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3441  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Alternative CoinMarketCap stranici on: January 08, 2021, 08:06:51 AM
a mala razlika je u odnosu na Teslu sa $716.59 B

Tesla je pala, Facebook i Tencent su blizu, posle postoji odredjeni gap, ali samo polako
iskreno, nisam ocekivao ovakav rast, pre svega ovako brz, a ni ove visine, ali lepo izgleda, meni je bilo ok da zavrsi godinu sa $50k, ali sad to izgleda tako lako dostizno, da je bezveze ne ocekivati daleko vise, bar $100k

Pa ni Microsoft i Amazon više nisu daleko 😀
Sjećam se kada sam pročitao izjavu Hrvoja Papica,  vlasnika HG Spota, prije više godina,  kada je bitcoin još vrijedio manje od 1 000$ , da će bitcoin dostići vrijednost od 100 000$:da mi je to djelovalo kao pretjerivanje a sada to djeluje kao lako dostizno,  možda već ove godine.
A kad se samo sjetimo s kojom je početnom cijenom bitcoin počeo 😀
Za obične,  male ljude;  ovo je zaista jackpot života 😀
3442  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: January 07, 2021, 12:18:52 PM
A year and a half ago Roger was pretty close to win Wimbledon, he was actually one point close to win the final.
Plus, in 2017 he came back from injury after  a break of several months and nobody expected him to win the AO.
Roger is the man, everyting is possible.

Yes, I agree that Federer was very close to winning that match but Djokovic won because he was psychologically much stronger and more stable.
For several years now, I have had the feeling that it's very difficult for Federer to play against Djokovic and usually in the most difficult moments of their mutual matches, Djokovic is better and calmer.
More for this reason, not because of age, I don't think Federer will win another GS.
3443  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I was not wrong to bought bitcoin. on: January 07, 2021, 12:10:02 PM
I bought Bitcoin a few days ago for12 thousand dollars.  At that time the price of one bitcoin was 28 thousand dollars.  At present, the price of Bitcoin is 37 thousand dollars.  Which is really good news for me.  I made a post after buying bitcoin to see if I made a mistake in buying bitcoin.  I was convinced that I had done nothing wrong and that it was now clear.
 Below is a link to my previous post:

Never just look at the current situation but think long term.
Yes, you currently have earnings but the situation can change quickly and in a month you may be at a loss.
Such situations happen all the time and we have to be prepared for it.
It's true that it seems to me that the current growth of bitcoin is more stable than in 2017 due to a larger number of institutional investors, but that does not mean that a bigger price drop is not possible.
I advise you not to think from today to tomorrow but to have a long-term, multi-year investment plan and a point of exit from the market.
3444  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Newbies/Jr members please don't beg for merits. on: January 07, 2021, 11:56:34 AM
What a shame for those newbies who are begging for merit without doing something to earn it.

Right now, we really need a much more effective user here, those who can share knowledges, thoughts, ideas, information, and etc, effectively.

If you will only beg for merits then you should change your mindset. It is not that easy to earn merits that's why other users are doing their best so that they can earn the merits that they deserve. This forum are now composed of newbies who are lazy enough to learn and understand why we have a community like this.

It also happened to me that I was getting private messages from newbie members asking me to give them merits.
That tells me 2 things, that these are members who don’t think they have the knowledge or experience with which they can contribute to the forum and help other members and secondly they obviously came here for earning opportunities.
3445  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: January 07, 2021, 11:50:25 AM
Ma to vam je ko kad hrpa malih napadne HDZ. Možemo mi dati sve od sebe ali mašinerija je već uhodana, rezultat je poznat i prije početka natjecanja.

Sreća da ga imamo, čovjek sam vuče ove statistike lokalnog boarda prema gornjoj polovici Grin

Ajde konačno da netko podrži moje spamanje lokalnog foruma Grin
A btcltcdigger nije daleko kad kaže da bi bounty trebao trajati preko vikenda jer stvarno rijetko budem na forumu preko vikenda. Eventualno ako kaskam s brojem napisanih postova.

A čuj, statistika je na ovom forumu jako važna i ako želimo dodatnog merit source-a ili moderatora moramo ispuniti određene kriterije a jedan od njih je i aktivnost.
Sreća da imamo tebe, pa za aktivnost na ovom lokalu ne trebamo brinuti  Grin
3446  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: January 06, 2021, 09:24:43 AM
Slaven Bilić has found a new job after his WBA contract termination, he's going to China and will be managing Beiijing Guoan.

I'm a Croat and really love the guy for what he's done with our national team, but he's a mediocre manager at best (on a club level) so I never really understood all the drama that happened after WBA sacked him.

His job before WBA was at Al-Ittihad, so I guess taking this job signals the end of his european managing ambitions.

Yes, usually going to China means going into football oblivion and after that it is not a common case for footballers to return to serious football.
With the WBA neither Guardiola nor Klopp could do more because it's truly the worst club in the league.
I think Bilic is a typical example of a coach who doesn't have great results but has charisma and is a favorite among fans and journalists.
I will never forget that tragic defeat at EURO 2008 with the Turks when he was the coach of Croatia.
Still, he was the first to give Modric and Rakitic a chance in the national team and he was the founder of the team that reached the 2018 World Cup final.
3447  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Am I doing anything wrong by holding bitcoin?⁰ on: January 06, 2021, 09:12:56 AM
Yesterday I bought some bitcoin.  I have invested $12,000 in Bitcoin.  And in the next two days I will buy some more bitcoins.  I wish I could hold these bitcoins.  I believe that in 2021 these held bitcoins of mine will make me much happier.  Certainly I'm not doing anything wrong by holding bitcoin.  As a newbie, I'm not very experienced.  So I look forward to the advice of experts.

It depends on your goal but I highly suggest you divide your investments into short/long-term.

With the current bullish run in bitcoin, the prices have been increasing in the past month by 300%. For short-term investments, you can either cash-out some of your bitcoins if it reached its value higher when you purchased it. For long-term, I also suggest that you keep some of your bitcoins as its value may probably increase this 2021.

As someone who purchased bitcoin way back in 2017 (around $5,000/btc), I do suggest to keep at least 80% of your bitcoins for long-term and the remaining 20% for short-term.

This is good advice.
I invested part of my bitcoin funds in 2017 in alt coins and I was wrong.
I thought I was going to diversify my portfolio so well and I actually lost a lot more.
Based on this experience, I would say that in the long run it is safest to invest in bitcoin, and it's really good suggestion to keep at least 80% of your bitcoins for long-term and the remaining 20% for short-term.
3448  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: January 06, 2021, 09:05:44 AM
Na zatvorenim temama ne radi quote funkcija

Auh, nisam bio ovde neko vreme, a vidim svasta se izdesavalo  Shocked
Daniele, ne znam da li koristis onaj BPIP plugin za browser, ali on ima dosta poboljsanja sa zadnjom verzijom, a jedna od njih je i quote to clipboard u zakljucanim temama. Bas me cudi da ti ne koristis to.
Ovako kod mene izgleda:

Evo ti i link

Da, svega je bilo  Grin
Ne koristim taj BPIP plugin i iskreno, ne treba mi niti ga želim koristiti.
Kako je počela online nastava supruga mi je stalno na kompu ili zbog predavanja ili zbog pripreme predavanja pa na forumu pišem uglavnom preko moba, a na njemu se ne želim zezati sa kvotanjem jer mi je to muka.
Osim toga, iskreno, ježim se od postova gdje netko odgovarajući na nečiji post, 'secira'' svaku riječ, točku i zarez, i na svaku rečenicu baci quote i odgovori sa svojih 5 rečenica.
Bježim od takvih diskusija što dalje mogu.
Nakon stresnog posla još mi samo treba da kada dođem kući, još cijelu večer provedem u nekakvom istraživanju i pisanju ''kobasica'' od postova i kvotanja  Grin
Na ovaj forum dođem da se malo opustim i zabavim i nemam zaista volje i želje za nekakve velike analize ili pisanje postova za koje mi trebaju sati pripreme i rada.
Iskreno, kada mi prestane biti zanimljivo i zabavno na ovom forumu, jednostavno ću otići s njega, i bez ''pomoći drugih''  Grin
Suprotno nečijim mišljenjima i teorijama zabave, nemam školu za ''male farmere'', nemam druge alt accounte ovdje, sama činjenica da osoba A i osoba B pišu o Bogu (i drugim sličnim temama) ne povlači zaključak da se osoba a i osoba B poznaju ili da su ista osoba, a činjenica da se ljudi druže na Telegramu ne povlači zaključak da nešto skrivaju ili trguju nečim ili da pripremaju pljačke banke ili državni udar.
Zadnjih dana sam se već zaista počeo ozbiljno pitati da li gubim vrijeme ovdje i da li bih imao malo više mira da se maknem odavde odnosno da li mi sve ovo zaista treba.
Bitcoina ionako imam dovoljno i na miru čekam da bitcoin polako raste pa mogu i bez signature kampanja, a tako i bez ovog foruma.
Prijatelji s kojima se volim i želim družiti, offline ili online, već ionako imam na Telegramu i drugim kanalima.
3449  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: January 06, 2021, 08:47:18 AM
Evo mene sa razotkrivanjem još jednog filipino multi-account cheatera. I to još Hero Member...  Undecided

Bravo, čestitke na uspješnoj potrazi Smiley
Tko je slijedeći? Smiley
3450  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: January 05, 2021, 08:15:42 PM

evo jedan pregled staking platformi koje trenutno koristim, ukoliko imate jos neku koju koristite mozete iskomentarisati, pa mogu da probam i ubacim

Zanimljiv pregled koji sam morao nagraditi.
Tko je slijedeći?  Cheesy
3451  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Statistika lokalnog foruma on: January 05, 2021, 08:12:42 PM
Super, s Trofom i cryptofrka vodim veliku borbu za srebrnu i brončanu medalju dok je slackovic suvereni šampion i nitko mu nije ni blizu.
Borba se nastavlja  Grin
3452  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: January 05, 2021, 08:09:56 PM
Zaboravio si spomenuti najvažniju stvar,  da ne prihvaćaju lokalne postove.
To znači da svih 20  postova mora biti u engleskom dijelu foruma.
Ipak,  tko je trenutno bez kampanje i nije mu problem pisati na engleskom,  ovo je jako dobra ponuda,  kvalitetna kampanja i manager.
Kad malo bolje razmisliš, uopće me ne čudi da kampanje ne broje lokalne postove. Naime, računaju na to da će netko tko nosi njihov signature biti aktivan na svom boardu bez obzira na to brojali se postovi ili ne. Možda neće baš biti aktivni kao da se broje, ali ipak dobiju dosta postova besplatno. Moja kampanja dobije od mene free promociju ovdje, jedno tridesetak postova mjesečno što nije loše. Volio bi naravno da broje ali jebat ga.

Roobet kampanja je ponovo popunjena, a OWNR wallet ce imati slobodno mesto za jednog full membera. Wink
Čestitke na ulasku u Roobet, znači ti si zamjenio FatForka. Nadam se da njegova kampanja potraje tako da se taj rizik isplati na kraju.

Kako drukčije naš board izgleda danas u odnosu na prije cca godinu dana kad nas je znalo biti ako me pamćenje dobro služi i 5-6 u Bitvestu tako da jedino što si mogao vidjeti je njihov sig jer se spamalo do besvijesti Cheesy.

A eto, u mojoj kampanji se priznaju svi lokalni postovi i to ''službeno'' a ne neslužbeno kao drugdje.
Naravno, ne iskorištavam to i pišem i drugdje ali ovo s lokalnim postovima mi je zaista plus jer mi nikad nije problem napisati dovoljan broj postova, a nekad, bez posebnog truda, napišem i duplo veći broj postova od traženog.
Sretno svima u njihovim kampanjama i nek vam potraju što duža, kao ova moja trenutno  Cheesy
3453  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: January 04, 2021, 07:40:46 PM
it's official now.
PSG just announced it a few minutes ago.
Pochettino will be at PSG until 30 June 2022.

The polling question on this thread could be closed now  Grin

He will do well at PSG, he’ll have a pretty much unlimited transfer budget (FFP pending). Poch was good at Spurs, he reached a CL Final with a very low net spend. Will be interested to see him with PSG, there will be more pressure on him to land the big prizes.
well, if Mauricio Pochettino has started to enter PSG and fight with him then that can strengthen PSG's defense and of course with new strategies that might be applied to this club, it's just that it's too early to announce at the beginning of this year because there is still a long way to go. to take next year.
PSG's target is actually to win in the champions league, of course in the hands of Tuchel. PSG almost sealed the champions league title last season, but Bayern Munich thwarted PSG's dream. But under Tuchel, PSG's achievements are very good because he is the only coach who is able to transfer PSG to the Champions League final even though he has to be defeated by Bayern, Pochetino also has good achievements at Spurs after being able to bring Tottenham as runner-up in the Champions League two seasons ago.

Tuchel is a very good coach and has achieved very good results in Paris.
He failed to achieve the club's ultimate goal, winning the Champions League but I don't think he lost his job primarily because of that failure but because of a very controversial and strange interview the week before his dismissal where he unnecessarily mentioned politics and other things.
3454  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: January 04, 2021, 08:01:39 AM
Roobet kampanja ima dva slobodna mjesta za Full Member-e. Zahtjevi su minimalno 20 postova za $35/tjedno.

We have 2x Full Member positions open, apply now!

Zaboravio si spomenuti najvažniju stvar,  da ne prihvaćaju lokalne postove.
To znači da svih 20  postova mora biti u engleskom dijelu foruma.
Ipak,  tko je trenutno bez kampanje i nije mu problem pisati na engleskom,  ovo je jako dobra ponuda,  kvalitetna kampanja i manager.
3455  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: January 03, 2021, 01:00:32 PM
^^ I think Federer will still aim to get at least one grand slam before he retires. His best change will be in the Wimbledon, wherein he has a good record, his body is already has the signs of wear and tear already, although he has maybe the best doctors out there, if his body will not hold then it's really time to retire and not push his body to the limits. He still need to to be in shape after retirement.

Personally, I'm most sorry for canceling Wimbledon last year because of Federer.
I think it may have been his last chance to win the GS.
This year he will be a year older and it's questionable in what physical condition.
3456  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: La Liga (Spanish League) Prediction Thread 2020/21 on: January 03, 2021, 12:56:57 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if Atletico Madrid wins the title this year. They deserve the title, if they can maintain such good form till the end of the season. Atletico Madrid have been ranked 3rd or 4th in the last few seasons. This time they have prepared their team better to win the title.
I agree with you.
Another indicator of how close Atletico is actually to Real and Barcelona is this kind of news:
When top players like Eriksen thinking about Real and Atletico, that fact best explains how much Atletico has actually become a top club.

I don't see any other stable squad like Atletico Madrid this season. There are many talented players in the Barcelona team. I think the most talented player in La Liga is in the Barcelona squad. But the players of the team have not been able to adapt to each other yet. The coach of the team is new, it will take some time for them to become stable. If Messi leaves Barca next season, it will take the next few seasons for Barcelona to return to normalcy.

Although the quality of Atletico Madrid players this season is not as good as Real Madrid and Barcelona, but Diego Simeone knows how to get
Atletico's players to their best. And it must be admitted that this season Atletico Madrid's performance is the most stable and consistent compared
to other La Liga teams. So this season Atletico Madrid deserves to be La Liga champions, in contrast to Barcelona's many talented players.
But Barcelona game was  inconsistent, perhaps because Ronald Koeman hadn't adapted. So there needs to be an adjustment between the player
and the coach.

Barcelona has been in chaos for a very long time, both organizationally and financially and there are serious problems in the team as well.
Real also had serious problems at the start of the season but now they are playing better and will probably fight with Atletico for the Spanish title.
Atletico may not have the best individual players but it seems to me that they have the best team and the best system and organization of the game.
3457  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: January 03, 2021, 12:44:01 PM
Grin evo mene na burzi rada od nove godine  Cheesy

a sve kampanje dobro popunjene  Roll Eyes

A dobro, ne brini, kvalitetan si poster i naći ćeš nešto uskoro.
Istina, vrijeme oko Nove godine možda nije najidealnije za traženje nečeg novog jer je dosta toga u mirovanju, ali pojavit će se već nešto, prije ili poslije.
Nemoj samo postati previše očajan i javiti se u Bitvest naprimjer, to ti je gubitak vremena.
3458  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Humanitarne aktivnosti - kripto zajednica on: January 03, 2021, 12:39:49 PM
A toga ima kod nas uvijek. Ne znam koliko je istina, ali građevinari komentiraju da su se neke kuće obnovljene nakon rata urušile kao kule od karata jer u njima nije bilo ni 10% željeza koliko je potrebno. Uvijek ima onih koji će se okoristiti na tuđoj nesreći. Ali to nije stvar samo nas "s Balkana" nego je općenito stvar ljudskog roda. Uvijek će biti ljudi koji mogu jednim okom zažmiriti na tuđu nevolju jer drugim okom vide priliku da se obogate.
Ma svi kradu gdje god mogu. Tu gdje ja živim ima 5 zgrada napravljenih unutar 2 godine. Sada su sve obnovile fasadu preku EU fondova pa se više toliko ne vidi ali do prije toga smo imali 4 zgrade totalno oljuštene sve na fleke i jednu koja je izgledala kao nova i 40 godina nakon što je napravljena.

Zašto? Pa šef gradilišta je u njoj kupio par stanova pa sad nek mi neko kaže da lik nije znao da se na ostalima štedilo. A to je samo ono što se vidi izvana. Sve te zgrade su napravljene da izdrže dosta jake potrese ali ne bi se uopće začudio da nas tako nešto stvarno pogodi kada bi samo ta jedna ostala neoštećena.

Navodno su propisi o gradnji jako postroženi nakon velikog potresa u Skoplju 1964, u bivšoj državi.
Nakon toga građene su kuće i zgrade ''otpornije'' na potrese, što se moglo lijepo vidjeti u potresu u ožujku u Zagrebu, kada je najviše stradao ''stari'' dio grada u centru i neki rubni dijelovi.
No, ruše se nažalost i novije kuće i zgrade ako su građevinci ''štedili'' na kvalitetnim materijalima i željezu što samo govori kakav nam je sustav kontrole kod gradnje i stanje korupcije.
3459  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Velike kompanije su pocele investirati u bitcoin kao sigurnu imovinu on: January 03, 2021, 12:35:01 PM
Na ovu temu, jucer sam vidio zanimljiv tweet. Neznam kolko je pouzdan, no evo ga:

A kaže:

On January 2nd, 2021, Tesla completed its first acquisition of 4,206,15  bitcoins at an aggregate purchase price of $175 million.

Sve više velikih firmi tzv ''unicorn'' ulaže u bitcoin pa to i ne bi bilo iznenađenje, ako je i Tesla odlučio uskočiti u ovaj vlak, ali čini mi se da im timing nije baš savršen osim ako su ovdje dugoročno i klade se na daljnji rast bitcoina u dužem razdoblju.
3460  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: January 03, 2021, 12:31:14 PM
Ne zelim vas prekidati ali imam jedan post za prijaviti:

Scamovi su postali sve slozeniji i jasno mi je kako bi se novi korisnik mogao lako upecati na njih.

U ovaj scam su izgleda i investirali u web stranicu koja imitira mjenjacnicu.


Ma ništa ne prekidaš, nemaš brige  Cheesy
Predstava je završila, kokice pojedene, zastor spušten, glavni glumac otišao a kada će biti drugi čin ne zna se  Grin
Merit podijeljen, tko je slijedeći?  Cheesy
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