Yes, there are a few ads networks using Bitcoin. Coinzilla Bitmedia Adbit Coinmedia
They all have their pros and cons like some accept only crypto-related websites, strict requirements to be accepted,... I used myself and I liked how the site works, for publishers as well as advertisers. However, better to tell you you won't find something paying as hight as Adsense.
J'ai eu le bug 2.0.0 (linux). La version 2.0.1 m'a sorti du problème (il me semble que tout n'est pas parfait encore mais à d'autres niveaux). La version 2.0.1 te fait le même bug ? Tu es allé voir sur github ? Tu as essayé la méthode de supprimer les fichiers du dossier appdata (sauf un fichier json) puis de relancer ?
chez moi la version 1.20 ne reconnaissait pas mon mot de passe !
Oui la version 2.0.1 me fait exactement pareil, pourtant elle est sorti justement à cause de ce problème. J'ai aussi télécharger sur github et ca n'a rien changé. Le dossier appdata j'ai du l'effacer une quinzaine de fois. J'en ai tellement eu marre d'essayer que j'ai abandonné et j'ai repris la version 1.20. Demain j'essaierai sur une autre machine, si ca marche tant mieux et sinon tant pis. Je desteste perdre du temps avec des trucs comme ca
@avikz a correlation like?
I know a lot of people usually say "no relation" "coincidence" etc but it's not true. Often traditional markets and Bitcoin behave the same way. Not only during the bad periods, during the good ones too. There are so many opportunities to see it. And why it shouldn't be? Bitcoin has more people using it as an investment that people using it for real cases, I mean BTC is traded like the traditional markets.
Did you know that without considering COVID19 banknotes are already full of bacterias (i.e. staphylococcus)? It's also a great vector of Hepatitis C and that's how people get infected without knowing it.
In this case why not always put in quarantine the cash before going to circulation? In the old-time to avoid contamination, Australia started to use banknotes done from synthetic polymer and a lot of countries followed the example.
If you think this quarantine of money can give a legitimate reason for governments and central banks to recognize the cryptocurrency. Tell yourself they'll never use a currency that doesn't depend on a state and also, most central banks are working on their own CBDCs (central bank digital currency) which have a lot of better chance to be 'recognized' than crypto. In 5-10 years half of us will be using it.
So instead, perhaps COVI19 will just seed up the realization of this, why not...
Regarding how to purchase, the matter is different according to your country and according to the personal data that you are ready to provide, so if you provide your country we will assist you with more detailed information, until that you can use Google (Buy Bitcoin from XXX.)
It's posted in the original post. He said living in Florida and he specified he wants to pay with cash. It can't be more clear. @OP if you don't find an offer that fits your need on P2P exchanges, perhaps you can buy a prepaid card and then purchase bitcoins online?
I don't understand, if you've had payments reversed from time to time, why did you keep taking the risk to trade with him? Because he was paying you back? #followthemoney Besides the fact that PayPal may decide to close your account due to the number of disputes you've received, you knew such a situation could happen at anytime didn't you agree to receive a refund of $300? If it is then it's too late to complain dude, it should have been done before he sent $300
Je déterre...
Est-ce normal que si je lance Ledger live (2.0.1 / linux) sans connecter mon Nano, je vois comptes et mon solde ?
Oui, il me semble que cela a toujours été comme ca. (sur Win10 en tout cas mais ca doit être pareil sur Linux) Concernant la dernière mise à jour, pour ma part c'est un problème et j'arrive pas à savoir de quoi cela vient. >Mise à jour à la version 2.0.0 > message d'erreur, si je ferme le programme, impossible à réouvrir Apparament on est plusieurs à avoir ce problème, ils ont sorti la version 2.0.1 juste après, cela n'a rien changé pour moi. J'ai dû télécharger la version 1.20.0 de l'année dernière. Mon OS est à jour et à part essayer sur une autre machine pour voir ce que cela donne je ne vois pas.
@crazymoon showed me details with addresses and when I checked the MP2C code it's still saying "Mixing Status Waiting For Fund". He started to mix on Feb 29. Knowing that @AtoBmixer stopped to log in here to reply to him, it doesn't smell good to use it.
@crazymoon You should open a thread in the 'scam accusation' section
You're probably right, this is what I tried yesterday and today. And besides trying on another machine I don't know where to look at. I don't know what can be wrong with my OS - checking for a Microsoft update, one was available and installed it. - deleted the LedgerLive folder from Appdata>Roaming - installed the soft. >>>error. (it was showing again as the 2.0.0v) today: - deleted the Ledger Live folder from Appdata>Roaming - downloaded the 2.0.1 version from >>>error (but this time was showing correctly as the 2.0.1v) At this moment, when I click to close the program, I'm unable to open it again (like if the software continues to work in the background) I have to delete it and give another try by installing it. When I click the 'reset' button nothing happen, when I click 'restart' I don't remember Always something not working at home, at least when you're married you can blame your wife
No, we can't both Bitcoins and diamonds have limited supply, but Bitcoin is utility. So they are bought for different purposes and shouldn't be compared.
Since they invented synthetic diamonds we can't longer say it has a limited supply. And it has properties superior to the naturally formed diamonds. People can't make the difference between natural and synthetic and unless you see the label 'Treasure Chest Grown' you won't know what you're buying... because yes, you can find some into jewelry stores but of course they don't tell you clearly. Only rare diamonds are considered a store of value and people are no interested to invest in synthetic diamonds. It's a little like people buying USD but if they know there are a lot of USD banknotes circulating they won't be interested to buy anymore.
The Binance DEX is fake news lol, I wouldn't call it a decentralized exchange, as it's supposed to be, it's just a masquerade.
Since when a DEX will ask you your personal information. (if I'm correct this exchange will require the KYC verification). Secondly, it's not decentralized, there is a central authority behind. If a day the site is hacked you will understand what I mean. Also, users will have to trust the dex that 1 btc.b = 1 BTC always.
You can call it 'hybrid' like Cryptobridge was. As for the title, +1 for Bisq
Script and theme isn't the same thing. The website theme isn't a complicated one and can easily be reproduced. If you don't know how to do it you can find a lot of themes very similar to this one (and even better) on Themeforest for something like $30-$50
You answer yourself to your own question in the same post.
Since this is not the first time such a situation occurs, those who are used to it know that there is not much to worry about, just wait until the storm is over. Besides, it's not as if Bitcoin is the only one sinking, in which case we might worry, but it's not.
After all, when you've seen Bitcoin going down from $20k to $3.5k it's not a situation like that that is going to scare you. As usual, the weak hands are selling in the panic, while the others are buying...
@Lucius I think he confused USD and EUR
J'avais déja pensé à de la gravure sur bois ou du cuir mais sur feuille de cuivre je n'y avais jamais pensé, c'est pas bete du tout. Le seul truc c'est que d'acheter des lettres à frapper c'est le genre de truc que tu achete, t'en sers 1-2 fois et après ca traîne dans ton placard ou la caisse à outils. Chose que je déteste perso, je préfère habituellement squatter les outils des voisins Evidemment personne n'a ca chez soit Par contre le cuivre ne rouille pas mais ca craint certains acides et aussi l’oxygène, donc dans l'idéal on ne le stock pas dehors J'ai fais la mienne comme ci dessus et meme avec des doights en cartons c’était pas complique c'est quoi que tu appel des doigts en cartons?
I deleted the software using Revo Uninstaller, then downloaded Ledger live but still, the same problem appears and I saw the version was 2.0.0 I have been in AppData>Roaming and deleted the folder Ledger Live, downloaded again, it doesn't work and get the same message. I noticed on the website I downloaded the 2.0.0 version they didn't update it with the 2.0.1 version
While trying to upgrade it I got an internal process error Oops, an error occurred.
redux failed: Cannot read property 'store' of null TypeError: Cannot read property 'store' of null at ConnectFunction (file:///C:/Program%20Files/Ledger%20Live/resources/app.asar/.webpack/renderer.bundle.js: on a screen like a blank page. I've no idea what it is about, I believe I have the same error as this person mentioned on Reddit released the 2.1v (or 2.0.1) but it doesn't help. Cleaned the cache. And now I'm not even able to open the app (BTW, Did you all received the newsletter about this new version? Cause I didn't get any email :/) edit: yeah it's the same error like on Reddit but still
I visited that site and got a black page. I tried to search in Google and did not find much information. Am I the only one who suffers from this problem? It is strange that the site has been running since last year, but there is not a lot of information. Expires On2020-04-14 Registered On2019-04-14 Updated On2019-04-14 It is better to create an ANN instead of many topics on this thing (lock other topics.) Turn off your ads blockers if you use any or you need to at least give permission to "" because his/her website server is using it to retrieve users' IP addresses in a JSON object. Sometimes several months go by between the time you buy a domain name and the time you develop it to your liking. Not always easy to build a website in 1 month :p
Spring cleaning. It doesn't hurt, especially in the B & H board because honestly there are many topics that need to be moved. Thanks to whoever is moderating it because if it continues we will be able to read weather forecast topics. When I read the board I don't feel me on a cryptocurrency forum. And it makes me think about the red light district but with Merits Prostitutes™. I just need to tell Alexa to turn the living room in pink and I'm in
Ah ben te casse pas la tete plus que ca et ferme ton compte chez eux effectivement. Il y a d'autre banque qui se feront un plaisir de t’accueillir avec ton argent. Je peux pas t'en conseiller une en particulier, mais j'ai un compte au CIC qui ne m'a jamais cassé les couilles pour des virements recus ou envoyer, pourtant j'en ai fait à la pelle, des fois plusieurs par semaine (certes pas pour des sommes à 6 chiffres). Le banquier est tout à fait au courant de ce que je fais et le rapport à la crypto, j'ai été clair. (il m'avait même dit "c'est bien" lol)
Parce que c'etait un peu leur cheval de bataille, ou plutôt, l'une des raisons qui fait que cet échange a attiré tant de monde.
En tant qu'entreprise, ils savaient très bien qu'a un moment donné ou un autre elle serait sujette aux directives AML et devrait s'adapter. D'ailleurs elle aurait pu le faire bien avant, suivant les différentes jurisdiction. Comme elle l'a fait avec Binance US
Sil ils avaient dit bien avant que que le site sera KYC compliant, je suis sur que beaucoup moins de monde se serait inscrit sur Binance.