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3721  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: [N] 0.01 to 0.012 btc [H] PayPal preev 1:1 on: July 12, 2019, 02:41:49 PM
We can have a deal if you wish.
Hang on feedback.
3722  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: [H] PP [W] BTC, LTC, ETH, possibly other ALTS($400+ available) on: July 12, 2019, 03:59:58 AM
Hello, do you wish to trade with 50$? My btc to your PP.
3723  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin seems to drop faster than rises on: July 11, 2019, 11:19:45 PM
It seems to me that while BTC clearly goes up over time, the drops seem much more steep eg x 2 or 3 than the rises almost always.

Why is this?

It seems the one predictable thing about BTC.

People buy too much bitcoin because they have heard some good news, they create high expectations that the price will increase a lot, but if it has any negative news it will be enough for people to panic and sell with losses. I myself at the beginning when I entered the world crypto sold as soon as I heard some bad news, because I entered panic and days later or weeks later I saw the price to recover. It took a long time for me to stop panicking.
But in this situation did we see any bad news? As far as I see, no.
To be fair don't know why this happens always, maybe people try to sell as soon as they see rise and everyone follows this action. On another hand I look it positively, a given chance to buy bitcoin and see profit in near future because it always rises, sometimes slowly and sometimes takes a long time but in overall price rises and we see profit.
Let's see what will happen in near future, seems quit interesting whether price will rise and exceed 13K and higher or it will fall again.
3724  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin believers/investors are foolish or low IQ people ? on: July 11, 2019, 10:23:10 PM
Btw I have a question for people who thinks those who believe in bitcoin are foolish: When some people were saying bitcoin would reach 10K, 20K very soon and you were laughing, who was true? You, who couldn't imagine if bitcoin would even be able to pass 1K or those who were talking "fantasies"? Time showed us that the second ones were right and automatically who is foolish? Seems those who didn't believe in bitcoin and thought 1K was even impossible to reach and bitcoin was a hyip/ponzi scheme.
3725  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Crypto Mail List - I need suggestions on: July 11, 2019, 09:39:13 PM
So I have a mail list with crypto users and I'm sending daily mails about relevant news and the state of the market (technical analysis) but I'm wondering what else would people like. Perhaps upcoming relevant ICO's or ICO's airdrops, maybe a ''undervalued coin of the week'' with TA and Fundamental Analysis, nice giveaways?
Do you have a website which users subscribed in order to get news via email? I think what you already send is pretty good option but if I were you, I would add news around blockchain technologies and it's possibilities, crypto/blockchain meetups and if you can do it, I would offer exclusive sales to them, this way you would have happy customers and the persons who sell tickets maybe would be glad because of possibly increased and fast sales (btw I don't know how much people you have and how targeted your audience is).
3726  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Creating more bitcoin on: July 11, 2019, 09:28:49 PM
Is there anything to stop the core devs saying we want unlimited bitcoin and changing the code to allow it.  I mean, 21 million isn't much.  Smiley
At first bitcoin isn't USD that's in infinite printing action. Bitcoin's supply was limited to make it better and get rid of inflation. 21 million is pretty good number especially if we consider the fact that you can use at least 0.00000001 bitcoin. Connection between demand and price is great, when demand rises, price rises too to cover that need of demand. What if one bitcoin worth 1 million usd? And now calculate 21 million bitcoin * 1 million usd? I think it's fine how bitcoin is today, at least for now. It's another task how much coins we will lose in following years and what actions may be needed to fill 21 million supply.
3727  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Does hard work in gambling count? on: July 11, 2019, 08:58:18 PM
There are different types of gamble.
When it comes to purely luck based gamble, there are no use of hard work. Yeah there are strategies but that again are just luck and probability.
But when it comes to analysis based gamble like say sports betting, a hard work doing research and analysis would yield you better result with larger probability of your success.
I agree with you, when we talk about games based on luck, I think strategies ruin everything because luck is against strategy, luck against luck to my mind and not strategies and etc. Btw sports betting is combination of luck and analysis, there were some games lost and won by specific team which people couldn't imagine. A lot of famous clubs have lost match which was almost seemed to be 100% won.
On another hand hard work counts when you play games like chess, absolutely strategy based one. Poker is also combination of luck and strategy, sometimes you blef and win with bad cards but sometimes different thing happens.
3728  Economy / Services / Re: ProDice Player for hire on: July 11, 2019, 08:06:55 PM
Oh my god, what a fantasy OP has, I am amazed. Could imagine everything but not this, hired dice players, omg.
It's quit interesting to know, a person who earned 200 bitcoin is left without money, where were those bitcoins gone? Logically someone would start business or would double it since he is so great in this job, then would triple and etc, life would become amazing.
OP what about to set 2fa on your account to see your winnings ourself on website? I think it will be fair.
Thought person may be pro in poker, chess but in dice? Sounds interesting, what kind of math you use to beat math?
3729  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Just released: Nimipay - Simple and Flexible Payments Gateway on: July 11, 2019, 07:10:58 PM
Do you offer credit card payments too along with cryptocurrencies? And which cryptocurrencies are available? How much fee do you charge? Website is very simple html code, I think it will be better to set premium, responsive template and include much more details. On another hand when I clicked instant buy and other buttons, everything is perfect with UI.
Also do you accept everyone to use your gateway globally?
3730  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Trading with goal setting on: July 11, 2019, 06:44:10 PM
Trading with goal means planned economic growth to my mind and economy is something that can't be planned because a lot of thing can affect it and especially when we talk about bitcoin which has very unpredictable price. For example if you plan to get 10% profit from bitcoin and great rise has started, if you sell bitcoin that time and get 10% profit, it may be bad because you missed a chance of better profit. You have to make actions in live, decide whether is chance of profit, when to stop, when to continue. Price rise can affect it a lot and if you planned something and your plan failed, in any way you have to move on another one while live actions without plans can bring you better opportunities.
3731  Economy / Economics / Re: Can Blockchain Replace Banks? on: July 11, 2019, 04:25:04 PM
The creation of blockchain came with possibilities and predictions of a future where intermediaries could be eliminated entirely. It is capable of executing millions of transactions within seconds at a lower transaction cost and requires no centralized authorization.

With the blockchain trend going on as strong as the moment, is it possible that blockchain will replace banks any time soon in the future?

More here:
Blockchain is techbology and bank is place which offers some services so can't understand how technology can replace service but this technology can be implemented in services and as a result we will get bank with blockchain technologies which is pretty much possible. Blockchain technologies are integrated in a lot of services because it adds an extra layer of protection to whole process, it has nothing to do with transaction fees in your statement.
3732  Other / Meta / Re: A Study about history of Bitcointalk Forum on: July 11, 2019, 02:24:21 PM
How about this?
It was hosted before in ?

The original name of the forum is bitcoin forum.

Satoshi last active on December 13, 2010.

Martii Malmi is the original owner of started in July 2011.
Interesting, didn't know bitcointalk was the backup of
Btw I was interested in history of bitcointalk forum some years ago, also I am the only one who gave trust to first, admin's account.
Also if anyone knows, why did they only choose .org domain and didn't buy .com .net and other domains? Why Roger owns .com domain? Will be good if someone enlightens me.
Also there was planned first IRC meeting in October 24, 2010 which failed.
The oldest active account seems is this one:;u=12 But don't know if it's sold account or not.
Btw is this Roger Ver's account?;u=22
3733  Economy / Marketplace / Re: Pros and cons of commission-free withdrawal on: July 10, 2019, 11:43:29 PM
Hi everyone! I've heard of building a commission-free crypto exchange Digitex. The question is: how attractive it is for you? Are there any pitfalls in commission-free withdrawal, in your opinion?
I think it will be better to move this thread in project development section.
Of course it's attractive, as much bucks will be saved from my pocket, better for my wealth but it's another task how will exchanges be able to handle it. For example xapo had zero commision on sending bitcoins to other wallets but they changed it and set fees because couldn't handle it. Pros is that you'll attract peoplr who usually wants to save money but cons are that you can't handle it on long term and will have to set fees, which will cause lose of significant amount of customers of your service.
3734  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Problem with mining is that its too easy on: July 10, 2019, 10:31:13 PM
Just like internet work that is flooded with people across the world it has become a race to the bottom.  People in first world countries are competing with people that are happy to make a few crumbs.  It is too easy to set up some rigs and start mining.  
Can't agree with you. It's also pretty easy to rent commercial part, make some refit and start business like Bar or Cafe, supermarket or etc but what is difficulty here? How to not stop and grow your business, get profit. You can buy GPUs and start mining but it has some risks too like Cafe, you don't know how much customers you'll gain and in mining, you don't know how difficulty will rise and what will be the price of coins you mine.
Well, in overall it's easy compared to others but I know a lot of people failed in mining because they thought it was very easy. On another hand individuals must be able to mine to keep decentralized platform.
3735  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: YOBIT blocked my account just for messages! :-( Help! on: July 10, 2019, 10:02:13 PM
If people were playing with 0.1-0.5 bitcoin and you asked them to stop, then yobit would ban you, you just get some bitcoins out from their hand lol, it's a very funny story.
Despite the fact that I don't like yobit because of how shady they are, in this situation it's your fault. It's not your business to ask people in chat to stop playing or play with your strategy that "works".
Also there is no need of tags, contact them in PM or write email to yobit support. Sorry but fault is your.
3736  Economy / Economics / Re: How can I start a business that offers crypto services? on: July 10, 2019, 08:57:48 PM
What would the process look like?

If I registered a business name and then got some business loans to buy more coin. It would be a HODL business. Or a boutique crypto investment firm. I just want that loan to buy and hold onto a bunch of coin and watch it soar. There would eventually be a legit service to offer through the business but at first I just want a giant loan to buy a bunch of bitcoin.

Sound idea? Yes or no
At first you can't just get business loan by registering a business name. HODL business doesn't exist too. To buy and hold bitcoins, you can get loan from bank, if you want huge amount of money, you can put your house in loan but be very careful, some people did that when price was 20K and lost houses. You aren't alone interested in crypto, why to invest in you while we can buy bitcoin and watch when it will rise? The only way to choose you is to give us guaranteed profit and then it's not my job where you invested money, in crypto or etc.
So you can't get "giant" loan, sorry but your "business" idea can't be released unless you own something very worthy.
3737  Economy / Speculation / Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic on: July 10, 2019, 04:13:46 PM
when the supply is very small like 21 million coins and demand is to much big and no body sell coins its surge the price to astronomical number and in this situation the marketcap is misleading somehow...

yes, which is why old hands around here are always telling people that market caps are useless metrics. when spot exchange supply becomes extremely low, it takes very little capital inflow to see exponential price increase. this is the magic of withholding supply from market.

to take an extreme example, let's say no one is willing to sell coins anymore so the entire sell side = 1 BTC. how high do you think the price can go? hello, quadrillion dollar market caps! Tongue
There are many bitcoin holders but do you really think most of them will stick with it? No, once bitcoin will reach price which will let people to get some profit, they'll sell it without thinking. At some point that's good, why to stone money? If we won't use money and put it in one place, how will economy develop? To my mind money (and yeah, bitcoin is money) has to be in circulation and natural price growth will be better than that one.
3738  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why Bitcoin can't be banned on: July 09, 2019, 11:58:59 PM
The fact here is that banning bitcoin use is possible but stopping the use is impossible. Sounds similarly but truly different as practically, the use can only be discouraged but can hardly be stopped
I agree with you. Why is it impossible to ban bitcoin? Government can say that this currency isn't safe for them and they have to ban it, this proposal and everything is done. But there are a lot of things banned, there are a lot of things illegal, there are jails for them but did it prevent anything? No, it just reduced number of customers and made it even harder for governments to stop. So if they ban bitcoin, it still will be available anyway but with difficult and more time consuming ways.
3739  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🎲 | Fair & Secure Dice Games ✅ on: July 09, 2019, 04:28:33 PM
As I remember you were selling this domain, yeah? Seems you find a way to monetize it, congrats.
You know there are a lot of websites which offer list of crypto casinos. To make it a little bit unique and since you claim the list of websites which is published on cryptodicegame are trustworthy, what about to include scam accusation threads? How many thread was opened, how many was solved and not solved? I think it's a good idea.
3740  Economy / Economics / Re: If a pyramid runs forever, is it still a pyramid? on: July 09, 2019, 02:39:44 PM
There hasn't been such pyramid and will never be. There are a lot of reasons:
1. People who invest in pyramids usually have low economic situation.
2. Most of them aren't smart since they blindly believe what ponzi companies offer are real and they are so smart that were able to find such a great deal.
3. None businessman will invest in such scheme, so pyramid is far from real investors.
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