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2421  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: 🏈 Nitrobetting 2022 EXCLUSIVE COMMUNITY NFL SURVIVOR POOL 🏈 on: August 31, 2022, 06:15:05 PM
Nitrobetting ID: 3528

I don't expect to win anything thanks to my skills or my knowledge because they are rather limited at american football/NFL so I rather try my luck and expect some fun.

Thank you for the contest and good luck to other participants.
2422  Local / Économie et spéculation / Re: Climat et (très peu de) Blockchain on: August 31, 2022, 11:25:11 AM
Je suis entrain de me dire que si ils coupent l'électricité dans les entreprises, ils pourraient aussi couper le courant à la CAF. Ben quoi?
On verrait alors des trucs comme ca

Par contre avec gazprom, l'état nous avait dit que les réserves étaient pleines à 90%, quasiment en complet. Et puis il y a un accord avec le gaz algérien, me semble t'il. Donc nous sommes bien placés sur le gaz, il ne reste que le problème de l'electricité.

Pour les coupures, ll est dit deux heures maximum,  Contre de l'argent... a quel hauteur, je ne sais pas, mais si c'est comme par exemple les lunettes remboursées à 4.40€ Cheesy
ou baisse de tension... même si ENEDIS a dit, cela reste des axes envisagés pour le plan de sobriété

pour les personnes hospitalisées à domicile. Certes c'est un peu risqué, mais c'est aux famille d'anticiper ce genre de situation (achat groupe electrogène. Moi en tout cas si j'etais dans ce cas là, je me poserait la question de savoir comment je fais si une coupure de courant arrive. J'attendrais pas la dernière minutes en appelant le Samu pour leur dire de venir me chercher.
De toute façon, ces gens là sont fichées chez Enedis et sont considérées comme prioritaire, au même titre que les urgences, hôpitaux,...

Les congélateurs ont généralement une réserve d'une 15 zaine d'heures, pour justement ces cas de situations

sur les déchets nucléaire étant "minimes".

Alors les gros camions qui sortent des centrales pour évacuer les déchets sont vide à l'intérieur? Ca m'étonne un peu sinon ils prendrait un Kangoo comme les facteurs
Je découvre grâce à toi qu'Enedis pouvait verser une indemnisation en cas de coupure... mais pas si la coupure a duré moins de 5heures apparemment, ils ont donc de la marge pour délester le réseau sans frais.

Pour ce qui est des réserves de gaz, et de la compensation du manque par une augmentation des importations de gaz algérien, je n'y crois pas du tout. La première ministre n'aurait pas demandé aussi sérieusement aux entreprises de réduire drastiquement leur consommation si la situation n'était pas critique. Quand je vois comment ce gouvernement a géré la pénurie de masques, de gel hydroalcoolique, de gants, de blouses, de morphine, etc au début de l'épidémie de coronavirus, en disant juste aux francais : vous n'en avez pas besoin. Je n'ai aucune confiance dans sa capacité à gérer la pénurie de gaz et d'électricité qui s'annonce. D'ailleurs c'est lui-même qui a créé cette pénurie d'électricité en fermant des réacteurs et en réduisant le personnel spécialisé capable d'assurer la maintenance du parc nucléaire, tout en encourageant subventions à l'appui, l'achat de voitures et de vélos électriques.
Et pour ce qui est des groupes électrogènes, c'est impossible à utiliser en appartement, et les congélateurs équipés de batteries sont très rares.
2423  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: Jean-Marie Bigard renonce à son spectacle à cause de "pressions" on: August 31, 2022, 09:57:56 AM
T'es un peu dur avec Hanouna, c'est la seule émission TV ou radio qui a daigné inviter C.Camus à ma connaissance, et il lui a en plus permis de se confronter à Laurent Ruquier en direct. A la fin, y'a même deux de ses chroniqueurs qui ont affirmé qu'ils iraient voir le spectacle si il se faisait, c'est quand même une jolie pub et une certaine "dédiabolisation" de Dieudonné.
Je pense que même si Hanouna reste très proche de sa religion et de sa culture "séfarade", il est très apprécié de la communauté musulmane et maghrébine malgré tout, un peu comme Enrico Macias. Il fait donc attention à ça je pense.
2424  Local / Débutants / Re: Besoin d'un coup de main pour récupérer mes BTC on: August 31, 2022, 09:19:14 AM
Est-ce que ce genre de piratage est aussi possible quand on scanne l'adresse sous forme de QR code ? Je suppose que oui ?

Je suppose que oui, si comme ça l'aurait été dans ce cas le virus est semblable à un virus(special banking): il s'acappare la page de la banque pour ne laisser voir l'utilisateur que des données tronquées !  je suppose que oui.

celui qui remplace l'adresse das le presse papier déjà est flagrant puisque qu'on peut se rendre compte en revérifiant ,  mais s'il modifie l'adresse directement sur la pge ça s'annonce bien compliqué.

Je ne sais pas ce qu'on pourrait faire à ça, pour kraken par exemple (ajouter des adresses de retrait pour voir si on reçoit la notification d'approbation ??), mais si il modifie les informations directement dans la page je crois que ça ne sert à rien!

Kraken existe en appli mobile,, ce serait moin dangereux en l'installant en faisant régulièrement les mises à jour et en mettant la vérification google play sur ON ??!
Un autre moyen simple d'éviter cela serait que Kraken envoie les adresses de dépôt et de retrait par email lorsque l'on en ajoute ou génère une nouvelle. Surtout que l'on peut facilement activer le chiffrement PGP des mails chez eux. Il suffit d'entrer sa clef publique dans Account Settings :

Meme si on utilise un webmail comme Proton, il suffirait ensuite de télécharger le mail reçu ou de "l'imprimer" dans un fichier pdf depuis le menu du webmail, pour se prémunir de cette attaque par substitution de l'adresse dans l'affichage du navigateur web.

Sinon il ne faut faire ses dépôts qu'aux adresses de deposit que l'on a déjà utilisé mais on perd beaucoup d'anonymat et ce n'est pas possible pour les dépôts en LN puisqu'il faut générer une nouvelle facture à chaque fois.

Il faut malgré tout rappeler que ces attaques sont généralement faites par des plugins de navigateur douteux, si on n'installe pas de plugin sur le navigateur que l'on utilise pour accéder aux plateformes où l'on fait des déposits, il y a très peu de risques d'être victime d'une telle attaque.
2425  Local / Économie et spéculation / Re: Climat et (très peu de) Blockchain on: August 30, 2022, 09:59:05 PM
Gazprom a annoncé ce soir suspendre totalement ses livraisons à Engie dès jeudi. Il devient de plus en plus évident que l'on va droit vers une importante pénurie d'énergie dès cet automne. Et que des coupures d'électricité et de gaz seront inévitables.

Enedis affirme qu'ils opéreront sans doute des coupures classiques par secteur mais qu'ils n'utiliseront pas les fonctionnalités de Linky pour diminuer la puissance des ménages. On en reparlera à mon avis, couper totalement l'alimentation des congélateurs, d'éventuels appareils médicaux à domicile et du chauffage peut avoir de graves conséquences.
2426  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: Jean-Marie Bigard renonce à son spectacle à cause de "pressions" on: August 30, 2022, 06:34:34 PM
Chrystel Camus va être chez Cyril Hanouna (TPMP sur C8) ce soir pour s'exprimer en direct sur l'affaire, il y aura Laurent Ruquier également.

Ca a pas mal chauffé avec Laurent Ruquier qui est rapidement devenu très agressif avec elle, et qui a annoncé qu'il allait faire revenir Bigard dans les Grosses Têtes sur RTL dans les prochaines semaines. Elle de son côté, elle a su rester calme et souriante tout en remettant une pression monstre sur Bigard en affirmant qu'il allait devoir payer plus de 10 millions d'euros si il ne faisait pas le spectacle, elle n'a pas hésité à balancer les maladies dont il souffre selon elle (AVCs, très haut diabète, polyarthrite avancée,...) et elle a affirmé que Dieudonné était malade également, et que c'était pour cela qu'ils voulaient faire une sorte de spectacle d'adieu ensemble au départ, ce qui paraît un peu lunaire. En revanche rien n'a été dit sur le Germain Gaiffe, il doit être déçu.  
2427  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: 🎾 US Open 🎾 Prediction Contest (Round 1) on: August 29, 2022, 02:21:59 PM
a) 12  b) 1:33
a) 13  b) 1:41
2428  Economy / Gambling / Re: 1 - The copycat epidemic within crypto casinos. on: August 29, 2022, 09:03:52 AM
Thank you for your interesting post but I didn't really understand your point. Do you think those copycats are a good thing or a bad one for the players/customers at the end?
If Stake doesn't respect its customers or scams them, it will get a bad reputation and people will fly away to its close competitors. But if it takes care to remain honest, respectful, transparent and professional toward its customers, there is no point for them to leave it for a copycat casino offering the same features and the same games/markets with less bonuses and promotions or smaller odds and RTP, while they have maybe an already high ranked account with interesting bonuses there.  

Regarding Bitmex, Arthur Hayes already admitted he didn't invent the main product of Bitmex, the Inverse futures (aka crypto futures).

We live in a US Dollar global currency regime. That is equally true for the crypto capital markets. While Bitcoin is the reserve asset of crypto, it is most commonly valued against the USD. To be truly intellectually honest we should value Bitcoin against the representation of the energy it takes to produce blocks every 10 minutes (e.g., Bitcoin vs. Joules, kwH, a barrel of oil, etc.) but we don’t— and the most common way to obtain Bitcoin is not to tender energy, but fiat currency.

Bitcoin miners need fiat to pay electricity bills, and speculators bring fiat to obtain Bitcoin. Both sides meet on the exchange, and magic happens. The big issue is that spot exchanges rely on banking partners to allow fiat into and out of the exchange. Without a reliable bank, the exchange cannot conduct its business.

When ICBIT started the Bitcoin derivatives markets, it made a crucially important decision to settle margin, profit, and loss in Bitcoin only. This is unusual, as most FX derivatives – in order to have a linear payoff curve – will settle in the unit of the foreign currency.

Home Currency = EUR
Foreign Currency = USD

If I buy 1 EUR at EUR/USD = 1, and then sell 1 EUR at EUR/USD = 2, I make 1 USD. It’s very easy to conceptually understand. I post margin in USD, I receive my profit in USD. Wham, bam, thank you ma’am.

Instead, ICBIT used an inverse structure where the contract settled in units of the home currency. For BTC/USD the home currency is BTC, and this means the contract behaves in a non-linear fashion.

Bitcoin Contract Value = 1 / P

P is the price of BTC/USD
2429  Economy / Gambling / Re: - 🔥 up to 20% cashback 🔥 up to 20% rakeback 🚨 on: August 29, 2022, 07:56:16 AM
Try to change your "pair" to "Bitcoin".

I have already give these as suggestions, most the time promotion on promotion dashboard is disappear if you not using "BTC" pair. Just like, you only can access the promotion with bitcoin pair only.

So, if you accessing via alt-acoin is not gonna show up.

In other promotions it works but specifically for baccarat promotion it is not BTC is my main currency here I have also changed it to USDT still not working
At first I thought this promotion was over but based on the schedule it should end at the end of this month, so to ensure whether someone has claimed it?
Did you look into your Reward history from the Rewards tab if the reward hasn't been claimed or forfeited? You can adjust the period of the history in the hidden options at the top right corner of the frame

Sometimes opt-in to one promotion can forfeit another one, in addition the terms and conditions of the promotion say that "The offer can be claimed one time per player/IP address/household". So maybe someone using the same IP as you, has already claimed it (it's just an assumption on my part, I don't want to mislead you)
2430  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀🚀 - Main sponsor of Southampton FC 👋👋 on: August 28, 2022, 09:51:30 PM
Fuck man the game was so early for me, so i missed the promo. Very bad luck for the saints because as i see they played really good but Man Utd finally stole the win. Anyways Man Utd dont seems to be very good for us only reach 3 corners in the game.

In other things im very happy for my country to beat the AB in rugby in New Zealand soil. Anyone put a bet in that game? i think Argentina paid 12:1.

First victory in NZ soil and now Argentina flaunt a strange "record", beating the number 1 of several sports in his home country.

2002 Win against USA dream team in basquetball. (cutting off a 50+ invictus game)
Beating Brasil in his home.
Now beating the All Blacks in New Zealand.

I think no country have done this one.
Yes Manchester United only got 3 corners because they scored at 55' and then stopped trying to attack to score another goal. It was a little bit disappointing but the codes had been very easy to claim and I managed to get the three $10 free bets. Thank you very much Steve and Sportsbet I hope you will do that another time soon.
Regarding Argentina I didn't bet on them this round unfortunately, but I have been pleased to do it against Australia for their previous match. And it has been an unexpected amazing victory yet with 48-17 for Argentina.
2431  Economy / Gambling / Re: - 🔥 up to 20% cashback 🔥 up to 20% rakeback 🚨 on: August 28, 2022, 08:35:30 PM
Do these table games creators like Evolution or Infinity exclusively make the games only for casinos in the cryptospace? I am not quite certain of this, however, I think they might want to maintain their revenue counted in bitcoins instead of dollars or euros.

And people looking for small house edge games with small stakes can already "bet behind" good BJ players they've spotted.

That is a good idea, I might try using that tactic hehehe. Thank you for sharing.
If you are looking for this kind of thing, Livecasino is currently offering a very nice promotion on Baccarat games, 0.5mbtc awarded for 55mbtc wagered or 5mbtc awarded for 550 wagered. That represents a 0.9% ROI while the house edge of Baccarat games is usually around 1% AFAIK and the minimum stake is small.

Personally I prefer higher volatility so I wagered all the 55mbtc requirement on the Golden Wealth baccarat game from Evolution, I didn't make very good winnings at the end unfortunately but at least I managed to reach the master rank few days before the end of the month and to climb to the top 30 of the crypto crunch tournament. Thanks to the 1.25x points multiplier it should be easier to stay at this rank or to level up next month lol. Cheesy

2432  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: KYC on Gambling Business on: August 28, 2022, 07:26:58 PM
Do you know any casinos that have already managed to go decentralised, or which are currently working on a decentralised platform? It would be something really interesting, if they are legit.

On the other hand, do legacy casinos ask for KYC when you go physically there to play? If that is the case, where does their legitimity to do that come from?
AFAIK the Fun token team is working hard on a fully decentralized and non-custodial casino on top of the Polygon network (a layer 2 protocol) and some other projects are doing similar things on other layer 2 networks or fast and cheap blockchains. But I'm sure when the first big ones will be launched, it will have the same success as the Defi against the Cefi, people don't want anymore to be worried when they send their funds for gambling and they don't want to be tracked by governmental or non-governmental organizations.

2433  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: A rooted phone for a crypto user safe ? on: August 28, 2022, 05:57:11 PM
I lost my phone days ago and now I got a used phone, the problem is this phone is rooted, I hope this doesn't carry any danger to crypto related security? Either wallets or stuff? I am careful not to import my recovery seed on the phone first, not before having a answer, I've also reformatted the phone through recovery mode but root is still present. Any Danger?.
From what we know an android device(smartphone or tablet) is  on the whole safer than a PC connected to internet. So IMO even rooted your smartphone is certainly safer than a random PC using a common OS. Bitcoin hasn't been made to be hoarded by dwarfs and dragons into a magic vault, but to be used by anybody to pay anything. Satoshi Nakamoto whoever he use to be, designed it to be a "Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System". So if I were you, I would only leave few mBTC on it but I would still use it. When you send your cryptos to an exchange, to a gambling site or to any platform, you face the same risk of losing your coins but nobody panics about that while the amount of funds sent is usually way larger than what you need to be brought with you for a common use.
2434  Economy / Gambling / Re: - 🔥 up to 20% cashback 🔥 up to 20% rakeback 🚨 on: August 27, 2022, 09:59:40 PM
@Coin_trader. I speculate that because of this bear market, the gambling sites might be forced to offer more exclusive tables with lower minimum bets to be more competetive in attracting customers from a smaller pool of people of gamble. I also think that gambling sites should promote those games with lower house edge so that they can keep their players longer and they would avoid losing their money very quickly hehehe. If they lose money quickly they might play in another site.
I agree with you but how many people will you be able to attract with one 7 seats table? Moreover BJ players usually like to take several seats at the same time to play several hands at once against the dealer. And people looking for small house edge games with small stakes can already "bet behind" good BJ players they've spotted.
I don't say it's a bad idea, but I wonder if it is profitable and then feasible for the casinos. Anyway I would be pleased if it happened and would certainly use them from time to time.
2435  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Who are your favorite dealers ? on: August 27, 2022, 09:51:15 PM
Sometimes online live casino games are boring even when you win because the dealer is not good at all while other times you spend a real good time despite losing because the dealer is very entertaining and funny.
So do you have one (or more) favorite dealer at an online casino? What's his/her name? Which casino provider does he work for? What games does he manage? Why do you like him?

Live dealer games online seem boring no matter what the dealer is (although of course it's nice to look at a pretty girl). If I want to gamble, then I don't want to wait long for the result - in the case of a live dealer, this is not possible. And in my opinion, they all behave in approximately the same way as robots, in roulette, for example, they do not throw the ball by hand, but launch it into the game with the help of a spring (I understood this when looking at their actions). All their work seems routine and does not cause any emotions.
You have seen a dealer launching a ball from a roulette with a spring? Where it was? Because I've never seen that before. All casino games are very regulated, casinos and dealers can't do what they want otherwise players could complain about that. Moreover if they think that the game is rigged they won't stay in the casino. There are automated roulettes, but the dealer doesn't touch them when there is one dealer nearby like for Sicbo which is uncommon.
2436  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: KYC on Gambling Business on: August 27, 2022, 09:20:29 PM
The rise of KYC in many casinos, even in well-known and reputable casinos, makes many gamblers feel that their playing time is almost over because those who previously did not need to do KYC are now forced to do KYC.

The casino argues that the selection of KYC for users is random and not based on anything. But still, the gambler who gets his turn to do KYC feels that he doesn't need to do KYC.

This also seems to be the case in crypto-based casinos as many of the casinos that previously didn't require KYC now do KYC randomly. And many of us complain about this, even though we know that casinos have written about KYC in their regulations. But still, we can't be free and calm in playing gambling, especially to withdraw the money.

Is this unavoidable in crypto based casinos? Or are crypto gamblers also required to do KYC? If so, crypto can't be as anonymous as it used to be because we realize that today's governments have gone too far in controlling a person's identity and what they use the internet for.

And will this trigger crypto-based casinos that use wallet logins to develop better because they don't need to register as usual and only need to connect their wallets to the casino? Or do they also need to do KYC? Or for this type of casino can still be "forced" to do KYC?
It would very naive to think that casinos are randomly asking KYC. Except the regulated and professional ones, they never ask KYC before depositing funds. They ask it once the funds have been deposited when they are afraid by the bankroll of the player or when they decide that the player has won too much money and they don't want to pay him his winnings.
Fortunately, several fully decentralized casinos and sportsbooks are coming, and all the scammy casinos will soon be forsaken, mark my words.

2437  Other / Archival / Re: buy your casino account on: August 27, 2022, 09:01:50 PM
I wonder how will the be able to tell if the account was bought or not. Like, if the account hasn't been undergone into any KYC process, how and when can they tell?
I am against to casino account buying, but I don't get exactly the specific reasons why it is currently prohibited to most casinos (If not all).
I agree with you if not any KYC had been completed, the casino won't be able to lock the account except if the former owner reports a hack and can prove his ownership with emails or crypto addresses he has used for example. But why someone would buy an account without KYC instead of creating one himself? An account with a KYC already fulfilled is risky because if the casino asks proofs one day the buyer won't be able to give them, but it could be the only solution for people banned from a casino because of their location or because of individual restrictions.
2438  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Who Would You Likely Sign Up Under In Casinos on: August 27, 2022, 08:39:26 PM
There is huge money in casino affiliate marketing which is why we have different kinds of sites that are affiliate based but offer a different approach to how they refer new players.

If you are a new player and you would like to sign up to casinos which of the following affiliates you would likely sign up for, vote, and give us your reasons why will you sign up under this kind of affiliates.

* Casino review sites like this one

* Rake Back sites like this one

* Targeted categories in this case provably fair

* Vouch sites like this one

* Signature campaign of course we all know what type are these.
In fact the 3 last websites are all doing the same thing : trying to earn money by getting referral commissions. The "rake back" one is a little bit more fair because it gives a cash back to the affiliates in the same way as people are doing with their freebitcoin referrals for example. In addition those 3 websites are very young, with their ann created in august here. So I would choose the first one, the casino reviewer (GamblingBro) because it is older and seems to be honest according to the ratings it gives to the casinos.
2439  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Why Gambling sites don't offer betting on bitcoin price ? on: August 27, 2022, 05:45:49 PM
In addition to the gambling sites quoted above (Freebitcoin and Rollbit), one big sportsbook is also offering bets on Bitcoin price: Sportsbet. Unfortunately odds are usually only interesting if a bull run has happened during the month to date.
To find it you must go to Sports Specials > Future
2440  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: ⚽ Arsenal + Southampton + SPFC ⚽ Prediction Contest (SAT & SUN) on: August 27, 2022, 10:57:10 AM
Game 1:  9'  1-2 Man United
Game 2:  9'  2-0 Arsenal
Game 3:  9'  1-0 São Paulo FC
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