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3841  Other / Politics & Society / Re: PizzaGate Is Real, Hillary's SICK! on: January 24, 2017, 07:00:16 AM

Since the Podesta e-mails there has been a major round-up of pedos in Norway, and the president of South Korea got tossed out for being a cultist of some sort (earlier reported to have been associated with some satanic abuse crap.)  Coming soon to the USA I dearly hope.

In both cases the corporate media machine has bent over backward to scrub the stories.  Seems to be a case where generally lower-level reporters break the stories then the organization goes mum about it and the links disappear from web sites and stuff like that.

Looks like there might be kind of a world-wide roll-up of these pedo and/or cultist scum as 'globalism' itself starts to disintegrate.  I think that the two probably are related and I've thought that ever more strongly for at least a year as I explore the power politics behind corporate globalism in conjunction with oddities popping out of the corporate media.

3842  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Reddit’s science forum banned climate deniers. on: January 24, 2017, 02:21:17 AM
I understood the argument, no problem.  Here it is again.

He's claiming that it's easy for people to see through the conspiracy theorist bullshit (the bible in his example) because anyone can and should read (the science) and are easily able to realize it's legitimate?

The Internet has leveled the playing field for science, so that I can read technical articles on climate change. 

This statement is sadly wrong.
Reading doesnt mean you understand it.
The case is that most people (non scientist) dont understand the math, physics, biology, chemistry etc involved and therefore dont get the whole picture.

Majority of people on this planet dont have more then basic school education.

I agree that most people don't understand what I say about climate science.  They read what I say but don't understand.  Therefore they should shut up and accept my status as Lordly Priest of Inner Sanctum of Denier Hillbillies.

The whole 'global climate change' scam is easy to see from a scientific, an economic, or at political standpoint.  Anyone with an IQ above average can easily see it with only a little bit of extra study which can easily be performed on one's own.

You people think you are so clever with this 'sophisticated' climate scam, or are dupes yourselves.  That is really pathetic because the scam is not complex at all.  Two examples which are in the same category:

 - Relatives die might go to purgatory, and you can get them out of it and to Heaven by giving the church some extra money.

 - 'Cloward-Piven strategy':  We can achieve 'revolutionary change' by building a welfare state then collapsing it.  In actual fact this is simple and obvious.  It doesn't indicate that you guys are especially bright...simply that you are extra scummy douche-bags who don't care about your fellow humans and the suffering which they will undergo when the rug is pulled out from under them.  Fuck off!

3843  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Beware of third wave feminism. on: January 23, 2017, 06:43:12 PM

But well chances are high that you will never procreate and your genes will be lost forever. Darwinism is such a good thing Lol

This message is for Mrs Criptix.  If you exists at all in the form that your 'husband' reports, you are probably aware of most of his activities and may see this post.

I am available for stud duty.  In most categories (intellect, physical strength, sperm count, etc) I seem to fall into the upper 5%.  A much smaller fraction than that had the 'feature set' which drew them to Bitcoin at the time I got involved.  Others have used my services, but out of general decency I've not really kept up on the results so I cannot honestly report on them.  Most of my 'customers' have been entirely capable of caring for offspring on their own in today's world and wished to do so.  That is to say, they have been highly capable themselves and as a result, independently wealthy.  Some of them, like yourself, do maintain a 'beard' in order to mesh with society.

I've had an unusual life which kept me away from the 'modern' world for critical junctions in my life.  Thusly I seem to have not fallen victim to whatever environmental catastrophes have damaged your, um, 'husband'.  That said, I am getting up close to half a century old and it is anticipated that natural forces have impacted my sperm quality.

Anyway, if you want to take a 'business trip', go ahead and sign up on this board and PM me.  My rates are variable and I perform as nature intended.  Most of my partners and I have had a pretty good time and I'll either give you a discount or charge nothing at all if that turns out to be the case here.  I currently live a life of leisure with very few responsibilities.  A benefit if high intellect is that I tend to be far-sighted and able to plan well and thus live as I like.

3844  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Snowden NSA, Russia, America? on: January 23, 2017, 05:25:46 AM

From a different thread, but more fitting here:

Of course Snowden is the exact enemy of the CIA.  We all know that.  Snowden isn't our enemy, but he is their enemy.

I personally don't know that.  I think it highly likely correct, but am not sure and never have been.

From the establishment's point of view you've got two major things at work here:

 - Want the spycraft secret so you can catch unwitting people.  This works less well as more information is out there.

 - Want the surveillance public so that people are afraid to do things which might be construed as being against the will of TPTB.  Obviously this intimidation doesn't work unless people know about it.

One can form a couple of curves here which have a meeting point.

The thing of it is, nothing really surprised me that much in the Snowden disclosures.  Lots of the stuff had been leaked/inferred by attentive techies, and presumably by criminals/terrorists who are on top of things enough to be a genuine threat or otherwise of interest.

To the second point, after the Snowden disclosures and others I know for a fact that some less technical people are, at this point in time, nervous about so much as watching vids on youtube in case they get put on a 'watch list' of some sort.

It is at least possible that the Snowden affair was a psy-op designed to switch the surveillance system to more of an intimidation tool.  I'm not saying I know one way or another, but until I have more confidence than I do currently I would not be in favor of letting Snowden totally off the hook.


Manning and Assange are different (to me.)  I have a high degree of confidence in (and a lot of gratitude toward) Assange at this point.  I've always felt that Manning did the right thing for the right reasons.  One of the few positive actions of Obama that I can think of was that he commuted Manning's sentence, though it is tempered with the knowledge that he had the guy tortured to suicide levels for however many years.

I think if I were prez and had the ability to do so I would have denied Manning his/her freedom to much on the premature side given his crimes (and they were crimes), but as soon as it was clear the reasons for his actions and any useful info had been extracted, I would have given him a sentence in a minimum security environment and made things as comfortable for him as realistic.  I might even have given him some award or another as well.  I would be mindful of the fact that it is an act of bravery to leak information when no other workable channels are provided, and the lack of these is in a military setting ultimately leads right up to the commander-in-chief's desk.

3845  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: January 22, 2017, 09:01:18 PM
First they block the entrances then they made alt right media posting fake news about our supreme leader!!!

After watching, I would say that there is probably an element of truth to most of Jones' portrays.  He's an entertainer in part, and he and his team are not above painting things to their liking, but I don't remember them ever making things up out of whole cloth.  If they were into that I would not pay any attention to them and they know this.

Secondly, physically blocking and assaulting people, and doing things like 'bird-dogging' is abundantly documented in 2016 on 'progressive' side of the equation.  It would be basically expected at this point that there would be shit-head bullies doing exactly what seems to be happening here.  I, and I think a lot of Americans, are getting pretty fed up with it.  It's simply not 'peaceful protests' to do this sort of thing.  The thing that I am most pissed off at the corporate media about is working hand-in-glove with the 'community organizers' who are responsible to paint an invalid picture of what is going on here.  As someone who used to identify with the political left at one time I'm disappointed and resentful of the sheeple who buy this crap.

Interestingly on-the-street coverage (esp, from Owen and Millie) has been key to helping me remember that it is a tiny number of true scum who are the brown-shirts while most of the 'protesters' are pretty much decent people who have been slowly indoctrinated into an ignorant stupor.  Many of them can be awakened to the reality that it is the multinational corporate power structure who's goals they are actually working to further, and someday many of them probably will.

3846  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Reddit’s science forum banned climate deniers. on: January 22, 2017, 05:50:13 PM

Not sure what you're getting at bringing religion into the conversation. ...

I think you probably are, but I'm not certain of this.

3847  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Reddit’s science forum banned climate deniers. on: January 22, 2017, 05:17:23 PM

Science is a tool... and tools are meant to be used. Meant to be used by scientists. Do you understand what the word scientist means? Now that we've established there is a group of people that use science who we call scientists, it should then be fairly easy (for most people at least) to understand that said group of people can have agreements on scientific issues and develop a consensus among the scientific community. So again, I ask you what your credentials are to go against what these people are saying about climate change?   

Also, climate gate has been debunked for years, and leading scientists have been unequivocally reaffirming the consensus on global warming ever since.

One of the features of the new-age religion being pumped is that it tries to elevate 'scientists' to a priest class who cannot be questioned by mere mortals.  I call them 'scientpriests.'

There is a bumpy patch here in that some scientists don't necessarily cop to the official dogma at all times.  It's a particularly large problem for scientists who have tenure, or Nobel prizes, or are independently wealthy.  Or are simply fans of the scientific method in general and have some ethical principles.  They have the basic foundation to become heretics, and a fraction of these will not do so quietly and privately.  This is why the new-age religion needs to criminalize 'climate skepticism'

In point of actual fact, about 50% of mortals have the basic capability to understand scientific principles well enough to see right through the fraud, and a small fraction of these peeps will do just that.  Many others will make the right decisions about who is credible and who huckster whether because they bought-off, intimidated, or have extra-scientific philosophical elements at play.

Although ecclesiastical history is not my specialty, the whole new-age religion thing as it relates to 'science' has interesting parallels to the Cathlic reaction to the  Protestant reformation in my understanding of it.  The Catholics had their priests who were the only ones authorize to read the bible (or read anything at all for that matter.)  Then Martin Luther came along and said 'Hey, this is bullshit!  Anyone can and should read the fuckin' thing for themselves and think about it!'

3848  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: January 22, 2017, 03:10:43 PM

Comparing the crowds at Donald Trump’s and Barack Obama’s inaugurations. --

There's a lot of talk about fake news these days, the kind of reporting that makes the Pope go on TV and start talking shit and inspiring memes. Well I think I found some here, news faked by manipulating the time two images were taken then dishonestly comparing them. Based on the shadows the Sun looks off to the right in the Obongo image but directly overhead in The Donald's. IMO The New York Times used images taken after or before the ceremony for comparison.

Inforwars was on-site.  Unless it was an elaborately staged bit of propaganda they appear to have documented the following:

 - 'protesters' had set up at the entrances to the venue.

 - said protesters were physically blocking people from entering.  Especially females who tend to be smaller in stature and thus easier to block.

 - some of the blocking methods resulted in minor injuries.

 - The DC police were instructed to not interfere with the activities of these 'protesters'.

If this is even remotely true I will do hope and expect that Jeff Sessions will be 'looking backward' as well as looking forward as he performs the duties of the head of justice enforcement, and I expect the FBI to be tracking down the control structures which have facilitated some of this stuff.  Right up to the top.

At the street level I'm pretty confident to say that the main reason why violent actions are seen almost exclusively on the 'progressive' side has to do with organization more than with capability.  When the money is gone, so to will be the brown-shirt tactics.  If not, it would not be difficult at all to meet the challenge, and I'd have very little sympathy for the idiots who wake up one day to find others fighting back.  The main reason it's not been seen more is that it was simply unnecessary, dangerous for the future, and counter-productive.

3849  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Beware of third wave feminism. on: January 22, 2017, 01:04:07 AM

Btw. The lesbian association is a pretty weak troll. Not even funny. I expected a bit more from a brain force user Sad

I agree with your critique here.

As for the 'brain force', I've still not opened it yet.  With my last order from I got some 'oil of oregano' and some 'occu-power'.  They also remain un-opened.  As I reported somewhere else I got the toothpaste and I really like it.  I also started using the 'winter sun' vitimin D and it tastes fantastic.  Who knows if it actually does shit.

I am using selenium from the grocery store so my 'bio-true selenium' also remains un-opened.  Selenium is actually quite an interesting element when used in biological processes.  I read that excessive iodine can interfere with selenium so even though I opened my 'nascent iodine' from Infowars I basically don't use it.  As I mentioned, I probably get all of the iodine I need from salt anyway.  Plus the stuff tastes like shit.

I've not yet acquired any 'super male vitality' even though I plan to just because I get a kick out of the name.  I don't have any male problems.   It is hard not to notice that today's feminist 'power women' like you wife (assuming she is more than a figment of your imagination) seem to like to have effeminate faggy pseudo-intellectual guys tagging along.  You might try Infowars 'super female vitality' to help you remain in the mold.

3850  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Beware of third wave feminism. on: January 21, 2017, 08:20:36 PM

From the guy that has 7000+ posts Roll Eyes

Still thanks for your concern but i usually dont spend more then one hour to visit and half a hour to troll around here.

Regarding the genetic diversity of our offspring Hitlers lebensborn association would be pretty proud of us.  Embarrassed

I'd not heard of the Hitler's lesbian association, but I'll trust that you are up on it.  Whatever floats your boat dude(?)

3851  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Beware of third wave feminism. on: January 21, 2017, 07:46:02 PM

You know whats funny?
My wife is a hot blonde with a ph.d. in biotox and she still likes to cook everyday for our family.

You're right.  That is kind of funny.

And she didnt even needed brain force ultra pills Lol

Hopefully she retains her need for a house-husband who spends all his time trolling  I suggest you at least continue to do the dishes.  If she is actually as bright as you claim she'll probably recognize the desirability of maximizing the genetic diversity of her offspring.  I suggest you don't put up to much of a fuss about it.

3852  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Beware of third wave feminism. on: January 21, 2017, 07:35:59 PM

You know whats funny?
My wife is a hot blonde with a ph.d. in biotox and she still likes to cook everyday for our family.

You're right.  That is kind of funny.

3853  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: January 21, 2017, 07:25:33 PM


There could never be an impeachment of a Republican President by a Republican Congress and Republican Senate.

A) sure there could.

B) Trump is a nominal 'Republican' at best in the eyes of the establishment on both of the fake 'sides'.

As I've said before, getting through the inauguration was simply one in a list of hurdles the guy needs to cross in order to do what he at least claims that he wants to do.  To me the most critical part of his inauguration speech was about distributing power back outwards from it's current consolidated center.  The fact that he continued to say this _after_ he took the oath is very meaningful to me, and I suspect very disappointing to others.  The big hurdles are still to come if he actually follows up in an effective manner.

3854  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: January 21, 2017, 07:05:53 PM
I watched the episode about reptile alien shadow goverment at alex jones.
Lying is useless you paid .gov agent.

Since super-Tue I've paid fairly close attention to  And have caught up on some of the older stuff that I'd missed since I only paid attention sporadically over the last 15 years.  I never saw the episode you reference, or anything like it.  If you want to provide a link, please do.  I strongly suspect that such a thing is a figment of your imagination and doesn't exist.

The main reason I've been a regular consumer of material for the later part of the 2016 election cycle is that they have been head and shoulders above any other outlet in just having real people on the ground getting real interviews and such.  Additionally, their contacts are fantastic and many of them have been right on with the inside stories.  It's like a snow-ball rolling down a hill in that since they have the balls to actually report real information, more real information comes to them.

Alex Jones has definitely earned his place at the top of today's media.  This was helped by the implosion of the 'establishment media' which is nothing more than absurd propaganda mouthpiece and rich people's blog.  I doubt that even Jones predicted the implosion of the establishment media in the way that it has.

3855  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: January 21, 2017, 05:49:29 PM

I saw the inaugural speech on CNN (via YouTube) and they finally turned the camera around and showed the crowd! I bet Trump had to have the secret service force the camera men to do it at gunpoint.

Must send trump an email about flat earth and nasa scam!!!!!

Trump will probably be getting a briefing about the various psy-ops undertaken during the previous administration.  I hold out hope that he will do the right thing and declassify them.  One way or another, I doubt that Trump will retain Cass Sunstein as and adviser or continue the guy's strategies.

Sounds like you may not know it, but nobody actually believes the 'flat earth' thing.  The main goal was to give people without an argument something they perceive as 'clever' to say.  Most of the people who fall for it are to ignorant to realize that the joke is on them.

edit:  As a taster, here's a decent piece at Salon from back in the day when Greenwald was a contributor:

3856  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: January 21, 2017, 05:20:59 AM

Of course Snowden is the exact enemy of the CIA.  We all know that.  Snowden isn't our enemy, but he is their enemy.

I personally don't know that.  I think it highly likely correct, but am not sure and never have been.

From the establishment's point of view you've got two major things at work here:

 - Want the spycraft secret so you can catch unwitting people.  This works less well as more information is out there.

 - Want the surveillance public so that people are afraid to do things which might be construed as being against the will of TPTB.  Obviously this intimidation doesn't work unless people know about it.

One can form a couple of curves here which have a meeting point.

The thing of it is, nothing really surprised me that much in the Snowden disclosures.  Lots of the stuff had been leaked/inferred by attentive techies, and presumably by criminals/terrorists who are on top of things enough to be a genuine threat or otherwise of interest.

To the second point, after the Snowden disclosures and others I know for a fact that some less technical people are, at this point in time, nervous about so much as watching vids on youtube in case they get put on a 'watch list' of some sort.

It is at least possible that the Snowden affair was a psy-op designed to switch the surveillance system to more of an intimidation tool.  I'm not saying I know one way or another, but until I have more confidence than I do currently I would not be in favor of letting Snowden totally off the hook.


Manning and Assange are different (to me.)  I have a high degree of confidence in (and a lot of gratitude toward) Assange at this point.  I've always felt that Manning did the right thing for the right reasons.  One of the few positive actions of Obama that I can think of was that he commuted Manning's sentence, though it is tempered with the knowledge that he had the guy tortured to suicide levels for however many years.

I think if I were prez and had the ability to do so I would have denied Manning his/her freedom to much on the premature side given his crimes (and they were crimes), but as soon as it was clear the reasons for his actions and any useful info had been extracted, I would have given him a sentence in a minimum security environment and made things as comfortable for him as realistic.  I might even have given him some award or another as well.  I would be mindful of the fact that it is an act of bravery to leak information when no other workable channels are provided, and the lack of these is in a military setting ultimately leads right up to the commander-in-chief's desk.

3857  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: January 20, 2017, 07:04:12 PM

Trump 45 seems to have happened!  Would love to see the OP pop back up to celebrate, but I'm not holding my breath.  If Wilikon can/is reading this, thanks for starting the thread and the inputs in critical phases.

Now I switch phase to trying analyze, hopefully fairly, Trump's activities to find out how 'for real' the guy is.

My chief concern at this point (after some relatively recent observations) is that 'first' in 'America First' includes all nation states including ones who's supporters may have extra-ordinary influence here in the U.S.  Specifically, Israel.  I dearly hope that we throttle way back on the 'evil' we do around the globe (and perhaps replace it with 'good' when practicable.)  In spite of my complaints over the years I'm still OK with 'standing with Israel' for certain technical reasons and in appreciation of the attitude of segments of their population, but not if it means being painted as supporters of some of the things that the Zionists tend toward.

In a struggle such as for POTUS, one is expected to fight 'to win' up to a certain threshold that one defines for themselves.  My observation through this thing is that the Trump side was able to remain amazingly ethical.  Not that I expect that they would not have gone farther if the need was there, but it was simply a good strategy to stay well behind the line.

As far as I can tell, there were a number of groups which worked toward the goal of a Trump presidency, but they did so with relatively little coordination, and in many cases perhaps none.  Even so the choreography could hardly have been better.  A hell of a lot had to come together to pull off this rather amazing feat and one which I had not expected to be possible given the forces aligned against the guy.  If I were a religious person I could easily convince myself of divine intervention of some sort.

For my part I consider this thing a fight against 'global corporate technocracy' and I read Trump as the best hope toward this long-term goal (though I don't rule out the possibility that I've been chumped.)  I would say that in this context we are only at the point of having won a preliminary battle.  The adversaries are still around and retain enormous strength and resources.  It would be a big mistake to turn our backs to them.  I believe that the best way forward is to shine the light on their activities of the last century and try to open the eyes of those who've bought into their propaganda (as I myself had to a degree for many years.)  If nothing else this will be much more possible under a Trump presidency if he is even part way 'for real.'

3858  Other / Politics & Society / Re: U.S.A a nation of evil on: January 17, 2017, 04:27:13 AM

Well it seems that from a historical point of view it is not the case.
During the Ming era they could have easily invaded whole Asia. Maybe even Eastern Europe. They never did.
Why if not because they have a natural trend for defensive posture?

China, in it's various geographical permutations, has a very long history with a lot of different dynasties.  Maybe the Ming and Tang were unusually benevolent (or not), but others probably not so much.  Even if it were true that all dynasties were exclusively inward looking, that does not necessarily indicate that it would always be so.

I expect that the leadership of China will do what they have to do to retain power in the trying times ahead that that nation faces.  Or try to.  If 'globalism' collapses (which I dearly hope to be the case for all of our sake) then they lose the bouy which they've grown dependent upon.  China has the boots to put on the ground if they choose that route...and if their leadership stays in power long enough to give that a go..  I do not expect the results of either the weening or the efforts to avoid it to be pretty.

Maybe. But you know what? I think it makes it only worse.
Problem with USA is that their invasion is global but... ingenious.
They made war to countries unable to resist yes, but they also invaded developped countries.
They invaded them with their philosophy, their economy, their culture...
And that is something that nobody ever done, transforming entire country not by arms but by cunning activities...

Now everyone can only think as an American. Anyone thinking outside this box is considered a communist.
And this box is destroying our world, in a more cunning and harsh way than Hitler, Mao or Staline.

The U.S. has changed significantly over our relatively short existence.  We peeps have traditionally been quite isolationist much to the chagrin of those who wished to enlist our muscle to help in their own struggles (esp, the Brits in the 1900's.)  It wasn't really until WW-II when we came our of the thing in fantastic shape that the street-level attitude about fucking around with others militarily became positive (although yellow journalism has always been able to rally the peeps to a cause.)  Even after that we finally put an end to the military/industrial complex scam in Vietnam via popular resistance.

As for cunning and intrigue, a good bit of that seems attributable to the machinations by and for the privately owned central bank and financial cartels which we were not vexed with until Wilson.  To a degree I would say that we American peeps are victims in the same way that others around the world are, but admittedly we end up getting more of the mine and less of the shaft here in the homeland.  At least those of us who not resting in Arlington, but combat casualties are a decreasing problem with technology advances.

I don't really want to go to bat for the fucked up things that the U.S. has done and continues to do, but I do think that it is deceptively easy to oversimplify things and pin the blame less precisely than is necessary for a good understanding.  And such an understanding is key to making forward progress in some of these areas.

As for people eating up the idiotic aspects of 'American culture', that's their own damn fault.  I'm shocked and chagrined to see it whenever I travel.  My opinion is that most of people who fancy themselves 'thinking outside of the box' probably are mostly just absorbing fairly standard-fair collectivist output from people who themselves are, ironically enough, anything but communists.  They mostly just find it the pinko construct tunable to a desirable resonance, and fancy to drones who lap it up to be controllable.  This group are mostly interested in the 'collect' part of 'collectivism' as a means to their own ends.  IOW, they know that when the time is right it will be they who end up with 'the collection.'

3859  Other / Politics & Society / Re: U.S.A a nation of evil on: January 16, 2017, 10:13:22 PM

There is an argument that if not the U.S. as the global hegemon, it would be someone else who might be even worse.  Even at my most 'anti-American progressive' phase I was unable to counter or shake this contention fully.

Simple question: Who?

China? No they never have been conqueror. Even when they were the most powerful country in the world they never tried to expand their territories. It's just not in their culture to physically expand their country, rather the contrary in fact.
Russia? No, how could they? They have far enough intern problems and Russia, in a similar way to China, is not a country of expansion (exception of WW2). At most they would have tried to regain the USSR but not bigger.

Then who? Just who?
France? England? Germany? lol
No, USA did it and they have no excuse for it.

While it seems generally true that China has been more inward looking there are at least some tactical reasons for this.  Specifically, it has been looked upon as a target making a defensive posture the natural one.  And, of course, the standard internal conflicts have been a factor.  The borders of the nation have shifted outwards as well as inwards, and even today they are claiming a pretty absurd bite of the maritime areas nearer other nations.  There is probably little or nothing innate to 'Chinese' people which precludes either overt conquest or less overt methods of control, and nothing which would indicate that they are less capable than any other people of treating the people they conquered as basically sub-human.  Indeed, many nations on their border seem to have very little use for them.

Germany had, as I understand it, a pretty clear-cut plan for the Soviet people when conquered them (or so it is written in the victor's history books.)  It eclipses anything (currently known) about what the U.S. did.  Mao and Stalin racked up some pretty impressive kill scores internally and there is little reason to think that they would have been at least as brutal in conquered territories if they had the opportunity.  King Leopold II got quite a decent score in Africa.

I suspect that the U.S. is actually quite on the 'good' side when it comes to allowing ethnocentrism to justify actions.  This mostly a fallout from our 'nation of immigrants' history.  It's probably more of a struggle to get the American peeps to hate on others to the point of genocide on the basis of racial or ethnic differences, though various PR efforts have given it the old college try.  Oddly, mostly against people who are more of a threat to Israel than to the U.S..

I would not be surprised to find out eventually that certain 'American' efforts have achieved the biggest ethnocentric genocides yet under the guise of world population control, but these would be more a hobby of a handful of wealthy globalists (some 'American', and some not) more than an up-front declared matter of national policy such as war or territorial management.  We peeps might be guilty of being ignorant and not putting an end to such operations but that's different than being outright 'evil'.

3860  Other / Politics & Society / Re: U.S.A a nation of evil on: January 16, 2017, 08:47:04 PM

You really think Trump will be able to do something ? I am going to tell you : Yes  he can, he can only make the country worse and nothing more
And yes of course i can be wrong, but the story showed us when usa had a good president, he didn't live very long  Roll Eyes

I don't rule it out as a possibility.  Only time will tell, but I do believe that there are people in this world who have the disposition to do the right thing and the innate abilities to execute.  I can only hope that Trump is one of these.

I do also believe that people such as I've described are systematically discriminated out from the ruling classes.  Both at a figurehead level and otherwise (visible and shadow govt respectively.)  I just watched an interesting interview with some Dutch academic and was amazed at how his thesis aligned very closely to the hypothesis I've been working on vis-a-vis the 'kakistocracy.'

The thing which gives me the most hope about Trump are the people who are against him, and it doesn't seem to be only for show.  WRT security, I think that on the levels that count, Trump is not at all ignorant of certain types of threats and is probably not as reckless as it may seem.  He could be the type of person who has taken appropriate back-end steps to discourage certain types of attacks, and he certainly knows how to use the environment to obtain and maintain leverage.  And he has the Kennedy situation to learn from.  Might be enough.  Again, we'll only know when we know.

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