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4061  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Does Ripple/XRP compete with Mt. Gox???? effectively on: March 06, 2013, 01:57:30 PM
Does XRP compete with Mt. Gox?Huh effectively

it seems to me the Ripple is a system to make multi currency transfer any > any as broad based as possible and lowest margin....

does this mean it is Mt. Gox 2.0 / Forex trading house/system 2.0

which may expalin my Mr.CEo of Gox is doing this, because some one else will if he does not...?

4062  Economy / Speculation / Re: JESUS are we going to hit $50 today? on: March 06, 2013, 12:16:43 PM
mBTC moved from 3.5 cents to 4.6 cents?  Big deal. Wake me up when we reach dollar parity.

very prescient...i like your paradigm
4063  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin is crashing on: March 06, 2013, 12:13:01 PM
The rate of increase just shifted as of the 5th.  The market is heading into its next phase.  It has already gone through accumulation, early shack-out, ramp up.  Now it's heading into early distribution.

Expect to see wild swings in the next few weeks. And an eventual sell-off... then BC will establish a new base, and the cycle will repeat.  But the charts are indicating there is still plenty of power in the distribution phase.  I'm holding and watching closely. 

Having said that if BC is still here in 5 years, $50, $60, $100, hell even $200 will be cheap.

What game are you playing?  Speculation?  Long-term investment?  Day-trading?

If you're holding out for the 5 year window or more it would be stupid to sell right now at any price with the momentum BC has currently, and is only building.

But human nature as it is, we'll see several bubbles along the way, with irrational spikes and crashes as we might only see in the oil futures.  Nothing will change that.

Don't let the bubbles scare you out of the long-term macro trend here. 

What this chap said 110% kinda guy you would want to have your back
4064  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Official Gox / CoinLab Integration and Transition FAQ on: March 06, 2013, 06:05:31 AM
Trojan Horse. US government will close the business as soon as they will have all information they need.You have been warned

I very much doubt it. In any event the US Goverment will have its hands full dealing with all of those who do not comply with FACTA  worldwide to concern itself with those that do comply.  As far as I can see in the US side of this deal MtGox by partnering with a US based partner has found an excellent way to avoid having to deal with FACTA, while at the same time improving service to thier US customers and remaining 100% compliant. I fail to see why the US Government woud have a problem with this at all.

When it comes to the Canadian side of this deal all, I can say at this point is that I am waiting for answers to my questions from Coinlab.

because if this ever takes of in a big way....the US and many other govts will face destruction, as they will have no revenue base/financial control

they will have no choice but to make it illegal...the only real hope is that so many billion people are already in with cash, that it would be be like saying you cant drink water any more....which would be undoable even for a a govt
4065  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Lost bitcoins - a bigger flaw than originally thought? on: March 06, 2013, 05:41:12 AM
It is said that people can't think exponentially, but they also can't think asymptotically.

In 2013, John Doe I. may lose his 400 USD or 10 BTC wallet.
In 2014, John Doe II. may lose his 400 USD or 1 BTC wallet.
In 2015, John Doe III. may lose his 400 USD or 0.1 BTC wallet.

yep cannot into 1/x = y
4066  Economy / Economics / Re: Is the current bubble harmful to Bitcoin? on: March 06, 2013, 05:38:51 AM

4067  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: I have 2BTC and i want XRP on: March 05, 2013, 03:31:24 PM
and here goes the ripple up cycle
4068  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Jesus sucks. on: March 05, 2013, 03:30:15 PM
eh NT had some pretty harsh words against gay like forsaking the natural use of the woman anf burning in thier lust for one another or something

so your view of JHC is pretty USA'd.....I mean the guy made a corded whip and beat the bankers out of the temple...sort like BTC when you think about it, he told his "best mate" that he would be knifed by him etc etc

Anyway let go through this list

The old testament said the following which is what most Christians cite when hating on gays.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them {Agree, stops disease}

Leviticus also said the following. Use at your leisure to ridicule the above 20:13.

Don't let cattle graze with other kinds of Cattle (Leviticus 19:19)
{they were quite good a genetics see how Abraham bread a good stock from his uncle }

Don't have a variety of crops on the same field. (Leviticus 19:19)
{Agree, think this was with rotation thing}

Don't wear clothes made of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19)
{Agree, itchy}

Don't cut your hair nor shave. (Leviticus 19:27)
{Nope and was this for just the levites...also would if I could be sampson and bang delilah}

Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed. (Leviticus 20:9)
{Fair enough unless your fathers a dick}

If a man cheats on his wife, or vise versa, both the man and the woman must die. (Leviticus 20:10)
{Fair enough I can be polygamist remember and have losta hot sex}

If a man sleeps with his father's wife... both him and his father's wife is to be put to death. (Leviticus 20:11)
{Fair enough that's pretty fucked up}

If a man sleeps with his wife and her mother they are all to be burnt to death.  (Leviticus 20:14)

If a man or woman has sex with an animal, both human and animal must be killed. (Leviticus 20:15-16)

If a man has sex with a woman on her period, they are both to be "cut off from their people" (Leviticus 20:18)
{?Huh? who would want to....also unhygienic}

Psychics, wizards, and so on are to be stoned to death.  (Leviticus 20:27)
{yeah they detract from science}

If a priest's daughter is a whore, she is to be burnt at the stake.  (Leviticus 21:9)
{nope.jpg very wrong...she can be a whore if she wants}

People who have flat noses, or is blind or lame, cannot go to an altar of God (Leviticus 21:17-18)
{stigmatizes them more so they wont breed good for genes}

Anyone who curses or blasphemes God, should be stoned to death by the community.  (Leviticus 24:14-16)
{Nothing like a bit of community activity}

Don't let cattle graze with other kinds of Cattle (Leviticus 19:19)
{seems ok}

4069  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Ripple: XRP Price Tracker on: March 05, 2013, 03:13:13 PM
Wow... $40/BTC!!!! XRP has dropped in value. Does anyone know if OpenCoin has resumed giving out XRP?

Dropped in value or just dropped again bitcoin?
Maybe is rising but just not as fast as bitcoin charging bull.

I was watching this carefully, XRP was evaluating agiasnt BTC until about 20 HRS ago, it then dropped massively and then BTC did a jump to its high, and XRP dropped more.

To me it appears XRP dropped just before the BTC took of today.

to give you and idea

XRP B16/A22 BTC 33 (ish) 20 hours ago

XRP B35/A40 BTC 33 ish


BTC ---> 40


To me it looked like  XRP went BEFORE BTC did, like a lead indicator
4070  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin market cap is now almost... on: March 05, 2013, 01:31:12 PM
The war will be futile and in the end dinosaurs will die.

I am curious though. What exact means do you think governments will adopt? Do you truly believe the mere possession of Bitcoin will be a criminal offense in western (North America + Europe) countries? If so, a lot of people will be in jeopardy since proving that someone at some point owned Bitcoins is quite easy if any bank has ever been involved in the acquiring process.

They did it with drugs....mere possession....that sorta worked...not, but drugs are much harder to send around

the problem with BTC is how do you exchange large wads of cash or into bank accounts if it is  may have to set up some sort of offshore/swiss operation?Huh

also how would the prove say you had BTC if you buy anon....this is what I dont like about GOX
4071  Economy / Economics / Re: Why has bitcoin been increasing so quickly? on: March 05, 2013, 01:08:59 PM

There is no volatility. There is a steady rise and this is different from volatility. It should be rising much faster because the slow rise today will lead to much aggressive rise tomorrow.

How would you quote a 1 year lasting contract in BTC? YoŽll never know what value youŽll have to pay.
Why would you need that in the first place? Why would you need to give somebody the tool to leverage short bitcoin sell without having the bitcoins? Why would you need to give somebody a weapon to kill the bitcoin?

Bitcoin is cash. You can't sell cash if you don't have the cash! You can't sell something you don't have! Leveraged margin trading in fiat has practically killed the fiat financial system. Why would you want the same happen to bitcoins?
Your ant has made try and squash it 3 times now and I bet I am not the only one
4072  Economy / Economics / Re: Right now it seems like everyone is hoarding... on: March 05, 2013, 08:32:32 AM
[1] mass flow of money money velocity for the plebs, (but it mass flow really....)

[2] and as more is horded that puts price up an inversely proportional amount has to be spent on transactions of the same value,

so you will down to increasing velocity for liquidy rather than market VH x 1/VH = 1.

so you will need to see a higher frequency trade if the usage expands....not depth of market transactions....but really that always the the VH x 1/VH = 1

makes sense every one is passing the same thing round faster, it just its all in little bits, but take a step back and its just on thing being passed around

4073  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Official Gox / CoinLab Integration and Transition FAQ on: March 05, 2013, 06:17:54 AM
...  USA/CAD ...

It is USD not USA and it is as related to CAD as CNY is related to VND. Seriously just because two countries share a border it does not mean one can blindly just treat them as one.

It starts to get really tiresome sometimes when Canada is treated as if it were the 51st state of the United States.

I humbly suggest you research the term client state

as >> tvbcof notes, influence is being lost by USA...why?...CNY on the rise...note news

[1] spratty's island claims VND/CNY/JPY [USA quite quiet about this]

[2] note encirclement of CNY BY USA

[3] rumblings about FLK when us will have to put pacific before FLK for UK who have no carrier right now.

Almost USA is sorta (very sorta) becoming what USSR was a massive spending machine on weapons, at the expense of domestic needs...though not yet to the same degree, because the investment infrastructure is vastly different.

The only real hope the USA has is some of the Boston boys took a really long view on CNY from 200 - 60 years back they saw a rise of china, and that's  a lot of what the rebuild Japan / extended Marshal plan was all about...its sorta bearing fruit for the US now as it has bases on CNY doorstep, but alot more debt than it expected in CNY this it may only really succeed in shooting itself in the foot. Conversely CNY would like nothing more than to quietly unwind its position to the USD, and by quietly I mean while being able to choose thier own RMB level...due to domestic implications.

...  USA/CAD ...

It is USD not USA and it is as related to CAD as CNY is related to VND. Seriously just because two countries share a border it does not mean one can just blindly lump them together as one.

In spite of my promise to keep quit, I cannot let this one pass.  The Mt.Gox/CoinLabs goings-on are one of many examples which point to your being wrong.  I think you are blinded by hope.  Most Western countries are vassals of the US (almost by definition the of term 'Western' at this point) and Canada certainly so as a country well within our sphere of influence geographically and rich in resources.  Even New Zealand which has neither of these problems is demonstrably subjugated as evidenced by the Dotcom events.

I personally have some disagreement with the assertion that the US is the 'leader of the free world', but it's the term 'free' which I have issues with.  Not 'leader'.  If you don't believe me on this just pay attention to future events.

4074  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Official Gox / CoinLab Integration and Transition FAQ on: March 05, 2013, 03:09:40 AM
Let be realistic CNY is a different social os, fraught with issues,

however, they are less likely to kill an enterprise that makes them money and gives the potential openings in emerging areas and outs they want.

Bitcoin is fully illegal in China, and our negotiations with the local government so far have been without success.

Either way let's be realistic here. Most of our customers are located in countries such as US, Europe and others. Running away to Vietnam or China would make it basically impossible for us to receive or send funds to anyone in those countries.

back to JPY....a nightmare for the US to try and enforce anything at all or at least quickly and not always on the friendliest terms with regional neighbors

Japanese government is friendly to US, and also implements things such as FACTA. Also the US government can pressure any bank worldwide by threatening of cutting them off USD. A bank in any country that can not transfer USD anymore is of no use to anyone. US government has been doing this so far to get accounts held by "terrorists" (people linked to North Korea, mafia, actual terrorists, etc) and while Bitcoin is still too small to get this kind of response, it's a good idea to stay friendly with the US govt. at this point and let Bitcoin grow and gain in legitimacy.

Anyway none of this advice is actually applicable as it would shut us from our customers, makes us unable to hold any USD and potentially limit our transfer solutions to non-conventional methods (liberty reserve, webmoney, etc...).

We are doing our best to see Bitcoin grow as an actual alternative to the existing system, but until Bitcoin is large enough to stand on its own, we need the current system to accept and support us.

Its "fully illegal" because there is a very specific way to approach things in china,  and its not by asking if it legal from some CNY govt dept in the first instance, you are almost always going to get a "no" because some relatively low level functionary (who got there by being conservative)...that first official rebuke acts like a red light to every other fiefdom in cny

You have to really know who to get your proposal seen by and it does not start by getting rulling's from govts

it starts in a much more sideaways manner by finding the right local quasi govt "company" to partner with, perhaps changing later...and then going from there, you would not even start out as $btc exchange but IT transaction consultancy.

and you wouldn't be doing it in manner to shut out anyone, if you set it up right....

anyhow...the scope of what your doing if you believe in what you are doing will come to fruition requires a lot more seeding and thought about where you backups and bases are...and the implications of what you are may force the hand of the people who can quickly shut you down.

sure it all "look" great going into the know USA/CAD western environment but that sthe genius of the system
4075  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Begging for XRP on: March 05, 2013, 01:17:45 AM
I tried to add some bitcoins to the ripple through bitstamp.

I sent 1BTC to bitstamp, but when I try to send them to my ripple address, it say I must trust bitstamp with at least 1BTC. But my ripple account is empty, how can I add bitcoins to my account?

My ripple address is rK95oNJio1i5PnP6evCAoN7ktKNnFV9Td8 in case of someone will want to help me with some XRP

pm me, send me 0.1 BTC I will send you 300XRP
4076  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Official Gox / CoinLab Integration and Transition FAQ on: March 05, 2013, 12:56:55 AM
MT, will you be inspecting/verifying CoinLab's security measures?

... and complicance with Canadian laws and regulations?

How are they obliged to comply with Canadian laws and regulations if they're not operating in Canada?  Australia has some of the world's toughest privacy laws, but I can assure you that they aren't extra-territorial and a company not operating in Australia can't be forced to comply with them.

No Australia has very week privacy laws the HCA has ruled their is no tort of right of privacy, the fed legislation says the fed govt can collect information about you and give out information about you as long as you are aware or should have been aware this was going on. The have only privacy principles that are adhered to ad hoc. State legislation in nsw at least is a bit better to the extent

but by and large useless and un-enforcable
4077  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Ripple: XRP Price Tracker on: March 05, 2013, 12:31:45 AM
Mid day price popped back up to 29,000XRP/BTC and also 240 new accounts have been created since yesterday, and funded with the reserve requirement.

how do you get this info

240 new accounts reated since yesterday?Huh
4078  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: XRP 2/3+ or retracement on: March 05, 2013, 12:29:39 AM
What do those numbers mean?  36/30, 20/15, and 40/35?

ask = high
bid = low
4079  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: SO who is going to arbitrage the !@#$ out of Mt gox to BTC-E on: March 05, 2013, 12:28:48 AM
Dont worry found it
4080  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Mt.Gox AML/KYC Process Explained, the Befehl ist Befehl defence on: March 05, 2013, 12:26:23 AM
Hello Polvos,

As I work in the Compliance Division, I can really only comment on your last point - freezing money.

Unfortunately, we are legally obliged to occasionally hold customer funds pending the outcome of an investigation by the banks we work with. We don't have any control over this, it's simply one of the consequences of carrying out a large number of large bank transfers. Of course, transferring funds person to person carries much lower risk of needing to provide AML documents, as the size of the transfer is usually much smaller, and is usually either a once off or done only occasionally.

If you only need once off or occasional conversion of Bitcoins into currency in small amounts, and can find someone you trust on Bitcoin-OTC, you are probably better off going through them if you don't want to risk one day having to provide personal information.

I do apologise that you are not satisfied with our service.

Lets break this down.

"privacy policy and repeated posts on the forums where we state that we will only provide your personal documents when legally required to do so"

>>which means always and you will fold to any request

"Unfortunately, we are legally obliged to occasionally hold customer funds pending the outcome of an investigation by the banks we work with. We don't have any control over this,"

NO NO NO you choose to comply you could always say no and face those consequences, you choose obey particular rules or laws, this "we are legally obliged/no control" is rubbish.

>>Journalist routinely go to prison for not revealing sources

what you are saying is you will bend over any time your are asked to by anyone that looks semi official….

I mean just for a start you could immediately seek and injunction against any warrant.

You could claim it is an invalid warrant or request and fight it through the courts.

But no you reel out the old line

"Unfortunately, we are legally obliged to occasionally hold customer funds pending the outcome of an investigation by the banks we work with. We don't have any control over this"

I have seen people in companies refuse to hand over information to police who had a warrant, because they cited supervening legislation, or had other obligations under other laws, so you ARE NEVER LEGALY OBLIGED YOU CHOOSE THEN AND THERE TO FOLLOW WHAT SOME GUY HOLDING A CLAIMED LEGAL DOCUMENT TO DO

I mean your basically going back to the Befehl ist Befehl defence which reverse according to the victors needs and covers all the atrocities done.

You have confused Compliance with compliance
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