Why do people care who Satoshi Nakamoto is/was? It's like wondering the name of the person that created the wheel. Sure, I suppose I would be curious about the name of the inventor of the wheel, if nothing else to raise a beer to them from time to time, but ultimately the wheel is the important part of the story.
Because Satoshi Nakamoto is a mystery and it's natural for the people to be curious. I don't care who Satoshi is,but it would be nice if we knew at least something about the creator of Bitcoin. The lack of information leaves room for many conspiracy theories,like the one that Bitcoin was created by a bunch of CIA programmers,who are hiding behind the name Satoshi Nakamoto,so BTC is basically a CIA financial experiment.Would you believe such conspiracy theory?
Plan 1: Buy BTC and ETH only. Spend $50 and buy 50% BTC and 50% ETH. No schedule and buy on dips.
Plan 2: Buy BTC, ETH, and LTC. Weekly, regardless of the current cost of each coin. Alternate between coins so 1 week buy 50/50 BTC and ETH. Next week buy 100% LTC. Next week buys 50/50 again.
HODL both obviously.
Also at what point is a hardware wallet required?
Why do you want to buy BTC and ETH,since their prices are moving in the same direction. Real portfolio diversification means buying various assets,which prices aren't correlated to each other and are not moving in the same direction-up during a bull market and down,during a bear market. I think that it doesn't matter if you buy BTC and ETH only or BTC,ETH and LTC.It's basically the same to me. I'm a Bitcoin maximalist,so I would buy 100% Bitcoin and 0% altcoins.
Пичове, някой от вас занимава ли се с кардинг? (бих искал да го попитам нещо)
Кардинг означава 2 неща: 1.Купуване на стоки онлайн с открадната кредитна карта. 2.Източване на открадната кредитна карта. Предполагам знаеш,че е незаконно... Объркал си форума,честно казано.
In an era where $36 million in copper commodities are hijacked and lost. Reliability of commodity trading/shipping appears on a steep decline. It seems wrong to make generalized conclusions about the safety of the precious metals markets based on such theft.I still believe that the precious metal markets are safe and secure and such cases are an exception. I really hope that the buyer will get a refund and the criminals will get caught.
I luxury US hotel will begin to accept cryptocurrency payments. What is so shocking about this?Your title is clickbait. Hotels were hit badly by the coronavirus pandemic and the lockdowns,so they are desperate for solutions that will bring them more customers(I really doubt that accepting crypto payments will bring more customers). Anyways,every business that accepts crypto payments is good news for us.The the institutional investors will be in the crypto army and they will be followed by many B2B and B2C companies.
I significantly reduced the number of my outgoing BTC transactions,so I don't care about transaction fees that much.I'm just gonna HODL and try to earn as much BTC as possible.The network won't be stuck forever and the tx fees will go down for sure. If altcoins are serving your purpose and the tx fees are lower,then go ahead and use them.I'm not gonna be using any altcoins anytime soon.If more people leave BTC and join the TOP 10 altcoins,then the transaction fees of the Top 10 altcoins will increase as well.
I don't think that NTF will ever going to be implemented in the online crypto gambling industry. The Non Fungible Tokens will stay in the gaming industry.The gambling industry is different than the gaming industry.The gambling games are based on luck,not on skills,so buying and selling game items/tokens would be pointless.The main goal of every casino is to squeeze more money from the gamblers every day,not to issue a token and sell it to the gamblers for a one-time fee,so they could trade that token with each other.
I wonder why a newbie would choose a new crypto exchange,rather than some established platform. Is it because of the lack of KYC and ID verification,or it's because of the lower trading fees and other perks? Don't they realize that they are putting their coins at risk,when depositing into unregulated exchanges,that have no positive feedback around the internet. I've used only one small and relatively new exchange(it was new back in 2018) just to sell some tokens that I got back in 2018.I didn't have problems,but the amount of was small(200USD),so I wasn't risking that much. I'm never going to use a brand new and unregulated crypto exchange platform again.
The USA and China might be competing,but they are also actively trading with each other. It's true that Bitcoin benefited from the insane money printing around the world,but the money printing wasn't caused by the US/China conflict.I don't believe that Bitcoin is going to be the main winner of this conflict. Probably the Federal Reserve System and the People's Bank of China will finally create CBDC and force their citizens to use them,while trying everything they can to throw Bitcoin under the bus.
If you look thoroughly, then BITCOIN is just money, but like money, can it improve the world around, and humanity as a whole !? I don’t think “good” and “BITCOIN” are the same thing, most likely the opposite. Because of money, a person becomes weaker, he does not need to do something, to develop, because money will do it for him.
I don't quite understand your last sentence.How can money make a man weaker,because they do the work for him?This sounds like nonsense.Money can make your life easier,if you have lots of them.This doesn't make you weak. It is wrong to attach morals to money,since money is the "root of all evil". Humanity cannot be improved by money,what the hell are you talking about?Money are just a store of wealth and a medium of exchange.
I don't know if this news is fake or not,but a crypto mining ban in China was pretty much expected. We don't know what's inside the mind of Chinese communist leaders.Crypto mining isn't the biggest polluter in China,but it is definitely an easy target for a ban,because the social cost(lost jobs and unemployment) will be pretty low. The big question is why they are going it now(if this news is really true)?Crypto mining was as polluting in 2015,2016,2017 or 2019 as in 2021. Saying that they are banning mining because of environmental policies is a bullshit excuse.
I wonder how they will handle the volatility of BTC? Maybe the build in a safety factor?
Volatility isn't the biggest problem here.The biggest problem is that the buyers might get scammed by this service.Such Bitcoin gift card services already exist.Check out Cryptovoucher.io-they aren't that popular and I see mixed reviews about their service. Having Bitcoin gift cards simply adds another layer of risk of being scammed and a merchant,that requires fees for a service,that is almost completely useless.
Cloud mining is a scam.Period.There's no way to make cloud mining a legit business model. So this "cloud mining" company takes all the money of the customers and rents servers for mining purposes,while giving the customers a percentage of coins that were mined. Sounds like a good business model,but it isn't.Most server companies don't allow crypto mining and crypto mining isn't profitable on ordinary servers.You need mining equipment and cheap electricity.You can't rent mining equipment online. What you are describing is a Pay-Per-Click faucet,which is another waste of time and the advertisers won't be paying that high(0,2USD per click) for incentivized clicks,made by users,that aren't interested in their products and won't convert into customers.
I don't quite get it,but I think that the main flaw in this method is the focus on fame. A bad actor can be really famous and therefore have a high token price,while another actor can be really good,but not that famous,so his token price will be lower.It's all about being in the "mainstream" and attracting the attention of the public,which isn't always a good thing.Independent movies will suffer to get the attention of the crowd,while Hollywood blockbusters will get bigger budgets. I kinda like ICOs being used as a method for movie crowdfunding,but creating a token for every celebrity seems wrong.
I've had a mixed experience with blockchain.com in the past,so I wouldn't put big amounts on BTC in a blockchain.com wallet anymore.I wasn't scammed and I didn't lost any coins,but the account dashboard was confusing to me and some parts of the website were not functional(the problem wasn't in my browser). You can get and keep your private keys,but I'm not sure whether or not they have access to my private keys,which makes the whole process of keeping your private keys pointless.
Since most of Bitcoin is mined in China and depends on China's energy, do you think it is possible that Bitcoin will become centralized, with China becoming the authority?
If Bitcoin ever becomes centralized,due to some hardfork or something else,the Bitcoin price will hit the bottom,because most of the community will leave.There's no point for the Chinese government to intervene and ruin something like Bitcoin. If the Chinese miners get banned,the Bitcoin miners in other countries will take a bigger share of BTC mining.Nothing else will happen.
The electricity supply system of Texas(I don't know how to call it) crashed a few weeks ago,due to the cold weather and snowing,which was something weird for a state like Texas. AFAIK,Texas is a leader in the US,when it comes to renewable energy(solar and wind). Unfortunately,solar and wind energy are still expensive for cryptocurrency mining. Those Bitcoin miners better build their own power facilities and produce their own electricity.Their investment will pay off,after 25 years or sooner(if the Bitcoin price goes to 100K and above).
We all know the reasons most people will never be rich. 1.Lack of focus and persistence. 2.Laziness. There you go.There's no need of a big list. I don't trust this guy's claims about buying 300K BTC at 5.9K.Can he show a proof? He looks like the typical Instagram "baller",who is just bragging about how successful he is and what awesome life he lives. I don't believe that buying Bitcoin at low price and selling at a higher price can make someone rich in the long term.Yeah,you could make big money,but greed will eventually influence you to make mistakes and lose money.
This is not a real problem. The real function of money is not to pay the bills. The function of money is to store value. Actually both are a real function of money.Bitcoin is a store of value,and probably in the future,we are going to pay our bills with BTC,so I don't know where is the problem. Bitcoin became a speculative tool,because of it's limited supply and increasing demand.This is just how the market works. OP,your post is just a one big wall of text,that is full with endless whining.If you don't like Bitcoin just don't use it. I don't want to discuss LN,Segwit and BCH hardfork,because I will have to write a wall of text and there's no point to discuss topics,that have been discussed years ago.
Does Paypal really need such referral campaigns,in order to get more users? Usually new and growing companies are relying on referral promotion for gaining more customers. This referral system looks exactly like the Coinbase referral system. Is this campaign active for the UK only?I will have to check my Paypal dashboard. Anyway,the short answer to your question is NO.Bitcoin is already mainstream.We don't need a company with mixed reputation like Paypal to make it more mainstream.Last year's news about Paypal crypto adoption boosted the cryptocurrency prices,but nothing more.