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41  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Regulation is not the answer-obviously on: February 27, 2014, 06:29:42 PM
OP is right. Regulations are terrible.

I inspect my own food at restaurants to ensure I don't shit blood or die of a preventable bacterial infection.
I inspect any bridges and roads myself before I drive over them.
I inspect and audit my own FIAT bank to ensure they are still solvent and haven't run off with my money.

I don't understand why everyone can't just do this.

and you died in a plane crash  Cheesy

oh wait you didn't because they force the airlines to do maintenance,

they don't just wait till they drop out of the sky then buy a new plane, or do they ?

You think airlines upkeep thier planes BECAUSE the state goons force them to?  They do it so people will fly their airlines.  If in a free market if they stopped maintaining their aircraft, no one would use their airlines and they would lose business.  It's that simple, that's how the market works, if you don't like something you withdrawl your funding.  Unlike the state, which you cannot say no to.

We already have private organizations that do this function; examples: better business bureau, consumer reports, underwriters laboratories, etc.  We need a bitcoin business bureau to investigate bitcoin companies not a monopolized criminal gang with an interest in squashing competition to their fiat empire in charge of it.
42  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Regulation is not the answer-obviously on: February 27, 2014, 06:26:58 PM
yeah right buddie your obviously part of this honeypot called gox go lick the honey of mark

regulation will do nothing negative but ensure sites like this can't harbour criminals like you

I have no affliation with gox at all. I'm just one guy with a very small amount of bitcoin.  I don't even have a bitcoin business-yet.  Nice how you assume i'm a criminal. 

Everything regulation will do will be negative.  If you want to get truthful about it, they will steal money from everyone to pay for their new regulations, steal money from everyone to pay goons to enforce their new regulations and the state will gain more power over this powerful anti-state technology.  It's not my fault you were foolish enough to leave your coins on gox, take responsibility and stop lashing out at others.
43  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Regulation is not the answer-obviously on: February 27, 2014, 05:03:50 PM
Those of you crying to the state for regulation may be well intentioned but you are unfortunately looking in solutions for the wrong place.  Regulation will do nothing to protect bitcoin users, it would only benefit entrenched interests and the "big boys".  Consider how regulation completely failed to prevent the following calamities:

Libor Scandal
Bernie Madoff
The greatest theft in human history - the bailout of the "too big to fails"
The massive derivitaives banking scam
MF Global

-These are just the few i can remember and ones that relate soley to finance, there are many more financial examples from the past few years that regulation failed(purposefully) to prevent.

All of these terrible thefts were AIDED by regulation.  Regulatory capture is a term that refers to the situation in which people demand company x to be regulated, as a result, company x colludes/infiltrades these regulatory positions and appoints previous company x employees or friends of company x to these positions.  You can look at literally ANY corporation in america and see this phenomenon; from monsanto heads who are incharge of the FDA, to ex-bankers in charge of banking and finance regulation, defense contractor heads in charge of military budget regulation, the list goes no forever, it literally never ends.  Regulator capture is very real, to think that regulation is created for the intention of protecting the little guy is naieve and akin to saying that the state exists to help people.

Regulation will only hurt bitcoin.  Do you really believe giving the power to regulate bitcoin companies to the state is going to be good for us?  Bitcoin is a dagger to the heart of all fiat currencies, it's intention is to free people from the tyranny of state ass-wipe paper which it does wonderfully.  It is astonishingly stupid to thank that those bitcoin was created to destroy should have power over bitcoin companies.

The market can and will solve all the problems we are currently experiencing.  I feel terrible for people who lost money in Gox, but seriously it was WELL KNOWN that gox has screwed people 5 times in the past.  Why in the world would you keep your life savings on an EXCHANGE for christs sake?  This is the same thing as keeping your money in a bank and then rioting when a bank run occurrs.  I am no bitcoin expert, but i can quite easily do cold storage.  The bitcoin protocol provides all the necessary security you need to keep your bitcoins safe, guides on cold storage are all over youtube and the internet.  

Bitcoin places the responsibility of keeping your coins safe on YOU, it was built with tools in place for you to be your own bank.  The age of trusting others with your money is over.  If you want to have money in a hot wallet, import the full amount from cold storage, send a certain amount to your hot wallet and send the rest back to cold storage.  This is the safe way to store your bitcoin, not in someone else bank who lost the communities trust 5 times before in the past.

The whole point of a free market is that there is no "too big to fail".  Gox is dead, as it should be.  There are already legitimate exchanges in the market like coinbase and others.  It is up to you to do your research and not to leave your money just sitting in exchanges.

Regulators have failed us in every industry, without an understanding of the true purpose of regulation-to keep out small players, protect big players, extract wealth and power-you can't possibly see the natural solutions that will emerge in the market.  Is it not obvious that we live in a fascist country?  Corporations and the state collude to squash competition and enrich themselves, they are the last people that should be in control of bitcoin.  The community of bitcoiners should be in charge of bitcoin by voting with the coins and the market should allow those who suck to fail-as it has in this instance.  We do not have capitalism in America, we have crapitalism or crony capitalism.  In true capitalism the market decides and those who fail don't get bailouts. It sucks people lost their money in a "magic the gathering" bitcoin exchange who repeatedly violated peoples trust and lied, but you are responsible for yourself in a free market and captured regulators will never gives a crap about you.
44  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: VTC Security Issues on: February 06, 2014, 07:05:20 PM
How so?
45  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / VTC Security Issues on: February 06, 2014, 06:43:32 PM
I am interested in buying some vtc, but i would like to know how I can secure it.  IF i was to purchase form a poloniex, cryptsy or some other exchange how would i secure my coins?  Im used to storing btc offline in paper wallets, can this be done with vtc?  What is the safest way to store vtc? I sure as hell don't want to be storing it on any exchanges.
46  Economy / Marketplace / Re: Business Recycling Old Mining Gear on: January 31, 2014, 04:54:26 PM
Perhaps this sort of project could be done to improve the image of bitcoin, to have one less argument against it out there in the world.   IT would be a non-profit I guess, you could call it minecycle or something like that.  Would be good pr.
47  Economy / Marketplace / Business Recycling Old Mining Gear on: January 31, 2014, 04:37:19 PM
Would there be any way to create profit recycling old asic miners?  I can see the VALUE it would bring to the community in perception, mining is often portrayed as wasting electricity and hardware.  If recycling were somehow profitable, we could eliminate 1/2 of that problem entirely.  Miners would be paid for their old gear, then that gear would be broken down into useable parts or recycled in some other method and sold to a company.
48  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are you a gun guy or girl? on: January 21, 2014, 07:00:32 PM
The first thing repressive governments do is ban civilians from owning firearms.  Here are just a few characters you may recognize:

Pol Pot
Adolph Hitler

Hundreds of MILLIONS murdered by their own governments because they could not defend themselves.

Make no mistake, the right to bear arms is the cornerstone of the free world.

Not being American or having to live in America I can safely say that I am thankful I can send my child to school without worrying that they're going to get shot by some lunatic who had a collection of lethal weapons, yet as the lunatic was only 20 years old he still can't legally buy alcohol. Where is the sense in this?

I won't even address the logical fallacies in your argument, that is your responsibility to fix.  Government can't stop lunatics from getting guns, lunatics don't care about laws.  If there is a demand for something, the state cannot stop it. The market is greater than the state.  The state made drugs illegal but can't even keep them out of prisons or schools.  

You don't have to own or buy guns or associate with people who do.  Just don't use the state monopoly of violence to FORCE/threaten/use violence against peaceful people(who aren't harming anyone or anyone's property) who chose to pursue their happiness in a way that you don't like.  By doing so your the immoral aggressor.  By using the political process, your stealing money at gunpoint from everyone to fund your aggression.  

If you are anti gun go talk to your neighbors, start gun safety awareness campaign.  Using the state to do your dirty work-well that's an immoral and spineless thing to do.  If you believe in a cause, advocate for it privately, don't use violence to fund it and enforce it.  People who aren't harming anyone or any property should be left alone.  For example, if you make a law saying that high capacity magazines are banned and I happen to own one and am caught by one of you'r thugs with it, they will fine or imprison me.  I was just minding my business, I didn't hurt anyone or any property.  If I resist or refuse to pay, they will cage and assault me, If I refuse to be assaulted they will kill me.  Where is the victim in all of this?  Some of you who advocate politics don't understand the violence inherent in it.

I don't really have an opinion in relation to guns to be honest, I just find the American mentality towards the whole matter rather amusing. I have spent many an hour watching some of these pro gun people rattle on about why they 'need' guns - often laughing hysterically at some of the arguments they bring up. My original post was not implying that I am deadly against the ownership of guns - I'm not, I don't care. I was simply stating that I'm glad that I don't have to live in a country where so many people share such absurd, outdated and backward views.

And your country is that way because people used state violence to FORCE people who weren't hurting anyone or any property to submit to their tyranny or face increasing punishments up to death.  That is not something I would be proud of.  You have no problem with the police being armed?  More people are killed by police than by random shooters.  Any kind of "social progess" that is gained at the barrel of a gun is not real social progress.

Just as I said originally reading:

'And your country is that way because people used state violence to FORCE people who weren't hurting anyone or any property to submit to their tyranny or face increasing punishments up to death.'

For me is amusing -what has this got to do with owning a gun?

And being from the UK - most police are not armed so that takes care of that problem.

Also, unless I am not fully aware, I don't remember having to submit to tyranny for fear of my life. Again, perhaps somehow I have been implanted with a mind controlling device against my knowledge and hence have submitted to tyranny - all be it against my knowledge - I guess I will never know.  Huh

It has got to do with owning a gun because at one time people in your country had much more gun freedom, now they have less-a result of the state and those who support it.

Excellent, i'm glad that your police are not armed as much.

You submit to tyranny for fear of your life everyday.  If you disobey one of your governments "laws" they will fine or imprison you.  If you refuse to submit they will kill or beat you up.  This is how it is everywhere.  Men make up stuff, write it on paper and call it law, they imagine they have the power to create law.  You are forced to be a part of their system, when you can't opt out of it, its by definition tyranny.  If you don't view it as tyranny, then you must be giving up all those earnings voluntarily eh?

I think most 'laws' are in place for the greater good, not being allowed to rape I think is a good thing.

If you are referring to taxation regarding giving up earnings - I don't like paying tax as mush as the next person but at least I know that if I ever have financial issues I can still send my children to good free schools and have access to good free healthcare a free house to live in and free money for food so it's not all bad  Smiley

sad, truly sad.
49  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are you a gun guy or girl? on: January 21, 2014, 06:20:06 PM
Well i guess this thread is derailed, anyone who wants to contribute to the poll please do so.
50  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are you a gun guy or girl? on: January 21, 2014, 06:13:00 PM

I support the 2nd amendment. As is.

My rights don't come from paper.  It's nice to support the constitution and I wish also the state was constrained by it, but as lysander spooner said: "But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist."  

Forcing the government to abide by their own laws is like forcing the mafia to abide by rules, good luck with that.  Besides, the constitution allows the state to tax you and steal your land at will, that's no document I want to live under.  

I never signed any constitution contract did you?  Not being able to opt out of it means its tyrannical.  Before the ink was even dry on it, Washington was using the army to crush tax rebellions and put down competition in his whiskey business, not long after he was sending soldiers to certain death for political purposes.

Check out Constitution of No Authority by Lysander Spooner, You can listen to it for free on youtube.
51  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are you a gun guy or girl? on: January 21, 2014, 06:08:42 PM
The first thing repressive governments do is ban civilians from owning firearms.  Here are just a few characters you may recognize:

Pol Pot
Adolph Hitler

Hundreds of MILLIONS murdered by their own governments because they could not defend themselves.

Make no mistake, the right to bear arms is the cornerstone of the free world.

Not being American or having to live in America I can safely say that I am thankful I can send my child to school without worrying that they're going to get shot by some lunatic who had a collection of lethal weapons, yet as the lunatic was only 20 years old he still can't legally buy alcohol. Where is the sense in this?

I won't even address the logical fallacies in your argument, that is your responsibility to fix.  Government can't stop lunatics from getting guns, lunatics don't care about laws.  If there is a demand for something, the state cannot stop it. The market is greater than the state.  The state made drugs illegal but can't even keep them out of prisons or schools.  

You don't have to own or buy guns or associate with people who do.  Just don't use the state monopoly of violence to FORCE/threaten/use violence against peaceful people(who aren't harming anyone or anyone's property) who chose to pursue their happiness in a way that you don't like.  By doing so your the immoral aggressor.  By using the political process, your stealing money at gunpoint from everyone to fund your aggression.  

If you are anti gun go talk to your neighbors, start gun safety awareness campaign.  Using the state to do your dirty work-well that's an immoral and spineless thing to do.  If you believe in a cause, advocate for it privately, don't use violence to fund it and enforce it.  People who aren't harming anyone or any property should be left alone.  For example, if you make a law saying that high capacity magazines are banned and I happen to own one and am caught by one of you'r thugs with it, they will fine or imprison me.  I was just minding my business, I didn't hurt anyone or any property.  If I resist or refuse to pay, they will cage and assault me, If I refuse to be assaulted they will kill me.  Where is the victim in all of this?  Some of you who advocate politics don't understand the violence inherent in it.

I don't really have an opinion in relation to guns to be honest, I just find the American mentality towards the whole matter rather amusing. I have spent many an hour watching some of these pro gun people rattle on about why they 'need' guns - often laughing hysterically at some of the arguments they bring up. My original post was not implying that I am deadly against the ownership of guns - I'm not, I don't care. I was simply stating that I'm glad that I don't have to live in a country where so many people share such absurd, outdated and backward views.

And your country is that way because people used state violence to FORCE people who weren't hurting anyone or any property to submit to their tyranny or face increasing punishments up to death.  That is not something I would be proud of.  You have no problem with the police being armed?  More people are killed by police than by random shooters.  Any kind of "social progess" that is gained at the barrel of a gun is not real social progress.

Just as I said originally reading:

'And your country is that way because people used state violence to FORCE people who weren't hurting anyone or any property to submit to their tyranny or face increasing punishments up to death.'

For me is amusing -what has this got to do with owning a gun?

And being from the UK - most police are not armed so that takes care of that problem.

Also, unless I am not fully aware, I don't remember having to submit to tyranny for fear of my life. Again, perhaps somehow I have been implanted with a mind controlling device against my knowledge and hence have submitted to tyranny - all be it against my knowledge - I guess I will never know.  Huh

It has got to do with owning a gun because at one time people in your country had much more gun freedom, now they have less-a result of the state and those who support it.

Excellent, i'm glad that your police are not armed as much.

You submit to tyranny for fear of your life everyday.  If you disobey one of your governments "laws" they will fine or imprison you.  If you refuse to submit they will kill or beat you up.  This is how it is everywhere.  Men make up stuff, write it on paper and call it law, they imagine they have the power to create law.  You are forced to be a part of their system, when you can't opt out of it, its by definition tyranny.  If you don't view it as tyranny, then you must be giving up all those earnings voluntarily eh?
52  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are you a gun guy or girl? on: January 21, 2014, 04:39:27 PM
The first thing repressive governments do is ban civilians from owning firearms.  Here are just a few characters you may recognize:

Pol Pot
Adolph Hitler

Hundreds of MILLIONS murdered by their own governments because they could not defend themselves.

Make no mistake, the right to bear arms is the cornerstone of the free world.

Not being American or having to live in America I can safely say that I am thankful I can send my child to school without worrying that they're going to get shot by some lunatic who had a collection of lethal weapons, yet as the lunatic was only 20 years old he still can't legally buy alcohol. Where is the sense in this?

I won't even address the logical fallacies in your argument, that is your responsibility to fix.  Government can't stop lunatics from getting guns, lunatics don't care about laws.  If there is a demand for something, the state cannot stop it. The market is greater than the state.  The state made drugs illegal but can't even keep them out of prisons or schools.  

You don't have to own or buy guns or associate with people who do.  Just don't use the state monopoly of violence to FORCE/threaten/use violence against peaceful people(who aren't harming anyone or anyone's property) who chose to pursue their happiness in a way that you don't like.  By doing so your the immoral aggressor.  By using the political process, your stealing money at gunpoint from everyone to fund your aggression.  

If you are anti gun go talk to your neighbors, start gun safety awareness campaign.  Using the state to do your dirty work-well that's an immoral and spineless thing to do.  If you believe in a cause, advocate for it privately, don't use violence to fund it and enforce it.  People who aren't harming anyone or any property should be left alone.  For example, if you make a law saying that high capacity magazines are banned and I happen to own one and am caught by one of you'r thugs with it, they will fine or imprison me.  I was just minding my business, I didn't hurt anyone or any property.  If I resist or refuse to pay, they will cage and assault me, If I refuse to be assaulted they will kill me.  Where is the victim in all of this?  Some of you who advocate politics don't understand the violence inherent in it.

I don't really have an opinion in relation to guns to be honest, I just find the American mentality towards the whole matter rather amusing. I have spent many an hour watching some of these pro gun people rattle on about why they 'need' guns - often laughing hysterically at some of the arguments they bring up. My original post was not implying that I am deadly against the ownership of guns - I'm not, I don't care. I was simply stating that I'm glad that I don't have to live in a country where so many people share such absurd, outdated and backward views.

And your country is that way because people used state violence to FORCE people who weren't hurting anyone or any property to submit to their tyranny or face increasing punishments up to death.  That is not something I would be proud of.  You have no problem with the police being armed?  More people are killed by police than by random shooters.  Any kind of "social progess" that is gained at the barrel of a gun is not real social progress.
53  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bluegrass Bitcoiners on: January 21, 2014, 04:36:53 PM
Mining huh? You must be heavily invested in mining because I looked into it and even buying approx 50 of the KNC Neptunes would only be viable for only about 20 weeks before they would have to be resold and upgraded to faster hardware.  I will pm you sometimes today.
54  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are you a gun guy or girl? on: January 21, 2014, 04:34:27 PM
Never. I lost all my Bitcoins and firearms in a boating accident a while back.

Sounds familiar.  Wink
55  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are you a gun guy or girl? on: January 21, 2014, 04:13:10 PM
The first thing repressive governments do is ban civilians from owning firearms.  Here are just a few characters you may recognize:

Pol Pot
Adolph Hitler

Hundreds of MILLIONS murdered by their own governments because they could not defend themselves.

Make no mistake, the right to bear arms is the cornerstone of the free world.

Not being American or having to live in America I can safely say that I am thankful I can send my child to school without worrying that they're going to get shot by some lunatic who had a collection of lethal weapons, yet as the lunatic was only 20 years old he still can't legally buy alcohol. Where is the sense in this?

I won't even address the logical fallacies in your argument, that is your responsibility to fix.  Government can't stop lunatics from getting guns, lunatics don't care about laws.  If there is a demand for something, the state cannot stop it. The market is greater than the state.  The state made drugs illegal but can't even keep them out of prisons or schools. 

You don't have to own or buy guns or associate with people who do.  Just don't use the state monopoly of violence to FORCE/threaten/use violence against peaceful people(who aren't harming anyone or anyone's property) who chose to pursue their happiness in a way that you don't like.  By doing so your the immoral aggressor.  By using the political process, your stealing money at gunpoint from everyone to fund your aggression. 

If you are anti gun go talk to your neighbors, start gun safety awareness campaign.  Using the state to do your dirty work-well that's an immoral and spineless thing to do.  If you believe in a cause, advocate for it privately, don't use violence to fund it and enforce it.  People who aren't harming anyone or any property should be left alone.  For example, if you make a law saying that high capacity magazines are banned and I happen to own one and am caught by one of you'r thugs with it, they will fine or imprison me.  I was just minding my business, I didn't hurt anyone or any property.  If I resist or refuse to pay, they will cage and assault me, If I refuse to be assaulted they will kill me.  Where is the victim in all of this?  Some of you who advocate politics don't understand the violence inherent in it.
56  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are you a gun guy or girl? on: January 21, 2014, 04:01:16 PM
I am an avid shooter, types hunting, competition and military.  If you start to sell firearms accessories and supplies and even firearms for bitcoins, I and my business partner would be interested.


Thank you.  By "interested" do you mean purchasing supplies?  I would be initially offering the most basic and popular items, then expanding outward and taking on more risk as business increases.
57  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are you a gun guy or girl? on: January 21, 2014, 03:23:45 PM
Why do you want to vote never, this thread is for people who do enjoy firearm sports not those that don't.  I've added the option.
58  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are you a gun guy or girl? on: January 21, 2014, 02:35:07 PM
I also "kill my own shit".  I find it difficult to the pull the trigger but am thankful to nature for every deer I get.  I love deer meat, it's organic, free range, lean, healthy and delicious when prepared correctly.  I feel sympathy for the animal but it is over quick, it lives a great life for most of it's existence then out of nowhere an object that it never sees quickly and humanely ends its life.  I am a meat eater, i've accepted that fact and I find it inhumane to buy from the grocery stores who support factory farming torture.  If your gonna eat meat you should do it right, the way nature intended.

Anyway, back on topic, I don't want to derail my own thread.

With regard to the legal obligations, of course it would all be done completely legally.

59  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are you a gun guy or girl? on: January 21, 2014, 02:20:04 PM
Yea, considering starting a business for sport shooters that accepts bitcoin but I need market information and this is the best place to get it.  Are you against firearms or something?  The sport shooters industry is a huge industry and I know of only one gunshop (on facebook) that accepts bitcoin. Surely bitcoin users-which are largely libertarian types-enjoy shooting and would like to spend their btc on it directly instead of having to get some kind of gift card.

There was a site that sold bitcoin for ammo but it turned out to be scam.
60  Other / Politics & Society / Are you a gun guy or girl? on: January 21, 2014, 02:04:09 PM
If you like bitcoin and firearms, if your a 3 gun competition guy, hunter, target shooter for fun, gun totin' self defense guy/gal, please pipe up! I'm trying to get some stats for the community with regard to how many of you enjoy sport shooting.   You can vote in the poll above.  Im trying to gauge interest among the community.

Thanks everybody!

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