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261  Other / Meta / Re: How to contact Admin theymos on: January 29, 2022, 11:52:01 AM
Provide a signed message. If you do not - you will be redtagged & distrusted by whole DT

Quoted for future reference!

262  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [Free Raffle] Ballet Bitcoin Wallet Bull Market 2021(6 Spot Left) on: January 22, 2022, 11:15:01 PM
31 - Rizzrack
Thank you and good luck everyone!
263  Other / Meta / Re: Another "Legednary" newbie on: January 21, 2022, 03:11:30 PM
Last time someone post this kind of statistic/information, someone give those member a merit. Let's see whether it'll happen this time.

My first thought was "let's see if there is any post merit worthy". First guy posted exclusively bounty reports and the second one has some posts in Offtopic and a "good project". Disappointing...  Lips sealed
264  Economy / Reputation / Re: [LIST] ANN threads that are using bumping services on: January 17, 2022, 03:32:12 PM - as you see, user _decentralise made 2 posts in a row - user Cappex made 3 posts in a row - again, user Cappex made 2 posts in a row - again, user Cappex made 2 posts in a row
Do you have any idea why this happened?

Those are not really "posts in a row" in the bad sence.
They are "daily updates / daily info / daily news" so they should be in different posts. They are ~24h apart ...

The fact that a few consecutive posts from a thread belong to the same user is not always seen as "posting in a row". The users that you mentioned are not newbies so it was not me who handled your reports but FWIT that's just my 2 cents Smiley
265  Other / New forum software / Re: Checksum verification for quoted messages/posts on: January 17, 2022, 03:02:17 PM
Instead of the index's of the text that are removed being sent back to the server, the index's of BB code could be sent back to the server.

What exactly do you mean by "the index of the text" ? hash ?

Full text: bla bla bla I am sure I found a scammer bla bla bla
hash: 8F0F7FEB60FC873A6066739931B68D78C1C6E8304953807A519202A23F9045B8

Text: I am sure I found a scammer
hash: F7CFCD9D9FEA2582DD256D5FD073CCB095B03282EEF987708E007C30711F013A

Text: I am a scammer
hash: 2BB8A5672EFD6382C8803E9DB05511A78AAAF8955F0B42222C109CC9F99A92A8

How do you propose to use hashes (I guess this is what you mean) for pieces of text ?
266  Other / New forum software / Re: Checksum verification for quoted messages/posts on: January 17, 2022, 12:36:44 AM

I seriously doubt it can work like that tbh...

Perhaps there can be a new "quick quote" option. You just select the required text (the selected text would be non editable and would not allow to skip words from block... so from "I am sure I found a scammer" one cannot select just "I am a scammer") and after it you can write the reply.
Something like this:

Only thing is it would not work with multiple quotes in the same post...

Sounds cleaner and perhaps doable. Simple implementations would have a higher change of (eventually) being added  Smiley
267  Other / New forum software / Re: Checksum verification for quoted messages/posts on: January 16, 2022, 08:53:07 PM
Verified quotes could be drafted on the client side, and the client could tell the server the portions of the message that are being quoted so it can verify its authenticity.

Cookies can store a lot of stuff but BBCode is not one of them (as far as I know). So even if I did not take into account if this would be resource hungry and how much, it would most likely be done server side.

Coding an app is pretty easy, if you know what you are doing. Adding all the restrictions so it only functions as expected is the hard part most of the times.

We have several community projects like and to check quotes. And for all intents and purposes they can be trusted 99% of the time.

For PMs though a verification is doable IMO. Less corner cases, a bit more straightforward and significantly more manageable for the servers.
268  Other / Meta / Re: Automatic BTC price indication on Bitcointalk threads on: January 15, 2022, 11:10:38 AM

That is true, but I was pointing out that BHC's images are dynamic and change value at refresh. But since the static amount is in BTC (in your case) and not the dollar amount it fits like a glove.  Tongue
Kudos again BlackHatCoiner for the implementation!
269  Local / Offtopic / Re: Funny stuff! on: January 14, 2022, 05:03:44 PM
Acel moment cand ajungi sa mananci crypto pe paine:

Rizzrack — Copyright © 2022 all rights reserved.
270  Other / Meta / Re: Automatic BTC price indication on Bitcointalk threads on: January 14, 2022, 04:13:05 PM
Give me the USD equivalent of 1 BTC:

It calculates based on the Binance's exchange rate.

This is so cool ! Even updates at refresh Shocked Da bomb !

It's a dynamic image so saying "price at the time of writing" doesn't help  Tongue
271  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: În lumea virtuală. Proiectul tău Token fugi cu banii——GELE。 on: January 13, 2022, 01:48:25 PM
Am mai auzit de tentative de proiecte similare de-a lungul timpului...

Pentru masina, casa etc exista asigurari, da... dar in "lumea reala" nu stiu sa existe asigurare pentru investitii, fie ca la bursa sau altele similare.
Deci conceptul general de a-ti asigura portofelul (crypto) este unul nou, cel putin eu nu am auzit, in ambele lumi: reala si virtuala...

Am 3 nelamuriri:

- nu gasesc in contract unde mentioneaza de blocarea fondurilor. Asa semi-chioras cum ma uit la codul din solidity nu am vazut nimic. Nice Tokensniffer nu a gasit vreo informatie ca sunt fonduri blocate prin metode cunoscute. Daca ai vreun contract in scopul asta as aprecia niste lamuriri.
- ce treaba are pana la urma cu asigurarile pentru ca in anunt e vorba de primii detinatori de tokenuri.
- pe ce perioada este blocat gajul de $3,560 in BUSDT de pe pancakeswap, sau ce stable coin folosesc aia ?

Lista holderilor:

Rank   Address   Quantity   Percentage
1   0xe317fb9060d57dce0c12f16a501602e447186b4d   5,000,000,000,000,000   50%
2   0x3c29b64359e99d1ff27fb1d89896d01c5db61630   2,000,000,000,000,000   20%
3   0x619657778fa190c1ec1c519b379cefaad4cbae51   2,000,000,000,000,000   20%
4   PancakeSwap V2: BSC-USD-GELE   997,525,418,615,655.461563252619061337   9.9753%
5   0x6c7e9d8bc490be6e20a5a166754f234bcb591427   826,206,877,024.315438758020932753   0.0083%
6   0xa6364afb914792fe81e0810d5f471be172079f7b   824,841,015,763.659861156287089107   0.0082%
7   0x9878fd1fc944a83ca168a6293c51b34f8eb0edad   823,533,491,556.563136833072916803   0.0082%

Vad ca mai propovaduiai un token COGO care pare cam acelasi lucru. Ala cum a murit ?
272  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Evitarea taxelor? on: January 07, 2022, 10:45:08 AM
Ideea este ca multe magazine folosesc Netopia ca procesator de plati si ei au comisioane de vre 8-10% (nu ca altele ar fi mult mai ieftine). Dupa cum a scris si Gazeta mai sus, impozitul e 10%...deci tot pe acolo iesi

Daca problema este suma atunci nu e mare afacere.
Daca problema este birocratia, sa nu mai completezi declaratii de venit, sa trimiti mail, sa faci transfer in contul trezoreriei etc ... poti face cum ai zis tu. Cont fictiv la PcGarbage sau altele de genul.

Din punctul meu de vedere e cam acelasi lucru...
273  Other / New forum software / Re: Checksum verification for quoted messages/posts on: January 04, 2022, 04:16:05 PM
To be fair mprep's mentioned option also sounds nice:

AFAIK theymos wanted to have quotes replaced with references to posts (something like what 4chan or similar image boards have) in the new forum software.

If you want to quote part of a post you can do it the same way you do it now, but it you want to show you did not edit the post you could use [>>21856705] or similar and the whole post will be quoted and title of the quote turns green. So it would NOT just show >>21856705

Also helpful for cases where the post is deleted afterwards and someone quoted it for reference. And if it's edited you can have 2 or more "green quotes", because it matched the post at the time of writing. Should not be too problematic I guess...

After a quick smoke I thought of tons of corner cases and sounds really troublesome to make this for posts. If it gets implemented I see it for PMs only...

For example:

User A makes a post
User B quotes him and checksum OK
User A edits his posts
User B edits his post and checksum is now NOT OK ?!

274  Other / Meta / Re: Bitcointalk improvement proposal (BTIP)-suggestion on: January 03, 2022, 03:17:59 PM
Is there official workshop for this software?

This is the github repo for the "in the works" forum software:
275  Other / New forum software / Re: Checksum verification for quoted messages/posts on: January 03, 2022, 03:01:50 PM
Interesting feature !
I indeed see it working mainly with PMs because posts can be edited and if it's a longer post it would be modified (shortened) anyways.

Users can currently send/post incorrectly quoted messages to assist in scams or discredit other users...

And when the checksum verifies show the title green like links:

I can see it's utility...
276  Economy / Collectibles / Re: FREE RAFFLE - 1oz Silver XMR + CS Lichtenstein + CS1 Austria - Happy 2022! on: December 31, 2021, 04:53:45 PM
Slot 30

Awesome raffle!
Thanks and happy new year to everyone!
277  Local / Minerit / Re: Timp estimativ minat Bitcoin on: December 30, 2021, 01:34:58 PM
Raportul a fost ok. Eu de postare ziceam

Btw - vezi ca nu era vorba de tizu, ci de valentin1996 Smiley Sa speram ca este om de omenie si ca va mai continua sa fie activ.

Am vrut doar sa mai salut minerul din thread  Tongue
278  Local / Minerit / Re: Timp estimativ minat Bitcoin on: December 29, 2021, 08:09:19 PM
Nu doar ca e "cam impotriva", ci este chiar impotriva regulilor forumului, asa ca am raportat-o Smiley
Data viitoare, inainte sa mai incerci sa faci si cu un ban in plus, ca sa-ti iei o bucata de parizer cu gogosar in mijloc, iti recomand sa ...
eu o spun mai direct  Roll Eyes Daca voiai sa faci postarea cu un gand bun (desi site-ul ala poate fi scam), puteai sa o faci fara acel ref link. Ce zici de asta?

In sfarsit, cand vorbim de could mining, in afara de 2-3 firme serioase, restul sunt scam. Asa ca mult succes cu site-ul acesta...

Desi in mare iti dau dreptate, a se vedea ca i-am sters postarea, cred ca nu ar strica sa fim mai putin acizi si sa ne expunem parerile mai constructiv. Nu merge cu toata lumea si la un moment dat ti se ia (a se vedeam exemplul biguy) dar nu este obligatoriu sa "il punem la locul lui" pe om, mai ales cand e nou pe aici. Zic si eu ...
Vorba reclamei: "De Craciun fi mai bun..."

@tizu Spor la minat !  Grin
279  Local / Offtopic / Re: Crăciun 2021 on: December 25, 2021, 04:07:55 PM
Chiar acum am intrat special sa las o urare de Craciun, dar vad ca xhomerx10 a fost mult mai matinal.

Sarbatori fericite ! Petreceri frumoase si hodl-uiala placuta !
280  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: EGLD, Mayar si nebunia cu RAID token on: December 22, 2021, 12:57:16 PM
Am folosit de cateva ori Uniswap dar nu vreo lansare ce-i drept...
Si cand pui slippage de 0,5% ... 1% ... 2% ... 5% te astepti sa mai fluctueze dar nici chiar asa de la $0.1 la $7. In mod normal daca max slippage este depasit nu iti mai confirma swap-ul.
Nu am patit pana acum, din fericire...

Tot raul spre bine ! A fost o lectie de tranzactionare/speculare. Scumpa, asa cum sunt lectiile de calitate, dar necesara. Sper doar ca lumea sa invete ceva din asta. FOLOSITI BOTI !  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy glumeam ... INTELEGE RISCURILE cand te bagi in ceva !
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