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35541  Other / Off-topic / Re: Have you ever been with a prostitute? on: July 30, 2015, 05:46:58 PM
No! But if Hillary becomes president, we all will have been.   Smiley
35542  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin: Should you stay or should you go? on: July 30, 2015, 05:42:46 PM
Not only should you stay, but you should work your dangedest to make Bitcoin work in all business endeavors - from food to fuel to clothes to you-name-it. Here's why.


EDIT: Here's a partial transcript of the video in the first link, above:
*** The following is an urgent public announcement from the president of Agora Inc. – America’s largest underground news and research publishing company – with more than 2 million paid subscribers and offices in 20 countries…
The facts you’re about to see may seem incredible. They are all true. ***
It’s 5:37 p.m.…
There’s a cold sweat on the back of your neck…

You’re standing at an ATM in a crowded grocery store…

A few yards away, the cashier’s drumming her long red nails on the counter, next to your groceries. There’s a long line of people waiting to pay.

You turn back to the ATM and swipe your card for the third time… Nothing happens…

Behind you, someone in the line lets out an exasperated sigh… you apologize to the cashier…

Annoyed, you head back to your car, where you fish out your cellphone and give the bank a call.

It takes three tries till a woman’s voice finally answers…

But it’s just a pre-recorded message… so garbled you can’t make out a word.

You hang up and start your engine…

On the way home you stop off at the gas station…

The attendant comes out as usual, but before you can speak he asks a strange question:

“You buying or selling?”

Confused, you tell him you just want to fill ’er up, but when you try to give him your credit card, he suddenly backs away…

“Sorry, we’re closed man… Sorry.”

You sit there for a moment, wondering whether you should argue with the guy… Finally, you just head home.

You tell your wife what happened… Definitely strange… but she figures it’s probably just a computer problem at the bank… They’ll have it sorted out by morning…

You agree, but as you fall asleep later that night you’re not so sure…

Suddenly it’s 4 a.m.… And there’s a cold fear deep in the pit of your stomach…

Something doesn’t feel right… If it’s just a computer problem… The bank would have called you… But instead there was that strange message…

And what about that gas station attendant…?

First thing next morning you take a trip to the bank… It doesn’t look open.

A piece of paper taped to one of the doors tells you that it has been temporarily closed. No explanation… just a phone number to call and what looks like a government logo… but not one you recognize.

You give the number a shot… it’s that garbled message again… You hang up.

Around the side of the building, there are a couple of dented ATMs with broken screens.

As you head back to your car you notice a man kneeling down by a pickup truck parked nearby… He’s got a hose running from the truck’s gas tank into a jerry can.

Suddenly he looks up and catches you staring at him… The look in his eyes tells you not to linger… He watches as you get in your car and drive off.

Everything’s closed… It’s that same piece of paper everywhere… and the same dark screens on every ATM.

You start running into other people… trying to deposit Social Security checks… or take out cash… or find out why their cards suddenly aren’t working.
This is not just a problem with your bank… Your whole town is essentially shut down…

By the time you call off the search and head home, Main Street is jammed with traffic. You take an alternate road… it leads you past the gas station from yesterday…

It’s closed now… with a big chain across the entrance…

Inside you see a pickup truck next to one of the pumps… Four men are standing around it… One of them’s holding a crowbar…

Your wife’s relieved as you walk through the door. Apparently people have been coming by all day… asking if she’s got any cash… trying to sell her things…

And they’re not people from the neighborhood either.

You turn on the TV… But all you see are the same images of closed banks… smashed store windows… and talk of some kind of “crisis”… No one really knows what’s happening …

And then your screen goes blue. Text at the center reads, “Service Interrupted: Please Update Payment Info.”

You shut off the TV and go look out the window…

Your wife wonders aloud whether you should invite the neighbors over… You agree… This is looking like a time to stick together…

The sun is starting to set. There’s a black helicopter skimming along the horizon…

You can’t deny it anymore… This is it… The beginning of something you’ve expected for a long time now…

Except that you never really knew when… or what form it would take…

And maybe you even gradually stopped believing it would come at all…

Except that now it’s here…

And as you stare into the coming night, you wonder how long the food in the pantry will last… and what you might have to do if this situation doesn’t get resolved quickly…

Hi, my name is Bill Bonner.

You may not know me, but I’m the president of Agora Inc., the largest underground news and research network in the world. I started this company in 1979, and today we’re actually bigger than the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

The information I’m about to share with you has never been released to the general public before.

You see, right now – at this very moment – the highest levels of our government and banking system are locked in a desperate last stand against a disturbing shock…

One you would never expect… or even think possible.

Yet our leaders have already spent $4.5 trillion – more than we spent on World War II – trying to contain this problem…

And it looks like they’re about to lose the fight…

In fact, when they do – and believe me, they will – a systemic shock will disrupt our lives in ways you never thought possible…

You will suddenly be locked out of your bank account… unable to withdraw cash or deposit a check… your stocks will swing wildly out of control… your Social Security payments will pile up unopened on your kitchen table… no one will cash them…

It will spread to a weak link in our food supply chain, causing massive shortages in the cities and suburbs… The same will happen to our gas network… America’s highways will become empty…

And one by one every service you’ve come to depend on, from your bank to your grocery store to our Federal government… will shut down…
A Disturbing and Sudden Shock That Could Break This Country Apart

I realize that must sound outrageous.

But as I hope to show you, I’m simply following my firm’s massive amount of research on this subject to its logical conclusion.

I’m sure you’re also more than a bit skeptical about me. After all, you’ve probably never heard of Agora before… or me…

We don’t own a cable channel or a single newspaper. We don’t buy ads in splashy magazines. We don’t sponsor sports stadiums or anything like that. Despite our size we operate very privately – and we only share our research and news directly with our private subscribers.

Yet, in our 36 years we’ve grown into the biggest firm of our kind on the planet, operating across 20 different countries, with 2.4 million subscribers worldwide.

And we’ve done it by exposing – and often predicting – the most important events and trends in recent world history… For example…

… On March 10, 2000, I personally wrote a warning that a “day of reckoning” was close at hand for the dot-com bubble.

Starting that very day, the NASDAQ began a two-year 77% plunge…


… That same year, we issued our “Trade of the Decade”: Buy Gold – Sell US Stocks.

Ten years later the media pronounced gold the best investment of the 2000s…

Gold is decade’s best performing investment – The Telegraph

Gold went on a 571% tear…

While stocks fell 24%…

… On March 31, 2005, we warned that housing, along with lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, would collapse…
We reported: “Something is smoldering in the mortgage-lending market, and the heart of fire is on the balance sheet of Freddie Mac (FRE) and Fannie Mae (FNM).”

… On October 2, 2009, we alerted our readers that America was around the corner from a huge oil boom…

Over the next few years oil production in some parts of America soared 300% to 393%…

But we aren’t just interested in investing…

In fact, if you were to walk into one of Agora’s 33 offices you’d be just as likely to meet a banker as you would a classical scholar… or a surgeon… or the former head of the BBC…

We employ smart, curious men and women with a contrarian streak… who aren’t afraid to question the mainstream media and the status quo. It’s a recipe that has enabled us to accurately predict some of the most important major world events… before these events occurred.

… In 1993, we predicted the rise of Islamic terrorism:

We wrote back then, “Especially troubling for many in the West will be the rise of Islam… This could be the biggest threat to world peace in the next two decades… the bomb at New York’s World Trade Center [is] just a small taste of what’s to come…”

… In December 1994, we exposed an IRS plan to tax Americans who gave up their citizenship:

We said: “Reliable sources tell [us] that IRS staff are preparing the groundwork to impose an ‘exit’ tax on Americans.”

(In 1996, the tax appeared in the U.S. Congress, where it passed. Bill Clinton signed it into law.)

But let me stop here for a moment…

Because although our track record so far is unmatched (we’ve even bested the CIA more than once – I’ll tell you how in a just moment…)

The past is not what brought me here today… I mention it only because I need you to understand that we take what we do very seriously. We are a company that focuses on ideas… our aim is to promote ideas we think will make the world a better place… and expose ideas that we think are dangerous…

And that’s exactly why I’ve put together this research piece today.

I want to expose a very dangerous idea that has become wildly popular not only in America, but around the globe.

I hope you’ll listen to my analysis, and if you agree with my conclusion, I hope you’ll take action.

Don’t worry. I’m not running for office or seeking political donations. And I’m not about to try to sell you on a subscription to a stock trading service… Or a $40 “survival kit” that you could make for $5 and a trip to Walmart.

My goal here is NOT to convince you that there’s “something wrong with this country”… or scare you with some story about the IMF or a nationwide blackout or a plot to strip the dollar of its reserve currency status…
Instead, I’m just going to tell you what’s really going on…

Specifically, that our highest levels of government are locked in a desperate struggle to patch up a fatal flaw in the US economy…

One that my company, Agora, first warned about in 1993…

One that I’ve personally been tracking for over 30 years…

And one that is finally about to bring our entire nation to its knees…
“Literally, your ATM wouldn’t work. You type in your code, no money comes out. You get your paycheck, you can’t cash it.”– US Treasury insider Neel Kashkari

Those are the words of the architect of the 2008 bank bailouts, Treasury department insider Neel Kashkari.

If what he’s describing sounds similar to the scenario I started this presentation with… it’s for good reason…

Every part of that scenario was based on an actual event that we came very close to experiencing just a few years ago… and a threat that our government has been forced to admit is all too real…

Former secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner has stated, “We came exceptionally close… you could hear the fear and the panic… because anybody living in that world at that time running a business at that time knew that they were at the edge of losing the capacity to function.”

This has been confirmed by former secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson…as well as two US congressmen…

And while President Obama assured Americans that “the shadow of the crisis has passed” in his last State of the Union speech…

I recently came across video footage of Janet Yellen, the current chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, openly admitting that the U.S. is facing a very real threat…
“We Could Find Ourselves in a Devastating Spiral”
– Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen

She goes on to assure everyone that the Federal Reserve is fully in control of the situation…

But the truth is that by their own standards, the Fed’s policies have not worked…

And, as I’m about to show you, the economic situation in this country is spinning out of control very quickly…

But let me back up for a second… and explain exactly what this is we’re facing… and how we got here in the first place…

By now, I’ll bet you’ve already heard more than a few over-the-top conspiracies… and whacky theories from people who don’t have all the facts…

Maybe you’ve even watched a few specific dates for the beginning of a crisis come and go…

If so, you’re not alone… There are a lot of people out there who know deep down that something’s not right in America…

That it’s been a different place since 2008…

Yet, they can’t quite put their finger on what exactly is happening… or what is coming next…
Because it’s not just Obama… or the national debt… or a currency threat…
There’s a much deeper problem…

That’s why the hundreds of Internet “experts” you’ve probably heard are usually wrong… They only point at the symptoms, not the real threat…

Meanwhile, the mainstream media is almost completely ignoring the danger we’re in…

Between that and the official “recovery” story coming from Washington… It’s no small wonder that the vast majority of Americans still have no idea about the dark threat our own government has spent trillions of dollars trying to contain…

But then, that’s why my company, Agora, exists.

That’s what brings me here today…

To tell you the truth…

And the truth is that what’s wrong with America didn’t start in 2008…

Or in the decade before that…

I first noticed it around 30 years ago…

You see the reason I’m here today… the reason I didn’t just give this project to one of the many PhDs, journalists, political operatives, or analysts in my employ… the reason I’m doing something I’ve never done before in releasing a message like this to the general public…

…is that I’m the only one in this business… and, in fact, in this entire industry… that has been following this story from its very beginning…
My involvement with this threat dates back to the late ’70s…

…back when I was working in Washington, where I had landed a job running one of the most important lobbying groups at the time, the National Taxpayers Union.

I went to work in politics out of college… That’s how I wound up running NTU (while attending law school at Georgetown)

During that period, I attended Reagan’s inaugural ball… I met Ron Paul… gave Grover Norquist, head of Americans for Tax Reform and one of the most powerful lobbyists in our country today, his first job in the city… I found myself having lunch with Margaret Thatcher and Milton Friedman – at the same time… I’ll never forget it…

But frankly, I was never much for the glitz… or the schmoozing… And I found that I never quite cared enough about partisan politics – or believed enough in our Federal government – to fit in with the Beltway crowd…

(For example, although I was championing a cause that many Republicans supported, I was always an independent… and in fact, the last time I voted was in 1977… for Jimmy Carter.)

I mention my D.C. years because during that time I became involved in an effort to get every state in the union to ratify a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution…

A New York Times article from March 6, 1981, describes the story:
The drive… to propose a constitutional amendment requiring the Federal budget to be balanced has started up again… The National Taxpayers Union… leading the effort nationally, said it believed that four more states could be found to pass the proposal this year…

That was how I first noticed the trend I’m warning you about today…

No, I’m not talking about the national debt…

Don’t get me wrong; I still think it’s an important issue…

And one we’ve been deeply involved with at Agora…

For example, our documentary on the subject, IOUSA – which includes interviews with Warren Buffett, Alan Greenspan, my friend Ron Paul, me, and many others – was screened at the Sundance Film Festival and widely praised by critics…

In fact, after seeing the film, Roger Ebert made it one of his Top Five Documentary Films of that year, writing:
“A letter to our grandchildren, Raven, Emil and Taylor… I have just seen a documentary titled I.O.U.S.A that snapped into sharp focus why your lives may not be as pleasant as ours.”

But while I recognize just how dangerous a broke government can be… and how much damage large government deficits have done to other nations…

What I’ve since realized is that the government’s debt is more of a symptom than a disease itself…
In short, our national debt is actually a smaller part of a much larger… and far more dangerous threat…

There’s no official record of this, but I estimate that somewhere from $958 billion to $1.5 trillion changes hands in the U.S. every month.

People buy milk and pay babysitters. They pay their mortgages and their taxes. Consumer spending alone is $11.2 trillion annually.

But there is only $1.2 trillion worth of actual dollars – physical money – in the entire world.

We can’t be entirely sure how much of that is actually here in the U.S. Estimates hold that 50% to 75% of our money is in overseas bank accounts or held by foreign governments.

A lot of what’s left here in the States is called “dead money” – it’s stuffed in mattresses and safety deposit boxes…

In fact, the amount of U.S. dollars being hoarded this way – i.e., the amount of dead money – is now at an all-time high…
All in all, there might be as little as 250 billion actual U.S. dollars circulating here in the United States…

And while that might seem like a lot of money, consider that a single U.S. company – Walmart – takes in nearly twice that amount in annual revenue… and that our government spends 14 TIMES that amount in just a year…

So if there’s only 250 billion physical U.S. dollars in this country… where are all those trillions of dollars coming from?

Let me remind you that those physical U.S. dollars are America’s only legal money – or “tender.” There is no “digital dollar” (at least not yet)… and the average Joe isn’t buying his groceries with Bitcoins…

One explanation is that people are just spending a lot… so that $250 billion gets transferred around so much that at the end of a year, you see trillions changing hands…

Only that can’t be possible…

What I’ve just described is called “monetary velocity.” And you can measure it.

And right now monetary velocity is at its lowest point in history. People aren’t spending that $250 billion in actual US dollars… it’s staying put in those mattresses and safety deposit boxes…

So people are spending something else…

And here it is…
The terrifying source of all our money…

It’s our credit system.

As you can see, for the past 30 or so years it’s been growing exponentially.

That’s why…

…Although wages have been falling since the 1970s…

…And although we spend our dollars less and less…

America still appears to be getting richer and richer…

Since the 1970s, the credit system in America has grown to become our biggest – and most crucial – asset…

More than TWICE the value of every single home in America put together…

More than THREE TIMES the value of every single U.S. bank’s assets combined…

More than 20 TIMES the trillions of dollars the U.S. government collects in taxes every year…

But it’s also our biggest liability…

Because at some point all that credit can only exist if people believe they’ll get paid back…

That is… if they believe that there’s enough money in America to pay back all of that $60 trillion in outstanding credit…

And here’s the truth… There isn’t.

Our credit system is insolvent…

And when it fails… which it will surely do… it could wipe out more wealth than any other crisis in history…

To put that in context, $10.2 trillion vanished during the financial meltdown of 2008…


35543  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Hook-nosed people are evil on: July 30, 2015, 05:37:07 PM
I only find that people with neanderthal features are usually of very low intelligence and high cowardice
But generally, most people are shit and try to use you. Get used to it, it won't be only x and y, new will always come and categorization will not protect you.

There aren't any living people like that. The cranial capacity of the Neanderthals was way more than ours.

35544  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The road to the End of Religion: How sex will kill God on: July 30, 2015, 05:24:29 PM

Socialism requires the destruction of all religion, because under socialism the state is the highest authority, not any concept of spirituality or humanity. The question really isn't if you believe in God, but if you believe the state should have the authority of God. Religion and science are not mutually exclusive, unless of course you are a totalitarian socialist. In that case you will say anything to destroy any form of religion because it challenges the universal supremacy of the force of the state, and challenges your own state centered religious dogma and faith based worship of socialism.

This is not progressive... this is taking the same lump of shit and putting it on a different loaf of bread and pretending that some how, by the miracle of socialism, it is not shit any more.

That's correct. I lived in a country in which socialism was the dominant dogma for more than 40 years. The people, under the guide of party has abolished the religion for about 30 years. But yet religion was not dead even the state wanted the substituted of religion with new dogmas: the creation of the new men without the chains of the believing. But with the fall of the regime the religion flourished immediately. Religion is within every man. Even those who don't believe in God believe in something else. Me, for example, believe in the human mind.

Does the human mind go on after death? The only evidence that we have for something like this, comes from outside the human mind. Science doesn't say it at all! Obviously, there are greater religions than the human mind.

35545  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: July 30, 2015, 05:19:05 PM
Religion is an ever-shrinking pocket of scientific ignorance.
One of the things that scientific enlightenment is finding out more than ever is, there is a whole lot more to the complexity of nature than anyone ever thought. And the more we find out, the greater we find the complexity to be.

Jesus arose from the dead to live forever. Nobody else can.
Yet. The end of death may well come within your lifetime. Bringing the dead back to life may soon be a medical reality, with claims people may be able to be resuscitated up to 24 hours after their death.

Critical care physician Sam Parnia makes the claim in his book Erasing Death, saying resuscitation research is on the cusp of a major breakthrough within the next 20 years.

"With today's medicine, we can bring people back to life up to one, maybe two hours, sometimes even longer, after their heart stopped beating and they have thus died by circulatory failure. In the future, we will likely get better at reversing death," he told Germany's Spiegel magazine.

"It is possible that in 20 years, we may be able to restore people to life 12 hours or maybe even 24 hours after they have died. You could call that resurrection, if you will. But I still call it resuscitation science."
However, the brink of war, the impending collapse of the money system (almost happened in 2008), the common law vs. civil law battle, and loads of other things suggest that research will collapse shortly, right along with the whole economy.

Back in the 1950s, the promise was that we would have fully operational bases on the moon within 20 years. Where are they?

Back in the 1920s, heart disease was going to be cured before the decade was out. Not even close.

Believe it when you see it, if even then.

Currently the average resuscitation rates for cardiac arrest patients in the US is 18 percent, while in the U.K. it is 16 percent. But at Parnia's research base in New York that rate is between 33 percent and 38 percent.

"Most, but not all of our patients, get discharged with no neurological damage whatsoever," he said.

The point is, if we actually have someone who lives until age 200 without any signs of aging, then we might begin to say that perhaps there is a slight chance we have conquered death. If somebody makes it to age 1,000, we might say we are on to something. However, as soon as someone dies, we have to admit that we haven't quite conquered death, even if it is at 10,000 years.

35546  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Hook-nosed people are evil on: July 30, 2015, 09:34:04 AM
i dont agree with that. very not true reason.
if the hook-nosed people are from they born? that is from GOd. right.
we cant judge people from body, but from the attitude.

God commands genocide and war against evil races in the bible. He specifically commands his chosen to wage war against the descendents of the pharoah in every generation (Amalakites).

Now you know why the sphinx had his nose cut off - to hide this clear genetic marking.

The Amalakites migrated to central Europe, and eventually converted to Judaism. We have been living in hell ever since.

Sometimes the truth is a hard pill to swallow.

This is where so many people make mistakes.

Where is the command found in the Bible "to wage war against the descendents of the pharoah in every generation (Amalakites)"?

To whom was the command given?

The command is found in the Old Testament.

The command was given to the Old Testament nation of Israel.

The command was not given to the United States or to any nation that is around today. This includes the Israel of today, because God rejected Israel when they rejected His Son, Jesus. Israel of today is a political ploy made by nations (particularly the Big Oil nation) that want to get a handle on exploiting M.E. oil.

If you are an Israelite who is fulfilling all the laws of the O.T. as well as holding faith in Jesus, then you might have a slight claim to obeying the war commands of God in the O.T.  In addition, you are required to move the government of Israel, who is also upholding all O.T. law and are believers in Jesus. Otherwise, forget it. And this means forget it, because the only clear nation-of-Israel country does not believe in Jesus as the Messiah Savior.

If you are attempting to be Israel so that you can uphold the hook-nose genocide, you won't be able to fulfill all the requirements. You will only wind up destroying yourself.

35547  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: July 30, 2015, 02:53:41 AM
You claim yourself as God, because of science. You are blind to see. You are following a religion.
You understand nothing. Not me, the individual, but humanity in the collective sense is God.

Jesus arose from the dead to live forever. Nobody else can. Even the people that doctors seem to bring back to life now and again, die again. Humanity is not God.

35548  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Dark Enlightenment on: July 29, 2015, 12:42:25 PM
Warning, this will exceed the intellectual capacity of most readers here. This is intended for the high IQ audience of Eric's blog.

I have long studied the mechanisms of Dark.  For example, the curious Dark Switches on the wall that when turned in the down position, suck all the light out of the room.  These can be noted to be connected to the active mechanism, the Dark Bulb, for for the newly energy conscious, the Dark Noodle.

There is a massively huge Dark which orbits the Earth and vacuums up light on a 24 hour basis.  It was once believed that all of these minor Dark entities originate from the Dark Side of the Moon.  Now we know that verily, it is the Poles of the Moon which shelter the Craters of Eternal Dark, where for billions of years only the light of far away stars has impacted.

Then there are Books, which cannot even be read in the Dark, which proves their transient nature and even worse, computer screens the abject enemy of Dark, intruding into every corner with luminiscent glowing horrror.

Oh, you are so humorous.

One thought, though. The back side of the moon may be dark with relation to the people of earth, but it is bathed in sunlight daily as it swings around the earth.

35549  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: July 29, 2015, 12:37:07 PM
Since the people of America and some other countries have the right to guns, if we are living in such a country, it is hard for us to imagine complete slavery, because it is partially our guns that are keeping us free.

It is time to push gun freedom the other way. Push it so that we have more gun freedom rather than less. Why? So that we can gain more freedom in other areas as well. So that we can reduce our servitude to those who have taken away much of our freedom already.

Wouldn't it be nice if we all could be subservient to a wise dictator who would give us everything that we wanted, and who would do everything that we said, and who would protect us from all the dangers of life? Well wake up. There isn't such an animal as that. ALL the dictators want to take our freedoms away. The smart ones do it slowly over time so that we don't see it happening. It's called the destruction of the Bill of Rights.

We all need more and bigger guns, and all the ammo that we can hide away. But more importantly, we need to stand up and take responsibility for our freedom. If we don't, those among us who have dictatorial minds will take as much freedom away from us as they can. They have taken way too much already.

35550  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why is there such an insurgence of flat-earthers in 2015? on: July 29, 2015, 12:23:44 PM
I feel like I am absorbing stupid via osmosis just reading this thread.

It is kinda fun playing along with people who believe like this. They are harmless, so why not feed their paranoia?    Cheesy

Besides, if you are paranoid about the NSA considering your speaking or writing as that of a terrorist, when you play with the paranoia in this thread, they will realize that you are harmless, as well.     Wink

35551  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The road to the End of Religion: How sex will kill God on: July 29, 2015, 04:35:05 AM
More denominations are becoming accepting of homosexuality and birth control
You embrace sexuality, the next wave of youth will fight for polyamory rights. You embrace polyamory, the next wave will demand sexual rights at puberty and 13 as new age of consent. You embrace that, they'll push for the right to nudity and sex in public, and the abolition of "indecent exposure" laws.

For every inch theist organizations give here, the next generation of kids will take three. It's not going to end well for Christianity, the dogma will be stretched way too thin, and then it will snap. It's a rearguard effort, defensive and ultimately futile. Accept reality, the age of religion is over.

This is exactly where you are wrong. Here's how you are wrong.

Over the past several thousand years, people have done exactly as you say in your post that I am quoting above. Yet, throughout those thousands of years, Christianity and religion of all kinds have made gigantic comebacks. If there was any strength to lasciviousness, these comebacks would not have happened.

More importantly, God doesn't approve of the lasciviousness. He, Himself, is the one Who finds people that want to be righteous in God's eyes. At the same time He destroys the lascivious people.

You might be comforting yourself and a few others by expressing the things that you are expressing. But you are causing your own ultimate destruction at the same time... except if you turn before it is too late...

35552  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: mastercard attacking Bitcoin on: July 29, 2015, 04:25:47 AM
I still think that Bitcoin should be made in a way that you can transfer whole wallets to someone.

It would include making a portion of the record in the blockchain to be client coded in such a way that if you transferred a wallet, you could no longer access it. Only the client code you transferred it to would be able to access the wallet. You would still be able to transfer individual bitcoins from any wallet your client managed in the same way as usual.

I should think that such a change would make transparency even less than it is now in some ways... especially if you could go into the programming in your client, and change its code to the client code you just transferred your wallet to. (You wouldn't be able to do this if you transferred your wallet to the client of someone else. In that case, you would have given up access to the wallet. A different client would have it.)

35553  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why is there such an insurgence of flat-earthers in 2015? on: July 29, 2015, 04:13:15 AM
for the flat earth conspiracy to be true, like 50% of humanity and anyone who has ever rode an airplane has to be in on it  Grin

Well I disagree with those riding in an airplane, as I've flown multiple times. For one thing, looking out the airplane, I got the impression it was flat. I never thought about it, and since I have, I haven't flown. I think they use curved glass, which makes the ground look curved too, if someone says it looks curved on an airplane.

Looks pretty flat here:

Never thought about curved glass in commercial plane windows.

Did you ever notice that if your eyesight is bad, the glasses they give you never show you the truth about flat, concave or convex in the things you look at. Do you think that "they" have determined that people who have poor eyesight are more intelligent, and therefore must be given glasses that throw off natural curvature or lack of it, because if they don't, these people would have figured out about the earth's flatness?

What about hot air balloon riders? How high would you have to go to notice any curvature? Seems to me that any curvature is not concave. But it might not be apparent at the lower limits that most balloons fly.


I don't think there's any relation between smarts and glasses, even though I wear glasses. Wink

Yeah, I don't know how high a balloon would have to fly to supposedly see this "curve" people talk about, but I really don't remember there being a curve (that couldn't be explained by the window) while being in an airplane, and I love to look out while on the ground and while flying.

Of course, though I didn't say it right out, there are no windows in hot air balloons.

I wonder how high stunt pilots fly... the ones who stand on the wings of the plane. Do goggles cause an appearance of curvature that is not there?

35554  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: July 29, 2015, 04:07:28 AM
I have heard all arguments for and against gun control but why is there such passion on such a large scale in defence of gun ownership rights in USA?

Part of it has to do with the large numbers of gun owners.

Do you own any property of any kind? What if government came along and made laws to take your property away? Would you be happy about it? Would you be happy if you became less safe because of it?

For example, it has been proven that seat belts in cars save lives. If government made it a law that nobody could have seat belts in their cars, wouldn't at least some people protest?

Government is stealing rights away from people. America is becoming a police state country. Guns are part of the protection... from government. No law enforcement goes into the ghetto unarmed. They might not go in at all, simply because parts of the ghetto are self protected these days... by guns. These ghetto people are not happy about the idea of no protection from government.

Income taxes are increasing. Income taxes are voluntary, but few know how to volunteer out... so, are taxes really voluntary? Aren't taxes really government thievery?

The point? Guns is a big issue because government is becoming the enemy of all people. People had thought government was there to protect them. Guns are the thing that people are falling back on for protection... from government.

35555  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: July 29, 2015, 03:12:53 AM
Gun control is not about guns. It's about control.

Imagine that there is a small, unofficial community of people who want to protect themselves from a small band of outlaws that are raiding them. So, they get together and form a militia to protect themselves. Everyone contributes time and money and property in some form to the militia effort. And it works.

Now imagine that there are a few people in the community who don't believe that a militia should be formed. Perhaps they don't have anything that can be stolen by the outlaws. Or maybe they simply don't like the way the community is going about forming the militia. Should these guys be forced to contribute to the militia?

If they are NOT forced to contribute, will they be receiving benefits by accident, simply because they live in the area, that they should not receive because they didn't contribute? If they received such benefits, wouldn't they be receiving them unfairly? Unfair to the rest of the community who contributed?

On the other hand, if these guys are forced to contribute by the majority in the community, isn't the community starting to become like the outlaws they are trying to protect themselves from?

The point about guns is, guns are personal property. By denying the rights of people to own and have them, a community is becoming outlaw against the gun owners. If a military or police force enforces a no-gun rule or law, isn't the military or police force becoming like the outlaws by depriving people of their right to property?

Where will it stop with the military or police force? After all, if they have all the guns, how can anyone stop them if they decide to take everything else and make slaves of the people? Isn't this what government really wants to do? Haven't they done it already by taking income taxes that most people don't want to contribute?

Gun control is not about guns. It's about control.

Gun control has already gone way too far. Let all the States enact gun freedom like Arizona - open and/or concealed carry without license or permit required. Let government advertise this to the people, suggesting that they all get firearms training, and then get the firearms. With training, we will have real gun control. After all, military or police force people are simply people. The only difference is the training.

35556  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 'The 'impossible' EmDrive could reach Pluto in 18 months' !!! on: July 29, 2015, 02:28:31 AM
Oh fun. Be in prison for 18 months there and 18 months back, and all the while that you are there.

Life's a beach.

35557  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: July 29, 2015, 02:16:03 AM
The gun issue is not a gun issue. It is far deeper than that.

The issue is about some people dictating to other people how they must live, what property they can have if any, the boundaries of their freedom, etc.

Notice all the anti-terrorism that the government is doing. Homeland Security is supposedly part of anti-terrorism. Wake up, America. If government wanted anti-terrorism, they would arm the people to the hilt and teach them how to use the arms. No terrorist would want anything to do with a country full of armed people.

Homeland Security is there to take the guns away from the people, so that the government will not have any resistance when taking the rest of the peoples' property. It's called making slaves of a free people. Rather, let us become a nation of warriors, neighborhood groups of people protecting each other from everything, including government.

35558  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why is there such an insurgence of flat-earthers in 2015? on: July 29, 2015, 02:05:56 AM
for the flat earth conspiracy to be true, like 50% of humanity and anyone who has ever rode an airplane has to be in on it  Grin

Well I disagree with those riding in an airplane, as I've flown multiple times. For one thing, looking out the airplane, I got the impression it was flat. I never thought about it, and since I have, I haven't flown. I think they use curved glass, which makes the ground look curved too, if someone says it looks curved on an airplane.

Looks pretty flat here:

Never thought about curved glass in commercial plane windows.

Did you ever notice that if your eyesight is bad, the glasses they give you never show you the truth about flat, concave or convex in the things you look at. Do you think that "they" have determined that people who have poor eyesight are more intelligent, and therefore must be given glasses that throw off natural curvature or lack of it, because if they don't, these people would have figured out about the earth's flatness?

What about hot air balloon riders? How high would you have to go to notice any curvature? Seems to me that any curvature is not concave. But it might not be apparent at the lower limits that most balloons fly.

35559  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: July 28, 2015, 09:59:04 PM
Think about it, if there is no gun nor weapon in this world, then there would be reduced killings. So the ideal state is as such. But we all know it is not possible because people always desire to be strong, whether to defend themselves or to cause hurt to others - guns offer them that opportunity. Although it is impossible to ban guns in the world, but banning guns in a country is highly feasible and should be implemented because it has been done in so many countries and it clearly shows no purpose in allowing guns.
I'm sorry I do not agree. Gun control is unlikely to significantly impact murder or suicide rates, regardless what it allows or forbids.
If us who own guns thought that a ban would reduce violence then many of us would support such a move. However we know better than most that gun violence is not committed by us. It is almost always a crazy person or a criminal who could not legally own a gun in the first place.  We simply do not enforce the laws we have now, and a murderer is not going to listen to your silly laws anyway. Want to stop these people? Get a gun. Anything less is just wishful thinking.  

Yes. And the important reason to get a gun is to protect yourself from crazies in government who want to take your property, your guns, away from you.


to protect your self from enemy like you maybe Cheesy
just kidding bro Cheesy
i think guns control is needed for proecting yourself and you can feel safe when you own a gun

Back in the beginning times of America, after Columbus found her, and colonists came over here, the only people who owned land in the nations that the colonists came from was the kings. Even the nobles only owned land as the various kings allowed.

In America, the people decided that they were all going to be kings. They fought the kings of other nations - particularly Great Britain - to prove that they were kings. We still hold the position of kings in America today.

Kings own property. Americans can own property because we are all kings. The counterpart of the treaties between European kings among American people is the contract. Americans contract with each other just like the kings of Europe made treaties among and between themselves.

Americans own guns just as other kings own guns... for self-protection.

Time to stop the criminals in American government who want to take our heritage, our kingships, away from us. Time to put down the usurpers who want to take our property. Time to put down those who want to take our guns.

35560  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rapture/ Comet Predictions, JADE HELM / CERN, Revelation Prophecies on: July 28, 2015, 08:49:17 PM

In one instance the Revelation talks about the moon turning blood red. Will we have colonies on the moon that are made up of joint-nation endeavors, ones where the various colonists follow their earth government when everything breaks down, and there is a bloody earth war? Will the moon colonists of varying earth nations, turn on their fellow colonists of other nations, that have been up until this point, their partners in the moon colony operations?


To that, people would point out the blood moon coming in September....September 28, 2015 — Total Lunar Eclipse

I don't believe it means anything other than the mood appearing blood red.

Much of Revelation is written in figurative language. The sun darkening could mean the absence of real knowledge about God. This could easily mean complete breakdown of relations, since the only authority holding things together is the law of God.

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