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35881  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Blockchain split of 4 July 2015 on: July 05, 2015, 10:14:54 PM
So that's why the price of Bitcoin has been going up this last week. Once people realize that there is this fork, the price will come down. Then people will realize that Bitcoin has stabilized, and there will be a buying frenzy again. The price will go back up for a while, until it stabilizes at some higher price.

We might be looking at Bitcoin under $100, but then in a few months, Bitcoin above $500.

Can't wait.


EDIT: If this doesn't happen, that is, if the price keeps on going up amidst this fork, and if the fork levels out and dissolves itself, then Bitcoin is here to stay.
35882  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The road to the End of Religion: How sex will kill God on: July 05, 2015, 10:06:23 PM

1. Grammar.

    (in many languages) a set of classes that together include all nouns, membership in a particular class being shown by the form of the noun itself or by the form or choice of words that modify, replace, or otherwise refer to the noun, as, in English, the choice of he to replace the man, of she to replace the woman, of it to replace the table, of it or she to replace the ship. The number of genders in different languages varies from 2 to more than 20; often the classification correlates in part with sex or animateness. The most familiar sets of genders are of three classes (as masculine, feminine, and neuter in Latin and German) or of two (as common and neuter in Dutch, or masculine and feminine in French and Spanish).
    one class of such a set.
    such classes or sets collectively or in general.
    membership of a word or grammatical form, or an inflectional form showing membership, in such a class.

2. either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated by social and cultural roles and behavior:
the feminine gender.
Compare sex (def 1).

3. Archaic. kind, sort, or class.


1. either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions.
2. the sum of the structural and functional differences by which the male and female are distinguished, or the phenomena or behavior dependent on these differences.
3. the instinct or attraction drawing one sex toward another, or its manifestation in life and conduct.
4. coitus.
5. genitalia.
verb (used with object)
6. to ascertain the sex of, especially of newly-hatched chicks.

Verb phrases
7. sex up, Informal.

    to arouse sexually:
    The only intent of that show was to sex up the audience.
    to increase the appeal of; to make more interesting, attractive, or exciting:
    We've decided to sex up the movie with some battle scenes.

8. to have sex, to engage in sexual intercourse.

Also from
Usage note

Although it is possible to define gender as “sex,” indicating that the term can be used when differentiating male creatures from female ones biologically, the concept of gender, a word primarily applied to human beings, has additional connotations—more rich and more amorphous—having to do with general behavior, social interactions, and most importantly, one's fundamental sense of self.

Until recently, most people assumed that acknowledging one's gender, or sex, was easy. You just checked the appropriate box on a standard form, choosing either “male” or “female,” according to the gender you had been assigned at birth based on visible anatomical evidence. But some people's internal sense of who they are does not correspond with their assigned gender. And in fact, we now recognize that a complex spectrum between male and female exists not only mentally, psychologically, and behaviorally, but anatomically; there have always been biologically intersex people.

Gender identity is complicated. Some people, perhaps most, do not question their assigned gender. But others perceive themselves as belonging to the opposite sex. Still others, some of whom identify themselves as genderqueer, see themselves as neither male nor female, or perhaps as both, or as rotating between genders, or even as not belonging to any gender categorization at all.

Those who clearly see themselves as the opposite sex may or may not want to transition to it in some measure. Of those who do, some may complete that transition, but others may be happy to stop partway on a path that can include dressing and behaving like the opposite sex, although the desire to cross-dress can exist quite apart from issues of gender identity. Somewhere along the transitional path, people may want to change their given names and adopt linguistic terms of their own choosing, including a variety of pronouns, as designations of themselves and others. Some will have hormone treatments and opt for various kinds of surgery—perhaps facial, perhaps on their bodies, perhaps ultimately including sex “reassignment” surgery (genital reconstruction). At any point, they may welcome or reject a “transsexual” or “transgender” label.

This array of life experiences has resulted in a veritable explosion of new, or newly adapted, vocabulary. Particularly striking and useful is the word cis or prefix cis-, as in cis male, cis female, and cisgender, designating those whose sense of self matches their assigned gender. Using cis is a way to refer to these individuals without implying that “cis” people are the norm and all others a deviation from “normal.” It is notable that choices of gender beyond male and female are even appearing on social media sites. Clearly, gender is no longer a simple binary concept, if it ever was.

When you examine the whole thing, it seems that the word "gender" can be used as a division for almost anything. In addition, people can create new genders on the fly if it makes them feel better. Because of this, I now declare that those who think that "Sex will kill God" are of a gender that is extremely different from the gender of those who know that "God will judge those of the gender that think that 'Sex will kill God.'"

35883  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Vote] Who did 911? on: July 05, 2015, 02:24:14 AM
Really, you just need to see this video that will clear up a lot of doubt and confusion in just 5 minutes:
Actually your YouTube link is full of many outright fabrications.  Fortunately, the narrator talks really fast.  Probably thinking all those stupid chumps out there listening can't follow him that fast without getting confused, so they'll just stop thinking and soak it up?


Here's just one example.  "The most heavily defended airspace in the world..." <<referring to the US mainland>>

The actual facts on the extent of defense of the US continent are readily available.

But that wouldn't fit the narrative, a nice quick lie fits much better.


It would be very interesting to see how unsafe America really is. For example, as long as there isn't any mass invasion, and as long as terrorists enter the country only a few at a time, much of the whole coast of America is unguarded.

35884  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trashy retarded Power trip U.S.A is a problem for most other countries. Destroy on: July 05, 2015, 02:11:46 AM
This is probably a CIA or NSA message designed to ferret out emotional fanatics who are a danger to America and other countries of the world. That being said...

America and a few countries like her are the only reason there is freedom in the world. Even though the freedom is misused at times by the American government, the deep-set freedom in this the freest nation is something difficult to overcome.

Where does American freedom lie? It lies in the foundational document, the Bill of Rights, part of the U.S. Constitution. It lies basically in the the 7th and 9th Amendments. Using these amendments properly, the people of the U.S. - and any people who are in America and are attacked by the U.S. or State governments - can put the governments in their place, provided these people have harmed nobody and have not damaged the property of anyone.

One of the biggest methods for doing this lies in the average person being able to use these amendments to stop paying taxes legally. The IRS says that income taxes are voluntary. And, this is true. People simply don't realize the way that they have volunteered in. If people realized how to use the amendments to get out, they would stop paying taxes, and the U.S. government would no longer be funded except in small ways. Both the government and the banking system would fail.

A note about income taxes. You volunteer in when you sign any IRS paperwork. The IRS is the essentially the same as anyone else. If anyone takes you to court saying that you owe them money, if you don't answer them in court properly, you just might wind up owing them money, even if you never did before the court action. Anybody can do this to anybody else. The IRS simply has made a big practice of it, screwing people out of their money that they don't owe. Because people mess up in court, or because they formally volunteer to pay rather than go to court, income taxes are voluntary. Remember, the thing they do to you, you can do to the people of the IRS, individually, until they stop messing with you.

What other country has this freedom built into its founding documents? There are more than 3 others, but it wouldn't quite be as easy for their people as for Americans. Others are The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and India. There are more, and you can investigate them by searching the internet for common law countries and nations.

If you happen to be an American or a person living physically on the American lands, watch Karl Lentz as he explains about how he gets out of virtually any traffic ticket. Watch one good one here Then watch the 9 associated videos.

When you as an American, are tired of government oppression, start bringing government back under control by studying what Karl does and applying it. It is extremely simple; its greatest flaw is its simplicity. It can be applied to income taxes, or virtually any other legal action against you by government. It can be used to get your friends out of prison if used properly. Don't destroy America or the American government. Rather, use it properly for freedom.

What will the benefit of this be? It will show people of all nations the way that their government should be structured for freedom for all people. It will free Americans from the tyranny of the American police state. It will start to bring peace to all people of the world.

35885  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: July 04, 2015, 06:50:52 PM
You should not associate ones hate with their religion, but by their actions. there are people of every religion that hate others
Hate is not a religious item so the truth lies in the beholder.

Thumbs up dear (Y)
You are correct that hate is not a religious item. Person is bad his/her religion is not bad so don't blame his religion by his personal actions or bad deeds.

While you follow the narrative that you were instructed to, very few people are actually fooled by the misrepresentation of motives, events and intentions.  Here's an interesting article that talks about the approach you've been told to follow in telling your pro-Islamic messages.

ISIS and other such organizations are twisting things to support their claims. That does NOT make their actions Islamic.

What it  does is just create another voice in the  multiplicity of voices each of which is claiming that they have the sole path to True Islam.  That's all Islam really is, is a bunch of people shouting at each other that they have the True Islam.  You are just one of those voices.  Many of those voices have soldiers, police and some have terrorists.  These enforce their True Islam with force, and with the user of fear.

From the point of view of an outsider to Islam, who will remain an outsider, this is no different than the way Communism projected a rosy, optimistic image of the ideas of a People's Republic.  Then once and where ever the people fell for it, or had it shoved on them, before a year it was just another bunch of thugs with guns, using force, fear and intimidation to get what they wanted.

You have only succumbed to a True Scotsman logical fallacy, and are repeating it.

Twisting and telling it is true Islam does not make sense. For an outsider, it may not understand unless he/she read every aspect of Islam and understands it.

The thief steals. If he is caught, he is punished for what he has done. He suffers.

If he believes in Jesus for salvation, he is forgiven before God. He will receive his place in Heaven.

The suffering in the universe comes about because the balance has not been kept. Often suffering comes to those who didn't do anything specifically wrong for the suffering they receive. It is because the balance in nature has been lost. That is part of the reason that God is going to destroy this universe and prepare another one, a perfect one for those who accept Him.


I don't agree with this. A person can live without commiting sins in this world. So if a person commiting sins is not punished by God, then justice is not served. For example, in this world, a person who killed one person and a person who killed more than one person, say 3 people, get the same punishment, i.e. death sentence, at the best. For justice to be done, the second person need to be hanged 3 times which is not possible in this world and hence, should be done in afterlife.

Actually, the corruption within our genes that cause us to die is sin. It might be sin that isn't committed, but it is sin. If a person won't accept Jesus salvation for all sin, or if he specifically keeps Jesus salvation from covering one particular sin, he will not make it to Heaven. Jesus must cover all sins for salvation.


EDIT: Use 3 ropes to hang him all at once.
35886  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: July 04, 2015, 06:47:31 PM
You are correct that hate is not a religious item. Person is bad his/her religion is not bad so don't blame his religion by his personal actions or bad deeds.

So what happens if Islam influences a person to do a good deed? Obviously it works the other way as well, and Islam must deny any connection to this good deed.

If a person doesn't believe in Jesus for salvation, he can't do any good works. They might appear to be good works. They might benefit somebody. But they don't become good works until the person doing them believes in Jesus salvation. Why? 'Cause if he doesn't accept Jesus salvation, he will go to Hell when he dies (proving that he was bad), and works done by a bad person can't be good works, even if they are twisted by God to produce good results.


Well no, because a person that is only being good because they want to get into heaven is greedy and selfish, their good deed is only pretend. It would only accumulate black marks.

If they believe in Jesus for salvation, even the black marks are covered, forgiven, and made as though they were not there.


That means they don't suffer for the bad things they did?

Yes. That's what makes it so very very dangerous.
People can do what the hell they like, but just as long as they believe in the bible God, everything will be alright. I don't like that way of thinking.

This is not totally correct.  A person can have remorse and be forgiven.  Suffering is not a necessary component of the equation.  I am not Christian but these are basic concepts in human behavior.  Yes the fundamentalist interpretation of it, regarding "Jesus for salvation" is a bit peculiar.   Not all Christian sects believe that, of course.

I am just saying that if I do something wrong, and sincerely regret it and tell the person wronged of that, the matter can stop right there.  Suffering may occur within one's mind, instead of being projected on him by society at large, say in the form of criminal prosecution (or religious prosecution). 

Strong point ^^. Not every piece of justice or injustice always receives what seems to be the right reward or punishment. Often there is no punishment for specific wrongs. Often there is punishment when no wrong has been done. The universe simply operates this way.

35887  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: July 04, 2015, 06:39:19 PM
You are correct that hate is not a religious item. Person is bad his/her religion is not bad so don't blame his religion by his personal actions or bad deeds.

So what happens if Islam influences a person to do a good deed? Obviously it works the other way as well, and Islam must deny any connection to this good deed.

If a person doesn't believe in Jesus for salvation, he can't do any good works. They might appear to be good works. They might benefit somebody. But they don't become good works until the person doing them believes in Jesus salvation. Why? 'Cause if he doesn't accept Jesus salvation, he will go to Hell when he dies (proving that he was bad), and works done by a bad person can't be good works, even if they are twisted by God to produce good results.


Well no, because a person that is only being good because they want to get into heaven is greedy and selfish, their good deed is only pretend. It would only accumulate black marks.

If they believe in Jesus for salvation, even the black marks are covered, forgiven, and made as though they were not there.


That means they don't suffer for the bad things they did?

The thief steals. If he is caught, he is punished for what he has done. He suffers.

If he believes in Jesus for salvation, he is forgiven before God. He will receive his place in Heaven.

The suffering in the universe comes about because the balance has not been kept. Often suffering comes to those who didn't do anything specifically wrong for the suffering they receive. It is because the balance in nature has been lost. That is part of the reason that God is going to destroy this universe and prepare another one, a perfect one for those who accept Him.

35888  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: July 04, 2015, 06:15:59 PM
You are correct that hate is not a religious item. Person is bad his/her religion is not bad so don't blame his religion by his personal actions or bad deeds.

So what happens if Islam influences a person to do a good deed? Obviously it works the other way as well, and Islam must deny any connection to this good deed.

If a person doesn't believe in Jesus for salvation, he can't do any good works. They might appear to be good works. They might benefit somebody. But they don't become good works until the person doing them believes in Jesus salvation. Why? 'Cause if he doesn't accept Jesus salvation, he will go to Hell when he dies (proving that he was bad), and works done by a bad person can't be good works, even if they are twisted by God to produce good results.


Well no, because a person that is only being good because they want to get into heaven is greedy and selfish, their good deed is only pretend. It would only accumulate black marks.

If they believe in Jesus for salvation, even the black marks are covered, forgiven, and made as though they were not there.

35889  Other / Politics & Society / Re: One in five Americans: “Religious institutions Should Be Forced to Perform SSM" on: July 04, 2015, 06:13:24 PM

Again, the OT has cruel/evil laws, Jesus supports them. They are equally as relevant as the commands given by Jesus in the NT(love thy neighbor, god).

Step 1: Go to your nearest Bible

Step 2: Open it up and look inside

Step 3: Go to this site,, or any other site detailing the atrocious acts and laws by god and his prophets in the OT, and look in your bible for them.

"God the father" and his prophets promote; rape, pedophilia, mass murder, incest, and more.

If God promoted it, then it is right and good and not evil.

Go to your nearest Bible and see the ways that God promoted anything. If the things He promotes apply to you, then obey. If they don't, then don't. But don't consider God evil.

Everything in the universe and beyond belongs to God, and you are badly mistaken when you say that He is evil. If you say such, then you are pushing yourself against God, the Maker and Owner of everything. It will wind up being you that are evil by opposing God.


So then "god" promoting the murder of babies, children, the raping of young women, the murder of the elderly, the murder of adulteres, the murder of his own priests, means that, "it is right and good and not evil."?

You are the most delusional, pathetic man I have ever met. I'm done here. Now everyone can see why religious people are the bane of this world, we need freedom From religion.

EDIT: You're now on ignore BADecker, I don't talk to sheeple.

No, it is you who are mistaken to think that God promoted such things. But, even if He did, He is God and Owner of everything. Why are you setting yourself up against God?


EDIT: What's the matter? You place me on ignore because I have answers you can't resist. Consider what you are really doing. You are placing yourself on ignore with regard to the truth. You would rather sleep in your ignorance than wake up and look at reality.
35890  Other / Politics & Society / Re: One in five Americans: “Religious institutions Should Be Forced to Perform SSM" on: July 04, 2015, 06:11:25 PM
The whole Bible is relevant for all people.

Those who consider themselves Jews are supposed to obey the whole O.T. forever, or until the Judgment Day, whichever comes first.

The rest of the people in the world are supposed to obey the moral laws in the O.T., especially with regard to not harming other people or damaging their property.

Everyone is supposed to gain wisdom about God and how their lives operate from the O.T.

The N.T. is for clarity with regard to salvation. It is given to the Gentiles as well as the Jews, because the Jews have failed in their mission to remain the pure nation that God wants.

The biggest part of the New Testament has to do with the peace between mankind and God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The whole N.T. has to do with peace among all people because there is peace with God.


Ok nice selective reasoning /s. You either obey all the laws in the bible, including the cruel/evil ones, or none. You BADecker, are not a true christian.

I have and am obeying all the laws in the Bible that apply to me. Since I am not a Jew (although I might have some Jew in my ancestry), I am not required to obey all the laws of the O.T. - only the moral ones.

Since I am obeying the only important N.T. law - to believe in Jesus as my Savior - the good works of Jesus are being applied to me. Though I make mistakes in a practical sense, it is as though I didn't, because Jesus' righteousness covers them.


It doesn't matter if you're a Jew or not, Jesus supported the laws in the OT. Therefore the OT and NT are equally relevant, by you not following the OT, you're not truly following Jesus. You are not a true christian.

A person who believes in Jesus salvation DOES obey all the laws, even though in a practical sense he might not. He obeys because any and every mistake he makes is covered by the righteousness of Jesus. Thus, he is essentially as though he had not sinned, had not broken any laws, even though he does.

If you want to accept that the Ceremonial Laws of the O.T. which were for the Jews apply to you, go ahead and do them. Really, they don't apply to anyone except the Jews and those who say they are Jews.


So you're admitting that you don't truly believe in Jesus. The fact of the matter is that Jesus supported the OT, making the OT as relevant as the NT. If you obey the NT's laws, then obey the OT's laws. If you don't obey both, then you are not a true christian, just a superficial "believer".

The ceremonial laws were for the Jews and nobody else, except non-Jews living among the Jews. It has always been that way. There is no evidence anywhere in the O.T. where God applies the Jews' laws to anyone else, except for the moral laws. Such doesn't exist.

35891  Other / Politics & Society / Re: One in five Americans: “Religious institutions Should Be Forced to Perform SSM" on: July 04, 2015, 06:07:53 PM

Again, the OT has cruel/evil laws, Jesus supports them. They are equally as relevant as the commands given by Jesus in the NT(love thy neighbor, god).

Step 1: Go to your nearest Bible

Step 2: Open it up and look inside

Step 3: Go to this site,, or any other site detailing the atrocious acts and laws by god and his prophets in the OT, and look in your bible for them.

"God the father" and his prophets promote; rape, pedophilia, mass murder, incest, and more.

If God promoted it, then it is right and good and not evil.

Go to your nearest Bible and see the ways that God promoted anything. If the things He promotes apply to you, then obey. If they don't, then don't. But don't consider God evil.

Everything in the universe and beyond belongs to God, and you are badly mistaken when you say that He is evil. If you say such, then you are pushing yourself against God, the Maker and Owner of everything. It will wind up being you that are evil by opposing God.

35892  Other / Politics & Society / Re: One in five Americans: “Religious institutions Should Be Forced to Perform SSM" on: July 04, 2015, 06:00:00 PM
The whole Bible is relevant for all people.

Those who consider themselves Jews are supposed to obey the whole O.T. forever, or until the Judgment Day, whichever comes first.

The rest of the people in the world are supposed to obey the moral laws in the O.T., especially with regard to not harming other people or damaging their property.

Everyone is supposed to gain wisdom about God and how their lives operate from the O.T.

The N.T. is for clarity with regard to salvation. It is given to the Gentiles as well as the Jews, because the Jews have failed in their mission to remain the pure nation that God wants.

The biggest part of the New Testament has to do with the peace between mankind and God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The whole N.T. has to do with peace among all people because there is peace with God.


Ok nice selective reasoning /s. You either obey all the laws in the bible, including the cruel/evil ones, or none. You BADecker, are not a true christian.

I have and am obeying all the laws in the Bible that apply to me. Since I am not a Jew (although I might have some Jew in my ancestry), I am not required to obey all the laws of the O.T. - only the moral ones.

Since I am obeying the only important N.T. law - to believe in Jesus as my Savior - the good works of Jesus are being applied to me. Though I make mistakes in a practical sense, it is as though I didn't, because Jesus' righteousness covers them.


It doesn't matter if you're a Jew or not, Jesus supported the laws in the OT. Therefore the OT and NT are equally relevant, by you not following the OT, you're not truly following Jesus. You are not a true christian.

A person who believes in Jesus salvation DOES obey all the laws, even though in a practical sense he might not. He obeys because any and every mistake he makes is covered by the righteousness of Jesus. Thus, he is essentially as though he had not sinned, had not broken any laws, even though he does.

If you want to accept that the Ceremonial Laws of the O.T. which were for the Jews apply to you, go ahead and do them. Really, they don't apply to anyone except the Jews and those who say they are Jews.

35893  Other / Politics & Society / Re: One in five Americans: “Religious institutions Should Be Forced to Perform SSM" on: July 04, 2015, 05:53:53 PM
The whole Bible is relevant for all people.

Those who consider themselves Jews are supposed to obey the whole O.T. forever, or until the Judgment Day, whichever comes first.

The rest of the people in the world are supposed to obey the moral laws in the O.T., especially with regard to not harming other people or damaging their property.

Everyone is supposed to gain wisdom about God and how their lives operate from the O.T.

The N.T. is for clarity with regard to salvation. It is given to the Gentiles as well as the Jews, because the Jews have failed in their mission to remain the pure nation that God wants.

The biggest part of the New Testament has to do with the peace between mankind and God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The whole N.T. has to do with peace among all people because there is peace with God.


Ok nice selective reasoning /s. You either obey all the laws in the bible, including the cruel/evil ones, or none. You BADecker, are not a true christian.

I have and am obeying all the laws in the Bible that apply to me. Since I am not a Jew (although I might have some Jew in my ancestry), I am not required to obey all the laws of the O.T. - only the moral ones.

Since I am obeying the only important N.T. law - to believe in Jesus as my Savior - the good works of Jesus are being applied to me. Though I make mistakes in a practical sense, it is as though I didn't, because Jesus' righteousness covers them.

35894  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: July 04, 2015, 05:48:42 PM
You are correct that hate is not a religious item. Person is bad his/her religion is not bad so don't blame his religion by his personal actions or bad deeds.

So what happens if Islam influences a person to do a good deed? Obviously it works the other way as well, and Islam must deny any connection to this good deed.

If a person doesn't believe in Jesus for salvation, he can't do any good works. They might appear to be good works. They might benefit somebody. But they don't become good works until the person doing them believes in Jesus salvation. Why? 'Cause if he doesn't accept Jesus salvation, he will go to Hell when he dies (proving that he was bad), and works done by a bad person can't be good works, even if they are twisted by God to produce good results.

35895  Other / Politics & Society / Re: One in five Americans: “Religious institutions Should Be Forced to Perform SSM" on: July 04, 2015, 05:42:42 PM
The whole Bible is relevant for all people.

Those who consider themselves Jews are supposed to obey the whole O.T. forever, or until the Judgment Day, whichever comes first.

The rest of the people in the world are supposed to obey the moral laws in the O.T., especially with regard to not harming other people or damaging their property.

Everyone is supposed to gain wisdom about God and how their lives operate from the O.T.

The N.T. is for clarity with regard to salvation. It is given to the Gentiles as well as the Jews, because the Jews have failed in their mission to remain the pure nation that God wants.

The biggest part of the New Testament has to do with the peace between mankind and God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The whole N.T. has to do with peace among all people because there is peace with God.

35896  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fury as the US blocks plans to fight ISIS in Syria and Iraq on: July 04, 2015, 05:35:35 PM
Maybe the people who are pulling the strings of Obama, have finally realized that we can't organize and support Al Qaeda types of organizations, and expect that they will continue to do our covert bidding. Maybe Big Oil has simply backed off to try another strategy... like nuking the whole Middle East.

35897  Other / Politics & Society / Re: You've been warned, America, gay marriage is just the beginning on: July 04, 2015, 02:55:59 PM
God wants people to have children so that the land can be filled with people. Gay marriage and abortion does not produce children.
God wants us to despoil the Paradise he gave us, ruining it for all future generations of his children? Because that's what we're doing, and it seems like a pretty fucking selfish and convenient worldview to have.

It's not the poor people from Mexico who are messing up the world of nature that God gave us all. It is the people of knowledge and science and engineering who are creating things that cause pollution. And it is the stupid people like us who are asking them to give us more and more of the things that pollute.

God has said in the Revelation that He will destroy those who are destroying the earth. This isn't the poor people from Mexico who are simply trying to eek out a life from the land, or a better life in a place where they think there is peace.

You just love twisting my words and ideas, don't you. The mental and spiritual pain in your life is becoming evident to all. You should really seek psychological and spiritual help before you go off the deep end.

35898  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: July 04, 2015, 02:48:49 PM
Are you hurting so badly that your pain makes you take the good that I say, twist it out of context, and turn it into something bad? You really need to seek help for your emotional pains.

The new high priests are the scientists who lie through their teeth about the truth of the theories. There is no truth to the theories. The only truth is what is factual.
If you truly believe this, you're a hypocrite unless you get off that computer and start living without all the evil false-technology science has provided you, like the Amish do. Use only technology before the scientific method (~pre 1600).
Notice, I said "what is factual." Among the facts of science, there is theory, that which is not fact, that which is science fiction. Some scientists and politicians have promoted some of the science fiction with words that cause people to draw the conclusion that they are saying that it is fact.

So, here you are. Lying about what I say, twisting my wording into something it is not, just to bring your own, painful life out into the open. Get help for yourself. Start by reading the Gospels in the New Testament.

"Let's see. People were sooooo different back 2,000 years ago.
Western people were very different, ethically speaking. If you want some insight on this, compare life in Middle East today to life in modern France,  or just go watch Game of Thrones for a bit, or just read your own fucking Bible.

Back then, virtually everyone was religious, and there were no scientists. What was life like? People were torturing, enslaving, raping and burning each other alive regularly, as in these activities were relatively commonplace.

We don't let theists get away with that shit in the civilized parts of the world anymore. This is because reason slowly compels ethics toward total compassion, and has been doing so for 2,000 years.

People were not very different a mere 2,000 years ago. They all needed air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat, clothing and shelter, just like today.

Compassion is fake without God. Atlantis was destroyed by the great flood of Noah's day, simply because the people were becoming less and less compassionate, especially in the fact that they didn't have any compassion for the God Who created them, but rather, turned their backs on Him. It is similar today.

There have always been groups of peaceful people and groups of violent people. Check history. Nothing has changed.

Since compassion is available today as you have said, find some compassionate psychologist to help you fix your mental anguish.

35899  Other / Politics & Society / Re: You've been warned, America, gay marriage is just the beginning on: July 04, 2015, 01:39:51 PM
God wants people to have children so that the land can be filled with people. Gay marriage and abortion does not produce children.

Two fifths of the American lands are tied up in State or Nation owned lands where almost nobody lives. Since America has reduced and is reducing its population growth, God is seeing to it that people from Mexico are coming up to fill the void. People from Mexico are very family oriented and will take up the slack.

At the same time, the things that these people lack in understanding about the salvation of God - though they are very religious - will be explained by Americans to them as they take over and fill the land for God.

35900  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The road to the End of Religion: How sex will kill God on: July 04, 2015, 01:33:33 PM
Like the title of this thread and the opening post have anything to do with God.

God created the whole universe. The only thing sinning might do is destroy the sinners, if they remain in it without acknowledging the forgiveness God offers through Jesus.

The impetus of this thread is irrelevant to God. It is stupid. The best it does is to bring out some discussion among forum members.

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