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38941  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How Arizona is Keeping the World Free! on: January 08, 2015, 12:48:12 PM
As much as I want to move there, because I prefer heat to cold and liberty to the criminals utopia of CA, you can't "Constitutional Carry" guns in all of Arizona (let's say 'all'=in public, not counting unsecure government facilities and pro-criminal safety businesses). The Federal Gun-Free School Zone Act enabled the Giffords massacre, because it was held right across the street from a school where you needed a bribery permit to legally carry and not commit a federal felony. The gun carrier who ran to the scene, if he didn't have a permit (IDR if he did), could have been convicted (and maybe still can) , because there is no exigency exception to the Act.

If your gun doesn’t trump a nuclear warhead, it’s irrelevant.

Nukes are fired by people, and unlawful orders (democide) can be mutinied against.

That's right. You can't constitutional carry. And you don't need to. Why not? The Constitution was written for government people to follow.

The Constitution is a corporate agreement in the form of a trust (as all corporations are). Did you sign up to be under that corporation? If you did, make sure by looking up the paperwork that has your signature on it, and then follow its rules. If you can't find the paperwork with your signature on it that shows that you joined, then you didn't join, and it isn't for you. It is for government people who have taken the Oath of Office, or have succumbed to employment by government.

When you carry, you carry as a man or woman. You don't constitutional carry. Their laws don't include you. None of them do except if you harm someone, damage his property, or contract with them, and then only with regard to the contract.

Just because we are a bunch of stupid idiots who think that the President is a king, and that his executive orders apply to us, doesn't mean that they do... except if we BELIEVE that they do.

Take a look at the info in the links listed at, and see that government rights don't apply to you except if you are in government, or except if you want them to. Otherwise, you have the right to do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING as long as you don't hurt someone, damage his property, or break a contract that you explicitly signed.

38942  Other / Politics & Society / Re: the moral hand and veganism on: January 08, 2015, 12:30:59 PM
. . .

Quote from: St. Paul, Romans 12:17 (1611 Bible) link=
19 Dearely beloued, auenge not your selues, but rather giue place vnto wrath: for it is written, Uengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.
2,3. God is that one who keepeth.

There is a difference between wrath and determination and vengeance, and self and family protection. Often the Lord uses your actions to "keep" those that He wants kept.


In that same way Jesus did not resist his crucifixion, a Christian (i.e., “Christ followers”) is not to resist transgression against him or her; instead, they are, as Jesus did, to yield the matter “unto the Father” to resolve in that way He sees fit (i.e., the right way).

Exactly! And when the Father answers - by circumstances, or through His Word in the Bible - then pick up that answer and fight. The spiritual powers and authorities of this world express themselves in the physical. Jesus fought them in the physical, on the cross. Why did He give Himself up to the cross? Because He was fighting in a specific way on behalf of all people. What He did is done. You and I can't do it that way. The future begins now.

Check the future in the Revelation. Check chapter 19 for the Rider on the white horse. Stand up for your own and your family's defense. Don't aggress, but defend. Consider King David of the past. See that it is the aggressors who want Christianity to fail, who are attempting to teach the people of God's Church to lie down and roll over so that they can walk all over you. Yet, in your battles, trust God and be just.


EDIT: I guess I am more like Saint Paul where he says to the Corinthian Church in 2 Corinthians 11:19-21...
You gladly put up with fools since you are so wise! In fact, you even put up with anyone who enslaves you or exploits you or takes advantage of you or pushes himself forward or slaps you in the face. To my shame I admit that we were too weak for that!

I commend all of you who don't use a numbing agent on your gums when the dentist is drilling. In the same way, you endure the torture of the ungodly without flinching. I am too weak for that. I fight.
38943  Other / Politics & Society / Re: WTF are the politicians doing ? on: January 08, 2015, 12:19:59 PM
As soon as the people succumb to the stupidity of socialistic ignorance, there will be no private property any longer... because there will be no freedom for the masses any longer. There will only be entire slavery, maintained by the few elite who are attempting to run the whole world.

Get past the voting for government people. The Electoral College is the one that places the votes that elect, not you or I, peons who vote.

Rather, check out what is here to see that the whole government operation process is part of the smokescreen that the elite are using to pull the wool over your eyes.

38944  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Cop shoots dead a tased, restrained, 100lb teen: "we don't have time for this" on: January 08, 2015, 12:07:51 PM
i hate this country

If it is the U.S. you hate, why? Because of freedom?

It is the freedom of this country that allows government to attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of the people. It is the freedom of this country that allows the people to be deceived by government... if they want... or NOT if they don't want.

Built into the backbone of the United States - the Constitution - are three little strengths that maintain freedom for the people, individually, against government if they so desire. These are: 1) the right to be a man/woman rather than a contract/agreement; 2) the right to contract into and out of government, as well as entirely without government; 3) the right to trial by jury, which includes facing your accuser and making him/her/it prove that you are the one being accused, that there was harm or damage done, and that you are the one who did it.

When the cop shoots your son or daughter dead, was it the police officer position that did it? That is, was it the contract between the man and the police department that he works for that did it? Or was it the man behind the uniform and badge that pulled the trigger. Make a claim for the return of your property against the man and against his bond. If he won't (can't) give you your property back, require payment in the maximum form that the State will allow.

We the people have allowed ourselves to fall into such a state of legal stupidity, that it won't be easy climbing back out. If we don't start to educate ourselves now, we just might lose the ability to protect ourselves altogether.

If you need a shot of hope in your "arm," start here by listening to these 3 audios. Then go through everything that is here Then peruse the whole website.

After you go through the three audios in the first link of the previous paragraph, and before you go through everything in the second link, listen to the 10 Youtube videos shown here for the kind of practical application of the things that are listed at that make it all work.

If you still don't think that there is anything that you can do about your pathetic situation, listen to and then download this audio to see that people are starting to wake up. These are real people... people who have a gripe against government. And they are using the info at the above links to turn government around for themselves.

Start! Do it!

38945  Other / Politics & Society / Re: the moral hand and veganism on: January 08, 2015, 03:21:37 AM
. . .

Small, beneficial govenments often become large harmful monsters.

"Love your enemies." Where is the point that we should love our friends? When the gang of thieves steals from us, are they not harming those that we love more than our enemies... the people who are our friends and families? Take a look at King David. He was call a man after God's own heart, two places in the Old Testament; and the only person to be so called. Yet, to look at his actions, he seemed to be one of the most blood thirsty people ever. Yet, when you look in detail at him, you see that he did everything honorably to the extreme.

"Love your enemies" doesn't mean love them more than your family and friends. Why do you people constantly try to make God and His Word look bad?


1. If the Empire should become any larger, I should not have known what “large” is.

Quote from: St. Paul, Romans 12:17 (1611 Bible) link=
19 Dearely beloued, auenge not your selues, but rather giue place vnto wrath: for it is written, Uengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.
2,3. God is that one who keepeth.

There is a difference between wrath and determination and vengeance, and self and family protection. Often the Lord uses your actions to "keep" those that He wants kept.

38946  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 12 Dead in Terrorist Attack on French Satire Magazine on: January 07, 2015, 10:43:33 PM
Weak little racist, mouthy ragheads need to be taught a lesson in respect, just like here:

The christians had enough and basically stated that muslims will be allowed to exist if they learned some respect and changed their attitudes.

See? Christianity is a religion of love and mutual respect, while Islam is a religion of conquer the world.

38947  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: January 07, 2015, 10:40:44 PM

Islam and arab/middle eastern culture is nothing more than racist, ignorant pile of rape-produced mongrels. The whole world put a train on them for centuries and they didn't learn their lesson.

Extermination is the only solution.

But if we exterminate them (nuke them, for example), the dinar will NEVER revalue.

38948  Other / Politics & Society / Re: This frozen chicken “had a rich, emotional life.” on: January 07, 2015, 10:34:52 PM
How about this:

... Many proponents of this ancient technique, used by many cultures such as Mayan, Egyptian, Aztec, Tibetian and Indian yoga, report not only healing benefits to common illnesses, but obtaining super-human abilities such as advanced telepathy and going completely without the need for food.

and this from
Man lives for 11 years eating only sunlight

Hira Ratan Manek claims that since 1995 he has lived many days solely on sunlight and water.

Sun gazing is the practice of staring directly at the sun to receive “nourishment” from it.

The practice is controversial since some believe that looking directly at the sun for even brief periods of time may cause blindness or severe damage to the eye. Most eye care professionals advise against looking directly at the sun.

“Sun gazing is a relaxed look at the sun just as we see sunrise and sunset,” Manek said. “It gives all benefits for health. Those who practice sun gazing get total health of mind, body and spirit without any cost … but only at safe times of the sun.”


See? We don't really need food at all. Even the plants can go free.

38949  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: January 07, 2015, 10:26:49 PM
Look, Islam doesn't hate anybody. Islam is a religion. It is words on paper call the Koran. Words on paper don't hate anybody. Only people hate. Even animals that seem to hate, are simply complex "robots" that are only simulating the appearance of hate.

All that the Koran does is to cause some kinds of metal stimulation in Muslims and others so that they activate themselves to hate at times. This is not Islam. It is people hating. And the thing that they hate more than anything else is themselves.


That's the good bitch shit you're smoking.


Don't know what you mean. If we don't get down to identifying the details, we will never understand what's going on.

38950  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: January 07, 2015, 10:11:13 PM
Look, Islam doesn't hate anybody. Islam is a religion. It is words on paper call the Koran. Words on paper don't hate anybody. Only people hate. Even animals that seem to hate, are simply complex "robots" that are only simulating the appearance of hate.

All that the Koran does is to cause some kinds of metal stimulation in Muslims and others so that they activate themselves to hate at times. This is not Islam. It is people hating. And the thing that they hate more than anything else is themselves.

38951  Other / Off-topic / Re: This is just.... on: January 07, 2015, 09:18:52 PM
That's why you do background checks and give law abiding citizens proper training so they aren't trigger happy, in the U.S it could also help community ties with the police if they acted as instructors, but of course you only want a total ban on guns don't you?

It's sad that even in the face of total destruction there are people who believe that what they want is the only option available.

Background checks probably wont stop crazy or mentally disturbed people getting them and police have extensive training yet use them when they're not needed or as a first line of defense and so will citizens with or without training.

Welcome to the real world, why is it when they're wearing a uniform you feel so much more trusting? Also background checks would help a lot, but people like you just aren't interested in anything else than a total ban on firearms.

Welcome to the real world where we don't need guns, but people like you need them because they feel defenseless without them. And where did I say I was trusting of police? I said the opposite. I don't trust them to have guns.

The only differences when only the government has guns, are quality and length of life.

38952  Other / Politics & Society / Re: This frozen chicken “had a rich, emotional life.” on: January 07, 2015, 09:17:18 PM
Some funny stuff. Cheesy

Where do LGBT issues and animal liberation intersect? Your mind, that's where.

But on a side note: Chickens do have an emotional life, it's really all they have. The emotions of animals are the same emotions we feel. They feel loss, joy, etc. That does not keep me from slaughtering and eating them, but I do recognize their lives and I am thankful that they were there to feed me.

There was this cute calf on my land, but belonging to a neighbor. Very young, very curious. It would come near my door and look at me watching TV. I would try to stand up verryyyyy slowly so I could touch it, but it would run away so fast, every time.
No doubt this animal was playful and was trying to understand the meaning of me sitting doing nothing. But it was still not enough for that calf not to be turned into food later in its life.  Smiley

Robots. All robots, designed by God to give us enjoyment in this life.

38953  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why Bitcoin Will End the Nation State on: January 07, 2015, 09:15:26 PM
Silly dreams. I haven't watched the video, a smart guy wouldn't make such a claim. Nation states can live without any kind of income tax. As long as there are land owners and people willing to pay to make sure streets are safe and clean, the nation state's future is safe.

But, the nation State would be a lot different if the monetary support that came to it was all voluntarily donated by totally free, voluntary giving, not required by contribution or tax.

38954  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: January 07, 2015, 09:12:35 PM
Is hijab sex my new fetish? I need to... study this phenomenon in more details...

All sex is for making kids. Even the pleasures involved are so that the family can be united, all for the sake of having kids. That's it. Period.

38955  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: January 07, 2015, 09:10:00 PM
Attempt at moral equivalency fails.  The entire Islam religion hates gays. ...

And the Bible says kill disobedient children with a stone, don't be gay, never eat shellfish or you are an abomination. Yes, religions are all nuts. Your not supposed to be gay in Islam either, but some people are gay. They always have been and always will be. Religion is about people trying to control other people.

The Bible things listed above are Old Testament things, written for the nation of Israel, only. Why for them? Because they asked God for it at the time that God gave them the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.

Stop obeying the Old Testament laws as though they were meant for you, unless, of course, you adhere to them. Rather, obey the New Testament laws of love. Where the strict laws exist in the N.T., they exist as common sense guides. I mean, if you get a butcher's knife out of the drawer, and stab yourself in the arm with it, you will bleed. N.T. laws are laws of nature, that affect you, the nature around them.

Your personal religion is the way you live your life, the things you "religiously" do day in and day out. Everyone's religion is nuts in some ways for certain other people. It is true that, most of the time, in any relations between people, they are always trying to control others at least a little. It is our automatic religious nature.

Don't worry I don't obey any laws. And there is no chance of me getting any kind of religion. I do, however, think the rules from the old testament were meant for all times. But we live in a new age of religion. One that allows us to pick and chose the laws we want to obey and make excuses for the ones we think are silly. 

Okay, okay. But consider. You religiously return to this forum often, and even religiously comment... about how you are not affected by religion.

38956  Other / Politics & Society / Re: This frozen chicken “had a rich, emotional life.” on: January 07, 2015, 09:08:11 PM
Some funny stuff. Cheesy

Where do LGBT issues and animal liberation intersect? Your mind, that's where.

But on a side note: Chickens do have an emotional life, it's really all they have. The emotions of animals are the same emotions we feel. They feel loss, joy, etc. That does not keep me from slaughtering and eating them, but I do recognize their lives and I am thankful that they were there to feed me.

On the other hand, how do we really know that animals have emotions?

I tend to think that emotions can only be felt or had by creatures that have a literal soul. I think animals are essentially robots (cyborgs?) that are built to efficiently mimic emotions at times. The fact that animals save lives at some times, simply proves that they are controlled by outside forces that use them for the saving of lives.

38957  Other / Off-topic / Re: This is just.... on: January 07, 2015, 09:01:11 PM
No. The real sick is that the French government doesn't allow people to keep guns with them. If the government could protect the people, it might be okay, somewhat. But the government can't protect the people, as evidenced by this.

If the magazine people had guns with fully loaded "magazines" with them at their desks, they would have been able to fend off the crooks. Possibly the crooks would never have done the thing they did, knowing that the people would fight back WITH GUNS.

Crooks are free to own guns (well, they obviously were in this case). Why not the good people?

Let the law abiding people own all kinds of armament so that they can protect themselves and the police who attempt to protect them.

When the gunmen are found, and when it is proven that they are for sure the murders, execute them.


I'm not sure more guns is the answer to guns. You can always get a bigger weapon as well. In fact In the report I read they may ahve had some sort of grenade launcher or something. Not sure if it's confirmed though.

Alone, more guns is not the answer. The people need to be united to some extent.

Think about this instance. Officer down and shot in the head. Citizens on the street would have shot out the tires of the escape vehicle... if they had guns and knew what to do with them. There may have been a gun battle, but the assailants would have died... perhaps along with some of the citizens. And it wouldn't have a chance of happening again for a good long time.

A question is, why doesn't this happen in the U.S.? 9/11 was an inside job because foreigners with guns are too chicken to do it in the U.S., with all the armed populace. If people weren't trained to be such pussies, there would be strength in the U.S. It would be the same around the world.

Terrorists wouldn't stand a chance, because most of an armed populace aren't terrorists. And for the protection of themselves, their families, and their friends, everything would be different. There wouldn't be any terrorism.

38958  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: January 07, 2015, 07:16:21 PM
Attempt at moral equivalency fails.  The entire Islam religion hates gays. ...

And the Bible says kill disobedient children with a stone, don't be gay, never eat shellfish or you are an abomination. Yes, religions are all nuts. Your not supposed to be gay in Islam either, but some people are gay. They always have been and always will be. Religion is about people trying to control other people.

The Bible things listed above are Old Testament things, written for the nation of Israel, only. Why for them? Because they asked God for it at the time that God gave them the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.

Stop obeying the Old Testament laws as though they were meant for you, unless, of course, you adhere to them. Rather, obey the New Testament laws of love. Where the strict laws exist in the N.T., they exist as common sense guides. I mean, if you get a butcher's knife out of the drawer, and stab yourself in the arm with it, you will bleed. N.T. laws are laws of nature, that affect you, the nature around them.

Your personal religion is the way you live your life, the things you "religiously" do day in and day out. Everyone's religion is nuts in some ways for certain other people. It is true that, most of the time, in any relations between people, they are always trying to control others at least a little. It is our automatic religious nature.

38959  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 12 Dead in Terrorist Attack on French Satire Magazine on: January 07, 2015, 07:00:24 PM
No gods, no masters, no fanatics.

You'll still have fanatics. People will always find something to be fanatical about.


Gods, as proven by our abilities that are way beyond what the animals can do.

Masters, because we each have the right and duty to be master over our own property.

Fanatics, because perfection is where it is at. After all, if the universe didn't obey its own laws perfectly, one little flaw in the laws of nature regarding the pandemonium within an exploding atomic bomb would have destroyed the whole universe instantly.

38960  Other / Off-topic / Re: If you had a time machine... on: January 07, 2015, 06:18:01 PM

Out of curiosity: assuming things go as planned, and that close to a century has passed, what would you actually do for a living? At the current rate of technological development, wouldn't you risk being hopelessly obsolete in such a society? Tongue

I learn fast, besides a free society would only be full of opportunities. I mean do you know what "freedom" means?

I know its an extremist concept in these statist days, but it actually means I could do anything until I dont hurt anybody.
That means no monthy extortion or racket payments called taxes, no 2000 pages of laws and regulation, no begging for permits to the statists, no tyrranical dictators or bandits ruling over us. Free agoric anarcho-capitalism, a true and free voluntarist society.

So at worst case I would just make myself a rod of fishing and then go sell the fish on the street.

At best I would see what the trends are in the market and I would become a billionaire without paying any racket to the statists.

Especially if you can get your fish in a government pond, stocked by government from a government fish hatchery...

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