It's nice to see Bitpay adding Lightning Network, but I think this is one of their last attempt trying to survive after they introduced mandatory kyc verification for all customers. BTCPayServer is much better open source alternative that also support Lightning with zero fees, without any third parties, and it is self-hosted. On the other hand, it's clear that Lightning Network is on the rise, as much as some people hate to see that, and more exchanges and services are implementing it. If you still didn't use LN by 2022 than you are seriously behind and you need to try doing it.
Actually with their ingratiation with Verifone & Apple I don't think it's a survival thing:[%E2%80%A6]rrency-Acceptance-on-Payment-Terminals-and-In-AppeCommerce I think it's a make more money thing :-) Their 'public' transactions are in the 2k a day range. What they are doing for private customers on the back end who knows? Could be 1 transaction could be 10000. -Dave
Has anyone here gotten Umbrel to work on a Debian machine? I followed their docs and had nothing but issues.
I never tried it, but what docs did you follow? The GitHub page mention it's not recommended[1] to run Umbrel on anything else (besides Raspberry Pi 4). Using their pre-burned RPi image was perfect with no issues. But what should have been a quick Linux build would not start. No error, no output, no nothing....just a blinking cursor.
You need to be specific. Does "blinking cursor" happen when you run command sudo ./scripts/start? Have you tried open localhost on your browser to check whether Umbrel running? [1] I know it's listed as not recommended but I had a clean VM sitting there and figured why not. Followed the instructions, Docker, Python, etc. for the requirements. Looked good, no issues. Run it and nothing happens, no services start, nothing when I try to browse to it, looking at top in another terminal window it's like I did non even run the "sudo ./scripts/start" command. Will play with it again when I have time. Just wondering if anyone else here had the problem before I start opening up an issue on github or even join the telegram discussion (which I hate). -Dave
Has anyone here gotten Umbrel to work on a Debian machine? I followed their docs and had nothing but issues. Using their pre-burned RPi image was perfect with no issues. But what should have been a quick Linux build would not start. No error, no output, no nothing....just a blinking cursor.
As for the crypto. Each government and even at times each department within the government has their own rules for disposing of confiscated property. As for the why now. I really don't read much into that. Investigations take time, and digging into who controls what and where takes time. It started 8 months ago, and I'm sure they could have slammed the door on it at any time after a few months, but this is legal work within the government. They took their time and did it right.
Can anyone remember what was the username of the guy that wanted to let all of us know that Bitcoin doesn't exist? I can't remember but I have a feeling he got banned and that's why Snowshow appeared.
There have been a few. They all failed and left. Someone posted these before but there are many more alts of this person: It's tough to figure out if they are just a troll or to poor and living in their mom's basement to even afford 1 doge or just a nutjob fanatic who's cult leader does not like BTC or just someone who bought onecoin back in the day and is bitter about it. -Dave
Excuse me from asking, but why would anyone want to use this? You've said that the wallet uses public APIs and so, your IP can be tracked, that the users should be extremely cautious etc. You've literally called it the most dangerous wallet, and it's true. There are many things you should be aware of such as your browser extensions, programs that have access to your browser etc.
Sure, it might was a good exercise to code it, but to serve it as a "fast & anonymous wallet"? I think it's just bad. Benignly.
It's just about as anonymous as you are going to get. You can download and run it locally and connect to any public Wi-Fi Someone can send you BTC and there is never a wallet on your PC so to speak. You can then send it to a mixer and once you clear your browser cache it never existed. -Dave
Lets start with: Title kind of says it all and I will probably not sell. BUT I am looking for offers. No idea what it's really worth, it's a unique and VERY limited piece but I don't know what people are willing to pay. Make offers / discuss and I might let it go here or I might auction it. I don't need the BTC so I'm not that motivated to sell it but I don't have the space to display it either so it's just been sitting in the vault. -Dave
Take those numbers with a large amount of skepticism. There are many listed that no longer exist. Some are in stores that have not been open for months. Other machines and even entire businesses that have BATMs are not listed at all as far as I can see.
For some reason LibertyX does not seem to want their machines listed.
BTC has limited supply either way, but if they were to magically stop all miners from mining forever, then BTC will not increase in price, it will go to zero as it will be pretty a useless technology, miners are needed to perform transactions not just to increase the supply.
It will be nice if you further state more reason you think so about why the price isn't going to increase and go to zero, does it mean that Bitcoin cannot work without miners?. what about a situation whereby the (21M) total number of Bitcoin that will be in circulation is mined completely, what would miners do ?, And what is going to be their reward? .I need clerification
Read the white paper. Miners will always get the transaction fees. And there will never be no miners. People will always mine. Be it home hobby miners or something else. -Dave
Is the 20 address arbitrary or is the there a programming reason you have that limit? And is there a way to show the private key for a particular address instead of revealing the seed words?
Either way VERY cool project.
Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write this paper is worth 10 million rubles on it. That is about all they are worth out of Russia at the moment. Their central bank has raised interest to 20%+ AND There are strict rules for converting it to other world fiats inside the county. And I don't think there is any bank in a major country that would exchange it outside of Russia out of fear of sanctions.
About the Minimum capital requirements.
From what I can see it's in line with a lot of the requirements there in the US and NY.
And it's actually significantly lower then for some states, like Texas just to have a BATM or do any kind of crypto <-> fiat business that can easily hit $1million requiremets. So I don't see that as a big deal.
The rest of the privacy stuff is just plain nuts.
It would not make shit worth of difference. If miners go offline (like the did) difficulty drops (like it did) and the remaining miners keep going.
At worst you might have a few weeks of 12 to 15 minute block time till difficulty re-adjusts.
It's how BTC (and crypto in general work).
I'm no fan of Ledger's stance on user data and privacy, but this is not unique to them or even unique to hardware wallets. If you use any wallet which goes through any server which is not your own server pointed at your own node, then whoever runs that server will absolutely be able to see your IP address and details of every address you query and every transaction you make, as well as any other unique identifiers the wallet software communicates to them, and can keep that data for as long as they want and share it with anyone that they want. This is only partially true, because I can use Electrum or some other wallet that maybe have records of my IP addresses and transactions, but they are not sharing that info with any partners of parties that pay more, and they don't keep this data for five years. In Trezor hardware wallet used with Trezor Suite app I can disable sending of all information (in settings) and I can enable Tor to hide my IP address. This is what Trezor can collect if you enable anonymous data collection: there no way to do this offline?
There is no way you can update ledger offline and you must use normal computer, not a mobile device for this process. Not to be snarky but how do you know what data I am keeping / selling if you connect to my electrum node. Unless you are running it yourself you really don't know. Side note, although a magnitude or two or three more difficult and expensive same thing can be done with lightning. Build enough nodes connected to each other and some major services that use it. Set the fees to 0 so other nodes will route through you and you could get a decent picture to a certain extent of what is going where. Not perfect, but still. Back to ledger collecting data if you need an app to update your HW wallet and just can't plug it in and upload a file to it, then yeah you never can trust what they are doing. -Dave
| issue I see is that there are a lot of crap USB C cables out there and as we learned with crap PCIe connectors is that they can short and destroy miners Fire bad. [] (NSFW Language if you watch the entire thing) And there are also a lot of crap USB power bricks out there. Some are a total joke in terms of what they put out vs. what they say on the label. At this point PCIe is known and more importantly has shown that it can hold 150W for months on end with no issue. Do you really want to try that with the $1.99 USB cable you picked up at the local 7-11? -Dave
So it turns out there is another step added to make your life easier. In the Coinbase wallet go to advanced and then toggle BRD BTC scanning. Seems to make it instant. Don't know if it was already there or added in some recent update. -Dave
IMO context is important along with how it's done. As a rule I do not post referral links, and when I do it's obvious and a non referral link is right below it. The few times I have done it you would usually see something like: http://website/tip_dave <-Referral link http://webiste I'm sure when copy & pasting links I have at times missed something, but I really don't care if others do it or not or how they do it so long as they are not spamming. The mods, from what I can see vary in if they care or not. -Dave