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2701  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: July 04, 2021, 06:26:19 AM
U svakom slučaju,  dok se stvar ne razjasni,  držim se podalje od Binance i drugih crypto mjenjačnica.
Ja sam povukao sve sa Binance, i ne samo zbog ovih novosti o zabranama u Kanadi, Britaniji, Tajlandu i Kajmanima, nego i zato jer su počeli da blokiraju ljudima withdrawal i traže i da im se pošalje video sa nekim glupostima:
Uf, nemam puno na binance ali nakon ove vijesti i ja ću sve maknuti. Zabrane me nisu previše dirale ali ako su stvarno počeli s tim selfie video sranjima onda su za mene povijest. Sva sreća da su DEXevi zaživjeli u zadnjih godinu dana pa imamo i alternative za razne shitare. Tek kada počnu ovakve priče sa zabranama, najveća prednost DEXa dođe do izražaja, odjednom malo veće transakcije (samo na ETH mreži) i nisu takav problem - barem meni.

I inače nikad nije bila dobra ideja držati crypto valute na mjenjačnicama, barem ne veće količine već samo ono što ti treba za trgovanje.
Čim predaš svoj novac nekom, više nemaš kontrolu nad njim, i taj dio mi se ne sviđa.
Neke manje crypto mjenjačnice su i prije imale problema ali Binance je djelovao malo sigurnije, sve do sada.
Mislim da ću jednostavno odustati od trgovanja dok stvari ne postanu jasnije, a video selfiji su mi teška glupost i nema šanse da im to radim.
Još kada je stiglo prvo upozorenje na Binance prije par tjedana povukao sam sve odande i srećom ne moram sada raditi ove gluposti koje traže.
2702  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: If your country does not allow the use of Bitcoin, what would you do? on: July 03, 2021, 02:21:19 PM
and India has also stated that it has banned cryptocurrency by legislation.

Since I live in the EU I personally have no such worries but people living in countries like India where crypto is not legal (from what I have heard) have a big problem.

Pardon me, but both of these facts are outdated as of now. India has not banned cryptocurrencies as of now. There is a cryptocurrency bill lined up and India is taking inputs from various industry experts in order to regulate cryptocurrencies. I believe that the ill-informed and less literate media has been spreading the news that crypto is completely banned in India. A full crypto ban was never made in India. But yes, one committee has recommended that crypto be banned. But the government is yet to consider the same.

Further, in the past RBI (central bank) had issued notices to banks/forex brokers from maintaining accounts of people dealing with cryptocurrencies. However, the same was quashed by the Supreme Court and currently the RBI itself has quoted the Supreme Court order to state that there is no restriction on banks/forex brokers. This came after some banks were found to be denying services on the basis of the previous notification.

You can read the full history of proceedings over banning of cryptocurrency in India in my post

Okay, thanks for the correction. This is very good news for the crypto community in India and I'm happy about it.
In fact, I hope that the ban on crypto will not happen in any country in the world, because there really is no reason for that.

2703  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: July 03, 2021, 01:23:08 PM
Transfer rumours:

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's United are considering offering 28-year-old midfielder Paul Pogba as part of a deal to sign his France team-mate Varane. Is that the final confirmation that Pogba is really leaving Manchester?
Arsenal are keeping tabs on former Real Madrid defender Sergio Ramos and have asked to be kept in the loop regarding the 35-year-old Spain centre-back's talks with Paris St-Germain.
I think there is very little chance that Ramos will really go to Arsenal. What do you think?
Ramos rejected a Ł10m offer from Manchester United after talks with the Red Devils and now looks set to join PSG on a two-year deal. How much PSG is willing to offer him for a salary?  Grin
Manchester United are prepared to pay Ł26m for Inter Milan's Marcelo Brozovic but could face competition from Barcelona for the 28-year-old Croatia midfielder. It seems that Brozovic is finally leaving Inter.
New Tottenham boss Nuno Espirito Santo wants to meet Harry Kane, 27, to discuss the England captain's future with Spurs before the wantaway striker goes on holiday after Euro 2020.
Obviously, Tottenham will not let their most important player out of the club so easily.

2704  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: July 03, 2021, 01:14:41 PM
Today Novak Djokovic is on the green again. The Serbian champion has practically done an ordinary job so far, if it hadn't been for that first set lost against the number 253 in the world Draper. Two days ago he was perfect against the South African Anderson, who on a fast surface such as grass could have been a real obstacle. Now another round not impossible, against the specialist Kudla, who eliminated Seppi.
Nole is already leading the game and will win without issues.

I agree, Djokovic looks very good on the field and I don't see anyone who can defeat him but himself.
I read in the news that Djokovic quarrels too much with the audience and even openly insults them.
This is really not good, because he will turn both neutral and objective viewers and the public against himself and make his way to the title more difficult.
Djokovic has to start controlling his emotions because otherwise he will create a hostile atmosphere around him, and that will not be good for him or for tennis.
By the way, I’m sorry Murray’s return ended so quickly at Wimbledon.
2705  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA EURO 2020 Discussion Thread | Current Phase: Finals in June 2021! on: July 03, 2021, 01:04:23 PM
I think the Italians will win the final! They are objectively stronger than the other teams... The English can't win them for sure!

It will be interesting to see how Ukraine plays against England today...
I don't doubt about Denmark! Wink

I wouldn't quite agree with your opinion.
Italy had big problems in the match with Austria and also the match against Belgium could have ended in another way, with the victory of Belgium, because the match was very uncertain and open until the end.
I agree that Italy is a very good team, but they will face very difficult opponents in the semifinals and finals and it is impossible to predict anything.
I was impressed by the English and the way they play in defense.
I think Ukraine has no chance tonight although surprises are always possible.
In the second match, I give a small advantage to Denmark.
2706  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: on: July 03, 2021, 12:48:33 PM
Currently, Bitcoin cannot be banned in a single country. If you understand the blockchain, you know that, technically, no country can basically control Bitcoin. Because Bitcoin is a consensus reached by anonymous participants around the world, it can only be restricted by law but obviously cannot be forbidden. It can only be guided and restricted.
My country does not explicitly prohibit bitcoin transactions, but restricts some bitcoin transactions. If the op country bans bitcoin transactions and mining, I suggest you don’t use your own wallet to test it. Mining can be relocated to other countries that are friendly to cryptocurrency. In short, you must protect your property.

I don’t think any of us are afraid that the government might control our crypto activities on the Internet.
The problem, however, arises when we want to withdraw our crypto earnings and convert it into fiat currency so that we can buy a new car, a house etc.
At that point, anonymity disappears and you have to somehow report your crypto earnings and prove that it came from a legal source.
This is what most people in the crypto world are most afraid of.
Since I live in the EU I personally have no such worries but people living in countries like India where crypto is not legal (from what I have heard) have a big problem.
 If your country does not allow the use of Bitcoin, what would you do?
If I had a large amount of crypto funds in my wallet, I would probably go live in another state.
2707  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: July 03, 2021, 12:36:26 PM
Vidim da sam svim predloženim postovima u zadnjih par dana već dodijelio merite, pa evo pitanje, imate li koji novi prijedlog, neki novi post koji još niste prijavili za merite a smatrate da ga svojom kvalitetom zaslužuje?
Ako da, slobodno ga prijavite.
Ako nema novih prijedloga, budem malo sam prošao po forumu i nagradio neke druge postove koji to zaslužuju.
2708  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: July 03, 2021, 12:31:39 PM
Nova sig. kampanja za Sr. i Hero/Legendary membere:
[BountyStar] [Signature]Push Community- Sr. Member+ Upto $30/Week. [open]

Menadzer: Bounty Star
Rank:  Sr. Members, Hero/Legendary Members
Min. postova: 15/nedeljno
Max. postova: nema
Postovi u Local: Ne
Trajanje kampanje: min. 2 nedelje


5x Sr. Members - $20 in BTC/Week.
5x Hero/Legendary Members - $30 in BTC/Week.

Pa ovo je dosta slabo plaćeno, u poređenju s drugim signature kampanjama, a još i dosta kratko traje.
Kvalitetne postere sigurno neće privući, a jedino se bojim da ovo polako ne postane ''trend'' pa i druge nove kampanje počnu nuditi manje, a to onda ''povuče'' i ove postojeće, jer zašto bi netko nudio više ako će uvijek viti dovoljno onih ''drugih'' koji će pristajati sudjelovati u kampanjama i za manje.
Ponuda i potražnja.
2709  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: July 02, 2021, 03:36:38 PM
Da, čudno je kako se sve poklopilo. Koliko godina Binance već postoji, i tek sada su se sjetili da nema potrebne licence?
Nisam teoretičar zavjera, ali sigurno postoje nekakvi političko-ekonomski interesi u pozadini. Možda se konkurencija pokušava probiti na vrh?

A ne znam što bi rekao... Isto ne volim baš te teorije zavjere ali čudno da su svi odjednom krenuli. Ili su svi čekali da netko krene prvi pa su objavu da su pod povećalom američkog SEC-a protumačili kao "go signal". Ne vjerujem da je iza svega konkurencija jer sve to dolazi iz više različitih zemalja, a nisam siguran da jedna burza može "imati nekoga" u svim tim zemljama.
Ma meni je sumnjivo da binance sa svom to lovom i vjerojatno vojskom odvjetnika nema potrebne licence. Mislim ako su oni u prekršaju onda je garant i većina ostalih u puno gorem prekršaju samo su možda dovoljno mali da prolaze ispod radara.

Mislim da ni jednoj crypto burzi jednostavno nije u "interesu " ovakva hajka na Binance jer po sistemu "domina " ako padne jedna,  nastradati će i druge.
Nešto se događa oko crypto mjenjačnica ali teško je reći što i tko točno stoji iza svega i tko je pokrenuo koordiniranu akciju  SEC i drugih?.
Američka vlada?  Bankarski loby?  Netko drugi?
U svakom slučaju,  dok se stvar ne razjasni,  držim se podalje od Binance i drugih crypto mjenjačnica.
Crypto je uvijek bila "siva zona " i ako se SEC potrudi bez problema može naći neke prekršaje i kazniti Binance.
2710  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: July 01, 2021, 06:27:06 PM
Good to hear that Andy Murray won in the second round against Otte. It's a five setter, so it's gruelling match for him. He will be facing now a tough opponent on Shapovalov, so not sure if he can muster enough energy to win again.

Lots of good match in the third round, maybe it's time to bet and do some parlay betting here. Start with Djokovic and then with Rublev vs Fognini + Shapovalov.

I am glad that Murray won the second round, but the third round will be his end station. Shapovalov, the nr 10 seed, should win this and will probably do it in 3 sets.

This afternoon Federer will play his second round against Gasquet, I hope Federer will win but he needs to step up his game. In his first round against Mannarino, he made a lot of unforced errors.

Yes, as tennis fans, we're happy to see Murray playing good tennis and moving on the third round. But the odds of him going into the next is high, and I agree that Shapovalov might end his short winning streak here.

Gasquet is a tough player, but I think he is more of a clay court player. But it can still be close as Djokovic is no longer in his prime (just my opinion), he is slower and now making a lot of mistakes even in his favourite surface.

Did you watch Djokovices last match against Anderson at all? Djokovic o most made no mistakes in the entire match dominated like he is in his prime. He wa struggling only first set against Draper then nailed him after that. Then took 4 breaks against Anderson who has one of the best servs in this sport

I think Djokovic is the safest bet in the tournament right now and I’m not sure if anyone can beat him.
Obviously, he is determined to win this GS as well and become the greatest tennis player in history.
Personally, I expected a lot more from Tsitsipas and Kvitova and I am sorry for Seren’s injury.
It seems that Azarenka is leaving this tournament today which is also a surprise, one of many in this tournament so far.
2711  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA EURO 2020 Discussion Thread | Current Phase: Finals in June 2021! on: July 01, 2021, 06:11:02 PM
Are we writing off Switzerland against Spain? I personally feel that Spain haven't been impressive at all in this competition. While Switzerland might be performing above expectations right now, I believe they have some quality players, that can turn the tables against Spain.
Not completely writing off. I thought Spain's resolve after conceding two late goals was impressive.Their "growth" in this tournament is what I am counting on. There is no doubt that Switzerland have some quality players too and they know how to fight back. I just don't think they can repeat their performance against France.

Spain certainly improved during the group phase... but they so nearly threw away their chance in the last 16. That first knockout round had some weird matches and weird results, but no team really looks invincible at the moment. So I'd definitely agree that whilst Spain should be favourites, we certainly can't say that Switzerland have no chance.
Switzerland will definitely be playing tight against Spain for the mission to make history more than qualifying for the last 16 of the Euros and it will be a very interesting game to watch.
I must admit throughout the match, the Swiss game continued to improve, especially in a very disciplined defense and also managed to beat the great team of France, the 2018 world champions.
And during the Euros I didn't see Spain playing well and even boring and I can't wait to watch a game which is certainly very interesting.

With a very good game, I think Switzerland has a good chance to win against Spain. A draw is in any case after 90 minutes inside for Switzerland, in the offensive the Spanish were not really strong and compelling.

In Italy against Belgium, I see the game pretty even, but I think the Italians will get win on the end oft the day 😎

I think you all overestimate the quality of Switzerland because of the victory against France.
The fact is that the French team was in chaos and the players quarreled with each other, and Switzerland made great use of that.
Spain started weaker in the group stage but with each new game they play better and I think they are the favorites not only against the Swiss but the favorites of the whole tournament.
The match between Belgium and Italy will be very even and uncertain and extra time and maybe penalties are possible.
2712  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: June 30, 2021, 07:01:17 AM
Nova sig. kampanja za Senior i Hero/Legendary članove:  
[OPEN] || Signature Campaign - [Sr. Member+]

Minimalno 20 postova tjedno (max 4 posta/dan).
Postovi u Local sekcijama se broje samo kao bonus ali ne u tjednu kvotu.
Menadžer: worldofcoins

Pay rates for Ranks

[5] Sr. Member: 0.0007 BTC/Week
[5] Hero/Leg Member: 0.001 BTC/Week

+0.00002 BTC for every post made in Local Board (Max 5 will be paid), These posts will not count towards the minimum.

Oho! Već dugo vremena nisam vidio kampanju koja isplaćuje fiksan iznos u BTC-u. Možda vlasnik projekta očekuje pad BTC-a pa mu je bolje plaćati u BTC-u nego u $$$ Smiley

Pitanje koliko mu je to baš "pametna " strategija i plan.
U zadnje vrijeme cijena btc toliko varira i skače gore dolje da nije pametno dugoročno vezati bilo kakve isplate uz fiksni iznos bitcoina.
Može biti u dobitku ali i u gubitku i možda će biti prisiljen platiti i više nego što je planirao 😀
2713  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: June 30, 2021, 06:54:02 AM
Ok,  riješio sam sve zaostatke.
Tko je slijedeći? 😀
2714  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: June 29, 2021, 01:06:16 PM
Koliko sam shvatio Trofu i cryptofrku, stvar je u tome da se njima gosti ne javljaju ''direktno'' već preko online platformi, gdje obavljaju i rezervaciju i plaćanje.
I nije mi se baš činilo da su ''zainteresirani'' za crypto plaćanje  Grin
Di si mene uvalio u to? Niti imam apartmane niti goste, ja sam se samo pozvao na gledanje tekme kod cryptofrke  Cool Mozda bi se trebao i ja bacit u vode iznajmljivanja ali nekako mislim da nemam zivaca za to. Uskoro bi zavrsio u novinama kada bi izbacio nekog gosta jer je djubre na pola odmora.

Sorry, krivo sam te shvatio, znam da smo imali raspravu o tome par stranica ranije, i da si se i ti ''uključio'' u tu raspravu i spominjao također apartmane, madrace i sl. kao i da si s mora, pa sam valjda krivo zaključio da si i ti u ovoj priči  Grin

Evo, taman mi danas stiže 7 televizora, 45''. Prvenstvo je, nemoš riskirat s nekim starim kramama jer će ti ljudi sjest na kičmu ako neće moć gledat nogomet. Što je isto OK, da se razumijemo.
Bome si dobar, većina ljudi šta ja znam da da se bave apartmanima su tipa uloži minimalno i oderi goste. Ko da nisu nikada čuli da bi se neki gost možda i vratio ponovno. Kada sam bacao madrac a bome s razlogom jer je preživio par mjeseci inkontientnog psa i kćerke koja se skidala s pelene, lik ga je samo pokupio i rekao da mu je super za apartman  Angry

Jel ti ostalo još šta slobodno da se pozovem na gledanje tekme, nosim pive sa sobom Smiley kripto/football/beer meetup ali ne kada igra Hrvatska da ne budu prevelike tenzije.
2715  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA EURO 2020 Discussion Thread | Current Phase: Finals in June 2021! on: June 29, 2021, 12:58:30 PM
what a game in copenhagen... Shocked spain seemed already with the 3-1 as the sure winner vs. croatia and now the 3-3 falls in injury time and the game goes into extra time
Trofo, Daniel91 and Pmalek we cant hear ya...! Grin Cool Grin

Don't ask me anything, I'm still recovering from yesterday's shock  Cheesy
We had a huge chance but we lost due to the stupidity of some players and completely wrong tactics and preparation of the Croatian coach for this match.
It is ridiculous to see that the Spanish players scored two goals with a player more on the field because Croatian players drink water or change their shoes  Grin
It is also not clear why the coach insisted so much on Rebic and it was clear how much better Croatia played with Orsic, Pasalic and Brekalo.
Another missed chance for this Croatian generation.
I am personally surprised with the way France lost yesterday, it is a really big surprise.
It seems that this European Championship is completely open and everything is really possible.
2716  Other / Meta / Re: Attention Theymos: This is a sMerit holdup! Hands in the air! on: June 29, 2021, 12:44:47 PM
How can you tell how many merit sources have dropped out?
You can't know exactly, because there is no official list of Merit sources. But we know There are 97 merit sources with a total merit generation of up to 21171 sMerit per 30 days.
I checked the last 30 days in my merit.all.txt (large file): 13061 Merit sent in 7815 transactions. Not all of those are sent by Merit sources, so it could very well be Merit sources use less than half of their allocated source each month.

I don't know how it is with others but I never have enough merits available and I can't reward all quality posts with merits.
If there really are merit sources that don't spend all available merits, it might be a good idea to reduce the amount of merit available to such members and increase it for those who don't have enough merits.
I know that only theymos have all the data and can answer this question but it seems to me that the right time has come for certain changes in this area.
It would be nice to see the new merit sources, we already have a lot of quality applications in the Meta.
2717  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitcoin vs Ethereum on: June 29, 2021, 12:36:22 PM
evo jedna interesantna tabela, odnosno ona je ista kao i uvek, ali je doslo do promene na vrhu, i sad 51% attack na Ethereum mrezu kosta vise nego na Bitcoin mrezu


sto ce reci, u ovom trenutku Ethereum je najsigurnija decentralizovana mreza

Vjerujem da je to posljedica kineske zabrane rudarenja zbog čega je jako puno Bitcoin rudara ugasilo svoje farme i u procesu su seljenja u druge države. Negdje sam pročitao da se dosta farmi seli u Kazahstan. Uz to, jučer sam vidio vijest da je prosječno vrijeme potvrde bloka na Bitcoin mreži dostiglo 11-year high i iznosilo je preko 23 minute. Ne znam kad ide prilagodba difficultya ali vjerujem da će se prilično smanjiti.

Ja sam opet negdje pročitao da se jako puno farmi seli u američku saveznu državu Teksas, navodno zbog vrlo jeftine struje  Grin
A prosječno vrijeme potvrde od 23 minute zaista nije dobro i neće baš puno pomoći u procesu prihvaćanja bitcoina, uz sve druge probleme poput velike votabilnosti bitcoina, problemi sa Binance...
A što se tiče mogućnosti 51 % attack na btc mrežu, neznatna mogućnost za to možda je postojala dok je većina rudara bila u Kini, pod nekom ''direktivom komunističke partije recimo'' ali sad mislim da se tog scenarija više ne moramo bojati.
2718  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: June 29, 2021, 12:28:29 PM
Evo ako netko gleda gdje bi na ljetovanje te bi htio platiti sa kriptom, splitski Marvie hotel je implementirao Electrocoinov PayCek.

Plaćanje kriptovalutama omogućeno je u suradnji s hrvatskim fintech startupom Electrocoin, putem njihovog proizvoda PayCek – elektroničkog platnog servisa za procesiranje kriptovaluta.

Za rezervaciju i plaćanje smještaja u hotelu putem PayCek widgeta nužno je imati digitalni novčanik na mobilnom uređaju, a transakciju je moguće izvršiti s čak šest kriptovaluta: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Stellar, EOS, XRP i DAI.

@cryptofrka sjecam se da je onomad bila neka rasprava oko iznajmljivanja smjestaja te si rekao da bi mozda bio zainteresiran primiti i kripto za svoje apartmane. Jesi na kraju ista u tom smjeru radio, ili samo fiat za sada?

U biti, bas me sada  zanima koliko uopce kosta kosta PayCek implementacija. Vidim da @dzoni bas i nije aktivan u zadnje vrijeme na forumu, pa da pojasni malo kako to ide.

Koliko sam shvatio Trofu i cryptofrku, stvar je u tome da se njima gosti ne javljaju ''direktno'' već preko online platformi, gdje obavljaju i rezervaciju i plaćanje.
I nije mi se baš činilo da su ''zainteresirani'' za crypto plaćanje  Grin
A ne samo Dzoni već cijela ekipa s Electrocoina već duže nije aktivna ovdje na forumu (zato su aktivni u medijima, na TV, novine...), pretpostavljam da su u gužvi zbog posla i da nemaju vremena za internetske forume  Cheesy
Dzoni, ako nas čuješ, javi što ima novog?  Grin
2719  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: June 29, 2021, 12:23:50 PM
Tko je slijedeći?  Cheesy

Evo, opet ja sa otkrivanjem još jedne grupe sockpuppet korisnilkih računa. Izgleda da je 1xbit angažirao baš sve bivše Adkinsbet shillere odnosno, nekolicinu pojedinaca koji upravljaju sa svim alt računima.

Usput, evo i prijava još jednog spammera i plagijatora:

Znači krenuo si konačno u završni ''fight'' za viši forum rank!?  Cheesy
Bilo je i vrijeme.
Hvala na kvalitetnim prijavama, samo sam trenutno malo ''kratak'' sa raspoloživim meritima pa sam ti za sada nagradio prvi post a i drugi će uskoro doći na red.
Tko je slijedeći?  Cheesy
2720  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: June 28, 2021, 02:06:16 PM
Evo da ja podijelim jedan svoj post ovdje:

Više ga stavljam zbog ekipe koja prati samo određene teme pa možda neće vidjeti što sam napisao Smiley

Nek si se i ti konačno ''aktivirao'' ovdje  Grin
Tko je slijedeći?  Cheesy
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