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2541  Other / Meta / Re: I'm not a mod, I'm just a big mouth with an ignore list. on: April 25, 2018, 01:56:07 PM
I'm wondering if there are any statistics of reports to moderator, like between ranks or a list of top users that report.
2542  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Evolution is a hoax on: April 25, 2018, 01:44:32 PM
Well it is a paradox. One can never prove Darwins theory but one can never dismiss it entirely. We have no proof of evolution as it takes place over thousands of years and will have to stick with the theory until we come across a better theory which explains our existence in this world.

Nothing that happened in the past and is not happen currently can be proved to an 100% degree. That being said, we can calculate fossils age, with that we can see for example, the human skull, has been evolving over time, changing, unless you concluded that somehow different humans popped into existence randomly throughout time the best explanation is that we evolved and our skulls evolved too.

But evolution can't be proven at all. Why? Because everything that is suggested to be evolution fits something else better, like adaptation.

What can be readily shown about evolution is, there is a bunch of talk about the fiction we know as evolution... loads of talk and writing.

In the field of evolution, it looks like scientists are rushing to delude themselves in a really firm way.

Evolution is a hoax.


Yeah ok badecker, can you see that you sound just like notbatman? Yeah, scientists are deluding themselves. They are fabricating this hoax for some odd reason, aren't they? Belief in god among scientists exist, numbers vary 30 to even 40%. However when it comes to evolution, virtually everyone accepts it. Even your friend Coincube.

Well, it is you who are sounding more like notbatman. Consider. Are scientists people or not? If they are people, they are going to have hopes and dreams and failures and incorrectness just like people who are not scientists.

Religious people believe their religion based on things they believe. But there are some things in every religion that are truth. For example, the location of a city listed in a religious book. All religious books list something that is real and factual. The religions are the same.

Science has things that are factual, just like religion. But science has believers in things that are not known to be factual, and those believers often even know that the things that they believe in might not be factual. Sounds like religion to me.

So, when you have so-called evidence for evolution that can be better understood as adaptation, along with no proof for evolution, you have a religion called evolution... at least in the minds of those who believe in evolution.

In addition, evolution belief fits what the detailed definition of religion states. Check the whole definition at and see if part of it doesn't match evolution... since there isn't any absolute fact for evolution at all.

Continue with your evolution religion if you want. It doesn't bother me at all, since it is your choice. But have a chance to wake up through the things that I am saying here.

Evolution is a hoax.


A hoax that has infinitely more applications than creationism which is the real, thing, right?


Your link is completely theoretical. There is all kinds of idealism and hopes within it. But not of it shows even one factual thing regarding evolution. All the points within it still fit adaptation better.

Evolution is proven to be a hoax more than ever, because all attempts to show that it is not a hoax, revolve around talk rather than hard science.


I don't really understand your aversion to accept evolution, you seem perfectly fine accepting adaption but no, not evolution itself, why are you so angry about it? Is it because you think it disproves god? Many religious accept evolution and still believe in god, I'm curious what made you this angry.

What does anger have to do with accepting the truth? And why do you think that I am angry? Most people want the truth in life. So far, evolution is purely science fiction.

The science fiction novel, "Fallen Angels," was co authored by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and Michael Flynn, and published by Jim Baen - But we have thousands of novelists writing and speaking about evolution as though it were a proven fact when there has never been anything in it that has been proven to be, for-a-fact, evolution.

If evolutionists said something like, "We have a good story here, it might be true but we just don't know, we'd like it to be true but there is a lot that suggests that it isn't," and other things like that, evolution would probably be acceptable. But to state that it is fact when it is far from being known to be fact, and when many other things show that it is impossible as it is theoretically stated, turns it into a lie.

Why do you like being lied to so much? Why do you like participating in a lie like evolution? Are you gaining great pleasure in seeing how far you can pull the wool over the eyes of so many people?

Evolution is a hoax, and you know it.


Talking snakes, witches and demons seem more like science fiction than evolution, though. You claim creationism is the real deal but you would have to believe in all those stories too, so tell me badecker, do talking snakes exist?
2543  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why isn't atheism classified as another religion? on: April 25, 2018, 01:43:15 PM
The purpose of life is to survive and procreate.  It is a common purpose in all life forms, including humans.

You are over analyzing it.  It is pretty simple.  People fear death and develop self coping mechanism to deal with that fear.

Have you noticed that poor and uneducated people are more religious than educated and independently wealthy.  Why is that?

Poor and uneducated have more to fear and need some hope (any myth will do) to help them cope with their problems and questions.

Saying that some bronze stone texts have any insights is like saying that Pinocchio fairy tale is a good source of engineering knowledge.

People are killing and mistreating people in the name of those religious texts.  Even today.  How can you say that slavery is a good thing?
You know it causes harm.  People who wrote these texts were psychopaths.

Actually I am confident you are underanalyzing it.

If we drilled down into each of your points we would find we disagree on a lot.

We would disagree on the reason the poor and uneducated people are more religious than educated and independently wealthy.

We do disagree on the insights available in religious texts.

We would probably disagree on the nature, source, and definition of evil as well as the root cause of most human suffering.

I don't know where you got the idea I said slavery was a good thing so we would disagree on whatever logic you took to reach that conclusion.

If we debated each of these points to exhaustion and were both honest in our dialogue we could probably in short order trace them back to a difference in basic assumption.

I suspect that at the foundation you have accepted basic premises about the universe such as things are essentially random and that there is no ultimate purpose to life beyond the mechanical act of propagation and reproduction. Such a metaphysical foundation is not something you can prove. It is something you assume apriori your faith if you will. I on the other hand have adopted a very different apriori Truth so we disagree and that is ok.

Once you understand that our primary difference is one of faith you can better understand the pathological hatred of some extremist have on both sides of the division. Not everyone is up to a challenge to their faith. Many of us do not examine it and cannot clearly articulate it. Those most lacking in self reflection deny they have a faith. Disrupt the foundation and the entire edifice of beliefs built upon it becomes unsound. People can and often do lash out rather then face that.

Take popcorn1 for example. He is so riled up that that he is not only swearing but when he quoted my post he took the time to delete part of the link to Jordan Peterson's fantastic lecture series to make it nonfunctional. Some people simply cannot handle challenges to their faith.

Biblical Series I: Introduction to the Idea of God

But some SO CALLED SMART ASS looks to deep into shit      BULLSHIT..  Then he thinks of BULLSHIT then tells the world bullshit.

So what is the reason that uneducated people tend to be more religious than educated people? You and badecker have to say slavery is or at least was a good thing, badecker has said that slavery was the ''best'' thing god could have done at the time.

That which is called "education" is often based in technical things that don't answer the basic needs of people... spiritual needs. The uneducated people listen to Bible readings, or read the bible if they have a little education, and are focused thereby on the things that will give them eternal life.

It's a pride thing in the educated people. Or a thing that makes them think that they are finding out what is important, when the complexity of the universe is way beyond any little education they are receiving. Educated people are often self deluding in this way.

However, the strength of spirit is the only thing that affects "more religious." Why? Because according to the complete definition of the word "religion," all people essentially live by religion, no matter the quantity or quality of their education.


''The uneducated people listen to Bible readings, or read the bible if they have a little education'' and believe it without any proof because they are not smart enough. That's why people with higher IQ tend to believe less in gods. It's what it is badecker, the more stupid you are the more likely you are to believe in god. Don't be mad.
2544  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: April 25, 2018, 01:38:06 PM

Your argument only works when you are assuming god actually exists but then again, you would have to prove a god exists and you haven't. If we assume a god exists, picking the ''best'' religion is still not that good because, first of all, how would you ever know, right?

Your question gets us into the domain of truth theory. It is a complex topic.

Unless you are an adherent of philosophical skepticism you accept that objective reality aka truth exists and can be known.

The question we must then answer is how do we know something is true? What non arbitrary criteria or metric do we use to determine truth?

The best answer to this question that I know of is the the Coherence theory of truth. Here is a brief description of what this is.

Coherence Theory of Truth
Quote from: Austin Cline
Put simply: a belief is true when we are able to incorporate it in an orderly and logical manner into a larger and complex system of beliefs or, even more simply still, a belief is true when it fits in with the set of all our other beliefs without creating a contradiction.
Sometimes this seems like an odd way to actually describe truth. After all, a belief can be an inaccurate description of reality and fit in with a larger, complex system of further inaccurate descriptions of reality, according to the Coherence Theory, that inaccurate belief would still be called “truth” even though it didn’t actually describe the way the world really was. Does that really make any sense?
Well, possibly … the reason is because statements can’t really be verified in isolation. Whenever you test an idea, you are also actually testing a whole set of ideas at the same time. For example, when you pick up a ball in your hand and drop it, it isn’t simply our belief about gravity which is tested but also our beliefs about a host of other things, not least of which would be the accuracy of our visual perception.
So, if statements are only tested as part of larger groups, then one might conclude that a statement can be classified as “true” not so much because it can be verified against reality but rather because it could be integrated into a group of complex ideas, the whole set of which could then be tested against reality. In this case Coherence Theory isn’t that far from the Correspondence Theory and the reason is that while individual statements may be judged as true or false based upon their ability to cohere with a larger system, it is assumed that that system is one which accurately corresponds to reality.
Because of this, the Coherence Theory does manage to capture something important about the way we actually conceive of truth in our daily lives. It isn’t that unusual to dismiss something as false precisely because it fails to cohere with a system of ideas which we are confident are true. Granted, maybe the system we assume to be true is quite a way off the mark, but so long as it continues to be successful and is capable of slight adjustments in the light of new data, our confidence is reasonable.

You are concerned that you cannot prove God exists to your satisfaction. My reply is that your inability to prove God has in this instance absolutely no relevance to Truth of God.

It is important to remember what we can prove.

The #1 Mathematical Discovery of the 20th Century
Quote from: Perry Marshal

Gödel proved that there are ALWAYS more things that are true than you can prove.

Any system of logic or numbers that mathematicians ever came up with will always rest on at least a few unprovable assumptions.

Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem applies not just to math, but to everything that is subject to the laws of logic. Incompleteness is true in math; it’s equally true in science or language or philosophy.

And: If the universe is mathematical and logical, Incompleteness also applies to the universe.

Gödel created his proof by starting with “The Liar’s Paradox” — which is the statement

“I am lying.”

“I am lying” is self-contradictory, since if it’s true, I’m not a liar, and it’s false; and if it’s false, I am a liar, so it’s true.

So Gödel, in one of the most ingenious moves in the history of math, converted the Liar’s Paradox into a mathematical formula. He proved that any statement requires an external observer.

No statement alone can completely prove itself true.

His Incompleteness Theorem was a devastating blow to the “positivism” of the time. Gödel proved his theorem in black and white and nobody could argue with his logic.

Yet some of his fellow mathematicians went to their graves in denial, believing that somehow or another Gödel must surely be wrong.

He wasn’t wrong. It was really true. There are more things that are true than you can prove.

A “theory of everything” – whether in math, or physics, or philosophy – will never be found. Because it is impossible.

A priori Truth is mathematically inevitable. God is such a Truth. The religious have a more elegant way of summing this up. They call it the necessity of faith.

You ask why can't I prove God? This is the wrong question. The correct question is can I build an integrated and coherent worldview without God? Can I follow the coherence theory of truth and construct a True worldview without God.

Only you can answer that question for yourself. I will tell you, however, that for me the answer was no.
So, you would rather go after Coincube with your stupid questions that I already answered multiple times. It's because you think mere talk is proof for something, without going after the meat of the content of the talk.

Again more philosophical talk, not something I enjoy. ''a belief is true when it fits in with the set of all our other beliefs without creating a contradiction.'' Ok, if it's so simple, your god is not real. If your god is truly omnipotent and all knowing then why are we here?
Do you think that you are complex enough to determine that believing in something is simple?

God placed us here for His own pleasure, part of which is so that we can have pleasure, which happens best and most when we recognize His greatness and worship Him, for which He rewards us (even though it was He Who gave us the ability to worship Him), so that He gets glory from us, so that He has an excuse to return goodness to us for the glory that He receives, so that we both, God and mankind, can increase throughout eternity.

Your self-imposed stupidity is like the core of a black hole... extremely dense, but existing only in a single point - note that according to geometry, points don't exist. Rather, they are the "place" where two real things touch each other. You should be thanking God that He is holding you alive, and giving you a chance to turn back to Him... before it is too late for you.

Oh, right, he gave us free will but then how can he be omnipotent. If we have freewill there is no way for him to know what we are going to do, otherwise it can't be freewill, kind of like:
As I have told you maybe a dozen time, the only free will we have, exists regarding aspects of our faith in God. Remember how God elevated Abraham as explained in Genesis in the Bible? God did it because Abraham happened to turn a bit of his free will towards God in ways that surprised and pleased God. Then, in His delight, God rewarded Abraham by both, physical reward, and the ability to increase his (Abraham's) own faith within himself. A tiny touch of Abraham-free-will, and the big complete self-control of God-free-will working together.

can god create an object so heavy that he can't lift it?
As I have told you in the past, Jesus is the rock that God can't lift. Why can't God lift it? Because Jesus is God, and yet is distinct from God in ways not understandable. The Rock, Jesus, lifted Himself onto the cross (because He could have overcome the people that seemed to be doing the lifting, any second), willingly died there, and then arose from death. He is the rock that God can't lift, but He lifted himself. Note that those of us who believe in God/Jesus are being moved into a place of glory similar to Jesus.

The whole idea of god is already contradictory not to mention all the other contradictions mentioned by me before. Like the bible teaching not to kill but pages later saying, kill everyone that works on the sabbath. So I guess I just proved god is not real, right?

Again, there is no contradiction in the killing thing.

Any and all people that God commanded ancient Israel to kill, were people that were killing other people for nothing, and raising up children who did not believe in God and would die in Hell. So, God was stopping the killing by executing them.

In addition, the earth is he Lord's and all its fullness. It's His property. Since we barely understand the thinking and wisdom of God because of our remoteness, talking against Him is simply a failure on our part.

You are the one who is mistaken. Not believers in God, and certainly not God. When will you stop making your mistakes? Or is it that you have locked yourself into perpetual mistake making with no change ever forthcoming?


C&E is in everything badecker, we can't have freewill because of it, science proves cause and effect exists in everything, even faith, therefore god is not real because free will doesn't exist.
2545  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: April 25, 2018, 01:36:16 PM

I can't say that the concept of a ''god'' doesn't exist or it's not possible but I know for sure the christian god is not real because of all the contradictions and because I have been there, as I said many times, I was a believer, 100% and yet here I am, I asked god for help to still believe in him and he didn't help. Either your god exists but he won't help me, which contradicts what he is supposed to be or he doesn't exist. I pick the last option.

There was a time that Satan was on God's side, as well. You are far from the first joker who has turned against God. Satan might have had a bit of an "chance," because God had given Him tremendous power and glory. But even if yo are a billionaire, your strength is only the strength of man, which exists in weakness without God.


Why would god give satan so much power if he already knew satan would betray him?
2546  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: April 25, 2018, 01:35:41 PM
Many times i've got problems because of religion to be honest. Maybe i'm unlucky but everytime i'm trying to go in church something bad happening to me.

The devil doesn't want you to go to church and be saved, so he just might be making trouble for you so that you think that religion is doing it.


Talk about free will, eh? The devil can do things to you all the time to prevent you from believing in god but god himself cannot reveal himself to everyone convincingly so you wont need to believe in him because he likes to play games with the devil. Give me a break with your 10 year old stories.

My stories are a lot older than 10 years old. And you, obviously, don't understand the role the devil has [played in our lives. Besides, God isn't going to force revelation on those who don't want Him to be revealed to them... not yet, anyway.


But he will let the devil, forcefully convince people to do bad things. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Only if the people freely want that force against themselves, a thing which you seem to want for yourself.


As I said, god would have no problem in revealing himself to people then because people would still have the choice to believe in him or not but instead he does not reveal to people and leaves satan to corrupt human minds.
2547  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: April 25, 2018, 01:33:31 PM
The earth is round a globe!

-You see further the higher you are off the ground
-Images from space show that the earth is round a globe, including other planets
-Fly on a plane in one direction... there is no end, you will just go around and around.
-Put a stick in the ground, the shadow that it forms will move over time
-Stand by the ocean horizon, approaching ships dont just appear out of the horizon, but rather emerge from beneath the sea
FTFY, I wish you fucking idiots would stop arguing the Earth is round when you mean to say that it's a globe.

1. Elevation increases the distance to the horizon as the ground has to rise up to meet the eye; the higher the elevation the more ground is required to meet the horizon. This is perspective and convergence at work.

2. All images produced by NASA and all other so called space agencies are fraudulent; the Earth is covered by a dome and is a closed system i.e. space is a hoax and a lie.

3. There are strict rules and regulations on air travel, you can't just tell the pilot to go fly in a straight line.

4. A stick in the ground with a shadow? You mean a sundial? They prove the Earth is flat via the path of the Sun.

5. Ships don't go over any curve it's all perspective, convergence and other optical effects such as refraction, atmospheric lensing, looming, mirages, etc... that make ships disappear at the horizon. You can confirm this yourself by watching a ship disappear with naked eye then pull it back into full view with a pair binoculars.

The Earth is not a globe, it's a flat and motionless circular (round) plane covered by a dome.

2. If there are millions of fake images, there has to be at least a few of the dome or the projections of the sun, where are they?

3. You can if you have your own airplane.

4. 3 holes prove the earth is round.

5. ''watching a ship disappear with naked eye then pull it back into full view with a pair binoculars.'' The point is not that they disappear, they point is that they do so bottom first, sure if a boat is out of view you can ''bring it back'' with any zoom, however, you can't bring back the whole ship into view when the bottom has already disappeared and you failed to provide video evidence for this many times.
2548  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: April 25, 2018, 01:29:21 PM
Just like how some Christians criticize Atheists for not believing in God, they do the same to us. I am Catholic myself, but I think it's God's choice on to choose a person's religion. Some Atheists just don't believe in religion, but don't criticize others for believing, but then get tired of the believers who try to change them so much. I've seen that happen to a friend of mine multiple times.

Why did God create contradicting religions (5000+ and counting)?

Why did God create Atheists?

He created these religions, by listening to people's inner thoughts, and then giving them the religion that would help them turn to Him for salvation the most. That's why people choose and have various religions. It's what they need to find the true religion that provides salvation from death into eternal life.


That makes little to no sense badecker but nice try. A god would know exactly what would convince everyone and yet not everyone is convinced, he either failed or he doesn't exist.

That's what I said. He knows exactly what is the best religion to convince every person. You simply are forgetting the part about convincing, and are looking at forcing instead. God doesn't want forced robots in the people he created. He made a bunch of those forced robots in the plants and animals. He wants beings that have some free will. Yet He isn't going to give His glory to anyone else. You keep on ignoring the way it works. You will ultimately lose eternal life in glory if you don't change.


If he appears to me, he is not ''forcing'' me to believe in him, that doesn't take away my free will at all mate. He could easily just show himself to everyone and we would still have free will.
2549  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: April 24, 2018, 05:08:45 PM
Just like how some Christians criticize Atheists for not believing in God, they do the same to us. I am Catholic myself, but I think it's God's choice on to choose a person's religion. Some Atheists just don't believe in religion, but don't criticize others for believing, but then get tired of the believers who try to change them so much. I've seen that happen to a friend of mine multiple times.

Why did God create contradicting religions (5000+ and counting)?

Why did God create Atheists?

He created these religions, by listening to people's inner thoughts, and then giving them the religion that would help them turn to Him for salvation the most. That's why people choose and have various religions. It's what they need to find the true religion that provides salvation from death into eternal life.


That makes little to no sense badecker but nice try. A god would know exactly what would convince everyone and yet not everyone is convinced, he either failed or he doesn't exist.
2550  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: April 24, 2018, 05:07:37 PM
What fucking planet did I just land on?

How many planets are there again?  I thought the dome was covered with projections and outer space doesn't exist?

Or does the word planet mean something different to flat earthers, like how you change gravity to buoyancy and density LOLOL and pretend it means something else entirely!

Your body is displacing the atmosphere, unlike a hydrogen balloon it's more dense than the atmospheric medium. How does this change anything?

So how many planets are there?

I kept it simpler this time I wouldn't want you to use both your brain cells at once!

The only difference between stars and planets is the autonomous motion of the latter; nothing but holographic lights projected off of a concave mirrored dome. Go count them yourself.

I'm just saying that it would be really easy to prove that with photographic evidence, care to share some of it?

Lights in the sky are self evident.

Oh, now it's self evident that stars are being projected off of a concave mirrored dome yet no one has said this anywhere before for thousands of years. Give me a break with your shit, show us the pictures or stop lying.
dream and see the earth from the outside, then tell us.

I don't need to dream anything, there is plenty of footage of earth from space, thousands of hours non-stop. I can tell you the earth is in fact round.
2551  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why isn't atheism classified as another religion? on: April 24, 2018, 03:35:43 PM
The purpose of life is to survive and procreate.  It is a common purpose in all life forms, including humans.

You are over analyzing it.  It is pretty simple.  People fear death and develop self coping mechanism to deal with that fear.

Have you noticed that poor and uneducated people are more religious than educated and independently wealthy.  Why is that?

Poor and uneducated have more to fear and need some hope (any myth will do) to help them cope with their problems and questions.

Saying that some bronze stone texts have any insights is like saying that Pinocchio fairy tale is a good source of engineering knowledge.

People are killing and mistreating people in the name of those religious texts.  Even today.  How can you say that slavery is a good thing?
You know it causes harm.  People who wrote these texts were psychopaths.

Actually I am confident you are underanalyzing it.

If we drilled down into each of your points we would find we disagree on a lot.

We would disagree on the reason the poor and uneducated people are more religious than educated and independently wealthy.

We do disagree on the insights available in religious texts.

We would probably disagree on the nature, source, and definition of evil as well as the root cause of most human suffering.

I don't know where you got the idea I said slavery was a good thing so we would disagree on whatever logic you took to reach that conclusion.

If we debated each of these points to exhaustion and were both honest in our dialogue we could probably in short order trace them back to a difference in basic assumption.

I suspect that at the foundation you have accepted basic premises about the universe such as things are essentially random and that there is no ultimate purpose to life beyond the mechanical act of propagation and reproduction. Such a metaphysical foundation is not something you can prove. It is something you assume apriori your faith if you will. I on the other hand have adopted a very different apriori Truth so we disagree and that is ok.

Once you understand that our primary difference is one of faith you can better understand the pathological hatred of some extremist have on both sides of the division. Not everyone is up to a challenge to their faith. Many of us do not examine it and cannot clearly articulate it. Those most lacking in self reflection deny they have a faith. Disrupt the foundation and the entire edifice of beliefs built upon it becomes unsound. People can and often do lash out rather then face that.

Take popcorn1 for example. He is so riled up that that he is not only swearing but when he quoted my post he took the time to delete part of the link to Jordan Peterson's fantastic lecture series to make it nonfunctional. Some people simply cannot handle challenges to their faith.

Biblical Series I: Introduction to the Idea of God

But some SO CALLED SMART ASS looks to deep into shit      BULLSHIT..  Then he thinks of BULLSHIT then tells the world bullshit.

So what is the reason that uneducated people tend to be more religious than educated people? You and badecker have to say slavery is or at least was a good thing, badecker has said that slavery was the ''best'' thing god could have done at the time.
2552  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: April 24, 2018, 03:28:49 PM
What fucking planet did I just land on?

How many planets are there again?  I thought the dome was covered with projections and outer space doesn't exist?

Or does the word planet mean something different to flat earthers, like how you change gravity to buoyancy and density LOLOL and pretend it means something else entirely!

Your body is displacing the atmosphere, unlike a hydrogen balloon it's more dense than the atmospheric medium. How does this change anything?

So how many planets are there?

I kept it simpler this time I wouldn't want you to use both your brain cells at once!

The only difference between stars and planets is the autonomous motion of the latter; nothing but holographic lights projected off of a concave mirrored dome. Go count them yourself.

I'm just saying that it would be really easy to prove that with photographic evidence, care to share some of it?

Lights in the sky are self evident.

Oh, now it's self evident that stars are being projected off of a concave mirrored dome yet no one has said this anywhere before for thousands of years. Give me a break with your shit, show us the pictures or stop lying.
2553  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Evolution is a hoax on: April 24, 2018, 03:26:22 PM
Well it is a paradox. One can never prove Darwins theory but one can never dismiss it entirely. We have no proof of evolution as it takes place over thousands of years and will have to stick with the theory until we come across a better theory which explains our existence in this world.

Nothing that happened in the past and is not happen currently can be proved to an 100% degree. That being said, we can calculate fossils age, with that we can see for example, the human skull, has been evolving over time, changing, unless you concluded that somehow different humans popped into existence randomly throughout time the best explanation is that we evolved and our skulls evolved too.

But evolution can't be proven at all. Why? Because everything that is suggested to be evolution fits something else better, like adaptation.

What can be readily shown about evolution is, there is a bunch of talk about the fiction we know as evolution... loads of talk and writing.

In the field of evolution, it looks like scientists are rushing to delude themselves in a really firm way.

Evolution is a hoax.


Yeah ok badecker, can you see that you sound just like notbatman? Yeah, scientists are deluding themselves. They are fabricating this hoax for some odd reason, aren't they? Belief in god among scientists exist, numbers vary 30 to even 40%. However when it comes to evolution, virtually everyone accepts it. Even your friend Coincube.

Well, it is you who are sounding more like notbatman. Consider. Are scientists people or not? If they are people, they are going to have hopes and dreams and failures and incorrectness just like people who are not scientists.

Religious people believe their religion based on things they believe. But there are some things in every religion that are truth. For example, the location of a city listed in a religious book. All religious books list something that is real and factual. The religions are the same.

Science has things that are factual, just like religion. But science has believers in things that are not known to be factual, and those believers often even know that the things that they believe in might not be factual. Sounds like religion to me.

So, when you have so-called evidence for evolution that can be better understood as adaptation, along with no proof for evolution, you have a religion called evolution... at least in the minds of those who believe in evolution.

In addition, evolution belief fits what the detailed definition of religion states. Check the whole definition at and see if part of it doesn't match evolution... since there isn't any absolute fact for evolution at all.

Continue with your evolution religion if you want. It doesn't bother me at all, since it is your choice. But have a chance to wake up through the things that I am saying here.

Evolution is a hoax.


A hoax that has infinitely more applications than creationism which is the real, thing, right?


Your link is completely theoretical. There is all kinds of idealism and hopes within it. But not of it shows even one factual thing regarding evolution. All the points within it still fit adaptation better.

Evolution is proven to be a hoax more than ever, because all attempts to show that it is not a hoax, revolve around talk rather than hard science.


I don't really understand your aversion to accept evolution, you seem perfectly fine accepting adaption but no, not evolution itself, why are you so angry about it? Is it because you think it disproves god? Many religious accept evolution and still believe in god, I'm curious what made you this angry.
2554  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: April 24, 2018, 03:23:24 PM
Again more philosophical talk, not something I enjoy...

Ok, if it's so simple...
your god is not real.
The whole idea of god is... contradictory.
So I guess I just proved god is not real, right?

I have laid out my own worldview for you in some detail. I have handed you my looking glass if you will and given you a chance to examine it.

I find the picture to be crystal clear but maybe for you the image is out of focus or you find yourself simply unable to use it.

You can certainly choose to reject the Abrahamic faiths but that is not a conclusion but a beginning. Having thrown away the looking glass that got you and your ancestors to where you are today you are now wandering blindly and in great need.

The logical result of gutting ones foundational principles without accepting a replacement ideology is incoherence and self-contradiction. Overall that is not a good place to be.

Your task now is to find Truth to the best of your ability, and your dislike of philosophy is going to make the process more difficult for you. What you need is to build a fully integrated and coherent worldview for yourself and accomplishing that is no small task.

I would recommend against Nihilism. I have examined that road and do not think it leads anywhere good. Maybe look at Bhuddism. They usually focus on compassion, understanding, and limiting human suffering and simply avoid the question of God. That is a far better approach then incoherence or illogical denials.

Dalai Lama Speaks - What About God?
Finally, at the end of his talk, questions were invited from the audience. A man said, "I understand Buddhism does not believe in God. What is your opinion about God? Does God exist or not?". His Holiness laughed, grabbed the hands of the two spiritual leaders on each side of him, lifted them in the air, fixed his gaze upon the audience, and said emphatically, "God exists or God does not exist. Leave it for us. Your task is to learn how to live peacefully."

I don't like philosophy because it's not practical. Philosophy is like science but without experiments or evidence. Look at old school philosophers, they believed in really crazy things sometimes, people too. I don't blame them, obviously the information and knowledge they had at that time was limited and some of the conclusions they arrived at were somewhat logical at the time but they were wrong many times about many things, mainly because all they used was ''thought'' and a lot of assumptions.
2555  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: April 24, 2018, 09:39:09 AM

Your argument only works when you are assuming god actually exists but then again, you would have to prove a god exists and you haven't. If we assume a god exists, picking the ''best'' religion is still not that good because, first of all, how would you ever know, right?

Your question gets us into the domain of truth theory. It is a complex topic.

Unless you are an adherent of philosophical skepticism you accept that objective reality aka truth exists and can be known.

The question we must then answer is how do we know something is true? What non arbitrary criteria or metric do we use to determine truth?

The best answer to this question that I know of is the the Coherence theory of truth. Here is a brief description of what this is.

Coherence Theory of Truth
Quote from: Austin Cline
Put simply: a belief is true when we are able to incorporate it in an orderly and logical manner into a larger and complex system of beliefs or, even more simply still, a belief is true when it fits in with the set of all our other beliefs without creating a contradiction.
Sometimes this seems like an odd way to actually describe truth. After all, a belief can be an inaccurate description of reality and fit in with a larger, complex system of further inaccurate descriptions of reality, according to the Coherence Theory, that inaccurate belief would still be called “truth” even though it didn’t actually describe the way the world really was. Does that really make any sense?
Well, possibly … the reason is because statements can’t really be verified in isolation. Whenever you test an idea, you are also actually testing a whole set of ideas at the same time. For example, when you pick up a ball in your hand and drop it, it isn’t simply our belief about gravity which is tested but also our beliefs about a host of other things, not least of which would be the accuracy of our visual perception.
So, if statements are only tested as part of larger groups, then one might conclude that a statement can be classified as “true” not so much because it can be verified against reality but rather because it could be integrated into a group of complex ideas, the whole set of which could then be tested against reality. In this case Coherence Theory isn’t that far from the Correspondence Theory and the reason is that while individual statements may be judged as true or false based upon their ability to cohere with a larger system, it is assumed that that system is one which accurately corresponds to reality.
Because of this, the Coherence Theory does manage to capture something important about the way we actually conceive of truth in our daily lives. It isn’t that unusual to dismiss something as false precisely because it fails to cohere with a system of ideas which we are confident are true. Granted, maybe the system we assume to be true is quite a way off the mark, but so long as it continues to be successful and is capable of slight adjustments in the light of new data, our confidence is reasonable.

You are concerned that you cannot prove God exists to your satisfaction. My reply is that your inability to prove God has in this instance absolutely no relevance to Truth of God.

It is important to remember what we can prove.

The #1 Mathematical Discovery of the 20th Century
Quote from: Perry Marshal

Gödel proved that there are ALWAYS more things that are true than you can prove.

Any system of logic or numbers that mathematicians ever came up with will always rest on at least a few unprovable assumptions.

Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem applies not just to math, but to everything that is subject to the laws of logic. Incompleteness is true in math; it’s equally true in science or language or philosophy.

And: If the universe is mathematical and logical, Incompleteness also applies to the universe.

Gödel created his proof by starting with “The Liar’s Paradox” — which is the statement

“I am lying.”

“I am lying” is self-contradictory, since if it’s true, I’m not a liar, and it’s false; and if it’s false, I am a liar, so it’s true.

So Gödel, in one of the most ingenious moves in the history of math, converted the Liar’s Paradox into a mathematical formula. He proved that any statement requires an external observer.

No statement alone can completely prove itself true.

His Incompleteness Theorem was a devastating blow to the “positivism” of the time. Gödel proved his theorem in black and white and nobody could argue with his logic.

Yet some of his fellow mathematicians went to their graves in denial, believing that somehow or another Gödel must surely be wrong.

He wasn’t wrong. It was really true. There are more things that are true than you can prove.

A “theory of everything” – whether in math, or physics, or philosophy – will never be found. Because it is impossible.

A priori Truth is mathematically inevitable. God is such a Truth. The religious have a more elegant way of summing this up. They call it the necessity of faith.

You ask why can't I prove God? This is the wrong question. The correct question is can I build an integrated and coherent worldview without God? Can I follow the coherence theory of truth and construct a True worldview without God.

Only you can answer that question for yourself. I will tell you, however, that for me the answer was no.

Again more philosophical talk, not something I enjoy. ''a belief is true when it fits in with the set of all our other beliefs without creating a contradiction.'' Ok, if it's so simple, your god is not real. If your god is truly omnipotent and all knowing then why are we here? Oh, right, he gave us free will but then how can he be omnipotent. If we have freewill there is no way for him to know what we are going to do, otherwise it can't be freewill, kind of like: can god create an object so heavy that he can't lift it? The whole idea of god is already contradictory not to mention all the other contradictions mentioned by me before. Like the bible teaching not to kill but pages later saying, kill everyone that works on the sabbath. So I guess I just proved god is not real, right?
2556  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: April 24, 2018, 09:34:17 AM
What fucking planet did I just land on?

How many planets are there again?  I thought the dome was covered with projections and outer space doesn't exist?

Or does the word planet mean something different to flat earthers, like how you change gravity to buoyancy and density LOLOL and pretend it means something else entirely!

Your body is displacing the atmosphere, unlike a hydrogen balloon it's more dense than the atmospheric medium. How does this change anything?

So how many planets are there?

I kept it simpler this time I wouldn't want you to use both your brain cells at once!

The only difference between stars and planets is the autonomous motion of the latter; nothing but holographic lights projected off of a concave mirrored dome. Go count them yourself.

I'm just saying that it would be really easy to prove that with photographic evidence, care to share some of it?
2557  Other / Off-topic / Re: Transgenders. on: April 24, 2018, 09:32:28 AM
''"In the current trend, 27 per cent of girls — nearly 1.5 million girls — get married before they turn 18 in India. This is a sharp decline from 47 per cent a decade ago."

Declining yes, 1.5m is still a ton.

I don't want to divert the topic here, but child marriages occur in many of the western nations as well, including nations which boast of 100% literacy rates. India is a country of 1,300 million people. You'll find all sort of psychopaths here, including pedophiles who want to marry 10-year old girls.

And BTW, some of the Indian states recently enabled individuals to identify as transgender in the census forms.

You said you haven't heard of child marriages recently so I gave you some statistics. You still haven't proved that transgenders or homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles.
2558  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Evolution is a hoax on: April 24, 2018, 12:00:10 AM
Well it is a paradox. One can never prove Darwins theory but one can never dismiss it entirely. We have no proof of evolution as it takes place over thousands of years and will have to stick with the theory until we come across a better theory which explains our existence in this world.

Nothing that happened in the past and is not happen currently can be proved to an 100% degree. That being said, we can calculate fossils age, with that we can see for example, the human skull, has been evolving over time, changing, unless you concluded that somehow different humans popped into existence randomly throughout time the best explanation is that we evolved and our skulls evolved too.

But evolution can't be proven at all. Why? Because everything that is suggested to be evolution fits something else better, like adaptation.

What can be readily shown about evolution is, there is a bunch of talk about the fiction we know as evolution... loads of talk and writing.

In the field of evolution, it looks like scientists are rushing to delude themselves in a really firm way.

Evolution is a hoax.


Yeah ok badecker, can you see that you sound just like notbatman? Yeah, scientists are deluding themselves. They are fabricating this hoax for some odd reason, aren't they? Belief in god among scientists exist, numbers vary 30 to even 40%. However when it comes to evolution, virtually everyone accepts it. Even your friend Coincube.

Well, it is you who are sounding more like notbatman. Consider. Are scientists people or not? If they are people, they are going to have hopes and dreams and failures and incorrectness just like people who are not scientists.

Religious people believe their religion based on things they believe. But there are some things in every religion that are truth. For example, the location of a city listed in a religious book. All religious books list something that is real and factual. The religions are the same.

Science has things that are factual, just like religion. But science has believers in things that are not known to be factual, and those believers often even know that the things that they believe in might not be factual. Sounds like religion to me.

So, when you have so-called evidence for evolution that can be better understood as adaptation, along with no proof for evolution, you have a religion called evolution... at least in the minds of those who believe in evolution.

In addition, evolution belief fits what the detailed definition of religion states. Check the whole definition at and see if part of it doesn't match evolution... since there isn't any absolute fact for evolution at all.

Continue with your evolution religion if you want. It doesn't bother me at all, since it is your choice. But have a chance to wake up through the things that I am saying here.

Evolution is a hoax.


A hoax that has infinitely more applications than creationism which is the real, thing, right?

2559  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: April 23, 2018, 11:54:00 PM

Don't consider me an atheist, I'm not and I really don't like to consider myself any name. ''Muslims have a choice, they can continue Islam or pick one of the other thousands of religions but why would they do that? They are probably thinking the same about you, there is a muslim badecker out there telling them that christians have a choice, continue their faith or accept the real god from the Quran. You are too blind to see it though.

There is no need to consider yourself any name. There is a great need to determine what you believe in and why.

Consider the various religions and ideologies as looking glasses. They are functional instruments designed to take us somewhere.

Now some instruments may be totally obscured their lenses covered in mud or painted over so they offer very limited guidance. Others may offer satisfactory images but simply be unavailable locally where someone needing it can obtain it.

What is important is that we pick the best looking glass that we can and grab ahold of it. If we do that we maximize our odds of heading in the proper direction.

If we select a sufficient instrument it sustains us and itself through us. It guides us away around the worst ravines and obstacles. If we pick an inferior or opaque glass we may walk over the edge of a cliff.

As we head in the proper direction we or those who follow us will eventually encounter others heading in the same direction. That is when the opportunity arises to examine other looking glasses and if necessary clean the mud or paint spots off of our own.

Your argument only works when you are assuming god actually exists but then again, you would have to prove a god exists and you haven't. If we assume a god exists, picking the ''best'' religion is still not that good because, first of all, how would you ever know, right?
2560  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: April 23, 2018, 11:51:15 PM

God doesn't place more emphasis on blind faith than on reason. If God did this, He would have not created the universe. Rather, he would have created a bunch of non-embodied spirits, and then let them attempt to figure out some form of body on their own by faith alone... which they couldn't have done because of their lack of imagination.

All of the universe exists to train people to use their faith to make things happen like God does. But people are such infants that it will take them most or all of eternity to figure out how to use faith, even though they have the abundant examples of the universe. The examples of the universe are the things that make for visible faith rather than blind faith.


Yes he does otherwise you wouldn't need to believe in god to go to heaven. In fact atheists should go to heaven instead of theists because they are the ones using reason to find out the truth. Unlike theists that believe what they are told without ever trying to find proof or evidence.

How do you train yourself to use ''faith'' exactly? Faith: ''strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof'' Every baptist has faith in his religion just like every Catholic or orthodox or muslim or christian. They all have faith in different things and yet not all of them can be right, clearly faith is not working, is it? How would we ever know which one is correct if we are only using faith? Don't you see how stupid that is?

Believing in God doesn't mean believing that He exists. We know that He exists simply by observing nature, or when we attempt to set ourselves up as gods by trying to believe that God doesn't exist. Believing in God is believing in the things that He tells us in the Bible. Such faith is using reason, basing faith on Bible and God knowledge. Such is reasonable way more than atheism, which tries to force belief in atheism on the so-called atheist while the so-called atheist knows for a fact that God might exist.

"Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." The most important faith in this life is saving faith... Jesus salvation faith. It is found through the Bible. Then in Heaven, faith will be increased because we will see some of the results of our faith, and we will understand more of the Word of God, making our faith in the rest of it grow.

The atheists, like everyone else, don't know for a fact what is going to happen in the next second. We all live by faith. To a great extent it is your choice regarding which faith you attempt to have. Examine, extensively, whatever it is that maintains your faith, and the truth of the direction you want your faith to move in. Make sure it is correct. That is the best you can do.


Let me ask you something badecker, imagine you were born in a heavy islamic country, imagine that you never leave the country either. How certain are you that you would have found out that the ''real god'' is the god from the bible? 1%? Less?

The answer to this question is detailed in some ways.

1. All people have a natural knowledge of the real God. This knowledge isn't complete. But it exists.
2. I don't know that I would have ever found the important truth about God in Islamic countries.
3. I don't know that I would have ever stepped out of wrong faith, into the proof of God's existence in Islamic countries.
4. It is by God's mercy that I am what I am regarding God, and regarding most of my life.
5. Consider that in the past, many of the Arab counties contributed greatly to the basic sciences of math and astronomy. The knowledge of coming to see the truth about God still exists there. Note that even the Koran talks briefly about Jesus, and makes reference to the Bible, and to the religion of the Jews. Knowledge of the real God is penetrating through the false gods even to Islam and Muslims... if only they would use their heads and recognize it.

Praise and thanks to God that He found it good and right to make it easy on me to find Him, by placing me in a situation where I have some of the best info about God. I don't understand how and why this works the way it does.


EDIT: My ability to understand these things, shows how religion and my mental health work together. But, if I am wrong, and if you can show that I am nuts, then your mental health is being impacted by what you believe, your religion.

You are close to understand the obvious flaws of religions but not quite there. You said it yourself, you thank god because he put you in this situation, meaning that god doesn't want Muslims, for example, to find out the real truth, he wanted you to find it but not others, isn't that a bit unfair? That's the fundamental problem of religion, you are sure you believe in the right religion now just like you would be if you were born there, you would think like now, that the islamic faith is the real faith.

Since you know this, you also understand that atheism is one of the silliest religions that there is.

As I have explained over and over, the reasons why God does what He does with us, are based on the amount of faith we have in Him or against Him. This includes the faith we have before we are conceived. This means that God's judgments are righteous, because He is doing what we ask in our faith. (One of the weaknesses of science is that it has no clear way to measure the spirit, soul and faith.)

The only unfairness that exists along these lines, is the unfairness many people claim that God has, when He bends over backward to warn people about their choices, but they go on their merry way anyway. Then they blame Him when it doesn't work out for their benefit, because He gave them what they asked for.

All Muslims have a choice to make. Either continue with Islam. Or get out of it. If their faith in God becomes strong, God will work their getting out of Islam. Their faith is where their choice lies.


Don't consider me an atheist, I'm not and I really don't like to consider myself any name. ''Muslims have a choice, they can continue Islam or pick one of the other thousands of religions but why would they do that? They are probably thinking the same about you, there is a muslim badecker out there telling them that christians have a choice, continue their faith or accept the real god from the Quran. You are too blind to see it though.

Why would I consider that you might be an atheist? I have been saying that there aren't any atheists, because anybody with those tendencies knows for a fact that God might exist somewhere that he hasn't checked out yet. So, he knows that God might exist. So he isn't an atheist, no matter who he is. He is just trying to be one in some cases.

You have had some Christian training. But rather than seeing the logic in Christianity, you would rather present some fallacies about the religion, than accept the truth of it. It's who you are trolling. You are simply against God because you are. You don't really have a reason. You simply are.


I can't say that the concept of a ''god'' doesn't exist or it's not possible but I know for sure the christian god is not real because of all the contradictions and because I have been there, as I said many times, I was a believer, 100% and yet here I am, I asked god for help to still believe in him and he didn't help. Either your god exists but he won't help me, which contradicts what he is supposed to be or he doesn't exist. I pick the last option.
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