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27461  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: December 18, 2016, 01:04:36 PM
I was thinking a part of my life of hating religion and people who believe.

But now I'm getting older. 28 in 3 days and I understand much better what is religion and with what can help people.

Even me as a convinced atheist I was thinking in some difficult moment in my life at GOD. Not a specific god but still this is intersting.

Yes. The God of the universe has left evidence of Himself in all our hearts. I wish He would tell us more in our hearts, but he might have, and the evil that has been passed down through the ages has corrupted it. That's why we have the bible.

Interesting handle - kongosplit. When was the Congo split? Hasn't it become at least two different nations that are still referred to as Congo? Are you from there?

27462  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: December 18, 2016, 12:57:21 PM


I understand your position perfectly.  You got yourself deep into this cult and you will always try to explain and justify obvious holes in your religious storyline.

So cancer is people's fault. Nice. I get it.  It cannot be God because God is perfect and good (yeah right)

But little kids, c'mon man.  What sins did a 3 month old child do who died of cancer? Where are your Christian morals.  To kill children with cancer is not right, man.

Next time you pray, say three times "Hey God, af_newbie said you go fuck yourself, you motherfucker!"

You have my vote for Best comment in the "Fuck You" to Badecker's god!


So much anger and rage.  Sad

The question of why innocents suffer is a hard one.

There is indisputably tremendous suffering in the world. Most of it is created by Man in our inhumanity to each other and our moral failings. Some, however, comes from random disasters such as tornadoes or an unlucky cancer.

In providing us with Ethical Monotheism God has given us the tools we need to build a better and more advanced society. This limits the evils of Man against Man. It also enables us, as we progress, to better mitigate random suffering such as that caused by natural disasters. Someday we will be able to cure or better yet prevent cancer. In some cases we have already made great progress. Childhood Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) had a 10% survival rate in the 1960s today that survival rate is around 90%.

See: Religion and Progress for details on how Ethical Monotheism drives progress.

Why does God not simply impose his will on us and remove all evil from the world? Because if God or any other power did this we would no longer be free but the slaves of that power. We have been given free will to choose good over evil. If we all choose good then the random sufferings of natural disasters and even cancer will take care of themselves gradually vanishing with time and progress.

Yes! But when you look at the responses of the majority of people here, these people seem to want ignorance, if they can only maintain the idea of "God" outside of their lives.

There is a little Bible passage that says wording like, If God had not shortened those days, no flesh would be saved. In other words, at the end times, people will set themselves so extremely against God, that even the saved people would be twisted into losing their salvation.

When I explain this, perhaps it gives fuel to the fire of the ungodly people a little. But that's kinda okay. Sure, it would be good if evil did not exist. But if evil people force themselves harshly against the saved, Jesus will return and make the evil to NOT exist. Then, He will take His people to their new home, the New Earth in the New Heavens.

Will there really be a new universe? The language regarding this in the Revelation and elsewhere is a bit difficult to understand. But it seems that God is going to actually make a new universe.

Can God do this? There is only one thing to say about it. We simply have to believe what God says. After all, nobody knows the details of the way God made this universe. We don't even know a tiny touch of how He did it. In the same way, we don't know how He could make another one. All we can do is believe... or doubt.


oh boy are you in for a disappointment... Ok, let's say that in the end god exists but that god isn't that god you were worshiping and that god says"nah bro, you're going to hell for worshiping the false god". How'd you feel then?

That's exactly the point. Religions are built on a core of reality - like the existence of God - and consist of faith in the things that people believe God tells them.

What's the matter? Have your itty bitty feewings been hurt so badly by finding out that God is real, that you are out to hurt my feelings for being the guy who pointed out God to you? Be that as it may, turn to accept God. He will forgive you for your opposition at this time, if you turn from it to Jesus salvation.

Many of the studies that CoinCube brings out in this thread show that religion and belief in God bring about better general health.

27463  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Who wants to start an anarchist micronation? on: December 18, 2016, 12:51:48 PM
OROBTC if you want to argue the position of an extreme mad max world into a bottomless pit, then I won't stand in your way. That is why we are also working on an anonymous Knowledge Age.

My point is assuming a world that still has some semblance of law, respect for international law which they explicitly ratified on a country-by-country basis, and respect for property rights then I offer a proposal.

Btw, there is an incredibly remote (no airplane service within 1000 kilometers) island nation with only 56 citizens (who will I presume likely be impoverished if cruise ships stop running in a global economic collapse) which will be ripe for buyout in the coming global economic collapse.

Would The Philippines respect your sovereignty if someone bought one of the islands on the "margin" (remote)?  Bet they would not, bet they would not respect UN rulez (technicalitiez) re "stateless people".

Only 56 people?  It's not Nauru (my first guess, 10,000 there (Wikipedia)).

Ahh, got it.  Pitcairn.   I wonder how much they would want (and we pay them to leave)?  It is (story link below) a British Overseas Territory, so might not be for sale.  Would guess NOT.

Here's a story with pictures for the readers of this thread on Pitcairn, no one wants to move there (wiki also has an article):

Looks kind of nice actually...

It's a floating island. The promoters are attempting to make treaties with various nations and island nations, to allow them a place near their nation to build their floating island. Once built, it could be floated anywhere.

27464  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Who wants to start an anarchist micronation? on: December 18, 2016, 12:48:47 PM
The Seasteading Institute.


Call me paranoid but unless that design can float, it would be in danger of the polar icecaps melting or any number of natural disasters that occur fairly regularly...

I think the walls are pretty high.
Tbh. I think instead of building walls the city should be able to submerge but then depending on the size of the city that would be very hard to do.

It's a floating island. Look it up on the Net.    Cool

i would suggest a ring road to link the islands at the outer perimeter because you dont want the congestion  of the whole island having to pass through the central  bottleneck for anyone to get anywhere
only having 1 route through the centre to get from a to b

Let them know at their website - Get on their email list. They like to hear all the suggestions that they can. You might even pre-purchase a spot for when they eventually get it going.

27465  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: December 18, 2016, 12:45:03 PM
Religion is a kind of spirit by category, spirit control thinking and understanding, the spirit is the invisible things, the more so the more mysterious, since there will be a mysterious worship, worship there is a God, also a recognition of the existence of God, since it is an atheist, so of course not God, not in the religious range, namely: heterogeneous. All the people know to the heterogeneous is: how will this unbelievable ,past hope ,hate.

This is why atheism is a religion. The atheists are simply ignorant of the fact that they are setting themselves up as god over God in their religion, by claiming God doesn't exist, when the universe shows the evidence of His existence all over the place.

27466  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: December 18, 2016, 12:43:02 PM
There wouldn't be much hate for it if it's not been/being used to suppress, oppress and discriminate. Just look at everything done in its name. And yet I see people who immediately assume atheists are moral monsters simply because they don't worship any particular deity.

So I guess we can ask a question in return, Why Do Theists hate Atheists?

Anybody might hate anybody else for something at some time or other. In general, theists hate atheism, because atheism is bringing the atheists to ruin, and the atheists don't even realize it. but theists don't hate atheists.

It's like trying to save someone who is drowning, when he has gone beyond the panic point, and doesn't even realize he IS drowning. He might fight the person who is trying to save him.

Or it is like trying to save a person who is strongly affected by hypothermia, where he is out in the below 0 weather, and sheds his clothing, because the hypothermia has affected his brain so that he thinks he feels warm in the cold. He will fight you if you try to save him, because he is crazed, and doesn't realize he needs saving.

It isn't the atheists that theists hate. It is the atheism. But the atheists think that theists hate them, because they are crazed in their atheism, and don't realize that they will die, eternally, if they are not saved.

27467  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why God exists in all people mind? on: December 18, 2016, 12:35:07 PM
Rwanda?  Where was God?
Nazi concentration camps?  Where was God?
ISIS genocides?  Where was God?

Playing golf?  Or raping little kids in heaven like his disciples here on Earth?

God is constantly working to save people for Heaven. You, it seems, would rather pick on some particular evils that were done, and ignore the very real fact of Hell. If you are so in favor of saving people, become a missionary for God, and save people from eternal damnation, which is billions of times more painful than any little troubles you have talked about.


BADlogic has just highlighted one of the biggest problems, IMO, what's wrong with his cult.

Christian mythology encourages acceptance of real evils, while focusing on imaginary evils.

The devil would be proud of you.

The only evil that has any significance is the evil of not accepting Jesus salvation. Why? Because all the evils of this life will be gone when this life is over. But the punishments of Hell are based on rejecting Jesus in this life. Hell and its pain last forever.


See. Focusing on imaginary evils. Thanks for confirming.  Smiley

Why do you always attempt to move the focus off the things that are important?    Cool
27468  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why God exists in all people mind? on: December 18, 2016, 12:32:05 PM
... Also, God has so much mercy on the damned that He lets them die so that they will not fill up their lives with more sinning that they will have to pay for in Hell.

I see, sort of like a pre-emptive strike.

So by your BSDecker logic, he should be killing all men since all men have sinned.  Kill them early so that they don't have a chance to sin.

You are making excuses to explain your God's behaviour.  Your god cannot speak or write himself?

Don't they have Duolingo in heaven?

Why did he make atheists?

God doesn't want anyone to die.
But those people who will never accept Him, why not let them die young, so that they don't sin any more than necessary, so that they don't receive an eternity of punishment that is greater than it will be?

God isn't proactively punishing anyone. He is punishing those who ask for it by rejecting Jesus. Punishment will be your gift from God that you are asking for if you don't change and accept the love that God is offering, shown in Jesus salvation.

Excuses for God? LOL! This stuff is information that is available for anyone to read, in the Bible.

I pity you that you are so stuck in your rut. But since you adamantly like it there, like a pig wallowing in the muck, I will start to laugh at you in the near future.


And yet he kills children with pleasure....

God doesn't kill anyone except to protect His people. He certainly doesn't kill children. as I have explained elsewhere, it's our mistakes that makes it bad for us.

However, if God did happen to kill children, wouldn't you want him to do it with pleasure, rather than with some other things, like pain?



I am not a psycho to kill children or anyone for that matter.  Your God does not have problem with either.

So I guess you have to be a psychopath to believe in  a psychopathic God.

Innocent children are not only dying from cancer or hiv and other God made diseases, they die from bullets, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, hurricanes and floods.

Intelligent  design my ass.  Either he did not design it or he is not intelligent.  The only reasonable conclusion is that the stories about him were concocted in the minds of the Bronze age psychopathic band leaders.

To accept these stories today is insanity.  

You seem to be fixated on explaining to people about something you call MY God. Yet you don't seem to want to accept that God even exists, even though He is YOUR God, as well. You are a little twisted, aren't you, explaining all kinds of details about something that doesn't exist in your mind?

Are you really changing so that you finally believe that God exists? If you are, it will be beneficial for you, except if you continue to oppose Him. It's a start for you, I guess.

Now, get into His Word, the Bible, in detail, so that you can start to learn the truth about things, rather than to simply badmouth God from a standpoint of ignorance. You might even find salvation to eternal life. God would rather you had eternal life than eternal death.

27469  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why God exists in all people mind? on: December 18, 2016, 12:24:45 PM
It's because I believe that He exists in my mind and heart. If you actually searched for answers instead of saying that God doesn't exist and blames Him for everything, you might have a positive view in life. I'm a believer and had some stumbles on the way to serve God, it's there I understood that He always do something for a reason. It's you who will take the action.

Where is God?

In my country it is normal to see children in the garbage looking for food.

You do not know how the world is, since I was a child I always went to give food to the poor, I left the church because I realized that the poor did not help in the church.

Whenever I saw someone poor, i tell the person to go to church because she would have help. Help? In the church they did not leave badly dressed and dirty people enter, the donations that are collectibles serve to keep the church, are not used to help the poor. I was naive at the time.

But I learned the lesson, you should not expect any god to do anything, All people should help others with what little they have.

In the middle picture, above, do you see the dead Kids? God has taken their pain away.

If they had been educated about God in church (or at home) they will be saved.

After all, all people die. The person who dies like those kids, or the person who dies at home in bed in a wealthy mansion, or the person who dies in a plane crash, or the person who dies from disease... all are just as dead as the others who are dead.

This life lasts, maybe, as long as 100 years or so. The next life, that God will raise us to, will last forever. God has said so in His Word, the Bible. I hope those kids don't miss out on that. But if you don't turn back to God - Jesus salvation - you certainly will.

27470  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why God exists in all people mind? on: December 18, 2016, 12:17:54 PM
You grew up on an island where everyone have black hair. Your parents believe hair can only be black. Everyone in the island has only seen black hair and so everyone believe hair can only be black (of course unless you grow old, they're isolated but not stupid).

Then you become educated in a university far away, and you find out the reasons why the genetics work the way they do to give you black hair.

Become educated about God so that He has the tools to work with to save you from your impending doom in the eternal death. My "God" posts in this forum are like your pre-entrance to Bible college information.

27471  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: December 18, 2016, 12:13:17 PM


I understand your position perfectly.  You got yourself deep into this cult and you will always try to explain and justify obvious holes in your religious storyline.

So cancer is people's fault. Nice. I get it.  It cannot be God because God is perfect and good (yeah right)

But little kids, c'mon man.  What sins did a 3 month old child do who died of cancer? Where are your Christian morals.  To kill children with cancer is not right, man.

Next time you pray, say three times "Hey God, af_newbie said you go fuck yourself, you motherfucker!"

You have my vote for Best comment in the "Fuck You" to Badecker's god!


So much anger and rage.  Sad

The question of why innocents suffer is a hard one.

There is indisputably tremendous suffering in the world. Most of it is created by Man in our inhumanity to each other and our moral failings. Some, however, comes from random disasters such as tornadoes or an unlucky cancer.

In providing us with Ethical Monotheism God has given us the tools we need to build a better and more advanced society. This limits the evils of Man against Man. It also enables us, as we progress, to better mitigate random suffering such as that caused by natural disasters. Someday we will be able to cure or better yet prevent cancer. In some cases we have already made great progress. Childhood Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) had a 10% survival rate in the 1960s today that survival rate is around 90%.

See: Religion and Progress for details on how Ethical Monotheism drives progress.

Why does God not simply impose his will on us and remove all evil from the world? Because if God or any other power did this we would no longer be free but the slaves of that power. We have been given free will to choose good over evil. If we all choose good then the random sufferings of natural disasters and even cancer will take care of themselves gradually vanishing with time and progress.

Yes! But when you look at the responses of the majority of people here, these people seem to want ignorance, if they can only maintain the idea of "God" outside of their lives.

There is a little Bible passage that says wording like, If God had not shortened those days, no flesh would be saved. In other words, at the end times, people will set themselves so extremely against God, that even the saved people would be twisted into losing their salvation.

When I explain this, perhaps it gives fuel to the fire of the ungodly people a little. But that's kinda okay. Sure, it would be good if evil did not exist. But if evil people force themselves harshly against the saved, Jesus will return and make the evil to NOT exist. Then, He will take His people to their new home, the New Earth in the New Heavens.

Will there really be a new universe? The language regarding this in the Revelation and elsewhere is a bit difficult to understand. But it seems that God is going to actually make a new universe.

Can God do this? There is only one thing to say about it. We simply have to believe what God says. After all, nobody knows the details of the way God made this universe. We don't even know a tiny touch of how He did it. In the same way, we don't know how He could make another one. All we can do is believe... or doubt.

27472  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: December 18, 2016, 12:00:34 PM

Poor baby. You understand perfectly what I am saying. Yet you set yourself up against the Great God of all. Well, your choice. But don't say I didn't warn you.


And yet you cannot defend Your God against the truth. How very ironic!

God is truth. He doesn't want or need any defense against Himself. Too bad you are so full of falsehood. He is letting your evil, the evil of this world, go on for a time. But at the right time, He will put an end to it.

God will even stop you from being evil. This will happen at your death. But you can reduce your evil before death, simply by acknowledging what you know in your heart already... that God exists, and has sent His Son, Jesus, to be your Savior.

27473  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Perfect Gifts for Mom or Dad on: December 18, 2016, 11:54:02 AM
I'm glad the moderators haven't moved this thread somewhere else, but I am a little surprised they didn't.

27474  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Would you eat a human? on: December 18, 2016, 11:51:41 AM
I'll order my enemies foot.

I really want to thank you for helping me stay on my diet.     Cheesy
27475  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why God exists in all people mind? on: December 18, 2016, 03:41:26 AM
... Also, God has so much mercy on the damned that He lets them die so that they will not fill up their lives with more sinning that they will have to pay for in Hell.

I see, sort of like a pre-emptive strike.

So by your BSDecker logic, he should be killing all men since all men have sinned.  Kill them early so that they don't have a chance to sin.

You are making excuses to explain your God's behaviour.  Your god cannot speak or write himself?

Don't they have Duolingo in heaven?

Why did he make atheists?

God doesn't want anyone to die.
But those people who will never accept Him, why not let them die young, so that they don't sin any more than necessary, so that they don't receive an eternity of punishment that is greater than it will be?

God isn't proactively punishing anyone. He is punishing those who ask for it by rejecting Jesus. Punishment will be your gift from God that you are asking for if you don't change and accept the love that God is offering, shown in Jesus salvation.

Excuses for God? LOL! This stuff is information that is available for anyone to read, in the Bible.

I pity you that you are so stuck in your rut. But since you adamantly like it there, like a pig wallowing in the muck, I will start to laugh at you in the near future.


And yet he kills children with pleasure....

God doesn't kill anyone except to protect His people. He certainly doesn't kill children. as I have explained elsewhere, it's our mistakes that makes it bad for us.

However, if God did happen to kill children, wouldn't you want him to do it with pleasure, rather than with some other things, like pain?

27476  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Who wants to start an anarchist micronation? on: December 18, 2016, 03:38:13 AM
The Seasteading Institute.


Call me paranoid but unless that design can float, it would be in danger of the polar icecaps melting or any number of natural disasters that occur fairly regularly...

I think the walls are pretty high.
Tbh. I think instead of building walls the city should be able to submerge but then depending on the size of the city that would be very hard to do.

It's a floating island. Look it up on the Net.    Cool
27477  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: December 18, 2016, 03:37:02 AM

There is only one possible answer to the prayers and it's MAYBE. The same result you'd get as praying to a car or any other object.

Wrong! The answer to prayers is always, God knows best, and answers all prayers in the best way.


so it's still a maybe, if the best "way" for you is not to listen to your prayer and you're not aware of his thought, the answer is maybe.

Maybe what? There are maybe's all over the place in life. One of the places that ISN'T a maybe is that God answers prayer in the best way. Like you think that we know what is best, better than the Guy Who controls everything through cause and effect, and MAYBE a million other ways, as well?

Come on, man. God is on your side. Quit fighting Him.

Show me one person whom prayers have helped to beat cancer. No such people. If the doctors helped, they say that God heard the prayers, if the doctors don't help, then say what is bad prayed. This is nonsense!

All people who knew they had cancer and beat it, did so through prayer. Some of the people knew they were praying. Others didn't.


WTF? Now this is just mindless rubbish. That is like saying all those Altar boys who were raped by the priest of their church didn't ask for it.... but in reality they did.

You only look at the surface of things. People have been hurting people all over the world almost since time began.
People who hurt others for no reason will lose some of their glory in Heaven if they are saved. But if they are damned, they will have extra pain in Hell.


But.. I was always told by the local priests and other people that god loves us all and will forgive our sins. So what's the deal with that?

God DOES love all. That's why He gave us appropriate freedom.

Who should God let live if there is war between people and God? God can't be destroyed. Yet, in the war, God, in the form of Jesus, DID die.

If people will not accept the way that God gave them to "overcome" Him - the death of Jesus - there is nothing else for these people. What else can God do? He essentially gave Himself up to death in the person of the God-man, Jesus. Other than that, you can't kill or destroy God. You will only succeed in destroying yourself if you won't accept.

How much greater love can there be? When people reject the love, there simply isn't anything else than their destruction.


Even little kids who die from cancer?  Why is God killing them?

What? Now you are calling the Creator of all things, cancer? Don't you have any joy in life at all?


Little kids die from cancer that God gave it to them thus killing them.  God aka "Creator of all things" is a killer of little kids.

Why?  What is your church say about cancer?

Or that is devil's work?  God is just reaping rewards by getting little kids to heaven pronto....

Why did he create them in the first place?  To take their lives so early?  Is he a psychopath?  Does he enjoy killing people?

The medical has shown us way back in the early 1900s that cancer is trophoblast run amuck, due to general poor health. It has to do with mankind accepting the devil's evil proposition, and destroying perfection thereby.

Since you aren't even interested in God, you will never understand the depth of love that He has given us, simply in the way that He gave us the universe, and made us in His image.

He is offering you and everyone salvation from the universe that mankind corrupted. Take it or leave it.



I understand your position perfectly.  You got yourself deep into this cult and you will always try to explain and justify obvious holes in your religious storyline.

So cancer is people's fault. Nice. I get it.  It cannot be God because God is perfect and good (yeah right)

But little kids, c'mon man.  What sins did a 3 month old child do who died of cancer? Where are your Christian morals.  To kill children with cancer is not right, man.

Next time you pray, say three times "Hey God, af_newbie said you go fuck yourself, you motherfucker!"

Poor baby. You understand perfectly what I am saying. Yet you set yourself up against the Great God of all. Well, your choice. But don't say I didn't warn you.

27478  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why God exists in all people mind? on: December 17, 2016, 11:43:54 PM
... Also, God has so much mercy on the damned that He lets them die so that they will not fill up their lives with more sinning that they will have to pay for in Hell.

I see, sort of like a pre-emptive strike.

So by your BSDecker logic, he should be killing all men since all men have sinned.  Kill them early so that they don't have a chance to sin.

You are making excuses to explain your God's behaviour.  Your god cannot speak or write himself?

Don't they have Duolingo in heaven?

Why did he make atheists?

God doesn't want anyone to die. But those people who will never accept Him, why not let them die young, so that they don't sin any more than necessary, so that they don't receive an eternity of punishment that is greater than it will be?

God isn't proactively punishing anyone. He is punishing those who ask for it by rejecting Jesus. Punishment will be your gift from God that you are asking for if you don't change and accept the love that God is offering, shown in Jesus salvation.

Excuses for God? LOL! This stuff is information that is available for anyone to read, in the Bible.

I pity you that you are so stuck in your rut. But since you adamantly like it there, like a pig wallowing in the muck, I will start to laugh at you in the near future.

27479  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why God exists in all people mind? on: December 17, 2016, 11:37:44 PM
Rwanda?  Where was God?
Nazi concentration camps?  Where was God?
ISIS genocides?  Where was God?

Playing golf?  Or raping little kids in heaven like his disciples here on Earth?

God is constantly working to save people for Heaven. You, it seems, would rather pick on some particular evils that were done, and ignore the very real fact of Hell. If you are so in favor of saving people, become a missionary for God, and save people from eternal damnation, which is billions of times more painful than any little troubles you have talked about.


BADlogic has just highlighted one of the biggest problems, IMO, what's wrong with his cult.

Christian mythology encourages acceptance of real evils, while focusing on imaginary evils.

The devil would be proud of you.

The only evil that has any significance is the evil of not accepting Jesus salvation. Why? Because all the evils of this life will be gone when this life is over. But the punishments of Hell are based on rejecting Jesus in this life. Hell and its pain last forever.

27480  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Health and Religion on: December 17, 2016, 11:33:32 PM

There is only one possible answer to the prayers and it's MAYBE. The same result you'd get as praying to a car or any other object.

Wrong! The answer to prayers is always, God knows best, and answers all prayers in the best way.


so it's still a maybe, if the best "way" for you is not to listen to your prayer and you're not aware of his thought, the answer is maybe.

Maybe what? There are maybe's all over the place in life. One of the places that ISN'T a maybe is that God answers prayer in the best way. Like you think that we know what is best, better than the Guy Who controls everything through cause and effect, and MAYBE a million other ways, as well?

Come on, man. God is on your side. Quit fighting Him.

Show me one person whom prayers have helped to beat cancer. No such people. If the doctors helped, they say that God heard the prayers, if the doctors don't help, then say what is bad prayed. This is nonsense!

All people who knew they had cancer and beat it, did so through prayer. Some of the people knew they were praying. Others didn't.


WTF? Now this is just mindless rubbish. That is like saying all those Altar boys who were raped by the priest of their church didn't ask for it.... but in reality they did.

You only look at the surface of things. People have been hurting people all over the world almost since time began.
People who hurt others for no reason will lose some of their glory in Heaven if they are saved. But if they are damned, they will have extra pain in Hell.


But.. I was always told by the local priests and other people that god loves us all and will forgive our sins. So what's the deal with that?

God DOES love all. That's why He gave us appropriate freedom.

Who should God let live if there is war between people and God? God can't be destroyed. Yet, in the war, God, in the form of Jesus, DID die.

If people will not accept the way that God gave them to "overcome" Him - the death of Jesus - there is nothing else for these people. What else can God do? He essentially gave Himself up to death in the person of the God-man, Jesus. Other than that, you can't kill or destroy God. You will only succeed in destroying yourself if you won't accept.

How much greater love can there be? When people reject the love, there simply isn't anything else than their destruction.


Even little kids who die from cancer?  Why is God killing them?

What? Now you are calling the Creator of all things, cancer? Don't you have any joy in life at all?


Little kids die from cancer that God gave it to them thus killing them.  God aka "Creator of all things" is a killer of little kids.

Why?  What is your church say about cancer?

Or that is devil's work?  God is just reaping rewards by getting little kids to heaven pronto....

Why did he create them in the first place?  To take their lives so early?  Is he a psychopath?  Does he enjoy killing people?

The medical has shown us way back in the early 1900s that cancer is trophoblast run amuck, due to general poor health. It has to do with mankind accepting the devil's evil proposition, and destroying perfection thereby.

Since you aren't even interested in God, you will never understand the depth of love that He has given us, simply in the way that He gave us the universe, and made us in His image.

He is offering you and everyone salvation from the universe that mankind corrupted. Take it or leave it.

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