. It will be best
I think martingale is the quickest way to lose. It always made me lose everything within minutes. I had streaks of +20 losses with it. Start with 0.00000001BTC on martingale and after 20 losses you'll need to bet 0.02097152BTC already. Starting from one satoshi! That is equal to starting with $1 and having to bet a whopping $2,097,152 after 20 losses.
2417  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: 49 Cryptocurrency Wallet Browser Extensions Found Stealing Private keys on: May 01, 2020, 08:17:57 PM
These Chrome extensions targeted users of crypto wallets, such as Ledger, Trezor
I'm wondering how this works as long as I don't input my seed anywhere? AFAIK Ledger does not communicate private keys in any way, correct? So I believe the only way they could target Ledger devices was to generate automatically fake txs so users could be deceived into their acceptance.. am I missing something?
2418  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Someone booked a hotel using bitcoin on: May 01, 2020, 08:07:59 PM
Which sites? Name and shame.

For normal retail gift cards should do the job as long as they're available for what you want, but Bitrefill charges a premium for non lightning network payments.

I haven't come across price gouging too often but when I have it's usually travel related. It could be down to the agent simply piling money on top or they don't have the same margin muscle as the regular brokers like Opodo or wherever.

Either way they won't be getting a satoshi of my business. I ain't no charity.
I'd rather not give names for now (might give later, but I'm not convinced I should), but they were mostly websites either working with CoinPayments or local (Romanian) shops. All my attempts were fails. Cheesy

It was a very smart attempt from them to deceive through CoinPayments though: on invoice, the amount was right. When I had to pay through CoinPayments however, there was one little big problem: I did not have enough funds in my wallet, although I knew I transferred about 3-4% more than needed to make sure I could cover any fees.

That's how, after an hour of calculating and trying to understand why the hell I need to add +15% more to my wallet to send the full payment, I found out that the shop had set the insane fee. Had I used my main address, I would've paid for the overpriced products without even noticing it.
2419  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Someone booked a hotel using bitcoin on: May 01, 2020, 07:47:23 PM
The problem with a lot of travel options with Bitcoin is that they often charge you more. A lot of the flight places in particular are terrible for adding 30-80 dollars or don't have the usual options at all.

I see no reason to pay more for the honour of paying with BTC.
Most of the websites I ever wanted to buy from wanted to charge me ~10% over the normal prices which adds up very quick. One of the latest attempt was on a quite popular website that tried charging me more than 15% more for paying with crypto (let's not forget the fact that their products are more expensive there than on most other shops anyway) and that's more than exaggerated.

This is a big, big turn-off for me. I reached the point where I want to use my BTC and the exaggerated prices just push me back. There's a big disadvantage: the fact that I'm from Romania and most good shops do not deliver here, but this proves one thing: there still are some milestones crypto-supporting shops have to reach before cryptocurrencies become a convenient method of payment in most countries and not just the large ones..
2420  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: If you could, would you delete every altcoin? on: May 01, 2020, 06:58:15 PM
Although +95% of the existing cryptocurrencies are shitcoins and scams, I would not wipe them off (in the current condition) the internet. This is the beauty of decentralization: you can create whatever you like and as long as you have supporters, your project will stay alive.

If there was a way I could magically find out with 100% accuracy which project certainly is a scam and which isn't, I would wipe them off ONLY if they are assigned to the respective category.

But if there was a way someone could delete them (CoinMarketCap could have a large influence), I guess that would also be the beginning of the respective entity's willingness to gain more power & control. And as decentralization should be exactly the opposite, it leads to a crappy ending.

So no, unless I had some crystal ball to tell me which one is a shitcoin so I could wipe it off this Universe, I wouldn't do it.
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