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2421  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: May 18, 2018, 08:40:28 AM
You have no argument of why homosexuality is wrong.

Here an argument put forward by Richard Swinburne an emeritus professor of philosophy at the University of Oxford.

Why homosexuality is unacceptable: The disability argument
(1) Homosexuality is a preventable disability.

He defends (1) in two parts. Firstly, he considers homosexuality a disability because it is deprived of something which heterosexuality possesses. In his words:

"The first things to recognise is that homosexuality is a disability. For a homosexual is unable to enter into a loving relationship in which the love is as such procreative."

Secondly, he thinks this deprivation is preventable. He cites various studies which indicate homosexuality is due to both genetics and environmental factors. Swinburne writes:

"The consensus of the scientific community is that both genetic constitution and social factors interact to produce homosexuality. The social factors may include Freudian-type factors (over-involved mother and cold father causing male homosexuality, etc.) and the absence of gender-specific education and dress; but they will also surely include the acceptability of homosexual practice among peers and society more widely."

Thus, if we foster a climate which inhibits the development of homosexuality, Swinburne thinks fewer potential homosexuals will become actual homosexuals (and grow instead into heterosexuals).

(2) Disabilities ought to be prevented and cured.

Typically, Swinburne thinks we seek to reduce disabilities as far as we can. For instance, suppose  we know a baby has a condition which will very likely result in his loss of limbs some years later. Soon after, someone discovers a medication which will significantly reduce the chances of him losing his limbs. We would administer that medication to the baby. On the flipside, if someone does what worsens the baby’s condition, it would seem a bad thing.

(3) Homosexuality ought to be prevented and cured.

Given (1) and (2), it follows that we should prevent and cure homosexuality. Thus Swinburne urges:

"So part of both prevention and cure (where that is now possible) must consist in deterring homosexuals from committing homosexual acts. Homosexuals can help to prevent the spread of homosexuality and help to cure others by setting an example of not indulging their inclinations and of seeking a cure."

Bro, that comes not even close as a good argument to kill homosexuals or to view homosexuality as a sin. Someone infertile is also disabled then, should we kill them too? What about, I don't know, dudes who can't get erect, should we kill them too? If homosexuality was viewed as a disability in the bible, shouldn't god say, hey, let's try to fix them instead of JUST FUCKING MURDER THEM? Give me a fucking break.
2422  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: May 17, 2018, 11:04:54 PM
''Some people have the need to be slaves. You would take their freedom away? You are missing a lot about Bible slavery.

Discrimination against homosexuals is right when it is done out of love. Why encourage them on their way to destruction in their homosexual sin by befriending them in it?''

The definition of a slave is that they don't have freedom, that's why they are called slaves in the first place. You can't argue that a slave chose to be a slave because then he wouldn't be a slave.
The point isn't about slaves becoming slaves. The point is about free people volunteering to be slaves. Exodus 21:16:
Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper's possession.
See more at

''It's the carrying out of those feelings in the form of homosexual acts that is wrong.'' I'm wondering badecker, do you ever question your beliefs? Why do you think that carrying those feelings in the form of homosexuality is wrong, is there any objective argument for that? I don't see what's wrong with it.
Everything in nature has a purpose. Even evolution says that. There is no purpose in homosexuality.

Leviticus 20:13:
If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Romans 1:26,27:
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

For additional Bible passages, see

''The thing you really need to do is to formally ask God to force you to become a believer in Him. Be serious, and ask it for real.'' I did when I was a believer and he didn't respond, so.. yeah.

At that time you didn't have all the Bible training that you have received just in this forum, alone. Be serious about it, and try it again. Of course, why would you want to? You are locked in to your own self-destruction, all the while blaming someone else. But... if you don't change, God Himself, in the judgment, will prove to you that it was you, not He.


And here I thought that killing was wrong. ''You shall not murder.'' yet the bible tells you to kill other people all the time, amazing.

''Everything in nature has a purpose. Even evolution says that. There is no purpose in homosexuality.'' Quoting evolution? Evolution does not say that everything in nature has a purpose. You are ok with killing homosexuals just because of that? Psychopath indeed. You never answered what's wrong with it, tho. You just said everything in nature has a purpose. Should we also kill people that are born with problems because they are not part of a good evolution? Maybe we should start murdering everyone with defects, what the fuck is wrong with your mind?

''Be serious about it, and try it again'' I can't be more serious now than I was back then when I truly believed in god and he didn't answer.

Relax. It's okay. Jesus still loves you. He took a lot worse from the guys who nailed Him to the cross. And He arose on the third day just to conquer all evil.

Come on and place your trust in Him. His religion for you is the best... certainly a lot better than your own. You can do it, even though the diseases you have from your homosexuality are destroying you. Rather, destroy the homosexuality in yourself so that you live.

It's called health and religion. Don't sell yourself so short. Jesus loves you.


That's a good ignoring response, classic badecker. You didn't respond about the fact that the bible says killing is wrong and yet commands people to kill other people all the tim

Does someone get diseases because he is a homosexual? Do you have any evidence for this? I don't think so. You don't have any idea why homosexuality is wrong, you just follow the book. Think for yourself for once.

LOL. 11% of sheep is gay. BADecker and CoinCube better start teaching them that is wrong to be gay and how to un gay them.  Otherwise all sheep societies around the world will collapse because of the influence of gay lifestyle on their communities.

CoinCube can you muster some pseudo scientific study based on quotes from the Bible to show the ill effects of sheep gay acts on their herds and the sheep specie as a whole.

Then move on to lions, and all other animals...

Looking forward to your Bible wisdom on the subject.

Show us a purpose in the act of homosexuality.

Sex is for propagation. Homosexuality is useless, and has no place in nature or what in is right. The fact that it exists in animals shows the corruption in nature. The fact that nature isn't destroyed by it, shows that Jesus is upholding nature to give people a chance to repent and be saved. The fact that people die shows that people have a limited time to make up their minds about salvation. The fact that most animals don't live as long as people, shows that God gives people more time to repent, because eternal torment awaits them if they don't.


Show us the purpose of having sex using a condom then, or masturbation or sticking up a finger up your butt.

Why would I attempt that. There isn't any purpose for that stuff, except to attempt to thwart God. I'm surprised that you don't have the answers, since you are the one who is trying to thwart God.


You are dense. Your argument is that homosexuality is wrong because it has no ''purpose'' however there are a ton of things without a ''purpose'' like those mentioned there and yet the bible doesn't tell people to kill other people if they stick a finger up their butt, does it?

Anyhow, why would it be justified to kill people just because they are doing things without purpose? Psychopath..

There are a ton of things with no purpose, and there are a ton of wrong things, homosexuality among them, right?

The idea of the Bible is Jesus salvation. That's why homosexuals are not destroyed immediately upon committing their sin.

Most of the sin exists in the fact that non-homos are reasonably tolerant. Rather than kill the homos, they let them live without forcing them to change.

If God tells us to do something in the Bible, that thing is justified. Even if you think Godly people, or even God Himself, are psychopaths, perhaps it is you who is the psychopath for not doing the thing that makes sense... obey God.

God is the owner. He wants salvation for you, not destruction. That's why He gives you more time to repent. But you seem to only want destruction. Throw away your health through self-destruction, right.


''and there are a ton of wrong things, homosexuality among them, right?'' No, doing things without a reproductive purpose isn't wrong.

''committing their sin.'' But you haven't answered why homosexuality is a sin, it's not because it doesn't have a ''purpose''. The purpose is to be happy just like masturbating or drinking coca cola. Not everything needs to have a reproductive purpose. You have no argument of why homosexuality is wrong.
2423  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 17, 2018, 11:02:18 PM
So I see 2 threads of why islam hates people or why people hate Islam. I dont see the point of such a mundane debate based on religion any debate for or against religion would be stupid. Either you are stupid to believe what a prophet / god / divine entity said or you are stupid enough to believe you can change the minds of the bleak minded people who follow such a prophet / god / divine entity.

But since its fun let me initiate my own brand of 'why do' topic.


Seriously what has to happen in a person's life for them to seriously give up hope on the one true everlasting brand (of religion) which their ancestors have followed for generations.

Everyone has their own story even I have mine, so lets hear some of it.

I am an Islamic, even though I am not entirely devoted / forth, I still respect one's own decision, I respect other people's religions, I leave it to the person itself because it is not to be imposed on everyone because we are vary according to their beliefs,
Now what do you do after you die / die?
Do you think finished after death?
I think not, I think after death is the beginning we start a real life,
Hopefully you are given the best way. Amen ..

Why don't you kill yourself then?  Oh, wait, you guys are already doing it.  Never mind.

As friends of all people, we are giving you and others the chance to be saved like we will be. If we knew for a fact which of you would never be saved, we could save the ones who will be saved, and forget about jokers like you. Our job would be done a lot sooner.

Since there still might be a chance for you, we continue to preach to you, and hope our preaching will save you this time.


''If we knew for a fact which of you would never be saved,'' Perhaps an omniscient god would know such thing, hmm, wait a second...

... wait a second. How could God give free will to people if He knew what they were going to do ahead of time?


There you go, you disproved god, congratulations. It is indeed impossible to allow free will and be omniscient at the same time. Cheesy

Oh, don't be so dense. Even you hide things from yourself at times. How do we know? We know it by the fact that you don't believe in God.


I don't really see what your response has to do with mine. We are talking about being omniscient and free will at the same time, focus badecker. It seems like there is some sort of mechanism in your brain that switches everytime you read an argument that works against your god and so you either have to forget about it or talk about something else. It's your mechanism of defense lol

Well, of course you don't understand. If you did, you would understand God all around you in nature.

Look at this simple example. The little girl goes with Mom and Dad to the store. She wants to get Dad a birthday present for his birthday, as a surprise. Dad and Mom both realize this. So, by agreement with Mom, Dad takes off for a moment to a different department, so that Mom can help the little girl find and buy the surprise gift for Dad.

Does Dad not know what is going on? Is he not aware of the items in the store? Yet he hides the info from himself so that he can be truly surprised when his birthday comes, and his daughter gives him his surprise gift.

Inside you is a piece of free will that God has hidden from Himself. Why has He hidden this? Because He is hoping to be surprised by a sudden free will turn that you can make in faith towards Him. This is the thing that Abraham did. Abraham turned his little free will faith towards God, and God was surprised and pleased. Why was God surprised? Because He had hidden Abraham's free will from Himself. He rewarded Abraham for the change that Abraham made.

Had God wanted, He could have easily focused in on Abraham to see what Abraham's free will was going to do. But He didn't, in part so that He could be overjoyed, so that he could have a reason to reward Abraham. God is great. God is wonderful. He loves having reason to reward people. And He rewards them with the things that they need in life, as well as with additional things that He makes excuses for Himself to give them... excuses made when he hides their free will from Himself so that He can be overjoyed by it later.

So far you are a disappointment to God. But if you were to suddenly turn to Him, now that He has seen what the part of yourself that He has hidden from Himself is doing, He would be so overjoyed with you that He would reward you greatly.

I expect that if you read this, you will understand. But I also expect that you will not even acknowledge that you understand. At this stage, if you even acknowledge that you understand, this would please God. So, at least do that much. Maybe God will reward you by adjusting your faith in such a way so that you can turn to Him and be saved.


First and foremost that would still mean that everything is already dictated by god even if he ''hides the information for himself'' so my point still stands. There is no free will.

''Yet he hides the info from himself so that he can be truly surprised when his birthday comes'' He wouldn't be ''truly'' surprised if he knew beforehand lol.

Every thing being dictated by God is absolutely correct. Your free will isn't a "thing." But that isn't the question. The question has to do with whether or not I can explain something to you when you will resist the explanation even when it makes sense.

This means that the point is that you will be roasting in Hell because of your intentional resistance.

The clarity of your failure is this. God is shown strongly throughout the universe, and so-called atheists even hold themselves up in god authority by stating that they have enough capability to suggest that God doesn't exist, making them to not be atheists, and proving that God exists even among the so-called atheists.

All of this means that you folks are against God. The results will be apparent in the Judgment.


''Every thing being dictated by God is absolutely correct. Your free will isn't a "thing." But that isn't the question.'' That is actually the question, that's what I'm saying. If you agree that god dictates everything then there is no free will and we shouldn't be responsible for our actions.

''This means that the point is that you will be roasting in Hell because of your intentional resistance.'' Well it's not my resistance, it's god's resistance since he dictated everything.

Your free will is not a thing dictated by God. Rather, it is a touch of God Himself in you.

Everything else in your life is directed completely by God. He directs these things righteously, according to the amount of faith you have in Him.

Your destruction is your choice. Because of Jesus, your salvation is your choice, as well. God only directs the course of your life according to what you choose in the tiny free will part of yourself that you have.


How does a baby chose his faith in god, if the only free will you have is the ''faith'' you have in god, how does it start, do you start by believing automatically in god? I don't see how it works.
2424  Other / Off-topic / Re: Do you agree when people use prophets for fun? on: May 17, 2018, 09:01:21 AM
I'm sure you have no problem mocking spiderman or any other fictional character, these are not different.
2425  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: May 17, 2018, 08:58:02 AM
Ship that appears and sinks in the horizon (the farthest observable boundary). If there is a ship that sailed away from us, then the ship's body will sink first in the horizon. And vice versa, the top of the ship will be seen first in the horizon when approaching us.

From these evidences, Aristotle concludes that the shape of the earth is round. The idea of ​​Aristotle was delighted by later philosophers such as Eratosthenes, Euclid, Aristarchus, and Archimedes.
Eratosthenes even managed to measure the circumference of the earth using sticks located in two different places. He uses a radius between the two rods against the earth arch to measure the total circumference.

I even showed this lunatic a video but he will claim some mysterious magic effect makes the ships disappear bottom first and he will move on with his madness.
2426  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 16, 2018, 08:50:46 PM
So I see 2 threads of why islam hates people or why people hate Islam. I dont see the point of such a mundane debate based on religion any debate for or against religion would be stupid. Either you are stupid to believe what a prophet / god / divine entity said or you are stupid enough to believe you can change the minds of the bleak minded people who follow such a prophet / god / divine entity.

But since its fun let me initiate my own brand of 'why do' topic.


Seriously what has to happen in a person's life for them to seriously give up hope on the one true everlasting brand (of religion) which their ancestors have followed for generations.

Everyone has their own story even I have mine, so lets hear some of it.

I am an Islamic, even though I am not entirely devoted / forth, I still respect one's own decision, I respect other people's religions, I leave it to the person itself because it is not to be imposed on everyone because we are vary according to their beliefs,
Now what do you do after you die / die?
Do you think finished after death?
I think not, I think after death is the beginning we start a real life,
Hopefully you are given the best way. Amen ..

Why don't you kill yourself then?  Oh, wait, you guys are already doing it.  Never mind.

As friends of all people, we are giving you and others the chance to be saved like we will be. If we knew for a fact which of you would never be saved, we could save the ones who will be saved, and forget about jokers like you. Our job would be done a lot sooner.

Since there still might be a chance for you, we continue to preach to you, and hope our preaching will save you this time.


''If we knew for a fact which of you would never be saved,'' Perhaps an omniscient god would know such thing, hmm, wait a second...

... wait a second. How could God give free will to people if He knew what they were going to do ahead of time?


There you go, you disproved god, congratulations. It is indeed impossible to allow free will and be omniscient at the same time. Cheesy

Oh, don't be so dense. Even you hide things from yourself at times. How do we know? We know it by the fact that you don't believe in God.


I don't really see what your response has to do with mine. We are talking about being omniscient and free will at the same time, focus badecker. It seems like there is some sort of mechanism in your brain that switches everytime you read an argument that works against your god and so you either have to forget about it or talk about something else. It's your mechanism of defense lol

Well, of course you don't understand. If you did, you would understand God all around you in nature.

Look at this simple example. The little girl goes with Mom and Dad to the store. She wants to get Dad a birthday present for his birthday, as a surprise. Dad and Mom both realize this. So, by agreement with Mom, Dad takes off for a moment to a different department, so that Mom can help the little girl find and buy the surprise gift for Dad.

Does Dad not know what is going on? Is he not aware of the items in the store? Yet he hides the info from himself so that he can be truly surprised when his birthday comes, and his daughter gives him his surprise gift.

Inside you is a piece of free will that God has hidden from Himself. Why has He hidden this? Because He is hoping to be surprised by a sudden free will turn that you can make in faith towards Him. This is the thing that Abraham did. Abraham turned his little free will faith towards God, and God was surprised and pleased. Why was God surprised? Because He had hidden Abraham's free will from Himself. He rewarded Abraham for the change that Abraham made.

Had God wanted, He could have easily focused in on Abraham to see what Abraham's free will was going to do. But He didn't, in part so that He could be overjoyed, so that he could have a reason to reward Abraham. God is great. God is wonderful. He loves having reason to reward people. And He rewards them with the things that they need in life, as well as with additional things that He makes excuses for Himself to give them... excuses made when he hides their free will from Himself so that He can be overjoyed by it later.

So far you are a disappointment to God. But if you were to suddenly turn to Him, now that He has seen what the part of yourself that He has hidden from Himself is doing, He would be so overjoyed with you that He would reward you greatly.

I expect that if you read this, you will understand. But I also expect that you will not even acknowledge that you understand. At this stage, if you even acknowledge that you understand, this would please God. So, at least do that much. Maybe God will reward you by adjusting your faith in such a way so that you can turn to Him and be saved.


First and foremost that would still mean that everything is already dictated by god even if he ''hides the information for himself'' so my point still stands. There is no free will.

''Yet he hides the info from himself so that he can be truly surprised when his birthday comes'' He wouldn't be ''truly'' surprised if he knew beforehand lol.

Every thing being dictated by God is absolutely correct. Your free will isn't a "thing." But that isn't the question. The question has to do with whether or not I can explain something to you when you will resist the explanation even when it makes sense.

This means that the point is that you will be roasting in Hell because of your intentional resistance.

The clarity of your failure is this. God is shown strongly throughout the universe, and so-called atheists even hold themselves up in god authority by stating that they have enough capability to suggest that God doesn't exist, making them to not be atheists, and proving that God exists even among the so-called atheists.

All of this means that you folks are against God. The results will be apparent in the Judgment.


''Every thing being dictated by God is absolutely correct. Your free will isn't a "thing." But that isn't the question.'' That is actually the question, that's what I'm saying. If you agree that god dictates everything then there is no free will and we shouldn't be responsible for our actions.

''This means that the point is that you will be roasting in Hell because of your intentional resistance.'' Well it's not my resistance, it's god's resistance since he dictated everything.
2427  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: May 16, 2018, 08:47:21 PM
''Some people have the need to be slaves. You would take their freedom away? You are missing a lot about Bible slavery.

Discrimination against homosexuals is right when it is done out of love. Why encourage them on their way to destruction in their homosexual sin by befriending them in it?''

The definition of a slave is that they don't have freedom, that's why they are called slaves in the first place. You can't argue that a slave chose to be a slave because then he wouldn't be a slave.
The point isn't about slaves becoming slaves. The point is about free people volunteering to be slaves. Exodus 21:16:
Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper's possession.
See more at

''It's the carrying out of those feelings in the form of homosexual acts that is wrong.'' I'm wondering badecker, do you ever question your beliefs? Why do you think that carrying those feelings in the form of homosexuality is wrong, is there any objective argument for that? I don't see what's wrong with it.
Everything in nature has a purpose. Even evolution says that. There is no purpose in homosexuality.

Leviticus 20:13:
If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Romans 1:26,27:
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

For additional Bible passages, see

''The thing you really need to do is to formally ask God to force you to become a believer in Him. Be serious, and ask it for real.'' I did when I was a believer and he didn't respond, so.. yeah.

At that time you didn't have all the Bible training that you have received just in this forum, alone. Be serious about it, and try it again. Of course, why would you want to? You are locked in to your own self-destruction, all the while blaming someone else. But... if you don't change, God Himself, in the judgment, will prove to you that it was you, not He.


And here I thought that killing was wrong. ''You shall not murder.'' yet the bible tells you to kill other people all the time, amazing.

''Everything in nature has a purpose. Even evolution says that. There is no purpose in homosexuality.'' Quoting evolution? Evolution does not say that everything in nature has a purpose. You are ok with killing homosexuals just because of that? Psychopath indeed. You never answered what's wrong with it, tho. You just said everything in nature has a purpose. Should we also kill people that are born with problems because they are not part of a good evolution? Maybe we should start murdering everyone with defects, what the fuck is wrong with your mind?

''Be serious about it, and try it again'' I can't be more serious now than I was back then when I truly believed in god and he didn't answer.

Relax. It's okay. Jesus still loves you. He took a lot worse from the guys who nailed Him to the cross. And He arose on the third day just to conquer all evil.

Come on and place your trust in Him. His religion for you is the best... certainly a lot better than your own. You can do it, even though the diseases you have from your homosexuality are destroying you. Rather, destroy the homosexuality in yourself so that you live.

It's called health and religion. Don't sell yourself so short. Jesus loves you.


That's a good ignoring response, classic badecker. You didn't respond about the fact that the bible says killing is wrong and yet commands people to kill other people all the tim

Does someone get diseases because he is a homosexual? Do you have any evidence for this? I don't think so. You don't have any idea why homosexuality is wrong, you just follow the book. Think for yourself for once.

LOL. 11% of sheep is gay. BADecker and CoinCube better start teaching them that is wrong to be gay and how to un gay them.  Otherwise all sheep societies around the world will collapse because of the influence of gay lifestyle on their communities.

CoinCube can you muster some pseudo scientific study based on quotes from the Bible to show the ill effects of sheep gay acts on their herds and the sheep specie as a whole.

Then move on to lions, and all other animals...

Looking forward to your Bible wisdom on the subject.

Show us a purpose in the act of homosexuality.

Sex is for propagation. Homosexuality is useless, and has no place in nature or what in is right. The fact that it exists in animals shows the corruption in nature. The fact that nature isn't destroyed by it, shows that Jesus is upholding nature to give people a chance to repent and be saved. The fact that people die shows that people have a limited time to make up their minds about salvation. The fact that most animals don't live as long as people, shows that God gives people more time to repent, because eternal torment awaits them if they don't.


Show us the purpose of having sex using a condom then, or masturbation or sticking up a finger up your butt.

Why would I attempt that. There isn't any purpose for that stuff, except to attempt to thwart God. I'm surprised that you don't have the answers, since you are the one who is trying to thwart God.


You are dense. Your argument is that homosexuality is wrong because it has no ''purpose'' however there are a ton of things without a ''purpose'' like those mentioned there and yet the bible doesn't tell people to kill other people if they stick a finger up their butt, does it?

Anyhow, why would it be justified to kill people just because they are doing things without purpose? Psychopath..
2428  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: May 16, 2018, 08:45:34 PM
Somebody on reddit asked about time travel theories in light of the Earth being flat & motionless and relativity being a sham. Since I'm shadow banned on that site and directly permanently banned from the subreddit the question was posted on (/r/conspiracy) I'll respond here.

Speculation & summation of my thoughts on the subject:

    I'm not sure I have the answer the poster is looking for, I will go out on limb and say that it seems a certain (((group))) has gained the ability to rearrange matter so that it reflects a different past from that which originally occurred. It appears they've taken rewriting history from modifying written text & images and manufacturing evidence to changing the current state of all matter via electromagnetic means. They seem to use it for the most part to gaslight the goyim with what's known as the "Mandela Effect" resulting from of any changes made.

Normally only God could perform these "miracles" but with the advent of the LHC & CERN and virtual or mirror reality computer simulations they seem to have acquired this ability to a limited extent. It was the Moonraker ME with with the "captcha fail" beer glass that lead me to this line of speculation.

They view/calculate time differently from what is commonly understood and taught to the goyim for example (correct me if I'm wrong), a unit of goy time is 1 second while a unit of jew time is 3.333...infinity seconds. This seems to imply time as the goy knows it is somewhat illusionary with paradoxes like Zeno's Arrow being the result.

Here's were we reach the current limit of my understanding/speculation, schlomo is keeping all this very close to the chest so I'm really still taking shots in the dark on this whole subject; I can see buddy rubbing his hands together knowing this.

Are you trying to believe every single retarded conspiracy in existence?
2429  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 16, 2018, 04:48:01 PM
So I see 2 threads of why islam hates people or why people hate Islam. I dont see the point of such a mundane debate based on religion any debate for or against religion would be stupid. Either you are stupid to believe what a prophet / god / divine entity said or you are stupid enough to believe you can change the minds of the bleak minded people who follow such a prophet / god / divine entity.

But since its fun let me initiate my own brand of 'why do' topic.


Seriously what has to happen in a person's life for them to seriously give up hope on the one true everlasting brand (of religion) which their ancestors have followed for generations.

Everyone has their own story even I have mine, so lets hear some of it.

I am an Islamic, even though I am not entirely devoted / forth, I still respect one's own decision, I respect other people's religions, I leave it to the person itself because it is not to be imposed on everyone because we are vary according to their beliefs,
Now what do you do after you die / die?
Do you think finished after death?
I think not, I think after death is the beginning we start a real life,
Hopefully you are given the best way. Amen ..

Why don't you kill yourself then?  Oh, wait, you guys are already doing it.  Never mind.

As friends of all people, we are giving you and others the chance to be saved like we will be. If we knew for a fact which of you would never be saved, we could save the ones who will be saved, and forget about jokers like you. Our job would be done a lot sooner.

Since there still might be a chance for you, we continue to preach to you, and hope our preaching will save you this time.


''If we knew for a fact which of you would never be saved,'' Perhaps an omniscient god would know such thing, hmm, wait a second...

... wait a second. How could God give free will to people if He knew what they were going to do ahead of time?


There you go, you disproved god, congratulations. It is indeed impossible to allow free will and be omniscient at the same time. Cheesy

Oh, don't be so dense. Even you hide things from yourself at times. How do we know? We know it by the fact that you don't believe in God.


I don't really see what your response has to do with mine. We are talking about being omniscient and free will at the same time, focus badecker. It seems like there is some sort of mechanism in your brain that switches everytime you read an argument that works against your god and so you either have to forget about it or talk about something else. It's your mechanism of defense lol

Well, of course you don't understand. If you did, you would understand God all around you in nature.

Look at this simple example. The little girl goes with Mom and Dad to the store. She wants to get Dad a birthday present for his birthday, as a surprise. Dad and Mom both realize this. So, by agreement with Mom, Dad takes off for a moment to a different department, so that Mom can help the little girl find and buy the surprise gift for Dad.

Does Dad not know what is going on? Is he not aware of the items in the store? Yet he hides the info from himself so that he can be truly surprised when his birthday comes, and his daughter gives him his surprise gift.

Inside you is a piece of free will that God has hidden from Himself. Why has He hidden this? Because He is hoping to be surprised by a sudden free will turn that you can make in faith towards Him. This is the thing that Abraham did. Abraham turned his little free will faith towards God, and God was surprised and pleased. Why was God surprised? Because He had hidden Abraham's free will from Himself. He rewarded Abraham for the change that Abraham made.

Had God wanted, He could have easily focused in on Abraham to see what Abraham's free will was going to do. But He didn't, in part so that He could be overjoyed, so that he could have a reason to reward Abraham. God is great. God is wonderful. He loves having reason to reward people. And He rewards them with the things that they need in life, as well as with additional things that He makes excuses for Himself to give them... excuses made when he hides their free will from Himself so that He can be overjoyed by it later.

So far you are a disappointment to God. But if you were to suddenly turn to Him, now that He has seen what the part of yourself that He has hidden from Himself is doing, He would be so overjoyed with you that He would reward you greatly.

I expect that if you read this, you will understand. But I also expect that you will not even acknowledge that you understand. At this stage, if you even acknowledge that you understand, this would please God. So, at least do that much. Maybe God will reward you by adjusting your faith in such a way so that you can turn to Him and be saved.


First and foremost that would still mean that everything is already dictated by god even if he ''hides the information for himself'' so my point still stands. There is no free will.

''Yet he hides the info from himself so that he can be truly surprised when his birthday comes'' He wouldn't be ''truly'' surprised if he knew beforehand lol.
2430  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: May 16, 2018, 04:44:00 PM
''Some people have the need to be slaves. You would take their freedom away? You are missing a lot about Bible slavery.

Discrimination against homosexuals is right when it is done out of love. Why encourage them on their way to destruction in their homosexual sin by befriending them in it?''

The definition of a slave is that they don't have freedom, that's why they are called slaves in the first place. You can't argue that a slave chose to be a slave because then he wouldn't be a slave.
The point isn't about slaves becoming slaves. The point is about free people volunteering to be slaves. Exodus 21:16:
Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper's possession.
See more at

''It's the carrying out of those feelings in the form of homosexual acts that is wrong.'' I'm wondering badecker, do you ever question your beliefs? Why do you think that carrying those feelings in the form of homosexuality is wrong, is there any objective argument for that? I don't see what's wrong with it.
Everything in nature has a purpose. Even evolution says that. There is no purpose in homosexuality.

Leviticus 20:13:
If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Romans 1:26,27:
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

For additional Bible passages, see

''The thing you really need to do is to formally ask God to force you to become a believer in Him. Be serious, and ask it for real.'' I did when I was a believer and he didn't respond, so.. yeah.

At that time you didn't have all the Bible training that you have received just in this forum, alone. Be serious about it, and try it again. Of course, why would you want to? You are locked in to your own self-destruction, all the while blaming someone else. But... if you don't change, God Himself, in the judgment, will prove to you that it was you, not He.


And here I thought that killing was wrong. ''You shall not murder.'' yet the bible tells you to kill other people all the time, amazing.

''Everything in nature has a purpose. Even evolution says that. There is no purpose in homosexuality.'' Quoting evolution? Evolution does not say that everything in nature has a purpose. You are ok with killing homosexuals just because of that? Psychopath indeed. You never answered what's wrong with it, tho. You just said everything in nature has a purpose. Should we also kill people that are born with problems because they are not part of a good evolution? Maybe we should start murdering everyone with defects, what the fuck is wrong with your mind?

''Be serious about it, and try it again'' I can't be more serious now than I was back then when I truly believed in god and he didn't answer.

Relax. It's okay. Jesus still loves you. He took a lot worse from the guys who nailed Him to the cross. And He arose on the third day just to conquer all evil.

Come on and place your trust in Him. His religion for you is the best... certainly a lot better than your own. You can do it, even though the diseases you have from your homosexuality are destroying you. Rather, destroy the homosexuality in yourself so that you live.

It's called health and religion. Don't sell yourself so short. Jesus loves you.


That's a good ignoring response, classic badecker. You didn't respond about the fact that the bible says killing is wrong and yet commands people to kill other people all the tim

Does someone get diseases because he is a homosexual? Do you have any evidence for this? I don't think so. You don't have any idea why homosexuality is wrong, you just follow the book. Think for yourself for once.

LOL. 11% of sheep is gay. BADecker and CoinCube better start teaching them that is wrong to be gay and how to un gay them.  Otherwise all sheep societies around the world will collapse because of the influence of gay lifestyle on their communities.

CoinCube can you muster some pseudo scientific study based on quotes from the Bible to show the ill effects of sheep gay acts on their herds and the sheep specie as a whole.

Then move on to lions, and all other animals...

Looking forward to your Bible wisdom on the subject.

Show us a purpose in the act of homosexuality.

Sex is for propagation. Homosexuality is useless, and has no place in nature or what in is right. The fact that it exists in animals shows the corruption in nature. The fact that nature isn't destroyed by it, shows that Jesus is upholding nature to give people a chance to repent and be saved. The fact that people die shows that people have a limited time to make up their minds about salvation. The fact that most animals don't live as long as people, shows that God gives people more time to repent, because eternal torment awaits them if they don't.


Show us the purpose of having sex using a condom then, or masturbation or sticking up a finger up your butt.
2431  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: May 16, 2018, 04:43:30 PM
''Some people have the need to be slaves. You would take their freedom away? You are missing a lot about Bible slavery.

Discrimination against homosexuals is right when it is done out of love. Why encourage them on their way to destruction in their homosexual sin by befriending them in it?''

The definition of a slave is that they don't have freedom, that's why they are called slaves in the first place. You can't argue that a slave chose to be a slave because then he wouldn't be a slave.
The point isn't about slaves becoming slaves. The point is about free people volunteering to be slaves. Exodus 21:16:
Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper's possession.
See more at

''It's the carrying out of those feelings in the form of homosexual acts that is wrong.'' I'm wondering badecker, do you ever question your beliefs? Why do you think that carrying those feelings in the form of homosexuality is wrong, is there any objective argument for that? I don't see what's wrong with it.
Everything in nature has a purpose. Even evolution says that. There is no purpose in homosexuality.

Leviticus 20:13:
If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Romans 1:26,27:
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

For additional Bible passages, see

''The thing you really need to do is to formally ask God to force you to become a believer in Him. Be serious, and ask it for real.'' I did when I was a believer and he didn't respond, so.. yeah.

At that time you didn't have all the Bible training that you have received just in this forum, alone. Be serious about it, and try it again. Of course, why would you want to? You are locked in to your own self-destruction, all the while blaming someone else. But... if you don't change, God Himself, in the judgment, will prove to you that it was you, not He.


And here I thought that killing was wrong. ''You shall not murder.'' yet the bible tells you to kill other people all the time, amazing.

''Everything in nature has a purpose. Even evolution says that. There is no purpose in homosexuality.'' Quoting evolution? Evolution does not say that everything in nature has a purpose. You are ok with killing homosexuals just because of that? Psychopath indeed. You never answered what's wrong with it, tho. You just said everything in nature has a purpose. Should we also kill people that are born with problems because they are not part of a good evolution? Maybe we should start murdering everyone with defects, what the fuck is wrong with your mind?

''Be serious about it, and try it again'' I can't be more serious now than I was back then when I truly believed in god and he didn't answer.

Relax. It's okay. Jesus still loves you. He took a lot worse from the guys who nailed Him to the cross. And He arose on the third day just to conquer all evil.

Come on and place your trust in Him. His religion for you is the best... certainly a lot better than your own. You can do it, even though the diseases you have from your homosexuality are destroying you. Rather, destroy the homosexuality in yourself so that you live.

It's called health and religion. Don't sell yourself so short. Jesus loves you.


That's a good ignoring response, classic badecker. You didn't respond about the fact that the bible says killing is wrong and yet commands people to kill other people all the tim

Does someone get diseases because he is a homosexual? Do you have any evidence for this? I don't think so. You don't have any idea why homosexuality is wrong, you just follow the book. Think for yourself for once.

You know that there is no command Given by god in the Bible to kill people all the time.

The killing that God does command is really a stoppage of killing. Here is a basic idea of how it works. This isn't the exact usage in the Bible, but it is an example to show how killing can be a stoppage of killing.

A serial killer kills 15 people. If he were allowed to go on, he would kill 1500 more. Government (directed by God) executes the serial killer. Government kills to stop the killing.

Google "homosexuality and AIDS." You will see that AIDS spreads through illicit sex of every kind.


Sure, however that's never the case in the bible. In fact your recent example was this: ''If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.'' Was the homosexual man going to kill people and had to be stopped? Yeah..

''You will see that AIDS spreads through illicit sex of every kind.'' Yes it does, what does that have to do with being homosexual, though? You can get aids whether you are homosexual or heterosexual, in any case it's god's fault for allowing aids to be spread while having sex lol.

''Homosexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender'' I will ask you again badecker, what's wrong with that?
2432  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: May 16, 2018, 11:24:36 AM

"And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." -- Genisis 1:6 (KJV)

Science and the bible, gotta love duel-wielding.  Kiss

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." -- 1 Thessalonians 5:21 (KJV)

2433  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 16, 2018, 10:43:11 AM
So I see 2 threads of why islam hates people or why people hate Islam. I dont see the point of such a mundane debate based on religion any debate for or against religion would be stupid. Either you are stupid to believe what a prophet / god / divine entity said or you are stupid enough to believe you can change the minds of the bleak minded people who follow such a prophet / god / divine entity.

But since its fun let me initiate my own brand of 'why do' topic.


Seriously what has to happen in a person's life for them to seriously give up hope on the one true everlasting brand (of religion) which their ancestors have followed for generations.

Everyone has their own story even I have mine, so lets hear some of it.

I am an Islamic, even though I am not entirely devoted / forth, I still respect one's own decision, I respect other people's religions, I leave it to the person itself because it is not to be imposed on everyone because we are vary according to their beliefs,
Now what do you do after you die / die?
Do you think finished after death?
I think not, I think after death is the beginning we start a real life,
Hopefully you are given the best way. Amen ..

Why don't you kill yourself then?  Oh, wait, you guys are already doing it.  Never mind.

As friends of all people, we are giving you and others the chance to be saved like we will be. If we knew for a fact which of you would never be saved, we could save the ones who will be saved, and forget about jokers like you. Our job would be done a lot sooner.

Since there still might be a chance for you, we continue to preach to you, and hope our preaching will save you this time.


''If we knew for a fact which of you would never be saved,'' Perhaps an omniscient god would know such thing, hmm, wait a second...

... wait a second. How could God give free will to people if He knew what they were going to do ahead of time?


There you go, you disproved god, congratulations. It is indeed impossible to allow free will and be omniscient at the same time. Cheesy

Oh, don't be so dense. Even you hide things from yourself at times. How do we know? We know it by the fact that you don't believe in God.


I don't really see what your response has to do with mine. We are talking about being omniscient and free will at the same time, focus badecker. It seems like there is some sort of mechanism in your brain that switches everytime you read an argument that works against your god and so you either have to forget about it or talk about something else. It's your mechanism of defense lol
2434  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: May 16, 2018, 10:41:03 AM
''Some people have the need to be slaves. You would take their freedom away? You are missing a lot about Bible slavery.

Discrimination against homosexuals is right when it is done out of love. Why encourage them on their way to destruction in their homosexual sin by befriending them in it?''

The definition of a slave is that they don't have freedom, that's why they are called slaves in the first place. You can't argue that a slave chose to be a slave because then he wouldn't be a slave.
The point isn't about slaves becoming slaves. The point is about free people volunteering to be slaves. Exodus 21:16:
Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper's possession.
See more at

''It's the carrying out of those feelings in the form of homosexual acts that is wrong.'' I'm wondering badecker, do you ever question your beliefs? Why do you think that carrying those feelings in the form of homosexuality is wrong, is there any objective argument for that? I don't see what's wrong with it.
Everything in nature has a purpose. Even evolution says that. There is no purpose in homosexuality.

Leviticus 20:13:
If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Romans 1:26,27:
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

For additional Bible passages, see

''The thing you really need to do is to formally ask God to force you to become a believer in Him. Be serious, and ask it for real.'' I did when I was a believer and he didn't respond, so.. yeah.

At that time you didn't have all the Bible training that you have received just in this forum, alone. Be serious about it, and try it again. Of course, why would you want to? You are locked in to your own self-destruction, all the while blaming someone else. But... if you don't change, God Himself, in the judgment, will prove to you that it was you, not He.


And here I thought that killing was wrong. ''You shall not murder.'' yet the bible tells you to kill other people all the time, amazing.

''Everything in nature has a purpose. Even evolution says that. There is no purpose in homosexuality.'' Quoting evolution? Evolution does not say that everything in nature has a purpose. You are ok with killing homosexuals just because of that? Psychopath indeed. You never answered what's wrong with it, tho. You just said everything in nature has a purpose. Should we also kill people that are born with problems because they are not part of a good evolution? Maybe we should start murdering everyone with defects, what the fuck is wrong with your mind?

''Be serious about it, and try it again'' I can't be more serious now than I was back then when I truly believed in god and he didn't answer.

Relax. It's okay. Jesus still loves you. He took a lot worse from the guys who nailed Him to the cross. And He arose on the third day just to conquer all evil.

Come on and place your trust in Him. His religion for you is the best... certainly a lot better than your own. You can do it, even though the diseases you have from your homosexuality are destroying you. Rather, destroy the homosexuality in yourself so that you live.

It's called health and religion. Don't sell yourself so short. Jesus loves you.


That's a good ignoring response, classic badecker. You didn't respond about the fact that the bible says killing is wrong and yet commands people to kill other people all the tim

Does someone get diseases because he is a homosexual? Do you have any evidence for this? I don't think so. You don't have any idea why homosexuality is wrong, you just follow the book. Think for yourself for once.

2435  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: May 16, 2018, 10:38:22 AM
^^^ *sigh*

The dome is electrically polarized, it charges the ground (-) via induction and the displacement current flowing through the atmosphere results in Earth's magnetic field being produced. The electric field also acts on the atmosphere to create the ionosphere and an asymmetric field reaching to the ground resulting in the downward acceleration of objects more dense than the displaced atmosphere.

The domes immense electric field (+) also prevents anything from getting close to the Antarctic dome wall. At the North pole the induced magnetic field is so strong it ripped the nails out of the early explorers ships who got too close.

There's more regarding the North pole and the projection of the Sun, Moon, stars and planets onto the domes mirrored surface such as the aether drift that drives the sidereal rotation of these celestial objects. This drift can be measured and is frequently used by globalist shills to claim the Earth is in motion.

I hope this helps clear up some of the disinformation posted in the info-graphic above; the shills will do anything to discredit the dome. The controlled opposition shills are the worst and do the most damage hence The Flat Earth Society's existence.

In the example above (((they))) put the intense magnetic field in Antarctica and in place of the dome inverting the ture nature of things (Satan loves to invert things) now they're free to claim there's no dome and an edge with a vacuum "outer space" thereby removing a creator (required for a dome).

We are still waiting for photographic or video evidence of any of your crazy claims. You will not convince anyone of your madness unless you can provide evidence and you can't.
2436  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: May 15, 2018, 10:46:30 PM
''Some people have the need to be slaves. You would take their freedom away? You are missing a lot about Bible slavery.

Discrimination against homosexuals is right when it is done out of love. Why encourage them on their way to destruction in their homosexual sin by befriending them in it?''

The definition of a slave is that they don't have freedom, that's why they are called slaves in the first place. You can't argue that a slave chose to be a slave because then he wouldn't be a slave.
The point isn't about slaves becoming slaves. The point is about free people volunteering to be slaves. Exodus 21:16:
Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper's possession.
See more at

''It's the carrying out of those feelings in the form of homosexual acts that is wrong.'' I'm wondering badecker, do you ever question your beliefs? Why do you think that carrying those feelings in the form of homosexuality is wrong, is there any objective argument for that? I don't see what's wrong with it.
Everything in nature has a purpose. Even evolution says that. There is no purpose in homosexuality.

Leviticus 20:13:
If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Romans 1:26,27:
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

For additional Bible passages, see

''The thing you really need to do is to formally ask God to force you to become a believer in Him. Be serious, and ask it for real.'' I did when I was a believer and he didn't respond, so.. yeah.

At that time you didn't have all the Bible training that you have received just in this forum, alone. Be serious about it, and try it again. Of course, why would you want to? You are locked in to your own self-destruction, all the while blaming someone else. But... if you don't change, God Himself, in the judgment, will prove to you that it was you, not He.


And here I thought that killing was wrong. ''You shall not murder.'' yet the bible tells you to kill other people all the time, amazing.

''Everything in nature has a purpose. Even evolution says that. There is no purpose in homosexuality.'' Quoting evolution? Evolution does not say that everything in nature has a purpose. You are ok with killing homosexuals just because of that? Psychopath indeed. You never answered what's wrong with it, tho. You just said everything in nature has a purpose. Should we also kill people that are born with problems because they are not part of a good evolution? Maybe we should start murdering everyone with defects, what the fuck is wrong with your mind?

''Be serious about it, and try it again'' I can't be more serious now than I was back then when I truly believed in god and he didn't answer.
2437  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 15, 2018, 10:39:34 PM
So I see 2 threads of why islam hates people or why people hate Islam. I dont see the point of such a mundane debate based on religion any debate for or against religion would be stupid. Either you are stupid to believe what a prophet / god / divine entity said or you are stupid enough to believe you can change the minds of the bleak minded people who follow such a prophet / god / divine entity.

But since its fun let me initiate my own brand of 'why do' topic.


Seriously what has to happen in a person's life for them to seriously give up hope on the one true everlasting brand (of religion) which their ancestors have followed for generations.

Everyone has their own story even I have mine, so lets hear some of it.

I am an Islamic, even though I am not entirely devoted / forth, I still respect one's own decision, I respect other people's religions, I leave it to the person itself because it is not to be imposed on everyone because we are vary according to their beliefs,
Now what do you do after you die / die?
Do you think finished after death?
I think not, I think after death is the beginning we start a real life,
Hopefully you are given the best way. Amen ..

Why don't you kill yourself then?  Oh, wait, you guys are already doing it.  Never mind.

As friends of all people, we are giving you and others the chance to be saved like we will be. If we knew for a fact which of you would never be saved, we could save the ones who will be saved, and forget about jokers like you. Our job would be done a lot sooner.

Since there still might be a chance for you, we continue to preach to you, and hope our preaching will save you this time.


''If we knew for a fact which of you would never be saved,'' Perhaps an omniscient god would know such thing, hmm, wait a second...

... wait a second. How could God give free will to people if He knew what they were going to do ahead of time?


There you go, you disproved god, congratulations. It is indeed impossible to allow free will and be omniscient at the same time. Cheesy
2438  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: May 15, 2018, 01:48:30 PM
''Some people have the need to be slaves. You would take their freedom away? You are missing a lot about Bible slavery.

Discrimination against homosexuals is right when it is done out of love. Why encourage them on their way to destruction in their homosexual sin by befriending them in it?''

The definition of a slave is that they don't have freedom, that's why they are called slaves in the first place. You can't argue that a slave chose to be a slave because then he wouldn't be a slave.

''It's the carrying out of those feelings in the form of homosexual acts that is wrong.'' I'm wondering badecker, do you ever question your beliefs? Why do you think that carrying those feelings in the form of homosexuality is wrong, is there any objective argument for that? I don't see what's wrong with it.

''The thing you really need to do is to formally ask God to force you to become a believer in Him. Be serious, and ask it for real.'' I did when I was a believer and he didn't respond, so.. yeah.
2439  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 15, 2018, 01:43:56 PM
So I see 2 threads of why islam hates people or why people hate Islam. I dont see the point of such a mundane debate based on religion any debate for or against religion would be stupid. Either you are stupid to believe what a prophet / god / divine entity said or you are stupid enough to believe you can change the minds of the bleak minded people who follow such a prophet / god / divine entity.

But since its fun let me initiate my own brand of 'why do' topic.


Seriously what has to happen in a person's life for them to seriously give up hope on the one true everlasting brand (of religion) which their ancestors have followed for generations.

Everyone has their own story even I have mine, so lets hear some of it.

I am an Islamic, even though I am not entirely devoted / forth, I still respect one's own decision, I respect other people's religions, I leave it to the person itself because it is not to be imposed on everyone because we are vary according to their beliefs,
Now what do you do after you die / die?
Do you think finished after death?
I think not, I think after death is the beginning we start a real life,
Hopefully you are given the best way. Amen ..

Why don't you kill yourself then?  Oh, wait, you guys are already doing it.  Never mind.

As friends of all people, we are giving you and others the chance to be saved like we will be. If we knew for a fact which of you would never be saved, we could save the ones who will be saved, and forget about jokers like you. Our job would be done a lot sooner.

Since there still might be a chance for you, we continue to preach to you, and hope our preaching will save you this time.


''If we knew for a fact which of you would never be saved,'' Perhaps an omniscient god would know such thing, hmm, wait a second...
2440  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: May 15, 2018, 01:42:56 PM
^^^ The sun is a 10,000 lumen light source, I didn't make that shit up. Also I posted a link to instructions on making a rainbow indoors without sunlight/daylight and included a photo; you need a mirror.

You've got no fucking argument; the only person who needs to be punched in the head is you.

First: The Wikipedia article says a surface perpendicular to the sun’s rays, at earth distance, is receiving 128000 lux — i.e. 128000 lumens per square meter. That's not the only characteristics of the sun though. Yes, you can make a rainbow inside with a mirror, however that doesn't mean you need a mirror to make any rainbow ever.

You have got no fucking proof that there is a giant mirror above our heads.
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