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261  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: August 10, 2017, 10:35:37 PM
For me the best reason why earth is more likely to be spherical is mostly because spheres are perfectly symetrical on all axis.

With a disc it imply a notion of direction, and asymetry, which would mean some directional force is needed to create it.

As all known forces tend to be factor of distance, it make sense all objects naturally evolve to spheroids as forces are equal at all point at equal distance from a center.

When you put a drop of ink in water, it will more get shaped as spheroids than a cube or a disc.

Even without counting for heliocentric system, it would not make sense that an object stay flat with known forces either it's gravity or magnetism. The force would tend to attract everything at equal distance from a center.

It's even the great misery of mathematician that all is so round, depending PI for calculus, and we still dont know how to compute PI properly.

Beyond this it's not that the heliocentric system is not bogus to a degree, but I dont really see flat earth making lot of sense in itself.

Galaxies still seem to be flats, at least some of them, and all planets orbits are more or less on same plane too, so that could imply directional force somewhere.

Even if i dont really mind in the end if it's flat cubical spherical or donut shaped. And I dont think there is easy way to demonstrate smoking gun proof evidence that it's round like this.

For me anyway gravity alone cant explain exactly how planets got to turn around the sun to begin with, or spiral shape of galaxies, so there is probably some missing forces or missing subtilety additionally to sheer gravity to explain cosmic motion and shapes.

Even all physics law are known to be bogus, they only work at a certain scale, for certain phenomena, it's still all very fragmented as patchwork of different set of equation to use at different scales for different situations.

But I still dont get this whole hate on gravity law, and bogus dodging of one set of equation  to replace them with other patchwork of equation that are even more bogus like it's always the trend with this flat earth thing.

You're assuming all "centers" to be single points while in fact most centers are shaped as a disc.

This only move the problem.

Even if centers are discs, it still imply directional force.

Even like tree trunks are round. They are cylindrical because of concept of up/down with sunlights.

But in space, there is no absolute concept of up and down, left / right or such.

Sphere have unique property that they are identical when viewed from any angle.

Unless there is some kind of directional force at play in the universe to give a sense of up/down and direction, there is no reason for anything to become shaped as a disc.

All known forces in Physics are not specially directional. They apply in all direction the same.

Im not sure how flat earther solve the issue that most celestial bodies appears round no matter from which angle they are seen.

That would imply some kind of billboarding like in video game to keep all discs faced toward earth to keep them viewed as round no matter the viewing angle ?

Even if curvature is not seen in picture taken from altitude and planes windows are faked, we still never see a picture of earth with all continents on a single face ?

And we still never see the "side" of it either.

And it always looks the same shape from all angle, no matter which part is visible on the picture. So that would be hard to explain this with disc shaped earth.
262  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 10, 2017, 10:02:39 PM
Who is not scared of death lol

I already showed in the other threads that most points in the talk origin link are based on outdated science and innacurate statements.

It more look like some old stuff of the 50's wrote by a guy illetrate in philosophy.
263  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are terrorists only muslim in religion? on: August 10, 2017, 07:23:08 PM
It's always when science of mind and knowledge of human aspiration and sense of sacrifice are hijacked for military purpose, instead of in a stoics sense of moral rectitude and sense of justice.

It seem to me that it's what happened with samouraï philosophy during those episode, turning people into furniture.
264  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are terrorists only muslim in religion? on: August 10, 2017, 07:13:12 PM
Japanese ideology is from shintoism.

This thing is always product of some form of brainwashing by military entities. Such as samouraï.

And they did horror in china before the Pearl harbor thing you heard in faux news.
265  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 10, 2017, 06:40:54 PM
Too many maybes and ifs and no proof of anything. What is the point of beveling in any of it. There is one thing that is true, we are all going to die. Evidence suggests that dying is the end, there is no afterlife, no heaven, no anything, just death. Why waste your time believing in nonsense which deep down you know it's not true.

Maybe because it's not about believing in afterlife .
Actually all the evidence suggests that consciousness is cyclical and tht survival of the personality after death is a real phenomenon with implications for spirituality.
See for yourself over 100 points of evidence in support of the survival hypothesis:

The thing is this matter of afterlife and soul immortality doesnt seem to be a central topic of the bible.

Its more present in things like tibetan book of the dead.

The Tibetan text describes, and is intended to guide one through, the experiences that the consciousness has after death, in the bardo, the interval between death and the next rebirth. The text also includes chapters on the signs of death and rituals to undertake when death is closing in or has taken place.

Three bardos   

Main article: Bardo

The Bardo Thodol differentiates the intermediate state between lives into three bardos:

The chikhai bardo or "bardo of the moment of death", which features the experience of the "clear light of reality", or at least the nearest approximation of which one is spiritually capable;

The chonyid bardo or "bardo of the experiencing of reality", which features the experience of visions of various Buddha forms, or the nearest approximations of which one is capable;

The sidpa bardo or "bardo of rebirth", which features karmically impelled hallucinations which eventually result in rebirth, typically yab-yum imagery of men and women passionately entwined.

The Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State also mentions three other bardos:[note 3]

"Life", or ordinary waking consciousness;
"Dhyana" (meditation);
"Dream", the dream state during normal sleep.

Together these "six bardos" form a classification of states of consciousness into six broad types. Any state of consciousness can form a type of "intermediate state", intermediate between other states of consciousness. Indeed, one can consider any momentary state of consciousness a bardo, since it lies between our past and future existences; it provides us with the opportunity to experience reality, which is always present but obscured by the projections and confusions that are due to our previous unskillful actions.

In some schools of Buddhism, bardo (Tibetan བར་དོ་ Wylie: bar do) or antarabhāva (Sanskrit) is an intermediate, transitional, or liminal state between death and rebirth. It is a concept which arose soon after the Buddha's passing, with a number of earlier Buddhist groups accepting the existence of such an intermediate state, while other schools rejected it. In Tibetan Buddhism, bardo is the central theme of the Bardo Thodol (lit. Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State), the Tibetan Book of the Dead.
266  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 10, 2017, 06:33:18 PM
You type a lot but you say so little. You are just trying to convince yourself at this point but you know deep inside all this, is just blind faith in 1 of the many man made religions that were created to explain things that we didn't know back then. Wake up to reality

Atheism is not a default possition, so its logical that the only person that need to convince themselves out of a default possition is you.

There is no such a thing as a blind faith. Every faith has some merit in it. Even a faith in authority. Authority to be worth faith need to be at least charismatic.

Yes I had typed a lot, because the subject is a lot more complicated than you try to make it. Science does not have the answers for everything. If you think it does you believe in scientism. And its stronger faith than I have in my believes I would say.

What is that any religion says and science answers better. I challange you to find one.

And yes. Religions are dogmatic. I try to not have dogmas. Im open to any conclusions as long as its logical. I was hearing a debate of sikh with a muslim, and as I had found muslim to be dogmatic and nitpicking, the message of sikh was very close to the message of Christ. I don't agree upon meditation, but.... he at least understand that a prayer to the Lord is valid for me, not a meditation. But yes there are milion kinds of meditation, maybe some are valid. I do not know. I know some are very toxic.  

The universe coming to it’s current state in six days, talking snakes, humans being formed from clay or out of the rib of other humans, women having children but staying virgin, people being resurrected after days of being dead. None of which you see happening today, of course. In fact, there is never any explanation of anything in the bible. They are just statements, it never explained what god is or how god was formed or how god created anything so you could say the bible doesn't really answer anything in the first place.

The six days of the Genesis are not earth days. The first day was before sun & earth was created.

The snakes and relation to fruit of tree of knowledge is reference to more ancient myth. The snakes in egypt are often associated with wisdom or enlightment. Or intermediate between knowledge / light and human mind.

Like wadjet ( )

The Uraeus (/jʊˈriəs/;[1] plural Uraei or Uraeuses; from the Greek οὐραῖος, ouraîos, "on its tail"; from Egyptian jʿr.t (iaret), "rearing cobra") is the stylized, upright form of an Egyptian cobra (asp, serpent, or snake), used as a symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity and divine authority in ancient Egypt.

The whole old testament is reference to older myth from egypt or babylon.

Tiamat is also one of the ancient myth often refered in old testament.

This way to think about the creation of the cosmos was very common in these times.

The thing of death and ressurection also have their own meaning in esoteric / gnostic teaching, the bible make many references to this process, and im pretty sure there will be evidence of this coming from neurology and noetic science in the next decade.

There are already more and more study of this in psychology / psychiatry / neurology.

The meaning of the rib from original hebrew is not that clear either.
267  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 10, 2017, 06:25:21 PM

The principles at core of relativity explain much better this relation between mater and energy.

Honestly? Im sceptical about this whole relativity. But if you insist.

There are many bugs in this theory, but the connection made between mater and energy is rather sound. Galileo noticed this too.

When looking in precedent for jesus like persons, can see hermes trismegistus, or horus. The myth around horus is actually very close to the myth of jesus. Or king solomon.

Hermes? Sorry to say but that names rings - Satanism in my ears lol. Maybe Im ignorant here. Thats my choice. I could guess that the abomination of desolation that speaks about the desecration of the temple speaks about the cult of Hermes. Popular in Greece.

King Solomon? God was not glad about him either. Catholics aka Babylonians ( Im using this term because catholics have veeeeeeeery old traditions, that is almost the same like Anatolian Hittites (cult of Ishtar) some even a looooooot older coming to king Nimrod, the ressurection of Tamuz on december and such) are loving this guy tho.

Are you implying Jesus=Satan? I must strongly oppose here.

"Let no man decieve you". You will not decieve me.

Not sure why hermes would be Satanism. The principle of Hermes seem quite in tune with the bible, but there are probably point of divergences.

King Solomon is still seen as among the wisest king. He is still rather recognized as a wisest ruler in the bible as far as i know. He still had issue to be solved, but still did many things right, compared to other Kings.

Pythagoras said numbers are the measure of all things Smiley

Well..... God is the judge. So whatever. Pyth might measure, however the God will measure him like he is measuring others.

God seem to have good judgment in people who have good measure of things he creates Smiley

Common problem is when rulers and king become too much into materialism, possession, extension of territory, orgies, instead of wisdom.
Thats not the message of the Bible. All man are bad. Thats the message of the Bible. Some are more God loving or God fearing people.

The bible is still lot about kindgoms of hevean, my kingdom is not on earth, and condamn abuse of materialism and rulers of earth things.

268  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 10, 2017, 05:27:41 PM
Wake up to reality

Which reality ? Your's ?
269  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 10, 2017, 05:25:19 PM
Yes that is sad. He is bad at explaining things. And yes, his attitude is awfuly iritating.

Its hard to make sense of what he is talking about other than:

 He is telling us that energy has phases. Those phases are fibbonaci sequenced and double helix spiral based. Its basicly a weakening in force double helix spiral like in the DNA until it gives a cut and start a new sequence. The product of the cut is RNA. Cutting is magnetic 90 arc based toward the electrical double helix energy flow. And that all energy is electric based and that therefor God is a lord of the host of electromagnetic radiation ranging from very low to very high frequencies.

But the most important thing he says is that a matter follows energy which is actually a nicely indicated and evidenced in his videos. But yes, its nightmare to watch his videos. Matter does not produce energy. The burning may produce the radiation, but this radiation requires the flow of energy to be redirected from the air full of aether and oxygen.

He sadly think its a lot more than that. Maybe it is. Its a lot to make official science questioning its dogmas. But its not self explanatory of what to make out of it imho.

Breath of life is some kind of progressive or regressive music that is made by the God double helix harp or such an instrument if I am to be poetical.

It's clear that spirals are presents in virtually all ancient tradition, and veda with the swatika and others things are also in incredibly in tune with mathematics and metaphysics.

Cycles are pervasives in all the Vedas.

Spirals are symbol of progression, and connected to Fibonacci in nature like seashells.

The principles at core of relativity explain much better this relation between mater and energy.

I don't remember who had told it but some smart guy had told something like that - As long as science rely only on mathematical model, we cannot be sure that this model has any relation to the real world.

riemann said this Smiley

Yes. We can agree that the dogma is something we both despise. Yes its the dogmatic character of the current science that is the problem, not the use of mathematics. Thank you for making it more simple and correct. Its awkward to make someone enemy of mathematics. Noone is. And thats abused. People think - if noone disagrees with mathematics lets sell everything using numbers. And they will buy everything. And thats just outragous how dogmas are sold, especially the hindu ones as mathematical jargon.

Pythagoras said numbers are the measure of all things Smiley

Yes it is not. Its the catholic church dogma had make it like so. Its all about the oldest pursuit of humankind - finding the meaning of it all.

Catholics are not the first to do this Smiley babylonian priest did same.

Yes the meaning of new testament were known before it. In the book of Jeremiah as the most clear example.

When Jesus asked who am I? He was guessed to be Jeremiah or Elijah or some other people with similiar message.

Everything was already known. The problem is not the knowledge, but agreement upon it. So yes I am ready to believe the message of old and new testament was waaaaaaaaaay before hand known and rejected.

Bible is about what God like, what God hates, what God expects and what God do. Its not about the history. Please do not secularise the Bible. One should separate the two message and not make it into one. Its wrong as Jesus had said:

So they brought it, and He asked them, “Whose likeness is this? And whose inscription?” “Caesar’s,” they answered. 17Then Jesus told them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” And they marveled at Him. 18

Mark 12:16-18

And that the kingdoms of this world belongs to Satan that wants to sift humanity.

So in other words give satan what belongs to satan - weeds and sins. Unimportant garbage and give your tresures to God. Do not give your seed to Satan in other words.

The problem with Caesar and Rome was not unique or first seen in history.

There are similar stories in ancient India, or egypt and babylon.

Common problem is when rulers and king become too much into materialism, possession, extension of territory, orgies, instead of wisdom.

When looking in precedent for jesus like persons, can see hermes trismegistus, or horus. The myth around horus is actually very close to the myth of jesus. Or king solomon.

And its not that easy to totally disconnect jesus from secularism, as he was still mixed with the pb of King of the jew, and was still rather active into critics of politics and pseudo secularism of the time, even can say large part of his message has to do with the critics of secularism.
270  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are terrorists only muslim in religion? on: August 10, 2017, 04:17:06 PM
Extremism and fanaticism in any religion can lead to terrorism.

Ah, the most parallel examples to Islamic fanatic behavior is not in other religions, but in two political entities.

A) Japan. The behavior of it's soldiers and citizens leading into and through WWII.

B) North Korea, today.

But then, Islam is a political movement hell bent on a global Caliphate.

You forgot the OAS in Algeria Smiley

The Organisation armée secrète or OAS (meaning Secret Army Organisation) was a short-lived right-wing[1] French dissident paramilitary organization during the Algerian War (1954–62). The OAS carried out terrorist attacks, including bombings and assassinations, in an attempt to prevent Algeria's independence from French colonial rule.[1][2] Its motto was L’Algérie est française et le restera ("Algeria is French and will remain so").

Secret Army Organisation
Organisation armée secrète (in French)

The OAS was formed out of existing networks, calling themselves "counter-terrorists", "self-defence groups", or "resistance", which had carried out attacks on the FLN (Algerian National Liberation Front) and their perceived supporters since early in the war. It was officially formed in Francoist Spain, in Madrid in January 1961, as a response by some French politicians and French military officers to the 8 January 1961 referendum on self-determination concerning Algeria, which had been organised by General de Gaulle.

By acts of bombings and targeted assassinations in both metropolitan France and French Algerian territories, which are estimated to have resulted in 2,000 deaths between April 1961 and April 1962, the OAS attempted to prevent Algerian independence.
271  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are terrorists only muslim in religion? on: August 10, 2017, 04:15:16 PM
A lot of terrorists seem to be coming from the Middle East, because the Middle East is getting screwed from all sides. If you lived in that place you would probably be quite pissed off as well.

What would you do if everyone that you care about got wiped out because of some retarded power games?
I honestly don't know if I would go down the same path or if I'd just try to get away and forget. I can definitely see how people end up that way though. Not that I think they should get away unpunished, I definitely think they need to be held accountable.
But even more so, the people who caused this whole mess to begin with should be held accountable. Terrorists are just a tiny symptom of the real problems.

Shouldn't you start with the Muslim clerics that tutor ignorant people that they should become suicide bombers?
Like I've said, in my book they are no more than a symptom of the real problems. If the Muslim countries weren't getting fucked over from all sides, they'd have no impulse to start converting people into suicide bombers.

I want to make it adamantly clear, that everybody involved would just magically vanish off of the face of the planet if I had that kind of power, so I'm definitely not defending them. But terrorism didn't come into being for no reason.
Just look at how much people hate them for their acts, and terrorism attacks in the west are extremely rare. If we had bombs going off in our countries left and right 24/7, then there would definitely be a damn lot of Western people going to bomb the Middle East. It's a natural reaction to constant attacks. Even the biggest nerd would retaliate eventually if they got pushed around by a bully for too long.
I don't get why this is so hard to understand. People should focus their anger at the degenerates who caused all these problems in the first place.

Even those in the West are often product of groups created by intelligency services for colonial interest who back fire at them.

The manifest Destiny of colonizer in osiris movie Cheesy
272  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Evolution is a hoax on: August 10, 2017, 03:30:31 PM
Eugenics should be real.

Why,  you dont trust darwin ?  Roll Eyes

If darwin would have been right about natural selection then most of you people would not exist.  Kiss

And yet, here we are  Grin

Natural selection still exists. Dumb people will always be the losers of it. It may not mean that they die instantly, they just die without really living for themselves. Always following the ego and jailing themselves by doing so.

 And by dumb people I mean folk who live their silly robotic slave lives. Idiots who can't play around with a thought without getting themselves all pumped up, triggered. Thinking that they have all the answers and anyone to oppose their beliefs are morons themselves. It never occurs to them, that maybe there's more to life then they are being led to believe. That's why conspiracys are for the open minded, and that's why idiots redicule conspiracy theorists, without realizing their lives are pre-programmed.

So who is there to blame? The idiots always find someone to blame, but never take the blame themself. That's what keeps them idiots in the rat race in the first place.

So the evolution exists and doesn't exist at the same time. It really depends on how you look at it.

You seem confused between natural selection, and school selection .
273  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: August 10, 2017, 03:26:28 PM
Of course I did, as i said, I live in Paris suburb lol

I saw them many times, lived few km away from the riots started in 2005 ..

But there are many weird stuff with colonial past too, you probably heard that, and next to this, all rest seem isolated story..

And not sure what Islam has to do with car burning, you saw this on faux news too ? .. between two news as why usa need to do a drones war in the middle east, make sense now.

There were car burning in france at least since 90's, before usa needed to steal oil from middle east, nobody care de about it, and Islam was no even mentioned lol
274  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: August 10, 2017, 02:27:27 AM
For me the best reason why earth is more likely to be spherical is mostly because spheres are perfectly symetrical on all axis.

With a disc it imply a notion of direction, and asymetry, which would mean some directional force is needed to create it.

As all known forces tend to be factor of distance, it make sense all objects naturally evolve to spheroids as forces are equal at all point at equal distance from a center.

When you put a drop of ink in water, it will more get shaped as spheroids than a cube or a disc.

Even without counting for heliocentric system, it would not make sense that an object stay flat with known forces either it's gravity or magnetism. The force would tend to attract everything at equal distance from a center.

It's even the great misery of mathematician that all is so round, depending PI for calculus, and we still dont know how to compute PI properly.

Beyond this it's not that the heliocentric system is not bogus to a degree, but I dont really see flat earth making lot of sense in itself.

Galaxies still seem to be flats, at least some of them, and all planets orbits are more or less on same plane too, so that could imply directional force somewhere.

Even if i dont really mind in the end if it's flat cubical spherical or donut shaped. And I dont think there is easy way to demonstrate smoking gun proof evidence that it's round like this.

For me anyway gravity alone cant explain exactly how planets got to turn around the sun to begin with, or spiral shape of galaxies, so there is probably some missing forces or missing subtilety additionally to sheer gravity to explain cosmic motion and shapes.

Even all physics law are known to be bogus, they only work at a certain scale, for certain phenomena, it's still all very fragmented as patchwork of different set of equation to use at different scales for different situations.

But I still dont get this whole hate on gravity law, and bogus dodging of one set of equation  to replace them with other patchwork of equation that are even more bogus like it's always the trend with this flat earth thing.
275  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: August 10, 2017, 01:32:12 AM
^ why the fuck did you bring up magnetic induction? You're a fucking idiot changing the subject.

It's like I'm talking about sealing a window and you start talking about how big your dick is because you hear the word caulk.




"But first, a little history. In some medieval castles, when enemies breached the first line of defense, the inhabitants would retreat from the outer courtyard (the “bailey”) to a tower on top of a mound (called the “motte”) where they could take refuge and shoot arrows at the enemy until the hostile forces gave up. After doing so, everyone would return to the more pleasant and productive bailey, secure in the knowledge that the motte would protect them if another attack were made. Mottes were safe but economically useless, and baileys were profitable but vulnerable. For best results, both were necessary." --

So why does the guy who claims we're living on a spinning ball need to use subversive debate tactics to win his argument?

Im not the one who bring induction ..

Someone got on " electric field" , so I asked what he mean by that, and he got into induction ..

Where I posted that basically the two equation can look similar but are still different, and no unified field theory can match the two ..

Which mean magnetic field cant explain fall of body .. even if it can look close to a degree .. like attraction with force inversely proportional with squared distance, but it's not same equation. .

276  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: August 10, 2017, 12:47:26 AM
Gravity is an unproven theory.

Ok I can give you that, but then so is density, pressure, float/sink principles and so on.

Replacing it with static electricity additionally to be less accurate description of the phenomena, doesnt add more proof to it.

Equation describing electric current, induction , magnetic fields etc are not more proven than gravity, and doesnt describe the body fall accurately.
277  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 10, 2017, 12:40:30 AM
Too many maybes and ifs and no proof of anything. What is the point of beveling in any of it. There is one thing that is true, we are all going to die. Evidence suggests that dying is the end, there is no afterlife, no heaven, no anything, just death. Why waste your time believing in nonsense which deep down you know it's not true.

Maybe because it's not about believing in afterlife .
278  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: August 10, 2017, 12:13:11 AM
I think this point is pretty clear now.

Put on a hat to prevent sunburn.

My head can take more heat than that.

Great, then everyone will see your point.

The earth is not flat, objects fall due to gravity, and float due to pressure differential, I though it was pretty clear for people with a decent brain.

All this having nothing to do with vortex math, Faraday, static electricity or i dunno what other non sense.
279  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: August 09, 2017, 11:50:08 PM
I think this point is pretty clear now.

Put on a hat to prevent sunburn.

My head can take more heat than that.
280  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: August 09, 2017, 10:50:35 PM
I know about vortex math .. no need to type in Google lol

Ok, great.

Enjoy your cartoons and cocoa.

Don't hurt your neck trying to suck yourself off.

Ok I guess ill do that, cause it's not like trying to picture how vortex math will prove that Earth is flat and gravity is Faraday law with static electricity will be more interesting than Alice in wonderland, I think this point is pretty clear now.
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