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4321  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Mistakes newbie makes in trading resulting to losses on: March 20, 2019, 09:36:29 AM
4- the fear of missing of out is another major strategy whales use in manipulating prices thats attract newbies to buy at all time high.

That's the point I'm still working on after 4 years of trading and 2 years trading for living. I'm still to scared of missing opportunity for lambo than to lose money. Good think is that I'm aware of that and working on it constantly.
4322  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Why we shouldnt panic sell on: March 20, 2019, 09:19:30 AM
Almost a 85% of people failed because of human error and not by trading itself. The number one error im talking about is panic selling. Two words but put people in stress and losses big time. So how can you manage to avoid getting stressed easily and panic sell? Im telling you some.

- before you enter trading, strengthen your mind for incomming stress. Trading is stressful in nature so always get ready to get stressed.

- prepare yourself from future losses you have because its just normal. Negatives are part of the market balance. You are not a real trader if you dont experience it. Its sometimes an indicator that you should buy on that time.

- always think that its not yet a loss if you dont sell it.

- always have patience and wait for the right time to sell.

- BUY LOW SELL HIGH and get committed to it.

- dont believe on manipulators or those people who talks negatively to keep you from being motivated. Remember that you have more knowledgeable than them.

If you have some tips in additional then give some. Lets all help those who are in confusion right now.

That's the easiest way to lock all your wallet into lost trades ending with bag holding shitcoins.
People do not zero their wallet due to panic selling. They are doing it by panic hodling.
All your rules are worthless.

Proper rules to EARN on market constantly:
-Open trade only if you know when will you quit it in worst case and if that loss is acceptable.
- Quit your trade as soon as you see that its not going how it should even if its way above stoploss or way under price you would like to sell
- Never ever PANIC HOLD
- (- always think that its not yet a loss if you dont sell it.) - that's bulls**t that works only is strong bullrun. You should think that all your money invested is 100% loss unless you sell it to $.

We should not panic sell. That's true. We should sell with our strategy (min acceptable price to sell set before opening trade) or don't buy at all, that's what you did not say and it's the only reason for not panic selling other than panic hodling..

- always think that its not yet a loss if you dont sell it. - Tell that to biconnect investors. Tell them that they did not loss their money. Tell that to every investor that invested into project that was delisted from exchanges and finally died.
4323  Local / Alternatywne kryptowaluty / Re: Spekulacja na newsach alt/btc on: March 20, 2019, 08:59:19 AM

Postanowiłem dzisiaj dla sportu podejść do podrzuconego przez Ciebie tematu...

Czuwam nad nim Smiley. Troszkę się tylko zniechęciłem, bo po raz drugi mój temat został przeniesiony przez moderatora do działu alternatycnych kryptowalut, czyli miejsca spamu wątków ANN i bounty. Biję się jednak z myślami co dalej z bitcoinem. Od 4 miesięcy w konsolidacji. Prawdopodobnie za kilka dni/tyg wystrzeli z impetem w którąś ze stron. Której strony nie obierze prawdopodobnie spowoduje dump altcoinów.

Co do rozegrań, to niewiele się zmieniło w ciągu tygodnia. Wszystkie pozycje czekają dalej na mainnet. Waves tańczy przy stoplossie cały czas. Z obserwacji krótkich interwałów spodziewam się raczej wybicia górą niedługo.

Z newsów wpływających na cenę to powiem wam, że wyczytałem dziś, że podobno CBOE rezygnuje z kontraktów na bitcoina.
News wielki a reakcji ceny brak. Czyżby słabe ręce już pozbyły się bitcoina i po prostu nie było już komu dumpować?Tyle osób czeka na ETF i BAKKT jak na zbawienie a tu nie dość, że nie przychodzą, to jeszcze cofamy się przez utratę kontraktów.

Osobiście widzę to pozytywnie. Same konkrakty od wieków na jaki papier by nie weszły zawsze skutkowały spadkami. Ich zamknięcie może zdejmie buta z bitcoina? W dodatku ten brak reakcji ceny na taki news również wygląda pozytywnie.

Dajcie znać czy ktoś z was podchodził do tematu? Interesuje mnie zwłaszcza czy komuś się udało kupić przy korzystaniu z chroma na windzie (bo ja miałem jakieś ewidentne problemy....)
Odpuściłem tym razem. Zajęty byłem zadumą nad zależnością kursu BNB od tego eventu i opłacalności próby zakupu przy uwzględnieniu ryzyka spadku kursu bnb, ryzyka nie wybicia ceny i prawdopodobieństwa dopchania się do tokenów. Jak czytałem komentarze na twitterze, to ciężko było znaleźć kogokolwiek kto by napisał "nie wiem o czym mówicie, ja się zalogowałem i kupiłem". Wszyscy plują jadem, że się nie udało. Jeśli więc założymy, że prawdopodobieństwo na dopchanie się wynosi 2%, zysk to podwojenie kapitału a ryzyko, to dump BNB przez wszystkich, którzy się nie dostali o 5% to całe przedsięwzięcie traci sens nawet przy 100% prawdopodobieństwie wejścia na giełdę z podwojoną ceną dochodząc tym samym do wniosku, że nie ma na rynku łatwych pieniędzy.
BNB nie spadło tak drastycznie, ale ryzyko było spore z uwagi na to, jak wysoko spompowany jest wykres i jak silnim impoulsem mogą być ludzie wkurzeni nieudanymi zakupami dumpujący BNB PKC.
Kiedyś jeszcze spróbuję, ale jak będę bardziej przekonany co do ICO. To budziło dodatkowe wątpliwości o których pisałem wcześniej.

4324  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Play poker to train trading on: March 20, 2019, 08:39:46 AM
Poker and Trading are similar in terms of high risk like there's no assurance if you can really earn then OP both also are not similar in some terms like for me poker is base on your luck and strategy then trading is base on your strategy like with buy then sell and in the potential where you invest like that will grow still both are unpreditable like you have chance that's why we try this
I don't find trading same as poker. From my understanding gambling and trading were almost the same. In both form of earning we try our best to spend and get back good return. Here, our predictions need to get coincide with the reality. The coincidence can happen through luck or through the skills and strategies developed in correspondence to the trade as well with the event.
I also did not think poker and trading are the same because I have been trading for long and I have been following the poker events and following how people are luck to win.  Trading is base on the analysis and poker is purely on luck.

Luck and luck in your posts all the time.
Roulette is the game of luck because in infinity rolls with statistic output you will lose all your money. Because betting on red all the time you will win 18 times and loose 19 times out of 37. That one times out of 37 will burn your wallet. No strategy/system will help to avoid that because every roll is exact the same. The only way to earn is by having luck. In roulette, you play against casino where casino has baseball and you have bare hands. That's why you need luck to win
Poker is different. You play against other player. You both have bare hands.
If you play once your win is based on your luck. But with thousands plays luck does not matter. You will have almost every possible hands so as your opponent. Money management and discipline will be the factor that will let you win 300 times out of 1000 but put out $2000 from $1000 invested while your opponent will win 700 times out of 1000 and exit with empty pockets.
4325  Local / Polski / Re: Zainteresowanie kupnem/sprzedażą bitcoin w ujęciu czasowym wg google on: March 19, 2019, 07:38:30 PM
Wydaje mi się, że jest to narzędzie (przynajmniej wykres btc buy) do wskazywania szczytów i dołków ale działa odwrotnie niż na pierwszy rzut oka może się wydawać. Jest to narzędzie, które wskaże moment w którym pani Halina ze spożywczego nasłucha się wszędzie, że to łatwa kasa, wraca do domu i wpisuje "jak kupić bitcoina" - czyli jest to najlepszy moment na wyjście, bo jest to moment, gdy do kursu dosiada się ulica, czyli dawcy kapitału dla smart money.
Najlepszym na wejście wydaje się moment, gdy nikt nie wpisuje tego typu fraz i panuje zniechęcenie na rynku a mimo to cena utrzymuje się w konsolidacji. Smart money nie wpisuje przecież "buy bitcoin" przed zakupem tylko obserwuje cenę od lat, ma gotową kasę na giełdzie i chcąc kupić wpisuje adres swojej giełdy w przeglądarce. A nawet jeśli wpisuje "buy bitcoin", to stanowi promil wszystkich inwestorów i nie byłby zauważony na tym wykresie. A to właśnie smart money trzeba szukać i starać się kupować wtedy, kiedy oni, a nie wtedy, gdy na wykres siadają masy.

"BTC sell" natomiast moim zdaniem nie służy do niczego. Przecież jak ktoś ma bitcoiny i chce sprzedać to idzie na giełdę na której kupił i tam sprzedaje. W google wpisuje więc coinbase, bitkantor czy cokolwiek innego a nie bitcoin sell.

Jedna tylko uwaga. Wydaje mi się, że jak już to działa, to w bardzo dużych interwałach. Jak się układa wykres w perspektywie co najmniej 2-3 lat a nie w ciągu tygodnia. W ciągu tygodnia, moim zdaniem, wykres jest losowy.
4326  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Risk management on: March 19, 2019, 05:07:30 PM
I think that 1:1 or 1:2 or 1:4 risk reward ratios are all the same. They all limit your possible profit. You are limiting your potential reward by exiting too soon. There are runs that can make you a lot of money. In them, risk reward ratios are as large as 1:20 or 1:30. But you are exiting too soon. It is much better to take some profit, like exit half of your position at break even, and let the rest run as high as possible. These are real winners that many traders are missing because they exit too soon.

The fact is that in most cases you will burn dozens of small profits waiting for years for 1 good trade that in final won't cover all those losses or lost opportunities due to greed. Especially in this bear market. I've triple my amount of bitcoins since march 2018 when almost all coins dropped close to 80%. With your strategy i would exit all trades with break even at best.
Your strategy will work with strong bull market only on good coins.

Those ratios are counted before entering. You see that closest support is 1% lower and closest resistance is 5% higher so you have 1:5 ratio entry. If price will rapidly break resistance or show strenght and good buy formation under resistance you can stay longer with your trade modifying it seeing how price is changing.
4327  Economy / Speculation / Re: My prediction: in 4 months time we will reach 18,000,000 BTC @ 5555 USD each on: March 19, 2019, 04:23:08 PM
If that happens we can confirm that the market is recovering and the bull run is very near.

After long time fighting with 6k support we should see retest of this level after braking it. And pump to 5500 could be it. Retest of consolidation prices and going back to hell again. Braking 5,5-6,5k resistance will confirm that the market is recovering.

it is not a pump just because price goes up faster than people expect it to go up. and halving has always hyped things up but that only speeds up the rise that would have happened otherwise too. if it were actually a pump then it should have always been followed by a dump which it never did, instead we have only seen a simple correction before the rise continued.

Dump might happened weeks, months or even years after. What we see now? Litecoin dropped 90% from ATH. Halving decrease inflation by few % and people expect that it will pump price hundreds of %. Well its possible but not by fundamental reason which is decrease of inflation. Its possible because majority believes in pump. They buy causing it. If market would be unstable they will dump it after halving when they realise that its no longer growing. If market will be stable price might continue to grow.
Halving might become spark that creates fire but there must be lots of wood around to keep the fire going because its only halving. It's not BNB where binance is constantly buying coins from market pushing price up to burn them like they promise in whitepaper.
4328  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Play poker to train trading on: March 19, 2019, 03:25:20 PM
Poker uses a combination of luck and skill. It is not entirely based on luck for sure otherwise professional players wouldn't have made a living out of it. At the same time, it is not entirely based on skill otherwise newbies wouldn't have joined this game.

Trading is also similar because the outcome is also uncertain here. It requires similar combination but probably in different ratio. So I would agree with OP here!
I don't find trading same as poker. From my understanding gambling and trading were almost the same. In both form of earning we try our best to spend and get back good return. Here, our predictions need to get coincide with the reality. The coincidence can happen through luck or through the skills and strategies developed in correspondence to the trade as well with the event.

You are all talking about luck. I'm not talking about single play where luck is main factor. I'm talking about strategy that leads to win after thousands of plays. With thousands of plays luck doesn't matter. You will probably have all possible hands from single pair to Royal Flush (propability of royal flush is close to 1: 650 000, so perhaps without that). Key is to earn from good once as much as possible and lose from bad once as little as possible. And that's money management and discipline that can be trained and used in trading and not only. This skill is usefull in whole life. From relationship to career.
4329  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Play poker to train trading on: March 19, 2019, 01:48:15 PM
I think OP was right they have similarity the poker and the trading and probably also all feature gambling too, but I guess the more worst risk is gambling though it is not too much need TA when you are playing, unlike trading you need to have dip research.

They are both same risky if you apply money management well. It might be even harder to estimate probability of winning in poker correctly rather than learning TA indicators which can learned if few days. To play poker as it should be to win you have to do dip research.
4330  Local / Polski / Re: Czemu nie nagradzamy sie Meritami? on: March 19, 2019, 01:36:43 PM
Prawdę mówiąc bez bardzo dobrych znajomych czy kolegów, którzy troszczą się o Ciebie na tym forum lub takiej inicjatywy jak @TytanowyJanusz nie ma szans żeby ktoś wrzucił tam Twoje linki.
Nie ma znaczenia, czy ktoś wrzuci twoje, czy ty wrzucisz kogoś innego. Ważne, byśmy jako community nie wyschli bo tylko tak będziemy mogli nagradzać swoje dobre posty. Jak sam mówiłeś. Prędzej czy później to do ciebie wróci.
4331  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Play poker to train trading on: March 19, 2019, 12:46:43 PM

I think it's not just in poker, but it's also in other gambling games. We need to have money management and discipline, so we know the time to get out of the games and saves the rest of the money.
Only in those games where you have hand than you can count (or estimate) probability of winning and bet on that. Only poker and maybe some sort of dice games comes to my mind now. Throw examples what you are thinking of.

Professional trader and poker player will say the same thing: -You loose the most when you are sure that you will win

I agree with this because if we do not realize how much we can make from trading and poker and we still want to make a bigger profit, then gets ready to get a loss because of we can miss the right time to get those profit.

I mean that when you are sure you will win you will bet more and more (in poker when you have Full House not knowing that oponent have Four of a kind)  or buying more and more coins even if price is going down unless margincall (in trading).

You will not lose all your money in poker having 5 times nothing in a row. You will lose all your money having Full House.
You will not lose all your money in trading hitting 3% stoploss 5 times in a row. You will lose them all by 1 trade without discipline and money management betting more and more on trade that is not going how it should and you will do this only when you are sure that "big news is comming" or "i'm sure its fake dump" or others.
4332  Economy / Speculation / Re: My prediction: in 4 months time we will reach 18,000,000 BTC @ 5555 USD each on: March 19, 2019, 12:38:17 PM
Seems reasonable.

Though I'm more intrigued to see what effect the halving will have on the price of Litecoin as it is due around August time.

Inflation is not that big. Decreasing it by half should pump price for few %. Rest is fomo and speculations - pump and dump. How much will it pump depends on many variables like:
  • current bitcoin situation
  • emotions on the market
  • whales thoughts about future of altcoins based on transferring value

Well its very possible. 5500 is hard to break and would need more time but 5500 is achievable in 4 months.
4333  Local / Alternatywne kryptowaluty / Re: Myślę, że serwis ma zamiar oszukiwać swoich użytkowników!!! on: March 19, 2019, 12:28:13 PM
Rynek ICO tak stopniał, że braki nowych kampanii bounty widoczne sa chyba na wszystkich serwisach. Być może to nie tylko wina tej afery a ogólny trend który może się odwróci, może nie
4334  Economy / Gambling discussion / Play poker to train trading on: March 19, 2019, 11:35:39 AM
In my opinion trading and poker are very similar. Interface is the only difference. Rules are the same.
I know that part of you will disagree with me with my very first sentence by saying that poker is game of luck and trading is based on indicators, supports, TA, FA and many more. Well you know nothing about trading and poker then Smiley

Why poker is not game based only on luck if cards you get are totally random:

Yea. Cards you get are totally random. But how to explain that we have so many professional poker players that play poker for a living? Well the only thing that they differ form those who are loosing is money management and discipline during bidding.. Bidding is the first and only moment that determines if you will lose or earn in poker. That's the hardest part that needs experience. Why?
With infinity plays you will have every possible card set. Good once, bed once. Sometimes you will lose sometimes you will earn. Key is not to lose less times. That impossible. Key is to lose less money with bed cards than you win with good cards. That's where money management and discipline comes. In poker that's especially hard because you have to say good bye to your money even with quite good card without battle if bidding is going too far and calculated probability of winning is showing you red light to bet higher. But that's the hand that makes bed player go home with 0 and good players stay and fight again.

How about trading?

In trading, you also don't know your opponents "cards". You don't know who is on market (whale are buying or bunch of fomo noobs). If whale than how much money he has left, when will he dump. TA may show various of buy signals but on the other hand that's the best moment for whale to dump (best price and best volume when everyone is sure that price can go only in one direction - f.e after breaking resistance). Will he dump or not? Is support holding for so long because someone is buying at that point or maybe whale stops to sell to don't break it to don't cause panic selling?
How about Fundamental Analysis? That's where we may be even more cheated by insider trading. When news hit market price is very often pumped by whales who new before. NEWS from which you do FA may also be faked by coin team. Even team might be faked.
It means that trading is game of luck? No. That's where money management and discipline comes. Same as with poker. Key is not to lose less times. Key is to lose less money with every bad trade. To cut looses and say good bye to your money even with "quite good card". To learn to enter only those trades with high probability of winning (TA buy signals) combined with low risk (close to support where you could set stop loss). TA indicators are easy to learn in 1-5 days. Good trader is able to earn on market for a living after few years of experience because discipline and money managements takes so much time to master in trading. That's where poker comes in. You can train those skill playing poker where every bet takes minutes not hours/days. You can master those skills faster and even for free playing for unreal money.

Professional trader and poker player will say the same thing: -You lose the most when you are sure that you will win
4335  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling vs. "leveraged" trading on: March 19, 2019, 09:27:18 AM
Recently I tried leveraged trading for the first time at Bitmex, and ended up in a loss. It seemed similar to a gamble, where you deposit, place a bet and either win (and double) or lose everything. In leveraged trading, if you deposit & place an order and it reaches your liquidation level, you lose everything.

Gambling can't be compared to regular trading, as in regular trading, you don't win much and don't lose much either. However, if you're trading with leverage, then that trading can be considered something similar to a gamble.

I can even add another point that proofs that they might be similar...
In gambling, you have house edge that determines that casino always wins.
In trading, you have transaction fees that determines that exchange always wins.

But here similarities ends. Because if trading you can increase probability of winning by various methods and experience. In gambling each system (other than putting all on red) decreases your probability of double.
Yea ... Martingale too - Does Martingale Work?
4336  Local / Polski / Re: Czemu nie nagradzamy sie Meritami? on: March 19, 2019, 08:57:08 AM

Zachęcam Was do cofnięcia się na wcześniejsze strony tego wątku i nagrodzenie niektórych wysokiej jakości postów jednym skromnym mericikiem. Dobre posty, które są tam pomiędzy tytanami z kilkoma lub nawet kilkunastoma meritami. To zwiększy pulę a ja rozdam wszystkie bardzo nowe smerity (tak jak obiecałem) chętnie zaraz dalej i tak wrócą one do naszej społeczności, która znowu nagrodzi kolejne posty a ich autorzy znowu się podzielą nimi z jakimś autorem komentarza w ich wątku, itd. i w końcu koło się zamyka i będziemy samowystarczalni jak rosyjskie subforum bo w "kupie siła" jak to mówi stara mądrość narodowa zapisana na kiblu w toalecie miejskiej  Wink.

Po pierwsze żeby wszystkie posty, które powinny, dostały merita a po drugie żeby nie dać żadnych szans tematowi DeepOnion  Wink

Jednak twórcy systemu to przewidzieli (i dobrze) i bez zewnętrznego dopływu szybko wyschniemy (kazdy rozdany merit daje pół kolejnego). Dlatego polecam po raz kolejny linkować nasze posty z krótkim wyjasnieniem o czym są i czemu należy im się nagroda w  tym wątku. Nie dość, że sam dostałem 4 szutki, to jeszcze każdy podlinkowany post dostał po ok 8. Oczywiście linkujcie same perełki, bo jak zaczniemy spamować byle czym, to szybko przestaną na nas zwracać uwagę. W ten sposób nigdy nie wyschniemy.
4337  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling For Charities on: March 18, 2019, 10:33:58 AM

I think you have no idea where the earnings come from. You should look into the business model of a casino. They earn money as long as you play. winning or loosing makes no difference. If you don't win, someone else will. And most importantly the casino always wins.

You are right and I agree with you. I know that casino always wins due to statistic advantage in every game (more gamblers - more profit) and each win is calculated with probability it appears. I'm only saying that its not fun to win for single individual if he knows that casino profit is going for charity (in my opinion).

Maybe it was just to make publicity, and when they noticed it didn't bring them more customers they stopped?

I was only trying to argument why such a generous idea may not bring more customers (as you posted).
4338  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling For Charities on: March 18, 2019, 10:05:37 AM
You did not understand me. I'm talking exact about that. If casino is giving their earnings to charity means that if you win jackpot you are decreasing casino earnings and that means that they will give less to charity. The more you will the less charity will get. That steals fun out of your win. That's my point.
Maybe i wasn't precise enough with my sentence you quoted.
4339  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling For Charities on: March 18, 2019, 09:18:20 AM

But some people do gamble for fun/entertainment because they have lots of money. So channeling some money to charity would be wonderful from that point of view.

What gives them fun from gamble? Stare at the steel ball? I think that its excitement from winning. If it comes with taking money from charity it kills fun from winning.

Also to be honest i don't think that there are dozens of those who have enough money to gamble for fun without thinking about money. For sure there are some but its marginal.
4340  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Understanding The Different Types Of Cryptocurrency Exchanges on: March 18, 2019, 09:05:00 AM
I haven't heard even about 1 hybrid exchange that actually work, enables high transaction speed, don't store my coins on their wallet and has high real volume (which is essentional to have low spread). I also daubt it's possible.
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