Hm, nisam ubrao ovaj dio da je 1 stake zapravo 1 token. Ne kužim kako to planiraju izvesti, vidio sam da je stvarno puno prijavljenih u sig kampanjama. Kako ono kažu, živi bili pa vidjeli.. Trebam li se negdje registrirati za to? Ne planiram stakeati, šalju na wallet? tokene od bounty-a ćeš dobiti na eth erc20 adresi, ako želiš stejkati trebaš se registrirati na njihovom site-u, ali dok ne uplatiš 10€, stejkaš u praznoTo mi već u startu djeluje scammy a znam da, nevoljko sam išao uplatiti, ali sam već bio prebacio sve tokene tamo i nije bilo moguće ih vratiti natrag, tako da su mi svi TELE tokeni koje imam u stejkaju, pa šta bude bit će dodatno malo radim twitter bounty za TELE, pa će i tu neka sića kapnut.... vjerujem da ću bar tih 10€ vratiti u nekoj valuti na kraju balade , a može se i napraviti X10, nikad neznaš
good, so I have the right coins (but the name on the explorer is still MXM, not MXM 3, that's why I had a doubt)
Hm, nisam ubrao ovaj dio da je 1 stake zapravo 1 token. Ne kužim kako to planiraju izvesti, vidio sam da je stvarno puno prijavljenih u sig kampanjama. Kako ono kažu, živi bili pa vidjeli.. Trebam li se negdje registrirati za to? Ne planiram stakeati, šalju na wallet? tokene od bounty-a ćeš dobiti na eth erc20 adresi, ako želiš stejkati trebaš se registrirati na njihovom site-u, ali dok ne uplatiš 10€, stejkaš u prazno
kako je ZIL diff skočio masno, naletio sam na ovaj ZIL pool i testirao ga za sad mi daje skoro isto kao i na vlastitom node-u, ali sa rastom diff-a, pool će biti puno bolja opcija, jer bolje malo, nego ništa dakle koristim baš ovu opciju:
the link is not working, please check it "Page not found" I've tried to search on the page for SCA, there is no trading pair
Like that retweet contest, can you please describe the rules how the winner will be chosen, randomly or manually?
Hi, we join in this group, but after 5 minutes, I can't access the group anymore. Is there a problem? Do you have a bot that automatically restrict users who do not engage in the group or something? Strange There is no restriction Do you speak italian? I will ask the admin from the group if he has banned you, can you please tell me your telegram username
This token is already listed on idex but you can't trade them.I have no idea why idex team added this token before it gets unlocked.
IDEX listing was not made by W12 team - someone from the community must have filled the application and they listed it as the project is real - however, IDEX should contact the founders/developers before starting the market, that way IDEX just looks silly. Coinbene confirmed W12 IEO on their Telegram channel, as well as Sistemkoin, haven't checked the others to be honest. Let's see how the sales go and to the moon! The Coinbene listing is a buy token only you cannot send your W12 tokens to Coinbene and sell them
I am giving an advantage to LTCETH is developing really slow, devs have a lot to implement before the POS phase, as the top implementation on Ethereum, when I'm seeing the spike in the price for ETH LTC will be halved this year, in ~august 2019. as we know from Bitcoin halving, after every halving era, we have a big spike in price, and for sure LTC will have one of those too the hashrate of the LTC network is at the all time high, and there are new mining machines plugged-in on a daily basis, so the hashrate will grow more and more by the halving date, and miners have to pay their elec bills, right? So the math here is simple: LTC vs. ETH, LTC will be a simple winner for this bullish year my prediction is a grow in value of minumum x4 by the end of this year
why is the xhv scam still goin?
explain me please why are you categorizing XHV as a scam project? we can have an open discussion here
| njihovom karticom je vrlo lako podizati novac na bilo kojem bankomatu, uz vrlo male provizije. Jednostavno, samo deponujete podržane altkoine u njihovu android aplikaciju, ona izvrsi konverziju u fiat, a vi podignete novac na ATMu ili placate sa njom u prodavnici, restoranu... Trenutno podrzani altcoini: - Bitcoin - Litecoin - Dash - Polis - Gin coin - ColossusXT - Groestl coin - MNP coin - DigiByte - Zcoin Moram priznati da ulijeva mnogo povjerenja, FAQ >> 1 itemFees & Limits >> praznoRoadmap (Medium link) >> The author deleted this Medium storyi mene su zanimali fee & limits, što me zanima kod svake kartice, naravno koji su provizije u praksi? koji su limiti?
dali imate u planu otvoriti poslovnice i u ostatku Hrvatske, van Zagreba i Splita?
News update for bounty hunters To all bounty participants please update your wallet address details via the Jinbi Platform, as instructed above. Bounty distribution will be extended for a further 14 days ONLY. We will not be responsible for incorrect wallet details provided for distribution post the above deadline. Please contact if you have any problems updating your wallet address and we will be happy to help. Thanks for your continued support. All best, Jinbi TeamJinbi Token Official Telegram Main Channel ( I am glad to be here and I am suggest to opening the telegram group again after the coins are distributed, rebuilding the community is important so that the jinbi tokens become more solid. Is there news for listings in large exchanges like binance? Binance or other major exchanges listing is a “must” for every serious project I hope that Jinbi will reach one of the major exchanges for sure
Maybe I Missed the News And didn't complete registration and KYC. Sylon should message for this update So many people did same mistake like me Same here, I missed to submit KYC hope their is a chance for us to complete the registration. Hurry up Contact Jinbi and Sylon asap Cause there is no time to loose, according to Jinbi, the token distribution is starting tomorrow... Just curious for those who's still not approved, since the distribution might happen tomorrow how can they manage to see if tokens will be given to them, I just do hope that everything will end smoothly, and this distribution will happen soon. According to the rules, the KYC is a mandatory, so, the distribution will go only to the erc20 addresses from approved partecipants
Maybe I Missed the News And didn't complete registration and KYC. Sylon should message for this update So many people did same mistake like me Same here, I missed to submit KYC hope their is a chance for us to complete the registration. Hurry up Contact Jinbi and Sylon asap Cause there is no time to loose, according to Jinbi, the token distribution is starting tomorrow...
Čitao sam danas na Meti da je yobit već prije par godina imao jednu signature kampanju koja je rezultirala ogromnom spamanju po forumu. Isto je već počelo sa ovom novom kampanjom. Iako je zarada OK ja bi bio pažljiv i dobro razmislio da li ući u tu kampanju ili ne. Zbog mogućnosti bana zbog spama ili negativnog taga od članova DTa.
Realno imas pravo Ta burza mi nikad nije bila draga, vidim samo muljanja, pocevsi od volumena na dalje Vjerojatno privlaci slicne profile na forumu
kako sam odjednom zadnjih par dana naletio na povećen broj yobit potpisa kod huntera na eng dijelu foruma, malo sam se dao u istraživanje ono, cifre nisu za baciti, ako netko ima volje i vremena 20 postova dnevno složiti...