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4101  Local / Off-Topic (Deutsch) / Re: UBER in Berlin verboten on: September 12, 2018, 09:45:59 PM
Ein schwieriges Thema, weil immer mehr Menschen immer weniger verdienen.

ja dezentralisier halt mal das finanzsystem von der deutschnationalen gelddruckerpresse weg, dann wird das verdienen einfacher, die wirtschaft stabiler, die unternehmen inclusiver, und der neofeudalismus weniger.

und übrigens, ja das macht die ganze welt so und ich als einer der weniger versuch den dauerabfluss von kapital einzugrenzen.

ausenhandelsweltmeister ist kein rühmlicher titel er bedeuted defakto das eine volkswirtschaft zu wenig investiert zu viel konsumiert und riesige werte ins ausland verschenkt bzw, fürs ausland erzeugt, welche dann weginflationiert werden.

hat mein prof in finanzwirtschaft mir auch gesagt "wir konsumieren zu viel und investieren zu wenig"

4102  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Erster großer Essenslieferservice in Deutschland akzeptiert Bitcoins on: September 12, 2018, 09:10:42 PM akzeptiert jetzt auch Bitcoins!

Auch wenn ich jetzt nicht so oft online Essen bestelle, halte ich das für einen sehr wichtigen Schritt.
Endlich kann man sich auch hier in Deutschland so etwas Grundlegendes wie etwas zu Futtern mit Bitcoins kaufen Smiley

bitcoin ist bezüglich seiner aktivität und seiner verbreitung, und tatsächlichem nutzen in der wirtschaft, eigentlich sehr unbedeutend, dieser lieferservice, wird kaum groß geld damit machen, die sollten lieber sich darauf konzentrieren kryptoprojecte zu unterstützen.

und nicht die stromverschwender aus dem hause bitcoin
4103  Local / Projektentwicklung / Re: Entwicklung einer mehrsprachigen News-Webseite im Stil des Courrier internal on: September 12, 2018, 09:01:44 PM

Ich möchte eine mehrsprachige News-Webseite im Stil des Courrier international starten.
Was ist der Courrier international?  1 französische Wochenzeitung, die Presseartikel aus aller Welt über politischen und kulturellen Themen auswählt und übersetzt.

Die redaktionelle Linie meiner Website wird folgend sein:
- Die Entwicklung der Regulierung nach Kontinenten: Europäischer, afrikanischer, asiatischer und südamerikanischer Kontinent (die Vereinigten Staaten werden nicht die Priorität sein, da es nur ein Land ist und im Wesentlichen nur die SEC entscheidet).

-Wöchentliche "Reviews" über den technologischen Fortschritt der Top 50 Alt-Coins des Marketkap.

- Die Website wird mehrsprachig sein. Erst in FR und DE, dann in ES, dann alle europäischen Sprachen und schliesslich die asiatischen Sprachen.

Anzeigen auf der Website und eine kostenpflichtige App, die es den Abonnenten ermöglicht, personalisierte Feeds und Benachrichtigungen nach ihren Interessen zu erstellen. Ein bisschen wie Criptopanic.

Ich habe die technische Infrastruktur und das Personal, um alle Übersetzungen und die Aggregation der Inhalte durchzuführen.

Ich suche Partner, mit denen ich die Arbeit und natürlich die Einnahmen teilen kann.

Ich brauche Leute für:
- den Bereich Marketing/ Social Networks.

-Der redaktionelle Teil.

-Danke für euren Feedback.

ja das ist interessant, ich unterstütze im gegensatz zu den vielen shitstorm speienden drachen hier im deutschen forum alle versuche unternehmerisch im kryptobereich tätig zu sein,

die "top 50" coins sind aber eine sehr labile sache langfristig, wegen der ganzen aufmerksamkeitssystematik dahinter.

auch gibt es die gefahr von "hofjournalismus" der bestimmte "top coins" auf dauer auf die internetuser herunterleierd das kann sehr unangenehm für viele sein.

in dert kryptowirtschaft müsst ihr dann um so mehr um vertrauen bei den lesern kämpfen

ansonsten habt ihr die alternative die plattformen zu verwenden und einfach nur einen newschannel dort zu betreiben, mit qualität kommt auch viele besucher, und ihr bekommt steemit also bestimmte cryptotoken als bezahlung.

ich wünsche euch viel erfolg sagt bescheid wenn eure prototyp website online ist.

1 merit geb ich euch mit auf den start,

ist selten mal das ich die möglichkeit habe hier im deutschen forum ein startup mit merit zu unterstützen

4104  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: COIN MARKET INFO SITE COINARTCAP on: September 12, 2018, 07:15:34 PM
Excellent site. It will be necessary to look for a difference with coinmarketcap. However, I do not see an alternative to coinmarketcap. Than your site better?

there are plenty of alternatives to coinmarket cap that is known for its corruption, glenn the founder of it has received payments in the millions by corrupt icos to get themselves listed high in the ranking.

these coins are now called by the brainwashed cryptocommunity as "leading top coins" people are so damn stupid

i would add this index to my indexation page.

4105  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Codevelopers for another USD and/or EUR Backed Cryptotoken? on: September 12, 2018, 05:05:39 PM

This sound interesting and something we potentially would like to collaborate with you on,

A few thoughts:
1. How can you add the same legitimacy and authenticity that the Winklevoss brothers add to his new stable coin - I am not suggesting they are more legitimate than you are but you must understand that they have somewhat become the faces of crypto.

the Winklevoss brothers are legitimate and authentic and face of crypto? what kind of distorted worldview is that, is it accompanied with "thecrypto media is authentic and trustworthy"

they are just two twins seeking to privately enrich themselves, thats all,

your worldview is distortend and not true, the Winklevoss twins are just bribing the SEC or ripple for a license to then look for idiots or "money earning cattle" for their gemini brothers, why should anyone else not be allowed to do that as well who can? and i and my team can do that as well as was tether able to do without a license and without bribing the SEC which is a private organisation serving the "selfregulating north american banking cartel"

2. The execution and branding have to be correct - how can you ensure this happens?


you just do that there is no point making it complicated its actually quite easy.

since i am developing with C-PRO since longer a blockchain institution, there is no difficulty adding a plattform based token as a backed token.

especially since the current quality of the products on the market Tether -> unbacked high tx fees inefficent omni blockchain

and gemini -> corruption and bribe on SEC through Winklevoss twins.

i dont understand why the market thinks because the winkelvoss brothers can bribe the SEC they are legitimate and "authentic"

bitcoin creators never bribed a bank or operated within their feudal & corrupt licensing system
4106  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: StartUp funding on: September 12, 2018, 03:31:33 PM
what do you want to create?
Pls contact me on telegram or E-mail.
There is hybrid of Blockchain and DAG technology

Why can't you post it here?  
At the moment it's not open source information. Key features you can find upper.
We had before some troubles with some people who used for themself some part of our project

And you think sending the info by PM will solve that problem?

Describe here what you are trying to build, without giving any of the key features away.  You're not going to get any investors to PM you for more info.
I think, if it will be interesting for someone or he's looking for some project, that based not on the ERC-20, but something unique. It will be not so difficult to write PM.

We build Hybrid technology with own algorithms and protocols to use the real meaning of consensus and blockchain. Not just sending money and mining or smart-contracts.

i think i had that discussion beforehand in this forum, advances in encription technology wont deliver huge profits and results, who cares if the euro of tomorrow has 204 instead of just 199 zertified scam protection insignias?

same will also be the case with crypto in the long run, additionally all encripton services advance their technologic basis simulateously,

this is as far i have understood your project

here it is again:

If to develop new currency, which algorithm offers fastest transaction time, stability, and most flexibility to develop POW/POS/MN wallets?

look technology matters increasingly less.

there are many quite forminadable encription plattforms like waves. or ethereum out there

no one wil care about that. people will in the long term care about the product that is supposed to be delivered

Thanks.  Absolutely agree, which will be why the focus of the project is real-world usability and functionality that bridges the gaps (I'm not looking to recreate all the bells and whistles that tech will solve like lightning network, atomic swaps, etc. but more interested in smart contract capability, multi-sig, nodes of various type, etc.  With that said, if the goal requires fast transactions and ability to build various levels of functionality, the platform does matter since a bitcoin based project will have slow transaction times compared to say- waves.  Right?  Does platforms like waves, cardano, etc. provide the ability to create POS or MNs on coins built on them?  

you know what the biggest mistake of you programmers is?

you still think that technology actually will matter in the long term defining the value of a currency and only the encription is the money, but the reality is different the market has evolved during all human ages those encripton services. what where once the metal coin minters, then later the paper money printers, are today the encription plattforms/services like ethereum, waves etc.

over the ages the meaning/essence of the certification (metal) to paper certification and signature to the IT-encription made the technologic basis more and more insignificant and the promise what the ressources that are being taken in exchange for that money became more and more important.

with time the encription plattforms will evolve such a high quality, regarding their encription and efficiency regarding the transaction costs just look at waves 1000 transactions cost less than 2 euros.
but also their speed and security,

that people wont care about the technology anymore but will care about the usage what it stands for. is it a debt? what do i promote by accepting that money?

so if you want to earn money just with the technology i recommend you join a plattform team, like waves, ethereum, stellar. they are modern day equivalents of former money or metal coin minters, and printers. or try creating your own plattform. there are anyway comming up more and more but without meaningful users, you wont have a chance on the market.

and put your ideas into it. and develop that encription plattform and its technology. a coin alone just because of meaningless tech perfectionism, like dash, zcash, bcash, will soner or later be overtaken by the evolving encription services.

no one will care later about the technological coin like its currently the case with bitcoin, bitcoin cash, zcash, or dash. because the encription plattforms will simply overtake those coins sooner or later anyway. as they will continously upgrade and improve their technology.

4107  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: COIN MARKET INFO SITE COINARTCAP on: September 12, 2018, 03:23:03 PM
Brothers:) Smiley

Find the coin information at!

COINART have a community forum as well as coin information, and I hope to write it once in the forum Smiley

We can share the information we know each other, we can discuss it, so let's get in!

ah nice another cryptoindex, glenns coinmarketcap is very corrupt and i welcome all diversification away from it

i will add your index and your project to my website

if you register my token on your index
4108  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Winklevoss's gemini dollar wie seht ihr das? on: September 12, 2018, 02:47:45 PM
Die Aktzeptanz wird aussehen, wie bei den anderen tausenden von Coins, ICOs und Crypto-Derivaten. Manche Leute werden von sowas angezogen, wie Fliegen von der Scheisse. Die anderen sind dann eben Raktionär oder irgend etwas anderes.

entweder kapitalisten wie die winkelvoss oder die herumzockenden communistischen centralbanker

im kalten krieg haben die menschen sich für die kapitalisten entschieden, ist wahrscheinlich das es wieder so wird.

ich bin mir sogar sicher,

mach mir auch gerade gedanken um einen C-PRO EURO oder C-PRO USD
4109  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: StartUp funding on: September 12, 2018, 02:04:53 PM
Hello everybody!
We are startup team who seeking for partner and can help with funding.
We have another vision about blockchain technology and how to create new system.
Key features:
- no fees
- any kind of DAPP or buisiness
- local or total network
- Corporate network
- High security with new protocol
- Replication of blocks
- high transactions speed
- any data recording

Any questions pls contact with me in
telegram: @Advioio (

what do you want to create?
4110  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Population Control and Globalism on: September 12, 2018, 12:41:37 PM
Isn't it possible that international issues such as global climate change and terrorism are tools used to unite and control all people in the world against their individual wills and cultures?

Maybe it's true that theories of overpopulation and the promotion of population reduction across the world are made with the intention of making humans as a whole more controllable?

Could it be that the people in higher places don't really care about what you, me and our families want for ourselves?

the main controllers are indeed the national banking cartels globally, if controll comes from somewhere its from them,

they controll, surpress, center the economy on themselves, cause economic insecurity, limit creativity.

population growth has a lot of advantages if there is a sufficiently good enterpreneuership to harness benefits from it.

4111  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The black blockchain summit on: September 12, 2018, 11:34:55 AM
Imagine that group of white people make white blockchain summit i guess it would never happen because we dont have complex ,...but the point is that white bolckchain exist with web site like this with all white people someone would say its a racial some kind of naci movment and people would be like ou my god those nacist lol

well the c-pro blockchain is definately not racial, i have black, americans, russians, germans, teamembers and i had chinese and indian teammembers once too, everything that matters is the success of the blockchain corporation, race doesnt matter here.
4112  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why care what SEC says? it is a private selregulating body on: September 12, 2018, 09:51:14 AM
Investment relatef the us would be an interesting market, but yes the sec‘s arrogance make me wanna puke. I think certain things need to be regulated, in a way smaller and entrepreneurial-friendly manner and with less emphasis on investors protection. Change will come faster, if they refuse to adapt they gonna miss out on pioneer roles. Even though the ICO market hs developed a little different than expected, it still drove innovation, helped on blockchain development and lets us identify the obstscles and chances working in this amazing time of technological development and possibly new world orders! Creating a more just world isnt maybe in the interest of the SEC though!

SEC regulates everything to the advantage of the north american banking cartel and disadvantage to the rest of the american population
4113  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: How can I build communities on: September 12, 2018, 09:48:49 AM
Hello, I'm having a project and it will launch in the next 2 months. Thus, could you please tell me the way to build communities in global.
I've tried many ways such as bounty, airdrop, conference,....
Running ads on facebook and google is blocked. I don't know how to boom my project.
Do you know some KOLs, please let me know, I'm very appreciate
Our project has various promotions for partners and Kols, or we can discuss about commercial term

communities are interest driven groups, without an interest you wont be able to keep a community bound together under your project

4114  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Winklevoss's gemini dollar wie seht ihr das? on: September 12, 2018, 12:32:13 AM
Ganz einfach: Mein Geld in fremder Hand?! Nein danke!

den entwicklern gehts um die reactionäre einzelmeinung einzelner nicht, die wollen heimlich ne private bank gründen

tatsächlich gehts bei diesen "pseudogedeckten" dollar darum ein fractional reserve banking system hochzuziehen.

damit die winklevoss's twins eine eigne gelddruckerpresse haben wie tether.

und geld ohne kapitalisten gibts nicht, ne rein kommunistische wirtschaft unter herrschaft des SECs in den usa wird massive nachteile haben, für die creativität und die social fabric. wie mans nennt.

wie wird die akzeptanz aussehen?

tether wird auch behandelt wie ein us dollar obwohl allen klar ist der ist nur teilweise gedeckt

4115  Other / Politics & Society / Why care what SEC says? it is a private selregulating body on: September 11, 2018, 11:53:21 PM
the SEC is being treated like an emperor by the blockchainmovement,

but its not an altruistic organisation and it is not public, its a private interest representing body, founded by a private north american banking cartel, and not just that

that banking cartel is in "selfregulation" and the SEC is representing the "selfregulation" with the ultimate goal being the enrichment of the established,

and enslavement of the rest.

its ridiculous that the blockchain movement isnt threating private cartels that now act as if they are statist communists like emperors and kings.
4116  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: IJKINI TOKEN OF DECENTRALITATION WAVES PLATFORM on: September 11, 2018, 11:45:04 PM
you make an ico to explain people the blockchain certification system? i doubt this will be necessary, because

1. media will do that

2. people will accept the blockchain encription.

problems we will face is scam, abuse, and nonhumanitarian redistribution of ressources.

they all will use blockchains, the evil and the god ones,

the humanitarian and the purely egoistic ones.

4117  Local / Deutsch (German) / Winklevoss's bestechen pseudostaatlichen SEC zur Zusage beim Gemini Dollar on: September 11, 2018, 08:24:45 PM
Die Winklevoss zwillinge, scheinen mit ihrem bitcoin ETF zu scheitern, und haben darauf eine neue idee einen gedeckten usdollar auf bassis der ethereum plattform,

im gegensatz zum USDtether der auf der omni blockchain läuft verwendet nun ein zweiter usdollar (tether) zusammen mit "trueusd) die ethereumblockchain.

das wurde dann durch die kryptomedien ausgebreitet, und alle mussten das vermerken.

aber ganz unter uns diese vermeintlich gedeckten usdollar in 1:1 sind doch alle nicht 100% gedeckt das weis der markt im unterbewusstsein.

nichtsdestrotrotz machen sie die besagten zwillinge dadurch ohne hochcorrupte lizens zum investmentbank und zum milliardären.

von den deutschen usern bin ich mir nun sicher das die das ganze einfach schlucken werden und milliarden kapital ins ausland abfließt.

wie seht ihr diese "gedeckten" Tethercoins wie Tether, TRUEUSD, EuroTether und jetzt auch noch Gemini Dollar?

4118  Bitcoin / Project Development / Codevelopers for another USD and/or EUR Backed Cryptotoken? on: September 11, 2018, 07:23:03 PM
with the winkelvoss twins and their gemini dollar there will be another, Tether Clone around, to that there is TRUEUSD and there is also a EURO Tether,

this makes me interested into that market as well as its 100% sure that those US dollar will never be backed 100% they just try to fractionally reserve back it, till the market trusts those token so much that they accept it.

so i am interested developing one or at least experimenting with it, someone else here interested joinging such a US dollar or EURO backed token venture?

PM me or telegram me

i have a team of 5-8 developers with me

4119  Other / Off-topic / Re: Elders of 13 inbred European Bloodlines house training their inbred children on: September 11, 2018, 06:43:59 PM
the internet has all types of articles, you have free choise what paranoia and what crazyness you want to have. no point listening to those articles there are also articles and vidoes of hitler still being alive blending in among kenians.
4120  Other / Off-topic / Re: Elders of 13 inbred European Bloodlines house training their inbred children on: September 11, 2018, 01:47:41 PM
this looks to me like a hatefilled spam threat why is it still not closed?
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