BergmannOS en version beta disponible le décembre 25 Qu'est ce que BergmannOS?BergmannOS fait partie de la nouvelle génération de système d'exploitation, qui permet un contrôle total, ainsi qu'une complète automatisation du minage de vos cryptomonnaies. Ce système est quasiment prêt à l'emploi - Une version bêta stable du logiciel pour miner est déjà disponible.Notre vidéo de présentation: L’écosystème BergmannBergmannOS est juste une partie d'un écosystème plus large, appelé Bergmann, qui regroupe différents instruments pour travailler efficacement dans la crypto-sphère. Dans un futur très proche, les utilisateurs auront accès à toute une gamme de programmes différents pour le minage, y compris des robots traders.
L'equipe Bergmann, depuis plus d'un an, est dévoué au développement et à la recherche dans le domaine des technologies de l'information. L'écosystème Bergmann qui en résulte combine une séries d'outils relatifs à l'univers des cryptomonnaies, et constituera une plateforme fournissant les services suivants: - Bergmann — Système matériel et logiciel de surveillance et de contrôle des mining rigs. Zephyr (pour BergmannOS) — mise à jour globale du firmware introduisant l'option de minage intelligent (smart mining)
- Toxer — un ensemble de deux projets majeurs: une plateforme de trades et une plateforme d’échange de cryptomonnaies.
- Schaman — Un conseiller financier, qui comprendra un robot pour les échanges de crypto-devises, personnalisable selon les suggestions du système.
Au sein de Bergmann, une mise à jour globale sous le nom de code Zypher va apporter de nombreux avantages aux utilisateurs du système.Pourquoi acheter des tokens BERG ?Les tokens BERG permettent de payer l'inscription à BergmannOS. Un token par unité par mois. Lors de la première étape de l'ICO, le prix par token sera de 2$ seulement .
Selon la feuille de route, plusieurs grosses mises à jour seront faite d'ici au second trimestre 2018. La mise à jour Zephyr permettra entre 15% et 150% de profit supplémentaire grâce à son habilité à choisir la cryptomonnaie la plus intéressante, et ce à chaque instant. Zephyr ne sera accessible qu'aux comptes premium, un peu plus chère que les comptes de base. Mais en contre partie, cela permettra également de gagner plus. BERG token sera accepté comme moyen de payement pour les souscriptions, y compris pour les comptes premium. Ainsi, il sera possible de souscrire aux comptes basiques pour 2$ avec un token acquis lors de la phase 1 de l'ICO, ou de payer 6$ avec 3 tokens pour accéder au services premium. L’acquisition des tokens lors de la première phase de l'ICO coûtera trois fois moins chère que lors de la commercialisation finale.TechnologieL'équipe BergmannOS a développé un complexe logiciel consistant en plusieurs modules intégrés, et divisé en deux parties fonctionnelles: - Le système d'exploitation coté client, avec un jeu complet d'outils et de drivers pour un minage 100% stable et fiable des minings rig, et une clé privée pour accéder à la partie serveur.
- Une interface web serveur complète mais simple pour gérer et contrôler à distance les mining rigs.
Pourquoi utiliser BergmannOS ?Les utilisateurs peuvent déjà constater les bénéfices de BergmannOS: - Contrôle complet de la ferme de minage 24h sur 24h, 7 jours sur 7
- Configuration automatique ou manuel de chaque rig
- Optimisation automatique des GPU
- Messages d'avertissement en cas de problème
- Rapport général de l’état du système, et des mining rigs
- Informations et cotations de crypto-devises
- Interface simple et conviviale
Après la mise à jour Zephyr, les utilisateurs auront accès à l'option de minage intelligent (smart mining). Le minage automatique des devises les plus rentables, est rendu possible grâce aux résultats d'analyses internes des données de chaque crypto-devise. En fonction de la difficulté actuelle, le système choisira de lui-même les monnaies les plus rentables.
Nous prévoyons une hausse de la valeur des tokens BERG, d'une part grâce à la quantité limité de jetons, et d'autre part grâce à la croissance de la demande des services Bergmann (ainsi qu'à cause de l'augmentation du prix de nos services en monnaie papier). À l'inverse, le payement en token BERG restera fixe:- L'utilisateur qui préfère régler en monnaie papier, payera le forfait intégrale incluant toutes les options de l'écosystème Bergmann, $10.
- Le détenteur de jetons acquis au cours de l'ICO continuera de payer 1 BERG chaque mois.
ICO BergmannOSToute personne rejoignant l'ICO recevra un accès gratuit à notre version bêta de BergmannOS, jusqu'à la fin de l'ICO. Les détenteurs de jetons obtiennent ainsi un accès au système, et peuvent évaluer l'ensemble des fonctionnalités. L'équipe Bergmann est presque prête pour le lancement de la version bêta , qui sera mis à jour en toute transparence, sous le regard des participant à l'ICO.
Le prix par jeton BERG est de $3, équivalent à un mois de service.Selon les différentes phases de l'ICO, jusqu'à 33% de discount seront accordés à chaque participant:- Le prix par jeton BERG pendant la première phase de l'ICO (premier mois) — $2.
- Le prix par jeton BERG pendant la seconde phase de l'ICO (deuxième mois) — $2,5.
- Le prix par jeton BERG pendant la troisième phase de l'ICO (troisième mois) — $3.
Le montant total de tokens est de: 1 764 708 BERG. La vente aura lieu sur la plateforme Ethereum, sur la base d'un smart-contract.Les tokens BERG seront distribués selon le schéma suivant:- 10% des jetons BERG (176 471 BERG) financeront le projet BergmannOS
- 3% des jetons BERG (52 942 BERG) sont réservés pour l'équipe
- 2% des jetons BERG (35 295 BERG) seront distribués aux participants du programme bounty.
- 85% des jetons BERG (1 500 000 BERG) seront distribués aux participant de l'ICO
Les tokens restant après la campagne de vente seront détruit. Les jetons réservés à l'équipe seront gelés pour une période de 6 mois après l'ICO.Répartition des fonds de l'ICO:
Objectifs Montant ░░░Completion ░░░░░░░░ 500, 000 USD░░░ of BergmannOS ░░░Development ░░░░░░░░ 1, 500, 000 USD░ of the Bergmann ecosystems ░░░Marketing ░░░░░░░░ 500, 000 USD░░░ campaign ░░░Operating ░░░░░░░░ 250, 000 USD░░░ expenses ░░░Legal fees ░░░░░░░░ 250, 000 USD░░░
Objectif de l'ICO 3 000 000 USDÉquipe BergmannOSBergmann Chef de projet Anton Pchelintsev
Architecte logiciel Andrey Chertikhin
Développeur Web senior Dmitriy Savonin
Développeur Linux senior Alexey Petukhov
Responsable développement mathématique Kirill Nikulin
Développement du réseau Neuronal Oksana Danilova
Responsable Marketing Maria Starikova
Responsable Communauté Anastasia Murasheva Feuille de routeDans la presse TheMerkle
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I think there will be a new blogpost coming this month about the Civic staking and new partners. Hopefully
Do you have any sources, or it's just a guess ? Anyway, I hope you are right because it is not that simple to find news about civic ! Many are wondering about CVC moving to RSK, but there seems to be no announcements / informations at all.
how loud is the new Antminer A3
Fan running at 5700RPM (seen on a pictures posted couple of pages before), I would say pretty loud !
With a little anticipation, it will definitely not end crypto. There are already some project that are quantum resistant, and I believe more and more coins will add this feature, as the threat become bigger every day.
Of course, if you don't pay attention, if you don't update your wallet, if you don't sell the coins that are the most exposed, etc... Yes, you might end up robbed. Just basic safety. You wouldn't store your gold on your kitchen table. You don't want virus / malwares / trojans on your crypto computer, and as the time goes, you might want to reduce your potential exposure to quantum tech.
By the way, we are still far from home user quantum computer (about 15 millions $ I believe), but they already exist in few labs around the world, and I guess in some giant techs companies as well. So the threat is already here, even if, for now I doubt the few quantum owners give a shit about hacking crypto.
Payment Date: 2018-01-17 15:35 Paid+Valid but Unshipped (with UPS) Still waiting. I got the tracking number of DHL, but the miner is still not picked from Bitmain. So, its almost nothing, NO ETAs till now. I think FedEx is better, DHL not good and UPS really bad with Bitmain. Mine is FedEx, it should reach me by Monday 22 8:00 GMT time. You are lucky. Which country are you from ? THAILAND. Just 4 hours from where they shipped. So many people imported Bitmain ASIC in recent months. So, we should not have any problem with customs. Hey, have you got your A3s yet ? Ordered couple of miners last year from bitmain, and was far from simple dealing with Thai customs, as you have to register yourself as an importer, and register the company you are using for delivery. They also changed policy beginning of 2017 and they now charge 10% of total price, plus the 7% VAT. Hope you knew about that, because otherwise, you can forget your monday delivery. Also, I have had much better contact with Fedex, than UPS. Anyway, please let me know how it went for you. Thank you for your concern, really appreciated. I got the machine last night, 6 hours later than expected (Due to FedEx just would like to confirm me a minor issue for product declaration). Thank you for your information. My trick is, I imported it under "company name". This company registered with the custom few months already because I regularly bought 1-2 Bitmain ASIC every month. The Customs will ease the process when you are company which will make it more convenient than individual. Of coz, FedEx is best speed comparing with UPS and DHL. Now the machine run and I received around 440 SC / hour. Interesting to know. Thanks for the precision. And glad to hear that you have got your miner running and doing well !
Neo will rise a lot this year not matter what, just because it's main competitor ethereum has huge scalability issue. Simply said: ethereum become slow and expensive to use, and that will benefit a lot to their concurrent, Neo being the biggest one.
Plus their tech is solid, and working good. Gas accumulation is an interesting concept. It is also compatible with hardware wallet.
Again, it is doomed to grow.
Payment Date: 2018-01-17 15:35 Paid+Valid but Unshipped (with UPS) Still waiting. I got the tracking number of DHL, but the miner is still not picked from Bitmain. So, its almost nothing, NO ETAs till now. I think FedEx is better, DHL not good and UPS really bad with Bitmain. Mine is FedEx, it should reach me by Monday 22 8:00 GMT time. You are lucky. Which country are you from ? THAILAND. Just 4 hours from where they shipped. So many people imported Bitmain ASIC in recent months. So, we should not have any problem with customs. Hey, have you got your A3s yet ? Ordered couple of miners last year from bitmain, and was far from simple dealing with Thai customs, as you have to register yourself as an importer, and register the company you are using for delivery. They also changed policy beginning of 2017 and they now charge 10% of total price, plus the 7% VAT. Hope you knew about that, because otherwise, you can forget your monday delivery. Also, I have had much better contact with Fedex, than UPS. Anyway, please let me know how it went for you.
At least, Bitconnect Team will buy back BCC at 150$, this is not real buy back but you can able to switch to their new platform and keep BCC at high value.
Seems people love to be fucked, again, and again. They stole your money, cashed out and got rich because of greedy noobs. Now they offer to buy your shitcoin back half price (of course they can with the millions they stole), to open a new ponzi and start all over. And people are running again to give them what they still have left, claiming they are legit because they offer to compensate a little. If they really do, get 150$ per BCC back, and estimate yourself lucky. And don't forget to tell others, so no one get robbed again.
Thanks for your answer. The idea is interesting, to be able to delete coin. I am sure many would like others to burn their coin in order to see the price increase ! But WHY the need for 6 millions locked coins, if they really can't be used ? There is a premine, with some justification for it, ok. There is no premine, ok great. There is a premine that can't be used So why the premine ? Trust is much harder, and you loose all the "ethic" side that comes with non-premine coins. Unless there is a private key after all. If the teams comes here, that would be nice to hear a bit more about that, because I am sure that will block people from investing in PNX. Devs are very active on Telegram. You can join and ask your questions here: for the link. I might have to join telegram after all. This coin is doing great, all philosophy aside. Fusion I agree. I like the project. The new website looks good. I have been mining for a while now ! Just want an answer to build trust, and have some argument/explanation against future FUDers.
I really doubt Gulden has any use case in a world of blockchain. Just another token based on a flimsy concept? That is my impression. Buy something which actually has utility.
Do you even know the difference between a coin and a token ?
I quote myself, cause I still haven't got any answer. I am mining PNX, I like the project, so it is not about FUD, or anything. But I would like to have an explanation. What about those 6millions lock premine ? Which is more than the actual supply !!!
If they really are burned / unspendable, why have a premine in the first place ? It make no sense. If you just want a locked account to burn coin, you don't need to have 6 million coins inside.
Unless they aren't that unspendable after all. So my question again, what are those premine coins for ?
There is no mechanism in this blockchain to burn/delete/destroy coins. So the simple solution is to send coins to some account with no private key, so coins will stay there forever. Of course, there is no 100% guarantee that no one holds this private key. However community will observe this account and trust will be help until those coins stay untouched. Thanks for your answer. The idea is interesting, to be able to delete coin. I am sure many would like others to burn their coin in order to see the price increase ! But WHY the need for 6 millions locked coins, if they really can't be used ? There is a premine, with some justification for it, ok. There is no premine, ok great. There is a premine that can't be used So why the premine ? Trust is much harder, and you loose all the "ethic" side that comes with non-premine coins. Unless there is a private key after all. If the teams comes here, that would be nice to hear a bit more about that, because I am sure that will block people from investing in PNX.
For those who missed: founder being interviewed on TV The majority of coins, the founder is an anonymous person, but with Gulden, it's a well known person who is not scared to give public interviews. Gulden is insanely underrated as of now, get on board before it's too late Anyone able to add english subtitle ? You can use auto-generated translated subtitle by the youtube itself, it worked fine for me If I understood correctly, there's also two more scheduled TV interviews that will air in January and February. Hint: that will give a boost to the price when it airs Thanks.
Why yikes? When these asics come out everyone else will stop mining on their gpu, cpu, etc. The difficulty readjustment is also broken and should be fixed at block 139,000. Based upon my calculations each unit should still make $700/day even with 1700 units being sold (once the difficulty adjustment is fixed).
Oh, you guys are doing calculations based on messed up difficulty.
For sure, 700$ / day easy. We will all get 20k per month guys ! GO GO GO That's what I did with my Avalon batch 1s and 2s and then I sold them for 25K each. First hardware to market is always the most profitable. This is the first batch, with no other manufacturers scheduled for delivery until June. Their typical batch size is around 2K. All of these ASICs will displace the existing miners who will lose profitability and go mine something else. So, what it comes down to is that this batch is going to make up 100% of the SIA hashrate. Your profitability can be determined like so: Nmachines / TotalSold = percentage of batch. Coins per block * 144 (blocks per day) * exrate * yourpercentage = your btc per day. Also, keep in mind, difficulty for SIA is currently BROKEN. Hashrate is not as high as you think. So all those whattomine calculators aren't worth clicking buttons on. Well, I didn't take a chance. My bad if I am wrong. Still I find it too good to be true, even with every AMD dual miner moving out. With 10days delivery, we will find out soon.
Why yikes? When these asics come out everyone else will stop mining on their gpu, cpu, etc. The difficulty readjustment is also broken and should be fixed at block 139,000. Based upon my calculations each unit should still make $700/day even with 1700 units being sold (once the difficulty adjustment is fixed).
Oh, you guys are doing calculations based on messed up difficulty.
For sure, 700$ / day easy. We will all get 20k per month guys ! GO GO GO
I quote myself, cause I still haven't got any answer. I am mining PNX, I like the project, so it is not about FUD, or anything. But I would like to have an explanation. What about those 6millions lock premine ? Which is more than the actual supply !!!
If they really are burned / unspendable, why have a premine in the first place ? It make no sense. If you just want a locked account to burn coin, you don't need to have 6 million coins inside.
Unless they aren't that unspendable after all. So my question again, what are those premine coins for ?
Thanks. And great job for the new website, look much better now.
For those who missed: founder being interviewed on TV The majority of coins, the founder is an anonymous person, but with Gulden, it's a well known person who is not scared to give public interviews. Gulden is insanely underrated as of now, get on board before it's too late Anyone able to add english subtitle ?
I will wait until traders dump the coin to under 1500 and I will get myself 100k coins to witness with.
Well, I think you will have to wait ... forever ! The price will never decrease that much. Just look today, everything goes down a lot, but price is still almost 3000.