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2861  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [OCEAN] BurstOcean | 10 Months Old ASSET | STREAMS OF INCOME | Weekly DIVIDENDS on: January 29, 2018, 12:35:31 PM

Great news everyone! I consider that BURST platform is not longer a suitable platform for us due to the numerous events that occured along its lifetime(manipulation, fundamental code flawed, buggy wallets,etc.) and I have decided to transfer and at the same time rebrand BURSTOCEAN into the BitShares platform which offers us a lot more flexibility and functionalities.
The new asset name is OCEANX and from today I'm organising a SWAP procedure which will take 30 DAYS!
RATIO: 100:1  This means that for each 100 BURSTOCEAN you own you will receive 1 OCEANX.


Starting today 29th January and until 28th February, BurstOcean holders should send their assets to the following account: BURST-HP7D-PER2-2DGS-8SZM5 with a message attached to it mentioning their BITSHARES account where they want to receive their OCEANX assets.

If you don't have a BitShares account please use this link to create one:
After this period is over I will no longer offer any swaps.


A new era is starting for OCEANX shareholders and supporters! From now on we will NO LONGER DISTRIBUTE DIVIDENDS. All the profits from our resources backing the asset will be CAPITALISED. Which means that as our money in our "VAULT" INCREASES, that GROWTH will be reflected on the asset price through market-making. The profits will be kept in BTC on a secure wallet. At the moment OCEANX is only backed by GPU mining,but as we grow more PROFIT STREAMS will be added.

Thank you for your support and look forward to a bright future!
2862  Local / Română (Romanian) / [ANN][ICO]BoatPilot -Serviciu de Navigatie marina integrat cu capabilitati de AR on: January 28, 2018, 12:48:48 PM



BoatPilot este in esenta Google Maps marin si TripAdvisor intr-un singur software, cu niciun alt produs de felul acesta in lume.

9th Ianuarie 2018 - 30th Aprilie 2018
Nume Token: NAVI
Numarul maxim de NAVI: 341 737 610
Numar sumar de NAVI disponibil vanzarii: 280 857 144
Monede acceptate: ETH BTC LTC BCH
Model vanzare Token: 2 Perioade de Vanzare. Plasament Privat(112 000 000 tokenuri disponibile) si Plasament Public(229 737 610 tokenuri disponibile)
Token price: $0.07 in momentul TGE


Etapa inchisa a TGE incepe la 13:00:00 UTC Ianuarie 9, 2018 si va dura pana la 23:59:59 UTC Martie 31, 2018. Se anticipeaza urmatoarea structura de bonusuri pentru etapa inchisa:

Nicio suma mai mica de $25,000 (or 50 ETH / 2.5 BTC / 15 BCH / 250 LTC) nu va fi accetata de-a lungul plasamentului privat. Acceptam de asemenea diferite forme de plata. Va rugam sa ne contactati la pentru a obtine detaliile.
Urmatorul numar de tokenuri va fi eliberat ca parte a plasamentului privat:
•56,000,000 NAVI tokenuri pentru a asigura ca Soft Cap este indeplinit ($3,920,000)
•56,000,000 NAVI tokenuri pentru a asigura atingerea bonusului maxim posibil (100%)
Dupa ce plasamentul privat este sfarsit, toate tokenurile care nu au fost vandute vor fi eliminate din bursa de schimb si distruse.


Etapa deschisa a TGE incepe la 13:00:00 UTC Aprilie 1, 2018 si va dura pana la 23:59:59 UTC Aprilie 30, 2018. Se anticipeaza urmatoarea structura de bonusuri pentru etapa deschisa:

229,737,610 NAVI tokenuri vor fi eliberate ca parte a plasamentul public TGE. Tokenurile vor fi distribuite in felul urmator:

Numarul de tokenuri eliberate de-a lungul plasamentul public este bazat pe ipoteza ca nu au fost adunate fonduri in timpul etapei inchise a TGE.  In orice caz, in realitate plasamentul privat va genera cerere,iar fondurile adunate vor fi mai mari de zero, asa ca Hard Cap poate fi atinsa inainte ca toate tokenurile sa fie vandute. In acest caz, tokenurile care raman pe piata dupa ce Hard Cap e atins vor fi cumparate si distruse. Toate fondurile transferate de-a lungul etapelor inchise si deschise ale TGE vor fi tinute intr-un seif de tip escrow special si vor fi indisponibile pana cand TGE-ul se termina.


Spre deosebire de majoritatea sistemelor de navigatie marina existente pe piata, produsul nostru este dezvoltat in mod unic pentru yachtsmenii privati si intreprinderi mici de yachting.

Cea mai relevanta si precisa informatie de navigatie asupra obiectivelor de coasta.

BoatPilot ofera suport pentru functie de realitate augmentata (AR), care Ii permite capitanului sa utilizeze ochelari AR pentru a vedea toate datele necesare incorporate in mediul inconjurator real si sa evite distractiile de bord traditionale – aceasta optiune este in special folositoare in conditii de vizibilitate redusa sau in timpul noptii.

Utilizatorii BoatPilot pot contribui si actualiza baza de date existenta si genera continut relevant (comentarii, fotografii si rute), care este apoi verificat de alti membri ai comunitatii de yachting

BoatPilot este primul Serviciu de Navigatie gratuit cu capabilitati de realitate augmentata pentru pietele private / comerciale de yachting.

Cum functioneaza BoatPilot

BoatPilot este bazat pe componente de software unice. Fiecare component va functiona ca o parte a sistemului nostru, si poate fi utilizat ca o solutie gata realizata de catre alti producatori de navigatie marina precum si de agregatoare de diagrame marine.

• Modulul vector de optimizare a informatiilor privind geo-navigatia poate fi utilizat pe dispozitive mobile cu capacitati de calcul si spatiu de stocare limitate. Modulul poate fi utilizat intr-un cluster.

•Platforma cloud server de inalta-incarcare pentru munca de colaborare in gridding, cu structura de date arbitrara si functii de clasare si indexare a geo-datelor.

•Platforma cloud server pentru colectare si vizualizare a indicatorilor marini principali in timp real (coordonate, viteze si rute) a vaselor echipate cu localizare geografica prin GPS si dispozitive GLONASS, precum si un server pentru stocarea si sincronizarea in cloud a datelor.

•Modulul hardware inovativ fara fir BoatGod pentru platformele iOS si Android proiectat sa lucreze cu sistemele de bord a vaselor bazate pe standardul NMEA, care permite receptionarea informatiei de la toate dispozitivele vasului si, daca este necesar, controlarea acestora. BoatGod este de asemenea capabil de a agrega geo-informatia de la sisteme variate, precum sonarul vasului, pentu a compila diagramele actualizate.

•Sistemul de navigatie cu realitate augmentata, care permite capitanului sa evite distractiile de bord, precum si sa primeasca sfaturi privitoare la caile navigabile, traiectorii, semne de pericol, canale radio, etc. Acesta este in mod special important cand se navigheaza pe timp de noapte sau un conditii de vreme rea.

Conceptul nostru de afaceri este pregatit pentru globalizare:
  • strategie pentru extinderea catre noi piete geografice
  • plan de dezvoltare clar, care implica inovarea continua a produselor
  • produs deja functional, cu cerere chiar si fara marketing
  • echipa puternica,pasionata de yachting

Modelul financiar BoatPilot asuma doua posibile cursuri ale dezvoltarii si functionalitatii BoatPilot. Amandoua sunt bazate pe cantitatea de fonduri stransa prin TGE:

Soft Cap – $3 920 000
Hard Cap – $9 850 000
Va rugam, vedeti Road Map mai jos.

Daca Soft Cap nu e atins in timpul TGE, toate investitiile vor fi returnate.

TGE se va incheia automat cand Hard Cap va fi atins.

Este posibil ca fondurile stranse de-a lungul intregului TGE vor varia intre Soft si Hard Caps, in acest caz echipa noastra facand tot ce este posibil pentru a dezvolta functionalitatile descrise la tinta Hard Cap.

De indata ce cantitatea finala de fonduri stranse este disponibila, un plan de actiune detaliat va fi emis printr-o declaratie de presa.

BoatPilot isi propune sa asigure transparenta completa si acuratete in abordarea tuturor investitiilor realizate de-a lungul TGE, si in etapele viitoare ale dezvoltarii.

Frecventa utilizarii tokenurilor contribuie in mod direct la potentialul sau de crestere. In alte cuvinte , cu cat un token este mai mult utilizat in cadrul proiectului, cu atat va fi mai mare potentialul sau de crestere. Acestea fiind zise, scopul nostru este sa stimulam cresterea valorii NAVI cu o abordare bi-directionala.

In primul rand, de fiecare data cand tokenurile sunt utilizate pentru a inchiria sau rezerva o nava, aceste tokenuri vor fi distruse imediat (anulate complet) si eliminate din piata. Acest model presupune o scadere graduala a numarului de tokenuri disponibile si o crestere organica a cererii si pretului.

In al doilea rand, cel putin 25% din tot profitul din publicitate va fi folosit pentru a cumpara tokenuri disponibile pe exchange-urile de cryptomonede. Noi vom arde apoi cel putin 50% din tokenuri, eliminandu-le de pe piata si totodata stimuland cresterea valorii NAVI.

Informatii mai detaliate despre tokenurile NAVI pot fi gasite in White Paper.

Ne dorim sa avem un concept de afaceri care sa functioneze si in viata reala, nu doar pe hartie.

Agentii de publicitate BoatPilot nu lucreaza in mod normal cu cryptomonede, sau detin portofele crypto. De aceea am decis sa implementam BoatPoints.

Agentii de publicitate BoatPilot pot sa achizitioneze BoatPoints prin conturile lor online, si apoi sa utilizeze BoatPoints pentru a cumpara publicitate geo-targetata. O parte din venit (cel putin 25%) din vanzarea de BoatPoints va fi imediat directionata catre achizitionarea de tokenuri NAVI pe exchange-uri, si anularea lor partiala (cel putin 50%) (pentru mai multe detalii va rugam consultatiPolitica Token si White Paper).


O echipa de dezvoltatori experimentati, ce sunt indragostiti de navigatie! Fa cunostiinta cu echipa si consultantii nostri aici.


  • Peste 35 000 de utilizatori au descarcat versiunea beta a BoatPilot de la lansarea ei, fara eforturi de marketing substantiale. BoatPilot mentine o baza de utilizatori stabila care include mii de yachtsmeni de-a lungul Mediteranei.
  • Sezonul nostru record 2017 ne-a aratat ca BoatPilot a navigat peste 4,700 de yachturi. Acesta este un vot de incredere care valoreaza aproape $1.2 miliarde, considerand ca pretul mediu al unui yacht este $250,000.
  • Contracte cu agentii charter si service.


Aplicatie Functionala Complet pentru Android si iOS

BoatPilot nu este un concept abstract, ci un produs existent si functional care este folosit de mii de utilizatori.

peste 35000 de instalari


Urmand peste doi ani de munca activa la BoatPilot


·Peste 35 000 descarcari ale BoatPilot MVP pe Google Play.
·Cea mai rapida crestere de audienta in industria yachting.
·Audienta cu targetare inalta cu parametri unici ce sunt disponibili agentilor de publicitate.
 Parametrii variaza de la tipul de nava, la numarul de mile navigate, si include locatia geografica curenta.
·Acorduri semnate cu mai multe companii charter si service.
·Drepturi exclusive de a rezerva peste 13 000 de nave in Europa din peste 1 000 de companii participante.
·Prima aplicatie de navigatie marina din lume gratuita cu functii foarte dezvoltate si actualizari regulare,oportune.
·Acoperire completa a Mediteranei ci cea mai precisa baza de date, cu aproape de doua ori mai multe porturi de agrement listate in BoatPilot decat in alte programe de navigatie marina (4000 contra 1800).

Deschiderea unei locatii cu un birou fizic si formarea unui departament de vanzari in Europa.
Q2, 2018
Lansarea versiunii finale a BoatPilot in App Store
Q2, 2018
Lansarea Pocket Skipper pentru Europa in App Store si Google Play
Q2, 2018
Inceperea livrarii modulului BoatGod catre clientii corporate in Europa
Q3, 2018
Dezvoltarea versiunii impachetate alpha BoatPilot (tableta smart protejata si modulul BoatGod)
Q4, 2018


Lansarea de harti pentru America de Nord si de Sud
Q1, 2019
Deschiderea unui locatii cu un birou fizic si formarea unui departament de vanzari in America
Q2, 2019
Lansarea modulului BoatGod pentru clienti privati
Q2, 2019
Lansarea Pocket Skipper pentru America in App Store si Google Play
Q3, 2019
Actualizarea hartilor regionale Europene cu informatii detaliate despre adancime
Q3, 2019
Lansarea versiunii impachetate a BoatPilot
Q3, 2019
Dezvoltarea versiunii alpha BoatPilot cu suport pentru AR(realitate augmentata)
Q4, 2019
Inceperea vanzarilor licentiate catre terti pentru utilizarea hartilor BoatPilot
Q4, 2019

ECHIPA BoatPilot

Artem Borodin

Analist senior a pietelor FOREX si asistent director de departament la casa de brokeraj Currencies Managers LLC, Artem a fost responsabil pentru dezvoltarea si implementarea strategiilor de vanzare, precum si a tuturor comunicatiilor cu clientii, cu potentiali  clienti de tip private sau corporate pentru o perioada de trei ani.
Andrey Domaratsky

Andrey a investit profesional in proiecte IT din 2010. In 2011 a devenit unul dintre co-fondatorii si directorul de marketing a companiei de yachting charter Corsair Adventures. Din 2012 si pana in prezent a tinut pozitia de director de marketing a Game Garden - un dezvoltator de aplicatii mobile, cu numarul de instalatii totale de peste 10 milioane. La Game Garden, Andrey este responsabil, printre alte lucruri, pentru achizitia de trafic si analize. A navigat peste 5 mii de mile in jurul regiunii Mediteranei.
Dmitry Donskoy

Din 2011, co-fondator, co-proprietar si director ale companiilor charter Corsair Adventures si North Sails Montenegro. Din 2002 pana in 2008, director al Simcon - o companie specializata in programare offshore. Yacthman din 1998, Dmitry a acoperit mai mult de 10 mii de mile ca si capitan in Mediterana si Atlantic. Pentru ultimii cinci ani a fost directorul companiei de investiii bazata in Muntenegru - Simeon.
Vladimir Abramov

Din 2008, dezvoltator software la Creative Technologies - dezvoltator al solutiilor de e-commerce bine cunoscute X-cart,  Ecwid. Un navigator din 2011, Vladimir este autorul modulelor de sincronizare NMEA 2000 pentru produsele GoFree. Din 2012, a lucrat pentru o companie de integrare implicata in dezvoltarea de solutii de navigare individuala bazata pe componentele hardware Simrad Simnet.A avut oportunitatea de a examina cu atentie protocoalele NMEA 2000 si ramurile lor proprietare (Simnet si altele). Pasiunea pentru yachting i-a oferit o intelegere completa a tutoror cerintelor utilizatorului pentru sisteme de navigatie marina.
Cecile Marcy Dimitrijevic
PR, suport clienti si parteneri

Implicat profesional in yachting din 2005, Cecil este co-proprietarul unei companii de yachting charting si unei companii comerciale. Rezident al Porto Montenegro - port de agrement cu serviciu complet localizat in Golful Kotor. Fiind un francez nativ si fluent in alte patru limbi, ea este un reprezentant a celei mai mari marci de yachting in regiunea Adriatica (Hanse Yachts, Simrad, Volvo Penta). Ca si co-proprietar a uneia dintre companiile de servicii pentru yachturi in regiune, Cecile este bine experimentat in toate particularitatile industriei de yachting, precum si a necesitatilor atat a afacerilor cat si a clientilor finali. Are o gama variata de contacte in industrie,iar pentru mai multi ani a sprijinit toate comunicatiile echipei BoatPilot cu principalii jucatori ai pietei.
Yury Cherepovsky
Seful Dezvoltarii Mobile

Dupa absolvirea Universitatii de Stat Orlov cu o licenta in inginerie IT, Yuri si-a inceput cariera in IT si programare in 1986. Incepand din 2000, a dezvoltat profesional aplicatii mobile si software ca si producator tehnic si programator de localizare pentru Snowball.
Ivan Varat
Manager al Dezvoltarii Afacerii

Specialist in campul comunicatiilor si serviciilor clientilor, Ivant intra in contact cu existentii si potentialii agenti de publicitate ai BoatPilot, asigurand ca toate necesitatile lor de marketing in cadrul platformei sunt indeplinite.Fiind absolvent al Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Ivan are cincisprezece ani de experienta in managementul relatiilor cu clientii, marketing si PR. Nativ croat, el este fluent in Engleza si Spaniola.


Julie Plavnik
Chief Business Development Officer

Dupa ce a absolvit Moscow State University detinand un master in Legea Comerciala, Julie si-a continuat studiile la un curs avansat de training "Blockchain Project Development" la Higher School of Economics. Co-fondator al - prima platforma Rusa de crowdfunding pentru investii comerciale in imobiliare. Co-fondator al uneia dintre primele platforme de popularizare a tehnologiei blockchain in Rusia - International Blockchain Consulting Group (IBCG). In prezent IBCG  este o conferinta internationala majora devotata proiectelor blockchain. In prezent, Julie este un consultant activ pe probleme de tokenizare a activelor pentru mai multe proiecte IT.
Yury Pomortsev
Chief Project Officer, expert in dezvoltare IT

Dupa ce a absolvit Bauman Moscow State Technical University cu o licenta Tehnologia Informatiei si Administrarea Sistemelor, Yury si-a testat mana la jurnalism lucrand pentru mai multe publicatii ruse de gaming cu reputatie. In 2001, el a devenit Editor al Gameland Media Company (revistele Game Land, Computer Gaming World RE, PC Games, etc). A organizat doua ceremonii Gameland Award in domeniul de computer si video gaming. Co-producator al mai multor programe de gaming MTV Russia si Gameland TV, incluzand Video Games Icon, Virtuality, Teleport, Scarily Interesting, Without a Screw.


2863  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [OCEAN] BurstOcean | 10 Months Old ASSET | STREAMS OF INCOME | Weekly DIVIDENDS on: January 16, 2018, 07:37:55 PM
I'm trying to distribute you some dividends from the last months of 2017, but it gives me a bug: "Unknown bug. Problem accessing bidOrder.
This calculation can take several minutes, please be patient. Progress 0%" . I wll try again tomorrow.
2864  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [OCEAN] BurstOcean | 10 Months Old ASSET | STREAMS OF INCOME | Weekly DIVIDENDS on: January 15, 2018, 11:51:52 AM
The value of the HDD miners were $800-$900 when I got them. I got $500 from crowetic. That was my proposed value as the equipment is more than 1 year old and he also hosted them for free. The GPUs were worth ~$2200 when I got them. I was very busy in the last months with some RL stuff,but I will disitribute a dividend this week probably.

I bought the burst at this rate because to give you guys the occasion to sell out your burstocean assets,even if that is not much. To be sincere I don't see any future with this asset and especially with the Burst platform so I'm trying to slowly liquidate the assets backing BurstOcean. But for the next few weeks I will still distribute dividends from the gpu mining.
2865  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [OCEAN] BurstOcean | 10 Months Old ASSET | STREAMS OF INCOME | Weekly DIVIDENDS on: January 14, 2018, 04:01:39 PM
The shares were sold at 10 BURST/asset BUT the price of Burst at that time was around 0.000001 BTC and the BTC price was at $700. Now BURST price= 0.00000550-0.00000600 BTC and btc price is at $13,238! I have converted all the burst from the sold assets into miners. We still have the GPU miners that I will still distribute dividends from.

@cesmak I am really sorry for your loss, but burstcoin has been through great manipulation and downtimes. I don't have a magic pot full of burst to give to shareholders. It's just the dividends I paid shareholders so far and the buy-back order placed from liquidating the hdd miners.
2866  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Kodak starts bitcoin mining + launches KodakCoin on: January 14, 2018, 10:11:52 AM
Kodak is one of the big companies that makes the smart move to get involved into bitcoin/blockchain. The growth in share prices already show a great reaction from the investors. Curious to see how their ICO will go on. Stay tuned,guys!
2867  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: | STRATIS | The first blockchain developed for businesses |Full POS on: January 14, 2018, 10:02:37 AM
We're going to see STRAT on the top of the world soon. All the tremendous amount of work that the devs put into the technology behind stratis is going to show its reaps. This is going to be even huger than Ethereum price growth. Prepare your bags guys if you haven't done so yet..  Wink
2868  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [OCEAN] BurstOcean | 10 Months Old ASSET | STREAMS OF INCOME | Weekly DIVIDENDS on: January 13, 2018, 10:20:43 PM
Thank you,Crowetic! I have completed the deal with crow and the money resulted from the selling of the external HDD miners have been converted into burst.

I have placed a buy-back order of 211,827 assets at 0.027 BURST/unit.
2869  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Is holding bitcoin Greedy? on: January 10, 2018, 02:42:05 PM
That is like you would say that investing or holding euros in greedy. lol That's a bad mentality, you should be holding bitcoin because you believe in the technology behind it and that it is the currency that will replace our old financial system.  Wink
2870  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Microsoft Removes Bitcoin on: January 10, 2018, 02:28:33 PM
why Microsoft Removes Bitcoin as Payment Option for Microsoft Storew?

If they care about volatility why don't they just implement a payment settlement code so they can automatically convert them in fiat. Or use BitPay or similar services.. Bitcoin is so flexible and has so many applications,but people need to be open to learn how to use it as in any new technology. Roll Eyes
2871  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Best Exchanger for 2018? on: January 06, 2018, 01:55:41 PM
Well I think the best exchanges for altcoin trading are Bittrex and Binance. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that on Bittrex you need to wait a while to get verified while Binance offers you a 2 BTC daily withdrawal limit as a unverified member.  Wink
2872  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Do you feel shameful for being a gambler? on: January 06, 2018, 01:14:48 PM
It is really this simple: if you are gambling to make more money because you are broke you should be ashamed, but if you are playing only for that adrenaline rush or fun and you know that you by losing that money won't affect you much financially then you have nothing to be embarassed about.
2873  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: January 06, 2018, 12:49:34 PM
We're going for 20k today or tomorrow. Brace yourselves guys. Get your bags ready and your margin calls in place.  Wink
The biggest mistake in crypto is to feel sorry when bitcoin moons.
2874  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [OCEAN] BurstOcean | 10 Months Old ASSET | STREAMS OF INCOME | Weekly DIVIDENDS on: December 31, 2017, 01:56:15 PM
Hi ChrisPop can you give some explanation why dividends of November where not paid, it's time for the December one, and divs of previous month aren't paid. What happened ? why no any single word about this delay ?


Sorry for not giving you guys any heads up. I've just been very busy. The dividends were not paid as crowetic who hosts our burst miners had to stop the mining due to objective reasons. I am now in deals with him to refund me at least a part of the hdds value as they are pretty old now. The electricity fees were very high in last months and the gpu mining production wasn't very high. I will continue distributing dividends from the gpu mining,but the funds from the sold HDDs will be used to buy-back some shares. I will announce you at what rate or maybe I will just distribute them to you through dividends.
To be sincere guys I have paid much more than the amount raised from initial funding. I have even put a $1k from my own pocket in initial funding to help it get started. Even I am on negative personally I am glad that I could pay you dividends for more than 1 year and will continue paying them from the gpu mining production and as I said above the HDDs will be liquidated and a buy order of BO will be placed. It will not be much, but it will be something. Wink

I wish you Happy New Year,guys and a prosperous 2018!
2875  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: do you think bitcoin will go back again to 10k or even below 10k on: December 30, 2017, 08:49:08 PM
I don't think the price will go below $11k anymore. We have a hopefully very prosperous year in front of us with many of the crypto-currencies and expecially bitcoin going slowly into mainstream. Still a minuscule procent of our world population posses bitcoin and that shows how much more upside we still have. I fully agree with all the people who are saying we will see btc price at 1 million dollars/unit in the next few years. Wink
2876  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: I dont like daytrading on: December 29, 2017, 09:48:15 PM
Daytrading is very emotionally draining especially if you are just getting started and you don't know how to handle your feelings. If you are the emotional type you will lose in TRADING. PERIOD. This is not for everyone,if it was all people would be staring at the charts on the streets. lol On a more serious note at the end of a daytrade you will feel tired and maybe a little bit anxious,but you need to cope with this. Learn how to control emotions, learn and practice your TA skills. Learn,Practice,Master!!
Good luck and take care!
2877  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Is having USDT the most efficient way to buy altcoins during dips? on: December 26, 2017, 12:18:27 PM
I try to avoid trading against USDT as well as I don't trust them + they have bad media reviews. It is much better for me to send bitcoin to bitstamp,kraken or other btc/usd exchange when I want to change into fiat. Or sometimes use hedging on bitmex. Wink
2878  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: how risky is day trading? on: December 24, 2017, 01:01:11 PM
Because you if you have low knowledge of technical and fundamental analysis and especially if you are a newbie in the crypto-currency space you have pretty big chances to lose a major part of your btc stack. As a tip: don't do margin trading unless you are an experienced trader or you are playing with very small bankroll.  Wink
2879  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: December 24, 2017, 11:03:22 AM
Stay tuned guys. A bounce is imminent,but I'm still waiting for the price to hit a certain level before engaging my orders. Practice risk management and do some TA yourselves. Don't count on what someone else says, plus this way you start learning to trade.  Wink
2880  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: | STRATIS | The first blockchain developed for businesses |Full POS on: December 23, 2017, 09:47:59 PM
It looks very similar to the rise Stratis had in May-June when it shooted for the stars to ~0.004btc/unit,but now that we have so many of our products ready to go to production-mode I'm sure we will break that ATH very soon!  Cool
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