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35561  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Vote] Who did 911? on: August 21, 2015, 05:33:03 PM
When you hear about the nano-thermite modules found in the powder of the Twin Towers' concrete dust, you might wonder if thermite hasn't been built into the concrete of many of the high-rise buildings of the area, right in their construction. Somebody should do an analysis of the concrete walls of other WTC buildings, especially those built around the same time that the Twin Towers were built, to see if there is thermite built right into them.

35562  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Vote] Who did 911? on: August 21, 2015, 05:06:58 PM

1. Why did the news agencies report that WTC 7 collapsed almost 1/2 hour before it did, even though it was not hit by a plane, only had a few floors on fire, and gave no indication that it was in any serious danger?

2. Why do we still believe the tale of the 19 hijackers when so many of the accused hijackers showed up ALIVE within days? And why do we still believe the fable of the 19 hijackers when the FBI admitted that they are not sure about either the identity of the hijackers or if there were any hijackers at all?

3.  Why was WTC 7 rebuilt, reopened and reoccupied with no press attention? Wouldn't this be an important victory in American resolve and perseverance?

4. Why were the NORAD rules changed for the first time several weeks prior to 9/11, taking responsibility/authority for shooting down hijacked planes away from NORAD military command for the first time in its history, and given to a civilian, Donald Rumsfeld, and then returned to NORAD the day after 9/11?

5.  Why would hijackers planning on attacking NY and Washington DC drive from Florida, pass both DC and NY,  and drive all the way to Maine and hinge this huge operation on a connecting flight from Maine to Boston, where we are told they hijacked their plane? Why wouldn't they fly out of any of the airports that are visible from their targets, like Newark, La Guardia or JFK...or even some of the smaller local airports that would have given them a clear easy path to their target and reduce the amount of time that our air defense systems would have to stop them?

6. Who placed all of those put options on the airlines just prior to the event, as if they knew that the stock prices on those specific airlines would lose  a huge amount of value?

7. Why  did George W. Bush's Secret Service detail not rush the president to safety when it was evident that the nation was under attack? If the nation was under attack, and they did not know the scope of the attack, and the president's location was known, how did they not worry about being attacked in Florida?. Why did they act as if they knew that there was no threat? And why, when our nation was under attack, did the president not rush into action? If you say he was concerned about upsetting the children, you are the ultimate apologist. He could have told them that his mommy was on the phone and he had to see what she wanted. Our county was supposedly being attacked and he/they waited 20 minutes before they moved. This is the smoking gun of smoking guns.

8. Why did the FBI never list Osama bin Laden as being wanted for 9/11? Actually, we know this one...because they admitted that they had no evidence linking him to the event.

9.  Why was their molten metal flowing under the wreckage of the WTC for months? No jet fuel can melt metal, and nothing explainable could melt that much metal and keep it hot enough to remain molten for a month.

10. How did a passport of one of the so called hijackers make it through the huge fireball and end up on the street?

11. Why have photos from the 80+ cameras confiscated at the Pentagon never been released?
Why did the airplane that supposedly crashed at Shanksville vaporize so that nothing remained, not bodies, not luggage, not metal, - nothing - for the first time in aviation history? However, we are told that even though the plane vaporized at Shanksville, a hand-written note from a hijacker was found.

35563  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Vote] Who did 911? on: August 21, 2015, 05:00:20 PM

Understand the nature of cognitive dissonance and ego dishonesty. There is no shortage of zombified media consumers who will swallow whatever the "official" narrative is of whatever event is being "reported" on. The conspirators don't rely on covert operators who spend their time on some not-directly-related forum such as this one; they rely on the ability to control (and filter) sources of information, an ability which they had been consolidating for thousands of years... until the Internet came along and undid all their efforts! I would suggest to you that the "conspiracy theories" are in a sense just one layer (call it the first layer), of which anarchy is the logical extension (for this see especially: Larken Rose). The realization of self-ownership and sovereignty (internal monarchy, external anarchy) is itself the prelude to a metaphysical awakening. The rabbit hole doesn't end where you currently seem to think it ends, I would suggest from my perspective. Why "waste your time" with someone who is "more asleep" than yourself, instead of expanding the extent of your awakening? Unless it's VERY fun, LOL, in that case by all means keep trying!

Does that make sense?

Thank you. It makes sense.

I have a toothache. So I took a few days off from the office. Being bored, I am like-trolling with my own brand of limited logic, hoping to take my mind off the toothache till I can get the thing fixed.

While I am totally aware of the fact of the inside job, Spendulus is an intelligent guy. I am trying to figure out how he can miss the fact of the cover-up. So, I am shooting around with the like-trolling to see what I can get him to reveal. I mean, I don't think he is an agent or anything.

I seem to detect a softening of his stance. Maybe I am wrong, and maybe if he were asked bluntly what he thinks, he would express no wavering. I'm just curious as to why he feels this way, in the light of all the evidence to the opposite.

In my pride, once in a while, I will stick to my guns even though I know I am wrong. But it doesn't seem like that with Spendy in this case.

Thanks for your post.

The answer to this riddle is that you are somehow trying to understand a person, while I am only trying to understand the argument.  That's why I simply ask "show me the conspiracy, show me how it happened."   You really don't have much of an answer to this.  Of course, there's nothing wrong with saying "It just looks suspicious, maybe I don't know how but there's something there."

But just dancing around and never stating the plausible alternative theory of cause of the towers coming down is a cop out.  Similarly, not defending the alternative theory when it is debunked is a cop out.  By contrast we can make strong alternative theories of the Kennedy killing, which are more plausible than the Warren Report.

As an example, lets say a primitive native of a remote ocean island where nothing modern has ever existed, finds a nice shiny car outside his front door one morning. Never saw a car before. Never heard of such a thing as a car. Never even saw a ship or airplane. Never heard of electronics, radios or anything modern.

Where did that car come from? What is it? We don't know. We can't tell.

But it didn't come from doing a rain dance. We have done lots of rain dances and no car ever showed up before.

It didn't come from the mountain volcano smoke. That mountain smoked for many years and no car ever showed up before.

It's too big and heavy for somebody to have fished it out of the ocean.

Fantastic as it seems, some people might have built the car, even though that has to be impossible. Nobody could build something like that car thing.


Who in the world knows the whys and the wherefores behind the 9/11 disaster? We don't know. But we all would like to know.

This conspiracy theory and that conspiracy theory don't make any sense at all. However, a few of them might make sense.

The official report makes less sense than any of the conspiracy theories to the extent that it is almost pure rubbish.

So would you say there are "leaders of 911 conspiracies" that have a clear idea of how the evil people did the job, and you are in the cult of 911 conspiracy believers?  Then who are these people?  They need to produce clear, logical explanations, right?  I mean, otherwise they are just bullshit artists.  What are the theories that are even somewhat reasonably articulated?

So far I haven't heard any.

You are basically saying the same thing you did before. The answer is, nobody has a clear idea of how the evil people did their dastardly deed except for the people who did it.

We all would like answers. IF some Arabs really did 9/11 all without any help, there were at least several of them working together. This makes it a conspiracy, just the same as it would be if it were an inside job. So, we have that settled. It definitely was a conspiracy. We can throw out all the BS where the media is calling people who don't believe the official story conspiracy theorists.

It seems that the bullshit artists are the makers of the official story, since many parts of their story have been debunked.

You want answers? So do we all. The official story isn't the answers.

Please don't extend your own confusion or wondering with mine.  I am not "seeking answers," except only to hear the best, most convincing conspiratory theories about 911, and then to see if they withstand simple tests of reasonableness using high school level science and math.

I would remind you that of any historical events such as the Kennedy murder, 911, the Lincoln killing, you name them - nobody ever knows the whole story.  There are always certain questions and issues.  That's expected.   It's a judgement call as to whether those unanswered questions are important to an overall conclusion or immaterial. 

For example, an argument that Oswald was not involved in the Kennedy killing and "evil Jews killed Kennedy" is ridiculous on it's face value.  An argument that John Wilkes Booth didn't kill Lincoln, but Lincoln's own staff killed Lincoln is ridiculous.

Yet these are the caliber of "911 conspiracy theories" that are pushed on gullible and naive people. 

Ah, that's it. You aren't seeking answers. You are seeking the best conspiracy theories.

My mistake. I had understood that you believed the official story... which is a conspiracy theory in itself. Here, all along, you were simply looking for conspiracy theories that might be better than the official story.

So, what makes a conspiracy theory a good one for you? Are you looking for the best plausibility along with a point that makes it impossible? Is it better if it has more emotion involved? Does it need really clever intrigue, like many of Isaac Asimov's sci-fi stories? What makes a good conspiracy theory for you? And why didn't you simply say in the first place that all you were interested in was the theories? We could have avoided a whole lot of misunderstanding.

35564  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Vote] Who did 911? on: August 21, 2015, 04:28:53 PM


To give you some kind of idea as to why the "findings" of this commission can NOT be used to back up any talking points on the topic of 9/11, let me remind you what the official task of this commission was. The Kean Commissions was told to document the official story and make national security recommendations based on that story. The only information that was to be included in the official report had to match the official story. If any one member of the committee objected to any testimony or finding, that piece of information was to be left out of the report  For some examples of this you can talk to the thousands of people who became 9/11 truthers as a result of their testimony being omitted from and contradicted by the final report.


To document something doesn't mean to investigate it. It means to put to document what has been given for documentation.

35565  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Vote] Who did 911? on: August 21, 2015, 04:22:40 PM

Understand the nature of cognitive dissonance and ego dishonesty. There is no shortage of zombified media consumers who will swallow whatever the "official" narrative is of whatever event is being "reported" on. The conspirators don't rely on covert operators who spend their time on some not-directly-related forum such as this one; they rely on the ability to control (and filter) sources of information, an ability which they had been consolidating for thousands of years... until the Internet came along and undid all their efforts! I would suggest to you that the "conspiracy theories" are in a sense just one layer (call it the first layer), of which anarchy is the logical extension (for this see especially: Larken Rose). The realization of self-ownership and sovereignty (internal monarchy, external anarchy) is itself the prelude to a metaphysical awakening. The rabbit hole doesn't end where you currently seem to think it ends, I would suggest from my perspective. Why "waste your time" with someone who is "more asleep" than yourself, instead of expanding the extent of your awakening? Unless it's VERY fun, LOL, in that case by all means keep trying!

Does that make sense?

Thank you. It makes sense.

I have a toothache. So I took a few days off from the office. Being bored, I am like-trolling with my own brand of limited logic, hoping to take my mind off the toothache till I can get the thing fixed.

While I am totally aware of the fact of the inside job, Spendulus is an intelligent guy. I am trying to figure out how he can miss the fact of the cover-up. So, I am shooting around with the like-trolling to see what I can get him to reveal. I mean, I don't think he is an agent or anything.

I seem to detect a softening of his stance. Maybe I am wrong, and maybe if he were asked bluntly what he thinks, he would express no wavering. I'm just curious as to why he feels this way, in the light of all the evidence to the opposite.

In my pride, once in a while, I will stick to my guns even though I know I am wrong. But it doesn't seem like that with Spendy in this case.

Thanks for your post.

The answer to this riddle is that you are somehow trying to understand a person, while I am only trying to understand the argument.  That's why I simply ask "show me the conspiracy, show me how it happened."   You really don't have much of an answer to this.  Of course, there's nothing wrong with saying "It just looks suspicious, maybe I don't know how but there's something there."

But just dancing around and never stating the plausible alternative theory of cause of the towers coming down is a cop out.  Similarly, not defending the alternative theory when it is debunked is a cop out.  By contrast we can make strong alternative theories of the Kennedy killing, which are more plausible than the Warren Report.

As an example, lets say a primitive native of a remote ocean island where nothing modern has ever existed, finds a nice shiny car outside his front door one morning. Never saw a car before. Never heard of such a thing as a car. Never even saw a ship or airplane. Never heard of electronics, radios or anything modern.

Where did that car come from? What is it? We don't know. We can't tell.

But it didn't come from doing a rain dance. We have done lots of rain dances and no car ever showed up before.

It didn't come from the mountain volcano smoke. That mountain smoked for many years and no car ever showed up before.

It's too big and heavy for somebody to have fished it out of the ocean.

Fantastic as it seems, some people might have built the car, even though that has to be impossible. Nobody could build something like that car thing.


Who in the world knows the whys and the wherefores behind the 9/11 disaster? We don't know. But we all would like to know.

This conspiracy theory and that conspiracy theory don't make any sense at all. However, a few of them might make sense.

The official report makes less sense than any of the conspiracy theories to the extent that it is almost pure rubbish.

So would you say there are "leaders of 911 conspiracies" that have a clear idea of how the evil people did the job, and you are in the cult of 911 conspiracy believers?  Then who are these people?  They need to produce clear, logical explanations, right?  I mean, otherwise they are just bullshit artists.  What are the theories that are even somewhat reasonably articulated?

So far I haven't heard any.

You are basically saying the same thing you did before. The answer is, nobody has a clear idea of how the evil people did their dastardly deed except for the people who did it.

We all would like answers. IF some Arabs really did 9/11 all without any help, there were at least several of them working together. This makes it a conspiracy, just the same as it would be if it were an inside job. So, we have that settled. It definitely was a conspiracy. We can throw out all the BS where the media is calling people who don't believe the official story conspiracy theorists.

It seems that the bullshit artists are the makers of the official story, since many parts of their story have been debunked.

You want answers? So do we all. The official story isn't the answers.

35566  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Vote] Who did 911? on: August 21, 2015, 03:33:14 PM

Understand the nature of cognitive dissonance and ego dishonesty. There is no shortage of zombified media consumers who will swallow whatever the "official" narrative is of whatever event is being "reported" on. The conspirators don't rely on covert operators who spend their time on some not-directly-related forum such as this one; they rely on the ability to control (and filter) sources of information, an ability which they had been consolidating for thousands of years... until the Internet came along and undid all their efforts! I would suggest to you that the "conspiracy theories" are in a sense just one layer (call it the first layer), of which anarchy is the logical extension (for this see especially: Larken Rose). The realization of self-ownership and sovereignty (internal monarchy, external anarchy) is itself the prelude to a metaphysical awakening. The rabbit hole doesn't end where you currently seem to think it ends, I would suggest from my perspective. Why "waste your time" with someone who is "more asleep" than yourself, instead of expanding the extent of your awakening? Unless it's VERY fun, LOL, in that case by all means keep trying!

Does that make sense?

Thank you. It makes sense.

I have a toothache. So I took a few days off from the office. Being bored, I am like-trolling with my own brand of limited logic, hoping to take my mind off the toothache till I can get the thing fixed.

While I am totally aware of the fact of the inside job, Spendulus is an intelligent guy. I am trying to figure out how he can miss the fact of the cover-up. So, I am shooting around with the like-trolling to see what I can get him to reveal. I mean, I don't think he is an agent or anything.

I seem to detect a softening of his stance. Maybe I am wrong, and maybe if he were asked bluntly what he thinks, he would express no wavering. I'm just curious as to why he feels this way, in the light of all the evidence to the opposite.

In my pride, once in a while, I will stick to my guns even though I know I am wrong. But it doesn't seem like that with Spendy in this case.

Thanks for your post.

The answer to this riddle is that you are somehow trying to understand a person, while I am only trying to understand the argument.  That's why I simply ask "show me the conspiracy, show me how it happened."   You really don't have much of an answer to this.  Of course, there's nothing wrong with saying "It just looks suspicious, maybe I don't know how but there's something there."

But just dancing around and never stating the plausible alternative theory of cause of the towers coming down is a cop out.  Similarly, not defending the alternative theory when it is debunked is a cop out.  By contrast we can make strong alternative theories of the Kennedy killing, which are more plausible than the Warren Report.

As an example, lets say a primitive native of a remote ocean island where nothing modern has ever existed, finds a nice shiny car outside his front door one morning. Never saw a car before. Never heard of such a thing as a car. Never even saw a ship or airplane. Never heard of electronics, radios or anything modern.

Where did that car come from? What is it? We don't know. We can't tell.

But it didn't come from doing a rain dance. We have done lots of rain dances and no car ever showed up before.

It didn't come from the mountain volcano smoke. That mountain smoked for many years and no car ever showed up before.

It's too big and heavy for somebody to have fished it out of the ocean.

Fantastic as it seems, some people might have built the car, even though that has to be impossible. Nobody could build something like that car thing.


Who in the world knows the whys and the wherefores behind the 9/11 disaster? We don't know. But we all would like to know.

This conspiracy theory and that conspiracy theory don't make any sense at all. However, a few of them might make sense.

The official report makes less sense than any of the conspiracy theories to the extent that it is almost pure rubbish.

35567  Other / Politics & Society / Re: North Korea Gets Ready For War on: August 21, 2015, 03:19:32 PM
The people of America were not ready to go to war in the Middle East. Our leaders needed something to make us want war so that they could even start something over there. When nothing seemed to change, our leaders pulled off 9/11 and blamed the Middle East for it. So, they got approval from enough of us to go to war.

The people almost never want war. War is the idea of the leaders. It is very difficult maintaining some kind of charade so that the people support a war. It is even more difficult maintaining war by FORCING the people to supply the war machines and supplies to the soldiers and the government. It's the reason we have as much peace as we do int the world.

A holy, religious war is a thing that moves peaceful people when there is nothing else. Just look at ISIS.

North Korea may have short-term war success. But they will fail.

35568  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rapture? Comet Predictions, JADE HELM / CERN, Revelation Prophecies on: August 21, 2015, 03:09:21 PM
No proof for any god, no proof for "Jesus" added to no proof for any retarded conspiracy theory means that this shit doesn't exist. Amen.

No proof that the scientists and forensic sciences are right.

The hole in the sand that I have my head in, has a refrigerator stocked with beer, a big screen TV, a couch and a recliner, and a woman who brings me chips and more, now and again. That's all I need.

35569  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Chinese police arrest 15,000 for Internet crimes on: August 21, 2015, 03:03:35 PM
China makes our computer/Internet electronics for us. Do you think Microsoft is the one pushing China into controlling the Internet over there for some reason?

The people of Russia back at the fall into communism were in favor of the people of the United States. It is only after the American people started to turn against the Russian people that the people over there stopped liking Americans. Do you think it is similar with China?

Assange and Snowden have shown us that we in the lands of the free are a lot less free than we think we are. How much slavery is built right into our electronics by the people of China who are doing the work of building the electronics for us?

35570  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Vote] Who did 911? on: August 21, 2015, 02:49:55 PM

Understand the nature of cognitive dissonance and ego dishonesty. There is no shortage of zombified media consumers who will swallow whatever the "official" narrative is of whatever event is being "reported" on. The conspirators don't rely on covert operators who spend their time on some not-directly-related forum such as this one; they rely on the ability to control (and filter) sources of information, an ability which they had been consolidating for thousands of years... until the Internet came along and undid all their efforts! I would suggest to you that the "conspiracy theories" are in a sense just one layer (call it the first layer), of which anarchy is the logical extension (for this see especially: Larken Rose). The realization of self-ownership and sovereignty (internal monarchy, external anarchy) is itself the prelude to a metaphysical awakening. The rabbit hole doesn't end where you currently seem to think it ends, I would suggest from my perspective. Why "waste your time" with someone who is "more asleep" than yourself, instead of expanding the extent of your awakening? Unless it's VERY fun, LOL, in that case by all means keep trying!

Does that make sense?

Thank you. It makes sense.

I have a toothache. So I took a few days off from the office. Being bored, I am like-trolling with my own brand of limited logic, hoping to take my mind off the toothache till I can get the thing fixed.

While I am totally aware of the fact of the inside job, Spendulus is an intelligent guy. I am trying to figure out how he can miss the fact of the cover-up. So, I am shooting around with the like-trolling to see what I can get him to reveal. I mean, I don't think he is an agent or anything.

I seem to detect a softening of his stance. Maybe I am wrong, and maybe if he were asked bluntly what he thinks, he would express no wavering. I'm just curious as to why he feels this way, in the light of all the evidence to the opposite.

In my pride, once in a while, I will stick to my guns even though I know I am wrong. But it doesn't seem like that with Spendy in this case.

Thanks for your post.

35571  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Suicide on: August 21, 2015, 02:35:55 PM
There are 3 basic reason for suicidal tendencies in people:
1. genetics;
2. lack of nutrition;
3. poisoning.

The desire to protect someone else even if it costs you your life isn't really suicide.


Imagine a situation where you lose all you have in 1 day: your house burns down with your whole family and all your possessions inside. It might trigger a depression and fear so great that you'd want to die and it would have nothing to do with genetics, lack of nutrition or poisoning.

Imagine, after all that, going over to a green juice soda fountain, and drowning your sorrows in a healthy, herbal juice drink, filled with mega doses of vitamins and minerals and amino acids, etc. (including EDTA which removes heavy metals from your system), so that you come out of there feeling like you could conquer the world. You have never felt like this. You wonder how in the world you could have ever felt suicidal. You are aware of your losses, but you know that NOTHING can stop you from starting over and making things a whole lot better this time.

35572  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is Hillary Clinton Trustworthy? on: August 20, 2015, 08:38:39 PM
Hillary T. Clinton.    Roll Eyes
35573  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Ebola in Sierra Leone: after 4,000 deaths, outbreak all but over on: August 20, 2015, 08:34:11 PM
Don't tell ISIS. They might go to Sierra Leone next.    Grin
35574  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Suicide on: August 20, 2015, 08:31:48 PM
There are 3 basic reason for suicidal tendencies in people:
1. genetics;
2. lack of nutrition;
3. poisoning.

The desire to protect someone else even if it costs you your life isn't really suicide.


Genetics = I think it's wrong, therefore it must be bad programming.
lack of nutrition = programming error.
poisoning = programming error.

None of those options acknowledge an individual's ultimate sovereignty. They're either a slave to some deeper program, or a victim of chance. If those are the only options, then there's no such thing as suicide.

The word was "tendencies." We all have suicidal tendencies at least a tiny bit, built into the genes. In fact, the medical doesn't understand why we die of old age. We have the ability to fight off every disease and sickness. It might be the genetic suicidal tendencies that do us all in at old age.

Good nutrition, free from poison, lets the body remain cheerful. Where there is a cheerful body, some of that cheer will rub off on the mind. After all, there aren't many sane and sober people who suicide themselves with a big fat smile on their face because life is so great.

Good nutrition and lack of pollution poison might be just the thing that keeps a genetically suicidal person happy enough to overpower his suicide tendencies.

35575  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: August 20, 2015, 08:23:04 PM
Don't waste time on the "Dump Trump" posters and banners, now. He might not get in. Wait til he gets in. Then prepare your stock of supplies. It won't take long for people to get fed up with him like they do everyone else.

35576  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Suicide on: August 20, 2015, 06:08:01 PM
There are 3 basic reason for suicidal tendencies in people:
1. genetics;
2. lack of nutrition;
3. poisoning.

The desire to protect someone else even if it costs you your life isn't really suicide.

35577  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Vote] Who did 911? on: August 20, 2015, 05:57:50 PM
<<blahblah blah>>
Just produce a SOMETHING that halfway makes sense.

You can't.

Thanks again, Spendy, for keeping up the covertness of your 9/11 direction. You are helping to save us all from another one.

We know that you are acting and talking covertly. How do we know? We know because we all can see that 9/11 was an inside job... if we look at the evidences listed right on this page.

So, thanks for your loving kindness to all of us by maintaining your staunch stance of ignorance about the facts.

more garbage.

Just articulate a theory of "who done it and how," that halfway makes sense.

No need for the snide comments and personal attacks.

No snide comments or personal attacks meant. If you aren't doing it for reasons of loving kindness, that is an honest mistake on my part. I can see how you might have selfish reasons for you covert activity. Be that as it may, your blatant secrecy about the fact that you know 9/11 was inside job, is admirable, and truly helps protect us all.

The more people think that 9/11 happened according to the official report, the better off all of us conspiracy theorists will be from the 9/11 government attackers attacking each of us individually.

So. Please keep it up. It's protecting us so that we have time to get the real proof we need.

Thanks, Spendy.


EDIT: Besides, we are all waiting for you to articulate "who done it and why." The official story has way more holes in it than the so-called conspiracy theories.
35578  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Euthanasia? on: August 20, 2015, 05:50:08 PM

Is this even normal? How do you feel about this, people?

In 2003 Belgium was the second country in the world to legalise euthanasia after Holland liberalised the law a year earlier, becoming the first country since Nazi Germany to permit the practice.

Over the past decade the numbers of Belgians dying by euthanasia has crept up incrementally.

There was a 25 per cent increase in the number of euthanasia deaths from 2011 to 2012, soaring from 1,133 to 1,432, a figure representing about two per cent of all deaths in the country.

In February Belgium extended euthanasia to children who are terminally-ill and in a state of unrelieved suffering.

I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but i do think it's a good thing to legalise euthanasia... Even for children..

You have the choice: non legalized euthanasia will result in people being in pain for a long time without hope for recovery because they have no legal way to end their pain PLUS an illegal circuit where MD's will euthanise people illegaly without any rules or controll mechanisms (plus some people that commit suicide, leaving a mess behind for their family members)...

On the other side you have legailised euthanasia: at least every step in the process is controlled by multiple doctors and ethical commitees, and the MD that performs the euthanasia is legally protected...

Ofcourse their will be individual cases that are debatable, but that doesn't mean that the general idear of legal euthanasia is wrong...

The big problem with legalization isn't the suicide part. It is the legalization part. If it is legal to do anything, then it is one step further towards it being legal to have it done to you. And when that happens, we are close to having it done to us without our permission. Legalization of anything is a step away from freedom into slavery.

Of course, in the United States we are way closer to this than most people think. Here's what I mean.

Over the whole of the 1900s, governments and government people of the world executed about 200,000,000 of their own citizens. In the United States, the common people executed about 50,000,000 of their own fellow citizens through abortion.

35579  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is ISIS Proof that Islam has Failed at Peace? on: August 20, 2015, 03:39:53 PM
Religion is not peaceful. Religion says that we are divided and that, because God is a super being, you are absolutely wrong to believe otherwise. It does not matter what God your talking about.

I don't agree with your religion of the things you are saying here. Therefore you are correct. Religion causes division, and I just proved it by, in MY religion and religiousness, not agreeing with what you said.

The point is, what is the truth? We know by science and nature that God exists. So, God is not religion. Religion is the things that we understand about God and the universe, things that are difficult if not impossible to prove, and maybe to even find evidence for.

However, like it or not, the evidence of the various religions, when delved into deeply, show that the Judeo-Christian religion is far and away the most logical choice because of what it is in its entirety.

35580  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Vote] Who did 911? on: August 20, 2015, 03:33:23 PM
<<blahblah blah>>
Just produce a SOMETHING that halfway makes sense.

You can't.

Thanks again, Spendy, for keeping up the covertness of your 9/11 direction. You are helping to save us all from another one.

We know that you are acting and talking covertly. How do we know? We know because we all can see that 9/11 was an inside job... if we look at the evidences listed right on this page.

So, thanks for your loving kindness to all of us by maintaining your staunch stance of ignorance about the facts.

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