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4081  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: Cryptopia Cryptocurrency Platform Services and Development on: December 21, 2020, 03:02:41 AM
Is it possible to find out what coins and how much you had there without going through the actual KYC process?

I really can't remember if I had 0 or 10 BTC there and don't want to KYC with the possibility that I actually have 0 balance.

No sorry , there is no other way as going through the whole KYC process to claim any of the Coins that you have got or on your balance.
If you would read the latest updates from the Liquidators you would be know that as they have written it there already a few times .
Without making the KYC and Claim Portal process there is no chance to get anything .

4082  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: December 20, 2020, 05:28:29 PM
So Freiburg has won at home against Hertha Berlin with 4 scored Goals !
And in the other match between Wolfsburg and Stuttgart there is no goal at the moment after 27 Minutes played.
My bet here is on Stuttgart and hope they will do it and safe me a bit of my lost bets from yesterday .
4083  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Re: 80$ zahlen paypal oder lieber bitcoin on: December 20, 2020, 03:44:21 AM
Ein andere alternative oder bzw ein Vorschlag wäre es auch , und vorallem für dich dann mit fast gar keinen kosten verbunden,
Wenn du und dein gegenüber eventuell die gleiche exchange benutzt wenn dies denn der fall sein sollte .

Hier kann man bei den meisten großen Exchanges mit Kreditkarte Bitcoins kaufen ohne jede gebühr und mittles was die meisten
Exchanges haben die Coins einfach transferieren zu einem anderen Benutzer .

Ist nur ein Vorschlag , hab ich auch schon paar mal gemacht.
4084  Other / Meta / Re: 🏆 Bitcointalk Community Awards [Results of the Year + Quiz] on: December 20, 2020, 03:04:30 AM
Congrats to all the Winners also from me  !

And a thank you for all the Voters who have cast their vote here.
At the end we all are winners for contribute positive to the Forum , the one more and the others less .
We keep the community alive , keep it up all .

@icopress thanks
4085  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: December 20, 2020, 02:53:33 AM
And when you think todays match maybe will be the one that Bayern Munic will be lose it dosnt hapeend !
Just readed it now that they changed the game in the second half of the match and win it with 2 scored Goals from Lewa.
It was looking great as i watched the result in the 30 Minute .

Today i hope Stuttgart can win in Wolfsburg .
4086  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: December 19, 2020, 05:58:52 PM
The match between Leverkusen and Bayern Munich are just around 30 Minutes played and leverkusen leading already with 1 Goal scored .
Looks great for now and hope they can score another goal as Bayern will be for sure score one too.
All the statistics are good for Leverkusen at the moment .
4087  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: December 19, 2020, 05:07:35 PM
schalke 04 didn't win today either. 11 months have passed since their last win. If these performances continue, they are very likely to be relegated.
I guess you can already count them on the list that they will be relegated.
And also i think its the baddest season that Schalke ever is playing or has played in the history of the League and the Club.
There must be happend something magical that they will be stay in first german league.
For me they are already relegated.
4088  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: December 19, 2020, 04:38:48 PM
At least you can bet the most times on the games when Schalke is playing as the lost again against Arminia Bielefeld.
All the other matches i was wrong again but i looking forward to next match today between Leverkusen and Bayern Munich.
Fingers crossed for a win for Leverkusen. Guess also that its nearly impossible for Schalke that they will stay in first German League .
4089  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: December 19, 2020, 02:04:03 AM
Just readed it now that Dortmund have really lost against Union Berlin , damn !
Respect to Union B. to get the points at home and a little sad for Dortmund as i guess this points will be missing in the end.

More intresting matches today , specialy Leverkuse vs Bayern Munic ! and i will go for Leverkuse.
4090  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: December 18, 2020, 01:11:54 PM
Today the game is interesting for Dortmund and important for them in order not to lose the touch with the top.
My bet goes for Dortmund but yeah it can be that Union Berlin will beat them or get a draw.

About Schalke i guess it would be hard for every coach to bring them back or safe the Club to not going down into the second League .
4091  Other / Meta / Re: Report Malware and Suspicious Links here so Mods can take Action ! on: December 18, 2020, 04:09:34 AM
Next Fake ANN !

Thread : 🚀[ANN]Gatecoin & Gatemining by miners for miners [Blake-256](UNNAMED EXCHANGE)

User : Dejesuskana   <------- Please Ban that User and delete the Thread

This user recently woke up from a long period of inactivity.
Account is registered at February 17, 2014 , hacked or sold Account

Archive :


Fake Github : https_://

Real Github : https_://

Original ANN

Thread : [ANN]Gatecoin & Gatemining by miners for miners [Blake-256](UNNAMED EXCHANGE)

User : Trotsky(Gatecoin)

4092  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: Informationen und News für Cryptopia Users ! on: December 17, 2020, 06:54:05 PM
Steht schon fest wieviel es gibt?
Denke das hängt damit zusammen was du in deinem Account hattest oder hast !
Aber nein es kann keiner bisher etwas darüber sagen da es ja nur die registrierung für den Claim ( Anspruch ) dafür ist , das du deine Coins wieder haben willst.

To clarify, this step is only for users to verify ownership of their claim, account holders will still need to verify identity before any distribution of assets can take place. 
We expect to launch the identity verification process in Q1 2021.
Source :

Gibt es auch einen Termin bis wann man sich registriert haben muss?

Soweit ich weis gibt es kein Zeitfenster bdas man sich bis dahin registriert haben muss , aber wenn du deine Coins haben möchtest dann einfach registrieren!
4093  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: December 17, 2020, 08:04:51 AM
Well after the draw match day there was a all bets placed right day !
Wolfsburg was first in front i readed and i saw it at the live ticker and thought damn hopefully not again a draw for Bayern Munich.
But they won at the end , and the rest of the teams i placed a bet also.

Yeb if Leverkusen keeps playing as they have done it they can beat Bayern Munich for sure on the Weekend !
4094  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: Informationen und News für Cryptopia Users ! on: December 16, 2020, 09:56:11 PM
Ich habe gerade mal in meinen Unterlagen geschaut und erstaunlicher Weise hatte ich damals auch einen Account bei Cryptopia, zumindest habe ich Login und PW eines alten Accounts gefunden, hatte ich gar nicht mehr auf dem Schirm.
Bekommen die email zur Registrierung des Claim Portals nur User welche damals noch Guthaben auf Ihren Wallets hatten oder alle User welche registriert waren?
Bisher habe ich auch noch keine Mail erhalten.

Es bekommen alle User eine Email die sich dort registriert haben !
Sofern du noch die gleiche Email Adresse benutzt solltest du irgendwann eine Email bekommen .

Durch meinen kontakt zum support habe ich erfahren das es anscheinend probleme mit deutschen email anbietern gibt ,
Ich habe auch noch keine Email bekommen , leider ist es auch nicht möglich die email adresse die man für die registrierung benutzt hat zu ändern.

Hoffe die lösen das problem bald , es sind noch einige emails die noch nicht gesendet wurden.
Halte dich und alle anderen aber auf dem laufenden.

Update :

Ich habe meine Email nun bekommen und sieht mir danach aus als ob sie die sache mit dem Email Anbieter behoben haben !
Auch die registrierung war ohne probleme erfolgreich für mich !
4095  Other / Meta / Re: Report Malware and Suspicious Links here so Mods can take Action ! on: December 16, 2020, 09:47:01 PM
Next Fake ANN !

Thread : [ANN] [♣5G-Cash♣] [POW/POS/MN] BEST MINING COIN!!

User : arlowe23  <------- Please Ban that User and delete the Thread

This user recently woke up from a long period of inactivity.
Account is registered at March 17, 2015 , hacked or sold Account

Archive :


Fake Github : https_://

Real Github : https_://

Original ANN

Thread : [ANN] [♣5G-Cash♣] [POW/POS/MN AS A DIGITAL ASSET]

User : 5G


Next Fake ANN !

Thread : 🚀[ANN]Gatecoin & Gatemining by miners for miners [Blake-256](UNNAMED EXCHANGE)

User : vanathy   <------- Please Ban that User and delete the Thread

This user recently woke up from a long period of inactivity.
Account is registered at February 23, 2013 , hacked or sold Account

Archive :


Fake Github : https_://

Real Github : https_://

Original ANN

Thread : [ANN]Gatecoin & Gatemining by miners for miners [Blake-256](UNNAMED EXCHANGE)

User : Trotsky(Gatecoin)

4096  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: Cryptopia Cryptocurrency Platform Services and Development on: December 16, 2020, 07:00:40 AM
There is a new little update out from the Liquidators now for the Claim Portal and how the things will going Step by Step !
Looks like they have a lot of Support Tickets and guess it will takes some time for get an reply , but for sure there will be a reply !

Liquidator Link :
4097  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: Informationen und News für Cryptopia Users ! on: December 16, 2020, 06:54:22 AM
Heute ist ein kleines neues Update von den Liquidatoren rausgekommen !

Liquidatoren Update :

Hierbei wird einiges erklärt für die Registrierung beim Claim Portal und unter anderem auch wie es Schritt für Schritt weitergehen soll bzw geplant ist !
Ich selbst habe noch nichtmal die Email bekommen für die Registrierung des Claim Portals .

Ich bin aber in Kontakt mit dem Support und es sieht so aus als einige deutsche email anbieter die mails nicht akzeptieren ,
der Support arbeitet aber daran und ich werde euch auf dem laufenden halten wenn ich mehr weis oder ich die email bekommen habe .
4098  Other / Meta / Re: Report Malware and Suspicious Links here so Mods can take Action ! on: December 16, 2020, 05:41:17 AM
Next Fake ANN !

Thread : [ANN] [♣5G-Cash♣] [POW/POS/MN] BEST MINING COIN!!

User : bryan648  <------- Please Ban that User and delete the Thread

This user recently woke up from a long period of inactivity.
Account is registered at November 18, 2014 , hacked or sold Account

Archive :


Fake Github : https_://

Real Github : https_://

Original ANN

Thread : [ANN] [♣5G-Cash♣] [POW/POS/MN AS A DIGITAL ASSET]

User : 5G

4099  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: December 16, 2020, 05:11:15 AM
Damn , how many draws we got in the last 2 -3 Weeks ?
Just readed the results from yesterday and there are again 3 draws .
So they fucked up all my bets again , the only bet that was right was the game between Dortmund and Bremen as placed it for a win at Dortmund .
Crazy German League !
4100  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: December 14, 2020, 07:35:40 PM
Tomorrow there are all 4 matches intresting and also very hard to say where to place a bet for !
Normaly Dortmund should win against Bremen but we know what was happend the last Weekend .
Stuttgart vs Union Berlin i really cant say how to bet there its hard but will go for Stuttgart maybe .
Frankfurt plays against Gladbach also very hard to say how will win that .
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