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261  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 20, 2014, 05:07:15 AM
The world does what it can to fight terrorism.... they even invaded Iraq and Afghanistan.
the problem is that in the case of Iraq, the war was based on lies and too many innocent people died in Iraq.. and this only made the problem worse.
do you want the world to start more wars and create more problems?
The world did not invade Iraq/Afghanistan to fight terrorism, everyone knows it.
I want the world to stop being hypocrite.

In most countries.. anyone caught funding or supporting Hamas will go to jail.. how can you say they they are not putting pressure on Hamas?
notice how nobody on this forum is talking in support of Hamas? this is because they have very little support in the international community, people are only talking about helping the poor Palestinian civilians who get caught up in the mess created by the Isreali government and Hamas.
In most countries? Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization in Israel, The United States, Canada, the European Union, Jordan, Egypt and Japan.
That's 34 countries out of 196. Hardly most.

Do you want Egypt to open the border with Hamas? this would create an even bigger problem.. more bombs and rockets going into Gaza. Only a few years ago Egypt was governed by the Muslim Brotherhood.
if they did not have a relatively peaceful revolution then you would have even more militants and weapons going into Gaza. Egypt is not in a perfect situation now but clearly the people of Egypt did not want to move towards more fundamentalism. Gaza is part of Isreal/Palestine and has been for thousands of years, not part of Egypt.

I think most people would prefer to have medicine and food coming from Isreal than weapons coming from Eqypt into Gaza.
So you saying Egypt does Israel a favor by blocking their side? Because they know they would smuggle weapons more easily? That sounds like a damn good reason to keep the borders closed on the Israeli side too.

Eqypt also did not blockade ships of humanitarian aid from going into Gaza. Isreal did.
Humanitarian? All ships (with the exception of one, and the goods on it were than sent to gaza via trucks) that were sent were sent only to provoke IDF and create propoganda. 2 of them were even caught with weapons on them.
I dare anyone send a provocative ship to China.

And why couldn't they just do it via Egypt, they got a border there? or RedCross (which is recognized by Israel as the official means to send gaza goods), why purposefully create a conflict with IDF unless you did it for propaganda?

Gaza is part of Isreal/Palestine and has been for thousands of years, not part of Egypt.
gaza is an autonomy now. Israel wants nothing to do with it. The fact that that piece of land used to belong somewhere is irrelevant.

Erasing Israel from the map is rhetoric and propaganda.
I do not agree with rhetoric and propaganda but.
Did you know that Isreal was missing from the world map for nearly 1000 years until 1947?
the Isreal of today is an artificially created state..
So? It existed 2000 years ago or so, your point? Many countries did not exist until a certain year and many more were "artificially" created - whatever that means, including but not limited to USA, Ukraine, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Syria, All the countries in Africa, and so on.
The age of the country is completely and utterly irrelevant.

created from land taken from the Palestinians who have been living there for 1000s of years and giving it to Foreigners from all over the world.
this is just a fact... Denying that land was stolen from Palestinians and other people living there in the 1940s is no different from Denying the Holocaust.
We cannot deny history or change it, all we can do is try to live with it.
Actually it's not a fact.
Let's start with some history:
The name palestine was first given to the land of Israel by the Romans when they conquered the land. The name was after the local settlers who were called Philistines.
The origin of the Philistines isn't certain, but it's agreed by most historians that it most likely Europe, so they aren't native (you insist on going back in time, which I find stupid).
There are many history record that would confirm it, but I would recommend reading "Pleasure Excursion to the Holy Land" by Mark Twain, as it will make eduction pleasurable.
Spoiler: He has no mention of palestinians and this was from 1867.
Moreso, never at any point in time was there a country named palestine, so there's no such nation either.

Also, your land is never yours, it belongs to the country you're living in, and as such, their land was never theirs, it was belong to the British Empire, and before that to the Ottoman Empire, and before that to the Roman Empire and so on...
If you think your land is yours than I got some really bad news for you.

So no, it was not stolen, and no, you can't compare it to denying the holocaust, WTH are you even comparing the two.

the Jews have a right to have a homeland.. and so do the Palestinians. Isrealis have a right to sleep at night without fear of being blown up at any moment and so do Palestinians.

Speaking about pressure on 'Arab' countries
I will point to Egypt as an example.. the pressure came from within.. the people did not want fundamentalism they did not want war with Isreal so they had a revolution.
If they are all raised to hate and destroy Isreal then they would not have such a revolution against the Muslim brotherhood.
Aye, so why can't the people of gaza do the same? Why do they support a regime that has the destruction of Israel on its front banner if that's not what they want.
And if that's what they want, there cannot be peace.

Again I will give you another example.. IRAN... they are supposed to be Isreal's greatest enemy. If this is true then why are they fighting so hard against ISIS? why is Iran moving towards a peaceful nuclear program?  this is because the people of IRAN do not want fundamentalism and war. It is only rhetoric and propaganda used by the powers that be to control the people.
Peaceful nuclear program? That's why they enriched past the "peaceful" level?
That's why their leaders out right say they will destroy Israel?
And if their people don't want this, why don't they do something about it?
If they do not want fundamentalism, why is their leader a religious fanatic? supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei.

Actions speak louder than words.. do not believe all the rhetoric and propaganda being used by the various governments.. and just look at what they are actually doing.
I could say the same to you.

Peaceful revolution was happening all over the middle east.. These are people who do not want to destroy Isreal, they do not want fundamentalism, they just want to live in peace and stability.
Maybe, hopefully.

this could happen in Gaza too if given enough time but more deaths make Peaceful revolutions less likely...
As we can see in Syria, too many people died and now there is only a bitter fight to the death on all sides... nobody wants this to happen again in Gaza.
So tell hamas to stop the aggression.
Israel doesn't instigate aggression.
It might over-react, but it never just out right shot into gaza. Nor has it shot into populated areas to kill civilians because it's in its agenda.
If given the chance, hamas would cause maximum civilian casualties to Israel.
If given the chance, Israel would cause no casualties to palestinians.

If I had a solution to the problems in the middle east then I would win a nobel peace prize.
I am not saying the problem is easy to fix.
I am only saying that there are many things that must not be done because all they do is make the situation worse.
we can learn from the mistakes made in the past.

well I hope we can.....

People who want to live in peace should reject fundamentalism in all its forms. It does not matter what religion you are, it is the Ideas that are dangerous not the religion.
So in essence your solution is I'll go to various thread and post 1 sided comments and point a blaming finger only towards Israel and by that just add wood to the flame.
Because let me tell you something, my family lives in the south, 45 sec alert time from gaza, I lived there most of my life until not to long ago, and there hasn't been a year that we didn't have the alarm go off.
Those who live 15 sec alert time from gaza haven't had a week without alarms since 2005.
And to my frustration, the Israeli government decided to show restraint and not respond to it.
But that, of course, is gone unnoticed to the world, because it's not interesting when they fire at us.
But when Israel finally decides to do something, it performs "atrocities".
262  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 20, 2014, 02:30:21 AM
do you really think that isreali leaders and funders are not hiding safely in bunkers or hotels outside of isreal?
Funders, don't care and irrelevant.
Leaders, no, they don't hide. Granted, they aren't on the front lines, but that does not equate hiding.

do you really want that to happen?
the world does not want this... this is why they put so much pressure on Isreal to limit civilians casualties. The implications of this war are much bigger than simply Isreal Vs Gaza...
the entire region is unstable and at risk of being overrun by fundamentalist flags.
Of course I don't want it to happen. I honestly wish there could be peace, but sadly there cannot be.
When the border with gaza was opened, extremists used it to arm and send suicide bombers. I lived in Israel during that time and it was frightening.
Everyday you'd hear about a suicide bomber exploding inside a bus, dozens killed and no1 around the world would give a shit.

That's why Israel left gaza and gave them autonomy and also why they closed the borders to it, with the exceptions of water, electricity, medicine and food (they are still getting those from Israel on a daily basis).

Egypt got a border with gaza too btw, but for some reasons, most people ignore that simply fact and blame Israel for blockading gaza.

Why do people point so many blaming fingers at Israel?  Why don't they put pressure on hamas to put limit on civilians casualties, civilians that they purposefully aim at.
Why no-ones goes and blames Egypt for closing its border to gaza?
Where's the pressure on the various arab countries that raise generation after generations to hate Israel? (erasing it from the map of the globe, spreading that the Holocaust is a fictional even Jews use to buy sympathy in the world, Jews rules the world, Zionism = terrorism)?

And last, what is your solution? Sit there idle do nothing and suck it up? (because trying to minimize the damage is already being done, IDF soldiers do not shot with intent to kill civilians).
Would the USA suck it up?

Where are the pointing fingers towards hamas that has on its front banner the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews?
Where are the pointing fingers towards hamas using the money it's getting (and it's getting hundred of millions of dollars from Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, etc) to build rockets and buy weapons and to build tunnels to hide them in, rather than build bunkers to protect its citizens (since Israel is so evil in your eyes)?
Why does hamas use people to protect its rockets as opposed to Israel that uses rockets to protects its people?
263  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Israel: Operation Protective Edge on: July 20, 2014, 02:09:32 AM
'Israel drops cancer-inducing bombs on Gazans'
A Norwegian doctor in the besieged Gaza Strip has strongly criticized Israel for using cancer-inducing bombs against Palestinian civilians.

Dr. Erik Fosse told Press TV that the majority of patients hospitalized in Gaza are civilians injured in attacks on their homes and about thirty percent of them are children.

Dense Inert Metal Explosive, known as DIME, is an explosive device developed to minimize collateral damage in warfare.

Experts say it has a relatively small but effective blast radius and is believed to have strong biological effects on those who are hit by the bomb’s micro-shrapnel.

Fosse, a department head at a university hospital in Oslo, also says some Palestinian in the besieged enclave have been wounded by a new type of weapon that even doctors with previous experience in war zones do not recognize.

Israel also used depleted-uranium and white phosphorus shells in the besieged region during their previous assaults.

Video and more...

Iranian news as a source? Get real.
264  Other / Off-topic / Re: on: July 20, 2014, 12:16:48 AM
I bought my 60 gh/s BFL when it was popular at the time and use that site. Made the seller on Bitmit to agree on his price by using the escrow and proceeded w. escrow invoice.

This was when it was like $2,000 for hardware. I use it for digital items as well, esp gift cards and transactions that can be charged back etc.
What was the term to release the payment?
265  Other / Off-topic / on: July 19, 2014, 09:54:51 PM
Has anyone used that website? It's an eBay subsidiary.

What are your opinion of the website?

If you're a seller using it, what should you be wary of?

Someone wants me to use that website to sell him a product but I honestly never used it before (or heard of it) and unsure of the ways they can exploit the service in order to scam me, so am looking for opinions.
266  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 18, 2014, 02:34:58 PM
I'm yet to understand why Hamas insists to poke a bear(Israel) with a short stick. They have no technology to match Israel, actually pretty few countries does, imagine some Allah's cavemen! The only outcome is Gaza and Palestine to shrink little by little at every confrontation.
It's very simple. If you can call it simple.
When they provoke Israel they gain:
1. More radicals to their lines by having casualties, and
2. Public opinion in their favor since they are the underdog.
3. They help their sponsors (various arab countries) by giving them political distraction that they can use to sway their own people (just look how many arab countries use Israel as the source of all evil in their campaigns).

This is all happening whilst their leaders are hiding safely inside bunkers or are simply outside the gaza strip managing their hotels.
267  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 18, 2014, 02:02:04 AM
shocked that you think it would be perfectly ok to kill children (regardless of ethnicity) if they were taken hostage by terrorists just so you could get at the terrorist.

do you also think it was ok for Zionists to kidnap and kill that Palestinian boy in response to that terrible crime where 3 Jewish boys were kidnapped and murdered by Palestinian fundamentalists?

(I use Jewish here again to make the distinction between Jewish the religion and Isreali the nationality)

im just curious how your mind works.

They were not taken hostage. What are you even talking about.
They were either sent there or went there willingly.

Can you provide any link as to prove said civilians were kidnapped?

And no, I don't think the kidnap of the boy was ok, I think they were psychopaths, and it actually saddened me greatly because I haven't heard in my lifetime of an Israeli executing such revenge.
268  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 18, 2014, 01:21:33 AM

And yes, you are biased, all your attacks are one sided, just check your own post history and see how you speak ill of only 1 side 90% of the time.

It's amazing how you think you're a neutral person who seeks peace when you aren't.

By propagating 1 side you contribute.

maybe you should re read the history..

answer the question.. if jewish children were being taken hostage by terrorists and being used as human shields... would it be OK to kill them?

I did. You edited that in after I already assembled a reply.
269  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 18, 2014, 01:16:55 AM
People who agree to be meat shields or tell their kids to go be meat shields are the ones responsible for w/e happens.

you pull the trigger someone dies and you are not responsible.
People who are acting as meat shields are not innocent.
People who let terrorists shot from their house are not innocent.
I cant believe people can hold such retarded beliefs.

please do me a favor and join the ground offensive if you believe so passionately about it instead of being a coward that hides behind your keyboard while condemning others to death.
Coward? I already did my time in the army and served on the border. And even if I wanted I wouldn't be recruited for the ground offensive.
I have already said many times that no violence against innocent civilians is ever acceptable. I don't know how you can accuse me of being biased.
And yes, you are biased, all your attacks are one sided, just check your own post history and see how you speak ill of only 1 side 90% of the time.

It's amazing how you think you're a neutral person who seeks peace when you aren't.

By propagating 1 side you contribute.

would you still say it was justified if they were Jewish children dying?
Funny how you now use Jews as your generalization and not Israelis.
And anyway, to answer your question, I would. Thing is, it's not happening (and never will - different mentality) with Israeli people. They don't raise their kids to hate or that dying for the name of god is a glorified death or w/e nonsense.
So its just a theoretical question.
270  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 18, 2014, 12:46:32 AM

if you want to stop the violence then you have to be man (or woman) enough to stand up and speak out against the injustice wherever and whenever you see it.

Ironically enough your injustice goes towards 1 side only.

People who use other humans as meat shields are the criminals, not vice verse.

People who agree to be meat shields or tell their kids to go be meat shields are the ones responsible for w/e happens.
271  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 17, 2014, 08:41:01 PM
They don't aim at kids? They don't murder kids? You sound just like Netanyahu, or, is it him talking? I can't tell the difference...Smiley
That's what you're told...Just like i said, I have Palestinian friends and I know exactly how abusive and brutal those soldiers are. They are the devil in human form. If not worse, they are not any better than the Nazi soldiers.
I am sorry but you're wasting too much of my time, and you're really unworthy. I feel bad for you and I hope you get better, because you are sick. I truly mean that. I don't like to engage in conversations that include dumb-confident morons who think killing innocent kids is justifiable and okay.

Listen sheep, when you grow a brain, let me know and we can discuss it, until than, stick to your propoganda.

And IDF soldiers don't murder kids you ignorant fuck, I was in IDF, I was stationed on the border with hizballah and my friends on the border with hamas and I know first handed (unlike you) how we're trained and our mentality.
Killing is always the last resort, always.

But hey, you keep spewing the words your "friends" tell you, that shows how much of a thinker you are Wink
272  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 17, 2014, 08:05:06 PM
And here I thought you had something serious to show. Just propoganda images that are either fake, taken from the wrong/right angle and aren't even related to the Israel-palestinan conflict.
If you got half a brain you can clearly see the soldiers don't aim at any of those people, and sad part is the parents of the kids sent to stand infront of the rifle just so that they could take a provocative image so that ignorant people like you could rejoice.

Here, let's try and copy you:

This how palestinians are raising their childs, totally reasonable:

This is how homeneterian the palestinians are:

I can go on and post pictures of the atrocities palestinias are responsible for, but I don't see the point.
273  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 17, 2014, 07:08:35 PM

This is pretty fucking real...Unless you won't even believe your own eyes because you're so brainwashed...Smiley
It's real because you said so?

Have you ever heard of photoshop? Do you know how it works?
I believe my own eyes, I don't, however, believe pictures that were posted by random people who can't substantiate their claims.

Again, there's no shadow under his body, explain?

You also did not provide any proof to to the validity of the image. I guess you just believe whatever someone posts so long as it straightens your biased belief.

I don't blame a sheep for following the herd.
274  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][MIN] Minerals - POS. Fair Distribution. E-SPORTS BETTING TEST WENT LIVE! on: July 17, 2014, 06:45:43 PM
The problem is to many people sold at the beginning to whales and a lot of the coins went to the hands of day traders.

The only way this coin can go up is if another community (not crypto) will adopt it. So far I see steps in the right direction but it will take a while before any gaming community will adopt the coin.

For all I care, this coin can drop to 500s, that's the price I'll be mess buying it, before that I'm happy with my stash and with the money I made from selling it earlier on.
275  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 17, 2014, 06:39:27 PM
Israel says it, people believe it. A 5 year old kid can differentiate between good and bad better than adults these days. It's unbelievable how brainwashed most people are...

You clearly never been to the army of ever held a weapon.
Assuming this image is even real, the solider isn't aiming at them.

Actually, can you even confirm the authenticity of the image? I bet you can't.

Educate yourself.

P.S. BBC is pro-Palestinian.

P.P.S. at closer look the soldier doesn't have a shadow whereas the family does.
276  Economy / Services / Re: [PrimeDice] [Highest Paid Signature] Earn Bitcoins Simply By Posting on: July 17, 2014, 06:34:04 PM
I meant to write wasn't Tongue

If I'm not on the list.
277  Economy / Services / Re: [PrimeDice] [Highest Paid Signature] Earn Bitcoins Simply By Posting on: July 17, 2014, 06:18:16 PM
I take it that if I was enrolled by now it won't happen anymore?
278  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 17, 2014, 06:16:32 PM
We can clearly see who is angry and full of hate...[/b]

Anger does not equate hate, don't make a moron out of yourself.
279  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Israel: Operation Protective Edge on: July 17, 2014, 06:15:05 PM
We have seen such reports (which Israel generally refuses to partake in) such as the Goldstein Report from Operation Cast Lead.
Actually Goldstone went back on his report:

On 1 April 2011, Goldstone published a piece in The Washington Post titled 'Reconsidering the Goldstone Report on Israel and war crimes'. Goldstone noted that the subsequent investigations by Israel and recognized in the U.N. committee's report "indicate that civilians were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy" while "the crimes allegedly committed by Hamas were intentional goes without saying."
280  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. on: July 17, 2014, 06:05:07 PM
"GOY" or "GOYIM" means CATTLE/UNCLEAN and refers to all non-Jews.
Only because you wrote the word "fact" in capital letters doesn't mean it's a fact.
Educate yourself, it won't hurt, I promise:

tl;dr it's a words used to describe anyone that's non jewish, that's all.

The Jews don't have a devil or Satan as their "bad guy." Their "bad guy" is ALL NON-JEWS!!!
Actually, Satan is mentioned in the bible several times: Book of Job, Book of Zechariah and more.
If anything, the bad "guy" according to the Jewish bible is the amalek, which BTW is extinct, and is used now as a cursing word.

You should really refrain from using the word fact when it really isn't. Makes you look like a fool.
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